
Yes to Everything de McClendon, Shayne

de McClendon, Shayne - Género: English
libro gratis Yes to Everything


Life at the top isnt all glitz and glamour.

Talented Brooke Kincaids life takes a turn for the better when shes asked to join the country band Broken Bronco founded by the gorgeous Bradshaw brothers. In a single moment, her struggle to care for her younger siblings after the death of their parents is a thing of the past.

She soon realizes fame and fortune have a price like anything else. Finding the love of her life in the last place she would have thought to look, Brooke embraces the realization of all her dreams only to have happiness ripped away in one act of brutal violence. Starting again and healing her heart take courage she isnt sure she has but love has a way of finding its way home.

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Holy.Effing.Shit...if I could give this book 10 stars I would Bravos, kisses and kudos to you Ms. McClendon for giving this book to the world!!!

Ok...(((deep breath)))...I'm trying to organize what I want to say, but that only makes me forget things I want to mention and makes me have the grammar of a 5th grader, so I'm just gonna wing it!

This book...affected me. It really did. On so many levels. It literally has EVERYTHING I love about a fantastic book. Let me name off the wonderful things it included.

~Almost no spelling or word errors...that seems to be an issues with well written books lately.

~Music...the music world is interlaced within this book so well, I can't even stand it. The songs they reference in the book are well known, so you can listen to them as you read or at least reference them, to get into the characters headspace at that time. It definitely adds to the emotion you feel when reading. You don't have to be a "country fan" to appreciate the theme, but you have to love music and appreciate the "southern way of life"

~Humor...If a book is nothing but the heavy stuff, it can feel overwhelming. I found myself so engrossed in the book, that I was randomly laughing and didn't even realize it. I LOVE sarcastic banter with the characters, and this book had it in spades.

~Love and Romance...Dear Lordy, did this book have it! On all kinds of levels...Love between family members and siblings, love in a menage relationship, love for ones self, love for your best friends, love for ones you've lost. It was incredibly touching and moved me.

~The Tears...
Sweet Jesus, did I cry with this book. I try to never do spoilers in , and you can get an overview of the book in the blurb for it, but this book had me, , snotty all over crying at one point. My daughter even voiced her concern when she saw me sniffing behind my kindle LOL. It's a good release, so do not go past about 40% without tissues handy.

ALPHA FREAKIN' MALES Holy crap...you have all the alpha males you can possibly choose from in this book! Ex-Marines, Country Music Stars, I mean DAMN...and they are fan your panties hot to boot!!!

And finally...the SEX!!! These alpha males have some dirty little mouths in the bedroom, and they are ALL about pleasure for their ladies. Loving their woman up hard, and putting her first. It was just pretty damn hot!!

The way the book played out (a long journey for the characters) in my opinion, reminded me of the book Taking Chances. The plots were nothing a, but when I was reading this one, that book somehow came to mind. It was just an incredible story filled with erotic dialogue, love, loss, country music, hope, grief and love again. I would recommend this book to EVERYONE. It will definitely stay with me for a long while.bad-boy-rockers billionaire-boys erotica ...more27 s Erica713 44

This book was absolutely unbelievably amazing. A little cuter than I expected, but still no less amazing. I was really riveted by the way that all of these characters came together in the book to mesh into one big family, and the sex scenes were pretty darn off-the-charts hot. However, what really got me the most about this book is the tragedy that changes Brooke forever. I had a feeling that something big that was going to happen so I wasn't completely shocked but it didn't stop me from bawling my eyes out this morning in bed reading about it. That's really all I'm going to say about it...I don't want to post any spoilers because it is so amazing, but it is such an amazing story of grief and loss and heartbreak that you feel you are right there with Brooke watching her suffer. Make no mistake about it. This book is BROOKE'S story. It does delve into little snippets here and there on the twins and on her friends but this is all about Brooke from beginning to end. It basically starts (if you count the backstory) when she is sixteen and loses her parents and has to raise her three siblings and run a ranch in Oklahoma on her own and spans until she is almost 23. I haven't read many books this that span such a long period of time but this one does an amazing job with it...and with the time span you really get to see Brooke grow from a young girl forced into adulthood too early to the incredible woman that she grows into being, circumstances being what they are. And she is an amazing character. I couldn't help but have a picture of Lady Antebellum in my mind when I read this book and I will probably never hear "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" or "Strawberry Wine" again without thinking of this book. Very clear, crisp writing, nice detail in the sex scenes, and definitely some interesting twists to the menage relationships that were new and refreshing and definitely different. Loved it! Get your Kleenex ready if you read it...I needed a towel!against-the-wall best-friends-to-lovers borrowed-and-returned ...more15 s Vieira658 1 follower


What a ride that was holy shit. I can't even put to words how incredible this book was. Talk about a family with charisma jeez. This family had it in spades. Not to mention Brookes friends!! All of the characters in this book are golden totally.

I need to rant!

