
Laughing All The Way de Mia Summers

de Mia Summers - Género: English
libro gratis Laughing All The Way


Mia Summers Publisher: Sterling & Stone, Year: 2023

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It had been a long time since I sat down and read a book on my Kindle (and only did it because there was no audiobook), but I will forever be enchanted with my experience reading Laughing All The Way by Mia Summers. It just so happened to be snowing the day I decided to read this, so I decided to throw on some instrumental Christmas music, light a couple of candles, and enjoy this Christmas-themed read in March. That is really the best way to enjoy this book, and if you are a Hallmark movie lover me, this will be right up your alley. Noelle is full of sass and snark while Colin is an adorably young mayor of the most Christmasy town she has ever seen. The plot is the epitome of a Hallmark Christmas movie and that is most ly part of the reason I loved it so dang much.

This is a closed-door romance so the bit we do get isn't spicy, and that is just the way I it. I grabbed Laughing All The Way because I loved the synopsis, and I am really disappointed that I haven't really seen it on Bookstagram. Honestly, I don't think I have seen this AUTHOR on there much either, and I want to be the person to change that starting immediately. Summers has 3 other books out right now and they have all been added to my TBR, no audiobooks be damned. I loved her writing, and she kept me laughing all the way through this novel (no pun intended). If you are a reader who loves Hallmark (or Lifetime!), banter, and all things Christmas, I highly recommend this grumpy (Noelle)/sunshine (Colin) delight.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.adult-fiction adventure all-about-the-characters ...more12 s Jena718 159

Laughing All The Way is a Christmas themed, grumpy x sunshine, Grinch inspired romance. The premise reads a lot Hallmark movie, with a snarky reporter being forced to film in a Christmas obsessed town. Going into this book, I expected it to be cheesy. I think simple stories can still be done quite well, however this book did not do it for me. I was okay with the premise being a little unoriginal and cliche. What mattered to me was the writing style. It also felt a bit overdone and the comedy didn't spark anything for me. Still, this book was cute and a quick read, it just wasn't written in a way that I personally love.
Thank you to Sterling & Stone and Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!arcs christmasy contemporary-romance ...more8 s meg *????? (semi-hiatus)81 83

I would first to thank NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.

Laughing All the Way is a Christmas themed, grumpy x sunshine, Grinch inspired romance story. The story is a Hallmark movie in the fact where a snarky reporter has been forced to film in a Christmas obsessed town. Noelle, the FMC, is a sassy YouTuber who has her job on the line and has been sent to Evergreen Creek to talk about their Christmas festivities, where we meet the hot mayor, Colin.

Overall, I knew going into this book, it was going to be cliche to say the least and otherwise it was a super cute story! I was just not entirely impressed by the writing style and I was not completely hooked where I just HAD to finish the book. I also had a difficult time keeping up with whose point of view I was reading. I felt it was a bit rushed and not completely checked on, especially because I noticed some grammatical errors on the main characters names (one time Noelle was written as Nicole and Colin was written as Connor.)

Again, overall cute little Hallmark movie in a book, but the writing style was personally not my cup of tea.4 s samantha ?52

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.

My final rating is 3.5 stars.

I loved the grumpy x sunshine trope here. the overall feel of the story was cozy and wholesome. I really adored the MMC & his love for his town (and christmas!) There were so many references throughout the book of it feeling a Hallmark Christmas movie and that's 100% what I felt I was reading. I did struggle a bit with some of the dialogue but overal I would absolutely recommend this to someone looking for a quick & cozy holiday read!
3 s Cam315 5

3.5 stars!

This book read exactly a hallmark movie and honestly, I'm here for it. Noelle and Colin's relationship progressed very naturally and their banter was really cute. The plot itself was light yet heartwarming, although there were some parts that felt rushed because of the writing style. This story is a typical holiday romance book but I still enjoyed seeing how the town came together. I did expect a little more development on the romance aspect of Noelle and Colin's relationship though. Their chemistry could have been explored more. There were definitely some cute moments between them but it was pretty surface level. The conflict at the end was a little silly but it wasn't anything I didn't expect. I also think this book could have benefitted with adding another 100 pages or so just to develop the town and characters more. Overall, this was a quick and simple holiday story that I would recommend if you're looking for something light.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!3 s Gabija. Keista Skaitytoja440 42

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