
Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me de Martin, Anna

de Martin, Anna - Género: English
libro gratis Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me


When you realize you want to marry your best friend at age six, life should follow a pretty predictable path, right? Maybe not. As a kid, Evan King thought Scott Sparrow was the most amazing person he?d ever met. At seventeen, his crush runs a little deeper, and nothing seems simple anymore. Scott is more interested in football and girls than playing superheroes, and Evan?s attention is focused on getting into art school. A late-night drunken kiss is something to be forgotten, not obsessed over for the next ten years. When life suddenly brings them back together, it doesn?t take much for the flame Evan carried for Scott nearly all his life to come roaring back, and Evan discovers that life sometimes has a strange way of coming full circle.

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This is a love story.

It begins in summer 2002 when Evan is startled from a daydream by soft lips on his own. But that kiss is meaningless, because those lips don't belong to Scott, Evan's fearless best friend, the boy who makes his heart beat a little faster, the boy who makes out with girls in movie theaters while Evan yearns in the dark.

Evan and Scott are about to begin their senior year in high school, their lives mere specks on the horizon. Evan, raised by a single mom, gets lost in his head and spends hours painting. Scott, who seems to have everything, is less introspective. He's gregarious and charming. And straight.

Until one day at a party, when they're both a little drunk and a lot relaxed, Scott kisses Evan. That's the second time, and it ends in heartbreak. Things usually do when you're 17.

The first time is in second grade when Scott and Evan are free and wild, innocent and completely wrapped up in each other. When you're 7, no one matters more than your best friend.

The third time, Evan has a boyfriend, someone he met in college. Scott pushes, but Evan pushes away.

The fourth time matters, but not as much as the fifth time. When Scott falls ill, Evan rushes to his side. He doesn't even think about it. Scott asks, and Evan is there. The fifth kiss is all grown-up. It means something.

Scott doesn't do anything halfway. When he comes to terms with his bisexuality, he is all in, the world be damned.

But nothing rivals the sixth time (not really the sixth, more the six thousandth). That kiss is the end, or just the beginning.

This is a story of moments and sensations, of being in love and being young. The story jumps back and forth in time, but it's never confusing.

Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me is 99 90 percent angst-free. There is mild teenage angst and a long separation, but once Evan and Scott are in their 20s, they stop playing games and lay it all out. Scott, especially, takes a big leap of faith to show his commitment to Evan.

Evan and Scott's families are supportive and real. I adored both their moms.

There's ice cream, kisses, beaches, spoiled cats named Princess, and the best HEA under the sun: romantic, tender, and SEXY.

Forget abrupt endings. This ending goes on and on a lazy Sunday morning. It stretches and lingers and doesn't let go.

"I fell in love with your eyes," Evan murmured ... "They're so blue."

"My eyes have always been blue," Scott said with a broken laugh.

"I know."

... "Since when?"

"Since forever. Since I was seven years old and Scott Sparrow was the coolest kid I'd ever met. "

I said, this is a love story. The best stories always are.
best-hea feel-good-low-angst friends-to-lovers ...more107 s ? Todd1,385 1,520

I feel a bit Goldilocks with this story. Not too hot, not too cold. My friend Dani 5-stars loved it, but Ele 3.5 stars d it, with me somewhere in the middle here.

Yes, I loved seeing Evan and Scott grow up together (I'm a total sucker for that,) then sadly drift apart, then happily reunite again through the years from age 8 through 34.

No, I wasn't the biggest fan of the 5 times + 1 time setup of the story. For me, the book didn't really feel disjointed or confusing, but I jot down notes while I read, so I did the "they're [ 18 / 28 / 8 / 20 / 29 / 34 ] years old now" math to keep it straight in my head.

That definitely helped avoid confusion for me. A whole, whole lot.

As far as the various parts of the story go:

The first time they kissed, at 8 years old, I absolutely adored. They'd met at a playground over the summer, then shared the same homeroom in 2nd grade. A-freaking-dorable. They even got fake married in a cardboard fort, for Christ's sake. 'Nuff said.

The second time they kissed, at 18, I was initially excited, then shocked, when it all went immediately to hell and they lost contact for 2 years. The friendship was definitely on the rocks after that.

The third time they kissed, at 20, I was annoyed, mostly because Scott had allowed the previous misunderstood situation and his unspoken intentions at a senior year party go on for way too long. Plus, Scott was pushy, then pulled away completely -- for 8 long years. Argh, I hate when stories do that. Hate. It.

The fourth time they kissed, at 28, Scott was home from Chicago for his little sister's wedding, where Scott apologizes. And they finally, finally, FINALLY have sex. But then nothing for nearly a year.

The fifth time they kiss, at 29, Scott is seriously ill in the hospital and Evan comes running. Staying home is *not* an option. No way. This was definitely my favorite part of the book, as 11 years later, they finally get back on solid ground with one another, both with their friendship and (praise Jesus) their romantic relationship. Loved, loved, loved this section.

But during the final part of the book, the last 20% or so, God, this had to be The Longest HEA (capitalized because it's 'a thing') I've ever witnessed in an M/M story. It was too long and too sappy in my opinion and I was really ready to see "The End" much sooner than I actually did.

