
Filthy 3 de Martin, Megan D

de Martin, Megan D - Género: English
libro gratis Filthy 3


The third installment in the Filthy serial novel.

Faye thought she could run from the past.


She thought she could go back to the seedy life. The one where men pay for her body and she snorts cheap coke off the back of her dirty hand.
But the past has found her.


The past with green eyes full of hate and lust.
And this time he plans to keep her.

Filthy is a dark erotic serial novel that will release in six monthly segments of around 50 pages each. This book is not for those who like a traditional heroine. Faye and Rhett's story is dark, complicated, and twisted with themes that are not acceptable to all readers. Read at your own risk.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

?????! Filthy 3, book 3 of 6. Epic & forbidden love story; Devastating setbacks!

For full refer to book 1 (book 1 review), book 6 (series review) and box set (series review).

Books in Filthy serial should be read in order:
Book 1: Filthy 1 - FULL BOOK 1 REVIEW
Book 2: Filthy 2
Book 3: Filthy 3
Book 4: Filthy 4
Book 5: Filthy 5
Book 6: Filthy 6

Part 1-6: Filthy 1-6 - FULL SERIES REVIEW

Hero rating: 4 stars
Heroine rating: 5 stars
Sexual tension rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 4 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 4 stars
Plot rating: 5 stars
Dialogue rating: 5 stars
Storytelling rating: 4.5 stars
Story ending rating: N/A
Overall rating: 5 stars

Would I recommend this series: Yes.
Would I re-read this series: Maybe later.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.
g-contemporaries heroines-fave kindle ...more68 s ??? Alicia ??? 552 476

4.5 Continue the crazy Stars

She runs from the darkness into more of the same
She runs to darkness
She could never stay away

Faye returns to the truck stop and selling herself as she has to get herself more of that coke she loves to use as an escape.

I just can not get past the scene in the truck, he should get help with that.

She is again taken away from the truck stop and ends up in the monsters hands (willingly though) as he supplies her with what she thinks she needs. Until it all goes wrong and Faye just decides she can not do it anymore.

The darkness swallows her
Until theres nothing left
Until she begs for mercy
Until she's screaming, clawing to breathe
Until she's gone
2016-twisted-reads 3rd-in-series dark ...more39 s Pam1,093 1,043

4 stars
We were monsters, her and I. Every time I saw her she was even more lost than the last time. She was dirtier each time.

Filthy 3, holy shit, I did not see that coming! Her story just went from bad to worse, to OMG! Her days are filled between ignorant bliss and self-loathing. Hating her past and now hating her present, she wants it all to just go away and there is only one escape left ... As sick and twisted as this is, I am completely hooked, it's painful and utterly heartbreaking to see her reduced to even lower than she was when we first met her.
4 bundle darkerside-mindfuckery ...more32 s Eda**718 440

** 4 "poisonous and filthy" STARS **

Conflicting emotions blossom in me because of the characters in this dark and twisted story. And I get more and more confused with myself with every new book in the series. These people are all flawed. They are all freaks. They are all disgusting in different ways. But the funny thing is, I can relate with each and every one of them.

Which is why I f*cking love Filthy and why I absolutely adore Megan D. Martin!

Faye has left Rhett's house and went back to the only place she could ever call home: the Truck Stop. She knows that's the best for everyone. For both her...and Rhett. All she has to do is let herself drift back to her old life, being a prostitute, a coke addict, a lonely and miserable young woman...and everything will go back to the way it was before. Before Rhett came and smashed everything up. Before he stirred something inside Faye and made her want him, all over again. All she ever wanted was to have something beautiful and special with Rhett, and now, she wants everything!

So she lets go. But she wonders...

She shouldn't worry though. Because Rhett is determined to pull her out of the dump she insists on sinking herself in. He goes to the Truck Stop to find Faye and take her back home, only to watch her have sex with some guy in a truck, for coke money...

And he doesn't take this situation well... Rhett is furious. Rhett is disgusted. Rhett is aroused. Rhett hates Faye but obviously he hates himself just as much, for the way his body (and perhaps, heart?) reacts to Faye.

He was a monster. A monster I knew. A monster that made me f*cking horny.

Both Rhett and Faye feel...well, something for each other, yet Rhett is too stubborn to admit it and Faye just isn't mentally stable and strong enough to push him to his limits.

When Faye is back at Rhett's house, something heart-breaking and incredibly cruel that made me want to rip Rhett's throat and gouge his eyes out happens! Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you Rhett?

After being stabbed in the heart, Faye makes the biggest mistake she could have ever done: She falls back into the webs of Taylor Hale, her step-father, her tormentor, her demon, willingly.