I loved Rex soo much. There isn't many times you really truley love a character this. He was strong, loyal, funny and super hot. And the way he loved Brooke made my heart swell and the way she loved him right back was wonderful to wittness. Now for the hard part....losing Rex. My God I was crying sooo hard I couldn't even see the words. Even after that horrific scene I was crying even up until the end. And OMG the letter he wrote!!! My husband was looking at me I had two heads, Christ I was hicuping and everything, I'm talking snots and everything. At first I didn't know if I could handle her with the twins after Rex I was so emotionaly invested in Rex. But I d how the Author went about it. It didn't happen right away she gave Brooke time to heal. Even though she still loved Rex she knew Rex would want her to be happy. In fact he made her promise him. I also love how the twins had so much respect for him so it made things alittle better. His friends were so excellant to her and just wanted her happy becaust they knew Rex wanted it that way.

This story will stay with me for a long time it made such a deep immpression on me. Give this book a chance, I can't believe not alot of people don't know about this book yet but they will I'm sure of it!!!!anal-sex book-boyfriend could-not-put-down ...more15 s Mel Bedford119 2

I have read this book twice, it was so emotionally good! I probably will re-read it again some day. I didn't expect the emotional roller coaster I went on and I haven't cried this much since the last book I read of hers, "The Barter System". She is an amazing author that surrounds her reader with so many amazing emotions and makes you feel you are right there with the characters. I didn't expect to feel what I felt with Rex and I loved that I got more info and stories within the story on the secondary characters! I hope Shayne writes more about these characters because I am certainly feeling a book hangover because I fell in love with all of them!15 s Karen1,244 52

Have you every read a book that you didn't want to put down at all. Well this is one of those books I started it while at work and hated everytime I had to stop and answer the phone. This is a must read by a great author. If you to read Shayne's books then do your self a favor and grab this one. If you haven't read any of her books then take a chance on a great read.
I keep going back to this book and rereading parts of it, it's that good
So far I've read it 13 times favorites shayne-mcclendon-awesome-books13 s Valerie Snyder1 review

I loved this book! It is my fav from her, so far! This author just gets better and better, everytime I turn around! This book will make you cry, laugh, groan, cry,and cheer!! Thanks Shayne for writing such another great book!13 s Leslie245 3

Ok, so this is one of those books you can't go into too much detail because any little thing can give the whole book away....I must say, I loooooooooove Brooke! She is absolutely perfect and a breath of fresh air! She is just stunning! Everything about her is inspiring...

Her sibling are adorable! Shayne McClendon, you have done such a wonderful job letting us get emotionally invested with all the characters in the book...even her best friends and their significant others....I mean this book just completes you! You are able to share a little bit with each character (since its a 3rd POV) which worked perfectly for this book...I felt a part of them. I felt myself experiencing all the emotions they did too! It was great...

A definite must read! There is love, loss, hot sex, hot country singers, hot marines, friendship, family and more! This was a beautiful book and I would definitely love to read more about everyone of these characters!

Congrats to Shayne McClendon!!!12 s Anna Marie135 3

WOW! I thought this was such a sweet book, then I kept reading. I laughed and I cried my way through this book. I loved the characters, maybe it is something about identical twin boys. This is my first book by this author but most certainly not my last. This is a must read.12 s Steph Staford10 2

This is not for the faint of hearts.

This was a tough Read Emotionally for me.

It starts out with Brooke Auditioning for a place in the band Broken Bronco.Her talents get her catapulted into stardom and fame. She plays second fiddle to nobody and is a talented artist. We are guided effortless through the changes in her life and the lives of those closest to her. You share in their Successes, failures, loves and loses.

Shayne has filled the characters with such rich body you will swear they are out there today living there lives. There are many hot Erotic scenes and each one uniquely different than the other. These scenes connect the characters emotional and physically. These scenes are full and rich with Passion and desires. They are exactly what the characters long for and leave you wanting for yourself.

I may be biased for saying this but i have read almost everything this young author has produced and have yet to be disappointed. Shayne is talented and vested in her writings. She has a gift for drawing you in and feeding you with delightful surprises and turns of events.

I say this watch her grow keep your eyes on her. Shayne is turning out wonderfully full bodied Erotic tales and you will want to invest in every single one!!!

I highly recommend this but caution be read to be taken for a wild Bronco Ride!!! 11 s Brittany3,198 25

This book was awesome!! I came across it by chance looking for a book for a reading challenge and got lucky. This book was well written, great story and awesome characters. I will warn you that this book will have you crying but it will also make you laugh, sigh and you will not be able to put it down. I started it and finished it in less than a day. It is definitely not your typical menage book but a book that gives you a little bit of everything. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
P.S. Grab a box of tissues You will need them!!!menage11 s Jessie1,129 9

Oh my this truly was an amazing book!!
it got me hooked from the first chapter ..
it was funny and hot but also emotional..
I can say I laughed and got turned on in this book and when the twist happened I sobbed my heart out, I was crying that bad my chest hurt.. that's how I could tell this book was amazing !!
it a really great book and not predictable which actually made me enjoy it just as much...

