
The Cloud Roads de Martha Wells

de Martha Wells - Género: English
libro gratis The Cloud Roads


Moon has spent his life hiding what he is — a shape-shifter able to transform himself into a winged creature of flight. An orphan with only vague memories of his own kind, Moon tries to fit in among the tribes of his river valley, with mixed success. Just as Moon is once again cast out by his adopted tribe, he discovers a shape-shifter like himself... someone who seems to know exactly what he is, who promises that Moon will be welcomed into his community. What this stranger doesn't tell Moon is that his presence will tip the balance of power... that his extraordinary lineage is crucial to the colony's survival... and that his people face extinction at the hands of the dreaded Fell! Now Moon must overcome a lifetime of conditioning in order to save and himself... and his newfound kin.

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This book was a total surprise. It didn't really look all that interesting to me based on the jacket copy -- stock story, possible last of his kind looking for a place to belong, etc. But where other stories end (last of his kind finds a place) is pretty much where this story started, nearly ended, then started again. Moon finds his people early in the book, and it's not a happy experience for him. He learns that a) he's a member of an especially coveted subgroup within his people, and b) he is simultaneously a member of an especially reviled subgroup. So suffice it to say Moon's homecoming is... complex. Then on top of that, Moon has baggage from a prior encounter with enemy shapeshifters, which comes back to haunt him with a vengeance.

So what looks a stock story isn't. But that isn't this story's greatest asset; the worldbuilding is. This is a rich, complex, plausibly exotic fantasy world nothing on earth, described so vividly that I'd love to go visit it. (Except I'd get eaten in 5 minutes.) Moon's people are one of the most intelligently-constructed fantasy races I've seen in awhile -- science fictionally so, though the story manages to retain the wonder and magic of fantasy. Add to that characters who stick with you and whose motivations you really care about, and this is a real winner.

I've read an advance copy of The Serpent Sea, and it's just as amazing.

Highly recommended.421 s carol.1,640 8,938

Tired of the orphan's heroic quest as he ventures into the world to discover himself and claim his birthright? Don't give up yet--Wells has managed a satisfying twist on an old trope by creating species and setting that feel quite alien. Cloud Roads is certainly one of the most original fantasy worlds I've read in months, and the steadfast plot provides familiarity when navigating the strange races of the Three Worlds.

Moon knows he is different; he's been unable to find anyone quite him since his family was killed. Over the decades, he has tried living in solitude but inevitably ends up seeking companionship, even if it requires hiding some of his racial characteristics and quirks. He's living his dual life in a village of ground-dwellers when his shape-changing flying-form is discovered. Preventing his change, they cast him out of the village and stake him out for the local beasts. A rescue provides a chance to discover and connect with his race, and ultimately tired of loneliness, he decides somewhat reluctantly to follow his rescuer home to meet a colony of his species.

Certainly much more follows; this is the barest introduction to a complex setting and a twisting plot. While Wells does indulge in setting description from time to time, she isn't one to lay everything out in orderly fashion for the reader, preferring to show a little piece of the world, have an action scene and repeat. Because the world is so unfamiliar--giant predators, flying islands, a species bent on universal dominance--the narrative flow helps provide context without becoming overwhelming.

I generally Wells' writing style, but at times the language is on the less complex side of the scale. Don't get me wrong; its more sophisticated than many, but it lacks the complex beauty of Kay or the sharp imagery of Taylor.

One of the more common reviewer complaints is a feeling of a lack of emotional connection. I wonder if that was intentional character-building on Wells' part. First, because Moon seems to be a very 'watch and evaluate' type of being, which lends itself to emotional distance. I found myself liking him much later when the fledglings were introduced. Second, the sense of alien culture and being is very present, and it's hard to create emotional intimacy with the outlandish. Finally, I wonder if the lack of connection also has to do with creating a species that is a little more colony-minded than our own individualistic one. Can land-dwelling mammals really understand a reptilian, avian or bee- mind?

Personally, I did feel reasonably connected by the end, but it was definitely the (above spoiler) that helped me get there. There also isn't any comfortable earth- analogy that quite fits their race--not quite bird-, although they fly; not quite reptilian, although they have frills, spikes and skin covered in scales; not quite bee- although they have clear social and reproduction castes--so I suspect the inability to comfortably slot them into a preconceived space also creates a challenge.

