
Chiaroscuro: The Mouse and the Candle de Matthew S. Cox

de Matthew S. Cox - Género: English
libro gratis Chiaroscuro: The Mouse and the Candle


God’s will be done.

After eleven years as a priest living by these words, Father Antonio Molinari never imagined who would teach his strongest lesson of faith—a vampire.

As a member of a secret order within the Vatican, he investigates and debunks supernatural events. A case of possession brings him to the French countryside, where two local clergy offer him the chance of a lifetime. They claim to have captured a vampire, and beg his expertise in helping them study the fiend.

When their monster turns out to be a little girl, cursed to spend eternity hiding from the sun, he cannot bring himself to destroy her. The priests, mistaking his compassion for diabolism, panic, and his efforts to protect an innocent child prove fatal.

He awakes caught between light and darkness.

Hunted by the Church he once served as well as the fiends he once destroyed, Father Molinari clings to his faith there is still room for him in God’s plan.

But God is quiet, and the darkness tempting.

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I received this from Audiobook Boom in exchange for an honest review.

4 stars

Not at all what I expected, and it was very good. This may sound strange in describing a "vampire" book, but there are hints of Les Misérables hidden in the story, especially when the main character is talking about redemption and God's work in a man's heart.

I really enjoyed this one. audio-book early-review-audiobookboom fantasy ...more8 s ??az?? - th? ?ock C?ick ?airy?1,249 184

Fascinating take on creatures that we all love/hate... Vampires.

This book was a mystery to me. I was given just a few details before I reviewed it. I thought it was a horror book of course because of some of the description. However, even if this book contained a few scary moments, it also had me interested in the history and relationship of the characters. I could definitely say that there's a hint of drama here and there.

What strikes me as unique in this book is the way Antonio Molinari treated vampires. The book's timeline is indeed very long because as we all know, vampires can live forever and yet, he (Antonio) kept his faith alive along with the belief that they can be saved. His character also has an amazing amount of strength. To endure many things for such a long time is quite outstanding.

The little girl though... How to describe her... Hmmm... Let's just say that while I d her character, I had many, many doubts. She's adorable, I give you that. However, there instances wherein I thought.. Ah, this would be her turning point. This is one of the things that you gotta look forward to. Will she or will she not be a creature of darkness?

I love following the events that span years and years. I said, the history part intrigued me. I've been reading for a long time and I know that it's always good when the author pushes you to research on things. It's a show of great interest. This book made me research even the most insignificant things (clothes, shoes, cars of a certain era) It was quite fun really. :)

The ending had me satisfied. I can't think of a better way to end this book.

I guess what I appreciate the most in this book is that it sticks to the belief that vampires are not just some teen-made-fantasy creatures. They're more complex and they're not just a thing of the night. They're so much more, so if you're tired of vampire-books-made-for-teens romances, then this one is for you.
6 s a_tiffyfit759 106

I received a read to review copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

This is un any other vampire novel I've read in recent years. And I loved it! Father Antonio spends decades determined to save the little innocent girl turned into a vampire. In his efforts, he is killed and turned into a vampire himself. And yet...he is a man of God.

I loved how this was written, how the decades pass, and how the changes occur. There is so much that could be expanded on, and yet you are not left wanting. There are more stories and explanations that could be delved into as the years pass, and yet you are wholly satisfied with their relationship, the passage of time, the determination and dedication Antonio has to his faith and his charge, and the ending? Whoooboy.

Excellent. Enjoyed it very much. 5 s Laura Furuta2,047 28

This is a story that is amazing. I vampire stories, however this felt much more than just a plain vampire story. You have to read to understand what I mean and you will not be sorry about reading this book. You go through different emotions while reading, being happy, sad and angry to name a few. The characters are another reason this book is wonderful. The characters are so well written that it is as if they take you by the hand and walk you through their lives. I had a hard time putting this book down. I highly recommend it. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.5 s Kathryn851 14

This is a love story but not a story about lovers. It’s about the love of a father for his child. It’s about a priest’s love for his god. It’s the story of a priest’s battle against the dark in order to save the soul of an innocent young girl as well as his own.

