
El hombre sombra de McFadyen, Cody

de McFadyen, Cody - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis El hombre sombra


Un cuerpo lleno de cicatrices y pesadillas cada noche es todo lo que le queda a Smoky. La mejor jefa del equipo FBI nunca imagin? que ella tambi?n ser?a una v?ctima, que una noche un man?aco entrar?a en su casa y matar?a a su marido y su hija. Aunque ella misma acab? con el asesino, ahora s?lo le queda la soledad insoportable. Sin embargo, descubre otro motivo para vivir: est? dejando un reguero de cad?veres. Smoky re?ne a su viejo equipo y vuelve a escarba en los secretos m?s ?ntimos de Smoky y saca a la luz recuerdos a los que nadie podr?a enfrentarse sin perder la cordura. Cody Mcfadyen lleva a la novela de asesinos en serie hasta un territorio que nadie se hab?a atrevido a explorar. Un relato que sorprende, conmociona, aprieta el coraz?n al lector en un pu?o y no lo suelta hasta la ?ltima p?gina.

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Greetings Thrill Seekers,

You've stumbled upon this message so perhaps you'll take the time to learn of who I am.
I hope you don't mind but I've chosen FBI Special Agent Smoky Barrett to introduce us. Smoky is a scarred woman, inside and out, but she is said to be the best violent crimes agent within the FBI. Her L.A. based team is said to be the best of it's kind at solving horrendous crimes. So Smoky Barrett will have to do.
She will acquaint you with my torture, rape, murder ... genius.
You see, Smoky rides the dark train just as I do. There is a high price to pay for this but don't let her fool you. She is as addicted to it as I am.
The only difference being that it's my heritage to be the Shadow Man and I chose her to be my Abberline.
The blood of my ancestry will again make history.

From Hell,
Jack Jr.

a little background music to enhance the mood.

Excerpts are spoiler(ish)

page 5
Smoky narrates
"Everyone looks in a mirror at least once a day. or sees their reflection in the eyes of others. And they know what to expect. they know what they will see, what will be seen. I no longer see what I expect to see. I have the reflection of a stranger, Staring out of a mask I can't take off."

page 8
Smoky narrates
"I cough suddenly, laughing at all the connections. I'm smoking, life is smoke, and my name is Smoky, Smoky Barrett. My real name, given to me because my mother thought it "sounded cool." This makes me cackle in the dark, in my empty house, and I think as I laugh (as I have before) just how crazy laughter sounds when you're laughing alone."

page 60-62
letter from Jack Jr
"To Special Agent Smoky J. Barrett ... I was not the victim of sexual or physical abuse as a child. I was not a bedwetter, and I did not torture small animals. I am something far purer, I am a legacy. ... From Hell, Jack Jr."

page 84
Smoky narrates
"I am growing dizzier, and the tears just seem to keep on coming. Grief is that sometimes. water, it finds any opening, forces itself through any crack until it explodes, ... I have only a moment to realize what's happening. I'm passing out. Then things go dark."

page 91
Smoky narrates
"... we both have compassion for what Leo is going through. This is a crucial moment for those in our profession. It is the blooding. The point where you peer into the abyss for the first time,where you find out that the boogeyman really does exist and really has been hiding under the bed all those years. Where you come face-to-face with real evil. We know this is where Leo will either recover or find a new line of work."

page 98
Smoky narrates
"My gaze is fixed on the faraway. Because the dark train is coming."
"I met the dark train (as i call it) during my very first case. It is a thing hard to describe. The train of life runs on the tracks of normality and reality. Its passengers are not perfect, but they do their best."
"The dark train is different."
"The dark train runs on tracks made of crunching, squishy things. It's the train that people Jack Jr ride. it's a train fueled by murder and sex and screams. The conductor is the monster you are chasing, and he has many guises. Sometimes, rarely, he can be a she. On the dark train, you see the conductor as he really is, underneath the fake smiles ... These killers I hunt are not quiet and smiling inside. Every cell in their body is an unending scream."

page 100
Smoky narrates
"I look around the room, letting it seep into me. I can feel him, smell him. I need to be able to taste him, hear him. rather than pushing him away, I need to pull him close. a lover."
"It is exciting. He hunts everything. I only hunt him. But I suspect my taste for blood is just as rich and strong."

page 164
Jack Jr letter
"I am sure you have all wondered: Why am I challenging you so directly? ... I challenge you because you deserve me. You hunt the hunters, and, I feel certain, you have spent many years patting each other on the back. ... And so you deserve me. Because if these others you have hunted are shadows, I am darkness itself. ... Hunt me."

page 187
Smoky narrates
"The truth is, bad things are going to happen somewhere, every single day, and today was just your turn. ..."
"The simple fact is that evil preys on good, and today, good had a bad day."

