
Helix de Martin, Anna

de Martin, Anna - Género: English
libro gratis Helix


High school student James is hiding his budding relationship with Dylan, a college student, from his father. His father, Mark, doesn't see any reason to mention Steve, who is just a hookupand Dylan's father. But everything's about to explode at a family barbecue....

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As much as I'd looked forward to reading this book, it sadly didn't work as well for me as I'd hoped it would. : (

The first parts of the story I enjoyed, where 18 y.o. James met 20 y.o. Dylan and they stumbled around one another in sort of an adorable, dazed dance of attraction.

We also met James' 45 y.o., science teacher dad, Mark, and Dylan's 39 y.o. adoptive father, Steve, as they first screwed their brains out (in an *open* public toilet stall in a bar, yikes), then decided to try dating afterward.

I much preferred the younger couple's slow-burn approach to their attraction to the dads' fucking bunnies method, which felt sort of sleazy to me. Just, the way it was written, that's how it made me feel, sorry.

I was much more invested in James and Dylan's relationship, feeling almost nothing at all toward the possibility of growing feels between the dads.

By the half-way point of the story, the pacing of the story also left me feeling a huge case of the blahs, which I think was partially due to James and Dylan's scheduling conflicts, forcing them to go a week at a time (or more) without seeing one another.

The romantic in me *loves* seeing when newly-in-love MC's, especially "first love" couples, practically living out of one another's pockets, or close to it. This didn't feel that, so I found myself slightly bored and longing for more face-to-face time between the MC's.

In spite of the relatively-short separations, I did still buy into the feelings between James and Dylan, but never truly invested in the feels between the dads, who seemed much more casual about the whole romance thing -- even as the epilogue concluded.

With my lack of feels toward the dads, I found myself skimming over their steamy scenes, in stark contrast to the scenes between James and Dylan, as the virginal James experienced several thrilling, sexy (and somewhat scary) first times.

I'm sure many readers will absolutely adore all aspects of this story, but I tend to be a moody reader and my last read contained four MC's that I absolutely adored, each as much as the others, so not really connecting with the second couple here, I'm pretty sure that affected my overall enjoyment.

I'd rate this one at around 3 stars.


My ARC copy of the book was provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair, unbiased review.

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-----------------------------------------------49 s Cadiva3,623 360


I'm firmly in the middle on this one. I loved James and Dylan's first love "finding their way" relationship, even with the strange gaps where they didn't see each other for days or weeks.

But the adult relationship between their dads just never seemed to have the same level of investment given to it to develop the narrative.

Steve and Mark started as a second time hook up, with a hint of kinky voyeurism, and then out of nowhere really imho, began talking about a relationship.

There were odd time jumps too, where not much seemed to have happened as the weeks moved on, and I though the big dramatic moment really didn't justify the outcome.

Plus, it was all resolved super quick and a lot of it happened off page for the adult pairing. Even the epilogue didn't really bring a greater sense of a HEA for Mark and Steve, although I firmly believe Dylan and James will have one.

Also, bizarrely for me, I had a weird sense of deja vu at part of the plotline involving Dylan's past, as if I'd read this element of the story before, which threw me off stride momentarily.

Still, there are some lovely moments too, Dylan is a wonderfully kind and considerate boyfriend and lover and his feelings for James were utterly convincing.

I also loved James' twin sister Frankie and Steve's friends Carl and Brian and the small town vibe worked well.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.10 s Sheri1,413 178

I'm afraid this fell short of my expectations.
I couldn't connect, had a hard time with the dialogue, and honestly....struggled to finish.
I wanted to it but my face scowled, frowned, and held a pained smile at best.

*2.5 stars*

**note: for those interested...this as definitely YA/coming of age with a weird parental twistmeh ya8 s True Loveislovereview2,473 1 follower

What a lovely story this was. A read that looks on first sight a light, comfortable fluffy story.
At some point it was, only it was more than that. The further in the story the more complicated it became.

We are witness of not one but two love stories, running parallel. The people involved are not aware of it. We as reader can see the train come and crash.