Once I got over the strangeness of the world and caught on to the plot, I tended to skim a little. But that's me, and how I read, and Wells kept throwing me into new setting so that I ended up slowing down to pay attention. She also created some subtle (and some not-so-subtle) reversal of gender dynamics. I confess, I rather loved it.

Three and a half stars, rounding up for uniqueness and in support of an interesting series. I'll be reading on.

Cross posted at http://clsiewert.wordpress.com/2013/0...epic-fantasy123 s1 comment Em Lost In Books955 2,081

First thing that I noticed about this book was it's cover. It is so beautiful and I had to read what was the story behind this cover. I am glad that I did not let the average rating of 3.96 deter me because the story behind this cover was equally beautiful and mesmerizing.

Moon is an outcast, trying to hide his true identity. He is different and ever since he realized that he was trying to find people him but failing miserably at his attempt. One day, the people with whom he was living came to know what he and they poisoned him. Somehow he managed to escape only to meet someone him who took him in and thus began a journey into a world which truly amazing.

I loved this story from the PoV of an outcast who has to show that he was loyal to his own kind. It didn't help that Indigo Cloud, the colony he wanted to be a part of was going through some serious tough times but also was Matriarchal and he was brought in to be a consort to the younger queen while there was an older queen who was not yet ready to give up her throne. At every step Moon was doubted and tested but these hurdles only made Moon stronger and confident of himself.

The world building of this story is simply awesome. I haven't encountered anything this before and this is so original to me. Different races and how they rule and work to keep themselves in existence, was explained in detail which only added to the sheer beauty of this story.

I was pleasantly surprised by this book because in less than 300 pages it gave me something that I haven't read before.

Highly recommended.2010-19 2018 4-star101 s Matt's Fantasy Book Reviews320 6,102

A great setting with a below average story.

Watch my video review by clicking here. 98 s Mayim de Vries583 956

Sentient non-humans, belonging issues, and matriarchy.
Just wow.

Whenever I stumble upon books whose authors create original worlds without referring to the ever same mythologies or legends, I grant them additional points at the start. Having read the City of Bones, I know that Ms Wells' worldbuilding is nonpareil and the Raksura Books prove it to be a rule rather than an exception. Granted, the world’s richness and originality are seconded by a tale not so unique. The journey of the main character in search of his roots and his destiny is perhaps not particularly innovative, but in combination with an extraordinary environment, it takes on new colours. There are also interesting protagonists, light and funny dialogues and puzzles to solve. “The Cloud Roads” definitely takes you to the high roads of the fantasy genre.

The lands traversed by the protagonists are dotted with remnants of ancient civilisations - huge towers, giant columns, and various kinds of abodes (also flying!) built by unknown peoples. The extraordinary world (actually Three Worlds) created by Martha Wells is populated by equally remarkable beings. People, or should I write, human beings, do not make an appearance at all. Most creatures are called “groundlings” and come in a variety of several races, differing from each other by the colour of the skin (green, blue, etc.), sometimes sporting horns or fangs, sometimes glittering with scales, sometimes covered with fur. In addition, the world is populated by many other creatures both sentient and not, including shapeshifters, among those: the Raksura.

”We don’t use magic; we’re made of magic, and you can’t run away from that.”

Raksura have two forms: a “groundling” one and another, more predatory, winged body armoured with scales, spikes and fringing manes of many different colours. Raksura can be divided into two groups: winged Aeriat warriors and wingless Arbor among whom you’ll find teachers, hunters, and many other specialisations. I’d advise you to read the appendices at the end of the book before you plunge into the book. Alternatively, the Author also placed a guide on her website.