page 327
Smoky narrates
"I have always been fascinated by books and movies about serial killers. Writers and directors so often seem dedicated to the idea that they must lay out a path of bread crumbs for their hero to follow. ... With Jack Jr., we have exhausted the gamut of physical evidence ... He has ... been brilliant." crime-thriller183 s ? Sonja ?3,250 504

Der erste Fall von FBI-Agentin Smoky Barrett, nachdem ihre Familie brutal ermordet wurde, hat es in sich: Sie jagt einen Serienmörder, der sich selbst für einen Nachfahren von Jack the Ripper hält und extrem grausam vorgeht!
Und dabei scheint er es auch noch auf Smoky persönlich abgesehen zu haben...
Äußerst spannend von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite, wobei bis zum Schluss nicht klar ist, wer der Mörder ist! Ein absolutes MUSS für alle Thriller-Fans!201097 s Christine609 1,274

Five stars vastly underrates this book. I give the brilliant Shadow Man 10 stars. Easily. Cory McFadyen’s Shadow Man is the best thriller I have read. In my life. Ever.

By the time I reached the 5% mark, I knew this book was going to be special. I paused long enough to race over to Amazon to order the other 3 books in the series. I was instantly transfixed in chapter one, and the book did not lessen its grip on me from that point on. The last 25% of the book was simply unputdownable. Truly.

Shadow Man is a masterpiece thriller, in my humble opinion. It ticks off all the boxes important to me. The character development is simply stunning and un that I have ever seen in any other thriller. We even learn about the minor characters. Deep stuff. Psychological stuff. The stuff that makes these people who they are and what they do and think. There are whole chapters devoted to where the team members are psychologically. Boring, you say? Far, far from it. This is deep, meaningful, and dare I say, moving storytelling.

Agent Smoky Barrett is the female leader of a team of FBI agents. The team members’ interactions are real, and though certainly not all a bowl of cherries, reflect steadfast loyalty and respect when it counts. Even the assholes have integrity. I came to love every member of the team.

Smoky has been through horrendous trauma for which she is receiving psychiatric help. These sessions are shown to us and are fascinating, even to me--a survivor of a 3-month rotation in lock up psychiatry during my medical residency. The encounter in chapter 2 is the best written, most powerful and moving patient-psychiatrist encounter I have ever read in a novel. I must extend my praise to the psychological aspects throughout the entire book. If I didn’t know otherwise, I would definitely think that the author was a board-certified psychiatrist.

Even though this book was written in 2007, I learned a lot about police work. I now know about cognitive interviewing of witnesses, neurolinguistic interviewing of suspects, what a “confrontational statement” is and when it should be used, how to detect whether or not a package contains a bomb, how latex gloves do not always prevent the leaving of fingerprints, what makes up the psyche of a serial killer, and more. And these techniques and facts, the psychological aspects of the novel, are shown and not just told to us. I cannot stress what a difference showing, rather than just telling, makes to a story.

There is a hint, just a hint of a budding romance, but I have to say chapter 39 holds the most beautiful and emotional sex scene I think I have ever read.

I must issue one warning. The thriller aspects to the story are intense, dark and depraved. It takes a lot to scare me off, and I had no major issues tolerating the degree of evil and debasement depicted in Shadow Man, but I do understand it will be too much for some readers. Otherwise, the plot was complex and suspenseful. It was intriguing watching the FBI team go from nearly no leads at all to cracking the case. The clues are there if you are smart enough to follow them, but I was fooled big time in the end. If I have one criticism, it is that the case broke on a clue that I’m not sure was good enough to earn that honor, but that was more than made up for by the very original and touching as well as explosive final scene with the killer.

Do I recommend this book? Are you kidding me? I want to go to each and every one of my thriller-loving friends, especially those who love thrillers with strong character development, such as Angela Marsons’ Kim Stone series, and COMMAND them put this book on the very top of their lists. Do you hear me, people??? In regards to the darkness factor, I do believe if a reader can handle Karin Slaughter’s works, then he or she can get through Shadow Man. Thriller fans, do not deprive yourself of this most brilliant book.

Final thoughts:

1) Cory McFadyen has apparently disappeared off the face of the literary world. There is no Google data on him for the last several years. This is tragic.

2) There are 3 (4 if you can read German) more Smoky Barrett books for me to read; this simultaneously pleases me and disappoints me.

3) I want to thank my friend Jan for suggesting we read this book together or I may have never gotten to it. Thank you, buddy!!
favorites100 s Jan424 270

One of the most scary, intense, mess with your mind, psychological thriller's I've ever read!

This book was recommended to me well over a year ago, and while I went and purchased the book right away, it quickly became lost amongst the other patient books waiting to be read.
When my favorite buddy reader suggested we tackle another one, this book was hands down our first pick. The were strong, and with the recommendation in my mind, I took this one on with high expectations. Apparently they weren't high enough though, because after just the first few chapters my expectations were blown away!

