
Yes, Master de McHeyzer, Margaret

de McHeyzer, Margaret - Género: English
libro gratis Yes, Master



My uncle abused me.
I was 10 years old when it started.
At 13 he told me I was no longer wanted because I had started to develop.
At 16 I was ready to kill him.
Today, Im broken.
Today, I only breathe to survive.
My names Sergeant Major Ryan Jenkins and today, Im ready to tell you my story.


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????! Yes Master (stand-alone). Army sergeant Ryan’s journey of sexual awakening & exploration while coming to terms with a sexually abusive childhood!

“Your pleasure will come from your truth. Once you free your mind, then your life will follow.”

34 years/divorced/father/Sergeant Major/brown hair/brown eyes/6’3”.

Sergeant Major Ryan Jenkins is a lost and broken man, a functioning, binging alcoholic tormented and confused by constant dreams a flashbacks of the sexual abuse he endured as a child. Seven words to describe Ryan: Tormented, broken, conflicted, confused, naïve, protective and lovable.

“It feels so monumental and so colossal that I’m being consumed by the darkness and the total uncertainty of my life.”
Ryan is also a father, an ex-husband and a career army man. In his day-to-day job and with his daughter he sticks to a rigid routine, while his home, mind and emotions are in disarray. Something is about to happen that will forever change his life… knock his carefully carved-out existence off its axis…

34 years/movie star/$$$$/dark brown hair/brown eyes/6’3”/piercing/Sub.

Mason Carter is Ryan’s childhood friend. He grew up to be a huge movie star, but battled drug addictions for years until just a few years prior when he met Stella and was able to turn his life around. Six words to describe Mason: Caring, charming, loyal, self-assured, confident and submissive.

36 years/pediatrician/$$$/blond hair/green eyes/Domme.

Stella Hartley’s part will unfold with story, but I can tell you this: She is an imposing presence; a successful doctor and a Domme. She helped Mason with his drug addiction and she will set out to help Ryan. Seven words to describe Stella: Commanding, successful, loyal, perceptive, self-assured, smart and nurturing.

Yes Master is Ryan’s story told through his POV in flashbacks and present time as Mason comes to town to visit and attend a fundraiser. He introduces Ryan to Stella and so his journey of healing begins involving gruesome flashbacks as Ryan with Stella and Mason’s help set out to heal.

It’s also Ryan’s sexual awakening and exploration featuring m/m/f, m/m, m/f and f/f along with BDSM. That’s all I should reveal as Ryan’s story is best experienced. Story ends with Ryan happy and with one person. It also leaves the door open for a sequel about one of the main characters.

My only gripe would be that Ryan’s flashbacks, though illustrating his of tormented state of mind well, were confusing/not clearly marked forcing me to go back to check for the last actual event.

The perfect build-up sexual tension followed by off-the-charts sexual scenes! A compelling hero! A thought-provoking and profound plot and journey! A message of hope!

“You may not know anything about it, but once you start on this journey, you’ll never feel enslaved by your past again.”
Ryan’s rating: 4 stars
Mason’s rating: 4 stars
Stella’s rating: 3.5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 4 stars
Storyline concept rating: 4 stars
Storytelling skills rating: 4 stars
Story ending rating: 5 stars
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 4.5 stars
Overall rating: 4 stars

Would I recommend this book: Yes.
Would I re-read this book: Maybe later.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

ARC generously provided to me by author, Margaret McHeyzer in exchange for an honest review.
4-stars arc g-contemporaries ...more61 s Debra474 2,444

???? 3.5 stars!

I have to admit, going into this story I had no idea what to expect. I was afraid it was going to be an extremely emotional, dark and intense read and I wasn't sure it would be the kind of read I'd enjoy. But having read the story, I can honestly say that even though it was an intense and emotional story, it wasn't all that dark. It was mostly about healing and about finding the strength and the right people to help you overcome the demons from your past and move on to a brighter future. Thanks to the way the author wrote it, the story had a much lighter feel to it than I would have expected considering some of the subject matter and I ended up really enjoying it.

Ryan Jenkins is a thirty-three-year old Sergeant Major who's been abused as a child by his own uncle. His mother enlisting him in the army at the age of sixteen was the best thing that could have happened for him to get away from his abusive uncle. Even though he's tried to built up a normal, decent life he still feels empty inside and he's often still haunted by nightmares from when he was little.

For a while now, Ryan has been having feelings for his live long best friend, the handsome celebrity actor Mason Carter. So, when Mason comes to visit him and introduces him to his new "girlfriend" Stella, those feelings start to rise to the surface once again. Not only that, Ryan also feels an uncontrollable attraction to Stella. There's something about her and the way she commands a room and the people in it from the moment she steps through the door, that makes him want to throw himself at her feet and do whatever she demands. What follows is an emotional journey full of sexual discovery where Ryan learns to deal with his past and let go of the horrible memories that come along with it.

Ryan was such a strong character. He's broken and he's been through some horrific events when he was younger, but he's found it in himself to fight his demons both on his own and with the help from Stella. What made me really adore him was the fact that he was so sweet with his daughter and that he never let his past make him become a bitter person. Most of the scenes were written from his POV but I was glad for the few scenes from Stella's POV because they made me her even more and made it easier for me to sympathise with her.

I can't say much about how the story ends but I will let you know that there is a happy ending for every character involved and I personally couldn't have come up with a better ending to these story.

This is a standalone erotic romance with a focus on BDSM and elements of child abuse, so it might not be for everyone, but if you want to read something different that takes you out of your comfort zone but leaves you with a happy feeling nonetheless, I would highly recommend giving Yes, Master a try!

"You found me when I was lost."
"Together, we'll find your way."

**ARC courtesy of the publisher in exchange for an honest review** 2014-release arc-or-netgalley male-pov ...more44 s MargaretAuthor 50 books1,118

I NEED TO WARN ALL READERS: Yes, Master has a distressing prologue. It also contains M/M, M/M/F, M/F and F/F!

It's live.

