
Redenti dall'amore de Mary Jo Putney

de Mary Jo Putney - Género: Italian
libro gratis Redenti dall'amore


Figlia illegittima di un duca e di una nobildonna che ha sempre vissuto una vita particolarmente allegra, Athena Markham è costretta a trovare riparo in un piccolo regno tra la Spagna e il Portogallo, dove diventa consigliera della giovane principessa destinata a salire sul trono. Lì conosce lord Will Masterson, un ufficiale inglese inviato nel reame di San Gabriel dal suo governo per aiutare i regnanti a risollevarne le sorti dopo l'invasione subita da parte dei soldati napoleonici. Entrambi forti di carattere, con un passato colmo di umiliazioni lei e di dolori lui, si troveranno fortuitamente alleati per difendere la popolazione e il trono, come due eroi con i cuori intimamente stretti dai lacci dell'amore.

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After a taut silence, the rifle was lowered and a magnificent Amazon stepped from the shadows. Now that Will didn't have a weapon pointing at him, he realized that the rich, low voice belonged to a female.

I honestly can't do this book justice, all I can say is that it isn't your typical HR.
This book surprised me all round. At first glance it seems every other historical romance I've read but that wasn't the case at all. The two main differences? The romance was secondary don't get me wrong at about 70% the author did intensified the romance and the connection between the love interests but I feel that's not what this story was about. Secondly there were two couples in this book and their stories were told simultaneously. While Will and Athena were the lead characters, I was just as invested in Justin and Sophia's story! I never expected to enjoy the story as much as I did, I hesitantly started it last night and found I couldn't stop reading.

The two main characters Athena and Will are very well matched, Athena was a very strong and independent character because of how she grew up. On one hand because of her liberal upbringing she was capable of doing many things a woman her wasn't able to at the time, but on the other hand her differences set her apart which was another negative blow, you see Athena is the illegitimate daughter of a peer. This book is set immediately after the defeat and abdication of Napoleon, in a small country called San Gabriel. While fighting in the war...Will and is captured and sentenced to death. Luckily he escapes along with a group of soldiers, they become fast friends and form a club called Rogues Redeemed. They're all seeking redemption, I assume because of tortured past. But that another story.

San Gabriel was very badly effected by the war and the attack of a militia led by the French General Bodain and when Will arrives he has his work cut out for him. The author focused quite a bit on the details of the war at the time and the cultivating of vineyards and wine making and at first I was a bit worried, I mean I was a expecting an historical romance but I said, surprisingly I enjoyed this part of the book but I did wish for a deeper connection or maybe more on the romance between Athena and Will. One could never mistake their connection as insta-love.

What I loved about this book the most was probably Athena, I mean her name says it all. The goddess of wisdom and war, and she definitely lived up to her name. But she did have her hang ups, we call them daddy issues these days and rightfully so. Athena went through so much public ridicule because of her parentage. Will's character was quite different to what I normally read, he was a strong and protective man but never overbearing I I guess he was more of a beta-hero.

I'll definitely be reading more books in this series, Mary Jo Putney is quite different to all the other HR authors I've read. I quite enjoyed the way she told her story.

"I've met some female guerrillas as fierce as any man, but, in general, you're right. Perhaps the world needs more queens and fewer kings.

ARC kindly provided by publisher via Netgalley in return for an honest reviewadorable-heroes arc-or-netgalley historical49 s WhiskeyintheJar1,369 631

I drifted off twice while reading this.

The hero and heroine meet and because insta-lust would be too exciting, they just kind of really each other. Ok, so they are quite lovely together and talk and share and calmly talk some more.
My kingdom for a scorned other woman, devious uncle, or some other over-the-top villain! I bemoan these tropes but at least they give the story some life.

Also, I love myself some wine but reading over and over about how this fictitious country has the best and how were they ever going to recover the buried wine had me wanting to throw my bottles out. (JK! JK! I would never)

I loved the beginning with the captured men escaping and loosely forming the Rogues Redeemed but the numerous mentions of the heroine's Amazon height (and I'm an Amazon myself!), wine, and extremely mellow romance that was pushed to the side in favor of discussing how the fictitious country could rebuild from the war, was bland as naked toast.

historical military regency ...more41 s Pepa982 258

Reseña completa: https://masromance.blogspot.com/2019/...

Tened en cuenta que esta autora, pese a que he leído novelas suyas que me han super encantado, no es de mis favoritas
Pues muy sorprendida. Pensaba que estaba leyendo la típica historia de los 90 y acabo de mirar y la publicó en el 2016. Flipando porque sigue exactamente el esquema de aquella época. lo que me indica que como autora no ha arriesgado absolutamente nada
Una novela que me ha resultado bastante aburrida, la verdad. Es intersante al final cuando Mary Jo Putney explica en qué se basa la novela, pero no me ha enganchado en ningún momento.
con dos romances al cual más instalove, poca definición de los personajes. Lo importante es la parte de aventuras, pero le ha faltado chispa y ritmo y originalidad.
Me animaré con el siguiente a ver qué tal cuando lo publiquenmary-jo-putney regencia-y-s-xix-inglaterra28 s Zoe762 193

I started reading Mary Jo Putney at least 20 years ago. And I will always read her books. If only the new writers had half of her talent. She has a distinctive style that is evident in her latest book. The conversations, the maturity, the characters, have Putney written all over it. I love this feeling of "meeting an old friend" when I read her books. It is....rather comforting.

Once a Soldier features Athena, an extremely tall Amazon woman and Will, a war hero and a baron. The story took place in Southern Europe, even though both Athena and Will were British. The attraction happened very quickly, so did affections. I would usually hate such things. But this is what I love about Mary Jo Putney, her characters are nothing but practical. They are usually pragmatic and mature, making no fuss about "I love you" or "I want you." They are steady and reliable people, even in their affections. Not one volatile character. And that makes the quick affections work for me. I believe you can develop feelings in a fairly short time. But most writers make it look a joke. But Mary Jo Putney, through her level-headed characters, makes it a serious attempt at happiness.

