
Anchored in Stone de Meraki P. Lyhne

de Meraki P. Lyhne - Género: English
libro gratis Anchored in Stone


The easiest heist in Alex Rhoden’s career is also the most dangerous of all.

As a child, Alex Rhoden’s talent as a thief was recognized by a rich art collector. He has since then been trained to become one of the best art thieves in the world. While on what should have been the easiest heist of his career, Alex finds himself running with the artifact in his possession, followed by an unknown adversary. But they are not the only ones interested in the artifact—so is an ancient race of demigods called Earned. Cornered and out of options, Alex has to make a difficult decision that will turn his life upside down no matter what he chooses.

The young demigod Kaleb is reborn into servitude, but he is a freak among his own kind—the forbidden unity between an Earned and a witch. Other than finding himself, learning to control his powers, and balance high school as a senior, Kaleb must earn the trust of his pack and family. But Alex is in danger, and the young demigod struggles to keep up.

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Wow...! Where should i start...?

Fist of all is a 5 star book no doubt.

We can read through many characters point of view, and i must admit in generally i my books as a max 2 POV, but Meraki's writing is so amazing that i didn't have problem to follow the story even it made more interesting.

We meet Alex, who, ends up being "bought" when he is eleven years old. He got education he never dreamed of, and trained to steal artcraft at such a level that he become one of the most professional in the world. His knowledge about the art it knows no boundaries, or he thinking so. When a heist didn't go as he planned too, he's life change in such a way that he never thought to be possible. The artcraft he stolen actually is an anchor who keeps trapped and Earned. He witness the rebirth of that Demigod ...he's name is Kaleb.

Kaleb was trapped 400 years ago, in the times of inquisition. New born, learning about himself and his family, he founds out that he is half witch. He is feared and awed in the same time. His father is very supportive and proactive. He is to serve Alex, in anyway Alex wishes.

Dominic is Revenge, he finds Kaleb souls in of of the layers of the priest he was torturing Kaleb. Him being Revenge he's life is lonely. He is not part of a pack other Earned, he saw too much suffering and half of the sufferings he witnessed was caused by him. An Earned can decide when to die and he is very much decided that after his last charge will end his life. Until he meets Kaleb's pack and Alex. He's got invited by the pack leader Allen and Edward Kaleb's dad to be part of it. never before, Alex wants Dominic. He never had this before... ever.

If you Paranormal with some BDSM and MM Romance than this is for you. I definitely fall in love with the characters and the story line. I couldn't put it down!

****I would to thank the author for the privilege and opportunity of reading this ARC. My review is an honest opinion of the book****
arc-s mm-romance mm-shifter-vamp-paranormal4 s Diverse1,178 50

Anchored in Stone is book one in Meraki P Lyhne’s Chronicles of an Earned. This is a complicated story that you need to allow yourself to get swept away in. It’s part fantasy, part religious, a lot mysterious, and filled with endless wonder.

I needed to stop and breathe at times just from all the building. When a series starts we are meeting the characters in play. Yes, this series is clearly following a path. It doesn’t end on a cliffhanger but you don’t get your endgame either. There’s a lot of information to take in. It’s in multiple POV’s but it’s not head hoppy and it’s not confusing. We jump in to Alex’s head as well as Kaleb, Edward, Dominic, and I think Pritchard’s.

We are learning about a pack called the Earned. No, not pack as in shifters. They are NOT shifters. They are immortals, each with an incredible purpose. One is Revenge, he cleans layers of souls. It’s what some may deem as Hell but after the layers of the bad is removed he is released. There’s Seduction, Well Being, and so many more. They work, sort of, for mankind. It’s too hard to explain but you need to read it to understand.

Alex, who’s a master thief gets swept up in things and finds himself in a world he never imagined. Alex breaks my heart in a lot of ways. His past, why he’s where he is, all he’s lost, and the fear that practically consumes him.