Chapter 1

The lyrics of ‘Now Comes the Night’ tell me not to be afraid. But afraid is exactly what I am.
Afraid to close my eyes.
Afraid to have them open.
Afraid of all the years that were taken from me.
Afraid of the hurt that exists in every part of my broken soul.
Afraid to live.
Sitting in my family room with a tumbler of Jack in my hand all I can do is stare around the havoc that is my life, everywhere I look I see the mess that surrounds me.
In one corner there are newspapers and bills which are stacked in piles, disheveled, a lot my mind.
In another corner, discarded dirty clothes that are waiting for them to be picked up and cared for, exactly my body.
Behind me lies rubbish strewn carelessly, hoping that one day they’ll be thrown out, exactly my soul.
It’s been twenty three years since the first night where that beast touched me. Twenty three years of embarrassment and shame have followed and enveloped me. Twenty three years have gone by where only one living being knows what happened, the beast that I didn’t get to kill.
The day I turned sixteen was the day I was going to kill him, it was also the day that my mom intervened and enrolled me into the army. I woke up that morning knowing I was going to take his life, but I went to bed that night in quarters with another twenty nine males.
My mom couldn’t tolerate my behavior any longer, the fighting, the hatred I had towards everyone, the dark words that I’d spit out at anyone that would listen. No one understood why I was that, so I was shipped out with my mom packing my bags and taking me to the barracks herself.
That was also the best decision she could’ve made for me. In the seventeen years since I’ve been in the army, I’ve quickly raised through the ranks. I’m a Sergeant Major with a thousand men to command, this is the easy part. Being given orders and following them to a tee then commanding my men in the way The United States Army has trained me to.
At work I’m totally in control, I expect absolute excellence and I certainly don’t tolerate ill behavior. The Army’s taught me patience and control. But no matter what I do, the moment I’m home and the uniform comes off, I can’t find that balance and I can’t bring that control over to my personal life.
I’m sure on the outside I look a man that has it all, a man other men envy, a man others want to be, a man women want and a man most would want in their existence.
But, I don’t wish my life on anyone.
My phone starts ringing, and all my now sluggish brain can do is look around from the chair I’ve sunk into and wonder where in this hell hole my phone is.
Throwing back the contents of the tumbler, I feel the burn slide down my throat, and its enticing temporary numbing ways makes me forget, even for a split second what exactly I’m looking for.
But it rings again, and this time I know that I need to answer it. It may be Joanna calling me about Lucy. Maybe Lucy’s hurt, maybe I need to get to her quickly. My mind instantly clears and I jump out of the seat, because if I need to get to my daughter, then I don’t want to be in this mindset. The phone stops ringing while I look for it, but starts again with the same standard ring tone. I finally find it, buried in the bottom of my work bag.
Looking at the screen it’s coming up a private number. Thank god, it’s not Joanna.
“Hello.” My voice is all rough from the burn of the liquid that allows me a sliver of sanity.
“Ryan, you sound shit.”
“Mason, fuck man. The hell happened to you?” Mason Carter’s my best friend since I can remember. Actually he’s my only friend since I can remember.
“I got a couple of weeks off from shooting and I’m back. You got Lucy this weekend?”
“Nah, Joanna has her. What have you got in mind?”
“I’m thinking of coming up for a few days, to spend some time with my best mate. What do you think Ry, can you fit me into your busy schedule?” he says with a chuckle in his voice.
And my stomach does that little twist it always did when I’d hear Mason laugh. I’m not gay, I don’t do guys, but Mason being around always did something to me. I noticed it after he told me he no longer wanted me. I mean that’s pretty fucked up right?
“Sounds great, you got somewhere to stay?” I can feel my own blood starting to pump harder through my body.
“I was hoping on staying with you. Look, I’ve been invited to an awards event Saturday night. Wanna come as my plus one?” He lets out another chuckle.
“What the fuck, Mase. Really? Take a woman will you.”
“She’s the one that told me to meet her there.” I feel a slight twinge of disappointment, he has a woman? I mean I should be delighted for him, shouldn’t I?
“Oh, who is she?” I ask feigning happiness for him.
“I’ll tell you about it when I see you, bro. Gotta go, so I’ll see you on Friday. What time are you due home from work?”
“I’ll be home by 1700. I can leave a key with Kaitlyn next door though if you’re coming earlier.”
“Nah 5pm works for me, see you then.” He hangs up and I go over and sink back into my seat. I let the worn fabric of the chair scratch up against the backs of my legs as I replay the conversation I just had with my best friend.
I hear his chuckle again and my cock twitches in my shorts. Closing my eyes I try and not imagine how he looks.
The second last time I saw him he was detoxing and looked shit, his straggly oily hair hung over his face, and his body was too skinny. He look almost emaciated, his skin was too big for his body with his bones protruding through.
Two years ago Mason was so heavily into drugs that I thought he’d die. I was waiting for the phone call from his parents telling me when and where the funeral was. He was a changed man for those few years that he kept his habit up, he was unpredictable and totally untrustworthy, but I never gave up on him.
Whenever he needed a place to stay, I always had my front door open for him unless Lucy was staying with me. No matter what he did, I always had his back. He stole from me, he used me and he even tried to pick fist fights with me, but I was unwavering. I knew it was the drugs and I tried to help him as much as I could. I mean, who was I to judge him?
Then one night when I was watching TMZ, they announced that Mason had gone into rehab.
That was the last I saw of him, until 12 months ago, when he ended up on my door step. He was looking healthy and also extremely ashamed. That night he explained how he was at his breaking point and a woman saved him, but that’s all he told me and I never pushed him to reveal more than he wanted.
We all have secrets we don’t ever want to share. We all have skeletons lurking in our closets, just the size of the bones change from person to person.
Breathing deeply through my nose as those memories play around in my head, I notice I’ve willed my cock into submission and the thought of being attracted to Mason totally disgusts me again, I’m not gay.
I open my eyes and look around the room and think, I best get this place looking my life is in order and not just the broken empty shards that lay an unfinished jigsaw puzzle it actually is.


“It’s just such a difficult situation.”

“Of course it’s difficult.” She stops talking and taps her fingernails again. My eyes go to where she’s tapping, and then follow up to her face. I try to avoid her abrasive orbs. “You’re overpowered by agony and torment, and it’s slowly claiming you day by day.”

I finally concede and look into Stella’s eyes. Because every word she’s said, and every sentence that she’s breathed out has been so accurate about me.

