
Running on Diesel de Melissa Foster

de Melissa Foster - Género: English
libro gratis Running on Diesel


Running on Diesel (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor Book 9)

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"There was no escape from this thing that was Tracey and Diesel."
This book made me very emotional.
I should have been expecting it because, well, it’s Melissa’s, but she blindsided me again. Note to self: not sorry at all. I can take all the emotions when I know there’s an HEA coming. And Ms. Foster never disappoints!

This feeling of family, of real friendship, of sticking up and showing up for one another, and loving unconditionally in Melissa's books never fail to amaze me. Or to make me yearn for it. Every. Single. Time.
Running on Diesel was no exception. There is so much love flowing through the pages it is sure to warm your heart.

"He wanted to stay in her light, to soak it in and become a part of it."
Diesel is growly and guarded. He doesn’t talk much, is imposing, and protective. He seems standoffish and keeps mostly to himself. He’s obviously all sorts of sexy, and a dirty talker to boot. And he’s protecting Tracey, while also getting on her nerves because she is her own woman.

Tracey’s a survivor, and she doesn’t take his shielding her easily. Once again, I love that the heroine is not a helpless woman. I love how feisty Tracey is, and how she gives as good as she gets. I love that she doesn’t let him off the hook, and that she doesn’t back down.

Wait, did I mention Diesel makes the best breakfasts, besides all the above? Yep, he does. He is totally book boyfriend material for me.

"What starts as a spark can lead to full-on combustion, and you’ll never be the same again."
At Whiskey Bro’s, he’s working as a bartender, and she’s waitressing. There is so much tension between the two of them from the get-go, and so much chemistry. It’s not a spark, it’s a freaking forest fire waiting to happen. It’s a wonder how they didn’t burn the bar down with it.

The pushing and pulling is constant, and it takes something happening to her to get them moving in the right direction: toward each other, of course.
Once they get it on, let me tell you, IT IS ON! It’s explosive. I think this is the sexiest couple I’ve read by Melissa so far.

"I hope you never stop looking at me that."
More than physical, their connection is soul-deep. They both have baggage (don’t we all?), scars, and sadness in their past. They need each other more than they realize it.
They both need to allow themselves to find true happiness. To recognize what real love is.

"You are the peace I never knew I was missing."
Diesel has always felt the call of the open road because he’s been missing a home. Tracey has found a home in town, and friends, but her heart has been missing a piece. She is his home, and he is the piece she was missing. They can take on any road together.

Melissa Foster has knocked it out of the park again with Running On Diesel. The Whiskey series is my favorite series of hers, and one of my favorite all-time series. I absolutely loved it!

Thank you, Grey's Promotions, for my eARC copy of this book. This is my honest review.2021-read-and-reviewed69 s Nadine Bookaholic3,642 460

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What can I say that I haven't said before about Melissa Foster's Books? Not much but I'll say it again, They are AMAZING, ALL CONSUMING, UNPUTDOWNABLE, MUST READS, and of course they have the absolute best MC Alphas and the Sassiest Women you'll wish you were friends with, and this one was no different.

Diesel Black is a nomad but something has been keeping him in the small town of Peaceful Harbor for the past two years....and her name is Tracey Kline. Tracey and Diesel work together at the bar owned by the Dark Knights MC. When Tracey started working there she was skittish around Diesel but we didn't know why...now we do and I hate to say it but it wasn't unexpected because there was no other reason for her to be scared of him, but over time she came around and her attraction to him started to surface. But when the Growly bartender starts scaring off her customers she's had enough with his over-protectiveness and lets him have it and that's just the beginning.

I really enjoyed Tracey and Diesel together, they have great chemistry and they understand one another. Melissa did a great job with the buildup of this couple in previous books because I know I couldn't wait to get my hands on their book and I have a feeling I am not the only one that was anticipating their coupledom.

This story as with others in The Whiskey Series has a lot of depth to it, it's an emotional read but thankfully you will not be crying through the whole book I did with THE AFTERMATH, but you will most ly need tissues at one point or another so keep them handy.

I listened to the audiobook version of Running on Diesel and have to say that Savannah Peachwood and Jacob Morgan did a wonderful job with bringing Tracey and Diesel to life.

