
Kameryu Dreamer: A Spicy Faerie Fantasy Romance Novel de Matt Mememaro

de Matt Mememaro - Género: English
libro gratis Kameryu Dreamer: A Spicy Faerie Fantasy Romance Novel


Matt Mememaro Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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Omg this book was fantastic! It is a great read it isn’t super long and you get sucked into the world of kameryu! But be forewarned that this is definitely a spicy book!

You have Jace-fucking-osmond and the 5 beautiful collectors who go to the human realm to collect erotic dreams to sustain the fairies of kameryu!

Well when there is a dream shortage they bring Jace back to Kameryu and the queen adorabelle and sorch cause problems for Jace and the collectors!

I won’t say too much because I don’t want to ruin it but Jace does become fascinated with the queens handmaiden and that is when we start to see all the action happening!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review3 s1 comment Mikkel14 1 follower

Romantasy all the way! Faeries, elves, other worlds and lots of time between the sheets

Matt Mememaro did an excellent job of telling a tale of human meets faeries. I loved the story idea of capturing dreams and it drew me in right away.

The book has an excellent and clear storyline that differs from your standard romance novel which was great. I loved how I got something different and fresh.

The characters were well developed going in. Each character had their own identity and you could really feel it. The main character was the only one that really grew throughout the story. This was fine but it would have been nice to see some other developments and shifts in character.

The conflict was mostly in the back half of the book with a lot of the building of the world and coitus happening.

The book had a few themes. One of them was what happens when power goes unchecked. Another was how being distracted by pleasures can close your eyes to the world and what is happening around you. It left me with the desire to enjoy pleasures but make sure they don’t come at the sacrifice of seeing your world for what it is. The last major theme was not everyone is who you think. The storytelling around this was done superbly and really drew you in. There were a few surprises that were delightful. It left me with a reminder to trust your gut.

There were two areas I would have d to see more. One of them was descriptions of the world. There were descriptions that I wasn’t able to wrap my head around. The second was to expand on the multi-person coitus scenes. I felt things were just flying all over the place and I didn’t know what was going on and I wanted to know more. I wanted to experience the pleasure but had a hard time doing so without more details and being drawn in more.

The book was right on point based on the description and a fun, pleasureful read. 1 Santana Calo57 1 follower

I received an arc of this book.

I was instantly drawn into this story. The opening scene had me wondering so many things in a short amount of time. I don't think I've ever read a story with this particular set-up. Bonus points for originality.

Some of the character interactions and personalities seemed a little hot and cold for me. The same goes for the plot. There were events that kind of came out of left field and could have used a little foreshadowing. A bit of improvement in these areas would really give the story more continuity.

The spice level on this is pretty high up there. Be prepared. (Of course, this depends on your preferences, but I will say MFFFFF)

There was a bit too much insta-love for me, but again, personal preference.

The ending left me wanting to know more about Sorch. I need to know his secrets.

Since this is the author's first romance, I am only expecting future books to improve.

In sum, this book is a great spicy read with some underlying plot that really picks up toward the end. If you're here for the spice with faerie action and adventure, then this book is for you.1 2 comments Daniel GeorgievAuthor 3 books63

Talk about spice…
1 Victoria25 9

This book pulled me in more than I expected! Loved the intrigue, spice, originality and plot twist! I will say this had a lot more spice than I thought it would(nothing wrong with that though
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