What I loved:
-This book is rich with strong characters that really come to life. I can't stress this enough--McFayden really knows how to write characters with depth, realistic emotions and emotional responses that will make you wonder how in the world this wasn't written by a woman?
From the main protag to a potential murder victim, McFayden didn't skimp on character development.

-While I obviously loved all the characters, I have to give recognition to the protagonist Smokey Barrett and the antagonist, the Shadow Man himself. Smokey, who has lost so much and is still healing physically and mentally from an extreme home invasion is someone I won't soon forget. If she is based on a real life detective, then the world is a much better place. The Shadow Man, holy #*%> is this one messed up psycho! The mind games, manipulations and psychological warfare he uses to throw Smokey and her team off their game is un anything else I've read. Keep in mind there are some scenes that are not for the faint hearted!!( Don't you always wonder where an author comes up with this stuff?)

-McFayden's writing style...it's beautiful, smooth, eloquent, and creative. Whether writing an emotional moment or describing a crime scene, McFayden has a unique way of really making you feel what the characters are experiencing. My favorite? Has to be 'the Train'...Describing Smokey's internal brain preparing her for the investigation ahead.

-Last, I'd have to say I was really impressed with the research that went into this book...my buddy and I were amazed at some of the things we learned, both police procedural as well as about the psychology behind some practices. I love a book that makes me feel smarter when I'm done.

What I didn't love:
-Not a whole lot!! But no book is flawless, and I did find some areas that left me wanting more. There were a few scenes that the author glossed over without providing details, and I felt a bit robbed. There were also a couple of loose ends not addressed at the end that I wish had been cleaned up. But, all is forgiven...he certainly makes up for it and then some!

You will notice that I haven't written one word about what this book is about. I didn't want to waste my review on that...the synopsis does a fine job. I really just wanted to give credit to this author and his writing. It's something you need to experience, so go---get your hands on this book and settle in for a wild ride!

5-stars buddy-group-reads recommended ...more91 s Sherri176 7

Today on Cooking With Plagiarism, we're going to work on a little recipe called "Shadow Man." This is a pretty spicy dish, and will be too hot for those of you who are sensitive to too much gore and pretty much unpalatable to those of you who your plots without holes. For the rest of you, let's get started. First, when cooking with plagiarism its important to start of right. Pull your very COVER from another source to give your audience a head's up on what to expect. Don't be too blatant though or they might not try the dish. So, instead of a white video-game cover with a black half profile, try black-on-black. It'll look cooler anyways. Next, take a handful of things sure to sell well and combine them into a bowl. Here we tried a handful of Disney "kill-off-mom" sauce, a dash of "sterio-typical strong female lead" (remember, she must ALWAYS be under 5 feet and horribly traumatized!). Add a HUGE dollop of Thomas Harris plots (go especially heavy on the "Red Dragon" and quite heavy on the "Hannibal" death-scene spices). Stir until they have completely lost anything that made them tasty or original. Now the important touches. If you'd , you can throw in some scars, but make sure they don't actually interfere with anything that makes your lead physically function-able or less attractive. Throw in a pat of half-melted two-dimensional support characters. As in all these recipes, you must have the sassy female, the @$$h0le, the innocent computer guy and DON'T FORGET the token minority! These are only there for plot pieces, no no worries if the only ones you have around the house are stale. You'll need a character motivator: In this case may I suggest "traumatized but tough urchin." You may have to marinate it in its mother's corpse first to make it cook-able, but no worries, its only there for texture anyways. Its not it had any real personality to start with, so you shouldn't feel bad for it. Finally, you should make sure to add some sex, because that sells. If you don't have any, its okay. Just pull out whatever open box of "crappy romance novel" you have in the cupboard and toss it in. Now, strain this glop through a colander. The size of the strainer is especially important. You need one with slots small enough to leave in the "excruciating gun details" but large enough to strain out any feelings of realism in your plot. When in doubt, err on the size of too large. Losing a few gun facts is worth getting rid of as much realism as possible. Once you have your straining done, slap it between two covers and bake. Makes 373 pages. 67 s Mary Beth 389 2,054

I just loved this book. This book isn't for everyone. It was definitely for me! This book is very horrifying! Its not for the faint of heart. I had to put it down a couple of times because in some parts I just could not handle it. It is an excellent book. The author writes so well! It is very suspenseful. Its so hard for me to say what its about because I don't want to spoil it. Also I can not put in words the justice that this book deserves. I can tell you that if you are a fan of Karin Slaughter, this book is definitely for you. It can get violent but the author also for a man writes very well for woman. This book does have sugar added to it. The book starts out with a bang that does not stop. The suspense just about killed me.

The character development in this book is so awesome. I loved each character except the villain. I loved Callie, and just adored the little girl Bonnie who is a very strong and tough girl. I just loved Smoky Barrett. And I can't forget Elaina who adds the sugar. She is just sunshine.