After their initial meeting, Will quickly came to the conclusion that he would not mind having Athena as a life partner and was open to the idea of marriage. He was very adult about it too. And that was the game changer for me. I did not feel that the relationship was "rushed". I just accepted it as it was: if 2 consenting adults hold affections and attraction toward each other, why not? Their relationship developed through a national crisis of San Gabriel, where Athena had been residing for 5 years. Their joint efforts to help the small country brought them together and also brought together a secondary couple, Will's Scottish friend Justin and San Gabriel's princess.

However this book belongs to the 3 stars group of Putney's books for me. My first reservation has to do with Athena's "warrior princess" stature. It was repeatedly mentioned that Athena was unusually tall, an Amazon of a woman and "magnificent" was the word. I have no doubt that "Amazons" can be attractive. There is no dispute about that. I just have trouble relating to her as a person because of that. I have in mind a female tarzan and that made it difficult to imagine her as a heroine in a romance.

My second issue with the story was the "saving San Gabriel" plot took precedence over the relationship. Putney excels at building a complex backdrop. While she does a fantastic job of it, sometimes the plots took the spotlight away from the lead characters. I feel that this was the case with Athena and Will. They did not really have much attraction from where I saw it. They did not really have enough romantic interactions for me to feel that the relationship was romantic. While I appreciate Will's being practical, Athena's Amazon image took root and made it difficult for me to picture her as my heroine. In short, I wasn't attracted to Athena and could not imagine why Will would be.

The third issue, or rather, observation, was that I was much more drawn to the secondary romance between the princess and Justin. As secondary characters, they had more chemistry than Will and Athena.

When I read the blurb and saw that Athena was an "unusually tall woman", I already had my reservation. I thought that I probably would not her a lot and it turned out to be the case. I understand that writers must attempt to write about different types of characters. So there is nothing wrong with that. I love her ability to build a complex story and create characters with depth. Will and Athena's book isn't my favorite book from her but I am glad to see that Mary Jo Putney is still writing and also happy to see that her signature style is still evident in her stories.

*This review is for an ARC from the publisher on NetGalley.19 s Sandra Uv1,138 274


“-Me pregunto si los hombres superarán alguna vez su deseo de luchar. Las mujeres, desde luego, lo repudiamos.
-He conocido a algunas guerrilleras tan feroces como cualquier hombre; pero en general, tiene razón. Tal vez el mundo necesita más reinas y menos reyes.”

Érase una vez un soldado es una novela que me ha decepcionado ya que me ha aburrido muchísimo y no me ha parecido nada interesante. Con unos personajes planos ,sin nada de química y con una trama soporífera, estoy segura de que habrá novelas de esta autora mucho mejores.

-Reseña completa: http://addicionaloslibros.blogspot.co...17 s Amanda607 98

Originally posted at Desert Island Book Reviews

I wanted to this book. I wanted to be able to say that I enjoyed it, because I historical romance and, in the past, I’ve d Mary Jo Putney’s work. Unfortunately, however, I barely made it through this book.

Once a Soldier is purportedly a historical romance, but it’s missing both accurate historical details (it’s set in a fictional country and the characters frequently do things that are unbelievable for the time) and a compelling romance (despite the fact that there are not one, but two, romances in this book). The majority of the book is either related to war and battles or to wine or to rebuilding San Gabriel (the fictional country) following the Napoleonic wars in the mid 1800s.

I generally found the first 85% of this book to be dull and lifeless, full of details that, for me, didn’t add anything to the story. The events weren’t what I was looking for in a historical romance, and I didn’t care about the characters at all. Their romances and struggles were flat and unrealistic. I will say that I thought the ending read more a historical romance and wasn’t too bad (although the happy coincidences are a frustrating way to deal with conflicts and struggles the characters faced).

The women in this book were completely wrong for the time period. Athena, our heroine, is supposed to be different; she’s supposed to be tall, independent, and strong. Sure, fine, I can handle that. I don’t need cookie cutter characters. What I don’t , though, is that she does things that I can’t see any woman of the time doing. For example — and this is a spoiler, but honestly, since I don’t recommend this book, I’m not too worried — Athena and Princess Sofia (a twenty-three year old who is supposedly the heiress to the throne of San Gabriel) caused a landslide/avalanche to save the country’s wine when the French invaded. Another time, Athena dressed up a nun in a war zone to save real nuns and children. Even for a “different” character in this period, I just don’t think either of these things is plausible.

The characters didn’t seem to have much chemistry with each other and the romances were “lightning strikes” types, where the characters were immediately in love with each other without knowing each other at all. Additionally, they were all way too informal and modern in addressing each other — at one point, Princess Sofia invited a wine merchant she’d just met to call her by her first name. This just wouldn’t have happened in this time period.

The main romance between Major Lord William Masterson (called Will by everyone in the book) and Athena (an illegitimate daughter of an unnamed-until-the-end lord) was boring and also completely unbelievable for the time. A few years ago, there was an article circulating about getting to know a potential mate through asking a series of difficult questions, which helps to build intimacy and trust. This book adopted that method in the early nineteenth century, and Athena and Will spend time asking each other personal questions. I just don’t think this would have happened then, and I can barely see it happening now.

One thing about Athena that just really drove me crazy was her attitude about sex. For the majority of the book, she tells Will she doesn’t want to be his mistress (an irrational leap she made after one small kiss) because she doesn’t want an illegitimate child. This isn’t so bad. Fast forward through a lot of pages, and on the eve of an impending attack by a rogue French force, she decides she doesn’t want to die without having sex with him. Okay, fine, not sure it would have happened, but sure. Then we find out that she’s been someone’s mistress before!! Her excuse through the whole book falls totally flat at that point. I just don’t think those two beliefs and behaviors are consistent, and it drives me crazy.

