
Fair Play de Martin, Deirdre

de Martin, Deirdre - Género: English
libro gratis Fair Play


SUMMARY: Theresa Falconetti never dates Italians, men from her old Brooklyn neighborhood, or professional athletes. Hockey player Michael Dante is all three--and he's crazy for her. Original.

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Didn't this and thought I'd try it again in a bit and see if it was just my mood. It wasn't. I'll read others, but did not the Theresa character AT. ALL. She was a TOTAL B**CH. Just not a nice person and Michael was so nice. Didn't want to watch this train wreck happen. Want NO part in it. So, there you have it...

So, will pass this one up and read others in this series when time permits.

I didn't , but you might...

Read, if you want.. but don't blame me if you don't it!

less-than-3 not-finished6 s Trang Nguyen456 28

Wow! Michael Dante is yummy in Fair Play even if he is missing some teeth! Michael Dante Aka Mikey D is an older hockey player from the Blades who is a romantic at heart. Two years ago he met Theresa Falcontti, an Italian publicist whom he became absolute smitten with. However, Theresa did not reciprocate her feeling with Mikey and chose to ignore him. Theresa ended up going out with another member if the Blades and when her date becomes a potential rape, Theresa is scarred. She swears she will never date another athlete again and has sworn off all men.

Two years after the incident Mikey hires Theresa to do some PR on his restaurant, which she tries very hard to keep professional. However, all Mikey wants Is a date with Theresa because he feels in the gut of his stomach that she is "the one" for him. Theresa isn't interested in Mikey for several reasons: she's sworn off men she feels are too unpredictable, he's Italian, he's an athlete, and he makes the butterflies in her stomach flutter. Built up emotions that Theresa has carried for the last two years after the incident and her longing to leave the roots she grew accustomed to as a child are the two key components as to what is stopping her from pursuing a romantic relationship with Mikey.

I loved this book because Mikey was a hilarious character who was relentless in the pursuit of Theresa. He was an absolute romantic who did and said things that made me sigh. (I also loved the fact that on occasion he stuck his foot in his mouth.) There are a couple of incidents where I cried my heart out and was glad Mikey was there to pick up the pieces. While the steamy scenes didn't take place until the HEA, the love that eventually blossomed between the hero and heroine was strong. contemporary-romance-sport read-in-20104 s Myself237 6

Le doy 3,5 estrella, no llega a 4 porque esas le di al anterior que me gustó un poco más. Aunque Michael Dante es superachuchable y te enamoras de él. Yo es que puntúo bastante bajo, creo que no he llegado nunca al 5.
Iba a pasar a otro, pero me lio con estos chicos de los Blades y sigo la serie. Y es que me gustan y los disfruto.relecturas2 s Elektragedia557 22


Is it bad that I couldn't stand the main chick? 2 s Dani Don39 1 follower

Me gustó mucho más que el primero, fue una historia muy bonita, sencilla pero bonita, algo que sigue sin gustarme son los finales de la autora, siento que los deja un poco inconclusos y que corta la historia de sopetón, faltan esos epílogos tan bonitos del felices para siempre. Por otro lado el protagonista era muy lindo, súper detallista y dedicado, él me encantó. 1 Gabrielle Espinoza470 38

Michael Dante era un amor de chico pero Theresa era estresante y un poco cruel entiendo por lo que pasó pero había momentos que pensaba que el estaría mucho mejor sin ella, al final me gusto but no tanto como la primera 1 Smut Junkie136 80

I LOVED this story! And seriously - Theresa is out of her mind not to go for Michael! I had a crush on him after just a few chapters! Although not heavy in the actual 'smut' factor (actually, there really wasn't any smut at all!), I thoroughly enjoyed the romance/relationship aspect of this book, just the first in the series - Body Check. Martin creates really colorful characters who you quickly come to care about...so much so that I almost find myself disappointed to read the last page in the book! I look forward to reading the next one in the series!

Some memorable moments:

She saw Michael sitting at the same table as last time.
But he wasn't dressed casually in jeans and a tennis shirt.
This time he was wearing tight polyester pants and a sleeveless undershirt known in some circles as a "wife beater'. Around his neck was a giant, gold Italian horn. On his left hand, an ostentatious pinky ring. On his right wrist, a braided gold bracelet thick as a dog collar. His hair was slicked back and a toothpick dangled suggestively from his lips.
"Hey babe," he crooned as she approached the table. "What took ya so long?"
Theresa bit her lip, but it was no use; she burst out laughing. "What on earth..."
"Wha? I'm an Italian guy right? So I figured I'd bedda start lookin' and actin' da part." he slouched down his chair, opening his legs wide. "Lookin' good today, sweetcakes. My wife's working late. Wanna go out dancin'?"
(SERIOUSLY ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS I'VE READ IN AGES - this scene had me rolling on the floor laughing!!)

