
Black Sun de Michelle Madow

de Michelle Madow - Género: English
libro gratis Black Sun


Michelle Madow Series: Star Touched: Vampire Bride 01 Publisher: Dreamscape Publishing, Year: 2023

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This did not work for me at all. There is very limited chemistry between Damien and Amber. On top of that, it starts with a massive violation of consent Basically a forced mate bond where they can feel each other's emotions. He also insinuated he did not tamper with her food to get her to eat the fruit that caused the bond. I read a lot of darker content and usually, there's a good explanation for trickery this and likable traits or enjoyable interactions balance it out. that he later excuses for the greater good/her own good and that it was not to manipulate her. It made me feel gaslit. The only way to make a manipulative character work is if they own it. The relationship lacks depth and gives very little reason to want the two of them to end up together.

The cover is beautiful though.5 s Shelley5,358 482

*Source* Kindle Unlimited
*Genre* Paranormal, Romance
*Rating* 3.5


Michelle Madow's Black Sun is the first installment in the Star Touched: Vampire Bride series. This story is the retelling of the Hades and Persephone classic. 19-year-old Amber Benson has no idea what to do for the rest of her life, let alone what major to pick for college. Originally from Maplewood, Vermont, she has inherited an apartment in Manhattan from a grandmother she never knew, she moves there faster than a New York minute. During a solar eclipse, Amber is touched by a curious woman named Evie.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

2023-release kindle-unlimited paranormal-romance3 s Myria72 2

For Amber moving to a new city was an adventure she couldn’t wait for. Amber had moved into her grandmothers apartment that had been left to her after her grandmother passed away she didn’t know her grandmother well but was grateful for the opportunity to move away from the town she grew up in to start afresh however shortly after moving in that’s when her life took on something new that she never would have dreamed off.
You see while unpacking her new neighbour introduced herself and invited her to watch the eclipse that was due to happen and in that moment the course of Amber’s life changes as that same neighbour is not just any woman but a Goddess I kid you not she’s a magical Goddess and one that has gifted Amber with powers and the magic she contains is about to upend her life in a way Amber never would have thought possible.
Through no fault of her own other than wrong place wrong time or so she thought Amber now has an evil enemy that wants not just her magic but her soul and the mysterious man who saved her from danger is so much more than what he seems you see he’s a Vampire yes I kid you not a Vampire but he wants Amber completely to be his woman and his Queen. This is an adventure that dreams and nightmares are made off. Can Amber defeat the Shadow Lord who wants her soul and magic she contains and build trust with Damien the Vampire King in her life who wants her to join with him in marriage and rule his people by becoming their Queen and his love. Wow this is one adventure Amber never saw coming but she has to fight to live through it all and maybe find her happy ending well if they can stay alive long enough only time will tell!!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 John465 14

I don’t normally enjoy vampire books, and I’ve only read a couple of them over the years that I d, but I love Michelle Madow as an author, so I thought I’d give it a try. Right off the bat, we meet characters from her last series of book, so I already felt right at home. But if you don’t really vampire stories, you might be dragged into the story from he beginning. This book is worth trying, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.1 whimsical reader107

The story is typical king finds his queen that has powers but was living in a human world. When they switched characters I didn’t feel it was a different person speaking. The way it was written was easy to read (felt middle school reading level maybe?) but seemed to switch from first person to third person a lot which made it less enjoyable. It was short and mostly clean (one curse word and only a couple sexual innuendos).1 Dave28

(Review based on preview copy) I’ve read pretty much everything Michelle has released, and this was one of the best. I don’t give out 5 stars for just anything. While I enjoyed the shifter series in this “Star Touched” group, I couldn’t get into them as much as this one. Great book with twists I did not see coming! Keep up the good work!1 Steve237 2

Book one in a new series and it’s very good. The story keeps you enthralled from beginning to end. It’s going to be a cracking series that’s for sure. I enjoyed every word and I am looking forward to book two already. Highly recommended.1 Silver Surfer762 2

Book one in a new series and it’s very good. The story keeps you enthralled from beginning to end. It’s going to be a cracking series that’s for sure. I enjoyed every word and I am looking forward to book two. Highly recommended1 Sabrina Wannet465 4

