
In the Arms of a Highlander de Michele Sinclair

de Michele Sinclair - Género: English
libro gratis In the Arms of a Highlander


Michele Sinclair Year: 2021 ISBN: 9781420138870,9781420138863

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Barbara’s rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Series: The McTiernays #9
Publication Date: 1/25/22
Period: Medieval – 1322 – Highlands of Scotland
Number of Pages: 352

I’ve waited a day since completing this book because it left me thoroughly confused about how I felt about it. I’m still confused. I think this story tried to be three or four books smushed into one. There were too many characters with too much going on – and well – it just seems disjointed to me. I thought I was going to get an exciting Highlander and his lass coming to find their HEA while investigating and saving the life of her sister’s husband. I envisioned exciting, tense, gripping battles and chases with lovely romantic interludes intertwined. What I got was a very exciting beginning that rapidly slowed down to a crawl. If you add all of the page time together, you’ll probably find that the characters from the previous books take up much more time than our current pair. Then, there were so many pages of descriptions of who was who that I began to get them all mixed up and I’ve read the previous books. All of that said, I actually d Brodie and Shinae, and would have loved to have more of their story in detail rather than just glossed over quickly. I had d Shinae’s sister in her book, but not this one. They hadn’t seen each other in five years and she made no effort to hurry to get to the castle to see Shinae – and when she did arrive, it was just “Hi, how are you?”.

The first page in the Prologue starts out so very exciting! If that had continued throughout the book, I would have given it 10-stars. The English are going from abbey to abbey in Scotland and burning them to the ground. When they arrive at the abbey where Shinae is a knife-carrying, dissatisfied nun, Shinae decides to do whatever she can to buy her fellow nuns the time they need to escape. She singlehandedly takes on and defeats five English warriors before escaping herself. Just as she is defeating the last of the warriors, a man appears in the doorway and she’s not sure she can take on another soldier. Luckily, he is there to help. When he learns she’s related by marriage to the McTiernays, he asks her to take on a mission for King Robert. Since that mission involves saving her sister’s husband, she doesn’t hesitate to accept.

Chapter One begins with Shinae and an uninvited companion, Isilme, having trekked (on foot) toward Lochlen Castle where ALL of the McTiernay’s will be gathering for celebrations. Though it is summer, the rain and wind are freezing them. They are almost to the castle when they just can’t trudge further. If they don’t find shelter, they’ll be dead from the chill by morning. Luckily for Shinae, she’s found and rescued and manages to ask her rescuer to look for her companion. So, Brodie rescues Shinae and his friend, Dunlop, went to rescue Isilme. Thus, our two romances are set up.

Then, all of the myriad legs of the story branch out and ultimately leave you scratching your head in confusion. Well, not totally, I could certainly follow it, but goodness I shouldn’t have had to work to do so. So much of it was totally superfluous and disjointed.

So, I d Brodie and Shinae and their story. I d Dunlop and Isilme and their story. The McTiernay’s portion of the mystery was okay, but – the entire solution was about 2 pages and the rest was chaff. Then, there was the Mahon thing – I guess it was there for a red herring, but it just added another layer of superfluous nonsense as far as I was concerned. IF we had broken this down into more than one book OR put more of the feature on the romances and much less on all of the McTiernay stuff, it would have been a much more enjoyable read. Yes, I understand this is part of the McTiernay series, but – they could have made cameo appearances and taken on a supporting role rather than the starring role.

I wouldn’t read this book a second time, but I am pleased to have met Brodie, Shinae, Dunlop, and Isilme. I loved that Brodie wasn’t a Laird and wasn’t becoming one. I d that he was floundering with finding his place within the clan and I loved that Shinae was proud of him and supportive of him no matter what he chose to do. It was nice to see the ‘common’ folk get their HEA.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
iblog netgalley xx-2022-read12 s Tracy Emro1,920 51

This installment of the McTiernay series starts with a bang – Shinae Mayboill, a nun and sister to Conan’s wife Mhairi, is singlehandedly defending Dryburgh Abbey in the lowlands from attack by the English and she is holding her own. She thinks she has everything under control when another warrior enters – but Cyric Schellden is there to help and is very impressed by Shinae’s skills, so much so that he convinces her to work as a spy for the king. And her first mission will be to travel to the McTiernay seat at Lochlen castle and not only warn her sister and brother-in-law of the danger they are in but also ferret out the traitor to the king! So Shinae renounces her vows and sets out with another ex-nun, Isilme for Lochlen.

Former McTiernay commander Camdyn “Brodie” Dunstan is back at Lochlen after spending the last eight years working for Laird Mahon Donavan under the misassumption that he would be named the Laird’s heir. But without warning, Mahon dismissed Brodie and sent him back to the McTiernay clan. So now Brodie is trying to find his purpose and has escaped the castle walls for some much-needed peace and quiet, now that most of the McTiernay brothers and their families have descended on Lochlen for the Lammas celebration. But despite wanting to be alone, his friend Dunlop joins him and as they venture out they come across a woman on the verge of collapse, just as a storm hits. Brodie takes the woman to a nearby cottage and Dunlop goes to find her traveling companion.

