
Still Waters de Matt Goldman

de Matt Goldman - Género: English
libro gratis Still Waters


If you're reading this email, I am dead. I know this will sound strange, but someone has been trying to kill me.
Liv and Gabe Ahlstrom are estranged siblings who haven't seen each other in years, but that's about to change when they receive a rare call from their older brother's wife. "Mack is dead," she says. "He died of a seizure." Five minutes after they hang up, Liv and Gabe each receive a scheduled email from their dead brother, claiming that he was murdered.
The siblings return to their family-run resort in the Northwoods of Minnesota to investigate Mack's claims, but Leech Lake has more in store for them than either could imagine. Drawn into a tangled web of lies and betrayal that spans decades, they put their lives on the line to unravel the truth about their brother, their parents, themselves, and the small town in which they grew up. After all, no one can keep a secret in a small town, but someone in Leech Lake is willing to kill for the truth to...

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Liv and Gabe Ahlstrom are estranged siblings who haven’t seen each other in years, but that’s about to change when they receive a rare call from their older brother’s wife. “Mack is dead,” she says. “He died of a seizure.” Five minutes after they hang up, Liv and Gabe each receive a scheduled email from their dead brother, claiming that he was murdered.

The siblings return to their family run resort in the Northwoods of Minnesota to investigate Mack's claims, but Leech Lake has more in store for them than either could imagine. Drawn into a tangled web of lies and betrayal that spans decades, they put their lives on the line to unravel the truth about their brother, their parents, themselves, and the small town in which they grew up. After all, no one can keep a secret in a small town, but someone in Leech Lake is willing to kill for the truth to stay buried.

Holy cow! How have I never read anything by Matt Goldman before? Pulled in by the intriguing synopsis, I had rather high expectations for Still Waters before I even opened the cover. Needless to say, it far surpassed any hopes that I had. A quick, easy read with stellar characters and an altogether addictive plot, it was just what the doctor ordered between some harder hitting thrillers. That’s not to say it lacked suspense. Oh no, that was definitely there in spades.

Speaking of those characters, they ran the gamut from poignantly endearing to severely unable. While that combination can often come across as irritating, these personas were everything I wanted and more. Evocatively bringing to mind eccentric individuals known to live in small towns, each served a purpose while also giving the ultimate in fictional entertainment. The two siblings were the winners in the dynamite cast, however, as their character arcs wrapped up the entire book with utter perfection.

While not exactly Agatha Christie-esque, this murder mystery came close but with a well executed modern twist. While it started out as a definite slow burn, the plot quickly stepped on the gas as schemes and plans were put into action. From there, the on point climax and happily-ever-after conclusion hit just the right chord. The plot even served up some delightful dysfunctional family dynamics, which added layers to the book that I wasn’t expecting. All in all, if you’re searching for a story that packs quite the punch, look no further—you’ve found it. Rating of 4.5 stars.

Thank you to Matt Goldman and Forge Books for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

PUB DATE: May 21, 2024

Trigger warning: infidelityadvanced-reader-copy mystery54 s2 comments Diane S ?4,859 14.3k

3.5 Goldmans writing is so smooth, his novels just flow with nary a misstep. A family that had drifted apart is brought together after their brother’s death, though only two are now left. They receive an email from him saying his death is actually a murder. Now they must work together, return to their family owned summer camp, and try to find the truth.

The summer camp and their experiences there when younger brought to my mind the times I spent summers at my families summer house. Glorious day, swimming, skiing, hiking, just priceless. But as this book also shows your memories as a child are not seen the same way as an adult. There are secrets here, plots and happenings that were not as they appeared. A good, solid mystery.lr202437 s7 comments Emily389 24

I usually don’t read a lot of mysteries, but I picked up a free copy at PLA and I’m glad I did! It was the perfect length, easy to follow, and I could understand the characters and their motivations. I’ll be looking for Matt Goldman’s work in the future.4 s Stacy40pages1,617 214

Still Waters by Matt Goldman ??????

Liv and Gabe are estranged siblings but join together when their older brother dies. He told them if something happened to him, he was murdered. They both return to their family run resort for answers.

A good mystery that I got sucked in from then beginning. The pacing changed towards the middle when disputes about property and ownership became involved; just not my thing. I had a harder time staying invested then but I did all the characters, especially the family drama so wanted to find out what happened.

