
With a Narrow Blade de Martin, Faith

de Martin, Faith - Género: English
libro gratis With a Narrow Blade


Will this be DI Hillary Greene's first failure on a murder case? When an elderly lady is stabbed to death in her own home, D.I. Hillary Greene is instantly puzzled. The house doesn't appear to have been robbed, Flo Jenkins herself was well-liked by her neighbours and she hadn't an enemy in the world. Also, it was widely known that she was very unwell and when the post mortem reveals that she was riddled with cancer and had only weeks, maybe even days left to live, Hillary's even more nonplussed. Why kill a dying woman? To make matters worse, her team is distracted by her sergeant, Janine Tyler's upcoming marriage to Superintendent Philip Mallow and subsequent transfer out of HQ. Then her new DC turns out to have something of a violent temper and an uncertain past. With no forensics, no leads and only a junkie nephew as a vague suspect, is this going to be Hillary Greene's first failure on a murder case?

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This is such an excellent series! In book 6, Murder at Home, an old lady is found dead in her own home, obviously murdered as the weapon is still buried in her chest. There is very little, if anything, in the way of clues or motives for the murder and Hillary and her team begin to think they will not be able to solve the case.

I was quite sure I knew whodunnit but I had no idea of the motive - when I was eventually proved right the motive had been there all the time but I did not see it. That's why Hillary is a Detective Inspector and I am not. It was a great mystery and I enjoyed the excellent police work.

This is another series which is carried along by its wonderful characters. Janine makes it to her wedding although she also provides a second story line to this book. The new DC arrives in the shape of Keith Barrington who comes with lots of baggage and starts a mystery of his own to be continued. And Hillary's romantic life is hilarious.

I will be reading book 7 very soon indeed!3500-202252 s Brenda4,392 2,832

DI Hillary Greene, her new DC, Keith Barrington, Janine and Frank were made aware of the latest murder quite early in the day, when a friend of the victim found her, dead in her chair in the lounge room of her home. When Hillary saw the victim, the elderly Flo Jenkins, she was saddened to learn she hadn't had long to live. So who would kill an already dying woman - and why? Two small questions but they would frustrate Hillary and her team as the days went by...

The discovery of Flo's grandson, a drug addict with not much going for him, saw him as their strongest suspect, but Hillary was not convinced. They had to reinterview the neighbours, dig deeper. As the week moved forward, getting closer to Janine and Mel's wedding, Hillary wondered if this would be one case that would get the better of her. Would her determination bring results?

Murder at Home is the 6th in the DI Hillary Greene series by Faith Martin and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Hillary's gritty determination, her softly-softly approach (which fooled many a criminal) and her nerves of steel make her a top-notch character! I'm looking forward to #7 soon. Recommended.2017-release 3500-2023 crime ...more33 s Linda Strong3,880 1,675


MURDER AT HOME is the sixth in a series of page-turning crime thrillers set in Oxfordshire, featuring DI Hillary Greene and her team. DC Keith Barrington is introduced as a new member of the team. He comes with baggage ... during his last post he belted his supervisor. Does he have a violent temper? And how will he fit in with this new team?

Greene is also concerned about her sergeant, Janine Tyler. Her wedding day is fast approaching to Superintendent Philip Mallow. But something is bothering Janine and Greene takes it upon herself to fix the problem.

An elderly lady is found stabbed to death in her own home. Flo Jenkins was well thought of by her neighbors. She has/had no family except for a grandson, who had been "borrowing" money from her to pay his drug dealers.

What the postmortem reveals puts a new light on this murder. Who would want to kill a woman who was already dying?

I have been most pleased to be able to read this series from the very beginning. Each one seems to get better and better. DI Hillary Greene is one of my favorite characters. She's feisty, but fair, and has overcome a lot to get where she is now. I really enjoy the mix of professional life with her personal life.

This is a well-written crime thriller and features what I have come to expect from this author's books .... an excellent story premise with suspense, characters that are credible, secondary characters that lend so much to the story, multiple suspects that are not easy to ferret out and an exciting, surprising ending.

Many thanks to the author / Joffe Books / Netgalley for the advance digital copy. Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.
netgalley-2017 read-in-201723 s Cheryl2,038 69

This is a 3.5 star read.

I received a review copy of this novel directly from the author and publisher Joffe Books. I have voluntarily chosen to review the book, and the gifting in no way determines my review/rating, which reflects my honest opinion.

