
Earth God de Messenger, Jon

de Messenger, Jon - Género: English
libro gratis Earth God


THE EARTH GIVES WAY TO THE SEA,THE SEA BOWS BEFORE THE WIND,THE WIND FEEDS THE FLAME,THE FLAME BURNS THE WORLD OF MAN DOWN TO THE EARTH.The Fire Elemental has risen and its followers, the Fire Caste, have destroyed the planet. Humanity hangs on the cusp of extinction; their only hope now lies with the troubled Wind Warrior, Xander Sirocco.Xander has absorbed the power of the Wind and Water Elementals but at great personal cost. Finding Sammy has been his anchor through the chaos around him, but now he finds himself wondering if saving her is enough.Sammy remains a prisoner of the Fire Elemental, her mind trapped, as the dragon possesses her body. Her love for Xander keeps her going, but will her passion be enough to stop the Elemental from killing Xander once and for all?Humanity's last hope rests in Xander finding the Earth Elemental. Claiming the power of the Earth is the last step before he can confront the dragon holding Sammy hostage. Unfortunately, he's not the only one who...

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Full review and more available at: http://oneguysguidetogoodreads.blogsp...

My Thoughts:

Anyone who has read my of the other three novels in this series will tell you that it seems as though I've really had a love-hate relationship with these novels. I just went back and read those from all those months ago in preparation of crafting this one. I found myself really having trouble with many of the elements in the other three novels and really hoped Messenger would rectify every concern I had before he rounded out this series. I may have found some huge faults with this series, but it's still among my favorite in the genre. I can say without a moment of hesitation that Earth God was exactly what I have been waiting for, and so much more!

The entire World Aflame series has been building up to this heart-stopping climax. With the powers of the Wind and Water Elementals merged inside him, Xander almost has what it takes to stop the Fire Elemental and his Fire Cast from burning the world of man down to the ground, wiping away all traces of humanity in an effort for the next stage in evolution to take hold. Only by locating and obtaining the powers of the final (and arguably most powerful) Elemental, Earth, can Xander finally have what he needs to take down Fire and, hopefully, save Sammy in the process. Confused? It's an important book. Basically the entire thing is a near-300 page action sequence. Battle after battle, trial after trial. Things always look darkest before the dawn and it's time for the sun to rise for Xander Sirocco as it sets on an incredible series.

The plot to Earth God was amazing. It wrapped up nearly every loose end the story had and left me so satisfied. It's Messenger took the best parts of each of his works and compiled them into this and then multiplied it by a hundred. Earth God is Messenger's best work to date!

While the plot to Earth God was incredible, it was really the characters who really helped to make this story shine. In the beginning, as evident by my Wind Warrior review, I hated Xander Sirocco. I found him to be lazy, boring, immature, and pretty much everything that causes me to roll my eyes at a story. Over the course of these three stories, Xander has grown exponentially. He's not just more mature, Xander is a hero. He has truly come into his own with this series. Sean and Jessica took some huge strides in this final story and really shaped their own destiny. They played a huge role in Xander's final battles and their involvement was so much greater than I expected it to be! I was not a fan of Jessica in the beginning and by the time the story ended, she was one of my favorites! The Fire Elemental, General Abraxas, and Lord Balor played huge roles in this novel. I think one of my favorite things about Messenger's writing is that we get to see everyone's side of the story. It isn't all about the good guys, it's about every character, their struggles, their triumphs, and their demises. Everyone gets a share of the spotlight and Messenger writes them to perfection. But what of my favorite character, Sammy? Unfortunately we really don't get to see much of 'Sammy' in the finale. Having been possessed by the Fire Elemental, she's been reduced to a mere 'inside voice'. While Sammy does still play a huge role in the story (one of the biggest), I was a little bummed to see she wasn't able to get more of a time to shine. I would have d to see her weird her incredible powers one last time! She's still my favorite and I'm so glad Messenger say her story to such amazing completion.

This is the first novel in the series that the 'New Adult' aspect was really evident in my eyes. The language was harsher, the situations more dire. There were a few adult scenes and a whole lot more adult level thinking. I applaud Messenger for pushing the limits to make this novel really reflect its' New Adult classification. This was probably one of my biggest complains about the previous installments in the series, but Messenger really stepped it up in this final novel.

the other novels in this series, the setting for Earth God turns out to be a globe-encompassing adventure. Europe, Honduras, the Pacific Islands, and Los Angeles all play huge roles in the story and Messenger writes each setting to perfection. The post-apocalyptic world, scorched beyond recognition: dark, scary, and unforgiving. Messenger creates a landscape full of fear and still finds a way to supply us with a beacon of hope, a silver lining in a tunnel of darkness.

Of all the themes that Messenger emulates in this series, I believe the most important one is to embrace your destiny and control your fate. It is only through our characters learning to accept their ultimate responsibilities and places within the world that they are able to fully succeed. Friendship, love, forgiveness, and revenge are all also thoroughly explained. Messenger really dives into the mental and emotional tolls of war, death, and violence on the human psyche in this series, his military background shining through in a beautiful light. It's written with such raw honesty that it is sure to open the eyes of reflection for all readers.

As a whole, this series was a roller coaster for me. In the beginning I really didn't care too much for it. My problems with Wind Warrior almost caused me to not go any farther. A full series later, Messenger really came into his own and delivered a finale that really displays his talent. This is, by far, my favorite work of Messenger's to-date. Each installment of the series got better with time and I am so glad I was able to finish the final novel feeling whole and satisfied.