Chiaroscuro is an artistic technique used to create depth and dimension in a 2D landscape by using varying shades of color or black and white and all the shades of gray. I was curious about the use of chiaroscuro in the title. I thought that it symbolized that there are varying shades of gray when it comes to good and evil. I wanted to understand how the author meant it to be interpreted for this story so I wrote to him. This was his answer:
“Coming up with a title for this book was quite a task. I have a strange relationship with titles. I’ll either get one I love immediately, or it will take me weeks of stewing over a title. I must’ve come up with forty different titles and had to throw half of them out as they sounded a cheesy USA Network vampire movie… I decided to take a gamble on Chiaroscuro (few people who aren’t into art know what it means). The intention behind it is the contrast of light and darkness, specifically in Molinari’s battle to keep himself as “light” as possible, while ultimately having to surrender himself in order to protect Sabine.”
The story is told in Father Molinari’s POV. The timeline follows over a period of 129 years. In that time the young girl, Sabine Caillouet owns three cats. Compared to humans cats live such short lives. Imagine how short their lives are to a vampire. It’s heartbreaking. I loved how the storybook that Fr. Molinari reads to Sabine of the Mouse and the Candle is revealed slowly throughout the book and is an allegory for the battle that Father Molinari fights.

Mr. Cox has a way of including little details that really bring the story to life, how Sabine swung and twirled her body and limbs when she was bored and doing goofy things children do. The way he describes the dreams of Fr. Molinari and Sabine was as if I was watching a movie in my mind’s eye.

This is the second book that I have read by this author. I loved it! Simple paranormal without erotic romance is not my favorite genre but Mr. Cox's writing is phenomenal and I highly recommend this story to everyone who loves to read fiction. I was raised Catholic so this story resonates with me. But even if you are an atheist this story will move you and you will find meaning in it.

Thank you Mr. Cox much for such a memorable story.0-i-own 99 can-t-put-into-a-genre ...more4 s Patricia1,660 44

When I was first told about this book by a great friend of mine I was intrigued and a little scared to read . My first thoughts were another vampire book what blood sucking alpha male will they have and what unsuspecting young woman would they sick him on . As I read the book blurb for the book I was wow , this is a totally new take on the Vampire and the repercussions of walking between the light and the dark. This book is more then just your run of the mill vampires and the young girls that fall for them . This is about two souls that battle the demons that hide in the dark as they walk the path of light .

The author has written two very strong lead characters for we have Father Antonio Molinari, a Vatican priest that is sent out by a secret order to deal with demons and all things evil . He is called upon to rid the small church of its greatest evil . A young girl named Sabine, she is more then just an innocent girl she is also a vampire . At the beginning of the story we Father Molinari as s strong priest that knows right from wrong . good versus evil and is willing to help rid the world of the evil. As we see him meet Sabine you see him take a step back and really look at the young girl . He wonders how one looking so innocent be so evil. He takes on a fatherly role to her as he tries to figure her out . But things change and one fateful night throws these two characters together and keeps them together.

Sabine is the little girl that everyone wants dead , she is innocent and so sweet, but she is also cunning in the sense of she will charm you with her sweetness. When we first meet her, she is held captive by the church in a dungeon. She charms Father Molinari from the beginning . After the fateful night they become inseparable and travel through their long lives together . Father Molinari becoming a father figure to young Sabine. They help each other staying on the side of the light and fighting the temptation to succumb to the darkness that is the evil . Along the way they meet people that help them and hide them during the day and some that want to kill them .

This book is to me more then a vampire book , it is also a book on the love between a father and a daughter. The trials that they go through to keep together . The author takes us on a epic journey that's starts in the year 1885 right up to today . We get to see them change and fight the darkness .

I must say this is one impressive well written book . The author really knows how to set the stage for his characters . You really start to care for these two characters and you will shed a tear of two as you read . This is a long book but you will fly through the pages , because you just can't put it down. I had a book hang over after reading , I kept saying to myself just one more chapter and it turned into 5 or 6 . So if you want a epic read this summer please check out this book . You will not be disappointed .
book-challenge-20163 s Wendi46 11

Since the imaginings of Stephenie Meyer and her Twilight Saga, vampires and their stories have taken a decidedly romantic turn. Every book I have read since Twilight's release has had a romantic involvement in some form. Chiaroscuro is unique in that it does not have a love triangle, romantic fling or any kind of sexualized relationship. I love this. It was freeing to read a story about vampires that really was ABOUT vampires.

In Chiariscuro, a mid-19th century born Catholic priest is in an Order known for following up on reports of the supernatural from demons to vampires. The priest, Molinari, ends up coming to a church with a young vampire. This whole book is about his story with the vampire. I don't do spoilers so I will not divulge further from here.

Cox does a wonderful job in telling this story. His writing is superb and clean. There's no confusion on what he's trying to tell you. The action scenes are clear and easy to imagine. It tugs at your heartstrings. You can feel every emotion Molinari is confronted with in the story he tells.

I love that he talks about the current events of the timeline in relevance to the story. The transition Molinari went through with the vampire was not the only story, as the story of the world was told slightly in a way.

