
Mortlock de Mayhew, Jon

de Mayhew, Jon - Género: English
libro gratis Mortlock


The sister is a knife thrower in a magician's stage act, the brother is an undertaker's assistant. Neither orphan knows of the other's existence. Until, that is, three terrible Aunts descend on the girl's house and imprison her guardian, the Great Cardamom. His dying act is to pass the girl a note with clues to the secret he has carried to his grave. Cardamom was one of three explorers on an expedition to locate the legendary Amarant, a plant with power over life and death. Now, pursued by flesh-eating crow-like ghuls, brother and sister must decode the message and save themselves from its sinister legacy. Uncle Montague's Tales of Terror meets Indiana Jones. Mortlock is macabre, darkly humorous, masterfully written and . . . brilliant. A superlative adventure peppered with deadly thrills and traditional death rhymes Jon Mayhew is a man with a dark imagination, who has always loved writing and storytelling. An English teacher (to children and teenagers) for 20 years, he now...

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As an avid reader of gothic fiction, I was wary of Mortlock from the cover (as a bookseller, I shouldn’t be judging a book by the cover, I know, I know, but I’m only human!). A decayed hand thrust up forth from its grave, an unnaturally sized crow looming forth under the book’s title. One can easily guess the genre from a quick glimpse however, the story itself is prime and well-told. Mayhew uses well-woven threads of mystery and intrigue to form a terrific plot and back-story. Using themes of Victorian vaudeville and Stoker-esque, gothic tones, we have before us one of the better fables to emerge in the last decade of children’s books.

These days, it has become exceptionally difficult to find excellent literature for children, particularly in the 9-12 age bracket. The media and more importantly, quite a lot of bookshops have proclaimed a certain boy wizard and his blonde creator as the re-inventors of children’s books. Furthermore, a certain vampiric series of kids books has in conjunction with the boy wizard often been credited with getting kids to read again. As a result, many parents seem to feel that if a book lacks vampires or a boy with a scar on his forehead who happens to be magical, the book isn’t worth reading. I strongly contend this idea. A good storyteller is fundamentally, very different to good writing and few people nowadays seem to be able to tell the difference. Mortlock is not only excellently written, it is fitting for the 9-12 age bracket, a notoriously difficult span to conquer in the chasm of literature. Although, this too is about magic and the unnatural, it lacks all the stereotypical cliches that have come to dominate the genre and importantly, it is a challenging read for the younger generation to get their teeth into. The story is enthralling and wise, it is fit for adults too.

I’m not going to detail the plot as I despise spoilers, but I do heartily encourage readers to go out and discover the magic that is Mortlock and hopefully, to enjoy it as much as I did.childrens fiction young-adult-fiction5 s Charlotte Danby5 4

I wouldn't usually read this type of book, but I found it in the back of my cupboard and I thought I should give it a try. After reading the prologue I didn't think I was going to enjoy it, but I carried on and it was surprisingly quite good. It only took me a few days to read it all (I'm a slow reader, 2 days is good for me). It had some very cliché parts, but overall the plot and the whole book was good 3 s Caroline Victoria Murphy (CazzReadsYA)67 12

This book is generally aimed at people younger than me, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it. I read this as part of my Halloween book challenge, and it sent chills through my spine more than once. All the characters are well developed, especially the two main characters: twins Josie and Alfie. At the beginning of the book we are introduced to Mortlock who is the character mentioned on the cover, and two of his friends Chrimes and Corvis. They are searching for a flower called an Amarant, but we are not told much about the flower at that point. Both Josie and Alfie are great characters to read about, although I did take a dis to Alfie when he made his first appearance, but I soon fell in love with his character. The side characters are also fantastic, and the aunts are extremely creepy. The plot itself is very original, and there wasn't any part of the book that was slow or uninteresting for me. I found myself reading this book from start to finish in six hours.