Another great book by Michelle. The start wasnt what I am used to by her and felt it was a bit rushed. Then the storyline slowly starts and even tho I d it, it took me a long time to get into the flow. Amber has a lot of great moments and shows her stubborness. Damien I dont know he is very hot and cold and I disd his statement that she is his bride without her consent or even knowing her.1 Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen1,688 612 Shelved as 'did-not-finish'

Sorry, just can't get into the story1 Judy Sescil142 7

Amber becomes next star touched heroine in this new series. She is saved in a subway attack by Damien who is a vampire King. He wants her to be his queen and then the suspense builds!1 Kendall {Book Crazy}1,409

I’ve read a lot of this author’s books and enjoyed them, so I always look forward to hearing more about her next book! I received an ARC of this book and I started reading it straightaway! After reading, I can say that I d this book a lot! The plot pretty much stated from a few pages in and a lot of secrets were revealed in a short space of time! I also knew that this book was set in the same world as this author’s other series and I’ve only read a few books in that series, but I was still able to work out what had happened in that series and how to connected to this series! There was the start of a romance between the two main characters and I definitely see it developing further as the series progresses! There was also some action and suspense in the book, which added to the plot and made me enjoy it more! The characters were also great and added a lot to the plot! Amber was the main female character, and in this book her life changed and she found herself amongst vampires, shifters and demons! I felt for her because it was a lot, but I felt Amber handled it well and she took it in stride to learn her new powers and become stronger! Damien was the main male character and love interest of Amber! Damien was a vampire king and he had duties to do and people to protect! I found Damien an intriguing character and I wanted to know more about him and his background! I also felt he had feelings for Amber, but he tried to not act on them and then circumstances did bring them closer together! This book was mainly written from Amber and Damien’s point of views! I have to be honest and say that I thought that it was only going to be written from Amber’s point of view, especially after I read the synopsis! I’m really happy that some chapters were written from Damien’s point of view because it helped me connect more with both characters and see how they were dealing with everything going on! It allowed for a few more things to happen in the plot as well, even though Amber and Damien did spend a lot of the plot together! A few chapters were also written from Morgan’s point of view, who was a secondary character and I think she’s going to be an important character as this series progresses! I now can’t wait to read the next book in this series! I know that the next book releases next month, which isn’t long of a wait at all! I’ll definitely be reading it as soon as it releases and I can’t wait to continue the characters story! The cover for this book is also very pretty and it suits the book perfectly! It would draw me to the book if I didn't already know the author's name and the cover model suits the character of Amber! Big thank you to Michelle for an ARC of Black Sun!arc1 MACHON41 1 follower

It was actually okay, but may be a bit too cringe for people over 25 years old.

I d Amber, but I wish she had fought harder when she was declared a "bride" against her will. I mean, she was upset, but "upset" didn't fit the bill. I was looking for a legitimate and realistic reaction, rage. Also, when the servant gave her a hint about the dinner, I didn't understand how she could proceed to ignore it. Seeing as this all happened at the same dinner, the results of that, combined with the declaration, warranted that overall RAGE that I mentioned earlier. I an FMC with some grit and intelligence, but Amber just folds too quickly, and her inner dialog does not come close to matching her actions. To me, Damien seems a bit a selfish and spoiled a$$h*!!. The nerve he has to act all hurt and then force the feelings upon her are a bit much to handle. I get that she's a baby and that at 19, all this is a lot to swallow, but right is right, wrong is wrong, and too much is enough. Even I realized that much at that age.

Another thing I found odd is that Amber never inquires about Eve's relationship with her grandmother. Whether it was a real relationship or a fictitious one, wouldn't you still want to know how this goddess knew your grandma? And, seeing as she'd just moved, why did she never enquire about her things, or the apartment she'd just inherited, which now sits empty? And, how and when did Amber learn all about vampires and supernatural society? It's implied that Ruby's mom told her, but even if it was just a blurb, why was that part excluded? That would have made much more sense than Amber seeming to suddenly know all of these impossible things about an entire society she knew nothing at all about just days ago. We are also all supposed to already know about Morgan and her sisters reasons for hiding out. Apparently, there are more series before this one, and those of us who didn't read them are not allowed to know what the heck is going on.

