
Follow the Crumbs: A Cozy Quilts Club Mystery de Marsha DeFilippo

de Marsha DeFilippo - Género: English
libro gratis Follow the Crumbs: A Cozy Quilts Club Mystery


Marsha DeFilippo Year: 2023

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I am a fan of cozies and have read more than a few! After reading so many you can sort of see what’s coming but this one was “different” right from the git go. For me, this book is a smorgasbord of some of my favorite cozy themes.Crafts-check. Cat-check. Story Locale-check.Murder-check(ok, that one is weird but YOU get it).
The overall feel of the book was just so darn “cozy.” The author did such a great job with her descriptions. I was left with a very vivid picture in my mind of what the main characters house and garden looks and the characters are very likable and also very unique. This is definitely a cozy series I will keep up with and am looking forward to seeing what the Cozy Quilts Club gets up to next!1 The Queen of Swords65 20

Quilters and wanna-be quilters: pay attention (or not... maybe not). This time we don't have a knitting circle, or a book club, but a bunch of quilters solving mysteries!

When I picked up Follow the Crumbs, it wasn't for the quilting, but for what the book promised. Eva, Sarah, Jennifer and Annalise have just done a quilting course together and the ladies feel so connected, they decide to start a Quilts club, being creative together. That connection isn't strange, because every quilter has a gift, one they've not - or barely - shared with the world, afraid of ridicule. Understandable, when you can talk to animals (Eva), or speak to someone's deceased granny (Sarah). What's more, there's even a psychic (Annalise) and psychometrist (Jennifer) in their midst. Good fun on bachelor parties, but excellent when there's a double murder in town.

Oooh, exciting right?
Well, this seemed such a treat, but the book has issues. So many issues.

Information dumps on quilting every.single.time a new quilting machine or technique is introduced smack dab in the middle of a conversation/situation, is a big one to start out with.

This could've been done so much better. Either with footnotes, so that those interested can read them, but others won't have to halt their reading - as we're all forced to now. Or by having one of the foursome in the club be a total newbie. Info can be part of a conversation then, and there will be a flow. Now, it's as we're all pausing the story to take up our "Quilting for Dummies" for a minute, before we continue.

An even better solution would have been: much less of all this quilting info. You can show people quilting during a group conversation, offer a few creative forms up to show readers you know what you're about, perhaps make it the butt of a joke, or even bringing you to a clue, but you don't need to do more. It's, in large, absolutely irrelevant to the actual story and story arc. Merely part of the "colouring" and background. I'm going to assume the author is a quilter, and therefore decided it was 'important'- and 'helpful' for noobs - to give readers a quick course on it, cut into pieces every few pages. Again: not needed, not wanted (not by newbies, not by actual quilters either) and not conducive to entertaining, good storytelling.

Speaking of which: there is close to zero descriptive writing in Follow the Crumbs! When people talk to each other, the only words used are "she said", "she agreed", "she suggested". There's no delineating - with the only saving grace that there aren't changing perspectives.
No one is smiling while saying xyz, or crashing on a couch while agreeing they're tired. They don't turn around shocked, put down a fork, or stuff their mouths a hobo who hasn't eaten in two days. Their clothing isn't flapping in the wind, the sun isn't warming their skin while the scent of roses envelopes them in the yard... nothing.

Most important rule for creative writers: Show, don't tell.

That's not happening in this book and not only does it break any possible flow entirely, I also have a very hard time getting a feel for (much less *feelings for*) these characters as a result.

The only one that's remotely coming across as an actual person is Eva, because she's obviously the main character. Unfortunately, the only reason we understand that, is because the story is written from Eva's perspective (though at one point - in the ACR at least - we suddenly get a paragraph out of nowhere that's written from her partner's thoughts. That was a "huh?" moment) and most of the Club's gatherings are in her house.

There are zero other indicators why Eva *should* be the MC. Sarah, Jennifer and Annalise are, in many ways, just as important, but we're to delegate them to the role of side characters as we don't see them in their households, with their respective significant others, nor look through their eyes. Not that Eva's life becomes a true one though. All we 'see' (no, it is told - and yawn inducing at that) is her cutting up squares of fabric, or sowing. We do get some descriptions of her garden and eventually - even though we've been there several times by then - of her living room when a new person sees it. Apparently our Eva has a real flair for interior design and landscaping - as we understand from the fact she's asked for advice.

Sometimes she has short interactions with her cat Reuben, who is not depicted or outlined either, other than as 'Maine Coon', and when (almost always) licking his paw or sitting with his back to our MC. Which, by the way, is anything but the "talk to the hand- I'm ignoring you, I'm annoyed" pose DeFilippo is making it out to be, but a true sign of trust for a cat. Reuben is the stereotypical "snarky, egocentric cat"; it's not funny, it is tiresome.