Life would lack an equilibrium if there was not a natural enemy for such mighty creatures. And indeed, meet the Fell, creatures spawned by a nightmare. Mindless destroyers of civilisations, conquering other lands and destroying everything they touch. In many respects, despite superficial similarities, Fell is the exact opposite of Raksura. This thread is one of the axes of the story. And now you can love me forever for this comprehensive visual guide to both species:

Picture: the differences between Fell and Raksura

The Raksura live in matriarchal colonies (courts) ruled by queens. The whole socio-cultural system of Raksura is a merger between a beehive and a wolf pack. Queens and their consorts are born to their roles, and they are not elected. At the court, apart from the ruling queen, there may be a whole bunch of queen-sisters (sometimes sisters, sometimes daughters or granddaughters) and consorts, of whom the queens choose their partners for reproduction. There are many complex rules and customs in the Raksura society and it is fun to discover them all together with the main protagonist, Moon. But before I focus on him, let me emphasise, that “The Cloud Roads” have incredible female characters of which the leading female is one of the most wonderfully feisty heroines in the fantasy genre. And the way she has been introduced was simply ingenious.

“”Try your claws on me, why don’t you.”

The main protagonist, from whose perspective the narrative is conducted, grew up outside the court. His loved ones died when he was a mere child (fledgling), and he never managed to find his people or even find out what genre he really belongs to. For years, he lived among the groundings as a loner, frequently changing his place of residence and hiding his true nature. When Moon encounters Stone, an older and stronger Raksura, sick of being alone, he agrees to join him. We have a classic longing-belonging tale of self-discovery.

”Moon felt everyone looking at him, or trying not to look at him, and tried not to react.”

Because the third person narrative is conducted from the perspective of Moon, the reader learns with him about the world of Raksura. This allows for the information to be dosed at a good pace and simultaneously immerses us in the incredible “otherness” of the whole species. There is hardly anything human in most of Raksura behaviours (including a specific way of reproduction or eating - mainly raw meat), and at the same time a lot of reactions, emotions were relatable - loneliness, jealousy, ambition, etc. This mix was extremely intriguing. Moon is a rebellious young male, but there are hardly any human characteristics about him. He is both shy and predatory, caring and killing without remorse, appreciative of beauty but impervious to death of civilisations. Normally, this kind of inconsistency in the character irritates me, but here it strangely suited the world so different from the typically “human” fantasy setting. It's hard not to Moon. Straightforward, distanced, maybe a little too often cranky, but also able to take responsibility for his own actions. I admit that I d the fact that when he had nothing to say, he simply remained silent. Certainly, there are no lengthy or unnecessary dialogues in the novel.

”You are certainly a handful, aren’t you?”
He shrugged, defensive and uneasy. “I can’t help it.”

Without betraying too much - the structure of the plot is extremely well thought out. At the end of the novel its various elements, information, comments, and suggestions, intertwine into a logical whole. Of course, not all puzzles are explained. “The Cloud Roads” opens the series, so some threads, including the mystery of Moons origins, remain shrouded.

And I can not wait to learn more about them all.

Also in the series:

2. The Serpent Sea ?????
3. The Siren Depths ?????
4. The Edge of Worlds ?????
5. The Harbors of the Sun ?????70 s Mimi721 209

4 stars objectively
5 stars for enjoyment

The audio is superbly read by Christopher Kipiniak, and I enjoyed every moment of this reread.

Now onto the next one because I can never reread just this book. Gotta follow Moon on his journey across the Three Worlds and reread the rest of the trilogy. And then I'll need to take a peak at the short story collections, and before I know it, I'm rereading them too. Then I'm sure I'll be in the mood for the last two books. Might as well complete the whole series since I've come this far.

* * * * *

Rereading on audio with:
Beth (review),
MrsJoseph (review),
and the Flight of Fantasy group

* * * * *

Great world, lots of adventure, and so many interesting creatures.

The Cloud Roads begins with a solitary Raksura (shapeshifter) named Moon, who had been living among various groups of groundlings for most of his life but had never been able to fit in anywhere. He doesnÂ’t even know what he is or where he came from. The rest of the book is about him finding his people, learning about where he came from, and helping them fight off a predatory enemy that destroy all civilization in their path.

This is high fantasy un anything I've ever read before, and it's a breath of fresh air. Martha Wells' writing pulled me in right from the start and didn't let go until I finished the whole trilogy in a matter of days, which was unusual for me since I often struggled with high fantasy but this particular story is just so wonderfully written.