For me, having not one, but two weddings was just way over the top. I'm not a fan of them in my books, sorry, not a 'fairy tale ending' kinda gal, and two was two too many for my own personal enjoyment.

So overall, I loved both Evan and Scott, but some parts of the book felt a bit forced, bordering on contrived to me, and while I really 'd' the majority of the story, it never quite tipped into the all-out 'loved' category for me, which leaves it weighing in at around 3.999 stars in my book.


My ARC copy of the book was provided by the publishers in exchange for a fair, unbiased review.52 s Marci467 259

Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me felt it was written specifically for me. It is no secret I have a penchant for M/M romances where we get to see the characters growing up together. Give me a timeline full of teenage angst and adult realizations and I am all there!!!! I love a grand love story, a simmering slow burn; and this was just that. When the author talked about how her career took roots in writing fan fiction, I thought to myself Ah yes. There it is.
This had the feeling of the kind of fan fiction you discover at 2 A.M. after aimlessly browsing Archive of our Own in the middle of the night when you really should be sleeping. It was beautiful, heartbreaking and had such gorgeous writing. Scott and Evan were so easy to love and root for. I could feel the intense yearning through my screen!!! The sex scenes were stunning and full of such deep passion.

So that being said...give me all of the It was always you, I’m sorry it took me so long childhood best friends to lovers stories STAT!!! They make me feel nothing else.favorites top-tier-mm-favorites49 s drew214 103

i mostly d this but i think the non-linear story structure definitely hampered my enjoyment. i don’t understand why this book wasn’t written chronologically because it definitely didn’t enhance the story; if anything, it hurt it. , imo the big climax of the story happens… in the second chapter. why? it just made the story peak way too early because nothing else really reached that intensity again.

i also found the dialogue pretty banal at times. dialogue is really important to my enjoyment of a story, and it just didn’t work for me way too often in this book. the dirty talk in the sex scenes was also more cringe than erotic, i thought. is being called a cock slut ever actually sexy? that would turn me right off!

overall, this was… a decent read, i guess. 2.5 stars rounded up.48 s CrabbyPatty1,644 178

3.5 stars. In her author's note, Anna Martin explains how Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me is her homage to fan fiction, which often uses a 5+1 writing structure, which she notes is a concept along the lines of “five times someone did something and one time they did the opposite”.

Martin utilizes 5+1 to tell the love story of Evan and his best friend Scott by pulling five moments (plus an extended epilogue) from their lives over a 25 year period, starting with their second kiss in 2002 (the summer before their senior year high school), their fourth kiss in 2012, then back to 1992, a third kiss in 2004 and finally their fifth kiss in January of 2013, with the epilogue taking place in 2018.

And yup, that first kiss in 1992 when they were second-graders is all kinds of cute. Evan and Scott hold a mock marriage in the back yard in this cool tent they built together because "Ms. Hopkinson says people get married when they each other best of all, and I you best of all, so we should get married."

But on the whole, the nonlinear flow of the story makes the book seem disjointed and too long (even at a slim 200 pages). Just when I started getting into the circumstances surrounding a kiss (and trying to figure out what happened previously with miscommunication or misunderstandings), the scene ends and we are onto another period in time. Because of this, the chemistry between Evan and Scott felt "fuzzy" until the epilogue (where, gawd, the two incinerated the sheets).

Now I'm perfectly willing to concede that "your mileage may vary" and the nonlinear aspect of the story may not bother you at all. There is an appealing sweetness to this love story and the epilogue is one lengthy very happy HEA. I encourage you to give this book a read ..... and let me know if I'm just crazy, too picky, or what.

I received a galley copy from Dreamspinner Press, via Gay Book Reviews, in exchange for an honest review. Review also posted at GayBook Reviews. Check it out!
2016-reads arcs-received dreamspinner ...more23 s Ele1,310 40

I can already see I'm going to be the minority about this book. Please remember that 3.5 stars means I d the book, just didn't love it I loved Signs, Tattoos and Teacups, and My Prince by the same author.

The narration of the story is unconventional. The focus of every chapter is each one of the six times Evan and Scott kissed, which I loved. But the book starts with the second time and....I'll leave the rest for you to find out. I found that to be confusing, considering that the chapters are not in chronological order, and the reader doesn't know what happened in the past that led to the character's present actions. The story just didn't flow.

What I d best, is the progression from friends to lovers. My favorite chapter was the one where Evan and Scott were little kids and a deep friendship started taking shape. The "wedding" scene was all kinds of adorable.

Another thing that didn't resonate with me, was Scott's character, and not having his POV certainly didn't help. So Scott is bisexual and in denial. It's one of the reasons that things with Evan don't go beyond kissing or fucking. But his journey to self-awareness and self-acceptance was very poorly depicted. In one chapter he leaves things up in the air with Evan (once again), and in the other, after a "you almost died scene" (which felt manufactured), he decides that he and Evan are boyfriends. What happened in the meanwhile? How did his family react?

And then there were little things, the misunderstanding that led to them losing touch, or Scott getting grossed out by Evan's come on his chest.