Oh, on occasion Eva's lover Jim pops up, too. The author wants us to believe, and truly experience, trauma from the past makes Eva more closed off and fearful of living together, but as soon as Jim hints, Eva caves-ish. Because luuurve. Sigh... I understood the no attachment thing better, since I wasn't made to feel anything. Jim's character also seems superfluous - almost as if he solely exists for his 'in' with the police - and case info - since he's a retired detective.

It's such a shame that no one has told the author (beta readers? Editor?) to be more descriptive in both interactions, emotional thoughts and scenery. To show us the girls are having fun, not just telling us in a small sentence. Make the scene come alive! Make us feel happiness, anger, fear. Show us the world your story plays in. Please. The idea behind this Quilt Mystery has so much potential! I've read a lot of cozy mysteries, and DeFilippo has come up with all the tools to make a great one. But stylistically Follow the Crumbs is a major headache, which ruins most of that potential.

A saving grace would have been page-turner qualities; a great plot, a puzzling mystery that has us eagerly flipping pages in the middle of the night, biting nails because the ladies are in danger, and oh my, who could be that killer?!! Alas, the final blow comes in the form of an utter lack of tension, adventure and excitement.

The double murder I hinted at in my intro turns out to be Jennifer's great-aunt and her neighbour. When the police gets stuck quickly, the foursome throws their gifts at this mystery... *with almost immediate and accurate results*.

And then what?
Then all we're left with, is catching the killer in a confession, by the four of them. And that's where I DNF'ed.
Maybe I quit at the point where scary stuff was finally going to happen... at some point. But when a killer-confession plan was made and I first had to read through Eva gardening and then flipped the page to see two chapters full of filler fluff - including more quilting course- instead of something to get my heart rate up, I had enough.

I'm very surprised DeFilippo decided to give up the mystery as quick as she did. There's a small attempt at frustration and delay, but just the one time. Around half of the book we already have a club suspect, which is confirmed shortly after. We readers no longer have a mystery. There are no puzzles, no clues to look for. The author could've easily made use of the 'fact' psychic gifts can be flaky, sometimes hard to interpret, too. But no.

Worse: besides a family member we as readers have never seen, only one other character next to the good guys is introduced once the murders have been committed. I mean... if you've EVER read a book that has a murder mystery you know where and how to look for possible culprits. We didn't even need the psychics due to the writing, or lack thereof, of town characters who might have done it.
To put a final nail in its coffin: Follow the Crumbs is lacking "Look out!", "Behind you! ", "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" moments entirely as well.

Okay, again, who knows, those might have happened in the last 8 chapters, since I DNF'ed Follow the Crumbs at +/- 72% (I quit at the beginning of CH27 and flipped through 28 & 29), but I have serious doubts. Besides: entering fear and/or thrills at the end of your book is too late for a mystery. Even a cozy one.

It's actually a testament to my hopes for this series I lasted as long as I did. The idea is there, but the execution simply isn't up to par.

I don't writing negative , but potential readers do deserve to know where to throw their hard earned money at. Recommend, or warn? It's sadly the latter I'm doing here. If you just want to read whatever kind of story - good or bad- because it has a quilting backdrop? Get it. If you expect a well written book, to fall in love with a world and its characters, feel fear, joy, excitement and surprise... buy another cozy mystery. Follow the Crumbs isn't it.

Two small stars for the potential of the gifted, versatile ladies.

Disclaimer: I received an ARC through Booksprout and am leaving a voluntary review. A Look Inside: Book Review Podcast407 43

"Follow the Crumbs" by Marsha DeFilippo is a delightful and engaging tale that weaves together quilting, friendship, and the unexpected powers of four unique women. The story follows Eva Perkins, Annalise Jordan, Jennifer Ryder, and Sarah Pascal, who form a quilting club, unaware that they each possess paranormal abilities. As they delve into their newfound talents, they find themselves embroiled in a murder mystery when Jennifer's great-aunt Sadie is killed. Determined to solve the murder, they use their unconventional skills to uncover the killer's identity and secure a confession. But their challenge has only just begun, as they must now convince the police of the truth without jeopardizing their reputations.

The strength of "Follow the Crumbs" lies in its well-crafted characters, each with their unique charm and personality. Eva, the retired schoolteacher, is relatable and endearing, while Annalise, with her Bohemian style and psychic abilities, brings an intriguing mystical element to the group. Jennifer, the psychometrist, and Sarah, who communicates with the deceased, add depth and diversity to the quartet, enhancing the dynamics of their friendships.

The author skillfully blends the world of quilting with the paranormal, creating a fresh and compelling narrative. Readers are treated to a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as these women embrace their special talents to solve the murder mystery, using their quilting club as a cover for their investigations.

