
¡Aventuras en Londres! (La diversión de Martina 1) de Martina D'Antiochia

de Martina D'Antiochia - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis ¡Aventuras en Londres! (La diversión de Martina 1)


Martina D'Antiochia Publisher: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial España, Year: 2018

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Dr. Martina McGowan is a retired doctor, and also a poet, mother, and grandmother. I Am the Rage is a collection of poetry focused on life in the US as a Black American.

ItÂ’s a slim book that packs a punch bringing out all emotions. ItÂ’s a call for equity and equality in a way that begs your ears to listen and for action in your own community. An inspiring and impactful must read.

I received a gifted copy.

Many of my can also be found on my blog: www.jennifertarheelreader.com and instagram.com/tarheelreaderdr-tbr-333 s Jennifer Welsh271 296

The author of these poems is obviously empathic and intelligent: if you look her up, youÂ’ll see she uses her medical degree for noble work. IÂ’d jump at the chance to meet her in person.

I donÂ’t know much about poetry beyond my direct experience, but to my mind these are not poems. Each line feels it contains a huge concept that would need to be broken down into smaller specifics to touch me, personally. Not that these donÂ’t come from a personal place: I could feel the writerÂ’s passion. But without enough details (there were some exceptions), most of these pieces felt more orations that could boost morale in communities and stir them to action, but they did not touch my heart as poems do.poetry24 s Mark Alpheus657 7

Oh, friend, did this book made me feel a lot. I do feel this is more of a book that you just have to read to know why I seem to find it difficult to find the right words for it. It doesnÂ’t mean I wouldnÂ’t try though.

I Am The Rage is more than just your average poetry book. It is a testament, a history unraveled, a century-old pain bottled up. Yet it is not angry, and isnÂ’t it true? The oppressed call only for equality, not violence, because they know violence is not the answer.

I highly recommend this book to fans of Jason Reynolds. WhatÂ’s so unique about this book, you may ask, and can I just say itÂ’s written from the point of view of a mother.

https://writtenbyal.wordpress.com/202...16 s Nursebookie2,409 377

This poetry book is powerful, intense and visceral. There are vivid illustrations sprinkled throughout the book which I found to be inspirational. Reading the poems brought out feelings of empathy, compassion and understanding. In under 90 pages, the words in this poetry collection is an essential read not to be missed.11 s Misse Jones561 52

OH MY GOD! What a riveting collection of poetry Dr. Martina McGowan birthed in i am the rage. It is a timely, necessary, gritty, earth shattering and impeccable production that must be read and savored several times over. What it is not, in essence, is a collection for the faint at heart. After all, it is often said that the truth hurts and McGowan has an incredible ability of evoking all of the feels in this one.

In the title poem, she takes us layers deep:
I am the outrage that flares every time you say something foolish
“I thought you were already free.”
I am the disappointment that breathes hot and silent
Every time I am dismissed
Cast aside
Counted as worthless or meaningless

Each poem thoughtfully building upon one another, laying claim to the rage in each of us as we live to see another day. As we hope for the change that often does not come. It was hard to pick a favorite because they were all so amazingly good. I was able to narrow down to a top three. In My Rearview Mirror speaks to the constant fear and anxiety that builds driving while Black. Numb to the News drives home the notion that while we are tired, we cannot afford to give in to the narrative that has become us. And last but certainly not least, Why We Beat Our Children questions how far as parents we are willing to go to keep our children safe without destroying them.

This book is LAYERS DEEP, and one I encourage you add to your libraries. I am blessed a friend gifted me a copy. Most honorable mention to the illustrator, Diana Ejaita whose illustrations so eloquently accompanied the words flowing throughout these pages.black-authors non-fiction-reads poetry ...more8 s Melissa (Home from vacay but WAY Behind)4,782 2,509

This is such a powerfully affecting collection of poems. Raw. Real. Honest.
The utter pain and lament echoes from these words. I am not usually one to enjoy poetry, but this book doesn't need extended flowery descriptions in order to convey the author's bitter despair and disappointment with the world as it is today for Black people in America. Illustrator Diana Ejaita's artwork serves to enhance each poem, providing a visual framework for the intense words.