This book is gripping, and informative, and the creativity is breathtaking. This author is known for his world building and unique twist on fantasy. I highly recommend you read this intriguing and magical story and begin the crazy ride!

march-2017-dr2 s This Old Moe 130 1 follower

A good read. It's original and big on buddy type relationships of both the young and old. I am looking forward to the next book. 2 s Lexicdark244 5

The synopsis really doesn't do this story justice. Well, it doesn't due the magnitude of this story justice. This is 100% a Book 1, because there is a major cliffhanger for our MCs. And there are a lot of MCs.

In this story, you are following the paths of 2 different people, Alex and Kaleb. While they are intertwined with each other, they lead separate lives for most of this book, and their stories are loosely connected. I'm guessing (and hoping) that they weave tighter and tighter together.

This story is also heavily dogma centric. If you aren't a fan of alternate takes on religion, then this may not be for you. But personally, I'm really liking the slant being put on the traditional Christian dogma and the Bible. A very interesting way to look that those stories and timeline with a different lens.

The third part was the idea of a gilded cage, in which Alex very much lives in. Plucked from the streets at the age of 11, because his dad sold him to pay off a debt, Alex lives in the most upper levels of wealth. Has received the best education (multiple doctorates), mingles with the highest in society, and has only the best clothes. But he is also expected to continue to steal, and scam others, which he does. He also lives under the threat of it all being taken away again and potentially killed. Alex is constantly trying to balance what he says, and does, as to not be on the wrong side of his captor.

Similarly, Kaleb has to constantly prove he is not bad or evil. Being half witch allows him different powers from his brethren, which they see as dangerous and wrong. Kinda ironic when you remember that they know a different version of holy events and which would make them seem bad to devout Christian .

Some areas of the story can be a bit slow, or seem unnecessary, but you have to remember you are jumping into this new world, so you need to learn along side Alex and Kaleb. It's also a much larger story, so even the smaller arc in this book isn't 100% wrapped up and complete. But I'm very much ready for Book 2.1 Joyfully Jay8,123 473

A Joyfully Jay review.

3 stars

Anchored in Stone is the first book in the Chronicles of an Earned series by Meraki P. Lyhne, and was originally released in 2017. The story takes place in the present day and is set partially in the Pacific Northwest in the United States, and partially in England and parts of Europe. Our two main characters, Alex and Kaleb, represent the two main sides of the good guys in the story. Kaleb, whose father is a respected Earned and whose mother is a reviled (I think?) witch, gives us insight into this mythological world of demigods and their social workings. Alex, as a mortal, serves as the focal point for understanding how the Earned fit into mortal society–which is apparently typically unknown to mortals, but Alex’s role as stealer of Kaleb’s stone provides unique insight into the human/Earned relationship.

Read Camille’s review in its entirety here.camille1 Libros y Citas137 1 follower

I was so lost sometimes, I spent the first chapters—well, a lot actually—trying to understand the basics. I’m a person who needs to have some idea about how a new worldbuilding works to be able to engage with the story and not get lost. I always appreciate glossaries and explanations with terms and names, which I looked for here, there was none though.
I d Dominic, Alex and Caleb a lot, as well as the Earned pack dynamics.
There is no sex for most of the book and then a lot of it in a row, and more until the end.
A few things confused me, Kaleb and Dominic can’t cross because there’re eyes and ears everywhere, but Pritchard and Alex can talk about them in Alex room? And the "eighth Ph.D" thing too, maybe is figurative, I didn’t get if if it was.
The author creates amazing worldbuilding and his stories are really interesting, but I’m not sure if I’d engage in another series of nine books published every few months, specially if some ended with cliffhanger…

«Sometimes it takes many choices to bring us closer to the choice we need». 1 Kizmet91 27

This book evolved differently then I expected based on the blurb. Though differently in this case, was unexpectedly complex and enthralling. There are a lot of concepts and ideas that have to be considered. At times I had to go back and re-read passages to make sure I understood what the author was spinning in this plot. But after you get a feel for this world and how the Earned function it becomes easier.