The most interesting bit was the information and details given for vampires as a species. Of course, you can't know every last detail but the information was given wasn't dumped on you all at once. Piece by piece it was given and kept you wanting to get more out of curiosity.

The ending of the story left me in tears. Good or bad, I cannot say as it seems they were both.

I only had issues in keeping the timeline straight within the chapters. I would read the chapter title, with date included, and would forget the date half way through. That is probably my problem though.

I had a hard time putting this book down. I kept wanting to know what will happen next. I had a few nights that I was up til 3 am reading to know.
I look forward to reading more books by Matthew S. Cox.

I was given a free copy of this book in exchange of a fair and honest review.3 s J.F. MehenteeAuthor 19 books11

Father Antonio Molinari belongs to a secret Vatican order responsible for investigating all things supernatural. After performing an exorcism in France, Molinari meets two priests who invite him to study a creature they have imprisoned: an eight-year-old girl recently bitten by a vampire. Molinari agrees to meet the girl, Sabine, and his life, for the next one hundred and thirty years, is turned upside down.
This standalone story kicks off in Eighteenth Century rural France and concludes in Twenty-First Century New York. Chiaroscuro is a story about unconditional love, unflagging faith and the constant struggle between the good and the evil inside us all—according to Wikipedia, Chiaroscuro, in art, is the use of strong contrasts between light and dark…
This story is a very different take on vampirism, and it explores what happens to those undead who don’t succumb to their vampiric dark side. Sabine is immune to holy water, crucifixes and recites the Lord’s Prayer. In one encounter, Molinari blesses a barrel of water before dunking a vampire into it!
Close to death, Sabine turns Molinari in order to save him. Even before this happens, the priest takes pity on her and is determined to save her soul, an objective he pursues for the duration of the book. A bond develops between the pair, and Sabine becomes the child Molinari could never have as a Catholic priest—his wish for a family is foreshadowed at the start of the book. As a foster parent, Molinari is prepared to fight both vampires and the Church to protect the eternally young, innocent and naïve Sabine.
Filled with violence—this is a story about vampires, after all—and touching moments of love, friendship and compassion, the storytelling tugged my heartstrings. Both of the main characters and the supporting cast, those who put aside their fears and prejudices to help the pair, are all well drawn.
I enjoyed Matthew Cox’s Chiaroscuro: The Mouse and the Candle, and I’d certainly recommended it if you’re looking for in a vampire story with a twist.2 s Bonnie102 7

This is a great read... VERY different perspective on the life of a vampire, and the Catholic Church, as well as the European Vampire Community. It is NOT a typical vampire romance! I really enjoyed reading this book. I wasn't able to put it down once I started. I stayed with it from start to finish. The plot is challenging, with several twists, and an interesting, suspenseful opening chapter. While there is a great love story at the center of the plot, it is NOT the kind of love story you would expect to find in a vampire romance... there's no steamy, sensual romance scenes, but there's plenty of action, and suspense, hair-raising close calls and chase scenes. I thought the plot was excellent. The outcome was very satisfying, and positive, at least where one of the main character's is concerned. I'm not certain whether the outcome for the other main character was a reward or a heartbreaking ending... it could be interpreted either way, depending on your personal perspective where "God", "heaven" and "just rewards" are concerned. But I loved it.2 s DB in Richmond83 13

Received free e-galley from NetGalley & publisher - Curiosity Quills Press, for an honest review.

I am a fan of Cox' Division Zero series and looked forward to a new genre from him. This book is a unique, stand-alone novel that spans a long time frame. It starts off with Father Antonio Molinari casting out unclean spirits from a peasant girl and while resting being introduced to the real story - a child who is a vampire. This is unimaginable for him and as he struggles with a child's innocence and the inherent evil of vampirism, he is turned. The book has great character depth and is un many of the current vampire ya genre books out there. It seems more a true, old-fashioned book with ALL the characters having good and evil, all flawed yet struggling. Highly recommend3 s Louise Feagans228 5

I loved this book, what a story!! I would love to give more than 5 stars. the main characters, Father Antonio and Sabine , come alive and are friends to the reader. Father Antonio destroys demons and vampires, until he meets little 8 year old Sabine. They end up saving each other and then have to diappear. we follow them on their journey through the years, be prepared and have a few tissues around. I loved this story and would recommend it to anyone.3 s Lady1,178 11

Degrees Of Evil

This is a stand alone novel as far as I can tell. I don't see how there could possibly be a sequel!