"The intensity of life has not changed in these 400 years 200 years as freed-men and freed-women
Or, only free-ish
Our lives only remaining physically intact if we can continue to outrun
The slave patrollers and the police"

Every poem has a story to tell from McGowan's unfiltered and unapologetic point of view. We need to listen to these words, take action, take them to heart. It is not enough to just nod in agreement and move on with our days, especially for those of us who do not live in her skin and who do not experience this day after day.

The poem entitled "Spoken Words Fail Me But..." is an absolute must read. I'd love to quote the entire thing here, but let me just say you need to get this book and absorb everything the author has to say. If you are a person of color, you will relate to her words more than you want to. If you are a white person, you need to read them to try to break free of your comfort zone and to avoid relegating racial justice to the back burner when it isn't in the forefront of the news.

"But take heart
We will disappear from your sight again

In a few months
This broken world will return to business as usual
And our ambiguous losses will still be lost
Our freed spirits will once again
be locked in amber
Awaiting release in another age of outrage"

Thank you to Sourcebooks and the author for providing me with a complimentary review copy. All opinions are my own.8 s Deborah762 57

Burning, pulsating, passionate, hopeful, profound, insightful, and touching. Poetry of loss, inequality, fears, violence, and promise. There were so many poems that I loved. The artwork of the Nigerian artist is dramatic, yet simple. Dr. Martina McGowan is a phenomenally talented poet that I highly recommend. Here is one of her impressive poems:

In My Rearview Mirror

In my rearview mirror

I hear the sirens long before I see the lights
Before the vehicle comes into view
Is it a fire truck?
An ambulance?
Or a police car?
Two of these cause no trepidation
No quickening of pulse.

When I look again in my rearview mirror
I see the police lights
Rushing toward me
Sirens blaring
Getting louder

I am certain they are not coming for me
Well, reasonably certain
I have done nothing wrong

I go over my internal checklist
Speed limit - ok
Correct lane - check
License in purse - yes
Registration and insurance in the glove box - yes
Everything I might need to reach for clearly visible - yes ...
I think
Tags up to date - probably
All should be well

But I know what I look
I know how the world sees me
I know that sitting or driving in my car I fit the proverbial
Too dark sunglasses
Sex, unknown
Probably singing too loudly, even though my windows are

Out of fear
I slow down
I drift further to the right
I try, with some sense of urgency,
To blend in with those driving much too slowly
I struggle to get my breathing under control
Loosening my grip on the steering wheel

Checking see if there is anything else that looks suspicious
on the front seats
Even though I know in my heart and in my logical mind that
Nothing and everything can be suspicious

They finally pass by
I almost drop my head to the steering wheel in relief
A trickle of sweat running down my back
Because of the fear
The real fear in this:
One day this will not end so well.nigeria united-states7 s Dinah Moore607 5

i am the rage is an outstanding book of contemporary #poems .
the collection is on the smaller side, but I stewed and savored over these for weeks. every single line in this #anthology reached deep down into my soul but my favorites are “Forever Lost between Sunlight and Shadow (for Breonna)” which is dedicated to #breonnataylor ?? and “We Still Stand (Noble and Proud)”
dr. mcgowanÂ’s rage really transcends the pages and is almost tangible. you donÂ’t want to miss out on this one.7 s Niv55

-3.5 rounded up to a 4-

Dr. Martina McGowan's I Am The Rage is a timely and damning indictment of America which sets fire to the fragile façade of freedom, liberty and equality for all. Driven by the despair of perpetual Black death at the hands of police and rife with the angst of trying to cope with it all in the midst of a pandemic, these rage-filled poems reflect the backdrop upon which they were written, forcing the reader to bear witness to Black pain. McGowan's poems are overflowing with powerful imagery that brings the reader face to face with the ugly truths regarding racial discrimination in the United States.

