
Laney de Martin Sowles, Joann I

de Martin Sowles, Joann I - Género: English
libro gratis Laney


In a small college town in Northern California, Laney Alexander leads a regular, uneventful life-that is, until the charming and alluring Oliver Knight enters her world. Who is this gorgeous and mysterious stranger? Or, rather, what is he? As Laney's sophomore year of college begins, so does an unbelievable adventure-including a love she didn't know she longed for. She soon learns that Oliver is not ordinary, nor is the rest of his family, including a sister who openly hates her and a brother who will stop at nothing for revenge. As she fights for her life, and Oliver's love, Laney discovers that the fictional world of vampires isn't so fictional after all. Nobody is safe, especially Laney, Oliver's most important priority, and he will stop at nothing to protect her. With her mortality at risk, and a commitment revealed that she, without a doubt, knows she wants, Laney's life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn...

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Excellent, absolutely wonderful

A book full of young people finding their way, becoming the people their going to be. Full of young men, women and the super natural falling in love for the first time, learning what they can and cannot except. Being pushed to their limits, yet somehow finding the strength to keep going, fighting for each other, having each other's backs.
The characters in this book are awesome, well rounded, true to themselves and each other, brave, able, real and relatable. I was wonderfully excited while reading this book, not able too read fast enough, loving everything that was happening, while totally mesmerized by the story. It caught my attention quickly and I was a goner to this story, with characters that were enchanting, so innocent, yet others with blackened heart's.
I know this is a series that I'm going to love, down to my core. It's very exciting, some characters have their secrets, some are running for their lives, falling in love. It's one of those books I'll always remember the story, while many books I read even enjoy, but I don't always remember there story. This one I definitely will. Excellent writing, awesome characters, leaving the reader wanting more. Luckily there's more, much more so off I go to read the next book with baited breath, I can't wait to start it. I highly recommend this book.12 s NisyKitty VA98 5

I've read The Brookehaven Vampire: Laney, I have to say it's a great read. I couldn't put the book down for a second. This book had me giggling a teenager. I so want to go back to my teenage years, the excitement of meeting the boy of your dreams, the fluttering in your stomach, it was beautifully put together. This book was as if it were written by a teenager. Joann, hit the nail right in the head with this one. I was going up and down with Laney throughout the whole book. Oliver and Laney make the perfect couple. I now want my very own emerald eyed dream boat! If you guys had the honor of getting a copy of this book, you were truly gifted. When October 30th comes out, I will definitely be getting another copy. I cannot wait to see the final product as well as the next book. We need more books these out! Everyone on my Vampires Anonymous page is looking forward to its release date! Just 4 days away!!! v--vfavorites9 s Kim649 23

This book has quickly jumped into my favorites column. The author has created some amazing characters that I just can't get enough of. The story flows smoothly and I couldn't put it down. I actually stayed up until nearly 4 am to finish it! I can't wait for the next installment of the Brookehaven Vampires!


2012: Re-Read

Captivating. The second time around was even better. With the release of the third book, Tainted Blood, I decided to do a complete series re-read to refresh my mind of the details and I'm so glad I did. I had forgotten how much I loved this book. Oliver is my dream guy (up there with Johnny Depp) and you can actually feel the tension between he and Laney throughout the story. There is a perfect balance of vampire action, everyday college life and teenage angst. I just can't get enough of this series and will probably do another re-read when the fourth book is release. ;)



2014: Re-Read

Even after 4 years and several re-reads I still love this book. The story captures you from the beginning and never lets you go. Laney is your average teenage girl; Oliver is a gorgeous vampire... what more can you ask for? Oh, perhaps a little paranormal action and lots of sarcastic humor. This is one of my all time favorite series. Each book gets better and better!


2015: I'm still in love with this story. Every time I read it is the first time!favorites7 s Runningrabbit1,385 95

This was incredibly immature, particularly for characters that are supposedly in college, and if a have to read 'crooked lopsided smile' one more time I'm going to scream.a-stray-lock-of-hair-behind-ear college contemporary ...more6 s Marie504 392