“This isn’t a game. This isn’t a psychological exploration of why you’re more successful than I am. This is real.”

Still Waters comes out 5/21.
2 s Hannah | Reading Under Covers888 105

If you love small town mysteries then this one is for you!

I loved the small town resort setting in this book - what better place for a murder mystery to take place than on the brink of spring in northern Minnesota?!

I loved the town traditions and the visiting of characters for the first time, but still feeling they were people you've known your whole life!

This book is hugely a study on the sibling relationship and I loved exploring the intricacies of Liv and Gabe's estrangement and what elements were needed to bring them back together.

Publication Date: May 21gifted-books-arcs2 s Ashley Gillan634 10

The Ahlstrom siblings have been estranged for 20 years. But they always get together for the big things: weddings, funerals, etc. When their older brother Mack dies and younger siblings Liv and Gabe get a strange timed email from him the next day, they end up heading back to their hometown and their family-run resort in Northern Minnesota to investigate what’s going on. It turns out not only has the town changed a great deal, but the family drama gets ramped up to 11. And it’s possible that all of these issues are what got their brother killed - and they could be next.

Matt Goldman is a terrific author, able to perfectly blend family stories and emotional drama with riveting mysteries and thrills. This book really showcases that, with the siblings working out their own issues and strained relationship, while coming together to solve the mystery of their brother’s death. It was really great.

I also did not see the ending coming! It was a great solution to the mystery, that really packed a punch, while allowing for plenty of twists and turns along the way.

And Liv and Gabe were both nice characters. I was rooting for them to work things out between themselves and in the various relationships in their lives. They were well-drawn and layered characters, who had issues but were worth rooting for. Their personal stories added depth to the overall story.

I highly recommend this book, and other books by Matt Goldman. He’s one of my favorite current writers!2 s Martin Maenza772 12

Tor Publishing Group provided an early galley for review.

Goldman was another new author for me that I heard speak at a Mystery Writers Panel at PLA2024 early this month. His pitch to us for this one really grabbed my interest, so I wanted to check it out.

Right out of the gate, I his writing style. He combines his Emmy-award winning comedic rhythms with a clear Midwest charm to pull the reader right into the narrative. It certainly worked on me. Of course, it helps that the plot has an interesting hook to drag you in as well. The relationship between the siblings and the whole small town homecoming vibe really hit the mark for me. I could completely relate on both of these elements.

I found myself quickly engaged with the mysterious circumstances in which Liv and Gave find themselves in the center. The pacing and structure kept me motivated to read "just one more chapter", taking me along to a satisfying resolution.fiction minnesota mystery ...more1 Jennifer Myers928 16

Found this as a”Lucky Day” book at my library. Any book that features my home state of Minnesota gets three stars no matter what! This murder mystery had some good “keep ya guessing” moments.

Liv and Gabe are sort of estranged siblings who grew up at a lake resort on Leech Lake, but after their parents died they left and don’t speak much anymore. When their older brother mysteriously dies, they are forced back together to reckon with what they remember about their past. They come back to the resort to discover multiple secrets.

I d the plot and the characters - the only thing that niggled the back of my mind was the motive… it felt a little stretched and I had to draw a bit of a family tree to figure out how everyone was connected.

I’ll read more of this author- very quick read!1 Casey Spark64 1 follower

Probably a 3.5 but the northern MN lake setting bumped it up for me??1 Bookreporter.com Mystery & Thriller2,136 43.1k

“Listen, I have some bad news. Mack is dead.”

Those are the first words Liv has spoken to her brother, Gabe, in over a year. Nonetheless, the news comes as a shock, even though neither was especially close to their older brother. Somehow, the Ahlstroms allowed themselves to drift apart. Far apart. Emotionally and physically. Mack lived in Boston, Liv in New York, and Gabe in LA. Now Mack is gone. A seizure, they said. Neither Liv nor Gabe knew that Mack had any health issues, but then, there’s that distance to consider again.

After making arrangements to meet at the funeral, they hang up. At that point, Liv’s laptop dings, signaling a new email. It’s from none other than Mack himself. It says something along the lines of, “If you’re reading this, I’m dead.” For the second time in over a year, Liv calls Gabe. It turns out that he received the same message; Mack claimed someone had been trying to kill him.