To summarise?
If you love creepy, gory books, then this is for you. When you close the book, you will want to sleep with the light on. 2 s Polly Clarke201 9

Ghoulish, gory and grim - a delightful mix of the macabre! This book made me squirm more than a few occasions it was so brilliantly written. Wonderful Halloween reading choice. A favourite! favorites supernatural-and-paranormal the-2014-reading-challenge-group2 s Scott Roberts614 82

Excellent story plot and book cover. I give this book 5 stars. fantasy favorites five-stars ...more2 s Tony576 18

Fantastically imagined horror set in the Victorian era following the story of orphaned twins Josie and Alfie as they try to uncover the mystery of a secret connected to their past, that has been passed on to them in in a note by Josie's dying guardian. A really great atmospheric chiller which is heavy on the gore for a kid’s book. And why not? Although it’s billed as a trilogy these historical horror novels can happily be read as standalone novels as the further books head into demon and djinns with new plots. What’s not to from the always very readable Jon Mayhew? 1 Paloma Hiles9

The story is really good and spooky, not too gory. I wouldn't have chosen that book cover to reflect the story though... Think spooky circus, scary crows, haunted House... Lots of adventure... A really good read. 1 Livia223 18

I loved this!!! (really gloomy tho)1 Lyndsey O'Halloran432 66

I truly felt that when I decided to start reading this book that I would hate it. Something about the cover/ description just didn’t appeal to me but I definitely wanted to give it a shot. The cover is a very evil green colour with a hand reaching out from the ground as well as black claws coming down from the top. Straight away, you know this book has an eerie feel to it and the black edged pages helped to add to that feeling.

Jon Mayhew’s website (http://www.jonmayhew.co.uk/mortlock.htm) states that this book is suitable for 8+ children. I have to strongly disagree with this though and a fair amount of it gave me the creeps and some parts were very disgusting and graphic. If I had read this book when I was 8 years old, I would have been terrified. I would actually be reluctant to recommend this to even 12 year olds, especially girls. I know my 12 year old cousin would have nightmares for days if she read this.

The book begins with a prologue, explaining to the reader who Mortlock is and the kinds of things he has done in his life. The first part of the book is nothing the rest of it though. I thought this was going to turn out to be some kind of action/ adventure through the jungle but I was so, so wrong. I did how the book began, even if it was a little confusing at times but it did set the scene really well for what was to come.

The diversity of characters was one of the main things that made this book so interesting. Josie is a knife thrower with her magician guardian, the Great Cardamom. Her brother, Alfie is an undertaker’s assistant. Pretty crazy jobs for 13 year olds but they suit them both really well. Josie, although not entirely comfortable with her life, makes the most of what she has and is determined to put things right in the world. I really felt for Josie when the ‘Aunts’ turned up and began to throw her whole life upside-down. Having already been through quite a lot and not having the most normal of lives, I didn’t want to see her go through any more hurt than was necessary. When Josie found out that she had a brother, she was not impressed and to be honest, neither was I. I really disd him to begin with and found him to be much a spoilt brat spitting his dummy out. He was selfish and obviously didn’t want a sister as much as Josie didn’t want a sister. It turns out that I judged him far too quickly and soon enough, he and Josie were much happier when they were together, even if they were running away from the crazy raven women.

Coming to the ending, I have to say that I wasn’t completely satisfied with it. After all that had happened throughout the book up until this point, I was expecting this massive, all or nothing, kind of showdown but it wasn’t what I got. I think the excitement and mystery had been built up so much throughout the book that the ending would have had to have been huge in order to keep me happy. While the ending was good, I felt it was rushed and it should have gotten more attention and for this reason, I was left feeling disappointed.

The pacing of this book was excellent. While there is quite a lot of adventure and action, there are also plenty of places which give you the chance to catch your breath. Once I had really gotten into this book, I didn’t want to put it down, wanting to find out what crazy idea Jon Mayhew would come up with next. Let’s just say that the ‘Aunts’ are not the only scary things going on. By the time I had finished reading this one, it was about 1am and I was utterly freaked out. There were so many things that I could have had nightmares about.

Although not recommended for younger readers, Mortlock is a gothic, creepy read that will drag you in and not let go!ya1 Adil14

I decided to read this book because i found this book on the shelf of the library and the cover was irresistable. So i picked it up and started reading the Prologue. I was entregied about the starting and it hookedd me in. This book was a thriller.

The category it fits is " A female main character" The reason why it fits this category is because the main character is Josie who is a female. Hahahahah. I d reading this genre because in most books that i have read there always has been a male main charcter and this genre has helped me learn that boys are not the only ones that have the determination and the sterngth to take huge responsibility, girls can do the same.

My favorite quote "Never to take the Amaranth from this place," said Corvis. This is my favourite because this was in the prologue which was what wanted me to read this book. Awesome!!!!!

The truth is bitter but taccepting it is much better. This lesson is a cliche but is always a good lesson to teach children about truth and lies. This book has been the best book i have read in my whole life besides " Harry Potter."