Intrigued, Theresa approached the box, and with Terrence watching, carefully opened it. Inside was a large, luscious square of tiramisu, along with a small white envelope, which she immediately extracted and opened. "Surrender, Theresa," was all it said. Theresa smiled, delighted in spite of herself as she slide the card back inside the envelope.

"After games is off limits," he informed his brother. "I need time to unwind. Plus I'm entitled to a life."
"Glad one of us is," Anthony muttered.
Michael snorted derisively. "How's the weather up there on the cross, Anthony?"
"Screw you Mike."

"I want a divorce," Theresa announced.
Janna glanced up at her, "What?"
"I want a divorce. You're not my best friend anymore. It's over."
Bemused, Janna put down the matchstick size carrots in her hand and turned to her friend. "What's going on Terry?"

"Ok, you two," she called, joining them. "I'll pitch and you can take turns hitting. Phil, clock your sister with that bat and you're a dead man, got it?"
"Yeah," Phil muttered.

"I told you," Michael said stubbornly. "I'm not giving up."
"And I told you: you're wasting your time."
"Time's all I got, Theresa." Michael's mouth eased into a slow, confident smile. "I'm in no hurry."
Of all the stubborn, pigheaded, obstinate.....he wasn't going to take the hint, was he? It was futile. useless. He would keep at her until she finally broke down. Unbelievable. Keeping her expression bland, she regarded him.
"IF I go out for coffee with you, will you get off my case?"
"How about dinner?"
"How about a swift kick in the pants?"
"Is that a yes?"
Theresa's jaw dropped. "You are one pushy SOB, you know that?"
"I'll take that as a compliment." Michael replied, actually looking pleased.

"Won't Ty get pissed? I thought pre-game was when he got them all revved up and ready to fight. We'll be committing puckus interruptus."

contemporary-romance library read-in-2012 ...more1 Emilyandherlittlepinknotes64 27

The reason why I generally avoid books that are tagged as “romance” is mainly due to the fact that I often find them plain and boring. I am aware that a romance will guarantee steamy sex scenes and a truly happy ending with closure (usually there would be a proper wedding) and I have nothing against those two elements (well maybe those marriage proposals bother me a bit) but sometimes I have a feeling that romance writers are simply following a manual and this means poor dialogues ad entertainment for the reader.

I must admit that there are some fresh witty romance writers out there and therefore some great must read books, Body Check by Deirdre Martin is one of those.
It features one of my favourite romance themes aka “battle of sexes” between hockey team captain Ty Gallagher who wants is to win another Stanley Cup and Janna MacNeil.

Ty needs to focus on winning and has no intention of cooperating in the image makeover the team’s owners want to impose in the form of pretty, sexy new publicist Janna MacNeil.

Janna is not your average helpless heroine, she is a sassy, intelligent woman with a few insecurities, Ty is not your average gentlemen, he is very stubborn and does not want to make things easy for her, arguments sparkle in this book as Ty finds himself admiring the way Janna can stand up to him.

You can read an excerpt on Martin’s website. I read other books by Deirdre Martin but I didn’t find them half as good, Body Check has a witty dialogue and it’s a very refreshing weekend read.

You may have heard this one described as a “hockey book” but it’s really not, I have no knowledge whatsoever of this game but I did enjoy the book, if you it I would recommend “Practice makes perfect” by Julie James (see my review here). Two fine examples of romance books that focus on sharp dialogues and yet include all necessary elements that readers expect aka steamy sex and blissful ending.battle-of-sexes opposites-attract romance1 Jillian (NetGalley Addict)313 66

Theresa and her best friend have opened their own PR business, she is working hard to put the past behind her and get on with her life. Michael is best friends with Theresas best friends’ husband and he has wanted Theresa for a really long time. Theresa wrote him off the first night they met, when he forgot to put his teeth in. Theresa was assaulted by one of his teammates and now she has a firm no athletes rule. Michael hires Theresa to promote his families restaurant and hopefully to spend some more time with her. Theresa tentatively starts to date Michael but has problems trusting him. Michael tries to convince Theresa that he really is the guy for her, before she makes the mistake of choosing the boring nonsense other guy. Theresa is strong, bull headed, wounded and prejudiced; she thinks she wants something that is wrong for her. Michael is awesome, he does everything to make Theresa laugh and he tries his hardest to help her get over her assault. They really are perfect for each other; they have some humorously embarrassing moments. They also have a few bad fights and I really thought Theresa was going to lose her chance and Michael would give up on her. I d the book and loved how the author dealt with the emotional issues that came from Theresa’s assault. I did start getting annoyed with the main characters and Theresa started to become too much of a bitch to make me love this book. I really did it though. romance1 Sarah319 28

This is the second book in her New York Blades series. Of the books I’ve read–and I’ve read them all out of order–this was my absolute favorite. This might actually be my favorite book of 2010. Martin has an amazing ability to create characters that are funny, real, but really go through some tough stuff before the end of the book. This one was no exception.