While waiting out the storm, Brodie and Shinae get to know each other and share an instant attraction, so when they are discovered alone and barely dressed by Laurel McTiernay, neither objects when Laurel proclaims they will have to marry. But can instant attraction be enough for near-strangers to find a HEA, especially with the secrets Shinae is keeping?

As I said, this story starts with a bang, and the first 25% is chocked full of action, adventure, and attraction, but I am sorry to say after they marry, the book slows down and has so many characters all actively vying for page time, that the story seems to veer off track and becomes murky, add to that a secondary romance and what seems to be an episode of “The Real Housewives of Lochlen” and I almost forgot what Shinae had come to Lochlen for in the first place. It isn’t until almost the end of the book that secrets are shared and the original purpose of Shinae’s mission comes to light, at which time, the author throws in a twist that does give the ending a bit of excitement. Overall, the book was OK but is not one of my favorite installments and I wouldn’t read it again. I think I would have enjoyed it more if it had been a novella and had a lot fewer McTiernay cameos.

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that I requested and was provided to me by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.*for-review highlanders medieval ...more8 s Lover of Romance3,214 989

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

In The Arms of a Highlander was quite an interesting read and I was really excited to read this as I have enjoyed this series (the books I have read so far) and so I instantly grabbed at the opportunity to read this one. I did switch between the ARC and the Audiobook, and even though I found this one to be an enjoyable read, I definitely had my struggles with this one. It definitely has very strong accents in the audiobook, so fair warning for audio listeners upon grabbing this one up. I do think I probably would have enjoyed this one much more if I had physically read it more than I did. The narration, while I really this narrator, I think I just wasn’t in the right zone to enjoy this one I really wanted to. There was a lack of investment that I had in the story and I think I just wasn’t in the mood for this historical. I do think it had some great potential but didn’t quite make it out for me personally. I do think if you love highlander romance, then this one will work for you. Just make sure you are in the right mood for this one. I was intrigued by the setup of the romance. Which was a marriage of convenience. Our heroine, is escaping the nunnery and with her friend, they come across two highlanders from the McTiernay clan who offers them refuge but through a turn of events, our heroine Shinae becomes married to Brodie. Their relationship starts off sweet and passionate but then turns into an angsty-filled tension. I quite didn’t understand the length of the angst, to be honest, and maybe it’s just a plot point that many authors will use, but I just wanted to see more focus on the plot building outside of the relationship. Some of the reasons for the tension between Brodie and Shinae just didn’t quite fit and I did feel in some moments it was just used as a filler. There were many things about this story that I quite enjoyed. I love the gentle sweet way that Brodie and Shinae fall in love, they embrace their attraction to each other pretty quickly. I also found myself fascinated with the suspense elements of the plot and the ways the intrigue and danger were introduced to it. It was such a blast to see some of my favorite characters play a role in this story.

Overall I found myself having a ball of fun and adventure within the realm of this story this author has created. It offers such creativity, endearing passion, and strong characters that capture your attention from the beginning.

character-highlander genre-historical-romance rating-3-5-blossoms ...more7 s Niki (mustreadalltheromance)1,174 94

Brodie Dunstan left his position as one of the top commanders of the McTiernay clan to aid one of their allies. That assignment wound up taking eight years, and now that he’s returned to the McTiernays of Lochlen Castle, Brodie isn’t quite sure where he belongs anymore. When he encounters a freezing young woman on a stormy night outside the castle, he thinks he might have at last found some direction.

Shinae Mayboill’s quiet life as a nun has turned out to be anything but as attacks on her abbey have forced her to put her knife throwing skills to use. Now her mission is to ferret out a traitor for the Scottish king, which means finding her sister at Lochlen Castle. When she is found in a compromising position with her rescuer, Brodie, Shinae is given little choice but to agree to their hasty marriage, though she finds herself pleased with this turn of events. She feels a true connection with Brodie and that relationship only deepens rapidly, but things are rapidly complicated when Shinae finally reveals all the truths of her past to Brodie and their new relationship may not survive.

I’m still not quite sure what to make of this book on the whole. I enjoyed the romance between the main couple, Brodie and Shinae, mostly because of its fast pace and their obvious chemistry and attraction. Each was able to give the other a feeling of love and belonging they’d never experienced, and I always love that. What I was less enchanted by was the lack of communication between these two and the easy way serious issues were glossed over with physical attraction rather than being discussed and worked out. By the end, I was sure these two loved one another, but I think they definitely still had a way to go in terms of getting to know one another. Regardless, I still d them as a couple. My greater annoyance here was the abundance of supporting characters getting in the way of the main couple. We also had a secondary romance going on with Shinae’s friend and a friend of Brodie’s, which was fine, it was just another distraction. These extra storylines combined with abrupt scene changes made some scenes and threads feel incomplete and I still felt this way by the end. The McTiernays weren’t always the kindest to Shinae or to Brodie and their children collectively were just awful and none of that ever really had a satisfactory resolution. In fact, sometimes I got so bogged down in the descriptions of the family and how everyone was related that I forgot that there was meant to be a dangerous threat to the clan, and I was supposed to be feeling suspenseful. The story started off very strong and engaging, but after Shinae and Brodie are married, things began to veer off course in too many different directions to do any of them justice. Ultimately, I think Shinae and Brodie were mostly ill-treated by the McTiernays and deserved at the least a better apology than they got, and this book really just made the clan seem not that likable. So, overall, though I d Shinae and Brodie for the most part, the storyline as a whole didn’t do it for me quite so much, though it did keep me interested. I always love Highlanders and a Scottish setting so it's hard for me to truly dis a Highlander book, I’ve just read ones I preferred more, but I think this is still worth the read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Blog link: https://mustreadalltheromance.blogspo...arc compromised highlanders ...more6 s Lori D3,922 115