James his auto broke down and a handsome student mechanics is helping him out. James always a bit of a lonesome guy and always feeling a bit awkward, finds somewhere the nerve to ask Dylan the mechanic out. Dylan finds James more than endearing and they start a relationship. With two years difference Dylan is twenty and James eighteen and they just fit.

Steve studied Mark who was playing pool, and when he was heading to the bar Steve took his chance. The talked about their kids. Steve has a twenty year old adopted son and Mark a twin, boy and girl of eighteen years. Not long after that you could find them in the bathroom stall, Mark nailing Steve against the wall. After that evening they want to hook up again.

The feelings between Dylan and James are getting stronger and stronger.
The feelings Steve and Mark develop are at a point they want to meet each other’s children.

You can feel the storm hanging.

The further i came in this novel, the more involved I became with all the men. They are good developed and the different between the older and the younger couple was so palpable and well put down, they felt real and acceptable.

The story was sexy at times, sweet at times and complicated at times. The whole package was convincing, honest and felt natural.
I loved this story!

Read and reviewed for Signal Boost Review Team.
2019 lgbtq8 s Lelyana's Reviews3,292 387


Not what I expected from Anna Martin. I was disappointed soon as I read chapter two about the Dads's hookup (eww!).
I have no idea in who's story I should focus on to. IMO, if the author wanted to have the story about a complicated relationships, isn't it better if one relationship stays in the background?
But who am I to complain?
I d the younger couple's relationship better than the Dads. Maybe because I didn't really care about them. Also, the epilogue was kind of vague and HFN for both couples.
Not my favorite from Anna Martin. 2019 arc meh ...more4 s Emily Seelye726 26

This was not my favorite Anna Martin book.

Too many unexplained time jumps and the epilogue was disappointing.

Loved the younger couple, but the dads never seemed to get it together m-m own4 s Joyfully Jay7,966 458

A Joyfully Jay review.

3.25 stars

I was definitely intrigued by this blurb and I wanted to see how this story played out. While there were a few shining moments in this story, a few moments I really enjoyed, on the whole the style of writing here didn’t work for me and really impeded the story.

So what did I ? I enjoyed the characters, especially James and Dylan. Their love was one that was full of sweet and heat, a perfect balance between the two. I loved the way they brought out the best in each other and they really talked to one another about the tough stuff. In a lot of ways, they were more grown up than the older characters. Their relationship was believable and earnest, as much as it was romantic and emotional. So these guys and their romance worked for me.

But what didn’t work? Pretty much the rest of the book. I d Steve, and Mark too for the most part. As characters on their own, they were well written and well rounded. However, I had a bit more trouble with their relationship. There wasn’t enough spark between them that made me believe they’d go from a hooking up lifestyle to a relationship. Eventually, I could see what drew them together, but there just wasn’t enough exploration there for me to really believe it.

Read Kris’ review in its entirety here.
kris3 s Tina J1,246 170

? ? ? ? 4-STAR ? REVIEW ? ? ? ?

While the model used on the cover is a good looking young man, he and the washed out greyish painted background leaves a very bland visual. Only the airbrushed scrawl of the title provides a bit of visual pop. Luckily, I was offered to promote this book’s release and had the opportunity to read the synopsis. That is what caught my attention. If felt unique and that interested me. I’d not read anything by this author prior to HELIX and was eager to give her a try.

