
El misterio del l de Michael Moorcock

de Michael Moorcock - Género: Ficcion
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Michael, Moorcock Series: Elric de Melnibone 4 Year: 2009

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This third volume of the series—according to the Elric chronology—includes the two Elric stories Moorcock wrote first, the novellas “The Dreaming City” and “While the Gods Laugh" (each published in a separate issue of Science Fantasy in 1961). In the first, Elric, rightful emperor of Melnibone, leads a fleet against its capital city Immrryr to exact revenge and rescue his princess consort, but his sword Stormbringer literally has a mind of its own, bringing about disastrous consequences. In the second novella, Elric and Shaarilla of Myyrrhn go on a quest for the Dead Gods’ Book (Elric seeks a deity beyond Law and Chaos, and Shaarilla seeks an end to her deformity: she wants to have her wings restored.)

Elric tales are grim, in general, but these two arise from a particular despair. Moorcock was twenty-one, coming off a bad love affair, and drinking far too much. Heartache and the sense of a merciless fate pervade the atmosphere here.

The effect of these stories is somewhat lightened by two other pieces: a prequel, “The Dream of Earl Aubec,” which reveals the origin of the Young Kingdoms, and “The Singing Citidel,” in which Balo the Jester to the Gods makes a disorienting appearance on earth.20th-c-brit fantasy72 s ?? Sarah ?? (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans)2,427 7,726

Actual rating: 2.512457856 stars. Because I'm in a good mood today.

Were I NOT following the Tor reading order for this series (internal series chronology), I might have enjoyed this installment more. But I am, so I didnÂ’t.

Had I NOT read my Barbarian ParamourÂ’s mightily titillating adventures before the Grumpy AlbinoÂ’s, I might have enjoyed this installment a lot bloody shrimping more. But I did, so I didnÂ’t.


? Incongruities and Inconsistencies R Us.
The stories in this collection were the first Moorcock wrote in this series, even though they take place after the events depicted in books 1-3 of the saga. And oh my squid, does it show. It feels Elric got a personality transplant (more or that later) and his actions here (especially in The Dreaming City) make no bloody fishing sense. Really real, spoilerish spoiler coming right up. Thou hast been warned and stuff. Off to destroy Melniboné with a whole bunch of glorified pirates? How? What? Why? Huh? Where the shrimp did that come from? How many installments did I miss, exactly? Most discombobulating this complete lack of coherence is.

Yes, this is me being slightly discombobulated. Sorry for the overabundant pilosity, by the way, but quarantine's a bitch when it comes to hair removal.

And while I understand that this being MoorcockÂ’s initial foray in ElricÂ’s world could explain some discrepancies, it doesnÂ’t explain why he never bothered reconciling the rest of the saga against these earlier stories. I mean, narrative continuity, itÂ’s a thing and stuff.

? Conan Wannabe, Begone!
Two of the stories in this collection are complete Conan rip-offs and feature all the elements of a classic Barbarian Mine tale (same plot structure and cast breakdown, use of similar—if not identical—words and/or phrasing). This wouldn’t be a problem if the writing wasn’t so not good and lacklustre and stuff. But it is. Moorcock is no Robert E. Howard (far from it). Also, my Cimmerian Cutie Pie isn’t around, which is quite unacceptable. Also also, as much as I Stormbringer, the sentient sword is a complete joke compared to Conan’s weapon of choice, the most lethal beef-bone. So blah and stuff.

? Poor Execution Inc.
Such lazy writing, much meh. ThereÂ’s so much potential in this series. The premise, the charactersÂ…So much room for development here! But did Moorcock bother to give some substance to his story, dig a little deeper into his characters and/or try to make them more complex? DonÂ’t be silly now, that would have been way too much work! Why exploit your arc and characters to their full potential when you can write repetitive, uninspired plots and turn your cast members into underdeveloped, sketchy as fish plot devices?
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