There is a solid HEA and the epilogue was more than satisfying. But I felt it dragged the story out because it went on and on and on! The last 20% of the book is a HEA! Unfortunately, a satisfying ending will not save the book for me, when I haven't enjoyed the journey.

Despite all the above, I enjoyed the book for what it is; a nice "friends to lovers" story with a feel-good vibe, that reads easily. friends-to-lovers gay-book- ya-na27 s * A Reader Obsessed *2,321 477

3.5 Stars

There are plenty of detailed and well thought out for this book that will surely sway you either way. 

Overall I d this. I've come to realize though, that nonlinear storytelling and big chunks of time being lost, are really not my thing. Somehow, this was still original in concept and showed how these two meet-extremely-cute, develop into bff's, and slowly, so gawd awful slowly, find their way back to each other. With touches of Superhero in it, this captures teen angst and the struggle to be free and accepting of oneself, as well as realizing that love is worth it, especially in having that one person who's so vital a part of you that you can't live without. 

So yes, at times I was frustrated and upset that it took so long for mainly Scott to get his head out of his understandably stoopid ass, but I also smiled and melted and hurt for these two. And being the biggest fan of epilogues, I didn't mind at all the last third of the book - it was sexy and so sweet, that for me, it almost made up for the self imposed separation and angst. Almost.2016 bi-ofy-gfy friends-to-lovers ...more21 s Heather K (dentist in my spare time)3,965 6,009

3.5 stars. Review soon!20 s Meags2,257 552

3 Stars

My 5+1 style review:
The five times I enjoyed this story and the one time I definitely didn’t.

The five times I enjoyed this story…

As usual, I d Martin’s writing quality. From the stories I’ve read (so far), I’ve constantly been impressed by her clean and crisp style; the language used is always eloquent and emotive, drawing the reader in and making them feel deeply for the characters and the situations they find themselves in.

I d Evan as our main protagonist
. He was an extremely able and relatable character. I felt what he felt and I couldn’t help but root for his HEA. I even adored his close relationship to his mother.

Although I’m not generally one for nonlinear narratives, I was impressed by the way Martin chose to execute this story in a nonlinear fashion. At no point was I confused by the time jumps or the fact that they weren’t presented chronologically. If anything, the jumps kept the story interesting and kept me fully engaged to the point where I found it difficult to shut the book at bed time.

I absolutely adored “the first time” chapter when Evan and Scott were little kids
. This whole chapter was full of adorable moments that had me smiling a fool.

"I think we should get married, Evan," Scott said decisively..."Ms. Hopkinson says people get married when they each other best of all, and I you best of all, so we should get married."

In opposition to popular opinion, I loved the epilogue (if it can be called an epilogue). The final segment of the story went for about 30%, and although lengthy, it was filled to the brim with love, laughter, sexy times and pure happiness. I wouldn’t have changed a thing about this ending; absolute HEA perfection.

The one time I didn’t enjoy this story…

Plus One:
I didn’t Scott all that much and I hated what happened during their 9 months of separation
. I probably would have leaned towards a 4 star rating had that 9 month separation not happened between the fourth and fifth segments. Evan and Scott finally sleep together in “the fourth time” and it is perfect and life-changing and all the other good things first times with someone you’ve loved all your life should be. But the problem is they live in different parts of the country and can’t be together immediately, and although this is a huge issue for any relationship, they admit to being crazy about each other and wanting to make it work. This is where it turned to shit for me. We jump to “the fifth time” and suddenly it’s been 9 months and Scott’s apparently been rooting his way around Chicago, with both woman and men. This definitely didn’t fly with me, at all. He admits to having an impending work transfer in the works—meaning he has every intention of moving back home to be with Evan—yet he can’t keep it in his pants for 9 measly months?? All they had to do was say they were working on being together but had to be apart while one worked on relocating, and meanwhile NEITHER HAVE SEX WITH ANYONE ELSE. That's it. That's literally all that had to have happened for me not to be so disappointed in this story. Because that’s what I ultimately felt: disappointment. I think the fact that (at least) Scott slept with a bunch of people, and even had a relationship with some woman during that time, made it completely unbelievable that he truly was mad about about Evan. All the “I love you forever and ever” stuff then felt untrue because of his behaviour. It also doesn't help that it was only a 9 month period, you know? , if it had have been years I would have understood the sex with other people thing, but because it was a mere 9 months and there were MULTIPLE partners, I find him completely insincere and generally unlikable. This one plot point nearly ruined all the good this story had to offer for me, which is an absolute shame. Luckily, it doesn't seem many other readers had issues with this, so it won't affect everyone.bisexual buddy-read-with-r cover-lust ...more18 s .Lili. 1,198 257

Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me by Anna Martin.

This book should've been a slam-dunk. Best friends to lovers is a favorite trope of mine, and this author is one who's books I've enjoyed in the past. And it this wasn't bad, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was expecting more.

My highlights:

-I d the main characters- Scott and Evan. Great personalities and their feelings towards one another felt natural and genuine.
-The side characters were great.
-For 70% of the story, the pace was pretty good. It flowed nicely.
-The book had a feel good vibe, not very angsty.