Scotland 1322
Shinae was forced to fight off the invaders in order for the nuns to escape. Her fighting skills came back quickly and she was able to make short work of several warriors.

But she was not going to stay with the nuns and she and her friend set off to find her sister and husband at McTierney castle. The weather got bad and she ended up being rescued by Brodie.

Brodie was at a crossroads in his life. A warrior, he had been away from the McTierney Clan for eight years with another clan in the hopes of working up the ranks. But he was suddenly let go so came back to what he knew. Now he felt without a purpose and home.

When these two meet, the sparks begin to sizzle pretty quickly and the journey begins.
Action, adventure, secrets and a love that will hopefully stand the test of time. Good addition to this series!

4 s Janet4,365 48

The McTiernay brothers will always be able to depend upon Brodie Dunstan’s loyalty, his sword, and his strength. Brodie Dunstan was an honoured McTiernay commander when he agreed to leave and help an allied clan. Eight years later, he’s back among the McTiernays at Lochlen Castle, yet despite the welcome, Brodie feels he’s still searching for his rightful place. The moment he rescues a storm-soaked young woman on the road to Lochlen, he wonders if he’s found it. From nun to killer to royal spy, Shinae Mayboill has had little choice in her life’s path so far. Now, caught in a compromising position with Brodie after her rescue, she’s ushered into a hasty marriage.
This is the ninth book in the series & whilst it could be read on its own previous characters do make appearances. I’m on the fence with this book as it promised so much in the beginning but then it fizzled out into too much description & too much time spent on previous characters. I felt Brodie & Shina were lost & because of that I felt there was little chemistry between them & the romance was lost. I think this is my least favourite in the series & hope future books are back on track
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read3 s Rainelle1,809 102

While reading this story I found myself really rooting for the book to pick up speed after Brodie and Shinea return to the castle to marry. The first few chapters has a lot of information about characters that have no main enter action with Brodie and Shianes story. As I read the story, I could feel the passion of romance between the characters through the wording of the book. The romance is sweet with a high school romance to it. The action in the beginning was awesome. Having the opening scene with a woman slinging the blade and knocking down villains was superb. The questioning of why this battle is taking place definitely held my attention, but it seems the main reasons why Shinea was found in the situation that she’s in with Brodie was not addressed at all in the cottage. 3 s ?Angel?438 37

In the Arms of a Highlander is book nine in the McTiernay's series by Michele Sinclair.
It can be read as a standalone because that's exactly what I did. There were only a couple of times that I wished I knew a backstory on other characters but that just means there's another book I get to read. Eight of them to be exact.

I do love me some historical romance and when you throw Scotland and Highlanders in kilts into the mix, I'm absolutely sold! One thing I always have trouble with, however, is the insta-love. I believe in lust at first sight, but love takes a little bit of time. Then I remember that when I'm in the story world, anything is possible and I was able to enjoy the rest of the book.

Shinae was an absolute firecracker of a woman and I'm here for it. She knew how to protect herself as well as others. Her giving heart and gentle hand when it came to caring for others was a wonderful addition to her character.

Brodie is the Highlander we all want. Strong, extremely protective of the ones he loves, but a big softie to his one and only...that is, when her independence, and his unwillingness to bend, doesn't cause arguments between them.

The passion between the two is undeniable, but that's not the only thing going on in this tale. There is action and adventure, and well, another growing romance. I would to back and read the books in the series as well as the one I know is coming next. Recommended to fans of historical romance, men in kilts, heroines, and steamy romance.

I would to show my appreciation to Netgally for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.3 s Carole Burant1,210 33

This was a lovely story to read but be prepared to meet a LOT of characters! At times, my head was spinning from so many character descriptions, from the adults to the children. Putting that aside, Brodie and Shinae's story is filled with love, passion, secrets and danger.

When Brodie and Shinae meet, it's love at first sight and when they find themselves married shortly after meeting, it's a struggle for both of them to get to know each other and yet keep their independence. Brodie must learn to trust Shinae and he soon realizes that she can be stubborn and refuses to let him browbeat her. Shinae has been taking care of herself for a long time and doesn't need a man telling her what she can or can't do! As for Brodie, he's not use to having a woman speak for him!! This leads to quite a few explosive scenes:) Amidst all of that, the search is on for who in the clan is a dangerous spy.

