
The Reluctant Girlfriend (Reluctant Series Book 1) de Melanie Brown

de Melanie Brown - Género: English
libro gratis The Reluctant Girlfriend (Reluctant Series Book 1)


Melanie Brown Publisher: DopplerPress, Year: 2016

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A pleasant surprise...

I had expected some of the normal developments in the "boy changes to girl" type of story. But the surprise that I really enjoyed was the author's humor, which had me literally "laughing out loud" through most of the story. 1 Christine Anders175 6

Sometimes kids can get into trouble. (the trouble with girls)

I read this series about 20 years ago. And it is still funny as it was the first time I read it. This amazing story is a four part story. That's why I gave this five stars. Chris gets could up in dressing a girl. From a Greek boy with only few friends to a girl who is d by everyone and having the time of his life. Ed his friend wants him to dress up a girl to makes his old girlfriend jealous and take him back. But things happen the kisses from Ed turns him into wanting more of life as a girl. Chris/Chrissy forgets that he walks into the front door after his first date. His father is pulling out he hair seeing Chris dressed as a girl. His mom makes him go out as a girl with Chris/Chrissy girlfriends that stop by to give Chrissy a necklace back that he had loss the night before. YOU must read the series I guarantee you will stories. And Chris fem name Chrissy is a wonderful name me !!!!! Chrissy2 s Lene1,049 1 follower

Short MM romance.1 Anne Mouse722 59

A real fun story

Okay, so it isn't anything special, but it is good to read. For fifty bucks Chris was persuaded to go to a party as Ed's date. He never expected to fit in as Chrissy, but people seemed to her more than him. Chester J.313 9

Interesting and different

Interesting premise in a very concise format which had me rooting for the underdogs who were going through the pangs of Growing up. Ruby Knite13 2

Finding Herself

Main character gets in over his, or her, head quickly. Maybe he found his true self. A good read, but seemed short. Left me wanting more.1 James Crawford5,672 31

Chris is 14 and is in middle school. Eddie is a punk who is 16 and in high school. Ed wants to go to a party and wants Chris to go as his date but in girl's clothes.

Ed threatens to tell Chris's father about some things so Chris agrees and a girl he knows helps him get ready. Chris has a body that could pass for a girl and his face can also pass for a girl's. In girl form Chris will become Chrissy.

The party doesn't go well and Chris's parents see something that gets them quite upset. Then some girls want Chrissy to hang out with them at the mall and Chrissy agrees making it obvious that Chris doesn't really have a problem with passing as a girl.

I the line where they enter the mall: 'We entered the mall a pack of veloiciraptors on the prowl."

Chrissy gets asked out by the captain of the school's football team. Chris' father is totally opposed to what he is doing in dressing and passing as a girl.

There's some more similar things going on. The ending, though, is not really well done. Chris/Chrissy's status as a male or a female is not really resolved and the problem with the attitude of his parents is not resolved.
Paulette Francine Williams20

Giggle a minute.......

I would have said a laugh a minute but know that as I read each of those scenarios that those reactions from the main characters rang so true that my inner teen girl was reborn, and when Chrissy got petulant the pictures in my head were watching a movie it was so easy to visualize the image. I cannot wait for the second book and even more girl time giggles, I'll leave the laughing to the guys who will read this book and pretend they didn't... Michael LoCascio137 2

Cute and Funny

The book is very good but seem to be for young teens. Teens (boys) that have questions about their gender. What it did for me was to remind me of what I should have done when I was a young guy.
I recommend this book.
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