So overall I enjoyed it, BUT two points brought this book down.

1. This story should've been told from an alternating POV. I wanted, needed to hear Scott's voice. Why did he make some of the decisions that he made? For most of this book, I felt as if I was only getting a half a story. Evan's narration was lacking. It was frustrating.

2. The ending just draaaaaggged on. The last almost 30% of this book was the epilogue. I love me an HEA after, but this was too much for me. There seemed to be no point after a while.

In the end, there were more positives than negatives, and I'm going with a GoodReads rating of 3 Stars. Three stars mean: I d it. Not wowed but still enjoyed it.

ARC kindly provided by DreamSpinner Press to Gay Book Reviews for an honest review.

m-m may-1616 s Debra2,103 253

Review originally posted at Sinfully.

3.5 stars

This is a sweet “best friends to enemies to friends to lovers” story, with a touch of angst, that spans over 20 years from the time Scott and Evan first meet at eight years old. Using a non-linear timeline, and told from Evan’s point of view, the story highlights five important years on their rocky journey to love, each based around Scott kissing Evan and the fallout of each kiss. The final part of the story jumps into the future (the one time Evan kissed Scott first) for their happy ever after.

It starts off with their second kiss when the boys are about to start their senior year of high school. The two are very different, but best of friends and Evan is angsting over his deepening secret crush on Scott as teens are apt to do. Evan’s artistic and quiet, raised by a single mother, while Scott is athletic and outgoing, never hurting for money or female company. This section also sets the tone for much of the story with Scott initiating a kiss and Evan winding up with his feelings hurt and communication between the two suffering or breaking down. After this section, the timeline then jumps to the fourth kiss 10 years later between an Evan and Scott whose entire relationship has apparently crumbled.

While I d the wibbly wobbly, non-linear timeline and the slow reveal of their lifelong relationship, I can see how the sudden shifts in time could be problematic for some readers. Each section is broken introduced by which kiss and the year it happens, but it is a bit startling as their relationship is always very different from where we left them.

The third kiss, when they are in their second year of college, is the one that did the most damage. Mistakes and miscommunication on both their parts result in them not talking for years. This is one time where I really missed having Scott’s point of view, and I think the whole reason for their separation would have worked better for me if that was included. While Scott came off harsh in Evan’s eyes, it was obvious he was really struggling with his feelings and his bisexuality was somewhat of a puzzle to him. I could absolutely agree to them needing a break from each other after being so close all their lives, yet not being completely honest as they grew and feelings got stronger. Add to that their different outlooks on life and the natural changes when they are going to different schools, Scott feeling that he’s finally putting himself out there while Evan is trying not to get hurt, and their emotions get the better of them.

When the two finally get their act together, they are absolutely adorable (although nothing could be as sweet as their first kiss) and have great chemistry. Scott is clueless and seemingly still not fully embracing his bisexuality, but he really does love Evan and his efforts are sincere even if he does sometimes still come off a bit disgusted by certain things. While the sex was hot, I was hoping for them to have had a little more conversation to straighten things out that had hurt them in the past and really close that door. I also wanted to find out where Scott really was in accepting himself and his sexuality beyond the obvious love and want of Evan.

I d that their families as secondary characters were always supportive of them and even when things weren’t good between Scott and Evan they never took sides. Scott’s family was able to keep up a relationship with Evan while respecting his feelings and need for privacy and distance when it came to Scott.

There were a few times when the UK usage of words or phrases slipped through to the American setting, but overall the story was well written and moved along at a good pace, even managing to pack in three weddings, one of which is possibly the cutest and most adorable things I’ve ever read. The extended happy ending came full circle, with a blast from the past moment from their high school days and a chance for Evan to finally grab a moment and kiss Scott first when it matters, leaving me feeling that they had finally found the place where they always were meant to be.

arcs-and-for-review artists-dancers-actors-writers bisexual-pansexual-mc ...more10 s Kristan379 37

BR with Lori

Five times Scott kissed Evan + the time Evan kissed Scott first.

It's completely adorable, and sweet and there's no two ways about it, I loved these two men. It had everything I wanted from a best friends to lovers/ reunited/ worked hard for their HEA, story.

But what will hold this story back for many readers, is the non linear telling of it. There's no real reason for it to jump through time the way it did, and it took some of the shine off an otherwise perfect story. The issue with reading a story that's not in chronological order, is that the reader has to wait forever to find out why a character feels or reacts a certain way. Here, it feels we have to wait forever to find out why these two men were dancing around each other. There's also something that happens between them in college that leads to a falling out, that never really gets addressed. Maybe having Scott's point of view might have helped the story along, but for me, I really wanted the storytelling done in a more cohesive manner.

That aside?

I loved Scott and Evan's journey. Anna Martin's writing is polished and just the right balance of feels and circumstance. The characters are authentic, and the time between Scott and Evan as children to their teenage years, was especially well done. We follow Evan as he forms a deep friendship with Scott at eight, and their innocent first kiss that will leave you smiling. We see him fall in love with Scott at eighteen, and share a beautiful kiss that ends in heartache. We watch the heartbreak of having to distance himself from Scott at twenty, when he's not able to kiss Scott back. And we get the kiss of rediscovery when they eventually reconnect at twenty-eight. Each chapter a kiss from Scott, and the final chapter a kiss from Evan, all leading up to an epilogue filled with a thousand kisses of happily ever after.