For some reason this DI Hillary Greene novel has been my least favourite, perhaps because the murder investigation wasn't overly thrilling but more than ly because I picked the murderer almost straight away. However the subplots involving the team more than made up for it and I was glued to the many background stories that were woven in between the main investigation.
Firstly there is a new addition, in the form of DC Keith Barrington, who has been forcibly transferred to Hillary's team under the black cloud of having assaulted his previous Sergeant. It takes no time at all though for Hillary to realise that he'll be an asset to the team. Will she be able to tease the truth out of him as to what really happened with his Sergeant? And will she be able to help make his transition to a new workplace a little easier? I think you'll find that Hillary, once again, has a certain magic when it comes to interview techniques.
DS Janine Tyler is counting down the days to her marriage to Superintendent Phillip "Mellow" Mallow, so her mind isn't necessarily on her job at all times. Hillary sees this, and while not minding given Janine's imminent transfer, she is worried about her sudden secrecy and the fact that she's looking more and more troubled. What is really happening with her DS? Hillary joins forces with a retired mentor, Mitch the Fitch, to see what they can ferret out.
Amongst all these happenings, as well as trying to solve a murder with little clues, Hillary is thrust face first into a testosterone filled battle between Mike Regis, her current bed partner, and her new DCI Paul Savers as they stare each other down in a fight as to who will claim Hillary. Hillary doesn't know what to do - but you know she won't take crap and doesn't belong to anyone!
A typically action packed thriller that has you holding your breath waiting to see what will eventuate. Recommended reading.10 s Books 'n' All Promotions825 42

This is book 6 in the Hillary Greene series and it just gets better. I absolutely love Hillary her character is realistic with depth that increases with each book. She is loved by everyone except the baddies. She gets results. Sometimes it takes a little longer but she gets there. She is protective of her team and in return she earns their loyalty and together they function excellently.

The story begins with the death of an old lady. She was arranging her birthday party and looking forward to Christmas and someone ended that and Hillary is on a mission to find out who.

There are many twists and turns as the obvious suspect doesn’t fit for Hillary and the obnoxious Frank Ross is on a mission to make him fit. It wont end well for someone. It is towards the end that the pieces begin to slot together.

Faith is a brilliant story teller as she grabs the reader at the beginning and doesn’t let go. The descriptive text puts the scene perfectly in the readers’ mind I can still see Hillary as she gets her ‘light bulb’ moment and the new member of the team looks on in shock while Janine just smiles as she has seen it before many times. Absolute skill I love it.

I was very disappointed that Tommy has moved on as I loved him and now it appears Janine is going too sigh…. The newbie is looking good for an interesting character and I am sure Frank will be around to bug the team for a while yet.

Definitely worth the 5 stars. Book 7 NOW please!8 s Donna Maguire4,505 114


I enjoyed this book and started reading it as soon as it arrived on my Kindle, I have been really impressed with the series so far so jumped in to this one, and it was another book that I really enjoyed!

The story was slower than I would normally but that was mainly due to the story potentially being one that DI Hillary Greene may not be able to crack.

The writing style was excellent as always and I love the characters and really enjoyed meeting the new member of her team too - 4 stars from me and looking forward to the next one in the series being released!2017-books-read crime-mystery-suspense kindle-read ...more4 s Elaine Tomasso3,159 61

I would to thank Netgalley and Joffe Books for a review copy of Murder at Home, the sixth novel to feature DI Hillary Greene of Thames Valley Police.

it's all change in Hillary's team. Janine is leaving to get married, Tommy has gone and is replaced by DC Keith Barrington who left the Met under a cloud, her boss is DCI Paul Danvers, the man who investigated her for corruption which means Frank is the only constant and the least said about him the better. In all this turmoil they are called out to investigate the murder of Flo Jenkins, a pensioner found stabbed in her home. With no motive, no real suspects and a distracted team Hillary has work cut out for her.

I enjoyed Murder at Home although it is not the best book in the series. A rather clumsy conversation at the beginning of the novel gives the reader a good idea of the motive although the perpetrator remains a mystery. The various subplots are intriguing and add some tension to the read but mostly it is a straightforward police procedural, following the leads and interviewing witnesses.