Complete review of the first three books at https://covers2covers.wordpress.com/2...2015 2018 adventure ...more53 s Kristalia 394 643

Final rating: 5/5 stars
He spoke the thought that had become increasingly obvious all day long, with every interaction he had had. “I don’t belong here.” (...)
Stone made a derisive noise. “You’re afraid you don’t belong here. There’s a difference.”

This book is the prime example of how to do world building. If there is something exceptionally strong in this book, it's completely alien-high fantasy world building where there are almost no humans barely normal Earth humans at all. The closest thing to humans are so called groundlings, and there are more than 10 species of them, and only a few look similar to human due to coloring of their skin and their build (but most of them have horns, shells, and so on and on).

The closest thing to humans are the shapeshifters, called Raksura, who in their groundling form look how normal human we are used to should look , and in shifted they look dragon humanoid. But their race, and race of their enemies, the Fell, is so strongly done, with different ways, customs and setting, especially social norms.

This is high fantasy, with setting including courts, queens and consorts, rulers and minions, flying islands, dragon creatures, flying ships and boats, and unique flora and fauna, that this world resembles barely the world of humans. The flyer, as well as groundling species are usually different from the common which is what I loved.

Then again, more details on the world building later in my review.

There is also this thing in this book called reversed gender roles. Females here are very strong, badass, hold everyone in check and are terror in the sky. Yes, being the Queen is almost next to terrifying. Not to mention female warriors... when they get together, heads roll. So, girl power here, but men kick ass as well. But social norms, especially in the later books, tell you that male side of the nobility of their race should be shy, timid, avoiding fights, and women strong, competitive, ready to rip the heads of their enemies' shoulders, dominant in relationships and as for queens - no one should anger them... at all... ever. So basically, females on the highest position and matriarchal regiment - nice. Also, the Queens of the Raksura race being the strongest, most powerful and most deadly of them all. Once again, nice. Their female warriors are not to be underestimated as well.

There is also this thing of bisexuality. Their whole race is bisexual (as learned in other two books).

There are 3 conditions for me to love the story:
- World building (when it comes to fantasy or sci-fi)
- Characters and my ability to feel something for them and their perils
- Story that is captivating and doesn't let go, nevermind if it had been seen before.

Sometimes I give 5 stars to the books that don't have the good world building but have amazing characters and story. Or have lack of world building and story, but have highly developed characters, that in the end I didn't even care for world building and story, just for them.

This book has all three conditions.

? Wonderful, imaginative world building and very unique with different cultures, races, sometimes settlements from humans. It was all explained in stages, and quite believable, and it's not hard to understand which role is which in which species. The world building is maybe the strongest point of this book. Also, flying islands and flying boats. Literal yellow sea. How cool is that?
? The book is told from 1 point of view in third person - our very, very distrustful and guarded protagonist Moon who doesn't know what he is. All he knows is that he is shapeshifter, and that his previous attempts to find his people ended up traumatic to the point he gave up on them. And I felt so much for him and everything that happened to him. And despite being in only 1 POV, it was well done and everything was balanced.
? Story was captivating, in every chapter something happens and it's fast paced.
? And also -bonus- clear sentences and understandable writing. I was surprised at how much details I remembered while reading and I could easily repeat the whole book, including the details, to someone who wants to listen but can't read English (yeah, this I do).

I didn't really and honestly know what to expect of this book. So I read the short story The Forest Boy, a prequel, that was about the protagonist Moon, a shapeshifter, when he was just a fledgling (a child in other words) who tried to find somewhere to stay, and had very hard time trying to control his shifting. But this short story was told from the POV of one orphan and his sister who found him captured in a trap, bleeding and very, very afraid. Now, when you read it this you can notice biiiiiiiiig changes between his feelings/behavior early on and now. But there is a reason for that (very unpleasant) and now Moon seems a bit distant, guarded, distrustful and wary. But inside, he is still that kid trying to find a place to belong, where he could be safe and accepted. And he DOES have feelings. Moon was very interesting character for me. If I could describe him in one word it would be survivor, and not just that. There is so much more about him and I love him to bits, especially after reading everything that is out in Raksura series as of the beginning of 2016.