I honestly wish I had more positive things to say about this book, but it really wasn’t for me. It’s possible that someone who doesn’t mind a romance novel sans romance would it, or maybe someone who’s not so focused on whether characters’ behaviors make sense for the time. For me, though, it wasn’t a good fit and I don’t recommend it. I gave it one star.

*ARC from Kensington Books via NetGalley16 s Jacob Proffitt3,134 1,822 Shelved as 'unfinished'

At not quite 60% I'm going to call this done. I'm kind of figuring out why by writing this review, so I hope there's some clarity by the end, here.

I all of the characters immensely. Will and Athena are meant for each other (perhaps a little unrealistically?) and I love their banter and mutual admiration. The secondary characters are nearly as strong and I want them all to end up happy. And together. Unfortunately, there are barriers. Even more unfortunately, the biggest is a huge negative motivation* by Athena where she doesn't want to marry Will because she's a bastard and thus much beneath him, socially. Also, he'll be mocked if he marries her and she can't stand that. Which is silly because it isn't he doesn't know his society at least as well as she does and if she's going to be worried about anybody she might as well own up to her own anxiety. It's particularly silly because she's otherwise quite intrepid.

Their friends suffer similar barriers to their obvious happiness. So it all feels something of a pile-on.

And the problem is that I put the book down and just haven't been able to convince myself to pick it up again. I think this may be yet another manifestation of my newfound skill in identifying that I the story just fine where it is combined with my superpower of editing stories in my head. ly, that makes me a coward (though a creative one), but I'll own that if it lets me avoid plots that pretty much have to hurt people I kind of to make any more forward progress.

Anyway, I'm not going to rate this as most of my enjoyment or lack is bound up in the story in my head (countered by my need to resort to that device). It's a good story and I'd love to hear what others think of it. Just so long as I don't have to actually go through it, myself...

* Negative Motivations: I kind of hate that the term "negative motivation" isn't widespread, yet. Since it isn't, I'm going to save off this little jag to append to my that feature the term. Jennifer Crusie blogged about it a bit back and it changed how I understand story. The problem with the term is that if you've never heard it before, you'd assume it meant motivations that are harmful or immoral. Not so. What it refers to is motivations not to do something. The thing is that many of us are motivated to not do things for a lot of different, perfectly valid and reasonable, reasons. The problem is that in a story motivations to not do things are a huge drag on the plot—particularly considering the fact that most negative motivations are overcome by the character simply deciding they don't care any more (or, rather, that they do care and are now motivated to do the thing). So not only do you have a counter to action but you also have a situation where to overcome it, all a character has to do is change their mind. Which means eventually, the reader is rooting for the character to get over him/herself already and do the thing we want them to do. Conflict drives story. Conflict between a reader and a main character drives readers away from story.negative-motivation romance14 s Sissy's Romance Book Review 8,780 16

'Once a Soldier' by Mary Jo Putney is book one in the "Rogues Redeemed" This is the story of Will Masterson and Athena Markham.
Will and some other men had been taking and would be put to death at dawn. They all but said what they would change about their life if they could make it out. When the men all came together to escape they formed a alliance with each other and called themselves Rogues Redeemed.
Once Napoleon surrendered Will had one more assignment that has lead him to meet Athena.
Athena is a somewhat different than most women of that time. Athena was and illegitimate daughter who was raised with knowledge and to think for herself...she is a very strong person.
I found Will and Athena were a good fit as a historical romance couple that I found very hard to put this book and their story down.
I just can't wait to read the other story to come and see what happened to the other Rogues!

I received an eARC, from NetGalley and the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.
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2,5 estrellas.
No sé si la traducción es mala y por eso no me gusten ciertas cosas, pero dejando eso de lado, he sentido nula conexión con Will y Atenea, no hay química entre ellos y también que el romance quede en segundo plano.

Reseña en: https://oceanodelibros.blogspot.com/2...14 s Kimberly Rocha~ Book Obsessed Chicks584 65

While preparing to meet the hangman's noose at sunrise, a group of captured men reflect on what they would do if they were saved from their impending deaths. With the toss of an empty liquor bottle by English officer, Will Masterson, the men have a reprieve from execution and flee to safety. Before going their own ways, they agree to keep in touch in the future by way of a book shop in London. Will Masterson goes back to his troops where he survives to see Napoleon's surrender. Just when he's about to sell out of his commission, Major Lord Masterson is given a final mission of heading to a scenic sovereignty bordering Portugal and Spain to assess the damage the French forces committed against San Gabriel.

Awkwardly tall for a woman and having nothing left for her in England but a father who wants nothing to do with her but to keep her illegitimacy secret, Athena Markham finds herself in San Gabriel as a savior of sorts, The fiercely independent woman with a tumultuous past finds herself useful as aid to San Gabriel's Princess Sofia and more importantly to the whole community after the French wrought destruction.

When Will Masterson appears in San Gabriel, both he and Athena share an immediate desire that shows promise if either one would allow. Athena dreads Will discovering about her past, but with their evolving friendship comes a trust she has never found in another, which allows her to unburden her soul. The task at hand though is to protect San Gabriel and the Princess from enemies who lurk in wait of the perfect time to attack the struggling country and while this is first and foremost, Athena's and Will's desire grows.

Will have never met a woman as magnificent as the Amazonian- Athena, with her height and a admirable fortitude, he wants her badly. Not only in the physical sense does he desire Athena, but in the emotional and binding sense as well. But Athena can't see passed her illegitimacy and the legacy her mother left her. Convincing the proud and difficult Athena to allow him in is quite the journey in Mary Jo Putney's ONCE A SOLDIER.