The character that i d the most in the book was Alfie who was Josie's twin brother. Now why i him is even more better because he has the power to bring little things to big things back to life. Basically, what the power of the Amarant is. This book is so suspenseful and makes you wan to be engaged. I loved it. I recommend this book to all ages and people especially who love to read suspense and adventurous book.

Review By Adil IMRAN1 Chris282

Reading this one for school. I has arrived but has the phrase "Death is not the end" so checking to see whether or not this is suitable for a KS2 reading book...

The blurb:

Josie is a knife thrower in the magician's stage act. Alfie is an undertaker's assistant.

They are both orphans and they have never met, but they are about to be given a clue to the secret of a shared past.

A past which has come back to seek them out.

And while they flee for their lives, they must unravel the burning mysteries surrounding the legacy that threatens to consume them."

Well I am intrigued :-)

This was well worth reading. I think the audience is probably in the 10-14 age bracket but it works well as cross-over fiction, Harry Potter. I was entertained from start to finish. The description is not too scary but enough to keep you on the edge of your seat. i will certainly recommend this to my Year 6s - could be a bit scary for Year 3 and 4 children, but good readers in Year 5 and 6 would enjoy this.

There are also some sophisticated references to Dante's Infernos and some clever quotes that could make higher level readers really think.1 Amy Stagles17 1 follower

I had the honour of being handed a copy of this book of the author himself. I was fascinated by the characters from the beginning and I was instantly hooked. Once I started reading this book, I couldn't stop until I had finished. It is one of those that when it is over, you struggle to come to terms with the fact that that is it for that story, the plot has come to a close.

This book is a serious MUST READ for anyone who s adventure, mystery and a sense of danger. I have to admit that even though I am not big on blood and gore, Jon Mayhew creates the perfect balance between stomach churning plot twists and a deep sense of family in this book. I have never been so hooked on a book in all my life. I read this book in just under four hours and I can honestly tell you that if you haven't read any other of Jon's books, once you have read this one, you will want to read them all.favorites1 ModernAlexandrian102 39

Though just 13 years old - Josie and Alfie go through hell and back, caught up in the whirlwind of their guardians past of darkness and power.

I had a lot of fun reading this. Josie is bright and snappy, while Alfie is calm and reasoning - together they make a great team.
Horribly gruesome at times as the Aunts are just down right creepy - the bad guys (while somewhat predictable) are nasty - but I would've d to have seen more from them.

The title refers to one of the explorers in the prologue - and throughout the book there is constant mention of him - I am afraid to say that the build up towards the end is somewhat anti-climactic and rushed. But don't let that deter you from the meat of the story - something truly exciting and different!2009-reads books-i-own older-fiction1 Starfire3

I loved this book! It was beautifully written! The characters were great and I just couldn't put it down. It was so interesting and the ending was simply stunning and so unexpected. I can't find anything bad to say about this book. I really loved it.

Its about 2 twins, a girl called Josie and a boy called Alfie who were seperated and raised by different people. Josie's guardian, the great magician Cardamom leaves her a note when he dies since her life will be in danger. He is a good character but had a tough past. He informed her about a brother who she has never met and her incredible journey with her brother starts when she meets him.

Also, you learn about the mysterious Mortlock who's whereabouts are unknown. But you learn the truth in this awsome book. Read it!! :)favorites1 Courtney318 3

This book has many twists and confusing plots that keeps you entertained however the book often changes pace making it interesting at one point and dull at another.

Josie is a teenage girl living with her alcoholic guardian Cardamon, but when three strange ladies (The Aunts) appear at her door and kill Cardamon his dying wish being that she finds her brother. When she finds her twin Alfie together they embark on a mystery journey to find and destroy the amarant which is cursing their lives. Together they protect each other and get themselves into a lot of danger.

Yet again Jon Mayhew has wrote a good book with a confusing plot. However the drastic changing pace and continuous repetitive text 'Josie did this then Josie did that *yawn*' makes this book only 3 stars. 1 Mary70

A totally stunning debut novel.
Three explorers discover an exotic flower and let loose a curse.
Many years later, orphans Josie and Alfie find themselves fleeing for their lives as terrifying events overtake them. To save themselves - from suspicious relatives, dangerous strangers and supernatural flocks of birds - they must confront the secrets of their past.
A wonderful book. Riveting read,full of suspense, excitement and gore from page one. Maybe not for the slightly squeamish reader. Definitely 5 stars.1 Samantha-Ellen BoundAuthor 16 books22

As a story of adventure and terror, Mortlock ultimately succeeds. It feels and reads what it should – a tale of gothic horror. Atmosphere pervades the big set-pieces, the dank city streets when Josie and Alfie get chased by ghuls; the soggy, swampy marshlands home to Lorenzo’s circus; or the interior of the crow-infested Lord Corvis’ mansion. Darkly entertaining and great fun.