I really enjoyed this book. I didn't know what to expect but it definitely turned out to be more.
Laney is a really able character. She's very open-minded and beautiful but not arrogant or stuck-up. She finally meets the boy of her dreams and they bond. And I think she keeps it together very well considering everything going on in this book.
She's easily a laid back and normal girl and I find I could relate to her. Oliver is lovely not any of those keep away people. He blends in and is friendly to everyone it's easy to forget who he is since he's someone you could take anywhere and not have to worry about being stand-offish. I wish Kiera- Laneys best friend was in it more. It felt her and Carter were there one minuet and a background people throughout the next. I hope they play a more significant role.
I d the way the author dragged out the whole secret thing and you get to know the individuals separately and a chance of normalcy before everything kicks off. She doesn't rush into the book but let's it gradually fall into place. I also admired how she gave them time to fall in love rather than they know each other for a day and the next their completely in love and cant be without each other. It made it more real. favorites favourite-series sounds-good ...more5 s Michael Anthony Araujo64 40

So, everyone knows how I feel about vampires, right? Right? Well, in case you’re one of the few who don’t, let me remind you. When I was younger, I was terrified of vampires. I remember having a coloring book with a playful vampire in it and would freak out and had to rip the page up. My sister would scare me at night dressing as a vampire and I still remember the one movie I saw when I was about five. But then came along four books and a spin-off and they turned these scary and terrifying creatures into somewhat of a joke for me.

The only thing I had against vampires became something so vile, might I say, that I ended up with no weapon against them. My natural friend became a pansy enemy. Instead of melting them, it made them sparkle. glitter. Glitter-full vampires. It makes me sad. I mean, don’t get me wrong, there are certain shows I watching and are my guilty pleasure. And I will go to the theaters to watch some killer vampire movies. But I sort of had this anti-vampire novel thing going on. The trend had to end!

So it was with very cautious steps that I began to read Laney. At first I kind of held it afar, I’m not really into the teenage romance with a vampire, the love of her life type of novel. I’m more of a deep story. But I gave it a chance. I’m glad I actually did.

Laney is about a girl named Delaney or Laney for short, who dorms in college with her best friend Kiera. Un certain female characters, this one is actually pretty fun. She’s very perky and outgoing, loves to have fun, and I think it’s safe to say a Cali girl. Right away I clicked not only with her but with everyone and everything in the environment. It’s very similar to where I live so it wasn’t hard getting into the characters shoes. Even if it is a girl. I just created my own shoes. Preferably, Nike’s. High tops.

Joann I. Martin Sowles, or Joann Sowles for short doesn’t waste any time getting to the point. We immediately meet this interesting, non-brooding, normal guy who goes by the name of Oliver Knight. He drives a black car, with tinted windows, wears sunglasses outside, and carries a stainless steel water bottle with him because he is “eco-friendly.” Instantly, Laney feels attracted to Oliver and one might think, “oh no,” but it’s quickly regaining itself when Laney explains how she has no reason to fall for this dude and can’t explain it. So you, the reader, she is perplexed.

As the story progress’ we find out about the vampires and about their powers. How they drink actual human blood by owning a truck that goes around where people can donate their blood. They use the blood and take some to keep themselves sustained. How newer vampires have a phobia of the sun and think they will melt but, they just have very sensitive eyes and have to wear the sunglasses. How the reason they don’t garlic is because they have better senses, so the smell is too strong. But what got me interested is that Joann Sowles doesn’t make them to be a different creature all together. She makes them as if they were an upgraded version of humans. They are humans just with different attributes. So you feel close to them and not afraid.

As with every vampire novel, there are good ones and bad ones. There are also in-between ones. Ones that we don’t really know their true alliance or there’s something more to them. The conflict basically revolves around one thing, revenge. The bad vampire wants revenge for what happened. And he will do anything to get it.

Joann Sowles certainly left her mark with this unique novel. She could have left it off with just the vampires but she continued by adding other mythical creatures, werewolves who transform at the full moon, unicorns and even dragons, whose talons are used by Slayers. Oh yea, I said it, there are vampire Slayers.

All in all, Joann Sowles is an above-average writer. I only say this because I’m afraid of overusing the word awesome. Her writing style is simple yet rich, and her stories and characters are full. There were times where I didn’t certain characters because they were too over-protecting, hint hint main vampire. But that was left behind as I finished the book and was left by a cliff-hanger that made me want to read more. I certainly can not wait for the sequel. Kudos to Joann Sowles, and let’s hope that she continues to master her writing.vampires4 s Misha410 722

*Please note that the rating for this book is 3 and a half stars*

I haven't had many good experiences with vampire novels. Maybe it was because I chose the wrong books. So when I started Laney, I didn't know what to expect. As it turned out, Laney was the good experience in this genre, I needed.