please read it, you won't be disappointed :-)11 s Regina618 2

Well, where to start? This second book that I have read by this author and I guess the one word that comes to mind is WOW! That Brooke was super strong and brave to keep her family together. I just fell for Rex and my heart just broke when he passed. Glad the twins grew up and turn into wonderful men. And the laughs Sydney is a hoot. So you want hot love. laughs and a good cry this is the book. Made my top 3 that I have read this year. MUST READ!!!11 s Theresa Natole1,006 16

This book is amazing. I laughed and I cried. I have never cried so much with any other book I have read. I thought The Barter System was good. Yes to Everything blew it away. If you haven't had a chance to read it I suggest you do so with a box of tissues. Could not put it down.11 s Amanda Logsdon9 6

One of those books I did NOT want to put down. Wow!11 s Kelly395 17

Ummmm 10 stars!!!!!!!! I Loved this book for so many reasons, but its really hard to share without giving anything/everything away. All I can say is this book blew me away. (I love you Rex)amazing-supporting-characters kellys-favorites kinky ...more11 s Brandi266

WOW!!! Loved the entire story and all the people in it!!!! Can't say enough about!!!!
A MUST read!11 s Kim Brewing3,314 35

Loved it. A HOT love story (or two or three or four) A HEA, but not without some tears.11 s Jane160 27

i never cryed so much reading one book before it was a great read happy and sad10 s Joyia MarieAuthor 10 books13

I really enjoyed this book. I laughed. I cried. I was seriously envious of this woman and her selection of men. 9 s Yvonne Roller144

Brooke is such a strong character!! I absolutely LOVED this book!! Once I started reading this I could not put it down!! The strength of the characters comes through in so many ways especially Brooke! Shayne has a way of creating the strongest characters that just grab you by the throat and won't let go! I laughed, I cried(OK.... sobbed) and then I laughed again. This is a MUST read if you strong female characters and the men who love them.
8 s *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time1,921 3,710

So...it's been several days since I finished reading this one and I keep going back and forth on my rating. Bottomline, I have decided I really did this one. At first I didn't think I did but then I keep thinking about Brooke and the twins and Rex...and I really loved them all.

My biggest complaint about this book--the length! It was just too long. And I wish we would have gotten more of certain parts of the book and less of other parts. But overall, I really did it.

Throughout the book, I kept trying to figure out what direction it was going to go. Let's face it, going in I had NO idea this was a M/F/M book. At all. Though having read her other book The Barter System I shouldn't have been surprised. This must be SM's "thing".

Now...how to describe the book?!?! This is where it gets tricky...saying too much will ruin the experience of reading it. I know that makes no sense. There was a lot going on....and it goes in one direction, only to veer in another at the end. And if I really sit and think about the plot of the book--it's not at all plausible really.

I'm not doing a very good job of making you want to read this book am I??? IDK, if you're looking for something different, that's well written....has some HOT sex, has hot alpha males....great characters, good dialogue....then read this book. :) But be prepared....it's a LONG one. It had a little bit of everything really....drama/angst, happy, sad, HOT sex!

And it was a standalone with a HEA. Yay!!!7 s Clare6

Shayne McClendon has done it again and I have to say that this is my ultimate favourite of hers. This book has everything and can read this time and time again and still feel very emotional over this story. I can not recommend this book enough and if asked I would award it 100 out of 10 (that is how much I love it) 6 s Michelle193 31

Daaaaamn....that was awesome!,,favorites6 s Aestas Book Blog1,059 75.2k Want to read

huh. wow. well this seems to be rating well... oh, and ROCKSTARS!!!

BLURB --> Life at the top isn’t all glitz and glamour.

Talented Brooke Kincaid’s life takes a turn for the better when she’s asked to join the country band Broken Bronco founded by the gorgeous Bradshaw brothers. In a single moment, her struggle to care for her younger siblings after the death of their parents is a thing of the past.

She soon realizes fame and fortune have a price anything else. Finding the love of her life in the last place she would have thought to look, Brooke embraces the realization of all her dreams only to have happiness ripped away in one act of brutal violence. Starting again and healing her heart take courage she isn’t sure she has but love has a way of finding its way home.
soon top-tbr5 s Karenvancoppenolle11

This is written just excellent, I had the most wonderful experiences reading this book. I felt overjoyed and happy and then I was crying my ugliest cry ever, I thought my heart was sinking to the bottom of my tears when I was crying. But gradually the good feelings came back. Brooke is super strong and grounded at heart. Read this story go trough a whirlwind of emotions. But after reading it I realized I can come out of something ugly, and have a positive outcome and have a life changing experience. 5 s Shawn Baker568

This I have to say is an all time best read for me. It had everything you want in a great book,alpha-males,love stories,tragedy,and HEA. Highy recommend!!!alpha-male bad-boy-rockers5 s Colleen28 8

It's a roller coaster ride of emotions. I laughed so hard my sides hurt, I swooned at the amazing men in the book and I cried. If you want a book you can't put down you've found it. 5 s Coco.V50k 4 Want to read

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