Their story was a beautiful rollercoaster of genuine emotion and longing.

And that ending? It's sweet, lingering, and absolute perfection. I wish all my books had such warm, gooey endings. (I hugged my kindle. No lie.)

"Twenty-five years," Evan murmured. "It took us twenty-five years to get here."

"I can barely remember my life without you in it."

"Is this the part in the story where we get sappy?"


"And they all lived happily ever after?"

"Yeah. Forever and ever."

I understand why this won't work for some readers, but I'd recommend to try it all the same. It's an easy, low angst read, with a little something for everyone, and two men who completely captured my heart.

To read this review and others, visit the Boy Meets Boy review blog

artists bisexual friends-to-lovers ...more11 s Catherine1,592 256

*** 3.5 Stars ***

I don’t know what just happened.

This book had me in the palm of its hand until about halfway through the chapter discussing the fifth time Scott kissed Evan. I had laughed. I had cried. I had yearned. I was loving the non-linear storytelling and Martin’s 5+1 approach. But about the time that Scott told Evan he missed him and was looking into transferring to DC, I feel the book took a steep nosedive. I lost my emotional connection to the characters, the writing lost that undefinable quality that had made the first 70% of the book sparkle, and the plot from that point forward suddenly felt rushed and underdeveloped. By the end, when readers were supposed to be getting the big, emotional payoff and the smex, the book was barely holding my attention.

I don’t know what to tell you… I’m really disappointed. I can’t remember the last time I read a book that started so strong left me feeling so unfulfilled.artistic-heroes-or-heroines best-friends-make-the-best-lovers contemporary ...more17 s Alisa1,816 194

This is the story of two young men told over a span of years that covers their lives from childhood to adulthood. Evan has loved Scott since they were boys. Unfortunately Scott is not open with his sexuality and he hurts Evan more times than Evan can count.

This story covers the time period from when the boys are in second grade to their present adulthood. It is told in a non-linear present to past style. It jumps all over and I found myself struggling to keep up. I spent the first half of the book feeling I did not know what was going on. More importantly it kept me from ever becoming invested or attached to this couple. By the time they work things out and get to their happily ever after I did not care anymore.

I think this book will be a love or hate kind of thing. If the storytelling style doesn't bother you then you will probably enjoy it. If not then it will probably be a problem for you it was for me.artists bi-sexual m-m-read ...more10 s LoriAuthor 2 books98

Ahhhh...le sigh! This book could have been written for me. My absolute favourite storyline of all time is friends to lovers, especially if it's a best friends for their entire life kind of a deal.
"It wouldn't take long for the gym to smell sweat and the cafeteria to smell grease and the art rooms to feel home."
Evan loves art and he loves his best friend Scott. This story flips back and forth through the years showing us key points of the friendship between Scott and Evan, from when they first met as children to the current day - or actually in the future as the epilogue is set in 2020.

Generally, I really time jumps in novels (I know a lot of people don't, but it is a format that usually works well for me, I the slow reveal of information in bits and pieces) yet in this novel I felt as though it would have worked just as well linearly; I didn't feel we gained anything from it being written in this way. That said though, it also didn't bother me too much, it just felt a tad unnecessary to me.

I d how we learnt about Evan's relationship with, not just Scott, but Scott's family. That warmth and belonging that he'd had since childhood. I also d how Evan's mom was portrayed and how the families fitted together.

The five times/one time format is a fan fiction trope that I really enjoy, and I loved seeing it in a novel. It fitted this story really well. It felt right. The whole story was a big hug really, exactly as I hoped it would be when I started reading it. A copy of this book was given ion exchange for an honest review.

Review previously at BMBR.
2016 bmbr-reads8 s Claudie ?547 161

This was a somewhat enjoyable story, however the way it’s been told didn’t really work for me. I’m totally okay with multiple long flashbacks in my books, as long as the author takes me back to the ‘main’ timeline later. This wasn’t the case here — the chaotic time skips confused me and made me lose interest several times. A lot of important things happened off-page and were only briefly mentioned later, while other far less significant scenes were overlong and almost boring, because of all the details I didn’t really care for.

Still, the writing was good, and I’ll probably check out some of this author’s other work later.3-stars contemporary m-m ...more8 s Vallie690 77

Childhood friends-to-lovers is one of my absolute favourite themes. The author did the theme justice and the story of Evan and Scott is very sweet. But the way the story unfolded, both in terms of plot and structure, was not very smooth and it left me a bit wanting.

As the author explains, the format of the story-telling here works as a sort of ode to fan-fiction. I read fan fiction and have actually loved stories told in this way so I wasn’t put off by that. However, because of the fact that “the five times” were not in chronological order, the story did feel somewhat disjointed to me and I was struggling to connect the dots. I get that the “five times” were supposed to be snapshots of major events throughout Scott and Evan’s lives as they worked toward getting their HEA. But the flow wasn’t smooth from “time” to “time” and I had a hard time connecting with the characters.