This amazing romance set against a beautiful and exotic background is perfection for me. Reading Mary Jo Putney describe the Douro River Valley and its environs brings back my memories of trips to Portugal and Spain. I could tell by the way she speaks, that she felt an affinity for the country. Meeting Will Masterson in The Lost Lords series and enjoying his rapport in that series, it's a joy that he finally gets his own story. It's as if his character was calling Ms. Putney's name. He is a wonderful hero and one who will remain with me for quite some time. Athena Markham is remarkable to say the least. This heroine asks for nothing and deserves it all. Her fears about what her life will be back in England are real but her insistence of pushing Will away is for nought, because the Amazon has met her match, and what a great match it is!

This new and exciting book, ONCE A SOLDIER by Mary Jo Putney is a must read. I look forward to the next installment wonder which hero will have his day.arc-review11 s Alba Turunen721 236

3’5 Estrellas, pero le dejo las 4 por el hecho de que la editorial haya optado por traernos obras de escritoras históricas tan buenas como Mary Jo Putney, y eso, tras los años de sequía histórica que llevamos, es un logro.

“Érase una vez un soldado” no es la mejor historia de Mary Jo Putney, pero si una que he disfrutado bastante. Por lo visto la serie de los “Calaveras redimidos” es un spin-off de la serie “Lores Perdidos”, que aún no he leído, y espero ponerle remedio dentro de no mucho.

En éste libro Mary Jo Putney nos cuenta la historia de lord Will Masterson, un barón y soldado británico en plena lucha contra Napoleón en la Península Ibérica. Dado el gusto de la autora por desarrollar sus historias en lugares que no siempre sea en Inglaterra, ésta vez tenemos un argumento que ocurre en 1814, en el ficticio estado independiente de San Gabriel, un pequeño reino entre España y Portugal a las orillas del Duero.

En otras circunstancias, Will debía haber muerto en el pelotón de fusilamiento, en 1809, pero la noche que despierta de su inconsciencia, él y los demás soldados que iban a morir al amanecer, descubren una salida por la que consiguen escapar de los franceses. Al tener una segunda oportunidad para vivir, Will y sus compañeros tratarán de redimir sus pecados del pasado, y así es como cada uno parte hacia un lugar diferente, con la fortuna de volver a ver al resto algún día.

Corre el año 1814, y Napoleón acaba de abdicar. Es el momento que Will estaba esperando para volver por fin a casa, pero antes de ello, le mandan una nueva misión. El general francés Baudin, asoló, destruyó y rapiñó todo lo que pudo del rico estado de San Gabriel el verano anterior, depuso a su rey y a su heredero y los tomó prisioneros, y a cambio dejó como gobernante al anciano tío del anterior. Nada se ha sabido del rey y de su heredero, pero se sabe que una hija debe estar viva, Will debe ir a San Gabriel, descubrir lo que ocurrió, y hacer un informe de la destrucción llevada a cabo, para recomponer al pequeño país.

Así es como Will llega a San Gabriel, y se encuentra con una mujer que puede ser su igual. Atenea Markham es la hija ilegítima de un noble británico, y una dama de muy dudosa reputación. Por este motivo, siempre fue inútil que Atenea se forjase una vida decente en Inglaterra, y dadas las buenas disposiciones de su difunta madre, ha encontrado su lugar en San Gabriel, primero como institutriz de la joven princesa María Sofía, y después como su dama de compañía. En San Gabriel, Atenea se ha forjado una reputación intachable, y sus gentes las adoran tanto a ella como a la princesa, debido a sus buenas acciones en el porvenir del pequeño reino.

Cuando Will llega a San Gabriel se encuentra un estado roto y desolado; la mayoría de sus hombres aún no han vuelto a casa tras abdicar Napoleón, sobre todo hay mujeres y niños, y el paso de la destrucción de Baudin está por todos lados, destruyeron el puente y el molino, saquearon sus tesoros, joyas y víveres, y el reino necesita mucha mano de obra y dinero para poner en orden todo el caos. En seguida, Will se hace con el control de la situación y ayudará a las gentes de San Gabriel a reconstruir todo.

Pero ¿Realmente la intención de Will era ayudar a San Gabriel como un acto de caridad, o lo es para ganarse el favor de la dama de la princesa? Desde que Will y Atenea se conocen, se atraen, hay una fuerte química entre ellos, y no es porque los dos sean más altos que la media, o porque ambos sean británicos, se gustan y se desean. No me gusta hablar de instalove, porque no creo que haya sido el caso de éste libro, pero la atracción ha sido fuerte desde el principio.

Quizás el gran protagonista del libro ha sido el propio reino de San Gabriel, y su reconstrucción, que a esto tengo que añadir que me ha encantado la labor de la autora en cuando a investigación, sobre todo para haber creado éste reino ficticio. La relación de los protagonistas no destaca sobremanera, pero tampoco llena la mayoría de capítulos, si no que tendremos también un romance secundario entre la joven princesa y el mercader de vinos de Oporto y amigo de Will.

A diferencia de otros libros de Mary Jo Putney, sobre todo obras algo más viejunas o escritas hace más de veinte años, tengo que añadir que si bien su estilo no ha evolucionado en demasía, si he encontrado diferencias respecto a otras obras suyas. Comparándola con ellas, “Érase una vez un soldado” es un libro bastante más corto, y a pesar de su ambiente tan bien cuidado, me he dado cuenta de que me ha faltado más profundidad en los caracteres de sus personajes. En éste libro me ha faltado algo, puede ser ésa profundidad, y que me ha parecido algo más superficial.

En cuanto al romance en sí, me ha gustado, pero no me ha encantado, me ha supuesto un romance más. Will es un hombre de honor, que ama profunda y sinceramente y no teme expresarlo, pero Atenea, debido a su pasado, o más bien por su ascendencia, no puede ni quiere entrar en el mundo de Will para no destruirlos. ¿Su romance parece imposible? No tanto como el de la princesa y el mercader de vinos, pero creo que la autora ha sabido solucionarlo, pese a las circunstancias tan extrañas que nos ha presentado.