I that Laney is shown as a college student. It makes her more relatable (for me). I have not read many YA novels with main protagonists in college.At first, I was a bit doubtful about the novel because it reminded me too much of Twilight. I was afraid it was going the same way as Twilight. But as the story progressed , it was quite different from what I was expecting.The constant reference to how "gorgeous" Oliver was bugged me quite a bit. I am really tired of the "beautiful, mysterious" guys. However I d how Laney is depicted. She actually had a backbone and genuinely seems to care about her friend.I think the romance between Laney and Oliver is really sweet. At first , I felt Laney was behaving too foolishly. But then I thought - "Don't all young girls act silly sometimes?" I think, most of us have been through the phase where we d a guy and everytime we saw that guy, it made us act all childish and awkward!

Eventually as the romance between Laney and Oliver develops, that's when the actual action begins. If you action-packed plots, I assure you there's enough of that in the novel to pique your interest. Moreover there's humour and a mystery element too.
The book does end with a few questions unresolved , but hopefully they will be resolved in the next book in the series. Laney is an edge-of-the-seat novel with enough, unlimited action and a sweet romance to keep you hooked.

" I had an eerie feeling. Fear began to rush through me and my heart started to race. Thee were too many places in the shadows of the fence for someone to hide. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I started to back away towards the stairs, keeping my eyes on the shadows. My head was throbbing a tiny bit. I spun around and started to run for the stairs and smacked into someone. I screamed."

" I saw what looked fangs. This can't be happening. My breath hitched. I was too scared to move or scream, afraid he'd slam me against the car again and this time I'd fade out completely."

A fast-paced and intriguing paranormal romance

Yes! To the fans of this genre.4 s Jess-i-ca 796 773

3.5 YA Vampire stars....

This was a cute YA read about Laney who is head over heels for Oliver who she meets the first day of college.

Oliver is a hottie

Oliver winds up having every single class with Laney and shows up everywhere she is which is not weird at all....

so Laney should be

but instead she is

then later when she finds out he is a vampire and instead of

she's all

Oliver is a protector and has to protect Laney from his evil twin brother, Oscar who is seeking revenge.

anyways, it was decent, but not great...big-block-of-swiss-cheese ya4 s Didi865 286

********* 2-2.5 stars ***********

This was a little disappointing. The good thing was I went in with no expectations. I love PNR, especially vampires but this felt a little weak for me. It felt more YA than NA, and a re-make of Twilight.
I actually loved Twilight when it came out, but add several years and many imitations later, it no longer interests me.

The first half of the book was slow moving and almost completely focused on the two mains, Laney and Oliver. She's a sophomore and he's the big, bad vampire that enrols at her college. Except he wasn't either of those things. I guess that was another thing that bothered me: vamps were upgraded humans--faster, stronger and more intelligent.

But real vampires aren't fluffy with angsty feelings. This may have worked after the success of Twilight but its not intriguing or sexy. A vampire shouldn't be me but drinks blood and is faster. He/she is a predator and humans are the prey. Stories that use the traditional paradigm but instil the vampires with a degree of long-repressed emotion are by far the best IMO.

Anyways, I d some parts and could melt with Oliver's declarations, but I'm still lost as to the main plot of the series. There are many questions left unanswered and although it isn't cliffy, you're forced to continue on, something I probably won't be doing considering a love triangle forms and werewolves enter the scene--sound familiar? Ya, I thought so too.college-romance my-vampire-lover new-adult ...more4 s Emily340 31

This review courtesy of Squeaky Clean Reads. To see my review, click Here (SqueakyCleanReads)! :)

Overall Review: I opened this book, and I think it attached itself to my hand! I could not put it down! I kept thinking I had hit a stopping spot, only to find myself drawn in for more. A fun and action packed adventure full of mystery and romance. The characters became people to me and I felt a keen sense of interest in what was happening to them. The descriptions were such that they helped me to see what the characters looked —and who they were—without stopping or slowing down the pace. I was completely involved in the story and can’t stop thinking about it even now. Joann I. Martin Sowles adds a fun breath of fresh air for fans of vampire paranormal fantasy books. The only drawback: Cliffhanger!! Now I am aching to read the rest of the series! Overall Rating is 4 out of 5 stars!