POV ~> Third-person

Four men. None of which looking for love.
20-yr-old Dylan works at a local garage while completing his certifications. Adopted from the foster system as a teen, he keeps his heart much more protected.
18-year-old James is the socially awkward twin. He and his sister are seniors at the high school their dad teaches at. He is also quietly bisexual.
James meets Dylan when James’s truck breaks down and needs a tow.
Steve is a single, gay man that had always wanted a big family but became determined to adopt a child that was deemed “unadoptable” by the system.
Mark is a chemistry teacher and single parent to twins, Frankie and James. His ex-wife left them when the kids were still in diapers.
Steve and Mark met and hooked up once before in a gay bar out of town and bump into each other once again after much time had passed. This time, they’re both looking for something more than just a hookup.
With no one sharing details and all of them keeping their relationships vague when discussing them with their parent or child, none of them knew the connection until several months had passed and they all arrive to meet one another at a summer barbeque.
Words are exchanged, hurts are created. Damage is done. But can they repair it so they all can live happily ever after?
The story itself was quite interesting and had a unique concept that I actually enjoyed, though at times James felt much more child- than the 18 years that he was. Not a lot of secondary characters to fill up the cast in this one. A handful of friends between them were the base of the supporting cast. Chemistry between the couples matched them. Dialogue was good. Interactions were believable. The plot was well thought out and flowed nicely. There were conflicts along the way which were resolved in fitting manners and in acceptable timeframes. Predictability was low. The conclusion wraps most of the elements up and provides a planned-for HEA (HFN, perhaps?).
Overall, it was a great read and I’m very happy to have had the opportunity to read this author and book.
Rating: [R] ~ Score: 4.225 ~ Stars: 4
? ? **** Disclosure of Material: I received a copy of this book from the Author/Publisher with the hope that I would voluntarily leave unbiased and unsolicited feedback. I was not asked, encouraged, or required to leave a review - nor was I compensated in any way. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". ***** ? ?
blue-collar instafamily-with-kids lgbt-gay ...more3 s Carra1,716 31

Helix takes a unique approach to highlighting the contrast of dating and relationships between the generations. There’s the sweet, more innocent look at first love and the slower, more exploratory nature of getting to know someone for the first time with James and Dylan…and then the heated, more desperate physical need of their more mature, experienced, and more jaded parents, Mark and Steve. The juxtaposition of these encounters makes for an interesting look at how not just the characters in this story approach relationships, but just people in general.

As someone who’s been on either end of the spectrum, there’s appeal in both. The slow burn of young love between Dylan and James is sweet and full of hope, yet the explosive, intensely passionate encounters of Mark and Steve fill a more visceral need (which becomes increasingly enticing as one gets older—at least from my point of view).

As a reader, we’re already aware from the book’s synopsis that Mark and Steve are James and Dylan’s parents, respectively. That means it’s constantly in the back of our minds that none of them are aware of those respective relationships, and for me I was waiting for that point where they would all find out who they are to each other, and what the fallout would be…something that did have me on edge as I read.

I did find that James and Dylan’s relationship held more appeal for me—I felt more of a connection between them than I did with Mark and Steve, whose relationship seemed more surface-level. The final resolution for everyone though was still quite satisfying, and I was happy with the way things ended up.

Helix gets a very strong 4 stars from me, leaning towards 4.5. This story is meant for readers 18+ for adult language and sexual content.3 s Serena YatesAuthor 97 books769

Families can be complicated. Families linked by people falling in love without knowing who is related to whom can be a nightmare, especially if there is drama because some have more trouble dealing with the unexpected than others. I think that most of the “explosion” that happens when all is revealed in this story is people not dealing well with the unplanned – which is utterly realistic and very entertaining, at least in this specific case. With two couples, neither of whom expected the others to know about each other, never mind be involved, there is plenty of potential for misunderstandings and unanticipated consequences due to a lack of communication. Honestly, the clues are all there, right in people’s faces, but they just don’t connect the dots. In the end no harm was done, and watching everyone adjust was kind of fun since I was able to do it from a distance.

Please find my full review of the second edition on Rainbow Book Reviews.
gay read-20193 s Helena StoneAuthor 31 books126

Reading Helix was a pure joy, and very happy surprise. I have to say I had one or two concerns when I read the blurb, but all of them turned out to be unwarranted. Where I feared the set-up of two youngsters starting to date each other at the same time their dads are doing the same might make this story contrived, it was anything but. In fact, for the first two-thirds of this story, things moved along so smoothly, it lulled me into a false sense of security. I actually thought that maybe the blurb had made the book sound more explosive than it would actually turn out to be.

I shouldn’t have worried.

There was so much to love about this story. The two developing relationships. The near misses when it came to the men and ‘boys’ figuring out that they were both dating something from the same household, and simply how fascinating yet recognisable and ‘normal’ each of the men were. But, I guess what I loved most was the unexpected developments—such as James and Dylan being the more grown-up about sorting out issues between them— or the different approach both couples had to getting together and developing their relationship.