Full review at: http://bookgrotto.blogspot.com/search...
1 HellAuthor 3 books3

For a book that I picked up randomly at some discount shop, this wasn't half bad.
There will be some big (and I mean major) spoilers ahead, so all in fair warn.
It has the kind of gothic, Victorian adventure theme that I love and it's certainly an entertaining read for the age demographic.
There are plenty of gruesome scenes for horror fans out there and intriguing characters come and go throughout the entire book, it's a fun and twisting ride whilst it lasts.
However it does come to a very abrupt halt.
It's still a children's book filled with the typical children's book cliches.
Dead parents. The father is usually the one missing, but who also turns out to be one of the big names of the book and the mother is typically 'that most beautiful woman who everyone loved' which ends up leading to a very loose and groaning love triangle that ends in tragedy because drama.
Lead kids with lost siblings and mystical powers (or the ability of very good aim it seems.)
Typically I saw most of the twists coming, but it's no surprise as it is just a children's book.
It was a shame just how quickly things ended though, the entire book was leading up to Josie and Alfie finding the Amarant to destroy it, Lord Corvis kidnapping them and threatening to kill them (or at least one of them) so they'll reveal where it is and the Aunts with their weird crow thing all builds up to a whole heap of...nothing...it just ends really.
Unfortunately I also didnt gel with our characters, Josie was supposed to be our hero I guess, but mostly ended up either just being really good at throwing knives or getting saved by others and Alfie was just...there...between the two with his power he had the most promise but it feels he wasn't utilised to his full potential, which is a real shame.
I think for me my main issue is that each character's morals changed at the drop of a pin.
One of the Aunt's essentially gets her comeuppance, but Josie feels bad for her because even though she'd been an evil bitch up until this point, even being involved in the direct murders of those she loved, she "didn't deserve the torment."
You find quite often that main characters think that and I can't help but wonder if maybe I'm just a bit morbid for thinking that I'd let it happen, she would have deserved it and not my sympathy.
But this sudden sympathetic outlook for a murdering psychopath comes from the same girl who thinks that a man is bad and essentially shouldn't be forgiven because he PLANNED to kill someone, all of which happens in the same chapter.
I don't know, it just rubbed me the wrong way.
Same with Mortlock suddenly changing his plans to take over the world with the Amarant because Josie is : "You'd have to kill your own kids to do it," and up until this point he hadn't really met them and yeah it'd suck because well...they're his kids, he'd have no actual bond beyond the "I'm your dad," link. Especially when he goes to the length he did in the end.
But once again, that's me being morbid and expecting a bit too much grittiness from a kid's book.
All in all, it's an entertaining read and that's really what matters in the end despite certain gripes.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Steven R. McEvoy3,283 124

This is the 25th volume I have read by Jon Mayhew in the last three years. I love his adult crime books under the name J.E. Mayhew, and greatly enjoyed his paranormal series under the pen name Edwin Torr. And now circling back and reading his Young Adult and Middle Grade works under this name. I have a read Mr Grimhurst's Treasure: And other Ghost Stories, which is a collection of stories set in this same world and was enthralled by it. This story did not disappoint. It was a little different than I expected but it is a spectacular story. I should note the eBook is only available in the UK, and the physical book is available there and in North America. And I can state for fans of the supernatural, scary, or macabre will definitely enjoy this story. The description of the book is:

“The sister is a knife thrower in a magician's stage act, the brother is an undertaker's assistant. Neither orphan knows of the other's existence. Until, that is, three terrible Aunts descend on the girl's house and imprison her guardian, the Great Cardamom. His dying act is to pass the girl a note with clues to the secret he has carried to his grave. Cardamom was one of three explorers on an expedition to locate the legendary Amarant, a plant with power over life and death. Now, pursued by flesh-eating crow- ghouls, brother and sister must decode the message and save themselves from its sinister legacy.”

A young woman witnesses as her protector and guardian is attacked by three ‘Aunties’. But these are not normal spinsters, they can change shape and transform into giant dark birds. She is trapped in the house with them. When she finally escapes she makes her way to the theatre where she performed and seeks help in with her protector’s friend. There is a mad race around London, interference from a flock of birds, capture and held captive at a strange manor, a night circus and more.