Shadow Man will grab you by the throat and yank you along for a hell of a ride, so hold on to your seat. A spell binding read from the first page to the last.

I cannot wait to read the next book in the series. It definitely meets the Wow factor. It really Wowed me and want more.

65 s Brenda725 145

First, a warning. Future readers should be aware that there is an abundance of gore, depravity, and evil in this book, and it is not left to the imagination! It is also countered with love and hope and loyalty.

By the end of the first chapter, I was completely hooked by this book. For me, it was very emotional. I melded myself with everything Smoky was feeling: fear, sorrow, depression, suicidal. And a few chapters later, I loved her team as she did. The cast of characters in this book are just fantastic! But there are some head butts in this book, and oh, God, did they hurt!

The villain in this book causes much psychological damage as well as physical damage. Every member of the team is personally affected. It is sickening. Heartbreaking. It ramps up the tension and makes them angry. Accomplishes what the villain wanted.

I was so immersed in the story, in the investigation, in Smoky's thoughts and feelings, that I never even thought about who Jack Jr. was. And when a name was finally mentioned, it was unfamiliar to me and I had to think back through the book to see if he'd been mentioned yet!

The author has written a rather unique description of how Smoky gets inside the head of an evil psychopath. Smoky calls it "the dark train." I d it and want to remember it. I am happy to ride the dark train with these characters in the remaining three books!50 s Metodi Markov1,442 359

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? ??? ???? ?????? ? ????, ?? ?????? ???????... :(2017 trash-bin36 s David StaniforthAuthor 8 books223

Not one for the squeamish!

This is the kind of book that makes me glad I joined Goodreads and that I have friends whose recommendations I trust, for without that I would never have read "Shadow Man". The cover wouldn't have drawn me in and I'd never heard of the author, so not something I would have selected while casually browsing in the library.

Brilliant writing style that gripped me from the opening paragraph and never let go. Fantastic character development. Intense action. Perfect pacing and plot. And an exhilarating conclusion. The last 25% is simply unputdownable and I will certainly be reading the follow on.

Thank you all my Goodreads' friends for recommending this read, which is now among the books I've read that are easily five stars.33 s Phrynne3,474 2,355

This is a book that I quite d but cannot rave over. It gets lots of five star but it didn't really hit the spot for me.

I enjoyed the story and it had some tense moments. The characters were okay but I felt as though I had met them in many other crime books before. What bothered me the most though was the melodrama. Everyone seemed to be overcome by their feelings about something and the main characters alternated between vomiting in waste baskets and fainting due to extreme stress. Repeatedly.

I thought the mystery itself was good and I did not guess who the murderer was.

I guess my final conclusion will be three stars for a satisfying but not overwhelmingly good crime thriller.34 s Eline Van Der Meulen324 72

"Ik kan dit dit boek dus zeker aanraden, maar let op voor de gruwelijke details."
https://elinevandm.wordpress.com/2020...300-blz 4-stars mustreads32 s Mohikanos156 22

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3.75 **** Run for your life stars

Shadow Man was not my usual read but

it was certainly what I was craving for.

Gory, brutal, horrifying and frightful to the extent of wanting to go to bed with the lights on.

I thought I spotted the killer pretty soon which surprised me as I am usually clueless.
However, I've got distracted. Distracted by madness.
FORTHELOVEOFGOD, how frightening can an insane person be with no boundaries in her mind whatsoever about what is RIGHT and WRONG?

At this point, I don’t know any more who the killer is because this shit is too bat shit crazy to be who I thought it was.

The killer had his own truth, nothing else mattered, he was detached, cold, clever, meticulous, calculating and had his own truth to justify all murders as if he was God.

My only complaint: there was no romance, not even a lightly touch. My personal taste needed something to give it a certain balance.
dark mindfuck mystery ...more26 s Krystin | TheF*ckingTwist530 1,808

Book Blog | Bookstagram

This is the kind of story I love, unashamedly.

A super tough female heroine, with a traumatized past, who has become the main target of a twisted serial killer's bloody game that gives you lots of gore. I mean sure, it's a tale as old as time. It's been done to death. But when it's done well, who gives a fuck? It's a wild, tense, dark and twisty ride.

The crimes were pretty dark, bloody and gory. The chase for the killers was fast paced and fun, with lots of procedural insight into serial killers and the people who catch them. The characters were dynamic in their unique personalities, giving you a real sense of family/team and a vested interest in the outcome of their journey. My only real gripe with this is the Jack the Ripper line, which felt a little too easy as a plot device.

Extra points for making me cry into my snacks because of Leo's dog, though. I hardly ever cry. I'm pretty much dead inside. But pet stuff gets me every time!