The main draw for me in this series is the characterisation. Hillary and her team have become old friends and I look forward to the latest developments in their lives. Ms Martin always manages to inject something fresh and it is pleasant to see them evolve. Hillary is moving on in life until the past comes back to bite her and even the present is biting with two men vying for her attention - it's all go. It seems that more than her impending marriage to Superintendent Mallow is preoccupying Janine as she's not her usual brash self. The new guy, Keith, is also keeping secrets but Hillary will soon ferret them out. Frank is Frank, work shy with a drink problem.

Murder at Home is a good read which I have no hesitation in recommending.2 s Laurie578 1 follower

Another good read in the DI Hillary Greene series!2 s Ira Therebel711 42

I really d the main story. It seemed such a mystery who could have killed Flo that it was pretty exciting to read. The bad part is that a big part of the book was devoted to other stories. I haven't read this series since February so I really didn't remember the story line that was brought up all the time. So I was bored by that. I hope it will be done soon so if anything new starts I will remember. I was also pretty bored by the story of Janine's stalker. Hope the next one will be even better. crime-mystery fiction2 s Bev3,050 91

DI Hillary Greene is trying to save her career. Hillary is a no nonsense person, who at times may push the envelope just a bit much. That usually lands her into trouble with her superiors. In this case, a dying woman, Flo Jenkins is found with a paper knife in her chest in her home. As far as anyone can tell, nothing was stolen from the house. So who would kill a dying woman? Hillary has a new partner who s to "fly off the handle", just what she needs! She has no evidence in this murder and her only suspect is a nephew who uses drugs. Just wonderful! I enjoyed the style of writing in this book, as in all of Faith Martin's books I have read. They keep your interest and let you feel the emotions of the characters. I would to thank Joffe Books for a copy of this so I could give my unbiased opinion of it.have-read own-it1 John Lee697 9

To show that there is another detective in Oxford besides Colin Dexter's Morse (and ofcourse Lewis), the author continues her series centred on Detective Inspector Hillary Greene. This is book 6 and I think, that my copies of the previous books, this carries the sentence on the front cover " A gripping Crime mystery full of twists"
The description is inappropriate and if you are reading this series for a "gripping crime mystery full of twists" then you will be disappointed.

I think that this type of story is called "Cosy". It is as much about life in the Police Station with a murder case going on as it is with the actual case itself.
Once again there is a big clue for the reader early on in the story.

Not gripping and full of twists but a light and easy comfortable read and sometime that is just what you want.1 Alyson Million49

Another Hillary Greene murder mystery. Always enjoyable and she keeps you hooked to find out whodunnit, right to the end.
I the way she gives you little clues and you sometimes get the feeling who is the murderer but when all is revealed it leaves you wondering why you didn't work it out at the start!1 Gail Gassen235 1 follower

A heartbreaking murder!

Another wonderful book! Faith Martin really knows how to write a book that get under your skin, into your heart. How sad for an old woman who just wanted to live out the few weeks she had left on this earth was totally denied to her by a heartless murderer!1 Nadishka AloysiusAuthor 26 books64

I'm thoroughly enjoying this series and looking forward to reading all 17 books.
However, I rate this one with 4-stars because the mention of the lottery ticket at the beginning was a giveaway that it would play a part at the end. 1 Angela BritnellAuthor 49 books77

I read the first couple of books in this series and for some reason didn't search for the next but I'm getting back into them now 1 BJ3,061 57

The h is involved with a colleague, and knows her new boss is interested too. So she does what she does best, and solves and almost unsolvable murder. The backstories of the team are wonderfully revealed during the investigation. These are not 'cosy' murders, the police team have to trawl through good and terrible elements. The books are not easy reads but very engaging.loved-it1 Joyce1,760 36

5 stars

DI Hillary Greene arrives at the nick to greet her new subordinate, DC Keith Barrington. He has a history of having a bad temper and even punched his last sergeant. Narrowly escaping being sacked, he is transferred from London to Hillary’s team at Thames Valley. She takes a “we’ll see” attitude. Almost immediately they are called out to a death.

Florence “Flo” Jenkins has been murdered in her home. At seventy-six, the elderly lady was very ill herself. She was well d. Who would want to kill her? Interviewing the neighbors, they learn that she has a drug addicted, pushy grandson named Dylan Hodge who often took advantage of Flo.

DS Janine Tyler is getting married soon to DCI Mel Mallow. She also has a stalker who is obviously in the force given that he seems to know so much about her. She is reluctant to go to Hillary for advice for a myriad of reason. But Hillary has already found out. DS Frank Ross is carrying on being his usual obnoxious and lazy self. DS Lynch has moved on and is sorely missed.