Now Alex is our protagonist. Yes, he is our main character but I was so happy that the others; including Dominic, Kaleb, Nigel, and Edward as well as many others are so involved in this story. No one character is valued as being more important then the next. Which can sometimes happen in stories. You can feel and get into the heads of these men and truly feel involved.

I can say I very much enjoyed this book and can not wait for the next one! another-country betrayal-lies-omission-deceit family-disowned ...more1 Amanda HobsonAuthor 7 books2

Absolutely phenomenal read

Meraki P. Lyhne is unmatched for building complex and intriguing narrative worlds and compelling characters, but this book creates such a vibrant mythology that it is simply stunning. As a scholar, it is incredible clear to me how much research went into the world-building in this series. Anchored in Stone is brilliant and introduces the reader to an epic cast of characters. The story of Earned, Demons, Djinn, Witches, and Templars is a fast-paced, but thoroughly constructed first novel of a series. I adored the main characters and can’t wait to get to know them more throughout the series. I had to go immediately and buy the next book to read. I highly recommend this read.1 Joan206

I just loved this story and look forward to reading more about the Earned, Knights Templars, half witches, burglars, and rebirth. It was very hard putting this book down and I devoured it. I was absolutely hooked and was quickly drawn into another world and people living amongst humans. This author is one of my favorites and I highly recommend this new series as well as his other work because they open a new world to you, and they capture your interest and it’s impossible to let go. I want to know what happens to Alex and Pritchard exiled to the States. I want to know how Kaleb settles into school and life. How will Dominic handle his relationship with Alex? I can’t wait until the next book!1 Ayla618

I love this authors writing! This is the third book from this author that I have read, and the writing continues to be poetic and intricate. It was hard for me to follow sometimes in this book because there is SO much going on and so many things contributing to this story.

I enjoyed the style of this story and getting multiple peoples POVs. I cannot even begin to describe this story but know that it is not necessarily a romance. There are a few MM situations. However, the bulk of the storyline is centered around a handful of main characters and how they came to be in contact with one another, along with how them as beings (the Earned) contribute to the world around them.arc sci-fi-paranormal1 Helke197

The story sucked me in even if I could not put a finger on the story and where it would go. But it came together nicely (at least parts of it). I don´t think that I can predict where this story will go over the next 7 books. But I love it when I can´t tell what will happen in a book. So I will keep reading til the end. Maybe not in one go because 8 books cost a mighty buck all in all (and my budget wont stand for it). So I will space them out a bit and read one once in a while as a special treat to me..paranormal-magic-shifter z2019-eros-main-shelf z2019-eros-monthly-challenge1 Joanne Mccorkell1,380 11

Damn. This story took me a bit of time to get into...theres a lot of detail and world building, just the other 2 series Ive read from Meraki. But once you get there, you are begging for the story to continue.

I feel for Alex, he knows hes literally a modern day serf, bought as a child due to his fathers own issues, and theres more and more charges put against his bill. As the story continues, my sympathys lay with Dominic, its unsurprising many Earned, with his particular energy choose to pass on. Then we come to youmg Kaleb, he jas some amazing talents, yet, Im convinced weve only started to see some of his talents.

Anchored in Stone is the first in the Chronicle of an Earned series. The book has multiple POVs and has a complicated story and world-building. The book is well-written and a lot of research went into it. Overall it is a good read, but it does take some time to get into the story. The book is part of a larger story and doesn't warp up by the end of the book. I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.1 Michael615

3.5 Stars but I just can't round up to four. At least not yet. It's good enough that I am continuing the series and I may come back and revise the rating as I tend to rate series as a whole when I'm finished.1-0-own-ebook contemporary fantasy_magic_mm ...more1 Pauline21

This book throws you into an epic story that you already from the first book in this series knows that this will be a fun ride! This Author is really good with wording and he uses them to build emotions in you as a reader that you can’t really comprehend until you’re there.

Loves it! 1 LilyAuthor 18 books34

Captivation story!

This story was edgy, sexy, filled with angst and adventure. I find the plot solid and the charecters were congruent throughout the story. I'm so glad that i came across this story
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