Overall, I think this was a decently entertaining book, even though parts seemed to drag on and on. But, I definitely think this is a book for a "younger and don't know any better" crowd. If you're a fully grown and experienced adult, you may find some of the scenes a little too lackluster and irritating for you to excuse the FMC. For those reasons, I'm not sure I'll even bother with book 2. Thanks for the ride, though. Geff Ratcheson187 3

Excellent beginning to a new series. I've never read a book from Ms Madow that I didn't enjoy!

Amber didn't know she had magic, until a Goddess Opens up the magic in her & gives her more.

She joins up with a witch & 2 vampires to save the world from evil soul sucking creatures.

Great plotting, great characters, & (this is getting rarer & rarer in the paranormal genre), no gratuitous adult scenes. I am not suggesting this is a children's book. It is intelligently written, & this 66 y.o. thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm really looking forward to the future releases from this series.

There is an "enemies to lovers" subplot; but fortunately it's resolved in this book (I say fortunately, because I don't know about you, but I've never seen E2L happen in real life, & I don't know why that's become a paranormal genre "thing".

Though I'm old, I Just got into the modern paranormal genre about 2 years ago, & I would definitely place Ms Madow in my top 5 authors of the genre; possibly #1. If you the PN genre, you can't go wrong with her books.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this honest review voluntarily.

Stephanie StormAuthor 7 books19

I don't think I've ever given Michelle two stars before. I would have given this book one star, but Michelle is too much of a talented writer, so I bumped it up to two stars.

She's one of my favourite authors usually, but her past two series feel the same plot, but just with a couple of names switched out and a different cover. While there aren't particularly spoilers, some of the things I mention lean towards that so I'm going to mark this as a review with spoilers just in case.

The plot I'm talking about summarised below:

- Absolutely zero context or back story to the characters
- Zero to little explanation about the supernatural world and how it works
- Human thrust into the supernatural world and just magically gets it (no pun intended)
- Fated mate and tries to fight it, but ends up falling for him
- Magical trials
- Everything conveniently and neatly tied up for them

I honestly want to support Michelle because I love her. Her Elementals Academy series is a firm favourite of mine, but I don't know if it's fair for her or me to keep trying to make this work when it just doesn't anymore. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Merry Chapman1,802 16

Amber Benson has inherited an apartment from her grandmother in Manhattan and not knowing what else to do, she heads off and on the subway she is attacked by Demons. She fights them and discovers she has a power she never knew was there. She also gets the help of two men, one being Damien Fairmont, a vampire who whisks her away to his kingdom since he just happens to be a Vampire King. He declares to his people that Amber is going to be his bride. And he will help her control her newfound magic. He explains to her that she is Star Kissed and that makes her very powerful. Now things get crazy and so interesting with evil everywhere and demons wanting to get their hands on Amber and her magic and with Amber not looking to be Damien's bride things go flying page to page until the end! What a fantastic first book in the author's new series! I am totally excited about where this series can go. I received and ARC of this book but the opinions expressed here are strictly my own.my-books1 PepperP0t 4,678 82

Planning to enroll in college and enjoy her inherited apartment Amber Benson goes along with her peppy new neighbor to see the eclipse but awakens in Eve’s apartment with holes in her memory. Next Eve gives Amber a ticket to a show, on the way home by train, Amber’s attacked… by shadow souls (soul-sucking demons). Luckily for Amber, vampire King, Damien Fairmont is on the train to defeat them, he takes her to his nest for protection.

Damien explains Eve’s a sun goddess who imbued Amber with powers and she’s the 2nd known star touched being. He also publicly introduces Amber as his future bride but privately strike a bargain to delay. Meanwhile, some of Damen’s clan don’t want Amber around but need her power to help fight shadow souls from overrunning the world! Rogue vampire leader, Lucas wants Amber and the chaos shadow souls bring. Mistakes, assumptions and betrayal during a quest for a weapon to locate demons cause an unexpected outcome.
Rating: 4stars2024-reads adventure angels-demons ...more Kathy Brenzi592 5