You might expect the two young men to be in a desperate haste to get naked and dirty together and the older generation taking their time, but in this story the truth is exactly the opposite. James and Dylan’s coming together was just sweet and borderline innocent for quite some time, whereas Mark and Steve’s relationship starts with a hot and dirty hook-up in a rest room.

I d how, for the most part, this story was drama and shock free. The first two thirds of the story are basically the two couples getting to know each other, exploring what they are together, and figuring out what each partner expects and wants from the developing relationships. And, when shit does hit the fan, it wasn’t over the top. Everything that happened when Steve and Mark realize their sons are also dating, made perfect sense to me. Furthermore, as much as I didn’t enjoy reading the subsequent struggles each of them faced, they too were totally realistic. And, what’s more, the drama wasn’t dragged out. And, once again, here especially, James and Dylan proved that being young doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of common sense, just as Mark and Steve showed us that being older and having a bit more experience doesn’t automatically lead to a more measured response to conflict.

Anna Martin’s Helix is a wonderful, uplifting, and charming story of learning to love and coping with complicated relationships. It is also beautifully written, smoothly told, captivating and memorable. I didn’t expect to take a few hours out of my sight-seeing schedule in Haarlem, but I can’t say I regret taking the time to finish this story. In fact, I’m pretty sure the beauty of this story at the very least equals any fascinating sights I might have found outside.bi-sexual family m-m ...more2 s Serena YatesAuthor 97 books769

Families can be complicated. Families linked by people falling in love without knowing who is related to whom can be a nightmare, especially if there is drama because some have more trouble dealing with the unexpected than others. I think that most of the “explosion” that happens when all is revealed in this story is people not dealing well with the unplanned – which is utterly realistic and very entertaining, at least in this specific case. With two couples, neither of whom expected the others to know about each other, never mind be involved, there is plenty of potential for misunderstandings and unanticipated consequences due to a lack of communication. Honestly, the clues are all there, right in people’s faces, but they just don’t connect the dots. In the end no harm was done, and watching everyone adjust was kind of fun since I was able to do it from a distance.

Please find my full review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
gay read-20202 s Anke2,477 98

3.5 stars2 s Sumire366

3.5 stars

I James and Dylan's story, the dads not so much. . . 3-5stars alright-read college ...more2 s Annie1,716 24

3.5+ stars- Definitely an interesting premise

I was really intrigued by the idea behind Helix, following both an older and younger couple. Overall, the book held my attention and was an enjoyable read, but there were some elements that gave me pause and kept Helix from being as wonderful as I hoped.

I really d the contrasting relationship paths with the young men having a slow burn romance and Steve and Mark burning with lust before morphing into a deeper emotional connection. I appreciated what you would expect considering the characters' ages was exactly the opposite of how the relationships played out. James and Dylan's tender love mixed with their fumbling physical and emotional moments were so sweet and I enjoyed seeing their bond strengthen over the course of Helix. While I appreciated how Steve and Mark offered a completely different pathway to love, their relationship left me wanting. Their quick and dirty hookups ended up feeling more salacious than sexy and I never really got to see the relationship deepen beyond a surface appreciation for each other's company. While that's okay, it's not what I look for when reading romance.

I also struggled with some elements that threw off the pacing in Helix. A few different times characters revealed "new" information that was already divulged chapters before. When I already struggled to feel that connection between Mark and Steve, these repetitive reveals definitely didn't help me get lost in the story. All that said, I really d the stories within Helix; I guess I simply expected to be more blown away given how much the blurb snared my attention.

*Reviewed eARC for Alpha Book Club*a-bit-of-kink arcs m-m ...more1 Sarah1,457 30

I was given a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.

I’m still not too sure what to make of this story. On one hand it’s a wholesome family focused new adult romance. Set in a small town, it’s the story of two kids who find an instant connection despite their very different backgrounds. It’s sweet with a few steamy moments. But then there’s the twist. This book isn’t just about James and Dylan, it’s also the story of their dads, Mark and Steve and their slightly kinkier connection that starts with a backroom hookup and slowly becomes something more.

