
Enchantment of a Highlander de Martin, Madeline

de Martin, Madeline - Género: English
libro gratis Enchantment of a Highlander


Love is the most potent of remedies. The sweeping historical romance that began with Deception of a Highlander, and continued with Possession of a Highlander, reaches its dazzling conclusion in this scorcher set on the Scottish plains. Alec MacLean returns home after a decade to find his recently deceased father has let his inheritance fall to ruin. As the new laird, it’s Alec’s responsibility to rebuild the castle and restore the lands. He must also regain the people’s trust after having abandoned them so long ago, a feat not easily done when he fears he’s plagued with the same darkness as his father. Celia escaped the North Berwick witch trials at a young age, surviving because of the sacrifice of her beloved caretaker. She’s made a life for herself in the wilds of Scotland where no laird rules, a life where she heals for coin, a life without love so she can never feel the hurt of loss again. When the new laird comes back to claim his land, his determination to restore order threatens everything Celia has worked so hard to gain, especially with the undeniable attraction sizzling between them. Together, they will face all challenges, from the tangle of their own damaged pasts to the fire-fueled witch hunts sweeping the Isle of Mull. Together, they will find that the best way to overcome darkness and war is through the undeniable light of love.

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Interesting story nicely written though it could use a copy edit. The characters are interesting but the pace drags in places where it gets too involved in the sociological/religious concepts that are never really clarified. The whole concept of Enchantment is ambiguous. The primary characters are developing nicely and the action scenes are well paced and interesting as are the fantasy elements. I know this is the lead into a series, but I think the ending is chopped off to quickly. 1 Janice Smith-gentry268 4

Good story.

A good story. So very different from other stories. I have enjoyed the twist on reality. Can't wait to read what happens next. Micki PelusoAuthor 11 books63

Enchantment’s Reach
By Martin Ash

Arene plans to kill a ‘vileborn’ toddler as the child's guardian nods off in sleep. Arene does not enjoy her murderous task and second guesses herself. Her actions are halted by a young man crashing through the woods — almost as if he knows her plans. Shenwolf is searching for the Great Castle Orbia, at Enchantment’s Reach, or so he says as nothing is what it seems in this strange land. Before leaving, he places an unusual leather thong, holding a small object within, and puts it around the child's neck. Arene knows she must yet try again to quell the evil of the vileborn.

Not all is Edenic in Enchantment, as factions attempt to overthrow the monarchy. Karai soldiers grow closer and King Leth is building his army to confront them. His dying mother, Fallorn, passes on special knowledge to her would be King — secrets passed on from one monarch to the next — to be opened alone. When opened, the small casket explodes pale lacy blue light, scaring the King with temporary blindness. The creature that approaches him makes the light seem harmless in comparison. It is the Orb, whose name is Orbelon. He tells Leth that he can destroy the Orb but warns that if he does, he better know first the full contents of the casket.

Queen Issul, worried about her husband, visits the mage, Pader Luminis, a Murinean, part of those who populated Enchantment before humans came. He teaches the Queen much about her strange world, full of extremes, bordering upon worlds where wonders often dance with danger and nothing stays the same. Issul consults Pader about the “Legendary Child” and the possible destruction of her beloved land..

Author Martin Ash writes a fantasy intricate and compelling, much Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings’ and “The Hobbit’. His writing flows with imagery, pulling the reader into the story; creating an exceptionally good read. Will the ’Orb’s Soul’, a lost artifact, be enough to cease the warring, further interfered with by the gods? And what of the little boy, Moscul? Is he the sweet child he appears to be?

This is a difficult book to put down, but upon reaching the fast-paced incredible climax, readers can enjoy the next book in the series, Enchantment’s Reach 2: The Orb and the Spectre.

Micki Peluso: writer, journalist, and author of . . . And the Whippoorwill Sang
Patricia HemricourtAuthor 1 book330

Riveting series, read at your own risk, it might cost you sleeping time :-)

I had to devour the entire series in a binge reading bout, entirely generated by the quality of the books.

Kudos to Martin Ash for creating a world that encompasses an incredibly well built "intrication" of worlds that reflect the various layers of the subconscious and conscious mind.
Through the adventures of King Leth, Queen Issul and "God" Orbelon, we are taken on a fascinating trip, securely guided by well formed characters who undergo many transformations.
Both characters and the various worlds they "travel" to and from are masterly described and their tribulations will keep you riveted to the page.
The only problem is the inability to let go of the books. Les929 1 follower

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

This is a very good story. The author describes both the setting and the characters in vivid detail. In some cases, the detail seems a bit excessive, which causes the story to drag a bit in the first half. But I am assuming these things will be relevant in subsequent books. The second half of the book moves much more quickly and ends (surprise, surprise!) in a cliffhanger.