I read this book in 2 days. I just saw the plot, saw it was about shapeshifters un the usual ones I read about and said I must own it. I don't succumb easily to ongoing series (and this has 3 books so far and 2 upcoming and 2 omnibuses of short stories), but I just HAD to read it - it was calling out to me and I had to drop everything I read and just read this without stopping. I did not regret my decision even once.

But, there are short story omnibuses as well:
- Stories of the Raksura, Volume 1
- Stories of the Raksura, Volume 2
They contain 9 short stories: 4 prequels and 5 sequels between book 3 and 4. I highly recommend reading these novellas, BUT AFTER READING FIRST THREE BOOKS. For more info on them and their order of reading check out my review for Vol 1 .

Moon is a shapeshifter but he doesn't know what he is. He changes into dragon- humanoid with black scales, wings and claws. When he was just a fledgling, his family was killed and he was the only survivor. His mother, 3 brothers and sister gone. And through his 35 turns (years) since their deaths, he never found out what he was and had to adjust to this scary world alone.

Through the years he stayed with groundlings trying to make a home for himself. But he knew it would never last forever. Every time he was discovered he was chased out or almost killed. Ironically, this happens whenever groundlings see his other shifter form. His humanoid black scaled and winged form strongly resembles the most vicious predators on their planet - the Fell. But despite the hints, he knows he is not one of the Fell. But explaining that to ignorant groundlings is another matter completely. He got used to being kicked out or worse for being what he is, but he could never stand loneliness and therefore sought company, no matter what the cost.

In the latest settlement, in the village of Cordans, where he was staying for a long while, the rumors about seeing the Fell in vicinity started circulating. As soon as the rumors started he was discovered by the woman he was in relationship with. Not knowing that his cover has been blown, he didn't notice anything strange until they drugged him with the poison that can apparently incapacitate the Fell, which made him unable to shift and trapped him into something between of his forms, and tied him up to be ripped apart and eaten by the other creatures (of course, they didn't believe him that he is not actually Fell, and definitely not the thing they saw, if that was even a Fell).

Just when one of the beasts prepared to kill him, the rumored "Fell" flyer killed the beast, kidnapped Moon and flew away with him. Moon, out of his mind due to terror that he was most ly going to be eaten by this shifter thrice his size, isn't really ready to cooperate. When he calms down, he is told by the flyer, called Stone from the Indigo Cloud Court of Raksura race, that he is shapeshifter being called Raksura, just Stone. He then asks Moon to join him in his travel to other court to search for the warrior type of their race, because the Fell target Indigo Cloud Court and there is not enough of them to protect it. And Stone didn't really say everything... And Moon isn't ready to believe everything Stone says.


In the Three Worlds, called for the three realms: sea, earth, and sky - there is a vast number of species. More than 10 groundling races, and several flight races, of which Raksura and the Fell are most important. (Although Raksura come from earth.)

For decades, the migratory shapeshifting flying race called the Fell terrorized and ate whatever other species they came across, especially intelligent ones. Always dark colored, they are terrifying predators who are hard to kill. They have 3 main classes (and therefore subspecies) called Major kethel (largest, but with low inteligence), Minor dakti (small, armored and cunning which always fight in swarms) and their Rulers, the only intelligent one who can share their memories and experiences through their bond. They can control other two of them. And lastly, there is the believed fourth class - called the Progenitors.

Their opposites are Raksura - shapeshifting flying species with two forms - one resembling the groundlings and the other of flying dragon- humanoid with scales, wings, claws and tails. They do not eat intelligent species the Fell, but Raksuran's biggest threat are the Fell.

They are divided into 2 breeds. The first one is Arbora - wingless race, which includes Teachers (they take care of the young), Hunters (providing the food), Soldiers (protecting the colony) and Mentors (the Arbora born with arcane powers such as healing and sight seeing, and also historians and advisers of the Queens.) All Arbora are fertile and can sometimes birth Warrior caste. They are also on very high positions.

The second, equally important are called Aeriat - they are the winged Raksura and their strongest warriors and defenders, divided in three classes: Warriors - guardians who are sterile and cannot breed and they come in both female and male forms; Consorts - the fertile males, who are stronger than warriors, live longest, get bigger and are the fastest flyers. And lastly, Queens, who are fertile females, quite deadly, strongest and most powerful of them all - they can give birth to warriors, consorts and other queens. One queen rules them all, with the chosen Sister Queen at her side, no matter if they are mother/daughter or anything else. A Queen can enchant others of their race, can shape-lock them so they cannot change in their presence and are quite intimidating and get bigger as they get older. They have arbora shape instead of the groundling form the other classes have.

