
Fallen de Martin, Kelley R

de Martin, Kelley R - Género: English
libro gratis Fallen


It’s been a rough, bumpy road for Emily and Thomas, but now that Emily’s transition into immortality is complete, it’s smooth sailing from here… Or so she thinks. Emily’s “otherness” refuses to be quelled. The harder she fights it, the harder she falls into its depths, and it’s a long, slow climb back out. Relationships will be tested—some will bend, some will break, and some will only grow stronger. Gabriel’s boss will have his head if he messes up this job, but it’s too late for that. He’s already broken the cardinal rule—he cares about his target. This is the last thing Gabriel wants, but it might just be what he needs. Will Emily be his salvation, or will she be the cause of his demise?

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UPDATE!!! I really enjoyed this book but feel compelled to warn those who might read my review - this ends on a HUGE cliffhanger and there is NO third book in the works!!! According to the author, she has writers block and hasn't even started book 3. (it is now over 8 months since book 2 was released!). I feel those of us who bought the first two books should be refunded our money! At the very least, since the author knows how the story ends, she should post what that ending is on her website.
I wasn't that enthusiastic to start this book, not because I didn't absolutely love book #1 but because I've been incredibly disappointed by most of the sequels I've read recently and expected the same from this. I'm so happy to report that I think this book was BETTER than book #1!!!
I was 100% "Team Thomas" in book #1 and so upset with Emily for her final decision at the end of the book. By about 1/3 of the way through this book I was completely "Team Gabriel" but by the end of the book I was torn. I want her to choose both of them!
As with "The Hidden" this book was written in alternating POV's of Emily and Gabriel with a few by Thomas thrown in at the end. Gabriel's story is told and he becomes a much more able and sympathetic character fairly quickly. A lot more is explained about the Feeders and Healers as well as what Emily is. book #1, the chemistry between Emily and Gabriel is amazingly hot and their bedroom scenes are off-the-charts sizzling!
There was a lot more suspense in this book than in the first. By about 90% I had to stop reading and give myself a break because it was making my stomach hurt! I would read a few pages, stop for awhile, then read some more. I honestly thought I wouldn't be able to take it and would have to quit before finishing the book!
Of course this book ended on a huge cliffhanger and I don't see any mention of book #3 on Amazon. I don't think I can take waiting to find out what happens to Emily, Thomas and Gabriel!!!10 s Kelsey2

I mostly use the Good Reads app to catalogue the books I read and I normally don't write for books, I honestly don't know why. This book is different though. I felt I had to write a review because I was actually pretty disappointed in it.

There are spoilers in this review so stop reading if you don't want to know what happens in the book...

After reading "The Hidden" and falling in love with the story almost right away I was excited to continue along this journey with book two. It picks up right where "The Hidden" left off pretty much. I have to admit, even after reading Gabriel's POV in "The Hidden" and seeing that his feelings for Emily were growing, I still didn't really his character. To say that I was disappointed that not even a quarter of the way through the book, Emily is completely ripping Thomas' heart out after he tried everything he could to help her would be an understatement. I was FURIOUS. I hated Emily in that moment and even after finishing the book, I still hate her.

Emily leaves Thomas in the middle of the night after giving him false hope the night before. She runs right into the arms of Gabriel who is of course there for her because of the feelings he has for her. After about three pages, she leaves the damn country with him. Ridiculous.

I actually felt it was painful to read the section of the book about Gabriel and Emily. Part of me can completely understand why readers would Gabriel and even want Emily to end up with him but I think the whole situation was just too heart wrenching. Yes, Gabriel understood a side of Emily that Thomas couldn't but Thomas was willing to give up so much for her and she didn't even let him try. She left him in such a disrespectful way and I'll never be okay with that. Gabriel is a good man and he obviously cares about Emily but at no point did I ever want her to end up with him.