“Freedom,” she says as I intake a huge gulp of air at that word. “I can promise you freedom if you can promise you’ll never lie to me.”


I want it. I think I may even deserve my very own happily ever after. Are they real? According to movies and books they’re attainable. But this isn’t a movie, or even a fucking book.

This is my life.

And I’m going to try to get it.

“No lies, ever,” I whisper.

29 s Nikki SexAuthor 54 books1,696

NEW RELEASE: Only $1 for a limited time.

This was a very intense, emotional read about a beautiful, damaged man. It's a tear jerker! There are two super hot male best friends and a strong female lead in this book. I leave it to your imagination to figure out where that combination goes! Here is the prologue:
My uncle abused me.
I was 10 years old when it started.
At 13 he told me I was no longer wanted because I had started to develop.
At 16 I was ready to kill him.
Today, I’m broken.
Today, I only breathe to survive.
My name’s Sergeant Major Ryan Jenkins and today, I’m ready to tell you my story.

bdsm stand-alone-story14 s Vanessa Booked Up909 421

4 Freeing Stars!!!

"I hate you. You made me hate myself. I'm disgusting."

Wow, this was not an easy book to read! Right out of the gate, we follow Ryan, as a boy, through some incredibly difficult experiences.

WARNING: This book deals with topics involving rape and pedophilia.

Ryan is abused by his uncle repeatedly for three years of his youth. And, as the reader, you don't just read his flashbacks as an adult to all of this...no, no.. you experience it right along with him and it HURTS!! It completely inhibits his transition into adulthood. He has a child, a failed marriage, a job he feels enslaved to, and a whole lotta hurt going on inside of him every day. He contemplates suicide. He is completely and totally broken.

When his best friend Mason comes to visit, he accompanies him to a party where he meets Mason's date Stella. Ryan is immediately attracted to Stella; Stella is attracted to Ryan; Ryan is also having mixed, maybe sexual feelings for his friend Mason; Mason is having mixed, maybe sexual feelings as well for his friend Ryan...hmmm, what else? Oh, and Stella is Mason's domme! I think that about covers it! Basically, there is hot sexual tension ALL over the place!!

This book really ended up not being what I was expecting, however, I d what I got instead. I was expecting a hot, dark, erotica BDSM novel and, while there are some components of those things here, it's really not what the book was about. It's primarily a story about a man overcoming abuse and finding love and acceptance.

We mainly get Ryan's POV for most of the story, although we do get Stella's a bit at the end. I loved Stella as a character. She was strong, feisty, and extremely confident. She is able to give Ryan exactly what he needs to help pull him from the depths of his own personal hell. I d Ryan too but I struggled with him at times. He is very broken for most of the book and it was heart breaking to read. Mason is his hottie, actor, best-friend who he has mixed feelings for; friendship vs. physical attraction. I LOVED the um... sexy time scenes between these two and wish there were more of them....oh, how I wish there were more! But otherwise, I kinda found Mason to be a bit selfish at times. when he is about to head to film his movie, the night after Ryan has a full-on breakdown, and he tells him, oh I am going to spend the night over at Stella's. HELLO! Your friend needed you there!!

The sex scenes are HOT and there are LOTS of them...and oh holy moly the bonus scene at the end...THANK YOU for that, Margaret...really!!

This is a short read but an incredibly intense one. Your heart will break for Ryan about a hundred times. But there were also many parts of the love story that were sweet and uplifting in a way I totally wasn't expecting.

I loved the ending and I loved how the story came full circle. This was my first read of this author's but it definitely will not be my last!

Breakin' It Down:(out of 5)
Story: 5
Plot Development: 3
Writing: 4
Steam: 4
Ending: 4.5

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5 Hot as All Hell Stars

ARC kindly provided by "Margaret McHeyzer" in exchange for an honest review (Thank you for this arc)

I honestly did not know what to expect going into this, so jumped in with an open mind and also with that thought that my M/M cherry was going to be popped reading this, there were a few times where I cringed but in saying that this is sooooo fucken hot I pulled those big girls panties of mine up and just kept reading..

There were elements of such raw emotion reading through what Ryan was subjected through as a small boy and the images racing through my mind that I could not stop, and then seeing how tortured he was as a man, it made me sit back and think FUCK how many men have gone through something similar and I bet you there are hundreds and that's what made this so shockingly real for me..

"I am not gay."

"I know that the dark and fevered monsters that are inside me, will always be part of my being."

"I'm afraid to close my eyes, Afraid to have them open, Afraid of the years that were taken from me, Afraid of the hurt that exists in every part of my broken soul, Afraid to live."


12 s Kelly 'Perusing Princesses blog'487 58

This book, in many ways, is probably the most difficult I have ever read, therefore making it hard to rate. After much thought and deliberation, I have given it a high 4 due to how Ryan's journey made me feel by the end. I'm still trying to gather my thoughts and formulate some of those emotions into words that make sense so I'm going to sleep on this and write my proper review tomorrow.


Wow! Okay, now let me just start by saying that as far as BDSM erotica goes, this storyline goes above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined. There are many elements to Ryan’s story with some parts proving very difficult to process.

The warning with regards to the prologue is there for a reason and I’m not going to lie to you… it is an absolute killer! Child abuse in any form is a hard-limit for me. I felt the urge to scream ‘RED,’ slam my kindle down, run to the safe confines of my marital home and not look back… but then I questioned myself; what sort of person would I be to shy away from what is actually a harsh reality in the world we live in? Albeit, this is a fictitious tale, the way it is told; with sheer emotional depth and profound honesty, tells a whole new story…

Yes, I struggled with the backdrop theme, but at the same time I cannot deny that it gave this story impact and highlighted in sheer detail Ryan’s metamorphosis from being a broken, shame-filled man who harbours an unprecedented amount of pain, to a man who finds release and inner acceptance by what many would deem ‘unconventional means.’

Whatever your thoughts on BDSM romantic literature, this story proves that freedom can still be found while shackled in chains and putting your faith and trust in another. Learning to let go and slay those inner demons after years of nurturing them with Jack Daniels is one detox that will take plenty of care, understanding, love, and compassion - Stella and Mason are the answer to those prayers.