You don't actually have to remember this now - author explained it so well you will understand it perfectly. (This serves as my reminder for later purposes). I also loved the fact that the injuries to the wing end up more serious if turned to groundling form as it passes the damage on the back, ribs and shoulder and are severe. And, since they are beings of magic, their clothes in groundling form melt with their bodies when they transform, and they can carry small things and keep them safe this way too.


? Moon is a shapeshifter who doesn't know anything about his race. Having to survive from the very small age, he managed to learn many languages of the groundlings, but always had hard time fitting in. He is alone and he never even saw any other shapeshifter him.

He is afraid, skittish, guarded, solitary rogue who is also brave when needed and defiant. And whenever he tries to fit in somewhere else, he has to be wary of their customs, of his shapeshifting and always ends up feeling outsider. Moon had to struggle to survive every year, every day, ever since he was fledgling. He fears of not belonging, he cannot stay alone for a long time without going mad, even if it means going with another shifter who could be leading him into a trap.

He is cautious, curious, wary and very careful because of his experiences in the past. He doesn't seek the compassion, he is used to being judged for what he is. He usually keeps things to himself and speaks only when he must, a habit he acquired to survive among others.

Moon felt mature already. Most days, he felt elderly. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter.” Flower stood, her shabby skirt falling into place around her. “We don’t use magic; we’re made of magic, and you can’t run away from that.”
Watching her walk away, Moon thought,
I can try.

{And when he smiles, it makes me very happy and glad because he should smile more and deserves to be happy. There was one scene with him and the fledglings they found (especially the part where they say that they are his clutch (aka children) from now on even if he stays without the queen..., which ripped my heart out, made me cry OF HAPPINESS, and it was so damn adorable and cute I was just undone.}

? Stone is a member of the Indigo Cloud Court with a mission. He is very surprised when he finds a solitary Raksura who he has no idea what he is. Stone is usually serious and intimidating, but also kind, patient and fierce warrior. Being a line-grandfather, he is highly ranked in the court and is also very, very old.

? Chime is a winged mentor warrior (a rarity), who is usually cheerful, adorable and very kind. But he has hard time dealing with the change that happened to him. He lost not only his mentor abilities to augur and heal, he also lost his ability to reproduce in exchange for wings. This change only worsened his situation. But when he meets Moon, he finds out they have a lot in common. And when I say adorable I mostly mean this:
“What Pearl did was unacceptable, even if you’re a...”
“Groundling-eating solitary,” Moon supplied.
“Groundling-eating solitary, she shouldn’t have behaved that way. (...) The groundling-eating part was sarcasm, yes?”

? Jade and Pearl . Jade is the sister Queen of Pearl (her mother), and is strong, capable and honorable leader who does not judge easily. She is mostly honest and kind, and awkward when it comes to some basic things ( courting), for example. Pearl, on the other hand, is very prideful, she hears, but sometimes doesn't heed, she judges and sees the worst first, but generally cares for her race. She is also ruthless and vicious to her enemies, also capable of cruelty to anyone who she doesn't enough.

? Others: There are many other characters, but talking about them would be spoiling enough, so I will skip that and let you find on your own.


Fantastic world building, great main character (your heart will hurt for him, most ly), good side characters, interesting plot, fast paced and overall great. I see no reason to give it anything less than pure 5 stars for the sheer enjoyment of reading. I also read the missing scenes after the book (scene 1 - about Moon's phobia of thunder, scene 2 - about Jade's first impression of Moon in her POV, and scene 3 - about Jade and Moon traveling). They were wonderful and wish they were in the book themselves. Did i mention absolutely stunning covers???? Also, another plus - no lust or love on first sight!

Also, Martha Wells has put some of the gorgeous fanart on her site, including drawings of the Fell, Raksura and others AND ALSO FANTASTIC FAN MUSIC. Especially Moon's and Chime's songs!