After the first few chapters, my head was spinning. I wasn’t quite ready for the parallel romances. Readers are jolted from James’ high school angst to Steve’s conquest in a club toilet without any segue. Once I figured out the characters and their relationships, the story made more sense.

I really d all four characters but I found it difficult to get too far into any of the character’s heads when the next chapter featured their dad or son shagging their partner’s dad or son. I loved James and Dylan’s coming of age story and their sexual explorations are both sweet and sexy. I was probably less keen on Steve and Mark’s slightly dirtier, kinkier connection. Although - maybe it was just the contrast and the dad/son thing that made me slightly squeamish. I think I would have loved Mark and Steve’s story in its own book.

I enjoyed this book. The format is original and I can’t think of anything to compare it to. I the complexity of the relationships in both families and I love the way Dylan’s past and his adoption are explored in this book. 1 Kirstin1,757 20

Oh, Anna Martin. How I longed to fall in love with this story. I tried so hard, too. In the end, I found it confusing at times, very sweet, angry and underwhelming.

There are two separate, yet intersecting love stories going on here, which had me at hello. I mean, two for one? Yes, please.

Dylan is 20. He's had a rough past, being abused and used throughout his earlier years in foster care. When he was adopted by Steve at age 14, he finally had someone who cared, who wasn't leaving, and who showed him that he could fight for a future. As a practicing mechanic and college student, he meets James, 18. James is in high school and he's never been with a guy, but he's wildly curious and open and so so so sweet.

Mark, 45 is a high school Chemistry teacher and James's dad. At this point in his life, he's looking for more than just a hookup, since both James and his twin sister are going to be leaving for college. So when feelings happen between him and Steve, it gets somewhat complicated. Especially when they all meet.

For the most part, I loved the relationship between Dylan and James. It was very new and young and slow and I felt it. I didn't love, however, how much down time there was in between seeing each other. It seemed weeks would go by with nothing happening. And it confused me when James felt he wanted to call and actually talk to Dylan, but didn't feel he could. Ooooookkkaayyyyy??

The relationship between 'The Dad's' felt to me a little unhealthy. They started out kinky and fast, then slowed down and did the whole 'getting to know you' thing, which was good. But when they finally agreed that they both wanted a relationship, then they saw each other in public and pretended they didn't know each other. Again, confusing. Even at the 4 years later epilogue, I didn't feel I had a good handle on where they were headed.

I did love the epilogue for Dylan and James, however. It ended well, and I was happy with their relationship, overall. I just wished that their father's could have been as open and communicative as their sons were.

*Galley copy generously provided in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to http://gaybook./ *

1 Philomena Callan Cheekypee3,917 405

I’ve never read anything by this author so this was a great introduction for me.

Helix is a well written story about two couples, James and Dylan and Mark and Frankie. Two different couples in relationships hidden from each other. I loved both of their stories and the relationship between each couple. I found myself on edge waiting for the time the couples find out about the other couple.

I thought this was a very good read. I’m looking forward to reading more from this author in the future. loved-it1 Men In books382 5

Ce roman est un pur moment de bonheur, un de ceux qu'on classe, une fois fini, dans sa liseuse et qu'on se dépêche d'aller acheter en version papier pour pouvoir encore et toujours le relire en le caressant obsessivement. Ce qui aurait pu vite être un sujet un peu grand guignolesque est, sous la plume d'Anna Martin, une vraie petite surprise de tendresse et de douceur de vivre. Une histoire ou elle nous offre un magnifique couple de quadra -et bordel qu'est-ce que ça fait du bien- loin de tout cliché, de toute facilité romanesque pour nous déverser avec talent une histoire d'amour pas si simple mais tellement touchante.