The way I interpreted this story is that Ryan was a child victim of abuse. His innocence stolen by a member of his immediate family - one who should have protected him but instead destroyed him - making three years of his life a living hell. Having no control over the abhorrent torment that was leashed upon him, Ryan grew up angry, scared and unable to fully commit to a relationship. His Daughter from his already failed marriage is his only saving grace, his light in the darkness - everything else became secondary routine. Jack Daniels may cure the numb, but the demons are always there… beckoning, taunting, plaguing him with incessant nightmares.

When Mason (Ryan’s childhood best friend and oscar winning A-List actor) invites him to a charity event, he meets up with Mason’s master/domme, Stella. Immediately they are enamoured with one-another and with the help of them both, Ryan finds out what it means to explore a new outlet for his internal suffering and embrace the newfound freedom of what it means to put your life in the hands of another. The only difference this time, is that it is by choice. He was given the option to choose and in doing so, he took the power back from the man who seeked to destroy him, as he embraced his new role as a submissive.

‘Yes, Master’ is a consensual M/F/M love/sub/domme triangle that dynamically worked. It’s hotter than hell and made me squirm on more than one occasion, but there was also beauty in it. Stella is a strong character and I loved how she could be so firm and confident in the role of master, then switch to a woman who truly cared. She has a good heart. Not harbouring any past horrors of her own, she is open to the idea of love. Stella is a redeeming angel clad in stiletto’s and leather, and I admired her completely.

Mason is a man of many layers. Holding celebrity status, he is the embodiment of ‘famous hot Hollywood actor’ with a secret lifestyle that works for him. He takes the whole BDSM lifestyle to a whole new level as he relishes in the conflict ion of pain… however, he is a good man who truly cares for his best-friend and their connection was truly unique and beautiful in its own way. Their relationship never came across ‘seedy’ in any way, quite the opposite, actually.

This is a great read that will push buttons and cross boundaries, but I commend Margaret McHeyzer for her bravery, and in doing so, creating a story that will continue to live with me for a while to come. Yes, it’s a day later and I still can’t get this story out of my head. ‘Yes, Master’ has given me one hell of a book hangover, so my advice… read it if you think you’re hard enough! (pun intended).


ARC provided by the author for an honest review at: www.perusingprincesses.com9 s T.H.Author 40 books1,010

***I was given an ARC for an honest review***

Exquisite, brilliant and heart wrenching FIVE STARS!!!!

I was told this was an intense read, that it was dark....I was not prepared for what this amazing author had in store for me.

There were times I wanted to cry, scream and tear through the pages and slap someone. I felt every emotion coming from the characters and wanted to be there to soothe the main male character pain.

Ryan is a man with a past he would rather forget. No matter what he's tried to do, he can't let go of his painful memories. That is until he is introduced to a lifestyle that will forever change the way he views his life, his past and those around him.

I loved every page of this story and was thrilled by the writing style of Margaret McHeyzer.

Favorite lines...

I need to start my recovery and I need to find who I am. ~Ryan

I can promise you freedom, if you can promise you'll never lie to me. ~Stella

You found me when I was lost. ~Ryan

Together, we'll find your way. ~Stella

Character Castings...




drama favorites-and-would-read-again love-romance ...more7 s Lelyana's Reviews3,292 387

"The past can be haunting, but the future can be terrifyingly beautiful"

My uncle raped me.
I was 10 years old when it started.
At 13 he told me I was no longer wanted because I had started to develop.
At 16 I was ready to kill him.
Today, I’m broken.
Today, I only breathe to survive.
My name’s Sergeant Major Ryan Jenkins and today, I’m ready to tell you my story.

DNF at 30%, for the reason, after some disturbing situations,

1. The first time Ryan met Stella, he felt she's the one he wanted to f***, even he knew that she's with his BFF, Mason.

2. Suddenly after so may years, he felt lust for Mason, just...suddenly.

3. Ryan's daughter got a fever, instead of going to a Hospital, he called Stella, which he remembered is a doctor.

4. He didn't really know Stella. He was just felt lust to her at the party, wanted her, and suddenly felt she's everything to him (Ryan)

5. While Ryan's daughter in the room, sick, and still have a fever, Ryan felt he's into submissive to her, and Stella did some 'training' to Ryan while his daughter in a sick room. Can't they fucking WAIT?.

6. What a coincidence that Stella is a Pediatrician, and Ryan's daughter is 10 years old, got a very high fever, and she's about to injected her with Penicillin, which for what I learned, for Penicillin injection, parents NEED to sign the inform concern,, and Stella only asked him did she have an allergy to Penicillin?
Where the fuck was the inform concern form?

6. Isn't this D/s relationship supposed to be 'practice' in playroom or their bedroom instead doing it 'all the time' in their daily life????

7. Ryan was never into the pain after what happened to him years ago, and why did he suddenly' into the pain, and craved it after meeting Stella? And the most stupid thing he did was HE DID IT WITH MASON AND STELLA, WHILE HIS DAUGHTER AT HOME, AND SICK, PEOPLE!!!!

I found this book is very disturbing, not because the BDSM scene or the abuse thing, but seemed that those people were some really self-centered person!.
I'm done. Obviously, this book is NOT for me. Nu-uh...!

abused annoying-mc bdsm ...more7 s Tee loves Kyle Jacobson2,481 172

Yes, Master is on effing incredible read! I mean you will get lost in a world where there is hurt, loss, and revenge. How is it that some people can look themselves in the mirror day after day knowing they are a monster? Ryan's uncle and his friends are monsters we hear about but never see. This is Ryan's story and what a story it is.

Ryan from the tender age of 10 is molested but his uncle and his friends. His uncle believes in sharing him until he turns 13 and starts to develop. When he is 13 his uncle stops touching him and Ryan is determined to kill his uncle but Ryan's mother has other plans for him and she sends him into the army. Once Ryan is in the army he is so lost because he is angry and wants revenge but thank God he has his best friend Mason. Mason is there for him no other and together their friendship gets stronger.

Then Ryan meets Master.... Lord Master she is something special and a force in and of herself. She knows Ryan is broken and she wants to help him. She knows she is in for a very difficult sub but she is ready to take it on. She will teach Ryan what he went through was not his fault and he has to let go of the past in order to embrace the future. Can being a sub be what Ryan needs or will he still hold on to the anger and revenge he has set in his heart?