Sin más, creo que ésta ha sido una oportunidad para reengancharme de nuevo a Mary Jo Putney, y espero que la editorial no tarde demasiado en traernos más libros de los “Calaveras redimidos”.2019 regencia-inglesa siglo-xix9 s Donna444

It's hard to explain why this book, by a wonderful author, was one I could easily put down and not stay up reading 1/2 the night. The book is well written, but for me, something is lacking. Maybe the chemistry between the hero and heroine or the pace of the story.

Major Lord Will Masterson has served in Spain and Portugal during the Napoleonic war. Before he heads home to England, he is asked to accompany some troops from San Gabriel (fictional country between Spain & Portugal) home and evaluate their security.

Athena Markham, English and bastard daughter of a Duke, is a friend of the royal family of San Gabriel. She is visiting when war breaks out and stays to help Princess Sophia as her father and brother were taken prisoner and their fate is unknown.

Will falls for Athena, and I they take time to get to know each other. Athena does not think marriage would work between them as he is a lord. I do Will for not caring about her parentage. They work well together on protecting San Gabriel from a large band of French soldiers and rebuilding the country's wine business. However, I felt something lacking in their relationship.

Will has his friend, Justin Ballard, bring him supplies to rebuild and replant the vineyards. Justin and Sophia are a lovely secondary romance. Everyone does get their HEAs and I'm sure some readers will love this book. For me, it's somewhat disappointing and not a keeper.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an ARC.9 s Ang190 16

This may have been the first book I read of Mary Jo Putney, but I really enjoyed it.

Will Masterson, having been at war for years, finds himself in a mountain town, San Gabriel, when the war ends, but his mission is to protect it, not expecting to meet a beautiful English woman, Athena Markham, among the locals. The story evolves into a suspenseful adventure that throws the two of them together. There is also a romance between the secondary characters which adds to the story. Two for the price of one!

Highly enjoyable read and will read more of this author.

ARC provided by Netgalley - thank you!

8 s Sonia De la rosa419 40

Es un romance tranquilo, pausado sin grandes pasiones. Se puede decir que es un amor a primera vista, normalmente no me van mucho, prefiero las historias que se cuecen a fuego lento, pero en este caso ha sido diferente. Los protagonistas, aunque se gustan desde el primer momento, y él tiene claro que se quiere casar con ella, la prota no lo tiene tan claro por ser bastarda, la autora se toma su tiempo para que se conozcan.
A la historia, para mi gusto le ha faltado una pizca de pasión y de intensidad. Sin ser el mejor libro de la autora, lo he disfrutado.lecturas-2021 papel romántica ...more7 s Rebecca145 7

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. So here are my thoughts:

The book is set in the fictional San Gabriel, a small island country in between Spain and Portugal during the Napoleonic Wars. When I saw the historical setting for the story, I knew it was a book I wanted to read.

The story centers on a romance between Athena Markham, an illegitimate child of a wanton Briton called "Lady Whore" and Will Masterson, a British war hero. Athena is serving as an adviser in San Gabriel due to connections that her mother had, while Will leads San Gabriel soldiers back home to evaluate the state of their country. The two seemingly fall for each other at first sight and work together in helping the country get back on it's feet (this has to be a TINY country...)

I sadly did not care for this novel. In the most basic terms: the book was flat. I felt no chemistry between the characters and I thought the dialog could have been improved greatly. Moreover, I didn't feel particularly attached to either of the main characters at all, and therefore had no real vested interest in how their story played out. Character development was non-existent for Will, although some was given to Athena. The secondary romance between the Princess Sofia and Will's friend Justin Ballard was more interesting, and that doesn't say much. In my opinion, the story needed more drama to be interesting. The plot was great at first--intriguing and well-written--then was slow going until about 65% into the story. I actually really enjoyed the first segments of the book that featured Will's escape from imprisonment during the war.

Verdict: 2/5 Stars. I am sad I didn't this book more, and thought the premise had a lot of promise. Sadly, it just had too many flaws for me to enjoy.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC!

Random thoughts and things I bookmarked (potentially spoilery--hidden beyond this line):

* How many exclamation points does this dialog need?! No one talks that!

* I am so tired of reading about how excellent the wine is in this fictional country.

* Case in point--after a French scout is captured, the characters treat him well and offer him food in an attempt to get information out of him. -- "The young man almost inhaled the first sandwich. Even cold, it was probably the best meal he'd had in weeks. Then he took a swallow of wine. After a startled moment, he took a second swallow. 'Your wine is very fine, Princess! As fine as the Bordeaux wines of my home, but with its own soul'"...REALLY? This is how a captured soldier talks?!

* Athena is naturally anxious at the prospect of having a bastard child, since she is one herself and suffered torture by her peers. She also refuses to marry Will due to her low birth. But Athena has a change of heart once she and Will survive a surprise attack. So imagine my surprise when this is thrown into the dialog: "'Don't hold anything back, Will.' His brows arched. 'Maybe you should clarify what you mean by that?' With difficulty, she said, 'I told you that I would never want to bring an illegitimate child into the world, but I've realized that I want rather fiercely to have your baby." -- WHAT?! Where did that come from?! And now several pages later... "'You realize that now I'll start nagging you to marry me.' Athena rolled to her side so her back was to him. 'I overcame my qualms about becoming lovers, but marriage is another matter." -- REALLY?! You want his baby but you won't consider marrying him? How unrealistic can this get...?

arc historical-fiction netgalley ...more7 s Judithrosebooks514 1,569

SINOPSIS: Will quiere regresar a Inglaterra, la guerra ha acabado y ha llegado su momento de retirarse del ejército, pero le encomiendan una última misión a la que no puede negarse que le llevará a San Gabriel donde conocerá a Atenea una mujer alta, de porte inglés que le atraerá demasiado. Ella goza de una independencia de la que es feliz y ayuda a su alteza Safía y próxima reina de San Gabriel, pero Will hará saltar la alarma de su corazón.