I would recommend this read to anyone that enjoys Steamy Contemporary Romances, Workplace Romances, MC Romances, or New Adult Romances.

Happy Reading!!!

**I have voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Readers Copy of this book for my Blog, Nadine's Obsessed with Books**
I also ordered and listened to the audiobook
You can find me here:  https://linktr.ee/NadineBookaholicabuse-all-types abuse-rape-attempted-rape-current audiobook ...more15 s Jessica Alcazar4,097 574

I’m calling it. This is the absolute best series Melissa has written to date. I normally shy away from making bold statements such as this because with an author as talented as Melissa, I’ll probably be taking those words back in a year LOL But not this time. The Whiskeys have held court for over 5 years now and I just don’t think they can be dethroned. There, it’s out there. I said the words. Let’s move on.

Diesel & Tracey ... FIRE! Everything about them was fire. Their passion, friendship, growth, romance, just all of it *waves hands all around* was fire. From the moment these two were introduced in the world, they have been on fire. The level of anticipation I had for their story was staggering and when I finally got to sit down and read it, I devoured it it was my last meal! I couldn’t read it fast enough! I strong characters in my reading and Melissa delivered that and then some. Their journey wasn’t smooth, but it was real and realistically portrayed. It was humorous just as much as it was not so humorous. There were times my heart was breaking yet it was also hopeful.

Melissa Foster has always been an author I can trust my reading time to. I know I’ve said this often, but she writes with so much emotion that you don’t ever just read one of her stories, you experience it and isn’t that just the greatest feeling in the world? GAH, I just love her so much! *sigh* I wish I could read this all over again for the first time!

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Audio book narrated by Savannah Peachwood and Jacob Morgan
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[image error]2021-blog-tour-read 2021-favorite foster-melissa ...more14 s Jeeves Reads Romance1,535 626

I didn't it, personally. While I think this is well done in a lot of ways, I never clicked with the characters. There's also a lot that felt outdated and somewhat toxic about the relationship, including the fact that the heroine - for the last few years - has watched the hero take home women "a few times a week." So, he's been lusting over the heroine in private, but has been sleeping with other women the whole time. Very romantic. She, of course, has remained celibate. We discover this scenario pretty early on, and, I've gotta say, it did not endear either character to me.

This is also billed as a standalone, and it's definitely not. I often find that's the case with MF's work - I do her writing style, but the books are SO interconnected that there's a whole town of characters in each book. Fans of the series will certainly enjoy this a lot more than those who are reading this as a standalone.

And, I suppose, that's why I'll keep this review brief. Fans of the series will probably enjoy this. I never got emotionally invested in the story (it's well written, so I tried), but I have to believe that those who have been following the series will already be excited for this couple. It's technically well done, emotional, and the story is a little different than the norm. It just wasn't for me. I appreciated receiving an early copy (and am voluntarily leaving a review), but I didn't love it.2021-arcs13 s2 comments Karen's Utterly Unashamed 460 35


This is a biker book with heart.

It’s got muscles and tattoos, brotherhood, family, secrets, diaries, abuse, hurt, heartbreak, short plaid skirts, hobbits, boyfriend lists, and the most protective alpha biker man with a heart he gave to his mother and didn’t get back until he found his girl.

Diesel keeps his soft side locked up. He’s hardened by life until Tracey shows up needing someone to “look after her.” When the worst happens to her, Diesel stops watching from across the bar.

“These were protective urges, bigger and more powerful than anything he’s ever felt. These sensations made him want to bolt, and at the same time, they made him want to nail his fucking boots to the ground.”

She’s patient and kind and sweet but she had spice. A fire that she throws at Diesel and a sass he can’t resist.

“Why do you think you can tell me what to do all the time?”

And these two have the perfect mix of soul and heat, heart and fire. The emotional times are deep and meaningful and full of depth and when they get between the sheets (or on the bar) it is hot!

“‘...I am going to make you come so many times, you’ll forget how to walk. Unless you want to stop.’ It would kill him, but he’d gladly die for her.”

And the most meaningful line, the one that that means the most in the story of Diesel and Tracey.