Now here's the part that REALLY pissed me off. Even after how Emily left Thomas, how she never contacted him or even someone from his family just to see how he was, he goes through an incredibly physically painful experience to get to her so he can rescue her. He does end up rescuing her (along with Gabriel's help) and when he comes to, she barely gives him the time of day. She says she's leaving with Gabriel. I broke down at this point. He gave up so much for her, risked his life for her and she barely even took the time to explain herself or express her gratitude for what he had just done for her. Instead she tells him that she loves Gabriel and him.

I guess overall, I just really ended up hating Emily's character in this book. She has these two men who would literally die for her and she's just using them both for all that they're worth. She's one of the most selfish female leads I've ever come across. It kills me that there is a third book to this series that I'll have to wait god knows how long for. I don't even think the third book is in the works yet. You end the second book with it seeming she's going to be with Gabriel but then she finds out there's a way she may be able to be with Thomas. Honestly, I don't think she deserves either of them...

I'm so bitter about this book.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Jezi66 4

The cliffhanger at the end of this book sucks! I want to know which of the two guys she will end up with. At this point I can't decide, so the guys should just get their shit together and have a ménage relationship with her :) All would be good then.a-e-books-owned g-paranormal t-cliffhanger ...more1 Alexandra🖤🍑119 1 follower

I started this not expecting Em to leave Thomas, and I honestly can't bring my self to read anymore, especially knowing how this book ends and that the 3rd book hasn't even been started. No bueno guys1 Jessica11

Was so heartbroken!!! I loved the first book! I HATE How Em acted with Thomas, and her "poor me" attitude through out this book.1 Jen1 review

I loved this series! So different from anything I’ve read so far. I pray she finally writes the third book. I have to know what happens! Rita 1,555

Great read

This was far better than the first. I think she belongs with Gabriel. We need to do something about Issac. Will there be a war?
Is she the only one? What is taking so long with the last book????3-2-read-library Jennifer2,779 6

I am all kinds one conflicted about this book. After the first one steadily improved as the story progressed, I wanted to give the second book a chance. This one was even more engaging than the first. Oh, and before I forget, I was wrong in thinking this book was the conclusion of the series, because there's another one after this. Why would you do that to us, Ms. Martin? Why?!

There are definitely a lot of elements in this book that normally cause me to put this down as a DNF. Had I known this series contained these elements, I probably wouldn't have started it to begin with. Some readers would deem this series unsafe. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I did and now I'm sticking with it to the end. Without giving anything away, most objectionable things occurred in the first book, but there still might be some that bother you. And for what it's worth, I didn't feel the author incorporated them for mere shock value. They actually fleshed out one of the MCs and were well integrated into the story.

This story was angsty and sad. I felt sorry for basically everyone. There was also an undercurrent of redemption and love that shocked and confused me. It's hard for me to review this without spoiling anything, so I'll stop there. If you've already started this series, stick with it. If you haven't, I'd make the same suggestion as I made at the end of be last book. If superb writing is important to you, skip this series. If you're just looking for something engaging and only slightly thought provoking, you might enjoy this.2016 action-adventure-mystery-suspense college ...more Rawan Hakim14 2

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So I read the first book and I was swooned. It took me just two days to finish the two books.. and I can't wait for the third!!!!
IN THIS BOOK you're to se the struggle between Emily in becoming matured ... and what she has to sacrifice in order not to hurt those she loves.
Gabrielle's story lines were actually funny .. they showed how he struggled between his outer and inner feelings.. He finds himself changing in. Way that terrifies him in a good way.
Thomas will get hurt over and over !!!
As for Emily , everything is turning upside down for her .. she struggles to find a middle ground in her situation.. she hurts .. she gets hurt .. she loves ..and gets loved. Will she ever know what or who is best for her ??
You've to read to find out !!
I assure you you'll smile and laugh at Gabrielle's thoughts as seeing. Bad boy going soft after about 450 years of living ! Bonnie297 1 follower

OMG!!! I just got to the end of this book and I felt giving the author a standing ovation. I can't recall the last time I felt that.

Saying this book is worth 5 stars and more is quite the understatement. I laughed, screamed and cried with the characters. I couldn't put this book down. It's after 2am...yes I stayed up reading cause with every page read I wanted to know more.