Content Review:

VIOLENCE: few mild and one strong instance

PROFANITY: few mild instances

SEXUAL CONTENT: a few mild and a few strong instances

MATURE THEMES: moderate mature theme


The flip side to this super fun story: there was quite a bit of language sprinkled throughout. It was never overwhelming or extreme (no ‘rated R’ words, and maybe only one every couple of pages), but it was present—especially when the main character was irritated or angry (or super excited). There was a very intense scene in a bar where a character becomes very drunk and his actions and words become rude and obscene. The two main characters become very close and there is a lot of kissing. A character admits to sleeping with her boyfriend. Two main characters discuss taking their relationship further (often). As this is a book with vampires, there is quite a bit of violence. Mostly it’s running from the ‘bad’ vampires who are trying to destroy them. There is one scene where the main character has her eyes closed so as not to see a disturbing deed, but describes the sounds (she throws up after). The chase scenes are edge-of-your-seat intense! Rated for over 18 due to the mature subject content.

This review was written by Emily
A Squeaky Clean Reads Book reviewer
This book was sent to Squeaky Clean Reads by author Joann Sowles
paranormal ya3 s Yelania Nightwalker1,058 181

Laney is the first book in the Brookehaven Vampire Series. I loved!

The characters in this book are enjoyable, a mixture of paranormal creatures, an evil character, but seriously EVIL. I hate him.

In the beginning, the love affair is tender, but at the same time, that kind of chemistry between the couple, which keeps you sighing and praying more. I really d the relationship between them was developed gradually and not overnight. Oliver is in love with Laney and is not afraid to show it, that's incredible.

I want to see more of Laney's friends in the next book, because I have many doubts about them. I also need to check if what I think of Laney and his father is true.

Mrs. Sowles wrote a beautiful story filled with unforgettable characters and charismatic. A story filled with action, love and new things about vampires, creating a different world and completely charming. This is undoubtedly the best YA vampire book that I've read this year. Strongly recommended.cover-love fantasy fiction ...more3 s Andi1,810

I'm frankly surprised this book was rated so highly by other reviewers. The main character, Laney, is a vacuous 18 year old college student who becomes so enamored with a gorgeous new classmate that she can think of nothing but him. Give me a break. She acts her dog has died whenever he is NOT around. The story was so ridiculous it frustrated me. I would hope that someone smart enough to graduate from high school a year early would have a bit more sense. (Although the inane reason that was provided for her early graduation was that she did not want to be separated from her best friend. Aww.)

Laney goes to college but she never does any reading or homework for any of her classes. All she can think of is Oliver. She falls in love with what...his handsomeness? I never saw any reason why she should be in love with him (or him with her, for that matter), other than their mutual attraction. When she finds out he is a vampire on a mission to protect humans from the bad vampires, she decides to stick with him. In the end, she makes the battle all the more difficult because of her helplessness and the constant need for rescue.

This book offers nothing new or interesting. The plot is tired and has been done better by many others. (I disd Twilight--which they referenced in the book--but I thought this book was worse.) The only thing it had going for it was the smoothly flowing writing style. Sadly, that is not enough to make me want to read the sequel.

NOTE: $2.99 on Kindle
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewkindle2 s DawneAuthor 19 books43

With all the rage of one of the newest genres, Vampires and Paranormal, Martin Sowles, The Brookehaven Vampires did an exceptional job of writing this novel and it's a terrific addition to any library. College student Delaney "Laney" Alexander meets her newest classmate, the stunning Oliver Knight, during English class. The tender and young romance blooms while the duo race against time to save themselves from the evil of another vampire seeking revenge. Get caught up in the adventure as Laney and Oliver discover love while fending off wickedness.

Martin Sowles takes the time to explain vampire life, paranormal answers and this book is a great young adult novel. While I'm partial to YA books, I find the book of interest for adults as well.

The story is smooth, kept my interest from page one and is a must have. I highly recommend The Brookehaven Vampires- Laney. The ending if the book is a cliffhanger that left me wanting more immediately.2 s Erin V339 41

It was very slow.books-that-made-me-laugh college-romance obsessed-lovers ...more2 s katrina951 65