After having finished the story, I still have lots of questions. What happened after the climax? What becomes of humanity. Are the residents of White Halls still alive? What does the future hold for the Elements? I was really anxious to hear what would become of the elemental castes after the conclusion of Xander's story, but alas, we really don't see much about it. Thankfully Messenger did write a short Epilogue that left me rearing for more! It seems as though one day a spin-off series may not be out of the question! If that day does come, I'll be one-clicking, that's for sure!

It is an extremely bittersweet experience to read the final book in a series you loved. This year has been hard on me and I've not seen the finales of FIVE of my favorite series. 2015 has not been good on my 'feels' level. I keep catching them everywhere I turn. I am so grateful for authors Jon Messenger. Authors who can write honestly without fluff. It's such an honor to read from a male author Messenger who gives me hope for male authors writing in the genre. With so few on the market, I am blessed that I've found an author Messenger to add to my shelves.

It is with great honor that I am granting Earth God by Jon Messenger a well-earned near-perfect, 5-star review! Seriously folks, this novel blew me out of the water. From cover to cover, I was completely captivated and couldn't put it down. I know this isn't the end of the amazingness we will be seeing from Jon Messenger. I can't wait to see what journey he takes us on next! Be sure to add this one to your TBRs people, you will not be disappointed!
***** David TorresAuthor 5 books50

I had been waiting for this book for so long and I was so happy that I finally got it.

First off, 3.99 for 300 pages is really pushing it, especially one that kind of disappointed me.

Earth God was a good read. I d it and it was pretty action packed. I am a huge fan of romance, but this book didn't have much. It had cute moments between Sean and Jessica and that was it. But that's not at all why I rated the book three stars.

The BIGGEST problem I had about this book was the ending. It was all waaaaaaay too rushed and had little falling action. Most authors barely focus on the importance of falling action and I could tell that not much work was put into it. It was as though Jon Messenger was all "I'm FINALLY DONE WITH THIS SERIES!" and gave his seal of approval.

First there was the kiss between Sammy and Xander. After such a long time apart and a hardcore roller coaster ride of emotions, all that was said was "she pulled him in for a passionate kiss." COME ON! After all that suspense and angst, that's all I get?

And then what else? It's time to rebuild. And then the Epilogue. Sammy and Xander had a baby and she can control the earth. WHAT?! Come on. There's so much more that's left unanswered. The reader needs closure! What happened to Sean and Jessica? What about their parents? Where do they live now? How is the world fixing itself? What happened to the human survivors? Now that Sammy and Xander are together again? What do they decide to do? What happens to Lord Balor? There's just so much that needed closure and it left me absolutely frustrated. The book was so good, but the ending ruined it all because it lacked detail and information. FALLING ACTION is important too!

Seriously, once I had reached the Acknowledgments, I cried a little, and not because the book was so good, it was because that good book didn't get an ending it deserved. Or an ending I deserved.

This was a good book... but you could have done so much better, Jon Messenger. So because of the ending, I'm giving this book three stars. Michael LoringAuthor 15 books40

Earth God is the fourth and final book in award winning bestselling author Jon Messenger’s World Aflame series, bringing about the conclusion the millennia-spanning battle between the forces of nature.

Xander and his friends have been through the ringer more than once by the start of this book, and Xander is doubting whether or not he can truly save the world it was prophesized. The world burns all around him, death and destruction the only sight to see all over. The love of his life, Sammy, is under the control of the Fire Elemental, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to save her. Everything doesn’t look good for Xander and his crew, but still he must strive on lest the world burn completely to ash.

The final piece to the puzzle is the Earth Elemental. Xander must find him in order to gain the power to defeat the Fire Elemental, but finding him won’t be as easy as it was for the other Elementals. The dragon has its sights on the Earth God as well, and it becomes a race between good and evil for the sake of the entire world.

In his final addition to the World Aflame series, Jon Messenger once again brings about an epic tale of supernatural fantasy and apocalyptic chaos. Xander, imbued with the powers of the elements, is a strong but doubtful main character, one that you can’t help but relate to. Once a slacker, now turned savior, how can you not feel the pressure pressing down on you? The whole world is relying on this young man, and it’s believable that he’d be feeling stressed out.

My favorite part of the whole book (aside from the awesome action scenes!) was the focal points of Sean and Jessica and their budding relationship. They are an interesting pair, and I’d love to see more of them in the future if the chance ever arises!

The ending of this book is fascinating as well, as it gives us a glimmer of hope for a spin-off. Maybe this isn’t the last book in the series. We can only wait and see… Brittany | BookRamblings274 35

A great ending to a great series! I was easily able to get right back into the twisting plot and characters. However, the only reason I marked it down one star was because the perspective the novel was written from continuously changed without warning and at the start his confused me. As with any book written from more than one perspective, I found that I looked forward to one more, so that when it changed to another I was disappointed and just waiting for it to change back again. In this case. my preference was our favoured hero. But that is the ONLY constructive criticism I could give about the ending to this series.

The plot was full of twists. The characters were great. And of course, the writing was faultless. Happy reading :)

**I received a copy of this book from the publisher, in exchange for a honest review.**recieved-free-copy Nancy Eaton258 9

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