Amber moved to Manhattan when she inherited an apartment from her grandmother - who she never knew. After a lunar eclipse, she apparently gained powers she didn't know she had until she was attacked on the subway by demons. She instinctively blasted one to ash. She was then whisked away by two guys on the train who also fought the demons. She found out later that one was Damien - King of the Vampires and apparently she was to be his queen - so he said. There was a rising evil in the city and they were after her for the power that she had. She has to stay (for the time being) and learn to fight.1 Debbie Eyre4,908 99

This was sooooooo good! It’s a fantastic start to this series told with a fresh and enchanting take on the classic love story of Hades & Persephone. Well written, the author has definitely put their spin on this tale and you find yourself glued to the pages unable to stop reading. Incredible world building, intriguing and fascinating storyline and characters that are strong, exciting and has you on the edge of your seat as their journey is just beginning. Witches, vampires, demons, magic, romance, this draws you in from start to finish as we follow Amber and Damien and I have to say, I am definitely looking forward to reading more. 1 Lisa1,181 2

Enthralled. Every time I start reading I am enthralled with this story that I don’t want to put it down. Realistic personalities that grab the readers attention. Amber is a nineteen year old starting out in life trying to find her calling only it found her. King of the Uptown Clan, Damien Fairmont is out battling the darkness from overtaking Manhattan let alone New York City only he finds his queen. High intense drama and action leaves angst and edge of your seat anticipation. I cannot wait to read book 2 because finding out Amber is star touched and the North Star is pretty incredible. Plus Ruby has her own story and she premieres as the first star touched witch-shifter. Mary Ellen Torres14

I enjoyed reading this first book of the series. I am certainly looking forward to the next. Michelle Madow did a fantastic job of including characters from other series into this one. but it is not necessary to read the other series to follow along. The main Character is Amber she recently moved to NYC into an apartment she inherited from her Grandmother. She has not really settled in yet when her world turns upside down. The pace of the book is great I had difficulty putting it down as I do with all of this authors works. Emma145

I was interested to see where this would go next since this is still continuing on from her last series.
Its an interesting take on Vampires and connecting everything together was interesting.

The main character is very strong willed and stubborn which is good for entering a new world they had no idea about, it was interesting watching her interact with the people around her and start to see how she interacts with this world.

Its a whirl wide of a store and its interesting to see what is going to happen next June McKibben1,230 6


We get to meet another star touched Amber. She thought she was human and inherited her grandmas apartment in New York but on the day of the solar eclipse she is star touched. Now in a world of supernaturals with a vampire king wanti g her for his bride she must learn her new powers. This book has charchters from the previous series in it and some of the same battles with more to come. Tina Merritt608 1 follower

I enjoy this universe very much. The crazy star touched powers are always amazing to see, even as the characters find out about them. The vampire king is a bit forceful and that can leave a bad taste in some mouths but he’s not a bad guy, he was just raised a certain way and has all the best of intentions. I look forward to their relationship evolving and seeing how it ch ages their characters along this series way! arc Vicky Mcbratney69

so good!

I was hooked from the book cover! From the first page, I couldn’t put this book down. I kept saying to myself after every chapter, just one more chapter… lol and before I knew it I was done. I’m so depressed I need the second book now…lol!! I love everything Michelle writes so I knew black son would be no different. KatrinaAuthor 28 books23

Another Great Series opener

I really enjoy Michelle's books. Each time I finish Im left wanting the next! But this time I didnt read book 1 until book 2 was out. I love all the characters, Amber is awesome! Lots of adventure, danger, betrayal, myth combined with fantasy worlds. And Morgan - what goes on there? Nothing but good words to be said. Cant wait to see where this goes. Mary T1,019 2

All good things lead to another book.
This story hits all the bases. Witches, vampires, a new star touched young woman, shadow souls, the Minotaur, a traitor and a love interest are all in the mix that makes for a very good tale.fantasy vampires Dschaper54712 5


Another great book by Madow!!! The only issue was it being so good I zoomed through it!!! The characters are well developed and so interesting and the intrigue just keeps popping up. I loved every second of this book!! Billie Turknett224 3


Best compliment I can give is that I was able to read it straight through without reading others books in the middle. I'm severely ADD and dnf most books. It is a great story and different than your usual vampire story. Cali Jewel5,107 38

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