Laney Alexandra lives a normal life, in a small cottage town; she lives with her best friend Kiera and has moved out of home away from her Aunts to live her own life. Her first day back at college - she meets Oliver Knight, dreamy, charming, mysterious and incredibly good looking and Laney finds herself mesmerized by him, - his good looks and green eyes draw her in.
Laney is in her sophomore year, and this is where her adventures begin. In time, her and Oliver spend time together and fall for each other. Oliver is witty, charming and makes Laney’s heart skip a beat, she is drawn into Oliver’s world. He is not who she thought he was …..
His sister - Goth princess doesn’t her, his family has secrets she is not so sure about, and his family all seem to be different. Oliver’s brother hates him and is out to make his life hell and life is not at all what it seems.
Oliver’s charms and whoos Laney, she falls head over heels for him vice versa there love is magnetic, magical and romantic... Lovey dovey if you may call it . Oliver would do anything for Laney; even die for her in order to protect her – but from whom and what and why?
In time discoveries are made and Laney is thrown into a world she didn’t know existed, vampires are real not a fairy tale, werewolves roam the earth and evil exits in minions. Will Laney give up her mortality to be with the one she loves, or will evil get there first and destroy it all? Oliver will stop at nothing to protect Laney from the evil that lurks. Can’t he protect her from himself, and the commitment he is willing to give? Will she be the one to give up her mortality to be with the one she loves? Turns of events change and things become a turmoil will Laney survive long enough to be with the one she loves for ever ?

I really enjoyed this book at first I thought it reminded me of Twilight, certain things seemed familiar but in time IT WAS NOTHING it, references were made I found amusing eg they watched Twilight on there movie night - but Laney has its own storyline and you won’t be disappointed. I was giggling at certain parts, and grinning and this alone was enjoyable when a book can make you feel this while reading - its done its job !!!
Oliver’s character is full of emotion and is very protective of Laney. He does not come across as wanting to eat her, ((aka Twilight) or any normal vampire book or movie he doest not want to devour her just the love he shows her is incredibly romantic and sweet and honestly this melted my heart alone. * SWOON * They are adults in college so this part is realistic in its own way. The love is cute, lustful and very dreamy. Laney knows what she wants and will get it - but at the same time relies upon Oliver to be her protector. The vampire in him does not scare her it excites her, this along is a challenge for Poor Oliver.
The characters introduced into the book I really enjoyed - Felix I envisaged ** swoon ** and other characters blended in well with the storyline and were well described- They created the world in which Joanne has made in the Brookhaven Vampires. The chapters flowed smoothly, fluently running from one to the next, the storyline evident and not predictable. The chemistry between Laney and Oliver was explosive, and very realistic. Joanne created he own vampire world, her own myths behind the vampire world. This I found enlightening and different I enjoyed it. Action packed, with romance, thrills and lustful moments, great characters, and plot. The only downfall I could find in this read was grammar errors, but this by no means detered me from liking the book. I am looking forward to book 2 in The Brookhaven Vampires series.
:)I look forward to more of Joannes books ;)
Brought in e format but will definetly buy the book to shelf it and read again !! 1 Ashley (Books Obsession)71

Laney Alexander, a typical sophomore college student, is finally free from her overprotective aunt and is ready to experience life with her best friend Kiera. On her first day back to college, she encounters the handsome, charming, and mysterious Oliver Knight that's in all of her classes, not to mention shares the same apartment building as her. As they begin spending every minute of the day together, they immediately fall for one another. But Laney soon learns that life with Oliver is anything but normal. As they must fight for their lives and love, against Oliver's evil brother, Laney really does experience the thrills of life she wanted.

This book has a mixture of just about everything: paranormal creatures, nail-biting suspense, sexy romance, sarcastic humor, and kick-butt action scenes. I've read so many vampire books lately that all seem a, so I started this one expecting the same thing over again. During the first half, I wasn't too thrilled because it felt I was simply re-reading Twilight. Oliver's personality was pretty much identical to Edward's and a few of the scenes were similar to Twilight, too. His unnatural beauty was mentioned on every page near the beginning, but thankfully he didn't sparkle! However, once their undying love for each other was fully developed and some problems started to arise, the novel became its own. I really d the author's unique spin off of vampires and their lifestyles, it was different than any other vampire book I've read - I especially d the 'bonding' idea she created. I surprisingly didn't have a single question either! Usually with paranormal books I have many unanswered questions, but I was delighted to easily understand exactly how the vampire life worked.

Oh man, the steamy chemistry between Oliver and Laney was ridiculous, in a good way; they were made for each other! Even if you're not a vampire lover, but enjoy romance books, then I insist that you read this book. The hardcore kissing scenes and cute flirting between the couple were so romantic and sweet. Since the two of them are mature and in college, I could easily believe their love rather than in some young adult books where they are 'in love' by the third chapter. The author did a fantastic job at creating and developing this love at a nice pace.