Can Master Stella teach Ryan to love himself and move on or will he get lost in the world of BDSM????????? This is a must read! I need more because I love Ryan to pieces. 2014-must-read 2014-new-release blog-tour-review ...more7 s Elizabeth (Perusing Princesses)731 37

Ok my lovelies.... Have to be honest here... I am just a bit wary... But diving in... My co-Princess Kelly says read it.. And so I will...


Ok... I have to say that Margaret McHeyzer is a literary pioneer in taking a very difficult topic, and gracefully weaving it into a story that keeps you riveted, while also investing yourself into the journey that this utterly broken man, Ryan goes through...

And at the same time, with such a difficult underlying theme... She still manages to also take you through a road less traveled of BDSM, with a female Dom! And let me tell you.. The hot factor is off the charts!

Aaaaaand... If you can believe it.. With such difficult themes... She still gives you some amazing HEA"s for pretty much allllll involved... And a satisfying story line for the villain in the story as well...

Read this... Difficult subject but very worth going through the journey!

7 s ~ Stephanie Lynn ~430

This is a new author for me.

There is some dark parts in the book. I do not mind dark I actually love it!

But I didn't find this book to be too overwhelming with darkness/emotions.

Ryan is haunted by his past. He was abused at a young age by his uncle. And he has never been the same.

Through out the book we get bits and pieces of what happened to him. The writing involving his feelings is really good.

The only thing that left me aching for more was emotional understanding of each character.

I just needed more of all the other characters of the book. I understand that the book was about Ryan but still felt I needed a more understanding of Mason and Stella..

Oh how I loved Stella!!

Stella helps Ryan face his demons and helps him heal. She is his "Master". She prefers to be called Master instead of Mistress.

Mason is Ryan best friend and even though he is not gay he loves him and wants to be with him sexually.

Ryan has his own demons he fights. He was addicted to drugs and Stella helped him.

Ryan met Stella through Mason and it was a attraction at first site. A different kind of attraction. He feels compelled to please her from the first moment they meet.

Stella has two sex toys to play with now.

I wish we had more of Mason and Ryan together. God do I wish there was more!!!!

Overall a good read. I just needed more.3-stars abuse-sociology back-door-play ...more6 s Meka?books506 3

I really don't understand why the Kindle version was banned on Amazon but the paperback can still be purchased. At any rate Yes, Master surprised in so many ways. Because it was a banned on Amazon, I purchased the electronic version from another site.

I read other books considered taboo where incest and abuse were the dominant theme throughout the book and Yes, Master doesn't even come anywhere close to being a disturbing read all the way through. I was expecting Yes, Master to have overly detailed scenes of child molestation in order for the book to be banned. I was surprise to see it was more about keeping your daily shit together mentally and emotionally after abuse which I totally get having experience sexual abuse myself. In fact, I appreciated the bouts of realism Margaret McHeyzer was able to achieve as the facade abuse people put up can be good but cracks always seem to break through eventually. With that being said, Margaret McHeyzer treated the abuse scenes from main character Sergeant Major Ryan's POV via memories, flashbacks, and talking it out with care in my opinion.

Sergeant Major Ryan, is 33 years old. He first enlisted in the United States Army when his mother signed him up at age sixteen due to his continual bad behavior she thought was because his father died she had no idea her son was actually being sexually abused. Anyone looking at him from outside doesn't know what lies beneath. At work I'm total control. I expect absolute excellence, and I certainly don't tolerate bad behavior. The Army's taught me patience and discipline. But no matter what I do, the moment I'm home and the uniform comes off, I can't find my balance. I can't bring the same control to my personal life. Although Ryan has a daughter, he never developed a lasting love connection with another. Just when he thought he met someone he could love, the darkness inside of him surfaced and he temporarily ran away. I won't give her nightmares because of my demons. Lucky for Ryan he has a great best friend named Mason who unbeknownst to Ryan knows all about his struggles. Mason, an actor has been Ryan's best friend since elementary. Even though Ryan kept his abuse a secret, Mason suspected what was going on but didn't know how to help his friend. Battling a drug addiction as an adult, Mason found the help he needed with the aid of a therapist and femdom named Stella Hartley. Both Mason and Stella have a profound effect on Mason in the book especially Stella.

There are many compelling scenes in this book. I felt every emotion Ryan felt trying to hide the shame he felt when he first heard his "trigger" word said during an intimate moment, and the rage he felt when Ryan's daughter's told him some disturbing news concerning one of her classmates putting the classmate's father's on his radar, the angst filled chapter 19 that had me balling a new born baby includes animal cruelty and later on when he comes face-to-face with his attacker after 23 years.

While I do have some issues with this book and the BDSM lifestyle, in general those concerns were not enough to take away from my overall rating. In the end, I found Yes, Master to be one of the better reads in mental and emotional health, it shows the important of having a support system, and finding an avenue that works best for you. If you reads that start out fucked up but end with a HEA, have some BDSM, with ice & wax play, then this is for you. Yes, Master gets 4.5 upgraded to 5 stars.

character-m-f-m character-pregnancy content-abuse ...more5 s Alicia Huxtable1,757 57

Holy hell!!! I couldn't put it down!! Margaret McHayzer puts a hell of a lot into a book and this was no different. Ryan, Mason and Stella all had parts to play and PLAY they did. Stella is an extremely strong and confident woman who s to fix people. And Ryan is her latest acquisition 5 s Mare SLiTsReaD Reviews1,144 67

Reviewed at:


3.5 Darkly Stars

This is my 1st Margaret book. The writing is authentic, pure, and flows nicely. I d her style.

The story was not for the faint of heart. There are some “dark” aspects to this story, that would make most people cringe. Abuse is never an easy subject in any books.

This book delves into BDSM with a M/M theme and a M/M/F theme. Now while I am all a GO GO GO for M/M I wasn’t the biggest fan of the M/M/F portion of the book. Why? Well girlie bits just annoy me :) That’s just my personal opinion :)

Ryan is sooo broken and if you know me at all you KNOW I love me a broken man.

Now while I don’t tend to agree with the way Ryan handled his some of his situations, everyone is different and unique and handle pain and memories in different ways. Margaret showed us this.