So begins a somewhat covert investigation by the surviving Ahlstrom siblings into their brother’s death. Liv and Gabe haven’t seen eye to eye in forever. So why do they think they can work together now? Liv is the driven, determined one; Gabe is a guy who never quite believes in himself. Liv figures that if Gabe wants to help, that’s fine. But when another posthumous message from Mack arrives, this one warning them to stay away from Ahlstrom’s, the family resort they all spent summers enjoying in their youth, Gabe spirals into a full-blown panic. By now, they have arrived at Ahlstrom’s and are planning a memorial for Mack. Their uncle Denny currently owns the resort, keeping it in the family.

But there are sinister forces at work trying to wrestle the land away. Liv convinces Gabe to stick around a while longer to help find the answers. Answers are hard to come by, though, not only because they seem to be the only ones who believe Mack might have been murdered, but also because at least one person wants them to drop their probe and just go home. However, in their digging, they’ve learned a shocking truth about their mother that changes the very foundation of their childhood.

As the snow and ice of the early Minnesota spring begin to melt, the somber service meant to honor Mack’s memory is thrown into chaos with another horrific tragedy. Liv and Gabe may have spent decades at odds with each other, but now they must pull together in order to save their family heritage. And maybe their very lives. Just knowing who to trust becomes almost as important as locking their doors at night.

In their search for answers, are they tipping their hand to the wrong person? If so, it could be a fatal mistake. A little balance comes in the form of Gabe’s LA neighbor (and budding love interest), Carly. She has insights to which the Ahlstrom offspring are blind. If not for Carly, the story might have ended very differently.

STILL WATERS explores the dynamics of a family grown apart but brought together by tragedy. Forced to examine their lives in a new light, both Liv and Gabe realize they have been going through the motions without seeing the truth. Matt Goldman writes dialogue with an easy pen, cueing the reader to who is speaking without the need for identification. His characters are rich and full, unique and entirely themselves. This isn’t simply a mystery; it's an immersive experience with the goal of answering the question: Who did it?

Reviewed by Kate Ayers1 Diana475 22

From the start we have a weird vibe about this family, Liv seems nice but the siblings have no relation whatsoever which kinda sucks because family is all you’ve got on this earth sometimes. Gabe seems a money fanatic.

Liv and Gabe go back into the small town of Leech Lake to find out if Mack their brother was actually killed, the single town they know as home and the single place Mack warned them about not returning to, but when they read Mack’s message they already parked in Leech Lake. Mack was older and seriously I don’t know what to believe about this family but I’m not really rooting for them yet.

What’s interesting is why Mack was killed and not that he was, he told his wife before dying that the siblings don’t have the same father, well mainly him had a different father and now his siblings go in search of the truth. But the truth in a small town is never what it seems.

I love small town vibe thrillers but they always sadden me a lot,

I love American small towns especially the thrillers that include them but they always make me sad ffs. How can there be so much corruption in a town where everyone knows everyone?
Just because you have money means you run everything including the police? Not to mention how corrupt the police is...
The funny thing is that now when I read this book I practically watch the series by my favorite author Joel Dicker, The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair and again a small town that breaks the norm when it comes to abuse, beatings, corruption, crime.

And Still Waters was just as corrupt, there are a lot of characters I didn't at all in this book and somehow seeing so much corruption I don't even wonder who is a criminal anymore because they all could be.

Overall, "Still Waters" is recommended for fans of mystery and thriller genres, especially those who enjoy stories that delve into family dynamics and the complexities of small-town life. Goldman's background as a playwright and television writer is evident in his sharp dialogue and well-paced plot, making this book a satisfying read. Jeremy Saldivar121 2

Really good book. Matthew Goldman really has a way of incorporating his real life experiences into word. Some of the best stories are tethered by some truth.

Liv is a strong-willed, determined, and ambitious person.
Gabe is more free-willed, laid back, and skeptical.

One has an inferiority complex and the other is stubborn. With family secrets being their basis of existence, it’s no surprise they don’t have a very strong relationship. Their older brother, Mack, dying, and they finally finding out the truth about their mother, back where they grew up, healed old wounds and allowed them both to self-reflect.

Liv left Cooper after living in a loveless marriage similar to Her parents. Gabe finally found love with Carley his neighbor that he was hesitant to share his feelings with. Started with walks ended with two kids: Mack and Maddie. Instead of bartending in California, they now run the families resort on Leech Lake, Ahlstrom’s.