“You know you can trust me with your secrets.”

Tracey telling him this and these two finally trusting enough to share their deepest darkest with each other is what ends up pulling this story together from one of a hot biker and a beautiful girl to something much more meaningful. It’s a story of family. Being broken and not just surviving but living with the hand you’ve been dealt by letting yourself be loved.

Instagram | My Blog | Facebook\alpha amazing-writing angst ...more12 s TMR548 721

Note: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Another Note: There are 7 other books in the series as well. They are all standalones but characters may cross over so do read in order if you .

My god, I absolutely loved being with these two! Desmond has always been my favorite name, since well I first read it in a shakespearan novel. And well Desmond lived up to his name here in Running On Diesel (I'd love to be run by him hehe), and how charming, sweet, sexy and funny he was. God I miss and love that guy so much.

Tracey was the ultimate strong, fierce and fighting woman that I knew and love more than ever. Sure, she didn't exactly have a well-to-do life, but she makes the best of her situation and tries to find something better. That something/someone better is none other than McHot DieselMan, who wins her heart over time and tries to smooth her hard edges over the emotional bruises left by the people she thought loved her.

Together with strong chemistry, heart-melting emotional chemistry, and witty banter dialogue, this will be a couple you will keep rooting for, long after the pages finish.

This novel also made me quite eager to read the rest of the Whiskey lovin series, so I will soon jump there, as soon as I am done with my current read.

Until the next read,

-TMR6 s Lover of Romance3,214 988

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

“I know you have demons, and you don’t have to share them with me,” she said softly. “But don’t lock us in a dungeon with them. We’ll never survive. I had to trust you to let you touch me. Maybe you can try to trust me, and we can move past your demons together.”

First Impressions
Running on Diesel is the last book in the series and what a story this one turned out to be. I had such a blast with this one here. I wasn’t sure how this one could beat the previous books in the series but I will admit it might be my favorite of the series even more than Dixie’s story and I just adored her book. There was something so raw and vibrating about Diesel’s book. From the first few pages I was so wrapped up in this romance and the angst and the sexual tension that was built was palpable and felt so real. The bantering between Diesel and Tracey is some of the best that I have read in a LONG long while. I was so hooked on their engaging dialogue back and forth and seeing their relationship just build. Of course we have seen these two just dance around each other and I was so happy to get their story and see these both tortured souls find their happy ending. I can guarantee this story is one you won’t regret grabbing up.

He lifted her to her feet, and the truth came tumbling out. “You destroy me, baby girl.” “I don’t want to destroy you,” she said softly. “I want to make you whole.”

Tracey Kline has spent the last two years recovering from being in a long-term abusive relationship. She lost the only family she had, and found refuge in this small town and most especially among the Whiskey’s who took her in, gave her shelter and comfort, and a place to call home even if that meant putting up with brooding overprotective bodyguard in Diesel. At the time of recovering from her abusive relationship, she needed that steady protection but now Tracey is ready to spread her wings and Diesel is in the way of her finding her own love match. She wants to live her life and isn’t too happy with Diesel being so protective she can’t even garner a date. Diesel is a loner, and has been most of his life. While he has two families that he can call his own, his soul yearns for the road. But for the first time in his life, he is conflicted with what he should do here. He doesn’t know how to handle Tracey, he has this strong urge to protect her but also wants to see her fly. Tracey is the only woman who has ever seen the soul of Diesel but when the past comes back to both Tracey and Diesel, the solace they find in each other’s arms will bring them to accepting a beautiful love worth fighting for.

“Don’t beat yourself up for past mistakes. Keep your eyes on the road ahead.”