What I did love, and I think the author excelled in this, was the segments depicting Evan and Scott as kids and teenagers. There is something so precious about young love. It vibrates under the skin. The depiction of the characters at those two age stages was perfection! The dialogue, the plot, their fumbles to express emotion, everything was right on the money. Adult Evan and Scott? I wasn’t sold. And the main reason was that the book was building into this epic romance, which started at age 6, and when it was realised, everything was very anticlimactic. I am not sure if the author was going for a “it’s just so natural that we’re gonna end up together” vibe and she did not choose to put more oomph into their coming together, but for me, it fell flat. I wanted it to be a big deal. I wanted to feel the desperation after so many years of all of that emotion lying dormant. But, it just happened.

This is a very sweet story that will appeal to most readers and fans of mm. It has a bit of everything really –some YA, NA, hot sex, coming-of age, second-chance romance (of sorts), medical drama, and a lovely HEA. I did enjoy it, but I wasn’t blown away I usually am by this author’s works.


ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. See this review at Gay Book Reviews. gay-book- mm8 s Ami5,949 491

3.5 stars

I have only ventured to fan fiction about three years ago when I stumbled into the wonderfulness of Merlin/Arthur as a couple. Since then I have some couples whose fandom work for me, so I am quite familiar now with the 5 (+1) structure of fan fiction. That was one of the reasons I got curious with this one. I wonder how it would with original fiction!

Well, first of all, I thought the friends-to-lovers theme was working here. It was sweet and there was something VERY gratifying when I reached the ending to read how Evan and Scott finally came to that moment after years of being friends.

Unfortunately, the non-linear timeline didn't work so well for me. I LOVED "The Second Time" and "The First Time" chapter, but the non-linear timejump after the fallout of their friendship to reunited again eight years later with Scott getting very sick which prompts the moving forward was, well, not smooth for me.

One of the things that make 5 (+1) structure works so well in fan fiction for me is the familiarity of the characters. I don't really need their background. I know about them already so I am good just reading about their slices of life. In here though, I felt I missed quite a lot of built-up between Evan and Scott, especially the missing years after they got drifted apart.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewmm-best_friends mm-contemporary mm-romance-or-erotica8 s Alex1,091 16

Such a sweet love story ??m-m8 s Tess1,973 26

4 stars

This was a sweet one (okay, I'm a huge sucker for friends to lovers) and I loved the structure of moving back and forth in time to see these guys at different stages of their relationship. As a small quibble, I did feel maybe I missed something about how Scott became ready for them to be together. It seemed to come together a little too quickly.

friends-to-lovers7 s Rafa Brewster257 24

Reviewed for Just Love: Romance blog
I received an advance review copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I absolutely adored this book.

The catchy title and gorgeous cover drew me in, but it was the beautifully told love story for the ages that completely knocked me off my feet.

First thing to note is that the full title of the book is Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me and One Time I Kissed Him First. Their tale spans many years, from the time Evan and Scott become fast friends in second grade all the way through adulthood, and much to my delight, the author stuck to her title quite literally in the weaving of their love story.

The second thing worth noting is that the story is told in a non-linear narrative. While jumping around in time might not be everyone’s cup of tea, I think this was a brilliant move by the author to A) focus on the major milestones of their 20-year history, B) keep the pace of the story going at a dramatic clip and C) simply put, keep us guessing at the next time they kiss.

And oh, the kissing. The kissing and the fumbling mixed with the easy camaraderie and comfortable silences of two best friends who grow up together and navigate puppy love and high school crushes and very, very adult desires together – and not always for each other. The author very deliberately killed me with each meaningful look and yearning glance, and I could have died quite happily clutching this book.

But as the blurb implies, life is not quite so straightforward, even for two people who are so obviously meant for each other. I appreciated the paths that the author chose for them, especially in adulthood – I could totally relate to the weird twists of fate that somehow determine who your best friends are or where you end up planting roots. And I also appreciated Scott’s struggle with his bisexuality and could relate to his fear and confusion, even if he wasn’t exactly fair in accusing Evan of “having it easy.”

I was torn on the ending at first because it seemed almost anticlimactic in a way. Surely such an all-consuming love story warranted some grand gesture or dramatic celebration to mark their well-deserved HEA. But then I realized that for Evan and Scott, it wasn’t about marking their big moment with a lot of fanfare – it was about the joy in seeing their lives come full circle in a quiet, unassuming way.

This book is hands down my favorite book of 2016 (so far!) for pure, unadulterated, heart-melting romance.6 s Arch BalaAuthor 4 books41

I loved the very concept of the story and although the story was not written in chronological order, you won’t feel disconnected with the story. It’s as smooth sailing from the very beginning until that very beautiful ending!