DeFilippo's writing style is engaging, immersing readers in the story from the very first page. The descriptions of Eva's sewing studio and the cozy atmosphere of their quilt club meetings evoke a sense of comfort and camaraderie. Moreover, the subtle humor throughout the narrative adds a touch of lightness, making the story even more enjoyable.

The plot unfolds at a steady pace, maintaining the reader's interest with each turn of events. The mystery aspect keeps the reader guessing, while the emotional journey of the characters keeps them invested in the outcome.

"Follow the Crumbs" is a heartwarming and captivating tale that seamlessly blends quilting, friendship, and paranormal intrigue. Marsha DeFilippo has created a truly original and satisfying story that will leave readers eager for more adventures with the Cozy Quilts Club. This book is highly recommended for those seeking a cozy mystery with a touch of the supernatural and a strong focus on friendship and female empowerment.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.1 Emily Pennington18.7k 311

Who Killed Great-Aunt Sadie ? . . .

The characters are going to win the reader over immediately! Eva Perkins, Annalise Jordan, Jennifer Ryder, and Sarah Pascal organize a quilt club. The ladies have some paranormal skills as well, which will come in handy very soon. Jennifer’s Great-Aunt Sadie is apparently murdered and the police are at a dead end. It’s time for the ladies to step up and use their abilities to find the killer. But how do they pass on the information to the police without disclosing things they don’t wish to make public?

I really enjoyed this different approach to the mystery. It was clever and fun to watch the ladies do their thing and get results! This will be a fun series to follow and I eagerly look forward to the next one!

The characters are going to win the reader over immediately! Eva Perkins, Annalise Jordan, Jennifer Ryder, and Sarah Pascal organize a quilt club. The ladies have some paranormal skills as well, which will come in handy very soon. Jennifer’s Great-Aunt Sadie is apparently murdered and the police are at a dead end. It’s time for the ladies to step up and use their abilities to find the killer. But how do they pass on the information to the police without disclosing things they don’t wish to make public?

I really enjoyed this different approach to the mystery. It was clever and fun to watch the ladies do their thing and get results! This will be a fun series to follow and I eagerly look forward to the next one!reviewed Tracy130

While this book has some interesting plot elements, I found it poorly written.

One of my main problems was that there are quite a few characters, and whenever one of them puts part of the investigation into action, the reader can look forward to:
1. an explanation of the plan
2. the plan actually happening
3. a recap of the what happened with the boyfriend
4. a recap of what happened to the other investigators
5. and sometimes a recap to the cat.

The author also spends more time describing quilting techniques, landscaping, and home décor much more than, say, the crime. It's as if she felt she was low on pages and needed to beef things up. The plot is lacking in even the mildest of peril, with not one of the detectives even attempting to gather direct evidence against a suspect. This book is so cozy that you just might want to hibernate in it. No more in this series for me. mystery Angel McCoyAuthor 60 books88

I'm middle-aged, and so I connected so much with the characters in this book. They have realistic relationships and conversations. They're funny and sweet. If you enjoy a good cozy mystery with a paranormal twist, then you'll love this. DeFilippo puts a lot of heart into her books. Her heroines are a middle-aged group of quilters with psychic powers. They're friends, and they use their minds and magic to support their quirky, adorable community. I loved it!1 Shelly Joyce 480 4

Follow the Crumbs is the first installment of A Cozy Quilts Club Mystery series written by Marsha DeFilippo. This is a cozy mystery series I will keep up with. It has a great plot, a good puzzling mystery that has us eagerly flipping pages to find out what happens next. I am looking forward to seeing what the Cozy Quilts Club gets up to next!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Martine312

The Cozy Quilts Club: four women each with different psychic abilities. A murder. Start sleuthing. Will they be able to find the murderer and get a confession?
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.1 Melanie Lafortune134 4

I felt this was a really charming cozy mystery with a paranormal twist. I d how all of the main characters worked together with their paranormal abilities to solve the mystery. The characters were all well written.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. cdbest126 3

I really enjoyed this feel-good cozy PnR mystery. Every page was just entertaining abd left me with a goid feeling! I loved all the quilting and sewing details and the PNR aspects of this cozy mystery. The way the mystery solution came togetherwas unique and thoroughly entertaining!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Jacqueline Johnston Cotton1,374 25

This first in a new series is a page turner and a many layered cozy mystery. It's a delightful book full of twists, turns, hobbies, and endearing, quirky characters. Wonderfully written and I enjoyed is from beginning to end.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Emily Reads572 4

This was a charming cozy mystery with a paranormal twist. It was rather short but I felt the mystery and the characters were well-written. The talking cat and dog were funny and added to the quirkiness of the story.

Overall, this was a fun time and I'll read the next in the series.cozy-mysteries scribd-everand Bonnie Theel820 2

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