I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.3 s Jocelynereadsromance698 37

Michele Sinclair's McTiernay's series is an absolute delight, and this the the 9th installment. Overall, this is a really enjoyable installment with a delightful new romance with lots of past characters and an underlying murder plot. Sinclair starts this novel out strong with high action and an interesting hook surrounding the heroine. The majority of the book is decently plotted and the romance is delightfully sweet and sensual. I really enjoyed being back in the McTiernay world. I would definitely recommend that you read this series in order, they are fun and fast paced highlander romances and reading them in order will help you keep all of the characters in order.

This romance is between Brodie, an honored McTierney Commander who has been gone for eight years in service of an ally clan, and Shinae, a nun who became a killer to survive. When Brodie and Shinae are caught in a compromising situation after she is rescued, they enter into a marriage of convenience. Tenderness leads to passion that only deepens through out time and both Shinae and Brodie find an unexpected love.

Shinae is such a fun heroine, she is strong, resilient and a protector. Brodie is also strong and protective and perfectly soft=hearted when he needs to be. Watching Shinae and Brodie learn to work together, trust each other and support the other is a perfect and wonderful balance between them. I found their romance to be sweet and sensual, Michele Sinclair is able to weave a steamy romance between two bold characters. Overall, the romance was really the driving force of this novel to me. The overall plotting of the murder mystery and all the additional characters could at times be a bit much to follow and keep track of. I really enjoyed watching Shinae's interactions with the other women of the clan and I love watching them all train together, work with each other and be just as strong, smart and independent as the men as they all work together to uncover the mystery and keep each other safe.

Michele Sinclair's writing is very enjoyable and swiftly engaging, and I would definitely recommend picking up with book if you love a fun highlander romance and enjoy the McTiernay series. This is an interesting addition and a lovely romance to add to the many happily ever afters of Michele Sinclair's world. 3.5 out of 4 Stars.

Thank you to Zebra Publishing and NetGalley for an eARC, all thoughts and opinions are my own.2022-arcs 2022-netgalley2 s Jenna (Reading Rebel Reviews)867 45


In The Arms Of A Highlander appealed to me on many levels. This is a charming love story of two lonely strangers who wed after knowing each other less than a day. There is also an exciting spy plot. This is a character-driven plot, the action is there, but the tremendous personalities of both primary and secondary characters are the true stars of the novel.

Both Brodie and Shinae are larger than life personalities. Brodie is a true warrior who is at loose ends. Shinae has a very colorful background, from nun to spy, yet she is looking for something more too. The couple marries almost immediately after they meet. I love how the entire story is the couple’s rocky, passionate journey learning to trust and love each other. Brodie and Shinae’s connection is instantaneous and fiery hot.

The plot is told uniquely. While the main character’s point of view is prominent, there are many secondary characters’ points of view. A lot is going on in the plot, and there were a lot of voices going around in my head; however, the writing style worked. Instead of the many viewpoints getting confusing, it gave the plot an epic scope. It was a very well-rounded, immersive plot. The pace was fast, and the dialogue flowed flawlessly from character to character.

I loved this couple’s chemistry. Beyond everything, this is a beautiful, engaging love story. There are many ups and downs, I enjoyed how the couple’s journey was rocky, yet their passion was fierce. They learn as they get to know one another that love can be at first sight yet still grow into something more profound.

In The Arms Of A Highlander is the ninth book in The McTiernays series. There are a lot of past characters in this novel, yet it never confused me. The story was always concise and clear. I have been in a book slump, and this book broke that monotony perfectly! This is a sweeping, largess plot full of sensuality and intrigue. I enjoyed every second of this fast-paced, passionate, exciting novel, and I didn’t want it to end! If you want sexy Scotsmen and strong women, this is the book for you!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book through Netgalley and the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.1 Gloria PastorinoAuthor 76 books49

Shinae has always wanted to help people and she hoped to be able to do it as a nun. But her life in the nunnery was not what she expected it to be, so when the place is attacked by English soldiers, she puts her skills with daggers to use and then flees with a secret mission of her own… Only to find herself in the arms of a very handsome, but sweet Highlander!
Brodie Dunstan is a capable warrior who’s just come back to the McTiernay clan after having served in another clan for eight years. He doesn’t really know what to do with his life now, but when he rescues a beautiful former nun from a storm he feels he has finally found a purpose…
The book is somewhat chaotic and people me who have not read the previous books of the McTiernay Brothers series can be left quite confused. There are way too many characters and clans and interwoven stories and I had to skim through some of the parts because they were really too difficult for me to follow. The action takes place during a reunion of a sort of the characters of the previous books and I usually appreciate these things, but since there were eight books and all couples have had children… And what’s even more confusing is that we get to read the POV of many side characters as well.
Anyway, I loved the author’s writing and her character development. Shinae and Brodie are two strong and lovable people who experience an instantaneous attraction and decide to take a risk and marry. I enjoyed watching them getting to know each other and overcoming their difficulties. The abundant love scenes are emotional and not gratuitous at all, but useful to character development. So, all in all, a very good book, but not really a standalone…
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.1 Barbee643 21

Book: In the Arms of a Highlander
By Michele Sinclair
Series: Series: The McTiernays, Book
Release Date: January 25, 2022
Publisher: Kensington
Overall Rating: 3 stars
Blog Review: 3 Saltire Flags

This is not my favorite in just the description of the hero Brodie Dunstan who is forty-one and doesn’t seem he’s accomplished much was a turn off. Now his friend who was in the secondary romance also didn’t do much for me either. Plus there was too much in this storyline I could not connect to the characters. This is very disappointing as I usually love this author and the McTiernays.