It was steamy, sexy. Lust and longing. Lust is always a + in a book. Makes you want to keep reading it.

Now while I don’t girlie bits, I can tell you, that reading this story where the female was the DOM to 2 guys was a great twist and kept me very interested. Margaret made it believable. I d that.

Will I read a Margaret book again? I would. And I know my lovely co-bloggers Silvana and Nancy truly enjoy her work.

arc-given-by-author-blog-tour bdsm maleonmale ...more5 s Escape from Reality30 16

I decided to read this book once it hit the Amazon TOP 100 (Hopeless I know, but I want to know about the hottest books, and this one didn't disappoint)!!!!!

The Story......

As an officer of the US Army, Ryan Jenkins, professionally shows himself as a hard, confident, and almost arrogant officer in command. A tall, handsome man who comes across as controlling and a man who has everything in order. However on a personal level, the ability to continue with this type of facade seems to be one that is short lived. Internally the weight of the world sits on Ryan's broad shoulders and not far from now it seems that his world is about come tumbling down.

Ryan is bound by a life a fear. A fear that has haunted him and all of his adult life. The fact that his Uncle raped him.

When Ryan's best friend (and the only man who knows the inner workings of his friend's mind) Mason Carter, heart throb Hollywood Actor comes to visit he knows that things are at their worst, so Mason decides to introduce Ryan to his "friend" Stella. Stella is captivating, sensual, and oozes dominance. Through what is a very sexual adventure, Stella shows Ryan that by letting go and submitting that he can release his inner demons and be set free from the hate and torment of the years gone by. And boy what a difficult and painful struggle it is for Ryan to trust a person. Ever.

My Thoughts......

This book sits perfectly in the Erotica genre.

This book explores sexualities of every variety which is a first for me (and I've read close to about 400 books) M/M M/F M/M/F M/F/M and F/F (Holy that's alot of Erotica). The sex scenes are HOT and there were BDSM things that I didn't even knew existed. I even googled some of them!!!

The prologue in this novel is of a rape scene and one that was emotionally confronting and to me, a whilst I understand that this book is a work of fiction, it really is an eye opener into the possible thoughts and feelings of a young boy who is a victim of abuse. And from there on in it was about the journey of how a once broken man heals. And frankly I loved both the journey and the ending.

So clearly a learning curve for me on a number of levels through a beautifully written, heart wrenching story. Well done to the Author and her ability to make me feel every possible emotion in one read.....

4 s Smith Barney398 105 Read

Yes, Master. No, I don't think so. Because these f'ing lame attempts at 'erotic content' just get worse and worse. You can refer to this book's own blurb to get the gist of my 'review.'


His uncle raped him. (omg)
He was 10 years old when it started. (omfg)
At 13 he told him he was no longer wanted because he had started to develop. (wtf)
At 16 he was ready to kill him. (fubar)
Today, he's broken. (tarfu)
Today, he only breathes to survive.
(meh..breathing's overrated)

His name's Sergeant Major Ryan Jenkins and today he's ready to tell his story.

Dude, I beg to differ. You're far from ready when your story reads a technical nightmare thanks to the vehicle driving it being a far more broken mess than you.

Oh.So.Dark. mm-behavioral-psych mm-dark mm-incest ...more4 s Twin Opinions556 18

OMG wow, I mean OMG. I knew this story would be intense, but it blew my mind. I was on a book hangover for a whole day before I could even begin to write this review. I mean wow. This book is Hot and incredibly sexy as sin.

Don't get me wrong, This book is INTENSE. It is also amazing. The story line is captivating and you will not be able to put it down. Ryan is a broken man. His mother saved him once when she enlisted him, and now his best friend has introduced him to the once person that might be able to save him from the demons of his past. I love Ryan's daughter and the fact that despite everything he as a great relationship with her.

It is an incredible emotional ride, with some hard core sexy scenes. Not for the faint of heart but definitely a must read in my opinion. Two incredibly sexy men with a broken past and one bad ass woman strong enough to fix them both! I mean she is a woman MASTER! :0 :) 4 s VanessaAuthor 6 books109

This book may just be one of the hardest I've read...but I couldn't stop reading if I tried. Full review to come with my tour date of 1/15/15...


“At work I’m in total control. I expect absolute excellence, and I certainly don’t tolerate bad behavior. The Army’s taught me patience and discipline. But no matter what I do, the moment I’m home and the uniform comes off, I can’t find my balance. I can’t bring that same control to my personal life.”

Ryan is organized chaos. After a terrifying and tragic upbringing, he struggles to come to grips with his life. With no solid place to fall, he continues to spiral downward into despair, his nightmares eating at him constantly; with no relief.

When his long time best friend, Mason comes back into town, Ryan has a realization that he is the one person in his life who has remained a positive constant. Only now, there’s an attraction that he cannot deny any longer and a fear that the feelings will not be returned. What’s worse is that Ryan is confused about himself.

Furthermore, Mason has come back from some pretty scary times himself…and it’s all thanks to one very powerful woman. When Ryan meets Stella for the first time, he’s taken aback by how attracted he is to her, and then hesitant to move forward because she is with Mason. Except with Mason, it’s a contract…
with Ryan, there is so much more.

“Through the horrific darkness, despite the torment of my demons, I found a small beacon of light and dragged my broken soul toward it.”

With the help of Stella and Mason, Ryan slowly found a way to release everything inside of him…he found solace in submission, love without gender, and strength in his pain.

All at the hands of his Master.

This is one of those books where I was slammed right in the chest with an emotion I can’t describe, right from the very first page. It was a horrific accident, you know it’s going to be awful and yet you can’t turn away. And it didn’t get better. My gut churned, my eyes watered and burned, my heart literally ached for Ryan. I couldn’t get through the PROLOGUE fast enough! Yes, that’s right, just the prologue! When I came to the last sentence and turned the page I sighed in relief because I was pulled to the present…and I could only hope that things were going to get better for my hero. And they did…but not before they got much, much worse.

I can honestly say, this books that will stay with me in some capacity forever. There is a story of innocence lost, and freedom from demons that haunt a man when he finally finds his place. It’s a hard read, one that probably holds many triggers for people…but if you can, give it a try. The love between a man and woman, a sub and his Master, and two friends is truly one of a kind.