Hillary goes to speak with Mitch Titmarsh, a retired sergeant hoping that he can do something about Janine’s stalker. He agrees to look into it. He identifies and follows a suspect.

It feels their investigation is going nowhere fast. The grandson, Dylan Hodge, doesn’t seem right to Hillary. They find an old photograph among Flo’s belongings. DC Keith is tasked to track that down. DS Frank Ross is told to track down Dylan for another interview and to tap into what’s happening in the drug scene.

While reviewing the file, Hillary has an epiphany. She has Janine seek a warrant for an arrest. The identity of the murderer is a surprise, but the reason for the murder is right out of today’s headlines and totally believable – sadly.

This is Faith Martin’s best. It was very well written and plotted. I the characters: Hillary, Mike, Mel, Keith and the rest of the gang – with the exception of DS Ross. What a plonker! The background information given about the main characters was just enough so that if one hasn’t read Ms. Martin’s previous novels the reader could get a sense of the character. But this didn’t intrude or spoil the story at all. Very well done, Ms. Martin. Keep writing!

I want to thank NetGalley and Joffe Books for forwarding to me a copy of this remarkable read by Faith Martin.1 Misfits farm1,870 81

An old lady is found dead by a neighbour who runs errands for her. Her birthday is close and she is looking forward to both that and Christmas which is just around the corner.Why would anyone want to kill her especially with letter knife? DI Hillary Greene and the team are back to work their magic with a new face on board as Janine is about to transfer pending her wedding to “mellow” Mallow. Janine however has some unwanted attention. Faith always gives the reader a good story based around her main characters which come to life each and every time. A main thread and always as with all good books and dramas, a thread belonging to one of the main characters to add that extra interest and depth. With each new book we learn a little more about them. This is part of a series (number six) but would probably stand alone although some threads wouldn’t make much sense if you hadn’t read the others- and why miss out on a wonderful series? An interesting plot and a perpetrator that I didn’t see coming. As always with Faith’s book highly enjoyable, comfortable read.
1 Misfits farm1,870 81

An old lady is found dead by a neighbour who runs errands for her. Her birthday is close and she is looking forward to both that and Christmas which is just around the corner.Why would anyone want to kill her especially with letter knife? DI Hillary Greene and the team are back to work their magic with a new face on board as Janine is about to transfer pending her wedding to “mellow” Mallow. Janine however has some unwanted attention. Faith always gives the reader a good story based around her main characters which come to life each and every time. A main thread and always as with all good books and dramas, a thread belonging to one of the main characters to add that extra interest and depth. With each new book we learn a little more about them. This is part of a series (number six) but would probably stand alone although some threads wouldn’t make much sense if you hadn’t read the others- and why miss out on a wonderful series? An interesting plot and a perpetrator that I didn’t see coming. As always with Faith’s book highly enjoyable, comfortable read.
1 Joanna LarumAuthor 13 books8

This is the 6th Hillary Greene crime thriller and they just get better and better! Hillary Greene is a detective with a full, rounded character, great humanity and great humility but she is also a very determined person who WILL find the answers to all her questions.
One member of her team has moved on and I miss Tommy but she has gained a new member and, of course, Frank Ross is still there, determined to put as many spanners in the works as possible.
Faith's books capture the reader on the first page and don't let go until the reader has reached the end. If you want a crime novel with perfect authenticity, a storyline that grabs and doesn't let go, twists and turns that leave you dizzy and an ending that gathers all the threads together in one magnificent knot, then you can't do better than Murder at Home. I assure you, once you have read this book, you will be left gasping for more and checking the listings for Faith's other books.1 Ted TaylerAuthor 65 books294

"Consistently high standard thrillers"

The cast of characters in the squad room subtly alters, but the methodical analysis of the facts doesn't miss a beat. As each possible answer to who it was that stabbed Flo Jenkins to death is dismissed, you start to wonder how on earth Hillary Greene will get her man/woman. Faith Martin is skilled in the art of misdirection, the street corner con-artist with his 'Find The Lady' game.
While you try to understand who might have had motive and opportunity, she introduces the new DC and the black cloud he carried with him from his last posting. We learn more of what became of Jerome Raleigh, Hillary Greene's boss in the last book. Hillary's love life distracts us here and there as the answer to Flo Jenkins's murder floats tantalizingly out of reach and as the hours tick by to the wedding of Mel Mallow & Janine Tyler that provides another distraction. Very clever. I think this one might be the best in the series to date.1 Mrs. Moira McGeough179 5