John Otsby being the one to kill Mack and Denny in order to keep his secret affair with Liv and Gabe’s mother from 40-years prior was a nice swerve. He also happened to be the father of the Irish Twins. They and Mack shared different fathers. If not for Carley, they never solve the letters and contents from the safe found in Ed’s cabin.

At first, I thought it was Andy, then Renee’s brother Raymond, then Wiona, then Judith Otsby. John was a complete surprise.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Sharon M2,121 18

Many thanks to NetGalley, Tor Publishing and Macmillan Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of the latest book by Matt Goldman., with the audio perfectly narrated by Helen Laser. All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Liv and Gabe Ahlstrom are estranged siblings, along with their older brother, Mack. But then Liv gets a call from Mack's wife saying that Mack died from a seizure. Right afterwards, both Liv and Gabe receive a scheduled email from Mack, stating, If you’re reading this email, I am dead. I know this will sound strange, but someone has been trying to kill me. The siblings return to their family-run resort in the Northwoods of Minnesota to investigate. But they are soon enmeshed in family and small town secrets and someone is not happy they are there.

I alternated between the digital and audio versions of this book, but was totally enthralled with the narration and the Minnesota accents (think Fargo). It just really added to the atmospheric feel of this book. The characters felt real, especially Liv and Gabe, with their estrangement and resulting feelings coloring everything. This book was the perfect blend of family and small town drama and mystery. It was an easy, quick read and I thought the ending was perfect. 2 s Jayna918 12

After the death of their older brother, estranged siblings Liv and Gabe Ahlstrom return to the Northern Minnesota lake resort they grew up at. But they are getting warnings to leave. Their brother thought someone was trying to kill him, not there is a note on their door. When another person ends up dead, they decide to team up and figure it out. They are afraid that they could be next.

This may be a case where the audiobook narration negatively impacted my opinion of the overall book. I am not sure if the narrator, Helen Laser, was trying to force a Minnesotan accent or what. Sometimes it was fine. But especially male characters in dialogue were terrible. There is one mentally challenged character, but all of her male characters sounded this.

As for the story itself, the dynamic between Liv and Gabe was weird. It made the story feel insincere. The overall premise was good. The execution- which I admitted could have been negatively impacted by the audio narration- was not as good.

I received an advance audio copy in exchange for an honest review.

arc Sara329 3

Liv and Gabe are estranged siblings who reunite upon their brother, Mack's death. Mack died from a seizure or so they thought until they receive an email from Mack after his death. In his email, Mack states that he thinks someone is trying to murder him. Liv and Gabe decide to spread Mack's ashes at the family-run resort they grew up on in Minnesota. This visit also gives them a chance to investigate Mack's claim of being murdered. Liv and Gabe soon realize they are not safe as they uncover a web of lies and betrayal.

I started this book thinking I would check it out and read a few pages. Next thing I know I was halfway done. This book is super fast paced and addictive. There were so many twists and turns my head was spinning. The author does a great job of drawing you into the characters and the mystery. It was almost impossible to stop reading. Highly recommend for readers who love thrillers. Linda62

How much do you know about your family history? If you were estranged from your siblings what would bring you together so you actually got along? Well Liv and Gabe Ahlstrom hadn’t seen each other in years. As children they dealt with the loss of parents and their brother, Mack, just up and leaving town with no reason. Family dynamics were always strange. When the suddenly receive a call from Mack’s wife saying he’s dead from a seizure and then receive an email from Mack the day after that someone was trying to kill him family dynamics of another kind are back in play as Liv and Gabe head for the family run resort in Minnesota Northwoods to seek the answers. They reconnect with friends and begin to learn more than they ever expected to as they investigate and solve what happened to Mack. There is definitely no still waters in the Northwoods as they resolve the mystery provided with suspense and an interesting tale. Thank you Tor and NetGalley for the ARC Megan429 64

Siblings who have drifted apart are drawn together by the death of their brother and resulting matters that must be settled in their hometown in the Northwoods of Minnesota. In the process, they encounter some mysterious circumstances involving his death as well as the murder of a resident, not to mention property disputes with another family and the revelation of an affair.

This was a satisfying family drama/mystery with lots of quirky and eccentric characters. I loved the narrator's use of Minnesota accents. She did a great job with those
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