I could definitely see this book/series becoming a movie in due time. The adventure and action scenes were brilliant and I couldn't put the novel down. Characterization was spot-on and I really stepped into Laney's mind and seemed to become her and experience the novel through her eyes. One thing that was a big issue for me though was all of the many grammatical errors. I'm not sure why, since I was reading the actual book and not an ARC, but it seemed I found an error on every other page! However, that's about the only complaint I can think of about this wonderful book. I urge everyone to read it - well that is, older teenagers because of the romance. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series! Joann Sowles is an author to watch.1 Bertena VarneyAuthor 71 books61

Laney, Book 1 of The Brookhaven Vampire Series by Joann I. Martin Sowles is a young adult vampire novel that exceeds any expectation for young adult novels today. The main character Laney is a wonderful representation of what it would be to today's world if a nineteen year old met a cute boy in class and he happened to be a vampire, or at least in our dreams. The setting in in the real world, a small college campus, and the events that take place are easily ones that readers can picture themselves in.

The author makes her book so enjoyable because she makes her books relative in today's world. There is a scene where Laney, Oliver, Carter, and Kiera is watching a movie- Twilight and Oliver looks to Laney and asks if she s vampires. It's a creative way of Sowles bringing her world to the real world of today.

The story was very fast paced and full of mystery and adventure. Eveything that was done or said was relating to that next clue or piece of the puzzle. The author left you wanting more at the end with many questions such as, "Is the head of the coven her father?", "What is Laney", " Why is Kiera getting dizzy?", and "Why did Laney not tell Oliver about her "dream?"

I can't wait for the next book. I have burnt out on young adult novels but once I began reading and entering her world I couldn't put it down. This book is great for the Twilight fans that have grown older and stories much Vampire Diaries. I highly recommend this book.

Here is a synopsis of the book for you to decide for yourselves:

What would you give to be with the one you love?

Would you give it all, including your life?

In a small college town in Northern California, Laney Alexander leads a regular, uneventful life–that is, until the charming and alluring Oliver Knight enters her world. Who is this gorgeous and mysterious stranger? Or, rather, what is he?

As Laney’s sophomore year of college begins, so does an unbelievable adventure–including a love she didn’t know she longed for. She soon learns that Oliver is not ordinary, nor is the rest of his family, including a sister who openly hates her and a brother who will stop at nothing for revenge. As she fights for her life, and Oliver’s love, Laney discovers that the fictional world of vampires isn’t so fictional after all. Nobody is safe, especially Laney, Oliver’s most important priority, and he will stop at nothing to protect her. With her mortality at risk, and a commitment revealed that she, without a doubt, knows she wants, Laney’s life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn…

Laney, The Bookhaven Vampires is available for her Lexington vampire fans on Kindle here for $7.99.

1 Bec554 72

I’m a bit mixed on this story, think 2.5 stars here… I found the story engaging and the character likable but at the same time there are some plot holes that really caused confusion. The big battle at the end was one of those, while the primary bad guys stake in things is known it was very unknown why all these others people were causing havoc and mayhem, it seems very out of the blue. Some of the things characters did seem forced to cause extra drama and tension, one of those instances was Laney’s break down, it was just out of place and out of character. There was also a ton of angst and the characters were pretty immature, we repeat things he's gorgeous and cute smile way to much. Since one of the characters is supposed to be 35 it was really out of place....

While I did enjoy reading this book I do not think I’m going to read the others. The story is not finished but it’s been 3 years since the last book so I think I will stop here.
fantasy romance shifters ...more1 lyndsey36 13 Read

was this book written in a foreign language by a thirteen year old and then translated by google? because that's honestly the only excuse for whatever the hell this is.didn-t-finish Jade Amalou48 1 follower

Another book recommendation :)
Laney is a story about Delaney alexander who essentially falls for (unknown to her) vampire, oliver. They 'bond' and she becomes the target of olivers evil twin oscar who is out for revenge.
I actually enjoyed this book, I really enjoyed Laneys laid back and carefree attitude and found it funny reading how she becomes more of a girly worrier once she meets oliver, getting up earlier to spend more time looking nice when normally she wouldnt care what people think, so true!
I also d the build up to her discovering olivers secret, small bits here and there falling into place. Obviously its a series and not a stand alone which allows the author to take time with the story line, but the fact that it wasnt a quick, "oh nice to meet u oliver", "nice to meet you laney", are you a vampire?", "why yes laney, what a good guess!", type scene, made it much more interesting and believable and made me want to keep reading to know how she finds out.
I did find the scene regarding oliver and julz a bit odd, where laney feels somethings going on and basically flips out back at the apartment. One minute she is hysterical sobbing and super angry then its almost flipping a switch and she calms down and realises shes over reacting, I think maybe a bit of an arguement is totally reasonable but what was with her almost blacking out because she was so upset?? I totally understand she loves him but its a unnessacerily exaggerated scene.
I did find some of the book unrealistic in the sense of, things, vampire things, seemed to take place too openly, too much in the public eye, how do humans not know about all this stuff when vampires are litrally fighting and killing out in a public street??
I found laney turned a little annoying in parts when she runs after oliver and gets bitten (silly girl!) But I guess being inlove makes you that way sometimes.
All in all this is a good book, with some funny and cute moments in it and I cant wait for laney and oliver to fully bond ;)
Oh and i really dont julz and I think she is definately up to something and cannot wait to discover what it is!!! 1 E.J. StevensAuthor 56 books1,670