Maybe going outside the family steered the author in the wrong direction. As the English were coming to destroy all the abbey’s and the heroine, Shinae Mayboill who was a nun, spy and a killer was killing them all. I am not thrilled with the ex-nun storyline as there seems to be an over abundance of them lately.

There didn’t seem to enough real romance and the marriage happened too quickly. Especially for a lass who wanted nothing to do with a husband or marriage. It was just really slow after that and I was kind of lost. The author was throwing passion scenes in what seemed at inappropriate times. So I am disappointed I didn’t enjoy this book as I loved the other eight books in this series. I look forward to the next book in this series which I hope I enjoy more.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC copy from the publishers through netgalley. I voluntarily agreed to read, review and blog an advance copy of this book. All thoughts, ideas and opinions are my own.1 Brenda3,059 37

The McTiernay brothers will always be able to depend upon Brodie Dunstan’s loyalty, his sword, and his strength. But there is another kind of bond—one that can fell even a fearless warrior…
Brodie Dunstan was an honored McTiernay commander when he agreed to leave and help an allied clan. Eight years later, he’s back among the McTiernays at Lochlen Castle, yet despite the welcome, Brodie feels he’s still searching for his rightful place. The moment he rescues a storm-soaked young woman on the road to Lochlen, he wonders if he’s found it . . .
From nun to killer to royal spy, Shinae Mayboill has had little choice in her life’s path so far. Now, caught in a compromising position with Brodie after her rescue, she’s ushered into a hasty marriage. To her surprise, Brodie is un any man she has ever met, with a tenderness that belies his powerful persona. Their passion deepens every day. But when Brodie learns the truth about her past—and the real reason she has come to Lochlen Castle—will there still be room for her in the Highlander’s heart?
Shinae is an ex-nun but more capable as a knife wielding girl.
Brodie thinks never to wed until he meets Shinae.
This book is not quite a romance. It is more a action story.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley. This in no way affected my opinion of this book which I read and reviewed voluntarily.1 Margaret2,669 20

Shinae Mayboil was living her life as a nun. As each sbbey is burned by the English, she and her fellow nuns moved to other abbeys. This time Shinae has had enough. Giving the sisters more time to escape, Shinae uses her skill with knives to kill some of the soldiers. Cyric Shellden works for King Robert, and arrives at the abbey in time to aid Shinae. He gives her a message to deliver to her sister at Lochlen Castle. On her way to Lochlen Castle, the weather turns bad as she struggles on foot. She is saved by Brodie Dunstan. Caught in a compromising situation, they are quickly married at Lochlen Caste, but her sister hasn't arrived yet. Shinae's secret may overshadow her happiness with Brodie. Most of the book is about Shinae and Brodie finding their way through their marriage. The spy seems to be more of an afterthought to bind them to the clan.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.1 Jordan210 9

This book left me a little confused on how I felt about it. On one hand, I really d the love story between Shinae and Brodie but on the other hand, there were so many characters and plot logistics that had absolutely nothing to do with the central characters that it felt very disjointed. The entire conspiracy plot and possible murders were the storyline of other characters that only barely had anything to do with Shinae and Brodie, which probably wouldn't have mattered had I read the previous McTiernay books and knew all the people involved, but as a standalone, it just meant that for long stretches of time in the book, we barely see Shinae and Brodie in any meaningful way.

Those two are the definite highlight of the book, and special props for having a romance set in the highlands where the main characters are both older and more mature. While all the other couples in the book tended to scream and yell at each other, there was a quietness about Shinae and Brodie that spoke to a more interesting dynamic.

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. 1 Sissy's Romance Book Review 8,912 16

In the Arms of a Highlander by Michele Sinclair is book 9 in The McTiernays Series. This is the story of Shinae Mayboill and Brodie Dunstan. Shinae was once a nun now she has been turned into a spy that can be a deadly one, never giving a choice in any of it. Shinae has been trying to survive. Brodie has always been helping and fighting his whole but now he has returned to McTiernays at Lochlen Castle but he still feels he has found his place. Then he saves a women named Shinae who makes him feel needed and they are forced to marry due to their circumstance. But what will Brodie do when he learns the truth about Shinae past? Enjoyed their story.

2021-read 4-star arc-netgalley ...more1 Diana N.624 30

Steamy romance, a knife wielding ex-nun, a mystery, secrets, and a lot of family members made this book an enjoyable read!

I really d Shinae and Brodie's relationship because them working through new and tough issues made it seem real. I wanted a little more romance when trying to figure out the mystery instead of focus on some other characters.

This book definitely had a lot of characters to keep track of. I think there were too many "C" name characters. I kept getting them mixed up.

Overall I enjoyed this book, especially all of the fierce weapon wielding women!