Since the whole thing was told from Evan’s POV, I felt that (naturally) I didn’t get much from Scott’s character. I knew he was sweet with Evan, love/d him and was feeling something confusing about his bff but I was expecting a bit of an exploration on his character. Initially, I find him not very likable at all as it irks me that he’s the one who initiated every kiss between them before that beautiful ending, yet he’s the one having a hard time accepting his sexuality. I don’t fucking buy his excuse about being a ‘player’ and what everyone around him will think – I say, FUCK it! That’s no fucking excuse because even if Evan’s all sensitive and shit, it doesn’t make it any easier for him to come out so fuck you Scott character for thinking that way. LOL. That didn’t sound good when reading out loud but since he changed for the best, Imma give him a peck in the cheek as a consolation.

On a more positive note, I just loved the relationship between Scott and Evan’s family (basically just Evan’s mom). It’s just all very refreshing not having a ‘bitchy villain’ from either side. I’m usually not a fan of long separation but with this one, I loved how Anna Martin painted the reality of each character moving forward with their lives and finally realizing that they’re missing something. Oh,it’s just so beautiful and I don’t think I can blabber more without telling the whole story. Get a copy of this! Highly recommended.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
2016-books bff first-kiss ...more7 s Karen1,860 87

Friends to lovers one of my favorite themes...

Evan and Scott have been friends since the second grade...not just friends but best friends and going from friends to lovers isn't just a matter of growing up for these two. It's through Evan's eyes that we share their journey of growing up, growing apart and coming back together again each time culminating in a kiss before once again going their separate ways...until that last kiss.

I've had this one on my TBR list for a while now and saw the audio book as my chance to indulge in this story. Overall I really enjoyed it. While the story wasn't given to us in a direct time line of when these kisses happened and I'm usually a 'give me the events in order type of girl' I found myself enjoying it none the less. It actually had a more organic feel to how everything played out. I felt I was there in Evan's mind watching his memories unfurl in the way that was relevant to him and defined his relationship with Scott versus simply being told a story...I'm not sure how much sense that makes to anyone else but if it doesn't than we can just go with 'it worked for me', ok?

These men were best friends for most of their lives the fact that they each followed their own paths as well when it came to their careers and where they wanted to be felt real for me and only added to how much I wanted them to end up together. In general I enjoy stories with strong individuals capable of taking care of themselves, but willing to compromise to get what or in this case who they want.

In many ways this wasn't a romance so much as a love story. It was day to day life drawing two people together and showing them how right they were for each other only to have them repeatedly pull away from each other. But life just kept persisting and drawing them back together until pulling away from each other ceases to be an option and neither of them is interested in denying the inevitable any more. There were no big, dramatic, grand gesture or events leading to one or both characters having some grand epiphany that the other was the love of their life. This was love that was nurtured by friendship and time.

There was really only one part of this story that didn't fully work for me and that was the fact that I never truly felt that Scott was fully comfortable with his bisexuality. Not that he was in denial of it. While he may have started out that way in the beginning I did get the sense that he was past that point. He acknowledged it and he did have relationships with both men and women for a while but somehow I just didn't feel that he was totally comfortable with it and I would have d to feel that he'd come to accept this part of himself a bit better than it felt he had. However, that he so obviously wanted a life with Evan and was willing to relocate and wanted to live with Evan and didn't care who knew they were together also told me that maybe Scott was far more comfortable with things than I felt he was...so what do I know, right?

Now about the narrator...'Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me' was narrated by Jesse Cota and as near as I can find out this may very well be his first audiobook. I'm certainly hoping that if it is, there's more coming. I really enjoyed the narration on this story.

Jesse Cota's voices were good, expressive, consistent and felt right for the characters and Stop the presses, I know there are those who will read this and possibly die of shock but there are children's voices in this book and those voices are those of Evan and Scott when they are in second grade. Not only was I ok with his kids voices I actually d them especially Evan's. He sounded a really cute kid. So really how impressive is that? If you know me it's pretty damned impressive.

"Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me" was for me a really sweet story about friends to lovers that had the bonus of a well done narration but what appears to be a new voice in the world of audiobooks and one that's definitely worth listening too. I look forward to reading more books by this author and hearing more audiobooks from this narrator.

An Audiobook of "Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me" was graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.2017-books-read5 s M/M e dintorni, l'altro lato del romance674 29

Qui la mia recensione:
http://mmedintorni.blogspot.it/2017/0...5 s sanju84 10

Three, because they had the connection.
I initially thought of giving a two, but since end was cute, it earned that one star.

Too fast for me. My head is still spinning.cheesy-shit friends-to-lovers mm ...more5 s Ann1,452 131


Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me is told in a non-linear style that is really easy to follow and all props go to the author and narrator for making the story flow so perfectly.

This is such a purely sweet love story and I loved the build-up of each kiss as these two grew up together. I respected how the author never sugar coated growing up. The story is relatively low on the angst scale, but we’re talking about a time period with teenagers, so it’s gotta happen at least a little bit. BUT, there’s no manufactured drama just because, teenagers don’t need it, they can build up plenty on their own. When you’re a teenager in the middle of feeling impossible love though, Evan felt for Scott, it’s so important and we’ve all been there to some extent, but to be gay and be in love with your “supposedly” straight best friend is an extreme unrequited love hell. Anna Martin and Jesse Cota nailed those feelings so well and then some since Evan was so in love with Scott and Scott was just . . . growing up and figuring it out. It was never easy, but it wasn’t needlessly painful either and the restraint the author showed to keep the realistic feelings was much appreciated.