I'm super excited that this is a series, though. It was a really promising start that creeped me out, surrounded me with darkness and poked at my emotions.

????½ | 4.5 stars4-stars blood-and-guts challenge-2016 ...more23 s Carol2,847 112

Shadow Man by Cody McFadyen
Smokey Barrett series Book #1

What's It About?
Once, Special Agent Smoky Barrett hunted serial killers for the FBI. She was one of the best–until a madman terrorized her family, killed her husband and daughter, and left her face scarred and her soul brutalized. Turning the tables on the killer, Smoky shot him dead–but her life was shattered forever.

Now Smoky dreams about picking up her weapon again. She dreams about placing the cold steel between her lips and pulling the trigger one last time. Because for a woman who’s lost everything, what is there left to lose? She’s about to find out.

What Did I Think?
By page 10 I knew this book was going to be special. It is a masterpiece of a thriller with characters that you can really care about and feel their suffering. The thriller aspects to the story are intense, dark and depraved with a special degree of evil and debasement. The plot was complex and suspenseful as well as being intriguing to watch the FBI team go from nearly no leads at all to cracking the case. The clues are there if you are smart enough to follow them. This will not be for all readers but those that a little extra spicy kick in their books will devour it.22 s Diana168 50

Wow ... extremely dark! I can't really add anything else for a review that others haven't covered already. It is dark, complex and suspenseful ... I raced through it and was surprised at the end which I always enjoy that. If you Angela Marsons books then this will be right up your alley. Not for the faint of heart ... definitely for dark suspense fans! Don't pass this one up! 22 s Laura/Mystery in Minutes 109 59

Spoiler-Free Review

Are you a fan of the often very dark and edgy show "Criminal Minds"?
The show about the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI (read: profilers)?
I haven't watched the show in years (for reasons having nothing to do with the quality of the show), so I don't know if it has changed since then, but, for me, the tone of Cody McFadyen's first Smoky Barrett novel is very reminiscent of that show that I remember.

So, what did I love about Shadow Man?

I loved the depiction of camaraderie and loyalty that Smoky's immediate, and extended, FBI team has toward one another.
That "I have your back, no matter what" bond that so many in law enforcement share. The acceptance of one another's quirks because they are all highly skilled at what they do and passionate about it, and because their very lives often depend upon that level of acceptance and trust.
I loved Smoky's feeling of responsibility toward her team. In fact, her devotion to her team and their families - these men and women that the reader experiences as fully "fleshed-out" characters - is what ultimately brings Smoky back to the FBI, after an incident with a perpetrator left her unsure as to whether or not she would be able to return to work. Throughout the novel, the reader watches Smoky gradually becoming stronger, and healing in various ways from that devastating event. I grew to care very deeply for *most* of the characters. And for those of you who have already read the novel
(not a spoiler),
I even came to find the expression "honey-love" endearing.
Prior to starting the book, I was a bit apprehensive about the level of violence that I had been advised of, but I did not find it to be drawn out, or gratuitous.

Cody McFadyen's debut novel is so much more than "just genre fiction".

Combining character-rich psychological exploration and suspense, top-notch investigative procedure, red herrings of subtlety and finesse, as well as passages of literary prose evoking great emotion, Shadow Man is an example of what truly great crime fiction can be.

Will I take another ride on the "dark train" with the next book in the series?


Six stars for Shadow Man by Cody McFadyen.

audiobook crime-mystery-suspense-thriller favorite-audiobook-narration ...more20 s Seth Wilde1 review1 follower

This is my first review and I'm really only writing in the hopes of saving someone from this book. I really forced my way through this one, skimmed the second half.

First, all the characters are terribly forced. Everyone in the inner circle of the main character is this perfect shell of one of several archetypes (big scary black guy who's aaaactually incredibly gentle, unless you're the bad guy.... beautiful model type who's got the brains to match!, etc.) Everyone outside the circle is perfectly evil or creepy or flawed. He doesn't let the characters actions build their personalities but instead just tells you what you should think about them from the outset and then puts them in positions where this character he's forced down your throat has a chance to do exactly what he said they would (Paraphrasing here: There was just something about her that I was drawn to, I feel safe with her. Alan summed it up once, "she is mom". That's it. he IS mom. Followed by a scene where a little girl who's just seen her mom raped and killed and hasn't spoken since breaks down just from this heavenly woman's gaze and runs into her arms). You can almost hear the author saying, "Seeeeeee, I told you this character was X".

Second, the plot is painfully predictable. I did a "please don't let it be that guy" about 1/4 of the way through, the writer does a cursory, "don't worry, it's not that guy", then at the end "HA! gotcha, it WAS that guy". Damnit! I almost quit right then but there were only 15 pages left.

The violence is WAY over the top, which would be ok if it was well written enough to carry it, so your mind was drawn to the story or the characters or anything else. But as is, the violence is the most standout part and feels very out of place, you're reading some fanfiction by a guy who needs to get rape and evisceration off his chest.