The story is an interesting mix of elements. A mystery, wrapped up in an adventure, and full of secrets and surprises. It was a hard book to put down. The characters on masterfully written and you will find yourself cheering the youngsters on. It is a gothic fiction story for younger reads at its best. It is a fantastic story and I looking forward to reading the other two in the trilogy. Yet another great read from Mayhew, no matter which pen name he is using.
2022-best-of read-2022 Dian Novita13

I was interested by the cover. So, I bought this book that time, which was in 2011. The book cover has very evil colour with three scary crows: flying and the one big black claw from above closer, hand emerging from the ground, haunted houses on the left-side, big tree on the right-side, and also lightning. Excellent book cover!

But, two months ago, the beginning February, there was a desire to re-read this book. Of course, I have this book at my book shelf. Because I bought it about twelve years ago, the paper turned yellow. I knew it would happen, so, I haven’t problem with that.

This book tells you about adventure found and destroy Amarant, the flower whose myth has power over life and death. The writers present a lot of adventure story through two main characters, Josie and Alfie. Josie, a knife-thrower assistant that 13 years lives with her magician guardian named Cardamom.

Initially, their life was fine, but turns miserable when three crow- aunts arrive.
Long short story, Cardamom meet with three ghouls and died with sad condition. Afterwards, Josie went to see her twins, Alfie. At the end of story, they destroyed the Amaranth in the graveyard setting. This book has excellent story plot, gloomy, not too scary. Overall, awesome! I give 4,5 stars for this book! ? The Honest Book Reviewer1,151 16

I don't read a lot of young adult books, and to tell the truth I grabbed this from a book sale not knowing it was a young adult book. Having said that, I thought this a fantastic read.

The story centres around two children, who discover they are twins. Alfie and Josie are both raised by guardians, in what I presume is a period similar to sometime in the 1800s in England. Despite never meeting, they are thrown together as the result of a horrible circumstance, but for a quick bond. They must discover the location of of Aramant, and destroy it, for whoever possesses it can ruin the world.

Hunter by all manner of evils, the pair narrowly escape certain death a number of times, and uncover secrets along the way. The conclusion of this novel feels a little rushed, but I think it a good conclusion for the overall story - it is a mix of a happy and sad ending.

For a young adult book, this includes a lot of horror elements, so it probably wouldn't suit people too young.

Having discovered it is the first in a trilogy, I would want to read the next two.2020 ya Lowri Elizabeth Rogers6 2

Love! I love gothic fiction..Read this when I was a teenager & I couldn’t put the book down. I still have it so may read again some time soon between some other books on my list to get through but i personally found it incredibly gripping and I literally went an entire day without eating or drinking I was so hooked a few chapters in (however It was by no means boring to start with!).
Definitely something anyone would enjoy if into YA/gothic reads. Yet to read some other books by the author Steven DavisAuthor 27 books8

My opinion on this varied as I went through it, but it's an easy/good read. It seemed , towards the end, it would emerge as the first of a three-piece, but it resolved itself in one. A good level of detail; only slightly limited by being aimed at children. Robyn36 2

If I'd read this book a little bit earlier in my life I think I would have given it 5 stars. I loved the storyline, the characters and the description but it was a bit too easy a read. I would definitely recommend it, perhaps to a younger audience though. GeertS60 Read

Griezelverhaal. Josie en Alfie moeten de Amarant vernietigen, de plant die het eeuwige leven schenkt. Maar hun zoektocht naar de plant wordt bemoeilijkt door spannende gebeurtenissen en griezelige wezens.havovwo-onderbouw-ebooks-engels vmbo-onderbouw-ebooks-engels Potter1 review

I had the fortune of presenting this book at the 2011 Salford Book Awards for which the author was shortlisted. It was a fantastic book that unfortunately was beaten by Michael Morpurgo’s Shadow (another great book), nonetheless I would definitely recommend as a great read for ages 9+. Arkane Trouville29 3

An underrated masterpiece. This was a significant part of my childhood. The writing was amazing, with the appearances of characters and the unfolding of certain details having me bury my face in the pages. I also love the short passages or poems or such at the end of every chapter.the-mortlock-book-series Rabya Imaan1 review

Read twice. Addicting with many details and a good, satisfactory ending. Becci91 6

My first ya book, I actually quite enjoyed this one, nice and gory just how I it
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