There are a lot of characters and relationships that are significant, which may make it difficult (if you are me) to pick up the story after some time has passed and other books have been read.read-in-2015 mirba878 24

I don't know where the fast paced is. I tried to read it and left it again so many times that around 30% I surrendered to the evidence that this book is not for me.

When I tried again to read it today it was a big empty space. No memory of names or events. I should have started again from the beginning. Tried and saw it was useless. So that's it. It's probably just for me that something is not clicking in cause it's written ok.

fantasy one-star Greg40 23

A really enjoyable first episode of what promises to be a wide-ranging tale. This first book in the series introduces you to a wide variety of characters and plot lines, but you never get lost. Perhaps because the author does not spend a great deal of time developing each character in this initial book, you are left wanting more--but in a good way. Sandy Grissett262 3

Good read

you sure do meet some intriguing characters in this book. A lot of them I would not want to run into. This is just the beginning of an adventure yet the characters are something to behold. I am sure there is much more to follow in the next four books. FRANKEE WILSON18

Enchantment Reach

Slow at first but then it just took off. I loved the characters and the way it all unfolded. Wonderful. Barbara Sherrick31 4

The book was rather slow through the first 2/3rds of the book. But when it got to the part where Issul was captured it really picked up. I want to know who these beings are so I have to keep reading. Scott166 26

Another great book by Ms. Martin! This book is about Alec and Celia. Alec is the final member of the trio we met in the first book. I hesitate to call this a series because the three books are in no way connected to each other - save the fact the three heroes know each other and were all introduced to us in the first book. Each story so far has centered solely on the current hero of the book. Other than a passing mention of the other heroes - the books have no connection at all.

Alec meets Celia when he is injured defending a young woman on the road from outlaws. He was returning home to claim his inheritance now that his father is dead. Alec left ten years ago and hasn't been home since. Celia is a healer with a dark and troubled past. As much as she is attracted to the new Laird, she knows that she must not become involved. She tends his wounds and sends him on his way.

Alec is besotted with Celia and fully intends to have her as his mistress - but first, he has to set his castle to rights, regain the trust of his people and rid his lands of the outlaws that are raiding and terrorizing the castle and village. Thanks to his father's actions over the past ten years, he has no allies, a ruined castle, and no warriors to help him. So as much as he wants Celia, he doesn't have the time to pursue her - yet.

Celia is haunted by the past - she was orphaned and taken in by a loving woman who was later accused of witchcraft and who sacrificed herself to save Celia. Celia believes that she can't let anyone love her because she will only bring them pain and heartache. She keeps to herself and avoids getting too attached to anyone. She has never even been tempted by a man - until she meets Alec.

Alec and Celia meet again two weeks later and Celia gives in to the temptation of Alec and seduces him. Frighten by the emotions their encounter generated in her, she runs away. Alec looks for her, but cannot leave his people unprotected for days to search for her. His lands are still overrun with outlaws and he doesn't have the manpower to drive them off.

Celia has been gone for three months and Alec is getting desperate. He finally asks his neighboring laird - Laird MacDougall for help. MacDougall will help - for a price - he wants Alec to wed his daughter Saraid. Alec is not happy about this but tells the laird that he will consider it.

Cold and almost starving, Celia finally returns home - she was not able to support herself away from Alec's lands because people feared she was a witch. Alec sees her in the village and follows her. She firmly rebuffs his advances and tells him to stay away from her. He reluctantly agrees to leave her alone but begs her to come and tend Duncan - his ward, who is deathly ill. She tends Duncan - but is determined not to become attached to anyone.

One day while returning to her cottage she is chased by a witch hunter - she is terrified and turns to Alec. She won't tell him what happened - but agrees to stay in the castle for her own protection. Once she is living in the castle, she and Alec become lovers, he asks her to marry him, and she bolts. Upon returning to her cottage, she finds it ransacked and all her belongings destroyed. She doesn't know what she will do to survive and then Duncan shows up and tells her that the MacDougall is hunting her and that she is not safe at the cottage - but he knows a place for her to hide.

Alec is fighting his own demons - he fears he is his father and believes that the darkness inside him is the reason Celia has left him. He tries to respect her wishes and leaves her alone. When the attacks on his lands escalate - he again turns to the MacDougall for help and finds out that MacDougall is looking for Celia - who he believes is a witch. Alec agrees to help him find Celia and marry Saraid. He has no intention whatsoever of turning Celia over to him but plays along with him.