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me a digital copy of this ARC in exchange for my honest review.1 Jade aka MrsTosh953 62

Thank you to Kensington Books via Netgalley for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I have gone and done it again, clicked on a book that is part of a series, and number 9 no less, of the The McTiernays without realising it. I wish it was clearer on the site that it is part of a set. Whilst it didn't stop my enjoyment of the book as each one I assume is about different characters, there was lot of background I wasn't aware of that would have been helpful to the story. It left me feeling a little confused as there were just so many characters and plots that the book wasn't really about Brodie and Shinae in the end but the whole clan. I also wouldn't say it is strictly a romance which is what I assumed when I decided to download the book its more action.

I did love Shinae's character the synopsis states - From nun to killer to royal spy, Shinae Mayboill has had little choice in her life’s path so far. Now, caught in a compromising position with Brodie after her rescue, she’s ushered into a hasty marriage. To her surprise, Brodie is un any man she has ever met, with a tenderness that belies his powerful persona. Their passion deepens every day. But when Brodie learns the truth about her past—and the real reason she has come to Lochlen Castle—will there still be room for her in the Highlander’s heart?

The opening scene of the book shows Shinae the nun, taking on English soldiers with the knives she keeps strapped to her legs. She manages to take on five and kill them before she comes face to face with Bodie. Upon hearing she is Sister to Lady Colin McTiernay he vowed to return her to her Sister. Not knowing that she has promised to deliver a message to her Sister about an imminent attack by the English.

I did enjoy the book but there was just too much going on and far too many other characters and plots that I kept getting distracted and didn't know what was going on.

I really the cover and would possibly read other books by the author as I love a historical romance, especially involving a Kilt wearing highlander. But for me this one just did not hit the spot, probably because I haven't read the previous book in the series.historical romance Glittergirl896 16

After a few years we finally get Brodie Dunstan's story for those who have followed this series. If you haven't read the previous books this is a lot of history to take in. I think Michele does a good job to filling in important details. There is A LOT of family in this book. It's a McTiernay family celebration with just about everyone in attendance. I gave up trying to keep straight who was who after a while as I'm behind in the series and jumped in this book. I'm assuming we've met or know about Shinae Mayboill the heroine of this story. Her sister Mhairi is married to Conan. The family is awaiting their arrival and they are late as usual. Shinae has been entrusted with a secret from the King's attaché and is anxious to be relieved of that duty. I found this an interesting but slow to develop story.

Shinae Mayboill finds fulfillment by helping others. She has no deep spiritual reason to be a nun except it allows her to help others. Her father is a traveling merchant and it was no longer safe for his girls to be with him after Shinae was accosted by a man. After her aunt passed while they were serving with nuns she and her sister stayed. Mhairi ended up marrying Conan but Shinae stayed finding helping others gave her joy. When they are attacked by English soldiers she, being adept with knives, she stood and fought to give time for the nuns to get away. Cyric Shellden, the King's attaché came to her rescue. He knows Conan & Mhairi and gave her the warning that Conan's life was in danger from an English plot. Shinae and fellow nun Isilme both decide to leave the nuns and forge off to the McTiernay's. Ultimately she's found by Brodie and taken to shelter overnight in a storm.

Brodie Dustan has been is a McTiernay commander. The last few years he's been head commander for Laird Mahon as he had no second or heir. After years with Mahon, he tells him Brodie he won't pick him as his heir and dismisses him. Now Brodie is back home with the McTiernay's and at loose ends as to what he should do and his place within the clan. When McKenna McTiernay finds they've been alone in a cabin overnight she declares they will be married immediately. Neither fight it and their relationship has to work out kinks as they get to know each other. Things hit the fan when Conan & Mhairi finally make it home.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.arc bn highlander-scottish ...more LoveReadingRomance152 1 follower

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

In the Arms of a Highlander by Michele Sinclair starts off with an exciting fight between Shinae Mayboill and English soldiers. A nun trying to fend the enemy off so her fellow nuns can escape is definitely not a damsel in distress. She then becomes a royal spy with the task of figuring out who is the one betraying their king.

As Shinae makes her way to her destination, she meets Brodie Dunstan, a commander, who was helping an ally clan for several years. Since they were both caught in a compromising position, the only solution was to get married. Though it was a marriage of convenience, Brodie and Shinae entered into it willingly and only if they agreed on certain terms when exchanging their vows.

The relationship between Brodie and Shinae has rocky moments, however, their romance is very sweet. Also, the secondary characters played huge roles in providing reasonable advice whenever there was trouble in paradise.

"I never thought you were out there. Before I met you, I was happy but lonely. Even when around lots of people or those I call friends, I felt alone. I had become accustomed to it. Then I met and miraculously married you, and suddenly life changed. I had a companion for life, and it scared me. What frightened me the most was the idea of losing you and that kind of fear I have never known before. You fill up places in my heart I never knew were empty. You are everything I ever wanted in a partner and more than I dared hope for." ----DUNLOP – IN THE ARMS OF A HIGHLANDER – MICHELE SINCLAIR

While this is the ninth instalment in the McTiernays series, it could be read as a standalone. A lot of the characters from previous novels feature in this so it might be a bit confusing to some. I recommend this to those who love their historical romances with a bit of action, mystery, and romance.

