
Journey's Prey de Mary Stone

de Mary Stone - Género: English
libro gratis Journey's Prey


Mary Stone Publisher: Mary Stone Publishing, Year: 2024

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What an awesome beginning for a new series. Do you love a strong leading character, then you have that in Journey. Do you love a plot with lots of suspense, twists and turns and the ability to keep you engaged until the end, then you have it in this book. I am looking forward to more stories in this series. Good job ladies!1 Chrys Minter826 5

Great Read

I love this author. Everything I've read by her has been great. Journey Russo has captured my attention, I'm looking forward to what's next in the series. Mary Stone is definitely a strong recommendation for anyone who's an avid reader.1 Gracie Bustillos255 5

Great start of a great series that I could not put it down. The suspense and twists keeps you attention all the way to the end. You do t want to miss out on this series. I can’t wait for the next one. A mystery read. 1 D.L.178 2

Long awaited Revenge

Mary Stone is known for writing female lead characters who have survived and overcome hardships. Journey’s Call is the start of another great series which showcases another strong female lead character.

FBI Special Agent Journey Russo is enjoying a day off with her adopted sister, Michelle Timmer, who is also an FBI Special Agent. Journey works in the Violent Crimes Division and Michelle works in the Crime Scene Investigation division at the Pittsburg field office. Journey is telling Michelle about her new partner, Lucas Sullivan, who transferred from White Collar to the Violent Crimes unit. She tells Michelle she met him on another case years ago. Lucas calls Journey to let her know they have a robbery and homicide case at Faulkner’s Guns and Ammo.

Journey and Lucas find out that the victim had been shot in his belly and had a blow to his head. It appears there was another murder victim who had the same type of wounds but he was a park ranger in West Virginia. Are the two cases related? If so how? How many more people will die before they find the killer?

Journey and Lucas have their work cutout for them. They are looking at all the similar cases and trying to discover what links them together. Will they find the link before the killer strikes again?

Journey’s Call keeps your interest and it has the drama, suspense, action, and those twists and turns to keep you reading until the end. Looking forward to book two. Jeannine Wickliffe975 22

Great start to a new ARC series with a new FBI Agent. Journey Russo has fought thru a lot to become an FBI Agent and her sort of sister, Michelle, also is an FBI Agent. They have relocated to Pittsburg and are spending a rare day together. Then Journey gets a call about a murder at a gun shop. She is meeting with her new partner and trying to work and learn each others habits. As they work the murder they find some unusual things. One the victim was shot in the stomach then a rock was used to bash in his head. Not sure what to think they work on several angles. Then another man is found murdered in the exact same way. What do these two men have in common and how are they going to connect the pieces. Then they realize that the two men had been on a hunting trip seven years earlier and that the Ranger who handled the accidental death at that time had also been killed by a shot to the belly and brain bashed in. Can they find out who is doing the murders, and can they reach the other men in time. Now it is a race against time and still not sure who the killer is. Can they find the next victim before its to lat. Erwin186

Call Answered

Ms Stone manages to accomplish a difficult aspect of novel writing, and that is to maintain the reader’s interest in a plot that involves two newly assigned FBI partners involved in an assignment that begins with next too nothing in the way of clues. As the partners get to know each other the reader gets to know them as well while all struggle through the moras of patience required of all police work. Once clues begin to come in Stone moves with purpose which ignites her characters and readers. Mary Stone pays attention to detail in both relationships and the work of her characters. Journey’s Call is the first in a series which seems to be off to a good start. Ludmila Husek107 2

Mary and Amy are taking us on a new journey of the FBI agent Journey Russo and her partner Lucas. They did not disappoint my expectations. The story goes fast and I love dialogs and humor in the middle of the fear. Journey just joined all the other Mary’s heroines, who lift themselves up, find the strength and spirit even when everything around them is in tatters. I feel shock, sadness, anger and satisfaction with every Mary’ book I read. Mary and Amy did not disappoint and they never will. I finished this first Journey’s book in two sittings with my pulse pounding, holding my breath. The heart stopping past of the both agents makes this mystery thriller even more special. Thank you. Meghan2,717 6

A great start to the series. We met them briefly in another FBI series and now we get to delve into Journey and her yet Michelle’s life. We have a new town, new partners, new crimes and I enjoyed meeting the characters and seeing the more focus on evidence and behavior. The partner sounds intriguing as a James Dean and clearly has some heavy baggage which makes them a fitting duo. I thought the crime was interesting and laid out in a clever way for sharing hints. The final family scene with victims was strong and I am excited for more of this series! Marion126

A gripping new series by Mary Stone and Amy Wilson which keeps you hooked from beginning to end.
Excited to learn more about the characters Journey Russo, her sister Michelle Timmer, and new partner Lucas Sullivan. Has everything you want in a thriller...wonderful characters, action, twist & turns, suspense, and is a real page turner. Can't wait to continue the journey by these great authors.
I'm an ARC member and this is my honest review. johanna kolb268

journey and luca are new partners in the violent crime unit. her sister clair, who survived being kidnapped while working in the chicago field ofice works in collecting evidence.
lucas is dealing with some major issues while they hunt for a viscious killer.
the problem is the killer started in one state and is now in PA. it takes a while to piece the clues together but they work hard.
a new series but the characters are familiar. a good fit for Mary Stone Bonita Barbick101