I've got to stop now so I can get this book out of my head. It made me angry.20 s Jean786 20

George Eliot, Isak Dinesen, J. D. Robb…Cody McFadyen? I truly mean this as the highest compliment, Mr. McFadyen. As I read the opening pages of your spectacular thriller, Shadow Man, I had to look back to see your name again. Yes, I had read it correctly; I simply could not believe that the emotions and sensations that were emanating from my Kindle had come from the psyche of a man. I know that I am not the first reviewer to say this, but this was my overwhelming first impression, and I was awestruck.

Smoky Barrett is no ordinary FBI agent. What makes her special is not that she leads a violent crimes unit in LA or that she fires her Glock more accurately than almost any other agent in the Bureau or even that she has lost her husband, child, and good looks to a vicious killer. What makes Smoky Barrett one of the best agents, male or female, is that she has the ability to read her prey – almost get inside the head of the perpetrator. Then look out! Here comes “the dark train”! Chug-a-chug-a-chug. She feels the dragon inside…the dragon that is her anger, her strength, and her hunger for justice.

Smoky’s crime-chasing is made more masterful by her team of two genuinely wonderful human beings, Callie and Alan, who also happen to be extremely skilled at what they do, plus James, a man who is a big jerk but is able to get in the zone Smoky can and “feel” the perp. They are joined on this case by a rookie, Leo, who is a computer nerd. Poor Leo has a rude awakening at his first crime scene, but he toughens up in a hurry.

This is a good place to warn the reader: This is not your sweet grandma’s cozy mystery. It is brutal. There is violent sex and torture of women (and a dog). Karen Slaughter and Tess Gerritsen’s killers have nothing on this evil butcher. He is smart, careful, confident, and extremely cruel.

Fortunately, there is some balance. It comes in the form of kind, caring people. The supporting cast consists of fabulous characters. Even though there is a lot of pain in their lives, they bring love and stability into one another’s lives. Even Matt and Alexa, Smoky’s dead husband and daughter, speak to her in her head and guide her.

The plot is strengthened by solid details of Smoky’s therapy sessions, FBI interview techniques, and forensics nuts-and-bolts that are quite fascinating. Then there are the gruesome descriptions of the videos. These are definitely not for everyone.

As a mystery, Shadow Man isn’t exceptional. I had a strong hunch early on as to the identity of the psychopathic monster. It is the depiction of the terror – the sights, the sounds, the heart-stopping fears that makes this story a top-notch thriller. When Smoky wakes up from a nightmare, I felt her jolt. I saw her drenched with sweat. I heard her sob. When McFadyen describes the dark train, I was there. My heart was pounding, my fists were clenched, and my senses were heightened. This total immersion was not an occasional occurrence; it was a constant state from start to finish.

I had a very few minor peeves about this book. One, I got extremely tired of Callie’s “honey love” phrase every time she spoke to anyone. I loved Callie, but that phrase started grating after a while. Secondly, while the killer made a mistake or two, the biggest one seemed too manufactured to be accidental. I don’t know whether that was intentional on the author’s part or not, but it didn’t quite fit. Still, that in no way ruined the story for me, as the final chapters were amazingly pressure-packed. Really good stuff. Great, actually. This is a very easy five star rating.

There is good news and bad news about Cody McFadyen. Good news: There are three more Smoky Barrett books, plus one in German (which I hope, hope, hope will be translated some day). Bad news: McFadyen seems to have vanished from the world of books. Wherever you are, sir, I hope you are well. Thank you so much for sharing your gift.

5 stars

19 s ?Susan?987 218

This book was recommended to me by a reading buddy because she loved it and because she knows I Karen Slaughter books. It is the beginning of a series that is not at all light reading. A brutal tale with all the suspense and twists that make up a good crime thriller. On to the next book, I hope the series gets better as it goes. audible complicated creepy ...more19 s Michael1,557 180

Bei über 5000 Ratings im Schnitt 4,1 Sterne: das muss doch was sein?
Ja, auf jeden Fall Geschmackssache.

Die höchstbegabte FBI-Agentin Smoky Barrett ist taffer als Clarice Starling und obwohl ihr Körper mit Narben überzogen ist nicht weniger attraktiv als Jodie Foster - so will es McFadyen.
Nachdem Smoky Kind und Mann verloren hat und selbst Opfer eines psychopathischen Vergewaltigers wurde, muss sie sich in der BLUTLINIE mächtig am Riemen reißen, um nach ihrer Auszeit zurück in den Dienst zu finden und den Mord an ihrer Freundin Annie aufzuklären, die das Schicksal mit einem noch brutaleren Psychopathen bedacht hat.
Zu Beginn aufs Höchste dosiert zelebriert McFadyen die Pathetik der Härte, dann kann er endlich bei den Beschreibungen des Mordes an Annie übergehen in die Rhetorik des Grauens. Beispiel: Wer den "schwarzen Zug" besteigt - sich also in die Welt des psychopathischen Killers hineinversetzt -, der erlebt einen "Klimawandel der Seele". OmG!