This, the sixth in the DI Hillary Greene series, gave us another good mystery and a new character DC Keith Barrington. Barrington comes with a question mark over is head and anxiety about country living. DI Greene gives him the benefit of the doubt and he soon finds the country is just as crime ridden as the big city. Alongside the main murder mystery there is the question of why Janine is so troubled when her marriage to Mellow Mallow is fast approaching. Hillary manages to scotch a particularly nasty plot to upset Janine on her wedding day, (with help from a retired policeman friend and his sons). This series improves with each new book.1 Nancy H2,798

Another in the excellent Hillary Greene series, this mystery plot features a lady who is stabbed while she is sitting in her armchair. To complicate the plot, Hillary is losing one DC, with whom she worked well, and getting a brand new one, someone who had problems at a previous posting. There are few suspects and lots of typical detective work, but eventually the crime is solved with an unexpected ending. This is a good mystery series, and this entry is just as good as the earlier ones. 1 May685 18

Thank you Netgalley and Joffe Books for the eARC.

i was a little torn about this book. it was an interesting read, but it also made me a little bored at times.

“Murder at home” is the sixth book in the DI Greene series and i can safely say you do not need to have read the other books to read this one. it stands alone pretty well and any information you need to know about the other books will be presented to you.

my main issue with this story is that it dragged on for too long. most of the times it did not feel a murder mystery book. most mystery books or thriller do talk about the lives of the characters and the difficulties they have to overcome but most of the times i don’t feel it takes me away from the mystery they are trying to solve. in this one, it did. i was expecting more investigation, something more gripping that would leave me wondering. not so much. i have to say that i did not know who the killer was and i enjoyed that. lately i have been guessing who’s done it too easily so this was a nice change. kudos to you, ms Martin!

i felt the book focused too much on a side plot that took us absolutely nowhere. i can give an educated guess as to why it was there, but to me it felt utterly pointless.

i wanted more female characters. we had only two and one that is already leaving. and this one says at the beginning that she resents having to work with another woman. i’m sorry, but what?? more sorority in mystery novels, please. more women working together as a team, not resentfully admiring the other. but i have to say that their interactions got better as the book progressed.

that leads me to: every single female character was first described by her looks. i lost count at the number of times the sergeant was called a “bombshell” and that DI Greene was referred to having amazing curves and being very hot despite being over forty. can we please not?

another issue i had was the constant change in pov. sometimes in the same paragraph. do you know those Agatha Christie books in which you have everybody’s thoughts jumbled together in the same paragraph and it gets very confusing? same in this one. DI Greene was presenting her thoughts and suddenly it was her DC and suddenly it was the super and so on. i would say choose a pov and stick to it during the chapter.

but at the same time, it was enjoyable in a way only mystery books can be. that constant change in suspects, the guessing, the following the leads. i d that. i can say i will be giving a chance to the other books in the series. i will start at the beginning now though!
2017-reads Beth2,496 19

Another intriguing DI Greene book

Another twisty turny murder mystery starring DI Hillary Greene who is swiftly becoming one of my favorite fictional characters. I enjoyed it even more given that I guessed the solution very early on in the book and was excited to be proven correct.

A new era is starting for Hillary. Tommy Lynch is gone…promoted, transferred and married. Janine Tyler is leaving after getting married in the coming week and being transferred. She’s stuck with Frank Ross who isn’t going anywhere. She’s got a new DC coming in and he’s coming in with baggage. Her boss is hitting on her and while she’s been seeing Mike Regis she doesn’t know where that’s going or if she wants it to go anywhere. Plus a spector from the past rears it’s ugly head. And now the murder of an elderly woman with seemingly no motive and no suspects.

I am a big fan of the British police procedural as it’s fun to go through all the steps and watch the theories be born and then take a turn. I also enjoy these kinds of mysteries because all the information you need to solve it is there in the pages if you are quick enough and wily enough to put pieces together. Lots of suspects are offered up, there are theories and red herrings. To me the solution was obvious very early on and reinforced in several ways. I kept expecting Hillary to cotton to it but there were several distractions that split her focus on the case I suppose.

I am interested in the new DC (and pretty sure I know what his secret is) and I think the push pull between Hillary’s suitors has entertainment potential (at least for the readers but probably not for Hillary!) I hope we might see more of Mitch as I really d him!