The pain between these pages is quite familiar, too familiar, which may be why after a while I wanted something more out of the collection. While the collection's theme is decidedly narrow, I think I wanted it at some point to transcend the overwhelming sentiments of rage, despair, angst, and depression. None of the poems really pulled me in in such a way that I would say I have a favorite; some of them did feel to me more of a free-flowing cathartic release for the poet than anything else. Some of them, due to word choice or lack of a discernable flow, felt they would've been better off as essays.

That being said, there are a lot of strengths to this body of work, and I think it would be a transformational read for those who still find themselves personally and emotionally disconnected from the traumas of racism. For Black people, this poetry collection does an excellent job of reflecting the common fears and traumas wrought by trying to survive in America. The theme of feeling helpless in the face of trying to protect Black children from it all was especially poignant. The black & white illustrations were also a great complement to the collection, further bringing to life what is undoubtedly a moving body of work.poetry6 s Court Schueller350 1 follower

“The most valuable skill in life is learning to listen.”
- Dr. Martina McGowan

Reading this book felt listening. To her stories and ones that must be unfortunately told secondhand. You cannot understand the depth in this book without reading it for yourself, I couldnÂ’t do it justice attempting to explain it. It is raw and passionate and painful.

It is also so short and accessible but so strong in the small amount of words there are.

Everyone needs to read this book. I needed to read this book. I wish it were longer. five-stars5 s Malkie Hematillake59 5

This one of the most important books you could pick up. Dr. McGowan is raw, poignant, and unapologetic with her prose. I donÂ’t have words that could do this justice, so IÂ’m just going to say that this is a must-read. 5 s Andrea Phillips104 20

I wish I had discovered this author during the pandemic, lockdown and all the social (racial) turmoil from 2020.
Martina McGowan words spoke inside, outside, around and about me. This book is so absolutely necessary, not an easy reading, it won't bring you all the answers but it will make us all feel connected- and we can use so much of that.4 s Julia B249

Incredible! I am going to give this book to everyone that I know! Everyone needs to read this book! It is short and packs a punch. This book is raw and looks at racism in America with no filter. Ten out of ten. I love this. favorites4 s zainab28

this collection was written beautifully and the writing was wonderful to read. every poem laid thought provoking ideas that carried such a sincere and honest tone. it felt eye opening, allowing one to envision an experience they could never have. 4 s Lauren Kelley14 1 follower

This book is amazing. It is so well written and I cannot praise or recommend it enough. I read the full thing in 6 hours. It was one of my first real poetry books so I was not sure how I would it but the author is a genius with words. She so well turned her feelings into words on a page. Please read this book. It is so eye-opening.3 s kelseyandherbooks 427 425

A powerful collection of poetry that I simply do not have the words to review. The strength in McGowanÂ’s words was inspiring, the drawings by Diana Ejaita adding a visual punch to the writing.

My favourite poems were:

* Benediction Number 9
* In My Review Mirror
* How Could We Not Have Appreciated That
* We Are A, You and I
* Today, I CannotÂ…

But really, they were all incredibly impactful. IÂ’ll be thinking of this collection for a long time.3 s Soula Kosti315 61

“We will come for you
Not with clubs
Or tear gas
Or firebombs
But with words

We are a
You and I
And until you see this with clarity
This grand democracy we call home
This nation
Will never cease to burn
In the fires of hatred”

4.5 ? 3 s Maddie Brown152 4

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

"Living in a world where I am more terrified of dying while
doing ordinary things
Than I am of dying of this deadly plague"

I am The Rage by Dr. Marina McGowan is a debut poetry collection uncovering the emotions behind racial injustice in America. Dr. McGowan writes about Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, the BLM movement, and the everyday struggles of being a Black woman in a country filled with racism.