Celia remains hidden for about a week, but a desperate situation draws her out and she is confronted by Saraid. She is able to escape and makes it back to her hiding place. When Saraid's father finds out that his "witch" has finally been caught - he orders Alec to arrest her. Alec knows where she is hiding -but knows if he goes to her, she will be caught. Duncan not realizing that it was a trap, runs to her hiding place to warn her. They are both caught and Alec has to pretend he is betraying her to save them.

To find out what happens, you are going to have to read the book - the ending of this book was a nail-biting (if I did that sort of thing - which I don't), page-turning, edge of your seat, OMG, OMG, OMG read!

Seriously - this book is not to be missed! The writing is fabulous, the love scenes are hot, the villains are certifiable and warped, the plot is complex but easy to follow and the epilogue is adorable.

*I received an eARC of this book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewnetgalley-5 s Fae1,030 26

Another wonderful read by Madeline Martin!

Alec was just such a great guy. I loved him and his ‘inner darkness’ weakness that made him an imperfect human, other than his other wonderful attributes. He was caring, protective and a great warrior. Celia was brave, fearless and so helpful to people despite being called a witch. She was not afraid to risk her life to save and heal people.

I did think they were in lust too early in the story and went to bed with each other a little too quickly for my liking.

Madeline Martin has a way with storytelling that doesn’t make the story seem it was draggy and boring. She has a way with words and though I am not someone who love reading medieval romances, I was stuck at the edge of my seat, just wanting to know what would happen next.

However, I did think Celia was sacrificing herself too much for Alec. She did not tell him why, making him confused as to why she is at one moment, hot with him, and another moment, cold with him. That part of her proceeding to distance from Alec to prevent him from being hurt, was something I could not love about her because it only served to make Alec confused and sad, and I did not that.

Other than those issues, I loved reading this book and it was heartbreaking at the end when Alec and I thought that Celia had died. Alec’s light had ‘gone out’. The epilogue ended nicely, with them having a child.
lovelovelove medieval4 s Zoe762 193

This is actually the best read out of the 3 books in this series. I felt I have just given 5 stars to a book even though in reality it is just 2. That is because the previous 2 books were so.......I will refrain from commenting because I don't have anything nice to say.

This book has a healer who was mistaken as a witch, so many other healers and midwives of her time. Alec MacLean has appeared in the last book with Colin but made absolutely no impression on me. He has more of a presence in this book but is still fuzzy as a character. He doesn't seem a very impressive warrior.

The healer aka the heroine, whose name I already forgot (and I just finished the book an hour ago), caught Alec's eyes while she was helping him with a wound. The book wasn't horrible but it is an unremarkable book with thin plots and bearably memorable characters. Having read much better books with solid plots and authentic interactions and relationships, this book pales in comparison on all accounts.

I have said in the review for the second book in the series: I don't want to to be mean so I won't say anything. I realize that I have nothing nice to say about the book. I probably should have just given 2 stars without writing a review. But what is the point of writing if I am honest with my opinions?

2 stars for the effort of writing the book. I cannot recommend it.4 s Pamela1 review2

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I've been reading romance for a long, long time, and I can state unequivocally that Madeline Martin is a fresh voice in the romance genre, and a top-notch author. Enchantment of a Highlander is the third installment of a trilogy, and although I've loved all of them, this book has turned out to be my favorite of the three. It is action-packed, the attraction between the hero and heroine is electric, and the pacing will have you glued to your seat. I won't go into the plot details since other reviewers have done that, but I will warn you that you will end up going in to work very tired in the morning, from staying up so late to read "just one more page" in this story. :)3 s Selina40

Amazing story!

This book holds no cliche story plots that puts you off in the first chapter. In fact, development of the protagonist, Alec and antagonist, Celia fills in quickly after the first chapter making it impossible for me to put the book down.

As the title say, "enchantment", I too was enchanted by the charms of Alec and his act of bravery through the very pages of the book.

Although I have mixed up the sequence of the series by reading this book first (which is suppose to be Book #3) I look forward to reading the first 2 books. Hoping it will grant me the same thrilling and excitement it did in this book. *Thumbs Up!*highlander historical-fiction standalone3 s Mindy1,461 4

Oh My Goodness This Was So Good!

Celia and Alec truly had enough love to pull them through everything. I absolutely loved loved loved the characters and storyline so much. All 3 stories were very good but this one was so much more dramatic. Now on to the next series.
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