Gar nicht widerlich genug kann es McFadyen bei der detaillierten Beschreibung des unbeschreiblichen Martyriums der Opfer zugehen, denn die Konkurrenz auf dem Thriller Markt ist hart. Ich weiß nicht, ob es später spannend wird, einstweilen findet der Autor nur Raum für Perversionen und Pseudoforensik.

Sprachlich auf vorsichtig ausgedrückt nicht besonders hohem Niveau beschreibt der Autor Smoky und ihr Team auf eine Weise, die in jeder Hinsicht, also für den Leser wie für die Figuren, verzweifelt genannt werden darf. Mit Abstand am Schlimmsten allerdings ist, dass die Charaktere und ihr Handeln psychologisch extrem unglaubwürdig sind. McFadyen geht es nur um Horror, nicht um Glaubwürdigkeit. Ein Trauma jagt das andere, und es ist nicht leicht, sich immer noch schlimmere Wendungen auszudenken. McFadyen setzt immer noch einen drauf, allerdings nicht qualitativ, sondern nur quantitativ.

Ungefähr gegen Hälfte des Hörbuches habe ich jegliches Interesse an Smoky und ihren Kollegen verloren.

Prädikat: besonders ungenießbar - und aus!

OK, nach fünf Tagen Abstand bedarf es doch noch einer Klarstellung. Was also stört mich so an der BLUTLINIE?
Natürlich will ich McFadyen nicht unterstellen, dass er pervers veranlagt ist, er bedient ein Genre, das boomt und von dem der Leser offenbar eine immer härtere Gangart erwaretet. Andererseits ist er für das verantwortlich, was der da zu Papier bringt, und es geht ausschließlich um fast lustvoll dargestellte sexuelle Gewalt und Perversion. Unterwäsche, Höschen und BH, werden am Fließband zerrissen, die Narben, die Smoky von ihrem Peiniger davongetragen hat und die ihr Gesicht, ihren Hals und ihren Körper überziehen, werden beim Sex als Charaktermerkmal bezeichnet, aus dem Smokys Stärke erkennbar sei. Geht´s noch?
Es wird nicht einfach vergewaltigt und gemordet, die Opfer werden nicht nur zerstückelt, sondern mit einem fast wohligen Schauer beschreibt McFadyen, wie sie ausgeweidet werden. In einem Einmachglas sollen sich die Sexualorgane einer Frau befinden. Und immer wieder Gewalt, Gewalt, Gewalt. Tierquälerei, Sadismus, Mord. Frauenfeindlichkeit ist die Grundlage, auf der alles Exzesse gedeihen.
Ich frage mich, wie sich Franziska Pigulla gefühlt hat, als sie diesen widerwärtigen Text vorgelesen hat.
Denn noch einmal ganz deutlich: was Fadyen hier geschrieben hat, hat nichts mit Spannung zu tun. Im Gegenteil, ohne die Gewaltexzesse wäre die Handlung langweilig, ja es bliebe nicht einmal etwas von ihr übrig.
Wer kann die Lektüre geniessen? In einigen Rezensionen wurde geschrieben, die Figuren seien psychologisch glaubwürdig und gut gezeichnet. Sorry, aber das ist einfach nicht zutreffend und soll möglicherweise nur Rechtfertigung dafür sein, dass die BLUTLINIE eine Saite zum Klingen bringt, die den Leser dazu treibt, den ganzen Roman zu lessen, aller Widerwärtigkeiten zum Trotz.
Im ANTON REISER gibt es eine wunderbare Stelle, wo Anton zwei sich gegenüberliegen feindliche Heere, bestehend aus Eicheln und Haselnüssen (oder so ähnlich) aufbaut und dann genüsslich mit einem Hammer beliebig mal auf die eine, dann wieder auf die andere Seite eindrischt. Es bereit Anton, der es im Leben schwer genug hat, offensichtlich eine nicht unerhebliche Genugtuung, selber einmal in die Rolle des blindwütigen Schicksals zu schlüpfen. Auf diese eine Passage kommen fünfzig Autoren in der Qualität eines McFadyen!
audiobook mystery-thriller16 s Janet 343 112

I came to this not having had heard of the author before but on very high recommendations from trusted reading friends. I did some research; discovered that the author seems to have disappeared from the public writing arena (which is mysterious in itself) and that there are four books written in this particular series. So in I went and came away mostly happy - mostly! It was wasn't perfect, but here's what I thought.