Deux hommes aussi séduisants dans leur personnalité l'un que l'autre -mais qu'est-ce que j'ai pu aimer leurs échanges à ces deux la- qui se lancent dans une relation qui va compliquer beaucoup de choses pour eux comme pour leurs proches. Leur sensibilité et leur approche de la vie est tout simplement adorable, faisant de leur histoire une de celle que j'affectionne beaucoup: simplicité, réalisme, confrontation des attentes et pragmatisme face à leur condition. C'est chaud, c'est doux ça nous rend tout frétillant et ça vous laisse un gros goût de reviens-y aussitôt fini.
Le jeune couple n'a rien à leur envier tant leur innocence et leur maturité nous surprennent agréablement et on s'y attache avec la même facilité. Deux jeunes garçons que l'on oppose pas forcement dans leurs caractéristiques mais que l'on voit découvrir le monde (avec plus ou moins de bonheur et de chance au départ), y réagir et s'y adapter.
Pour moi, un des grand plus de ce roman fut de lire la construction de ces cellules amoureuses sous un fil narratif toujours doté d'un arrière fond d'humour très subtil qui allège et qui même magnifie un peu plus le récit tout en lui conservant son impact sensible.

C'est délicieusement tendre et humain, c'est chaud d'une façon si simple et si naturelle qu'on fond littéralement entre coups de chaleur discrets et scènes de vie presque familières.
Deux couples qui se construisent sur un carrefour les emmenant sur des routes similaires tout en prenant un sens de circulation radicalement inverse. L'un apprend a se connaitre pour passer de la douceur des mots qui titillent aux caresses des corps qui se découvrent, l'autre fonce comme un bolide du point Z au point A pour remonter avec crainte et délicatesse le fil d'une histoire commune. La trame sans être effrénée est aussi palpitante qu'une tranche de vie peut l'être quand elle est articulée autour d'un story-board hyper précis vous imageant, geste compris, les ambiances, les émotions et les angoisses des membres d'une famille au sein d'une petite communauté. Un roman qui ne manquera pas de vous rappeler Feux de joies D'amy Lane tout en ayant son propre charme.
La structure classique n'a aucunement besoin de quelque fioriture que ce soit, le contenu étant soigneusement évoqué, agencé pour une progression des événements toujours très efficace et surtout très dynamique muni un scénario sommes toutes assez simple. Le simple quand c'est maîtrisé de cette façon là c'est vraiment très bien, ça nous rend heureux avec des personnages humains, légers et forts de leurs faiblesses. Ça donne une histoire feel good où l'optimisme est toujours prioritaire sur la difficulté des situations.

Un roman d'Anna Martin qui une fois de plus m'a totalement séduite et même emportée dans un moment de douce émotion qui me donne, comme rarement, l'envie de lire encore et encore la suite et tout plein de bonus à cette romance vivifiante. J'ai eu un mal fou à ne pas geindre comme une gamine quand je voyais le temps de lecture filer comme la lumière et je verrais d'un très bon œil une suite à l’histoire des deux papas !

http://meninbooks.eklablog.com Natosha Wilson1,274 14

This is one of those books that just blows your mind a few times over. I have to admit that one of the main characters really upset me the more I got to know him. At first I thought that hey, he is such a great guy and why is he still single? Then he sets in motion an event of situations that almost losses everything that should be important to him. He is one of those individuals that does not think before he speaks or reacts and so he almost ruins several lives because of it. Regardless in the end he becomes a little more likable but still not the man I originally thought that he would be.

James is finishing out his senior year in high school but has already turned eighteen when his truck decides to break down. He is not really worried about it breaking down so much since he has been saving up for things such as this but what he did not expect is to meet the tow truck driver and feel such an immediate liking toward him.

Dylan was just as surprised about having such an attraction to James as James was to having an attraction to Dylan. But as these two decide to get to know one another better, attractions and connections start to build between them. Dylan has things in his past that he finds himself opening up to James about. Things he has not really opened up to others about it. James finds that even though he has little to no experience when it comes to sexual things, he cannot keep his hands off of Dylan. As of yet, they have kept their relationship to themselves and not shared much with their families. They want to make sure that they are going somewhere together before bringing others into their relationship along with getting to know one another better first.

While Dylan and James are building something sweet, almost innocent between them their dads are both starting a new relationship as well. Much Dylan and James, they are not sharing as well.

Mark is James’ father and a teacher at the high school that James and his twin sister attend. Though Mark is not one to usually go out and pick someone up often, one night he ends up meeting and hooking up with a man named Steve. What starts out as a hook up ends up growing between these two men. Steve opens up about the things his son Dylan has gone through in the past. From the adoption and leading up to Steve adopting Dylan and even the things that have happened since the adoption. Steve never takes into consideration that the man that he is falling for might one day use that knowledge against him. But that is exactly what happens and in the worst way possible.