Reading/Listening about Scott and Evan growing up made them some of the most fully fleshed out characters I’ve met in a long time. I saw them as little kids, teenagers, young adults and as men and while they grew and changed, they still remained true to their personalities as described throughout. It was really impressive considering how the story is non-linear and the cohesiveness of the characters made it so easy to just, really these guys and want them to get their HEA.

And, while I wanted their HEA so damn hard, there’s no way I would have bought into it if it had come along earlier than it did. Scott and Evan were best friends since they were little dudes, they had to grow up, grow apart and then come back together, even if the growing apart bit sucked. The easy way out would have been to have Evan be the one to do the kissing throughout, but having Scott be the one who initiated smooches one through five kept the story much more interesting and also made me believe Scott when he declared his bisexuality. And good on Scott for going all in with his sexuality, it fit his personality and everything I’d learned about him. Evan had a bit more reticence in buying into Scott, and that fit his more introverted personality.

A really important thread throughout the story is the friendship between Scott and Evan, even during the angstiest angsty moments when they were apart, I never doubted that they didn’t love each other on some level. When things got real for Scott, Evan was right there and while I don’t doubt the two of them would have gotten together at some point regardless, the reality of Scott’s illness had Evan getting his shit together pretty quickly, putting his introverted self aside and getting to Scott as quickly as he could. I do love me some hearts and flowers now and again, but having a partner step up and be the rock when he’s needed is damn sexy in my book and that’s when the romance really started flowing for me.

This is the first I’ve listened to from this narrator and he did such a good job of giving Scott and Evan the voices the author created for them. He paid attention to the author’s descriptions and brought that to the characters from the time they were kids until the final kiss. I would, no question, to listen to him again.

I just overall loved the love in Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me. Angst fests, crazy ass shifters and what not are always fun, but sometimes some grounded characters whose love evolves and grows as they do is just the book hug you need.

**a copy of this audiobook was provided for an honest review**artists audible boymeetsboy-review-books ...more5 s Tamika?RBF MOOD?1,224 144

I didn't really feel anything, but someone else might.

See, I loved the title and the concept of the story. I really do think friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes. I still the high rating and kinda want to slink away unnoticed. This didn't really do anything for me. Honestly, once I started reading and didn't feel a drop of emotions in my heart I was just trying to make it until the end. I think it might have been better if we had Scott's point of view. Reading it from Evan's pov with the time jumps in different places didn't give me the passion and emotion that I thought it would In fact, I found myself rolling my eyes at Evan. I couldn't understand if he really had these feelings for Scott, then the gap in communication didn't make sense. I mean it's not all on Evan, but again I didn't hear from Scott.

I did enjoy certain areas of the story. I love the relationship that each guy had with their respective families. I loved Evan's relationship with his mom. My favorite moments out the book is when it's the time of meeting Scott for the first time. At 7 or 8 and it's a fantastic story being told. Of meeting Scott, and him and his mom's love for each other is shown. I really appreciated that. I d Scott's family dynamics as well. They are a little more well off then Evan's family, but they aren't bourgeois, and don't come off stuck up. They are lovable members in his family and they treat Evan and his mom with the utmost love and respect. Those were my favorite parts.

I won't go on and on with my diss. I think it's a very low maintenance friends to lovers story. It's low angst, and kinda easy pacing to get through. It's an easy book that we can appreciate.
contemporary-romance friends-to-lovers m-m-romance-own5 s Apolishedreader337 49

This book ticked so many of my boxes
Friends to Lovers
Low angst
Emotionally charged
Lovable characters
Awesome parents
Strong family bonds

The story spans nearly 30 years. We first meet Evan and Scott in high school (pay attention to the chapter titles when you read this. I did not and my ebook chapter button wasn't working right so I was flipping around trying to see what I missed). The story jumps around a bit with regards to their age, which is why you have to pay attention to the chapter titles.

All in all, I loved this book. I would have d to have Scott's POV, but that is just because I am nosy and always want to have ALL the POVs.
The only other thing was the super long last chapter. Essentially, this is their HEA and it is the longest HEA chapter in the history of HEA chapters/epilogues. Don't get me wrong. I love an HEA, the sweeter the better. For some reason, this one just seemed to take forever.friends-to-lovers mm4 s Andreja362 2

Evan was so, so screwed.
"Evan, " Scott said again, and everything seemed to slow down, time turning liquid as he leaned in and pressed those pretty, plump lips to Evan's.

Yeeees I loved this one. These kind of stories are my weakness. Best friends since childhood. Then one of them falls head over heels in love with his "straight" best friend. The other one is somewhat confused and is having a tough time accepting that he also might have some harboring feelings for his best friend that exceed those of a mere friendship.
Even and Scott know each other inside in out. Even is the sensitive artist and Scott the loudmouth and playboy.
Ah the second kiss was beyond perfect. The story wasn't cheesy and the connection these two have was amazing. This is how a best friend to lovers story should be written.m-m on-my-bookshelf read-in-20164 s Rielle566 55

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