**4 She is in Control, Stars**
a-different-kind-of-twisted addiction angst ...more3 s ByoBook Club458 40

This book was an addiction, once I started I couldn't stop.

What must one man do to fix himself from a horrific past? Sergeant Major Ryan is broken, his past haunts him and he is a shell of a man. He lives with the painful memories of what was done to him when he when he was a boy. The author spares no detail and you are given a clear picture of the pain that Ryan feels.

Ryan's best friend Mason comes to visit him and throws Ryan into an emotional tailspin. He questions his sexuality and his life. What he doesn't expect is to meet Stella. Stella is also known as Master. She demands obedience and in return offers the ability to set Ryan free.

This is a journey of self-discovery and healing by means that are unexpected and hot as hell. Master is involved heavily in the BDSM world, she is hard and demands attention but she has this soft side too. It is hard to see a women in the role of Domme and there are parts of their particular lifestyle that I was not a fan of. I had also wanted more inside of her head other than a small little snippet. But those things are secondary to greater picture of the story; the one that is about forgiving and growing stronger.

This book is quite explicit and not for the faint of heart. The emotion flowed off the pages and into my heart. The struggles that Ryan has and the pain that he feels are clear. While an emotional journey it was also quite sexy and left me needing a breather every once and awhile. While there were parts that I didn't really care for, I truly d this story.

~Jessjess3 s A??ela W.4,082 291

This was a pretty good book. Ryan a hot sexy Army Sargent Major who has a dark past he suffered sexual abuse at the hands of his uncle. He is the divorced father of one and he goes about his days with little passion for anything, much less life. Ryan has the hottest for his best friend Mason who is a movie star who has his own past abuse with drugs. Ryan finds himself confused and conflicted because of his feelings for his best friend. Which I was really looking forward to a relationship developing between the two of them. Mason introduces Ryan to his Domme Stella who s to be called Master. Ryan is very attracted to Stella and he knows that she see's right through him. Stella is a pediatrician by day. She is the reason Mason has managed to remain on the straight and narrow, threatening to cut contact with him if he went back to drugs. Stella and Mason’s relationship is very simple, she is his dome their is know love and they don't see a future together which I think only confuses Ryan even more. Throughout the book you see Stella helping Ryan deal with his demons through BDSM. This is Ms. McHeyzer first book and it was pretty good it was well written and I would definitely read her work again. I have not found too many good stories with female doms this was a good one.
300-400pg bdsm dark-erotica ...more3 s Heather Panty dropping Book Blog48 14

***I was given this as a gift for an honest review***

OMG OMG LOVED IT!! Ryan has a dark past and fights with his demons everyday. Mason his best friend is HOT HOT HOT and there for Ryan in many ways! I love that Margaret has a strong dom female Master Stella to help Ryan find his way. The 3 of them make this a truley hot, amazing and sexy book to read. I would have to yell to you all to READ IT! You will love it and fall in love with Ryan, Mason and Stella!! The tension, the sex will leave your panties wet and wanting more..I know I want MORE!!3 s Helen Macpherson prev mccoll136 4

Read Yes, Master, all in one go! Oh my god, the book was just absolutely amazing!!!!
As she states, it is a dark and very sexy read and covers many sensitive issues, but Margaret covers them really well.
Ryan's love for Mason and Stella was beautifully written and you couldn't help but fall in love with them all. Yes it was dark in parts, but it had to be so that you could see the hope. Margaret is an amazing author. You will love it xxxfavorites3 s Summer138 177

Where do I begin with this one? I actually d it. I never read a gay themed book before..or maybe I should write ''gay''. But the book was really interesting, I kept reading it. Some things didn't seem logical... why would this kind of thing heal the main character (I don't want to write too much, so I won't spoil anything). But still...interesting, steamy story.3 s Jessica599 35

So good!!!!!!!!!! It was more 200 pages as apposed to 320, but it was a good quick readread20143 s Christina1,400 103

Wow. If you’re looking for a book to be completely moved and blown away by, this is it. I’m pretty sure that nearly every emotion is invoked by the time you reach the end; it truly was an amazing book!

Ryan is a career soldier. He is the divorced father of one and he goes about his days with little passion for anything, much less life. Sexual abuse at the hands of his uncle as a teen have robbed him of feeling, and have left him confused as to who he really is. He knows that he is Sergeant Major Ryan Jenkins, United States Army, and that he is daddy to Lucy, ex-husband to Joanna, but it is his relationship with his best friend Mason that is causing internal conflict and confusion. He finds himself attracted to his lifelong friend, but he’s not gay, how can he deal with these feelings while still being a friend to Mason?

Mason is a movie star, Hollywood’s current flavor of the month. After having done a stint in rehab, Mason is healthy and is in town to attend an awards ceremony. He has asked Ryan along and Mason introduces him to Stella, his “therapist”, for lack of a better word. It becomes quickly becomes apparent that Stella and Mason’s relationship is anything but ordinary, but Ryan can’t quite pin down what it is that makes it different. Mason is a whole different, happy, person around Stella, more at ease with himself and those around him. Ryan also finds himself almost instantly attracted to Stella, but can he act on that attraction with Mason in the picture? Especially when he is attracted to Mason as well?

Stella is a pediatrician by day, and a domme always. She is the reason Mason has managed to remain on the straight and narrow, threatening to cut contact with him if he went back to drugs. Stella and Mason’s relationship is very simple, yet complicated to those that are not familiar with the lifestyle, and when Ryan enters the picture, things get all sorts of complicated.

Throughout the book it looks as though we’re setting up to see a love triangle that is going to end badly at some point, but that is not what we’re given at all. What we see are three mature adults working through their problems and finding love and companionship where and when they least expect it. This book does feature same sex situations, so if this bothers you, this is probably not the book for you, which is too bad honestly, because it truly is a beautiful story. We not only bear witness to new love and exploration, but also to confronting the past and getting past the nightmares that keep appearing. In the story we get to see Ryan confront his abuser and we get to see him heal.