For more of my , please visit https://ilovereading2016.wordpress.comhistorical Alyson | Books.plants.and.tea267 20 Shelved as 'dnf'

DNF at 35%.

There are a lot of things about this book that got me excited. First of, the writing. It's the first time I've read a book that was written this. I'm not sure if it has a literary name, but the best I can describe it is: the point of view switches to the person's thoughts and feelings at the exact time you want to know what they're thinking and feeling. That cottage scene between the MC's was amazing to read because of that constant switch. It gives an insight into each characters state of mind, and honestly, it's an amazing way to show why mentalization is so important.

I was very excited about the story, I d both MC's a lot and was impatient to see their story unfold. I even did a happy dance when the forced marriage trope was introduced. To then feel it all come crashing down when it became an instalove trope... The joys about the forced marriage trope is the characters resisting it, and each other. Them having to live together, figure each other out, the fights, the tension... Instalove takes all of that away. I didn't feel reading on, which is why I stopped reading initially in December when I first started reading this one. I picked it back up a week ago and thought I'd continue on, but I couldn't get into it, because as much as I d the characters, there was nothing that kept me going, not even the mysterious subplot.

Another amazing thing that has to be said, is the way every character was introduced, even though this was book 9 in the series. This was the first book I read, so it was nice to be introduced to everyone, along with Shinae. It was also done in a way that wasn't overwhelming, which couldn't have been easy with the amount of McTiernay brothers!

So, I would recommend this book to historical romance lovers who the instalove trope in combination with a forced marriage and a little mystery to tie it all up.netgalley read4review reviewed Megan 19 8

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In the Arms of a Highlander
Author: Michele Sinclair
Series: The McTiernays: Book 9
Publication Date: January 25, 2022
Pages: 312

I have avidly followed the McTeirnay series adoring the plots, admittedly i found myself experiencing a bit of disappointment throughout this story. I can truly get behind any plot that includes a strong, confident, and capable woman. The first pages had me enthralled, the heroine Shinae was truly glorious a warrior, full of confidence. in her element. I was ready for a plot full of danger, intrigue, and action around every corner. I feel as though Shinae's identity that was portrayed in the 1st pages of the novel were seemingly lost as the story developed. i would have d to see her continued strength and journey be more arduous to display her strength of character and skill.

Imagine meeting someone by a chance rescue and marrying them right away with an open heart and very little qualms shortly after. I was taken aback by Brodie and Shinae's quick marriage and bond. It has been my observation that the hero and heroine experience much trial and tribune before surrendering to marriage, love, and vulnerability with each other. This story line offered a breath of fresh air watching the main characters open themselves wholeheartedly, i again had high hopes but felt as though the plot petered after Shinae and Brodies hasty married.

Overall i would have to have enjoyed edge of your seat action, i waited the entire novel to find Brodie in stunned silence as he witnessed his wife's skills in the face of danger but it never came to pass. Overall that start of the novel was strong and i did enjoy the read. I just truly feel that the climax of the story was missed with the most exciting pages being the 1st chapters. I still look forward to Michele Sinclair's next endeavours.

www.btpbookblog.com MammaDi3Gatti470 3

In the Arms of a Highlander is the ninth in a series, but was the first one I read (I think). I suppose it could stand alone because innumerable passages are dedicated to explaining the various brothers and their wives and children. That said, it's not really possible to keep them all straight. I mostly just tried to learn a couple and then decided to skim the rest. I almost gave up about a third of the way through, but I opted to persevere.

Shinae is a former nun who throws knives and is good at living outside (half Gypsy), but that doesn't stop her from nearly dying of exposure on her way to one of the McTiernay castles where she's supposed to sort of spy and figure out the bad guy who may or may not be trying to kill her sister and her husband, one of the aforementioned McTiernay couples, or at least pass the warning along to them. Fortunately, she's rescued by Brodie, a McTiernay Dunstun Donovan something. They're caught warming each other up in a cottage and are told they have to marry. In spite of just having met and neither having a clue what to do with their lives, they are cool with it.

So all this stuff happens that is generally unrelated to what I thought the main plot was (the sister/murder plot) and also newlywed miscommunication stuff. And also another attempted murder that isn't the murder she's trying--rather lacklusterly--to prevent. Eventually, you think that part just isn't going to resolve, at least in this McTiernay installment, but then it does. But it all happens off page. Why tho'?

It's a readable book, sure, but if you a plot that builds to a climax and then resolves, you'll be sorely disappointed.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion. Thanks! Kat Tolle636 12

GREAT STORYLINE!!!! In the Arms of a Highlander by Michele Sinclair is book 9 in The McTiernays series and though in a series this book can be read as a standalone. What I really d about this book was the mystery behind it. Trying to figure out who was to be the murder was really exciting and yes I had guessed it wrong until the very end. The beginning was just totally action packed as well and I couldn’t put this book down. The romance between Brodie and Shinae just sizzled and I really enjoyed the love at first sight this book portrayed. The only thing I didn’t was that I personally though there were too many love scenes… some people may that so don’t go by my word alone. I must admit that after reading the first two I started skipping over those pages. All and All I found this book to be original, true to the era and just well written. This story has a nun that can take care of herself, a warrior that really doesn’t know what to do with himself, a lot of really strong women, a harvest festival and family gathering, a really great fight in the beginning, a secret mission that put them all in danger, a friend who constantly talks, a lot of couples fighting (that cracked me up), a stabbing, wanting to be Laird, a strong family, children getting into trouble, eavesdropping and love at first sight. There is so much more to this book and I am recommending you read it.