Journey Russo is a brand new series created by Mary Stone and Amy Wilson and it is very exciting to say the least. Journey and her FBI partner Lucas Sullivan have a very complicated case to solve. I loved the way the story unfolded layer by layer. The authors did such a great job of building this story and bringing it to a dynamic climax! Just writing this review I feel the thrills and chills all over again. Read in one day…HIGHLY RECOMMEND! Jacquetta Harvey244

Journeys Call as a new series and new FBI partners is an exciting start.
New Crimes comes calling and it is a call for murder(s) with one clue standing out in all. Frustrating in the lack of clues they can follow, Journey and Lucas are scratching their heads on how the victims even tye together or why they are all so different.
Take a step into a mad man's brain and see if you can help FBI figure this out before he kills again.exciting great-characters intriguing ...more Lyle Wichman138 1 follower

good multiple murder mystery

This was a good story. The commeradity between the two FBI agents was very nice. The fact that they kept at it despite discouraging results was good. I just wasn’t too keen on the dissection off the truly dreadful crime was tough. Unfortunately,being a hunter myself and seeing city guys try to hunt almost kept me from walking my dog during hunting season and it sure kept me from hunting. Sue Sandifer64 1 follower

Journey Russo and her new FBI partner are called to a murder that turns out the work of a strange person. As they learn history of the victim they are hard pressed to find a motive. When a second body is discovered little details begin to lead to a connection and the race is on to stop this killer. Looking forward to reading more of these folks. Carol Kraft99 2

What a great start to a new series by Mary Stone. Journey and her partner, Lucas, are assigned to investigate the murder of a gun store owner and then other murders. At first these murder victims seem to have nothing in common and then a link between them is discovered.

This book is full of mystery and excitement and I can hardly wait for the next book in the series. Becky 461 10

What an crazy good book! Journey and Lucas catch the call for a crazy case, an incident from the past causing big issues today. Vicious stomach and horrible head wounds create a path to take. Now, if they can just figure out where it leads before anyone else is killed. It was very intense and a great read.
I am excited about this series. Donna Bailey96


Really enjoyed this first book in the Journey Russo series. It is very well written and holds the readers interest. Learning the back stories of each character will only solidify the upcoming books in this series. Highly recommend this series and all the other Mary Stone series. Geneva667 6

Mary Stone is "one" of my favorite authors, Journey Russo series is going to be another great series.
would love to wait till all books in the series is out and Binge read. But as soon as one comes out I have to read it. (all her books) Anyway Journey's Call is a good read, Enjoy #2 will be out March 5th, chuck beagle3

Not a good book.

If you have anything else you can do for 3 or 4 hours, do it. I wish I had the time back. I read a lot in this genre. This book lacks character development, there is nothing believable in the crime solving process, and there is ZERO entertainment value in the storyline. It reads more a screen play for a B-rated television show. Ann Calvert244

good book

Journey & Luke are new FBI partners, that are investigating a murder of a man that owns a gun store. Some of his guns & ammo are also stolen. Another murder occurs with the man murdered the same way with one of the stolen guns. Then another! They are on the chase to find out who. They finally have a link. James Caswell104 1 follower


Journey's Call (Journey Russo FBI Mystery Series Book 1) By: Mary Stone and Amy Wilson. FBI Agent Journey Russo and Michelle Timmer and Lucas Sullivan a new adventure. They are chasing a killer . He is avenging the death of his father. It’s a great start to a new series. I enjoyed this story … bonnie kirchner1,427 6

Journeys Call

I only gave this book four stars because it did not have the thrills and suspense that the other books do. I really miss the Winter books . I hope they will be back. I will read the next book but this is not a favorite Ray and Kathy Marsh166 2

Great New Series

I really enjoyed the lead characters in this book. Its a fast paced story. Journey and her partner, Lucas work well together to solve a series of murders. It is suspenseful and full of twists. Marianne Potter356

Journey saves the day

The book presents an FBI pair that has histories that propel their actions. As you read, you will wonder what causes one person to enter law enforcement and another to seek revenge. Mary Rowe2,254 4

fills the requirement for a procedural

Journey Russo acquires a new partner. Their first case together is a puzzle with few clues, until this newly minted serial killer’s goal slowly reveals itself. Katherine Brackett23

Interesting twists.

Once again, wonderful characters that make you feel their plight. A great duo that doesn't give up, plus a tragic story for both victims and perpetrators. Add all those together and you have a great novel. Terry154

Great Series Starter

A great in depth look at FBI agents, a serial killer and victims. Watching the agents figure out the sparse clues and discover the background of the victims and perpetrator was fascinating. I am looking forward to the next book in the series. Joseph Bernal67

Journeys call

I d the bond between the two cops,the sister was a good addition to this story. The way they kept after all those clues gosh makes you see how police have to sort things.its interesting to see how cops can work a case good work!! Larry Bauer38

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