The love stories in this book are beautiful and the sex is hot! But, don’t let that be the selling point for you because you may be disappointed; there is so much more to this book than that alone. Yes, there are some minor issues, spelling/grammar, and I have to wonder why on earth Ryan hadn’t sought counseling at some point (this ly would have come up at some point during his career in the Army, depending on his job he would have had a Psych screen), but there was nothing that would detract from the overall message and beauty of the book.

Yes, Master is an amazing, heartbreaking, soul-searching, true love finding, five star read. It grabbed my interest from the very first page and I didn’t want to put it down. Ms. McHeyzer has given us characters with depth and courage and a storyline that is mesmerizing. This is a standalone book, but I will definitely be looking into more of Ms. McHeyzer’s work!
reviewed-20142 s Crazy about Bookz42 19

“We don’t need labels to know who we are.”
I’m a fan of Ms. Margaret works, I read all her books, and this is definitely one of the most challenging read that I encounter. My first time to read M/M and F/F genre, at first I’m hesitant to read it, it’s not my norm but I’m curious how she can pull this off cause I think it’s her first time to wrote this kind of story. So my journey to the unknown world begins.
Thanks for the Advanced Reader Copy, it was given for an honest review and here it goes.
Sergeant Major Ryan Jenkins tormented from his past experience when he was a child now he became a broken and damaged man. It tells the story of a very disturbing issue about child abuse and rape, its implication to a child who experienced this kind of trauma is very alarming. He was raped by his uncle when he was only 10 years old! My God I want to punch Damien in the face of what he did. He was the kind of person whose soul is already burning in hell. I feel broken for Ry, the hardship he encounter, the pain he bears physical and emotional and most especially for crushing his soul. Because of that he lost his identity and most especially he lost himself. Alive but not living.
But everything changes when Mason, his very yummy actor best friend came to visit. From the start Mason knows that there is something wrong with Ryan, he wanted to help him and he wanted to taste him! Ok so he is attracted to Ryan but he is not gay. Their attraction to each other is so intense and raw I don’t know how to describe it. It’s they are very addicted to each other, they are both high on each other. So to help Ryan to release/let go of his demon, Mason introduced him to Stella.
The cure/answer to Ryan’s tormented soul is Stella a very sexy and hot Dom, which helps him recover from the pain of his past. The chemistry between them is really undeniably scorching hot. They sex escapades is really beyond my expectations.
Ryan-Mason, Mason-Stella, Stella-Ryan and the cycle continues with something extra!
So I further conclude I can handle to read M/M story. It was written in a way that clearly describes everything about their lifestyle. But there is some point I want to emphasize, because of too much sex urge in the story there is some scene that I don’t , for example, Ryan’s daughter is sick and needed his much attention but his mind is focused on tasting Mason or Stella. It was a big turn off to me.
Clearly narrated, it was written in Ryan’s perspective. The story has a depths and meaning and it is equipped with a lot of sex scenes! It was a good read but I expect something more the life of Ryan when he is enlisted, something that.
Kudos to Ms. Margaret on her new book! Congrats and More Power.
2 s Debra PresleyAuthor 8 books909

4.25 - review to post soon!!! :)

This book was so different from the books I’ve read with a BDSM theme. In this book the dominant is female. I’ve personally never read a book with a female domme. It was a great change.

Before I go any farther, I want to say that the author really chose a difficult topic to deal with in a book – child rape. The beginning of the book is quite graphic and she does warn you but still it’s hard to read. However, if you can get passed those few pages you really get to see a beautiful story about a broken man who is looking to be free of his past.

Ryan is a very angry teen who lashes out at everyone – with good reason, but no one knows these reasons. He is eventually made to enlist in the Marines and it was just in the kick of time. The Marines definitely helped Ryan, but he still has anger and rage and has no outlet for it. No way of letting it all go. When he goes home every night, it just consumes him.

Mason is his best friend and Ryan is struggling with some feelings he has for him. He insists he isn’t gay and he isn’t attracted to men – just Mason. Mason though is in a relationship but it’s unique. He’s in a BDSM relationship with Stella and she’s his Master.

Ryan meets Stella and is instantly attracted to her. This completely confuses him because he’s also feels a similar attraction to Mason. Stella sees how Ryan struggles and sense he’s hurting. She takes control of things and Ryan begins a journey that is pretty extraordinary. He figures out a way to cope with things and in the process falls in love.

Margaret has written a very unique story that will have you shedding a few tears for a boy that was afraid and scared what would happen if he spoke up. He lived in a constant state of fear and no one noticed. Ryan really goes through a lot in this story but comes out stronger in the end.

I loved the ending. This story is not one you should miss. It’s worth it for sure!2 s Karrie Mellott Puskas658 6

So I got to be one of the lucky ladies to read Yes, Master while it was a work in progress. This book is F*cking Hot!!! Ok so we meet Ryan hot sexy Army Sgt who has a dark past. He has demons that haunt him for his past. He is such a sad soul who wants to be rid of the demons and can't get rid of them. But with the help of one sexy Master, Stella (yes a woman Master!Eekk!!) she is going to help him in only way she knows how! Ryan's BFF is Mason! Oh dear god Mason! I am in love with him. Margaret knows my feelings for him. 
Ok without going into details and giving spoilers let me put it to you this!
Ryan is infatuated with his (hot) BFF Mason. Both if these men have had a past. With the help of Stella, Mason had cleaned up his act and also is a submissive for Stella. Mason is a movie actor and takes Ryan to a premiere of his latest movie and meets Stella here. Instantly Ryan is attracted to Stella but doesn't realize that she and Mason have a D/S relationship and nothing more. 
Ryan is trying to figure out what exactly does he want. A relationship with Mason or one with Stella. Would he have to chose could he have both? The answer (and ok so I'm going to give a little away) is yes!
The sex between Stella and Ryan is HOT! The sexual tension between Ryan and Mason is HOT! And when they combine they have spontaneous combustion!
Granted it's not all HOT sex. It's truly is a heartwarming story as well. Ryan has a horrible past. He wants to get of the demons that have haunted him throughout his life. Stella helps him through his trouble times. Your heart will feel for Ryan. You want to just wrap your arms around him and just hug him and tell him it's all going to be ok. And just wait!
I could keep going on and on and on. But I will say this book will get you tingling in ALL the right places 2 s