This collection is written beautifully, and each poem contains a clear and distinct voice. I could feel the pain and anger behind each word. This collection is powerful, hard hitting, and thought provoking. Another stunning part of this collection are the illustrations. Each one is simple, yet evokes deep emotion. Such a brilliant debut, and I am excited to read more by Dr. McGowan.

Again, thank you to NetGalley, Dr. Martina McGowan, and the publisher for the opportunity to read this collection of poems early.3 s Grace W826 9

(c/p from my review on TheStoryGraph) This book is powerful in its rage. I love the lack of sugar coating, I love the call outs, I love the voice, the writing, the imagery, everything. This book had me enraptured, completely sucked in to the point where I didn't always hear my wife talking to me because I was busy reading.

TW for this book include: Racism (including slurs), Rape, and Police brutalityi-own poetry3 s Ian1,391 186

a punch in the gut.b-favorites b-five-star g-poetry3 s Sara Hollingsworth755 25

Not much to say on this one. I emphasized and certainly felt for the poet. But that doesn't change the fact I felt I was reading one sentence political essays not poetry. There didn't feel there was much poetic imagery here. Or poetic verse. I my poetry to feel I'm reading something that's both vague and deep, that is mostly shrouded in imagery and metaphor. If it feels straight up sentences then I could just read a memoir.poetry3 s Kelly Hager3,103 148

This is a very powerful book; that's actually not even a strong enough word. This is un anything I've ever read before.

Every poem had imagery that literally took my breath away, words that demanded to be read out loud. I can't pick a favorite or most impactful poem, but Forever Lost between Sunlight and Shadow hit incredibly hard; it's about Breonna Taylor. But there isn't a poem in here that dragged or that was easier to read. This is such a necessary read for everyone.

Martina McGowan has a use of language the s of which I've never seen. She uses words as a weapon and as a request and as a bridge and an accusation and a prayer. She uses words I know, words I use but in such a way that it's very obvious that I will never be able to do anything even a tenth as well as she writes. And I could read this book 100 more times and be struck by something new.

This book is a force to be reckoned with and I am grateful I got to read it. Highly, highly recommended. Everyone needs to read this.3 s Lauren Hegedus212 7

The words of these poems are dipped in anger and are dripping with pain, creating an ending result that is sure to leave a lasting impact on all who read them. The imagery, allegories, and motifs that Dr. Martina McGowan has deployed in this collection of poems create bitter and lasting imagery in the mind of the reader. “I Am The Rage” is one of the most powerful examples of contemporary poetry that I have read this year, and I can only dream/hope that future educators will use Dr. McGowan’s work in discussions on history in the years to come. ebook library-borrows2 s JennyCash589 8

I don’t have adequate words to right a review on this beautiful book of poetry.read-in-20222 s Alexis Marie ChuteAuthor 5 books283

This is an amazing book of poems. I am moved to the core. I Am The Rage is more than 5/5 stars for me. 2 s Talissa40

A must read 2 s Sharon🌌 Cobbler535 5

This was so emotionally raw & brutally honest. I encourage everyone to read it. kindle-owned2 s Brittany147 1 follower

This is an exceptional piece of work! It shows the true multitude of Black Pain. A perfect Black History Month read, I think everyone should read this one. Highly recommend! 2 s Mara508

The poetry collection, I Am The Rage, by Dr. Martina McGowan is a stunningly vulnerable and passionate reflection on race, history, and police brutality in America. Some of the poems touch on how deeply affecting unceasing fear, daily stresses, and microagressions are causing anguish and hopelessness. In the collection, McGowan describes the white supremacy America was built on and the reality of two Americas, separated by race. Only recently it seems white people have begun to grasp the reality POC face every day. She illustrates the trauma passed through generations and necessity for assimilation and children to grow up quickly and fall in line or face dire consequences. Though there is sorrow, there is also passion, rage, and hope in the poems. Affecting bold Illustrations accompany the poems. I Am The Rage is a truly wonderful collection.

Thank you Sourcebooks and NetGalley for providing this ARC.favorites netgalley poetry ...more2 s Kelly24 1 follower

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