
BLACKMAIL 101 de Michaels, Sophie

de Michaels, Sophie - Género: English
libro gratis BLACKMAIL 101


Michaels, Sophie Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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The author kindly sent me an ARC of this book.

Our sleuth, a former teacher in rural Maine is minding her own business when a former student approaches her. The student is in deep trouble, being hunted by bad people.

For some reason, they take her out to a deserted cabin, where things get worse, and they keep getting worse until the end.

There's a lot of tension generated, even if some of the twists are a little farfetched.cozies mystery5 s Merry Chapman1,806 16

Wow! This is a great addition to the series that you just can't put down once you start. Katie, retired teacher, to the small town of Pine Falls is readying a reopening of her cafe that the town helped her rebuild after it was destroyed. She finally feels a part of the small community. All seemed to be going as planned until a former student, Zarina, came to her for help. She is in trouble saying someone is after her but she wouldn't say why. This is a fast acting, page turning book that includes everything from a hitman, murders, attempted murders, kidnappers, blackmail, secret codes and secrets. How will this all turn out with shots fired at Katie and Chief Patrick O'Neil. Can Katie save her former student? How many will be murdered and why? What are the codes? Why are so many after them? What have the codes to do with Zarina? With Katie, Patrick and Katie's protective Shephard, Leroy on the case with so many things hitting them all at once, can they solve this one and save Zarina? I couldn't put the book down! I highly recommend the whole series and this book was an amazing addition! I received an ARC of this book but the opinions expressed here are strictly my own. my-books Mark Menard33

Complex and Entertaining
Katey Frost is just settling into the comfort of the Fall season. A former student (Zarina) shows up terrified. She has witnessed a murder, is being blackmailed and is out of money. She had read about Katey and she believed that she could help her. It doesn’t take long for Katey and Patrick to get caught up in web of lies that will result in multiple murders.

I just love Katey and Patrick; I love all the characters. They are funny, smart, committed, and just a little bit crazy. They all work together to get to the bottom of the mystery.

This story was full of twists and turns and a surprise ending that really caught me off guard. Things were revealed just as you settled in and began to think you knew the solution throwing you off guard and having you take a couple of steps backward and rethink everything.

A great story, a tangled crime(s) and a satisfying ending. I highly recommend this book as well as the entire series.

I received this book as an ARC and this is my honest review. April Flach29 1 follower

I'm not sure if it's because I'm not caught up with the rest of the series, or if there was some context or info about some of the characters missing, but I found myself a little confused at times. I was also a little disappointed in the lack of suspense. The mystery was good, but it wasn't on the edge of your seat, cannot put down kind of good, IMO. I didn't feel transported into the book. I felt there could be more filler. describing the scenery, and having more details. I also don't think it's much of "cozy" mystery with the mention/threat of rape and human trafficking. I just feel those do not belong in cozies. I feel that kind of spoiled the rest of the book for me. I did really that we were privy to the dog's thoughts at times. Not we could read his mind, but it was just his perspective. I thought that was very cool, and unique.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Terri415 5

Katey Frost was once a teacher in an inner city high school in Detroit. When she couldn't handle all the violence and death afflicting her students, she retired and moved to Pine Falls, Maine. Unfortunately, the violence and death followed her there. Katey is a very strong and intelligent lady. When a student tracks her down asking for her help, Katey, with the help of her boyfriend Police Chief Patrick O'Neil, are determined to help her, not realizing the danger associated with it. Fantastic book that will keep you on the edge of your seat and up well into the night because you just can't put it down! One of my all-time favorite series! Now, I have to wait for the next book to come out! Cyndi Taylor148 4

This was way more of a thriller than a cozy mystery. There were several murders. The descriptions of which were a bit graphic. Some of them came out of nowhere and were shocking.
There was also a kidnapping with talk of rape and abortion. So if any of those things are too much for you, maybe skip this one.

That being said, the writing was excellent. The plot was well thought out. The characters felt fleshed out, and even the "bit parts " were compelling. This was a fast read because it was interesting. I enjoy the mains and Leroy.

Would have been 4 stars if I had realized it was a thriller and not been expecting a cozy mystery.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Fred Masek76

A scared former student, asks Katey for help. Before you know it Zarina is kidnaped by a mountain man, Katie and Patrick get warning shots, Katie is forced at gunpoint to listen to a a man demanding she give him Zarina in 48 hours, and the tires on Nolan's jeep shot by a woman demanding Katie and Patrick quit looking for Zarina because the gun woman will find her. Then things get worse.
The authors description of the woods, snow, and cold were so descriptive I wanted a cup of coffee. Also, the crossing the river scene also stood out.
This was a page turner with a surprise ending. I enjoyed this book
Sandy T436