***This book was gifted to me and I am voluntarily reviewing. Tina Ullrich715 2

Shinae Mayboill, is an independent, strong, courageous woman who knows how to wield a wicked dagger/knife. She can defend herself if need be. Taught from a young age by her mother and father. She was a nun but left that due to the rules and not being allowed to help the townspeople. Now tasked to deliver a message of great importance to her sister and husband.

Among other fellow nun, Isilmë, that left the church tags along and they get caught in a rain storm, cold, wet and exhausted, the two are found by Brodie Dunstan and fellow warrior knight Dunlop McTiernays.

Brodie spent 8years helping train Lord Donovan's men thinking he would be the next in line for the Laird of the clan only to be sent back to the McTiernay clan. He is kind, brave, strong, and loyal.

When Shines and Brodie are found in a compromising situation they wed. Either could have backed out but Shines feels safe with Brodie and he is protective of her.

As the two navigate marriage and what they will do, each learns from the other. When unknown rules start to cause issues the two work through them to solve the problems and to prevent it from happening again. With danger lurking, misunderstanding, and a full house of brothers, wives, and children, calamity ensues.

So join us on this rousing romp they medieval Scotland and help solve a mystery or two, enjoy a wedding or two, and harvest celebrations. Will Shines surrender to Brodie or will Brodie surrender to Shinea INeedABookBreak838 29

3 stars

In the Arms of a Highlander by Michele Sinclair is the ninth book in the The McTiernays series. This story focuses on former nun and skilled knife thrower, Shinae Mayboill and Brodie Dunstan, a commander who now isn’t sure of his career path.

What I really d about this book was that the plot centered around a mystery not the happily ever after of a couple. Usually, romance novels focus on the characters finding each other and falling in love. Shinae and Brodie fall in love easily. The plot shows them working together to solve a mystery, which felt original. I also the central story line. There were a lot of things that I didn’t expect and I enjoy being surprised when so much of the romance genre feels predictable.

The only thing that I didn’t was that the book really had a lot going on. It was hard to keep track of all the characters. I haven’t read any of the other books in this series. Maybe it would have been better if I was more familiar with the other books. That way, it would have felt more visiting old friends instead of names that I had to keep track of. Additionally, the book was very very descriptive. Almost overly so.

I was invited to read an ARC of In the Arms of a Highlander by Michele Sinclair. #IntheArmsofaHighlander #NetGalley Danielle Bush1,320 18

I have read all the other books in the McTierney series, and it was nice to be able to see all my favorite couples again!
Shinae when we first meet her is a nun defending her fellow sisters against an attack by the English.. She is quickly dispatching the English soldier using her two blades while the others escape.. When the fighting is over she decideds that she is going to make her way to her sister, (who we met in the last book).. However on her way her and her friend happen to get stuck in a rainstorm, lost and seperated.. Shinae is found by Brodie, who decides pretty much immediatly that he wants to take care of her... not knowing that she is fully capable of taking care of herself.

Brodie and Shinae have immediate chemistry and decide that they should marry.. which leads to the usual miscomunications and fights as they really don't know that much about each other. It was great when they finally realized that they loved each other..
There was also a plot about needing to uncover a spy who is killing off important members of highland clans.. While Shinae is keeping an eye out for anyone acting suspicious, we don't get a whole lot of forward movement with this story line until closer to the end of the book when her sister finally arrives.

I really enjoyed Shinaes and Brodies story, and I can't wait to see what Michele Sinclair is going to come up with next! Lit Shit Podcast855 6

Thank you Netgalley and Kensington Books for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I have followed Michele Sinclair and the McTiernay's stories since they came out and was really excited to read this newest installment. We start with Shinae, a former knife throwing nun, whose abbey was attacked and burned. She is given the task of going to Colin McTiernay's fort and is to warn her sister and brother-in-law about someone who is trying to kill them. She is also tasked with finding the English spy. She almost dies on the way but is rescued by Brodie, a newly returned former Commander in the McTiernay's army. They're caught alone and forced to marry, not that they seem to care!

I enjoyed getting to see Shinae and Brodie figure their marriage out and how communication is key. They were both able well developed -characters. I also enjoyed getting to see some of the former characters. However, there is just way too much going on. There are too many people and honestly at some points I have no clue how we got from a to b. If I hadn't read the previous books I would have been so lost. It really detracted from the main storyline which was supposed to be Shinae and Brodie and the mysterious spy.

But overall I think those who have read and followed the series will enjoy getting to see their main commanders find their HEA.

Staci McIntyre Staci McIntyre515 3

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