OPINIÓN: es una historia de amor distinta a las que estoy acostumbrada, el libro no solo se basa en el amor entre Will i Atenea sinó que va más allá, el amor por un país.

La historia se basa en su mayoría a la reconstrucción de un país que la autora ha inventado entre España y Potugal, San Gabriel. Un pequeño país que ha sufrido los estragos de la guerra contra los franceses y que ahora debe recuperarse, donde Atenea y Will se conocerán y en el que encontrarán la felicidad y el amor.

La verdad que me ha gustado, porque ya había leído en alguna otra reseña que el libro no se centraba del todo en la relación entre los personajes, sinó más bien en el país, así que me lo tomé como algo distinto y la verdad que lo he disfrutado, aunque tengo que reconocer que en algún momento se me hizo un pelín pesado.
7 s Atrapada495 24

Este libro aporta datos históricos que enriquecen su lectura, normalmente en este tipo de tramas la ambientación transcurre en zonas más calmadas y adineradas así que leer este tomo es un cambio de perspectiva a lo habitual, además acostumbrada a leer casi siempre con ambientación en Inglaterra el cambio te hace descubrir nuevos lugares, costumbres y demás, me ha resultado muy cercano que tuviesen costumbres españolas e inlcuso comidas.
Reseña completa: https://atrapadaenunashojasdepapel.bl...6 s Amanda400 115

2.5 stars

This was my first time reading Mary Jo Putney so I’m not exactly sure if all her books follow a similar suit as this one did but, WOW THIS BOOK WAS BORING. The amount of time spent, WASTED on the most minute details was insane. I didn’t need a complete breakdown of how the leads were going to repair a bridge or plant grapes but that’s exactly what I got. In fact, I skipped over a majority of these mundane sections and didn’t once feel disconnected from the rest of the plot, what little there was of one that is. I have to say too that some of the dialogue between the characters didn’t come across as realistic or in a way that I feel actual humans would communicate with each other and that was yet another turnoff for me. There was also A LOT of insta-love going around which infected not only the main couple, but several other minor (AND POINTLESS) couples as well. I swear, it was as if Putney was deliberately trying to avoid developing Athena and Will’s romance by filling as many pages with useless information as possible.

One thing I did was the out of England setting, even if said setting was a make believe country in between Portugal and Spain. I also thought that Athena and Will were extremely likable with the potential to be more than what was presented. There was a low level of brooding and drama throughout as well which was refreshing, although in this case, I think the story could have used a little bit of both if only to keep the reader awake half the time.

The saddest part for me was that I never once felt emotionally invested in any of these characters save for the very first chapter which featured Will and the other Rogues Redeemed. My only takeaway from this book is that I am interested in the other Rogues’ stories, most especially after reading an excerpt from Gordon’s upcoming book. I’m just praying that if I do attempt to read Putney again, the experience will cause feels, not sleep.banter-gives-me-life clashes-of-class competence-porn ...more6 s Regan WalkerAuthor 29 books782

Adventure in Spain and Portugal

The story begins in Portugal in 1809 as five men are imprisoned in a cellar, awaiting a firing squad in the morning. Among them is Major Lord Masterson, “Will” to his friends. With some knowledge of their surroundings, he finds an escape tunnel and all five men gain their freedom, going their separate ways but agreeing to send letters to Hatchard’s Bookstore to keep in touch.

I have to say, I the set up for the Rogues Redeemed series.

Five years later, in 1814, the war with Napoleon is over and Will is tapped for an assignment in San Gabriel, a small (fictional) country lying between Spain and Portugal, ravaged by the French General Baudin, who stole away their king and his heir. Will is to gather information on the country’s condition and escort some of the San Gabriel soldiers back home. Once there, he meets the young Princess Maria Sofia and her governess, a tall English “Amazon” named Athena Markham.

Very early in the story, after one fairly vanilla kiss, Athena tells Will she won’t be his mistress ( he ever asked!). His response is to think of marriage. Having broached that subject early, they decide to get to know each other by telling each other their secrets and in their long exchanges, they recite their backgrounds and their losses (his wife and child died; Athena is illegitimate, etc.)

Impressed by the needs around him, Will decides to stay in San Gabriel and help the people rebuild. Putney introduces some charming characters, including Princess Sofia who, with the help of Athena, is holding the country together in the absence of her father and brother who are believed to be dead at the hand of General Baudin.

Especially toward the end, there are some exciting scenes of battle as the people of San Gabriel fight for their country. The dialog is good and Putney does a great job of conveying the beauty of the small country.

Once a Rebel, book 2, will be released end of the month.
exotic-locale6 s Mariana706 79

3.5 stars

I have read six of the seven Lost Lords books and enjoyed them all. I was glad to find out that the Rogues Redeemed series continues the characters, especially since I have been waiting for Will Masterson's story.

However, this was a slow read for me. It has never before taken me a week to read a Mary Jo Putney book. Other than that, I can't figure out why else this is my least favorite of her books I've read.

Athena was an okay character. I think the beauty she inherited from her mother should have been emphasized more. The H/H interaction could have been stronger. I don't know, maybe I just expected more for Will.

I enjoyed the secondary and minor third love stories. I also enjoyed the heat of the battle scenes. I just hoped the book was more engaging overall.soldier6 s IzamaRi H. Fabela749 87

RESEÑA EN EL BLOG ? http://bit.ly/2RnCzD8
Mientras la guerra entre Francia e Inglaterra estaba en su momento álgido, cinco soldados ingleses fueron capturados y sentenciados a ser fusilados. El futuro para ellos es claro así tras una ronda de whisky barato que un piadoso soldado francés les entrega, los cinco soldados hablan de sus pecados cometidos en vida y la forma en la que se redimirían si tuvieran la oportunidad. Oportunidad que les llega cuando tras un pequeño accidente encuentran un túnel que los conduce a su libertad.

