
Mad Dog House de Mark Rubinstein

de Mark Rubinstein - Género: English
libro gratis Mad Dog House


Roddy Dolan, a successful suburban surgeon, long ago left behind his past--one that nearly landed him in jail at 17. When he's approached by an old friend about becoming a silent partner in a Manhattan steakhouse, he's understandably wary. So he consults with his lifelong blood brother, Danny Burns. Danny's convinced this "vanity project" is the perfect trophy to illustrate how far they've travelled. Certain he's buried his checkered past, Roddy joins in this venture with serious reservations. Danny is quickly sucked into the high-energy glitz of the restaurant, but Roddy is suspicious. Amidst the glitter of New York's nightlife, amongst Mafia honchos and Russian thugs, events spin out of control and the lives Roddy and Danny knew are over. Hidden shady dealings drag them and their families into life-threatening terrain. Struggling with a monster he thought he'd buried, Roddy must make momentous choices, and none are good. But he has a daring plan . . . This crime drama thriller is filled with mystery, New York city nightlife, and suspense. "Rubinstein, a master at his game, introduces us to a world of glitz, glam, sex, and intrigue. Slip into a chilled martini and settle in for a literary ride you won't soon forget." --Judith Marks-White, author of Seducing Harry and Bachelor Degree "It was fantastic, riveting, suspenseful, twisting, loving, horrific." --Martin West, film and television actor and filmmaker "The characters in Mad Dog House are compellingly real. It was a great read!" --Ann Chernow, artist and writer "A gripping, harrowing, and provocative psychological thriller, featuring a plot packed with action and intrigue, staggering and brutal twists, and deeply disturbing possibilities . . . the author . . . has a gift for delivering gut-punching surprises while raising unsettling questions about the basic nature of human nature and the inescapable hold of the past. The ending is a real shocker!" --Mysia Hiaght, www.pressreleasepundit.com

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Well, of course I love this book--I wrote it!crime-fiction favorite-books15 s Mitsy409 19

Won this! Thank God I did! This story has heart.

Mad Dog House is a true man's man thriller. Roddy and Danny have been best friends since childhood. They've each grown into mature, responsible, successful and happy men. They've been through a lot and have always remained close. So when it comes to making heavy decisions not only do they consult their wives, they discuss it with each other. Sound familiar? Do you have a best friend? Maybe your husband, boyfriend, or brother has this best friend? Just wait.

When an old childhood pal comes asking for help, they discuss it and agree it's a good plan. So, they become silent owners of a restaurant business. Harmless, right? Not so fast. What happens next is absolutely nuts. No movie screenwriter could imagine something this. The ending is chilling.

The writing is superb. The author draws you in and makes you involved with Roddy and Danny right away. There are so many surprises I had to stop and think "What did I just read?!" Incredible. I rarely saw any of it coming. I love it. A true thriller in every way.

This is more about just a born author, an excellent thriller or, even, two best friends. This is about love and what men will do to keep their happy lives.

Keep all the unread mysteries and thrillers on the TBR shelf, and start reading Mad Dog House.2013-favorites thriller5 s Philip Kaufman1 review

In Mad Dog House, Mark Rubinstein has created an intriguing dark journey filled with suspense. From the beginning and throughout the entire book we are riveted by an intense foreboding, as Roddy Dolan, a successful surgeon, is visited by a seemingly stranger during the last appointment slot of his work schedule. As the conversation evolves we find out this stranger is not unknown to Roddy, but is an acquaintance from his past. This in itself creates a level of subliminal caution and tension for the reader. Dolan is presented an opportunity to invest in a business which is generally a high risk investment, which after some convincing and consultation with his account and family he accepts. The author skillfully keeps us wondering why this surgeon with all the trappings of success, including a wonderful family, a house in Westchester County, and the requisite luxury SUV, would even consider such an investment, given the shady approach by his past acquaintance. Do we not move on beyond youthful friendships? Herein lies the major theme of Rubinstein, in that the past is prologue, which will intrigue us throughout this intense thriller. Perhaps even causing us, the readers, to analyze the roots of our decision mechanisms. In the case of Roddy Dolan this process will endanger virtually everything and everyone he holds dear. Ultimately it is the character of Roddy Dolan we are exploring and will continue to contemplate after putting the book down...probably after completing it in one reading. I cannot recommend this dark thriller more strongly. I look forward to more from this author with great anticipation.
Mad Dog House3 s Niki Ketchman1 reviewWant to read

This review is from: Mad Dog House (Paperback)
While reading Mad Dog House the reader experiences the anxiety and anticipation of the slow up hill climb of a roller coaster only to be thrust into the adrenalin rush with the events that follow. Although the reader may feel a sense of dread at what might come next he cannot leave the ride because he becomes too emotionally involved with the main characters, Roddy and Danny. Part of the mystery of the book is to find out if Roddy and Danny can escape their rough and tough beginnings or whether they were irreversibly formed in their early years. Underlying the plot are questions about what defines success, morality, friendship and family. Aside from the vividly drawn characters and the heart-throbbing pace of the plot this book is rich in detail about locations in New York City, Westchester and the Berkshires, making them come alive for those who may never have been there. All of this makes Mad Dog House a must-read book 3 s John DolanAuthor 16 books252

'Mad Dog House' is a humdinger of a book.

Roddy Dolan, successful surgeon and contented family man, appears to have left his violent criminal past behind him, until fate intervenes.

Mark Rubinstein has penned a compelling tale of those deeds that cast long shadows. The writing is spare and taut, the characters believable, and the author marshalls his narrative skillfully. The psychology of fear and dread is masterfully handled as the story speeds towards a horrific, visceral climax.