Looking forward to the next book! Marion360 4

This is the sixth book in the DI Hillary Greene series and once again I thoroughly enjoyed it.
An elderly woman, Flo Jenkins has been found stabbed through the chest with a letter opener .
Theres no evidence of a break in and as suicide is out of the question the search for a suspect begins.
Flos only living relative is her grandson Dillon, a junkie who usually only turned up on pension days to beg cash from the old lady.
He certainly could have committed the murder for the price of a fix.
Alternative suspects and motives are mooted but on investigation turn out to be non starters.
Theres the back story of the team , the imminent marriage of Hillarys Sgt, Janine Tyler , to Superintendant Phillip Mallow.
Janine has a very unpleasant stalker that Hillary learns of and decides to put a stop too.
A new DC has joined the team, apparently he has a temper, he left his previous posting after coming to blows with his old Sgt.
Hillary has her work cut out with the seemingly motiveless murder and all thats going on with her team, never mind the fact that her new boss Paul Danvers is showing more than a professional interest in her to the annoyance of her current boyfriend Mike.
Another excellent mystery which keeps you guessing right to the very end.
Thanks to Joffe books for the opportunity to read this as an ARC. Carolyn2,355 661

DI Hillary Greene of the Thames Valley Police, has another tough case on her hands. An elderly woman dead in her armchair at home, stabbed in the chest with a paper knife. Found by a younger friend who checks in on her regularly, she was well d by her neighbours, had no enemies or anything worth stealing and with no forensic clues, suspects are thin on the ground. On top of that Hillary finally has a new DC, albeit one with a past, but her DS, Janine is getting married to their super Mel Mallow next week and being posted to another station so she will be short handed again. She’s still lumbered with DS Frank Ross, but he can’t be counted on to be much use.

This is a very enjoyable series to read. The ongoing personal lives of the characters are just as entertaining as the mysteries, which are very good. The mystery is a tricky one but Hillary is a great cop, intuitive and great with witnesses; her brain always seems to be working the clues and the possible scenarios. She also has a great nose for trouble and has discovered that one of her team is being targeted by a stalker and sets off her own undercover operation to find the culprit. Having finally being able to put the death of her corrupt detective husband behind her, she is being courted by two men, both in the force, one of them her boss. I’m looking forward to finding out who she chooses.
2023 british murder-mystery ...more27 s Robert CrouchAuthor 13 books15

The murder of Flo Jenkins appears motiveless. This elderly lady is well loved and close to dying from cancer. Why would anyone stab her in her own front room?

This is the mystery facing DI Hillary Greene and her team in their fifth outing. Problems at headquarters also muddy the waters with a stalker sending nasty messages to Janine, who is about to marry the Chief Superintendent, Mel. Then there’s the new detective constable, transferred out of London after an incident.

And a former chief superintendent, who left under a cloud threatens to cause trouble for Hillary.

It’s all in a day’s work for Hillary as she rallies the team, deals with the internal problems and gets down to solving the murder with an inspired bit of lateral thinking. The murder is intriguing, the relationships within the team fascinating and laced with humour, and at the heart of it all, Hillary Greene shines, even though her love life is getting complicated.

This is another excellent and exciting episode in the series. all the books in the series so far, it can be read as a standalone, but then you’d miss out on the character development and relationships that are an integral and delightful part of stories.

Highly recommended. Hannelore Cheney1,236 26

Thank you Netgalley and Joffe Books for the eARC.
Another terrific book in the DI Hillary Greene series, this was so far my favorite. There are supposedly 7 more to come ... Can't wait!
On his first day as the new DS on the team, Keith Barrington and Hillary get called to the murder of an elderly widow who was stabbed in the heart with her own letter opener. She was a very well d, kind pensioner with not a penny to her name. Not only that, she was a probable couple of weeks away from death as she suffered from terminal cancer. Despite that, she was happily looking forward to hold a little birthday party for herself and hoping to experience one more Christmas. Who would want to kill someone that?
At the same time Janice Tyler should be looking forward to her wedding to Detective Superintendent Philip Mallow, but her happiness is blighted by a nasty stalker. Can Hillary help her?
Hillary is a super character, she's smart, well d, a good boss and a great thief taker. Everyone loves working with her, except for DS Frank Ross...but he doesn't anybody, so who cares!
So looking forward to the next 7, they can't come soon enough! Brian Dry26

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