
Season of Strangers de Martin, Kat

de Martin, Kat - Género: English
libro gratis Season of Strangers



In one fleeting moment, anythingand anyonecan change

Real estate agent Julie Ferris is enjoying a day at the beach with her sister Laura when a strange, almost undetectable charge fills the air. Then, under the hot Malibu sun, time stops altogether.

Neither sister can explain their "lost day"nor the blinding headaches and horrific nightmares that followbut Julie chalks it up to the stress she's been under since her boss's son took over Donovan Real Estate.

Patrick Donovan would be a real catch if not for his notorious playboy lifestyle and matching attitude. But when a cocaine-fueled heart attack nearly kills him, Patrick makes an astonishingly fastand peculiarrecovery. Julie barely recognizes the newly sober Patrick as the same man she once struggled to resist. Maybe it's the strange beach experience fueling her paranoia, but she can't help sensing something just isn'tright.

As Julie's feelings for Patrick intensify, she's about to discover how that day at the beach links her newfound happiness with her wildest suspicions.


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I found this book rather creepy...the plotline is basically about an alien who takes over the body of a dying man in order to study a human abductee closely in order to learn why people her are able to resist some of the alien's mental probing. However, he becomes increasingly drawn to his earth host and falls in love with the female subject. The whole concept of the woman sleeping with reanimated corpse of her former boss really is disgusting on several levels. Also, I found the author's use of language during the sex scenes rather perturbing as well, so much so that I skipped these parts...she kept referring to both the male and female organs as "his sex" and "her sex", which seems repressed; as if the author is uncomfortable with the use of words penis and vagina. Creepy, poorly written book!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2 s Jacqueline J3,510 335

This was a reread for me. It was sort of a sci fi romance. At least the hero was an alien who came to Earth to study us. Of course he falls in love with one of his test subjects. So there was that element. There wasn't much other sci fi ness but it was rather a story of two opposites meeting. So maybe more of a futuristic rather than sci fi. It was well written as always by Kat Martin. I enjoyed the heroine who was down to earth and a disbeliever in alien abduction even when it was happening to her. Of course the subjects were implanted with false memories. Her sister on the other hand had a weaker mind and so remembered more of what happened. Just go with it, it makes more sense in the book. The hero also was nice as a scientist who fell in love with his subject and also with Earth. A fun read if you are willing to suspend some disbelief. alien-human-romance sci-fi-romance scientist ...more2 s Ann1,165 1 follower

Kept me on the edge of my seat great book1 Lindsey162

i picked this up because i d the pretty straw hat on the cover, with the red scarf thingie being all floaty in the breeze. i thought it'd be a light-hearted and perhaps sexy little story

but no

what i found here is an alien-abduction romance. i'm not even kidding.

worse than even that is that i was hooked on it. god. what has happened to me!?!?

if an alien read this, that alien would be totally pissed off at the ending.aliens cheese romantic-suspense ...more1 Wendy446 39

I did not think I would this book after reading some of the . While the premise is weird (an alien in a human's body having a romance with a regular woman while trying to find out why she is resistant to their brain probes) it actually works. The story plays out in a moderately predictable fashion (you knew the two of them would get together) with a surprise at the end. An interesting book even for those of us who do not believe in UFO's!1 Jodi LynnAuthor 37 books73

I picked this book up as I was craving a good suspense novel. I have to admit I never saw a key aspect of the plot coming. At first I felt a little unsure if I d this aspect, but then it grew on me. All in all, this was a very good read and it did come with some very good twists. I would give it a 4.5 overall.1 Marge Sawyer35

This book isn’t really my kind of book, it I started it and had to finish. Falling in love with an alien isn’t my idea of a good read.1 Katie Burkey164

So I found the side plots to be a bit of a mess. I was definitely more interested in hearing about Val’s relationship with his crew, about his life on Toril, how he perceived Earthlings in addition to us being overly emotional and passionate. The shady business deal with the mobsters from Chicago? It literally made zero sense why the author ended the book with that particular plot line, other than to highlight the goodness and love of Alexander Donovan, even after finding out that his son wasn’t actually in his own body (he was also weirdly calm with it, didn’t push for answers, which I thought was bizarre). I hated Laura’s relationship with her therapist, that whole thing was icky and creepy.
I’m kind of disappointed that Val chose to return to his human form, because he’s conflating sex with love, and he’s old and wise enough to use more logic than that. Anyways, it got an extra star because it was an interesting premise, but unfortunately fell flat. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Amy1,302 5

This is not my favorite of Kat Martin's but I do enjoy it as something completely different. Martin delves into the "what if" of alien abductions in this book. Julie is trying to support her sister, who believes she has been abducted and used for experiments, but she doesn't really believe any of it. She's also dealing with sudden migraines, and with sudden feelings for her boss that she never thought possible. Patrick, her boss, seems to have changed his playboy ways but Julie is afraid to trust him. Julie shows her strength in dealing with all these stressors while also keeping up with her demanding job as a realtor. Has Patrick really changed for good? Can she help her sister get the help and answers she needs? Martin does a good job of juggling all these various aspects of the story and tying them all together. L8blmr1,111 12

I am sorry, Ms. Martin. I tried to take this book seriously; I read over 150 pages before I gave up. I have been a fan for many years. I loved your historical fiction and moved with you to contemporary novels. But I just can't back this venture into the "paranormal" if this book is an example of your norm in that genre. I just found this story so, so ... laughable, even down to the hackneyed description of the aliens. Everything went seriously awry for me when the lead alien male took over the body of the lead human male. Again, I apologize for this harsh rating, but I believe I would far rather re-read some of my favorites that you've written and steer clear of your PN books. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Natalie1,954

So the heroine's boss is taken over by an alien. She thinks she is with Patrick when she is really with Val the alien. It has been over 10 years since this was published so I think now I am more aware about consent. She didn't really consent to be with the alien. Also, her sister's storyline bugged me. The sister's former psychiatrist becomes the sister's lover but never believes her about her abduction. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Susan W118 2

Ok, so I actually start reading a book, not generally by the back cover but by the front and then by the first bit of the book...does it hook me in etc. This one did. There is no clue what I was going to be getting into on the front cover, hell its a beach scene and typically this author is mystery romance. Well....once you get going, then there will come that time when you shake your head, and think wtf. But it is ok, it worked! I actually enjoyed the aliens LOL own-read-gave-away Moshi320 8

“Season of strangers” is about alien abduction, inhabitation and it’s so sci fi that I cringed because it is creepy falling in love with someone who has died but it’s now being inhabited by an alien but somehow they are now meshed into one? And how wrong is it to start a relationship with your psychiatrist?
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