This was a thriller with several twists throughout the story as the dead body count increases. I enjoyed the story and Katey's character. Her dog Leroy is wonderful and the author's does a great job in writing about his thoughts.
I do not consider this series as a cozy murder mystery but more a psychological thriller. It is very graphic in describing the murder scenes. There isn't fowl language or sex used so that does qualify as a cozy. There is a christian theme along with strong political statements expressed.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.murder-mystery thriller Lizz Taylor748 7

I have been enjoying this Christian light thriller series with Katey, Patrick and the ever loyal Leroy. Although this could be read as a standalone, having read the series makes it more enjoyable to see the character growth. This is my favorite in the series so far with all of the twists and turns. There is a set up for the next book in the series but I really would love a short non thriller novella in between of Katey and Patrick on vacation just enjoying life. However, that doesn't seem to be in the cards for them. advanced-reading-copy-arc Marietta184 1 follower

This was another excellent written story. It keep you reading until the very end. There were lots of twist and turns regarding all the characters. You never new who was right and who was wrong except for Katey Frost , Patrick McNeill and Rudy. I love how you use the German Shepherd dog and how he reacts to everyone. I hope that there is no more students of Katey who want to hurt her because it sound she went to great length to help her students while she was teacher in Detroit. I will be recommending this book to all my friends who read cozy mysteries. JOAN SALLEY139 3

From start to finish this book had me on the edge of my seat. In my opinion this is the best book in the series, as Kate ends up connecting with one of her previous students from when she was a teacher in Detroit. Kate always tries to see the good in everyone, however it usually puts her in precarious positions. Can Kate and romantic interest Patrick survive when they are drawn into a mystery that takes them into the woods. So many twists and turns in this book.

I received this book free from the author and am voluntarily leaving this review. Thank you for the free book Ms Michaels. Margaret Hejmanowski810 5

I love all things Sophie Michaels and this does not disappoint!! Katy is a retired teacher from Detroit; currently living in Pine Falls Maine. She can't wait wait to marry her boyfriend , Police Chief Patrick O'Neil. Zara Kendrick, a former student of hers shows up on her doorstep, what could she want? She said someone is after her, but won't say who or why. This story is fast paced from the very beginning. Love the plot, great setting, and strong intense interesting characters. I look forward to reading more from Ms. Sophie Michaels!!!received-advanced-readers-copy Tg104

Blackmail 101 is another superb book by Sophie Michaels in the Katey Frost series. This book was an edge-of-your-seat mystery that moves at breakneck speed during an exciting ending. Suspense kept mounting and mounting as the suspect list kept growing despite deaths along the way. It is a whodunnit that will have you going in dozens of directions until Katey Frost figures everything out — if she can, once again. Start reading today, you will be thrilled. Jane litherland2,084 34

Katey Frost a teacher has a visitor. A former student is being blackmailed and she’s shaking with fear. Having witnessed a murder years ago , she was blackmailed into silence… the blackmailer though is now stalking her and she reaches out to her former teacher,believing Katey is her only hope. With trustee sidekick her German Shepherd, Leroy and Police Chief Patrick O’ Neil by her side , she makes her decision….So with no time to lose the Pine Falls ex teacher puts her barista on the back burner and steps in to save the day…she hopes! Well written , brilliant reading. It’s so immersive and gets your brain working . Sharmani Jayaram909 16

Zarina Kendrick a student of Katey Frost approached her as she  was  stalked by an unknown. Katey's fiancé the chief of police Patrick O’Neil, Katey and Zarina  all go into the woods to a cabin there. There is a lot of fast action, suspense from there on. A very exciting read with a nail-biting finish.  I received this ARC copy via booksprouts and leave a honest review. I recommend this book to other readers. Dianne Hall438 4

Reviewed in the United States on May 15, 2024
Wow - another amazing book in the Katey Frost series that is full of action, suspense and intrigue. So many surprises and unexpected directions that absolutely make this a truly fascinating story. I could not put this book down once I started reading it!

I read this book as part of an advance reader team and am voluntarily leaving this review. Bonnie356 5

Things just do seem to even out for Katey and Patrick. Once again a student needs Katey's help and she can't say know. Things are hot and heavy as the story progresses. Action keeps coming at them from all sides. As the body count rises, Katey and Patrick race to help and with prayer and the help of friends old and new, they come through again. Juanita E. Arp4,053 20

I enjoyed this book, the story is well written has a complex storyline. Tete are so many twists and turns in the storyline that it will keep you guessing until the end. I can't wait to read more from this author. I received this book as a Free ARC copy to read and I voluntarily leave this review. Tanya13.8k 68

All she wants is to enjoy her retirement but when an old student comes asking for help. They had seen a murder and she used blackmail to her money but it has now run out. The murderer want to kill the only witness and the student needs help. Will she help? Will she be targeted next? Can she stopped him? See how it will go Javier A. Dunn8

This is my first introduction to these characters. All though this is book 7 in the series, there was enough information to get you know them. I enjoyed those books and was surprised by the many elements and details described in this book. I’m not into sharing spoilers but I can say that it reminded me of an episode of the tv show Castle.
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