What I Loved
Running On Diesel was such an emotionally impactful story that won my heart so quickly. From the first chapter, I was so drawn into this story and I just wanted more and more of it. I couldn’t contain my excitement in the reading of this one here. I just wanted to see where this story would go. The depths of growth that we see in these characters was so overpowering at times and I just embraced that feelin’ because we see how much these two are meant for each other. I wasn’t sure where Melissa Foster would take the story, but *sigh* she delivered it she always does. I can’t believe that I have been so remiss over the years is not taking advantage of her books. Because her writing just works for me in so many ways and I loved the journey she takes us on with this one here. Diesel was such a closed-off hero, he is so broody and a lone wolf, but seeing how Tracey gets under his skin and that he wants her even if he won’t admit it right away was delightful. Tracey was such a vibrant heroine and I fell in love with her so quickly. I loved seeing her growth and seeing her overcome her painful past and turn into a fierce fighter who was willing to do what it took to shape her own future. The romance that builds between Diesel and Tracey was fiery hot but had such balance to it once they worked out all that sexual tension kinks. There is a deeper understanding that has been growing between them and once they are solid in their relationship, that depth of their bond just builds into a crescendo. The family bonds that we see among the families here was delectable and just warms the heart. This is the type of story that will keep you up all night reading, with bring comfort and feels and splendid smexy times that is the icing on th cake. A true winner has been cultivated there.

When you made your way here after your mama died, you’d changed. You’d lost a big piece of yourself, and rightly so. Every time after that, when you’d ride into town, I’d pray you’d found peace. Then I’d see you, and that emptiness was still there. But when Tracey came into the bar, that spark in your eyes reappeared as big and bright as when you were younger, magic.”

What I Struggled With

Overall View
Running On Diesel was a romance that personified all the delights that is guaranteed to satisfy any romance reader. It’s a story of sacrifice, fighting for what matters, strong familial ties, and finding home when it’s least expected. Be prepared to lose your heart to Diesel and Tracey. A PHENOMENAL READ WORTHY OF A SWOON

I love you, Tracey Kline, and I will love you until I’ve got no more breath to give.

character-alpha-hero genre-contemporary pub-20216 s Nadene (Totally Addicted to Reading)1,401 207

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Running on Diesel was one of  my most anticipated reads for this year and it did not disappoint. What's tough on the outside and mushy on the inside, or should I say whom? None other than Diesel Black, Melissa Foster's hottest hero to date.

I have been waiting with bated breath for Diesel and Tracey's story and it delivered all I expected and more. This story gave me all the feels. It elicited a variety of emotions throughout the journey in Diesel and Tracey's world. The story had the perfect balance of  sad, angry, heartbreaking and feel good moments.

Despite their pasts being mired in pain and hurt, they were both survivors. Tracy survived an abusive relationship while Diesel overcame the pain and anguish of his mother's death and betrayal of a friend. Despite the differences in their circumstances they helped each other to heal. 

Diesel, rarely speaks, but will take action when necessary, which made him intimidating. Protective by nature, Diesel made it his duty to look out for Tracy.  She, however did not take kindly to his need to protect, which she made known in no uncertain terms. Not that it changed anything, which she came to appreciate when she became entangled in a dangerous situation. Diesel's reaction to this situations and his actions in the aftermath had me swooning. 

The sexual tension brewing between them from the moment their introduction in the previous book was sharp enough to cut through glass. So it came as no surprise they burnt up the pages. I loved the ease with which they slipped into their relationship. Of course this was after all the back and forth and the snarky remarks.

Running on Diesel was a beautiful, passionate and heartwarming story. I quickly found myself invested in the characters and their story I couldn't put the book down. all the books in the series,  family and friendship played an integral role in the story. I loved how they rallied around Tracy after she got hurt in the situation mentioned earlier.


I had a wonderful time with this story.  Running on Diesel was a compelling and delightful read which warmed my heart and left me smiling at the end. Fans of the author and the Whiskeys need to get a copy of this book. This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading8 s Katy1,075 38

