
The Rising Queen : A lost reign de MIA THORNE

de MIA THORNE - Género: English
libro gratis The Rising Queen : A lost reign


MIA THORNE Year: 2023

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I enjoyed the first book overall, but this one is just not it.
It feels rushed in comparison, the end is a little bit random, and the whole explanation of the book and the reason she has all these problems are told on 30 pages at the end of the book???
Also, they introduced new amazing characters to let them on second plane and didn´t even try to make more out of it.
More of the half of this book is repetitive with the hate-love push, and barely not more plot aside.
What threw me off was the lack of improvement on the grammar errors that we already have on the first book.
It is sad because the plot and what it could be it´s good, the characters are funny and there is chemistry but if there is another book I would highly recommend to look after the edition and the ortography.1 a garza4

Grammatical errors aside, this book was absolutely fantastic! The plot was unique enough to catch and keep my attention to the point where I read this and the first book in 2 days. I can’t praise this enough. The FMC being such a bada** was such a breath of fresh air with the addition of a morally grey MMC who secretly adores the FMC was the icing on the cake. The world created was well thought out, and I found myself easily becoming engrossed in every word wanting to know more about every character and place. I enjoyed the twists and turns of the plot along the way. Overall this was a 5/5 read for me. Daisy Cunningham10

I thoroughly enjoyed the first book and looked past the errors, and even the ending which was just completely random and not mentioned within the plot at all. But THIS disappointed me so much. It started so well and it was only the last 10% of the book that was so rushed
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