Leaves you dying to sink your teeth into book two. Laney is the first book in the The Brookehaven Vampires series by Joann I. Martin Sowles. This is an exciting new vampire series, but beware...do not judge this book by the opening chapters. Laney begins very slowly. The first half of this book is setting the stage for the events to come, with a gradual build up to the breakneck, edge of your seat action and suspense of the final chapters. Delaney "Laney" Alexander is a fairly normal college Sophomore. She's of average intelligence, average height, average weight, and average motivation for school, but when her overachieving roommate has a fainting spell moments after meeting the hottest guy on campus Laney's life becomes anything but average. Laney and hot new guy Oliver Knight have an unnatural magnetic attraction that quickly becomes an obsession...for both of them. Some readers may see parallels with another popular vampire series (there are vamps and an overprotective stalker type boyfriend), but I found myself completely sucked into the second half of Laney and cannot wait for book two. The chemistry between the characters, though not always healthy, works. Young adult paranormal romance fans will love the steamy tension between Laney and Oliver and there is just enough scary "oh my god do not do up that alley" suspense and fang action to thrill urban fantasy fans. A wonderful beginning to a promising new vampire series.

I recommend Laney (The Brookehaven Vampires #1) to readers of paranormal romance, young adult, urban fantasy, speculative fiction, and especially to fans of vampire fiction. Laney may appeal to fans of the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer, the Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz, the Hush, Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick, and Soul In Love by Vone Savan.

Source: This book was provided by the author or publisher for honest review.

Don't miss our Q+A with author Joann I. Martin Sowles June 9th!

**Review originally posted on my blog: www.FromTheShadows.info**1st-in-series 2011 fantasy ...more1 Serena 17 12

Laney (the heroine, not the book) was a girl I could really relate to. She was confused about what to do with her life, and was not easily swayed by good looks and stuff. That was one great protagonist I love. However, enter Oliver Knight into the picture, and of that changed. By change, I mean OMG-alien-swaped-her-body kind of change. I could not understand Laney's actions most of the time.

One particularly memorable scene was when she locked herself in her room and screamed until she was red in the face after she saw a girl holding Oliver's hand. I know sometimes love makes a girl a little crazy but seriously, this was a little over the top. She did not even wait and listen for his explanations. No. Instead, she flopped onto her bed and cried in hysteria... That was so not the Laney in the beginning of the story.

Another problem was that the romance between Laney and Oliver was a little too wishy-washy. Their great romance went this:

Laney (saw Oliver): He's so hot, I gotta drool over him over minute and stalk him!
Oliver: (smiles seductively with a lopsided grin)
Laney (awestruck): Aw, he's HOT!
Oliver: (smiles seductively with a lopsided grin)

And so it went on and on and on... until the last page of the story.

The above things shot down two stars from my rating right away. But fortunately, the world-building was nice (okay, that's kind of vague I know) and although the plot was predictable, it still had enough twists to keep me interested. Tone down the gushing a bit, and I think Laney (the book, not the heroine this time) can be a great read. vamps ya-fantasy1 Larissa329 14

When she first laid eyes on the hansom new guy she couldn't help but fantasise what it would be to be held in his arms. However it was not her but her best friend that first had that honour, albeit under the most undesirable of circumstances. She had never felt for anyone what she felt for him and it seems he fells the same way. So why then was her aunt, who is more a best friend, so against the one person she could possibly love?

The more time she spends in his presence the more time she wants to spend with him. She could happily spend forever staring into his beautiful emerald green eyes and if she had her way she would. However there is more to this gorgeous boy them meets the eye. He is older then her, he never seems to eat, he avoids direct sunlight and makes numerous reference to the past. Luckily for him she has an open mind when it comes to relationships.