Rating: 3 stars
What I d: I enjoyed reading this. The writing is good - it’s very readable and the descriptions are good. The two main characters, Tracey and Diesel, had good chemistry, and I thought the dynamic between them worked really well. There was a lot of sexual tension, particularly early on, and I d his protectiveness and care over her. Also, it was nice that he didn’t get cold feet at any stage - once he realised the depths of his feelings, he was all in, and I d there was no third act break up in this one.
What I Didn’t: There was nothing I disd.
Overall: This was a really gentle read. Apart from some grim bits in the first few chapters - an attempted sexual assault against the heroine - and some heavy backstory, the story itself is very simple and quite soft. Tracey and Diesel get together quite early on, have a lot of sex, commit to one another, and stay together. There’s very little relationship drama after the initial push and pull in the first few chapters. None of this is a bad thing and I enjoyed that side of it. It was a nice read, and it passed the time well. But I won’t lie - ultimately, I haven’t really got any strong feelings about this book.
Would I Recommend It?: Yes, if you want a motorcycle romance with a bit of a grumpy/sunshine dynamic and some mild angst, but check the content warnings.
Would I Read Something By The Author Again?: Yes.
Content Notes: Warnings: Intimate partner violence (in past), sexual harassment (on page), attempted sexual assault / attempted rape (on page), violence (on page), death of a parent (in past), cancer (in past), bullying (side character, in past).

Other: On page sex, mild OW drama There are references to the hero’s sex life throughout, and on page he appears to go home with an OW, but later clarifies he never had sex with her., mild OM drama The heroine goes on a date with OM. There’s a brief kiss - more a peck - and it goes no further, but the hero is jealous..
5 s Irene1,880 129

4.5 stars

From the first chapter I was hooked, I loved Running on Diesel by Melissa Foster.

The storyline is beautifully written, emotional, heartfelt and I loved watching Desmond/Diesel and Tracey's relationship unfold.
I loved how protective and respectful Diesel was with the people he loves. He never once made me think he was ever going to make Tracey feel less than. They have amazing chemistry and they both made each other feel safe, secure, and be loved unconditionally.

This book will bring out the feels, I smiled, laughed, swooned and even shed a tear or two.
Diesel and Tracey are perfect for each other and I'm so happy to have read their love story.

Running on Diesel is a wonderful addition to The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor series and I highly recommend it.

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Audio book narrated by Savannah Peachwood and Jacob Morgan

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*I received an advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.*4 s Tanja OMGReads2,084 48

After the last read I was sure that there is no way that some could top Tank but here comes Diesel coming in close second.

Everything about Traceys and Diesels relationship was filled with longing and trying to find happiness despite at times seemingly an impossible goal. But the love she had for him was so great that he was able to move forward with HEA in mind.

Chemistry was sizzling hot but at times he was so sweet that I felt my heart melt. Melissa Foster really knows how to write grumpy and broody men for us to love and Diesel was no exception.

***Review copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads Blog *** 5star omgreads september-214 s Tannie🦋493 24

But I’m crying and I don’t even have any bad thing to say

I was crying at 11pm finishing this book. Honestly I've read several of Melissa F's books and she never disappoints me. They always make me cry a baby.
They really are way to cute and beautiful to even put into words.
Now both main characters were fully developed and full of personality which i love!
Diesel is the MC bounty hunter, but has put his life on a hold due to his loyalty to the Whiskeys (the family running the MC) and a promise he made to the family protecting a young girl.
Tracey is a woman who has fought for her life, and was alive to tell it. She was able to live a safe life near and surrounded by a badass group of people who will defend her to the end of the world.
Tracey and Diesel have been attracted to each other for 2 years, and pinned for each other but never made a move. Tracey didn't do anything only because he thought he was a womanizer and he didn't do anything about it because he was protecting his heart and he knew that Trace was a woman you settled with a he would never do that.

They both felt lose, and were burn by sadness and grieve yet they were both resilient and strong.
Diesel is this amazing, beautiful hunk of man. His heart is literally bigger than his body (they described him to be huge! LOL) and he would literally do anything and everything for Tracey.
And don't even get me started with Tracey, i fell for her even faster than I did for Diesel. She was so strong, she was stubborn in the best way and her heart was so warm and beautiful that she even complemented Diesel's.

They were written in the most amazing way. They were mature, non toxic characters that would literally be each other's rock and support. Even with his broodiness, and angst, he was the most amazing man I've read lately. He made her stronger and she made him vulnerable which was so cute to watch. He opened his heart to not only her, but his family and all because he learned how to love again.

Gotta love Melissa <3

Trope: Motorcycle club, protector, alpha male, Small town, Hate to love, opposites attract, reluctant hero.

Romance:???????? (their second (? Date!!!! He was so f romantic)
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