It's clear from early on that McFadyen can write. His writing reads well with elegant prose that flows along at a compelling pace that hooks when necessary. Character depth is pretty deep here as we're given backstory to most of the people present. Quite unusual I found and I'm not sure where I sit with it. In some instances I can see why it was necessary; others, not so much. It did feel a bit plodding occasionally to get to the good bits. From the blurb we know that the main protagonist is Smoky Barrett, an all singing and dancing FBI agent at the top of her game, well usually, until she's beset by a huge tragedy that knocks her sideways and is compelled to undertake counselling. On the whole I d the character. My sticking point was the name, Smoky??!! I mean, seriously??!! Couldn't get my head around that one and for one that was lacking somewhat in stature (same as my eldest daughter who I seriously couldn't picture taking on the bad guys in spite of her tenacious spirit!), she made up for in gun toting skills and a drive that seemed a tad unrealistic given all that had happened to her. Putting that aside, I d all the cohorts and the fiendishly bad guy that was without any remorse in his quest to prove his intelligence.

The plotline is good and it's clearly well researched. I have to say it reminded me of Patricia Cornwell's earlier books in the descriptiveness at times which is no bad thing. And I can see other authors creeping in too, namely Robert Harris with Hannibal. It certainly had a feel of those types of books and I know much has been said that it's not for the faint hearted. Well, no, it's not - but if you can handle those authors I've mentioned and the s of Slaughter, Hayder, Bauer then this is fine. Though it is shocking so be prepared.

With all that said, I shall leave it there and finish by saying that overall I really did enjoy this book for the most part. Some great characters, a good story in which I didn't guess the end and a curiosity to see what is going to be in store for particular characters further down the line. Especially Bonnie, the little girl tragically caught up in all the horror and hopefully rescued - rescued enough to find some peace and happiness that she thoroughly deserves. Bless her heart.

I shall be reading more. Highly recommend.16 s Kevin1,465 81

Smoky Barrett wakes up most nights screaming, reliving the torture and murder of her husband and daughter by a serial killer. She has been away from the FBI on leave and frankly doesn’t know if she will ever be able to go back to work. She can barely make it through a day. But when her best friend is killed by a serial killer who believes he is the ancestor of Jack the Ripper, she is pulled back in to the FBI by the killer himself. She soon finds her team helps make her feel needed as she chases the murderer.

I read a lot of mysteries and thrillers but I must say this one took me to uncomfortable places. Smoky has a talent that allows her to see a crime scene through the killer’s eyes which she calls "riding the dark train." This particular killer is the epitome of darkness and evil, relishing in torturing the innocent. The FBI team is an interesting mix and the writing truly makes you care about these characters.

Not since “Silence of the Lambs” have I become so engrossed in a storyline which was almost impossible to put down. I read the last 100 pages until late this morning and can’t wait to read the next in the series. An outstanding debut!california favorites library ...more16 s Angela DeSilva153 225

This is a very good serial killer fiction book. I loved Smoky Barrett! This is a very talented author. Just excellent writing. Author is well versed in forensics and profiling. I'm starting the second in the series straight away,The Face of Death!crime detective library-hold ...more17 s Repix2,254 465

No soporto que todos sean altos, guapos, fuertes, buenos, los mejores disparando, los mejores forenses, que tengan memoria fotográfica, etc., por favor, necesitamos personajes reales. Además, la investigación tiene errores de bulto, detalles de los que no comentan nada y que son necesarios. 16 s *TANYA*1,002 373

Brilliant book!! I was engrossed the entire time. Can't wait to read the next book of the series. 17 s Franzi Bücherseelen91 367

Ein schreckliches , schreckliches Buch ... ich liebe es und will mehr! :D "Todeskünstler" ich komme! :D15 s Daniela493 21

Lange bin ich um diese Reihe herum geschlichen, im Nachhinein weiß ich gar nicht mehr so genau, warum eigentlich.
Die Reihe um Smokey Barett startet direkt der Vergangenheit der Ermittlerin und geht dann mehr oder weniger nahtlos in das aktuelle Geschehen und somit auch in ihren ersten Fall über.
Und der hat es echt in sich...
Der Nachfahre von Jack the Ripper - Jack Junior - geht mit seinen Opfern wahrlich nicht zimperlich um.
Es wird gefoltert, vergewaltigt, gemordet - das alles geht insgesamt sehr blutrünstig über die Bühne.
Die Praktiken, auch wenn sie nicht sonderlich explizit beschrieben sind, sind dennoch nichts für zartbesaitete Personen.
Auch die Wahl der Opfer - und der Überlebenden - ist nicht ohne.
Die Ende ist ziemlich überraschend, aber am Ende dann doch zu schnell vorbei - schade.
Ich bin gespannt, wie es mit Smokey und ihrem Team weitergeht...hörbuch_2020 read_202014 s Stefie vom Buchschnack74 130

Sehr intensiv, sehr detailliert und sehr gut
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