Theresa Falconetti is a PR firm co-owner trying to get her budding business off the group. Michael Dante is a seasoned hockey player running a restaurant with his brother in Brooklyn. Theresa, the victim of a sexual assault by a hockey player a few years back, doesn’t date athletes and finds Michael’s attempts at getting her to date him annoying.

The whole book I was rooting for Michael, because he’s an easy character to . This book very easily could have been not-funny, especially with the sexual assault storyline, but somehow Martin pulls it off and does it in a way that does not diminish the seriousness of the crime or Theresa’s experience. I could not put this book down and I cried at the end because I was so happy. I don’t feel I’m spoiling anything by saying that, because you know what you’re getting with these stories. But the way Martin pulls it all together–you need to read this book. Fabulous!!!absolute-favorites contemporary-romance1 Beate771 108

Life keeps getting in the way of my reading, but I finally managed to finish this one.

To tell you the truth, I was a bit disappointed in Theresa. She was a kick-ass character in the first book, but after what happened with the Russian, she's been all over the map in this one. At times I had no idea why Michael would want her at all.

Michael's character was basically carrying the whole story. I only kept on reading for him. I wouldn't have batted an eye if the author had given the role of leading lady to another character. The way she was carrying on with the two-timing asshole Reese when all the signs were clearly there, made me dis her. And I loved her in the first book.

I understand what happened to her was traumatic, but to go for a wimp Reese who was cold as a fish, when you have someone Michael chasing you all over the place - I don't get it.

In short, I d parts of the book, other parts not so much...athletes romance1 Lynn183 17

It's a light read. I was really disappointed after the 1st book. I just expected a Theresa who's not as scared as a rabbit. If you compare Janna and Theresa and the way they handle situations, the 2nd book is a complete disaster compared to the 1st one. I don't think it even earned the full 1 star rating.
I just love Michael!! He's every girl's dream guy. But does Theresa see that? She pushes him away time after time and hooks up with a total schmuck instead. I hated her character so much I felt the need to beat some sense into her every couple of pages. All her actions are based on sheer stupidity alone, and she doesn't come to her senses until she loses everything. I have never read a book with a character as messed up as she. And what's with all the prejudices she has? And 2 effing years after her trauma, she's supposed to be over it after all the therapy she's been through.1 GailAuthor 24 books221

A follow-up story to her first hockey novel—hero is a native New York City hockey player who wants to get involved with a woman from the old neighborhood—though neither realized they grew up so close. She has a trauma from the past to deal with, but her reasons for wanting to avoid this man don’t seem to have anything to do with that. She doesn’t want to live the life her parents had, she doesn’t want to date an Italian-American, she wants to be a Manhattan WASP. So she blows hot and cold with this Italian hockey player nice guy. I read the whole book, but I wanted to smack the heroine upside the head through most of it. They did eventually work things out.contemporary-romance sports1 Yolanda642 182

Michael Dante eres una cucada1 Gabrielle Clissold34

What a great great heart filled romance

I read a lot and I read fast. I am a romance junkie and most I read these days are good or terrible but rarely are any great. I loved this guy Michael Dante and this book had me HOOKED and crying and laughing and smiling...what a great book. If you grew up near an Italian neighborhood or had many Italian friends, this was looking in the window of the incredible Italian communities in Brooklyn. If you are Italian you will just understand every Italian phrase and curse. The relatives, the wake, tons of cousins...bringing Nonna to Mass...it just doesn't get any better then this book. KUDOS to Deirdre Martin who I just discovered!!!!! I LOVED THIS BOOK! Debby2,059 5

Theresa Falconetti owns her own PR business with her friend, Janna MacNeil. Theresa has a thing about not dating athletes after nearly being raped by a Russian hockey player on the team with Janna's husband (Body Check - previous book). She also wants nothing to do with her Brooklyn Italian roots. That makes Michael Dante, a hockey player with a family restaurant in Brooklyn, top of her do nothing with list. When he hires the PR company to hype the restaurant, she's forced to work with him. Eventually they work through their issues.

Semi funny, quick read. Pretty clean.romance Rosemarie207 7

I couldn't get into this till the very end. The whole Reese love storyline was boring and predictable AND wasn't resolved until near the end of the story. Once that storyline was safely over, the novel became slightly interesting albeit, predictable. What would've made the novel good is if the battle between the Butler corporation and Janna/Theresa PR firms was fleshed out. The novel ends without a resolution on that front.romance sports Angi283 1 follower

It was very disappointing how the whole plotline went on.
Especially the very serious problem F has and how people just scream at her in the worst way and she is appologizing for something she had done to her and being affected afterwards.
Nope. Not a good book. Amanda2,223 31 Shelved as 'dnf'

I’m DNFing. This book felt a little out dated. I really thought it was sophisticated i. How it handles trauma and dating after sexual assault. However, I really didn’t that the name of the game was persistence. I really wished the hero would give the heroine a break.romance-novels ?Stacey "The One Night Biter"537 38

Review to follow Teacherofbook167 2

La trama me ha parecido demasiado pastelosa y predecible.
No ha sido lo que me esperaba
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