Antonio is a priest in the Order. He is charged by Rome to stamp out Evil wherever it is found. Any supernatural force plaguing humanity is rooted out and destroyed by the Order. After an Exorcism takes a strange turn two priests approach Father Antonio to help them deal with a strange Vampire. Finding an innocent seeming child who is afflicted with Vampirism and yet unhurt by Holy Water or Crucifixes is truly a conundrum. All he knows is that he must protect the child at all costs. That is what God wants or he wouldn't be there! Can he convince the other priests to release Sabine into his care? Or will their zealotry make them turn on him for trying to protect the girl? Can he win her free? Or will he be forced to witness an atrocity he will never recover from?

***This book is suitable for mature young adult through adult readers who enjoy a little whimsy in their supernatural horror fantasy with plenty of suspense, action, adventure and mystery :)3 s Marie Morgan20

I have read my fair share of “Vampire” books, since it is one of my favorite genres, and I can honestly say this one stands out in the crowd. The characters in this story are far from the cliche’s of damsel in distress or hunky man meat leading roles. I really appreciated this because it was a breath of fresh air. The book is kind of long compared to most but the plot line is so unique that I found myself fully immersed for longer than I realized sometimes. While I loved the idea of the little girl, I found myself drawn to Father Molinari the most. I am not the religious type so to see a religious person portrayed as someone who is “only human” (my little play on words ha ha) and not this perfect person really made me feel for him and understand him in a way I didn’t think my mind could. In the end, this is a very interesting, thought provoking, and riveting story that is easy to read and appropriate for any age!2 s Cecilia70 7

This is an interesting and surprisingly fresh take on the vampire craze that has taken over in recent years. Some elements of the traditional and some new elements make up this curious tale of a priest and a little girl. I enjoyed this book; it was a quick read with short chapters. There was enough action to make a good movie, but also enough inner monologue to keep it as a good book. I could definitely see this as a movie though, if the industry can sustain another one. If you are looking for a new twist on an old song, I would definitely recommend this. The only negative of this book for me was the title. Though there is a phonetic spelling at the beginning of the book, and I get the meaning, I think this book would be better served flipping the subtitle and title, if keeping the "chiaroscuro" at all. I don't know how I can recommend a book to my friends when I can't even remember how to pronounce the title.

I was given this book for free in exchange for my review for NetGalley.netgalley2 s Montzalee Wittmann4,716 2,304

Chiaroscuro: The Mouse and the Candle by Matthew S. Cox is such an awesome fantasy novel from start to finish! Talk about a finish, WOW, I didn't see that coming! The book is set in the 1800's about a Priest that hunts evil, vampires, demons, etc. He is led to a child that is a vampire and held by two Priest that have been torturing her to test her. She is not responding adult vampires. The Priest sees good in the child and decides to protect her. The story goes from there. Very exciting and never dull. Touching, frightening, and fast moving. This author never fails me, I love his books. The books are so well plotted and weave plots into plots with twists and turns. The characters are rich with life, no pun intended. Each and every character you can say, "I know him/her!" What a wonderful fantasy, mystery, action, adventure, and fatherly love story. Great job! I received this book from NetGalley for a honest review.
2 s Paula358 4

I reviewed this book for NetGalley.

This is a welcome and refreshingly different type of vampire novel. It is beautifully written, with the two very able main characters, Father Molinari and Sabine.

Father Molinari is an exorcist/vampire hunter for the Vatican who has a change of heart when he meets Sabine, an eight year old whose father has turned unwillingly into a vampire. The plot revolves around Molinari protecting Sabine, from Belle Epoque France to modern Manhattan, even becoming a vampire himself in the process.

Molinari is a complex and humane character, much Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's Comte St. Germain. This is a wonderful break with the tradition of greedy, inhuman vampires.

I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. If you vampire novels, read this book. You will not be disappointed!2 s Ann M. NoserAuthor 6 books139

Fascinating take on a vampire love story. Nope, not the Edward-Bella type of love (which, I can admit, I enjoyed reading at the time as a light, fun read). This books details the love of a father figure for a daughter--a life-long, would-give-my-life-for-yours type love.

Also surprising was that the main character is a priest. So often nowadays, priests are only in books or movies as the "surprise bad guys" -- except it's been done so often it's expected. This time around the priest is truly devoted--first to the church--then to saving Sabine.

The book crosses time and place, past history to present day, and Europe to America.

Perfectly executed. Highly recommend this for readers seeking a deeper, heart-wrenching story of parental love that happens to involve vampires.fantasy vampires2 s Jan Carnes1 review

Well done

This book is we'll written and a great story with unusual twists and turns. I read for a chapter or two before I got into it, but them I was really hooked. I came to care deeply for the main characters. 2 s Tammy Bulcao918 7

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