Ahora la guerra contra Francia ha terminado, Napoleón se ha rendido y es hora que los soldados regresen a casa, y es lo que Will tiene pensado hacer cuando un viejo conocido le pide ayuda para realizar una última misión, una misión que será un buen inicio para la promesa que hizo esa noche en el calabozo mientras esperaba ser fusilado.
Todavía no ha nacido la mujer que se alegre de ver cómo su marido, su hijo o su hermano parte a la guerra, pero, a veces, es imposible evitarlo. Soy inglesa hasta la médula, pero San Gabriel me ha dado lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida. Posición, un hogar, una familia. -Esbozó una sonrisilla-. A ti. He recibido mucho y ahora tengo que devolverlo aunque sea a costa de entregar la vida.
Ya saben que soy una fiel seguidora del género romance histórico, así que Mary Jo Putney ya es una vieja conocida para mí, para ser más exacta leí un último libro de ella por allá del 2011 y no volví a probar su pluma porque para ser honesta con ustedes no terminó de gustarme del todo, pero ya que ahora mis opciones de romance históricos están seriamente reducidas (gracias a Titania que nos dejó vestidas y alborotadas a las fans del género) me pedí el libro pensando que quizá la autora había mejorado o mi yo más “maduro” (según, ¿eh?) iba a empatizar más con sus escritos… error mío.

Pero vamos por parte, no creo que la autora sea mala pero sí que siento que sus novelas son demasiado simplonas. Este libro en concreto tiene un inicio muy fuerte, con los soldados atrapados y listos para la muerte que son salvados casi al último minuto, la autora nos cuenta los estragos que la guerra ha tenido en ellos y en las ciudades que fueron saqueadas y estos aspectos me han gustado mucho pero entonces nuestros protagonistas se conocen y todo se va al diablo. Y sí, soy bien consiente que finalmente el tema principal de este género es el amor pero de verdad que se me hizo profundamente frustrante ver como la historia pasó de tener sentido a ser una historia donde en realidad no pasa nada y donde cada dos páginas tenemos una escena de amor, y ni siquiera un amor bien pensado sino uno de esos romances fugaces donde se ven y al minuto siguiente ya se están planteando casarse.

Tener en exceso escenas de amor hizo que la historia se volviera totalmente repetitiva y aburrida. Y cuando por fin la autora nos daba un respiro en realidad su historia no avanzaba absolutamente nada creando así una historia sosa.
Me pregunto si los hombres superarán alguna vez su deseo de luchar. Las mujeres, desde luego, lo repudiamos.
-He conocido a algunas guerrilleras tan feroces como cualquier hombre; pero en general, tiene razón. Tal vez el mundo necesita más reinas y menos reyes.
Como ya mencioné, lo único rescatable en el libro es que se nos cuentan tecnicismos de la guerra misma y la postguerra pero fuera de ello la novela no me ha gustado y sus personajes tampoco me han parecido ni remotamente memorables. Así que esta vez sí que renuncio a la autora.5 s Ailin SkyeAuthor 8 books80

Si bien, esta pareja cautiva y va enamorando a través de un cortejo poco convencional, en donde ambos son consientes de la presencia del uno del otro, ganándose la admiración mutua y despertando emociones que ambos pensaban incapaces de volver a sentir. Me cautivaron de tal manera que solo estaba esperando verlos juntos, no necesitamos a un calavera seductor, el encanto de Will y de Antenea es la labia suave, su coqueteo inocente y seductor, ays, que los amo.

Vamos a añadir a esto a nuestro Princesa Sofia, una mujer valiente que de repente se ve con un reino y responsabilidades que no creía tener que sustentar, valiente, guerrera, mandona y romántica, nos muestra que incluso la realeza puede ser capaz de todo con tal de luchar por su pueblo, incluso renunciar a amar con tal de hacer lo correcto. ÉRASE UNA VEZ UN SOLDADO, habla de personas honorables, de hombres que ahí donde se necesite estarán, honorables y luchadores, cautivadores. De mujeres capaces de inspirar a un pueblo y de defender su tierra, en fin, hablamos de una obra de valientes, de un romance no solo de hombres y mujeres, sino lleno de ideales y de libertad, dejándome sin aliento y con una sonrisa en los labios a cada capítulo acabado y con una sensación de vacío cuando lo termine.

Solo una vez leí a Mary Jo Pudney hace un montón, no recuerdo que me hubiese marcado o quizá no era el momento de encontrarnos como lo hemos hecho esta vez, su pluma es tan sencilla, vivaz, ágil y romántica que me dejó embobada, deseando continuar con esta serie y ver que Calavera Redimido conoceremos. ¡Feliz lectura!
5 s Cathryn335 68 Read

DNF at 40%. This was boring as hell and I really Mary Jo Putney. 5 s Victoria Delgado - Libros para Buddy648 41

Esta es una novela romántica de época un tanto diferente a lo que suelo leer.
Aunque la trama cuenta el romance entre Will y Atenea, no es el centro de la historia, ya que el país de San Gabriel con sus conflictos al terminar la guerra y todos los problemas que estos conllevan tienen una participación importante que te hacen preguntarte por lo que va a ocurrir ahí como con la suerte de nuestros protagonistas.

Se viene video reseña en el canal de IGTV de la cuenta, así que ya los invito a chequearla.5 s Gloria26 85

3,5 ?

La verdad es que cuando empecé a leer este libro no pensaba encontrar lo que me encontré...
Parece ser la típica novela de romance histórico, pero va más allá de eso al sobreponerse la trama de la reconstrucción de un país destrozado por la guerra.

Hasta ahora no había leído nada de la autora, pero ahora puedo decir que es un gran acierto. La pluma de la autora es elegante y detallista. Pero no es ese estilo en el que sientes que la trama no avanza, sino que nos adentra poco a poco en la historia, hasta darnos la sensación de que todo lo que cuenta la autora ha podido ocurrir realmente. Tanto los personajes, como la trama excelentemente hilada y San Gabriel, nos invitan a adentrarnos en la historia y sentirnos parte a cada momento.