Taylor comes to take Faye back to the house she grew up in. To the house that the people that were supposed to love and cherish her, destroyed her instead.

I knew what he was thinking. I knew what he saw when he looked at the two of us. He saw my betrayal. He saw his property in the arms of his own son. And he hated that.

The jealousy ate at him a disease, destroying him until he was nothing but a monster. A monster I was about to go home with.

Taylor is a complicated character. His actions make you hate him, but his words are a completely different story... Those, make you believe that his twisted love for Faye is, in fact, real.

"It didn't matter, Faye. Don't you see that? I'm not the monster that preys on little children. You were the first and only person I ever felt this way toward. It was an instant attraction. It wasn't because you were a child. That has nothing to do with it. I felt a connection with you I'd never felt with anyone else. I knew you were meant to be mine. And only mine."

But as real as this love is, it just isn't right. And it certainly doesn't erase all the damage Taylor has done to Faye's psyche, ruining her life and shredding her soul, driven and blinded by his love and obsession.

Dammit, the last %30 was especially painful to read. How could I have felt sick to my stomach one second, hopeful and almost happy the next, just to end up shaking with fury, teary-eyed and overwhelmed by sadness? At some point, I had to stop trying to analyze all the input bombarding my brain, and just start reading a robot, devoid of emotion, to keep my sanity intact.

It was hard for me to accept that this woman and I were one in the same. We were monsters, her and I. Every time I saw her she was even more lost than the last time. She was dirtier each time.

The woman in the mirror was me. And I despised her.

The self-hatred and dread Faye feels, pushes her to do something drastic, and the book ends with a BANG.

And now he would be able to forget. He would be able to move on with his life without me and the poison, the filth that seemed to follow me everywhere I went.


** ARC kindly provided by the lovely Megan D. Martin ? **

favourites29 s Mercedes565 106

The tragedy that is Faye’s life continues to keep me riveted to the pages. The cocaine she uses to cope rules her life. It’s impossible for her to accept help from Rhett without revealing her addiction and she is no where near ready to give up her numbing highs in exchange for a look at the reality she’s living.

When Rhett drags her back to civilization she makes the one call she should never have to; but with only one person knowing and willing to feed her addiction, she doesn’t think she has a choice. If there was ever any questions about Faye’s life before becoming a prostitute, they will all disappear when Faye’s past with Taylor becomes her present.

This installment ends on a cliffy. , a giant, steep, depressing cliffy with lots of sharp rocks at the bottom.new-adult11 s Michelle1,529 160

Holy god what a book I ve mixed feelings about how I feel sad angry frustrated but the book is AMAZIN the way it was wrote was just whoah an the story just gets better I luv Faye so much but things just keep gettin worst in every book at 1 stage I thought things were gettin better but there is something at i just luv even though she is goin through the worst things ever Rhett is startin 2 piss me of a lil the way he is talkin 2 her an actin an arse an taylor there is nothin good 2 say about that son of a bitch I hate him sooooo much he is just evil I m dyin 2 know what's goin 2 happen I can't wait 4 the next 1 this 1 ended on a lil cliffhanger so need 2 know what happens next xxx alpha-male arc bad-boys ...more10 s Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen1,687 608

One more to go - review will be on #410 s kat520 239

3.75-4 stars

?She would run from darkness
Into more of the same
She would run to darkness
She could never stay away.?
8 s Michelle2,082 882

Faye escaped the streets for a few days just to be returned to her nightmare. Although her attraction and desire for Rhett hasn’t faded, some scars are just too much to ignore. Returning to the place where she’s in control was supposed to be her salvation, but Rhett isn’t ready to let go of the girl that he knew all those years ago. He found her once, and he proves that he’ll find her again.

But when he brings her back once again – this time everything changes and Faye’s past can’t be escaped, without letting go of everything.

So what can I say about part three other than fuck, I needed a shower to wash off the creeps this one gave me. There is so much I want to say about this series, but the author left the blurb so vague that I can’t without spoiling something! This story is so much more than the few sentences that are given to us in the description.

I am addicted to this series.
8 s Carla ?Did I Say That?271 187

5 **OMFG*** Stars!!!

That was my exact face when I finished this one....lol...right now I don't know if I wanna cry or throw something!!!
IMO....This was the best one yet of this...and I'm loving it!!!
Bravo Mrs. Martin..Bra-fuckin-vo!!!!
dark-i-cant-see-shit family-drama favorites ...more8 s eli ? 160 140

trigger warnings: suicide, mental, emotional, and physical abuse, slut-shaming, rape, and a lot of other fucked up shit.

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