When Dylan and James decide it is time to introduce each other to their families they find out that their dads have been keeping secrets from them as well? How will everything play out in the end? Will someone or more then someone walk away broken hearted? Can the aftermath of finding out secrets be overcome or will it all just be too much?

This was a good read but as I said I truly did not one of the main characters. Regardless of that I loved the others and Dylan and James truly made this read a spectacular read. This is definitely a book I recommend to others.

Was given this galley copy for free for an open and honest review Kochka94916 6

James, 18 ans, tombe sous le charme du garagiste qui vient dépanner son pick-up. Quand celui-ci lui demande son numéro, il est plus qu'enthousiaste, bien que surpris que quelqu'un d'aussi sexy s'intéresse à lui.

Dylan a 21 ans, étudiant en mécanique, travaille dans un garage et a eu une enfance et une adolescence assez difficile. Très proche de son père adoptif, Steve, il a eu un coup de cœur pour ce jeune homme qu'il trouve diablement attachant et attirant.

Ils commencent alors une relation douce, tendre, James manquant d'expérience mais comme Dylan est un très bon professeur, il est un étudiant plus qu'appliqué. Mais il n'en parle pas à son père, craignant se réaction devant l'âge de Dylan.

Dans un bar de la ville, un soir, Steve croise un homme qu'il reconnait vaguement pour avoir couché avec il y a quelques années. L'attraction est immédiate et les deux hommes concluent dans les toilettes du bar. Mais l'envie de se revoir est là ... et ils continuent à se voir, d'abord juste pour des relations sexuelles intenses, puis peu à peu, l'envie de plus, peut-être se voir pour autre chose, peut-être se voir en dehors des quatre murs d'une chambre d’hôtel... Mais il faut y aller prudemment, les deux hommes ont des enfants adolescents, donc, on ne précipite rien.

Le temps passant, les relations se consolident, les sentiments commencent à apparaitre, peut-être plus vite chez Dylan et James, moins méfiants, plus entiers, et Mark décide d'organiser un barbecue chez lui pour présenter Steve à ses enfants James et Frankie et rencontrer enfin le petit-ami de son fils.

Et tout bascule ... les deux hommes sont stupéfaits de se rendre compte que leurs fils sortent ensemble... tout autant que James et Dylan le sont de voir leurs pères. Et quand Mark, dépassé par la surprise et l'instinct protecteur, balance les confidences que Steve lui a faites sur le passé de Dylan, tout explose...

C'est une histoire douce que nous conte Anna Martin, entre ces deux jeunes hommes qui se découvrent amoureux, tout en douceur et en tendresse avant de passer à la découverte du corps de l'autre, et ces deux hommes adultes qui font finalement l'inverse, explorant d'abord les corps pour ensuite découvrir le cœur et l'âme.

J'avoue que je ne suis pas arrivée à véritablement adhérer à l'histoire d'amour des deux pères, il m'a manqué un petit quelque chose pour vraiment ressentir de l'amour. Mais j'ai vraiment craqué pour James, absolument solaire et entier, et Dylan, ce jeune homme tendre et attentionné malgré ses débuts difficiles. La sœur jumelle de James est aussi un personnage très important, qui joue un peu les médiateurs entre le père et le fils.

Bref, une histoire douce qui donne la banane, surtout avec ce petit épilogue qui permet de bien clore l'histoire et de les laisser poursuivre leur vie sereinement. Lauren700 28

This was a FANTASTIC read! I think Anna Martin is great, but this is by far my favourite book of hers... and one of my new favourites in the genre!

Helix was absolutely incredible and has so much going for it. The romances are wonderful, the way they run side by side was done really well, the writing was spot on, the characters were interesting and well developed, and the story made me want to keep reading and not put it down. , I didn’t want to stop reading EVER. I started it on a plane, and when the plane landed I was actually annoyed that I’d need to stop reading. And then when I realised a bit later that I was 87% through the book, I was genuinely upset that it was nearly over!
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