I hope the story doesn't end there though....hopefully Thomas can find the love that he needs...think it was really selfless with how the author showed his feelings at the end "Emily was it for me. She was the best I’d ever get. And I’d been too consumed with missing her that I didn’t stop to ask myself a crucial question—was I the best person for her?" I thought to myself how many of us do that in real life...stop to ask ourselves if we're the best person for our significant others?

Truly a beautiful story, definitely one of the best that I've had the pleasure of reading this year. Brenique Nixon2 Read

Honestly.......I barely read anything in this book. I started hating Emily after she left thomas......Girls who are "I am leaving him to save him from me" get on my last nerve and they go fall in love with the guy sent to ruin them.. am come on how much of a slut are you...and why couldn't she do the same things with Thomas as she did with Gabriel. When she found out that she could drink pigs blood as a substitute she should have gone back to thomas so they could find a longer term solution to her eating situation.......i cant give no indept review since i skipped a majority of the book...but thomas deserves someone better than her because her love for him obviously was not real smh smt Jennifer194 2

Now I am the first person to tell you that I hate love triangles. Hate! In fact if I had know there was a possibility of that happening I probably would have missed out on this series. Yet for some reason it completely works for me here. Maybe because the two relationships are so separate from each other. Or the reasons for it so finite. It's very strange for me to both guys so much. I usually have a front runner, but not so much here. Now for the bad news. This is a second book in a trilogy that has no third book out...or even a date. I'm not even sure if she's written it yet. Sigh. But don't let that stop you from reading these great books. Awesome debut series from this author!!fav-sci-fi-ya-na great-series will-read-again-cause-its-that-good ...more Desiree | TheseSonnetsandStories199 7

I was absolutely obsessed with this series when I read it years ago and have frequently checked the author's amazon site to see if BY CHANCE the third book had/has finally been written and released. Spoiler--it hasn't. I've given up hope it will ever be released. I write this as a huge warning to any would-be readers. I was HOOKED on this book and had a massive book hangover. The lack of third book has made me incredibly sad. I don't want any of you to deal with the same. Rgreader731 54

This book is why I hate love triangles. I really hate them when the heroine sleeps with both love interests. It did not have to go down this path in this book and the heroine not waiting even 6 months tho she loved the hero Thomas caused me to hope this heroine is offed for needlessly betraying Thomas.

I d the first book the Hidden and won't be reading anymore.annoying-his-her-chpter happy-ending-not heroine-cheats-while-seperated ...more4 s Stephanie192 25

In love!

Please please please write the third book to this! You could ever make it a mmw or whatever it is but I've waited 4 years and not reading the third has made it to where I haven read anything you have written since! Charlie Baker1 review

Does anyone have any info if there is going to be a third book!?!?!?!? I need to know who Emily is going to be with. I love Gabriel but for some reason I feel Emily is going to end up with Thomas and I really really hope she stays with Gabriel! Tammy18

Great paranormal

Great paranormal love story. I can't wait for the final book in the series. I hope the author will release it sooner rather than later. This book does involve a love triangle. Denise235 2

I absolutely loved this book! What happens when a tortured character gets a second chance? Read and find out :) Oh my word fantastic!!!!!!!!!! Dena1,232 13

Can not wait for more. I need to get my fix and find out who emotions wants. I love Thomas and Gabriel, but I do not know who's better..... I love them bothread-and-loved will-read-again-saved Fabz270

Casey34 2

Team Gabe the Babe all the way!2014-challenge books-i-own fantasy ...more Virginia Camarena12

Why is Emily with Gabriel?? When is the second book coming out, I'm dying to know what's next Ashleigh44 7

Absolutely loved this book. Hooked me from the started, made me love Gabriel & this whole other world.
I hope the 3rd one is coming soon!!series-i-love Katelyn Gagen21 1 follower

Can't believe there isn't another book!!! Ugh!! The second book was even better than the first! We need a 3rd Ana172 9

I. NEED. MORE. Jess24 7

I really good book and I absolutly love the hidden series, so it's a shame we will never know how it would end! Michelle de Vries45

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