Laney is a love story between a mortal human and an immortal vampire. However it is neither his blood drinking nor her desirable blood that is standing in the way of these star crossed lovers, but his family and hers. Although the vampire romance has been done before this story has a way of sucking you in, and along with the romance there is danger, blood and a mystery left unsolved. If you thought Twilight was good then you'll love this series.own1 Cynthia CeneAuthor 1 book43

I am will not lie. When I first read the description of this book in my head I said, "Oh no. Not another Twilight." As I started to read it, it reminded me a little bit of Twilight but it has it's own twist. I loved this book. What drew me in was the prologue. It is very unique. I never read a prologue it. Another thing that really grabbed me about this book is that the characters are little older than normal.

Laney is a normal college girl. She graduated a year early from high school to go to college with her friends. She was raised by her Aunt and her mysterious Dad continues to foot the bill. She meets Oliver and wow. Just wow! The chemistry between them is great. I definitely LOVE the bonding idea. If you have read this you know what I mean and if you haven't read this then you need to so you know what I am talking about.

Things start to turn when Laney and Oliver become closer and a wonderful adventure begins. Once I finished this book I had so many theories. This book really makes you think. In every book I read I can normally guess where the book is going but at the end of this one I am left with a very big question mark.

I can't wait for the second book. I think this will be a wonderful series for everyone to get pulled into. Recommended for everyone!!!1 Gayatri245 51

This book is getting a three star review from me. Let me tell you why.
Laney was an interesting character but she was not a strong enough character. All she did was run when she asked to. Get scared a lot. Get herself in trouble. She had no guts. I didn't understand why she was in this book even though it was in her point of view. The only thing she did throughout the book was fall in love with Oliver and get herself into danger around several times ( maybe a little over the top :) ). Anyways Oliver saved the book for me. He was brave, had way more control over his emotions. Loved her when she got extremely over-emotional. He was strong. He was always her knight in shining armour. God knows what he saw in her. The book had a lot of action, a lot of it. It ended with them having to run. Hopefully in the second book Laney will show something special. I want her to show something, cause she was a nice character just not gutsy enough.
Thats it then, off to read another book.
( God I'm such a book junkie, you have no idea, I'm trying to make my better, anyone has any suggestions? )
1 Tarah161

This was a nice surprise. I originally bought the E-book because it was .99, and it was well worth the investment. I was half expecting another Twilight (which I have read and enjoyed them enough) but this series has been much better, so far.

The characters are way more able. Laney is your average girl, not extra moody or self-absorbed or overly dramatic & whiny. Way past the teenage drama. Oliver is very able himself. While still being "vampire-ish" he still is "normal". And he's not overly dramatic himself. While still being protective of Laney it's not so borderline psycho. I that.

I also how the author doesn't put a huge spin on vampire lore (ie. sparkling vampires) but does have them portrayed as more human but still having weaknesses. It makes a relationship between a human & vampire much more believable.

This book has a little bit of Twilight (aka young romance but a bit more "spice"), a little bit of Underworld, and a teeny bit of True Blood & Buffy in a little package. Well worth the price.

ebooks favorites1 Maise11 2

OMG! I hated this book. I know 'hate' is a very strong word but believe me 'THIS BOOK DESERVED IT.

For example, Laney keeps staring at Oliver and his green eyes for x10003800 times and avert her eyes because she's embarrassed for x1000000 times.
Blushes? x10082800 times
Oliver smiles/half-smiles/smirks? x1002880 times.
Doesn't pay attention in classes (not even a bit) because she is busy staring at Oliver.

Nothing except staring and smiling for half the book.
Really? This has nothing good in it.
I don't know why I even wasted my time on this.
1 ILoveBooks977 10

The events were fun and exciting to read about. The reader will find the plot easy to understand. There were werewolves, vampires, vampire slayers, relationship ups and downs, and friendships. The ending is prefect for the novel, the events were fast-paced, and the characters were enjoyable. Oliver is literally a Knight in shining armor. Laney can remind me of Bella a little from Twilight.

This novel is recommended to young adult/teen readers. I can't wait to read the next one!
arc1 Shazy471 23

Why why why do I do this to myself ! I was looking forward to reading this book! And for the most parts I found it great but I couldn't bring my self to go further then a few pages ! Main reason = because of one word. The whole book mostly consisted of "smile, smile , smiling , smile , smiling . I think I'm sick of this word , doesn't Oliver get tired with all the fucking smiling he does ?? The books could have been much better if the author expanded her vocabulary instead of using "smile" in every sentence. 1 Diane30

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