? Standalone: No. Part of a series.
? Point of View: Third POV, 1 character.
? Cliffhanger: No.
? Triggers: Well, serious spoilers here, but there was a rape in the past type: male on male, after which the victim successfully killed the rapist in his sleep and attempted rape type: female on male. And few unnamed or ever seen characters weren't lucky enough to prevent it....
? Love triangle: No.
? Angst: Oh yes.
? Supernatural: Shapeshifters and other supernatural beings.
? Explicit content: No. Mentions of what happened.
? Ending type: HEA
? Recommended: Hell yes.
? Note: While the plot is for itself in the first book, there are lots of things to do and some to answer.


? The Cloud Roads (Books of the Raksura, #1)
? The Serpent Sea (Books of the Raksura, #2)
? The Siren Depths (Books of the Raksura, #3)
? Stories of the Raksura, Volume 1: The Falling World & The Tale of Indigo and Cloud
? Stories of the Raksura, Volume 2: The Dead City & The Dark Earth Below age-adult be-my-heroes-please be-my-heroine-please ...more49 s Ivan477 301

. There are books where shapeshifters take spotlight but not this. Raksura, flying shapeshifters, feel unique specie with their own culture, way of reproduction and hierarchy that isn't based on humans. That goes for the rest of the world as well although worldbuilding is done in broad strokes without forming coherent picture. While it lacks big picture it has bunch of small details that add to it. Raksura themselves it's alien world that doesn't correlate to ours.

In the age scale I would place this book in new adult shelf. That is age of protagonist (in Raksura age ), there is more casual mentions of sex and procreation and there are some darker moments that is normal for YA genre but it's still miles away from grimdark. Unfortunately that makes this book's biggest sin less forgivable.

Big problem for me where some very naive and childish moments. Especially regarding main antagonists, Fell. There was so much potential there but author decided to make them stereotypical villains . And what is worse is that she keeps reminding you of that ever so often.
*pulls at sleeve *Remember how evil those treacherous Fell? Well they are cannibals too.
*pulls at sleeve again* Remember how evil those treacherous cannibal Fell are? Well there is more.
I'm not asking for a lot just characters that have motivations other than malice.

3.4 stars overall but it could have been more eaily.young-and-new-adult47 s Phrynne3,542 2,398

Martha Wells just fixed herself firmly on my list of favourite authors. Her Murderbot series put her on my list and this new (to me) series confirms it.

She earned five stars straight away for the magnificent world building. Then there was a wonderful magic system. And finally the totally imaginative characters, in particular the Raksura who slightly resemble shape shifting dragons - only slightly though. They are actually much, much better.

The story opens with the main character, Moon, who is a bird that has fallen out of its nest. He is different from every other creature he meets and has no idea what he is. Over the years he has learned that other races are suspicious of him and he keeps his shape shifting secret. When he meets another of his kind his whole world changes, and initially it seems it my not be for the better.

The story is action packed. Raksura fight dragons and there is a lot of claw and scale action and the ripping off of heads. The bad guys are called the Fell and they are very bad. It is all good fun. This first book is complete in itself and finishes satisfactorily but with Moon about to enter the next stage of his life in book 2. Very nicely done altogether and I have the next book ready and waiting. 45 s Beverly892 350

For those who fantasy stories well told this is a winner. There are many things that make a good story--characters you care about, convincing dialogue and setting. This world is completely made up of strange, wondrous creatures. The Raksura are part bird, part human and part reptile. I that their go to expression for surprise or anger is hissing. These are not cuddly, cute fantastical creatures, but they are beautiful, kind, and honourable.

They fight in a mortal battle against the Fell, gross, cruel, loathsome beings who in one of their forms look a bit the Raksura.Moon is a Raksura, but he doesn't know it. He was a youngster when his mother and siblings were killed in the wild. He has wandered ever since not fitting in anywhere he settles. He can transform himself into groundling form, so he goes from tribe to tribe until they find out he is not them and they throw him out or try to kill him, because he looks the Fell. The groundlings also hate and fear the Fell who eat them.

Then Moon meets Stone, who helps him out of a tricky situation and wonder of wonders is him. Stone asks Moon to return with him to his Raksura group. Moon
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