
Darkest Deceit: A Gripping Psychological Thriller de Michael Layne

de Michael Layne - Género: English
libro gratis Darkest Deceit: A Gripping Psychological Thriller


Michael Layne Publisher: Writer Layne, Year: 2024

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My thanks to Michael Layne and Netgalley.
Short review for a darned good tale!
I thought this was one nicely effed up story. Man oh man! The different levels of deceit and funked-up-edn
I had a great time with this.35 s Tara Leigh53 3

I really enjoyed this novel and it kept me engaged the entire time. The different character POVs and Timeline changes were easy to follow. The characters were all interesting and got more intriguing as the story unfolded. The setting was intense, spooky and really helped keep me on edge.

I absolutely recommend reading this book.3 s Dawn392 38

Thank you, MW Layne, for entrusting me to be a beta reader for Darkest Deceit. I've read several of the authors books, and I am astounded how engaging and addictive each book that he writes. The premise immediately immerses you into a relentless and exciting ride. The complex, strong characters, masterfully placed clues, suspense builds steadily, and shocking ending. It was impossible to put down. A must read.3 s Kalah80 7

First all, thank you MW Layne for letting me be a beta reader for Darkest Deceit! This is the second psychological thriller of his that I've read and it's just as good as The Control ( if you haven't tried it out, definitely check it out!)

Darkest Deceit tells the story of Gale who gets an unexpected visit from a high school friend, Mary on her birthday. Gale, Dan, her boyfriend, and Mary and Bob, her boyfriend, all go to visit a local haunted house that is set to be torn down soon. While there, Mary's boyfriend goes missing. The rest of the group sets out to find out where Bob has disappeared to and to determine if tonight's events are linked to Gale and Mary' high school past....

The characters in the story are all very well written. From the start, you immediately get vibes about the characters. The house is described so well that I was able to imagine the rooms as they were going through them and was able to smell the musty air. While the book does go from different POVs and time frames, Layne has written it in a way that is easy to follow. And the twist at the end was so far from expected!
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