Y si bien es cierto que, como os he comentado, la historia de amor queda ligeramente en "segundo plano", cada uno de los episodios románticos nos envuelven muy gratamente; es un amor real y adorable entre nuestros dos protagonistas, Athena y Will.

Por destacar algo de ellos, Will es un personaje que me ha encantado! Detrás de su aspecto de tipo duro, se esconde un corazón apasionado y entregado a hacer lo correcto. Y Athena es una mujer fuerte e independiente que no se va a dejar ridiculizar por la alta sociedad inglesa.

A parte de nuestros protagonistas y su historia de amor, tenemos en paralelo a Sophia y Justin, la princesa heredera de San Gabriel y un comerciante. Dos personajes que le han aportado a la historia un aire fresco y romántico, y que seguro no te dejan indiferentes!

Y como toda buena historia, hay un trasfondo de misterio, tensión y guerra que no te va a dejar separar los ojos del papel!4 s Tammy ?529 329

La historia es buena y en un principio me tenía muy enganchada, pero una vez que Will y Atenea se conocen todo comenzó a decaer, principalmente porque hay muy poca química entre ellos, y los diálogos extensos sobre preguntas de su pasado me ha parecido un poco forzados. Me ha gustado mucho la ambientación, un país llamado San Gabriel que es totalmente ficticio, pero la autora se ha basado en un lugar similar ubicado entre España y Portugal. Los dramas de la guerra me han gustado, pero ha sido todo muy vainilla, quizás esperaba un poco más de drama.

Reseña completa: https://megarybookss.blogspot.com/201...4 s Barbara Rogers1,619 176

Maybe 3.5 stars --
It seems I am a number of other readers and reviewers of this book. I love Mary Jo Putney, and I cannot tell you why this book didn’t just suck me right in as her other books do. I read all of the Lost Lords books and loved them. I always wanted Will Masterson’s story to be exceptional – but – it is just – well – ordinary. The book starts off exciting and it ends with excitement, but the middle of the book just plugs along. It takes place in a fictional country, which is fine, but the things the characters did are against ALL of the rules of Regency times – and probably any other country of that time. I mean, can you imagine any place, during that time period, where it would be acceptable for two couples to go on an overnight ‘camping’ trip alone – totally unchaperoned? Yep – me neither.

What an exciting beginning. Our hero, Will Masterson, along with several other men have been captured by the French and are awaiting execution by hanging. They are locked in a cold, damp basement with no way to escape. What will they do! Never fear, Will figures out a way -- after all -- if he didn't, there wouldn't be any more story! :)

After that exciting beginning, the story goes into some descriptions of the end of the war and Will’s orders to escort a contingent of soldiers to their home in San Gabriel (a fictional country between Portugal and Spain). Besides escorting the soldiers, Will is to evaluate the situation in San Gabriel and report back. This portion of the book moves along slowly with the hero meeting the heroine and others in San Gabriel. He arranges for a friend to bring much-needed supplies to San Gabriel and then there are many discussions with the heroine, the friend, etc. talking about San Gabriel’s defenses, planting grapes, making wine – all sorts of things. It is a way they are getting to know each other. Will and Athena are instantly attracted, but they let their attraction grow slowly.

Then, we reach the conclusion where it gets exciting again with an attack by a renegade, retreating French general who wants to rule San Gabriel by conquering them and then forcing their ruling Princess to marry him.

Will is injured while defending San Gabriel – and – then – magic – all of Athena’s objections, angst, etc. disappear and she decides all will be wonderful. It just happened too fast.

BTW – there are three romances in this book and all three get their HEA’s.

Bottom line is that the story idea was a good one, but the book was a bit slow and didn’t just suck me in and keep me up all night reading it. I had no trouble putting the book down and taking a break from the story. I had really hoped for something more spectacular for Will.
4 s Jaci465 20

The first book in The Rogues Redeemed Series is a wonderful start. Not only do you get a thrilling new story you have a hero who was a character in The Lost Lords series.

Will is a soldier and a Baron who is finally going home to England after years of fighting in the war against Napoleon. But before he goes home he agrees to go to the small kingdom of San Gabriel and evaluate and help rebuild this small country that had suffered so much in the war with the French. When he arrives he discovers an English woman who is the friend and confidante of the Royal Princess of San Gabriel. Athena is a strong capable woman who is level headed, smart and a force to be reckoned with when it comes to her adopted country and her friend the Princess.

As always with a book by Mary Jo Putney the historical accuracy, amazing descriptions and the emotional impact of the events and people are simply perfect. This is a story of two individuals that meet in a foreign land and discover how much they have in common. The love story is breathtaking and this book is a must read for anyone who loves a beautifully written Historical Romance.

I absoulutely recommend this book because if you haven't read a Mary Jo Putney book you are really missing out!!!

Received a complimentary copy for an honest review4 s Ermione Pickwick287 16

Ok, I'm struggling with this novel. I cannot make up my mind about it. There is honestly nothing really out of place, the characters are truly well-rounded and interesting, the plot is perfectly developed and it is also somewhat different compared to most of the historical romances I know.

However, it didn't really catch me. I was reading and thinking "this is nice, why I'm not empathising with it?", the answer is "I don't know".

I guess that, thinking about the love story between the protagonists, although very sweet, lacks of passion and beguilement; it looked they started a relationship out of boredom and not basing it on a fiery attraction (or even a bland one), it seemed flat for them too.

I would nevertheless suggest this novel as I believe a lot of people might it, plus there's a character with my name, which is not that common (Maria Cristina).

I received an ARC copy on courtesy of the author and the publisher, thanks for the opportunity!

For more , visit Il Profumo delle Pergamene
4 s JackieAuthor 8 books154

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