I look forward to reading more from Mr. Rubinstein. 'Love Gone Mad' is already on my Kindle.3 s Dlmrose1,364 82

2.52 s G.P. HutchinsonAuthor 36 books50

Mad Dog House raises penetrating questions regarding whether people can truly change in their fundamental essence. So in addition to serving up a very entertaining story, the novel has to be counted as good literary fiction for the way it causes the reader to ponder deeper questions common to us all.

The premise of Mad Dog House is very plausible and compelling. The set-up is great. The reader knows the hammer is going to fall, but when and how is beautifully managed by the author. And the resolution of the crisis is handled in a skillful and gripping manner.

Fantastic development of the book's protagonist from cover to cover. Really, all of the principle characters are handled exceptionally well--very believable. The reader will absolutely love the good guys and will find several of the bad guys repugnant.

The author's personal background as a psychiatrist and 82nd Airborne veteran serves him extremely well in the cultivation of the protagonist.

My one reason for giving the novel only four stars instead of five has to do with the vulgarity of the language and the inclusion of one extremely unnecessary anecdote early in the book. Granted, the language used may reflect precisely the manner of speech of people who live where the book's characters come from, but I believe there are ways to get around that issue. In my humble opinion, the more people are exposed to excessive vulgarity, the more commonplace its use becomes.2 s Terry Willis1 review1 follower

It was great fun to read this book. Mark Rubinstein does a terrific job of peaking your interest from the first page...and keeping it until the last. Part of the reason that you will find yourself unable to turn the pages fast enough is the authors ability to hook you into the characters. He does this less through description and analysis and more through the in-your-face, rapid fire dialog that jumps from every page. There is also a vividly sketched sense of place that comes through. Think Pete Hamill's gritty, urban New York or Dennis Lehane or Andre DuBois's hard scrabble Boston. As a child of Burroughs,New York I found myself remembering accents, smells and attitudes I had not thought about in years. And if you did not grow up in New York City you will surely have a sense of what that was .

Yes, this book lives up to its' billing as a suspense-thriller but it also offers the thoughtful reader an opportunity to ponder the meaning of friendship, loyalty and character. So, ladies, don't dismiss this book as a testosterone charged, buddy book. I promise you that it has more to recommend it.

Terry Williams 2 s Matt752 566

The story has a good pace and the characters are well described. This is no wonder, considering the background of the author as professor of psychiatry at Cornell University. Most of the scenes are vivid, the dialogs fit. If you are not be put off by the sometimes slightly rude language of the protagonists,
this is certainly a solid thriller, even if no major surprises occur. The end is somewhat left open, so a second part would be possible, which would be welcome by me.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareA 3.0 Unported License.media-ebooks2 s Sue Bridehead (A Pseudonym)613 62

On the surface, Mad Dog House is a debut thriller about a suburban doctor who gets in over his head on a business venture and must fight to protect his wife and children from intimidation and danger.

In reality, though, the best and most nuanced parts of this novel happen in the last third, when it takes a close look at what taking action against a bully can do to the victim emotionally and internally. Rubinstein's deft handling of the tortures a person will put himself through has echoes of Hamlet, and the gritty urban setting and close look at childhood friendships we outgrow as we age may remind some readers of Mystic River.

*Note: The author is a consulting client.*novels thrillers2 s Penney Clarke1 review

WOW!....what a powerful first novel! A truly thought-provoking must read!

If I could award Mad Dog House SIX stars I would! This fast-paced tale is enhanced by taut, crisp dialogue and is an utterly compelling read. The intensity and gritty reality of this psychological thriller are such that I felt personally involved in the dire circumstances facing Roddy and Danny and their families. There was no way to stop reading until the mind-blowing climax and now the plight of these very real characters inhabits my thoughts.

I eagerly await the sequel and, hopefully, many more stories from this gifted author.
2 s Joyce Fama1 review

Joyce Fama -

In "Mad Dog House" Mark Rubinstein reaches out, grabs you and doesn't let go until you've read the last page. You are a witness to a fulfilled life that with one decision becomes a decent into a gritty world of greed, drugs and fear.

This is a book with skillfully developed characters who not only demand and get your attention but also create a strong visceral response. You'll find yourself so committed to this intense and fascinating story that I advise before starting this novel put aside a good amount of time because you'll find it very difficult to put down. 2 s Mysia27 2

A gripping psychological thriller that raises unsettling questions about whether it's really possible to change your basic nature--or escape the demons of your past. The ending was a shocker! mystery2 s Wendy1,745 608

Exciting From Beginning To End!
Mark Rubinstein does it again!
I can hardly wait to read the next book in the series.nov-142 s FranAuthor 47 books133

Mad Dog House: Mark Rubenstein

Life has a way of taking on many different turns and throwing you past into your present. When three men decide to go into business they find out the true meaning of friendship, deceit, loyalty and deception when one guy named Mad Dog, and one named Danny plus Snake Eyes ( Kenny) venture into the restaurant business and steak is not the only thing ordered up. Roddy Dolan was a tough street kid nicknamed “Mad Dog.” His temper, fists and tough attitude precede him wherever he went. Gangs, wars, criminal record and then joining the army, Roddy is now a well renowned surgeon. So, why would he risk it all to go into business with an old friend whose past was a shady as his? Why would he invest money in a restaurant along with his best friend, Danny, and think his friend’s proposition to become a partner in McLaughlin’s would be profitable? Living a new lifestyle and recalling what he went through with an alcoholic mother, escaping the streets, this venture is going to cost him more than must money.

Listening to his best friend and accountant, Danny Burns relate the figures, the projections and seeming to have a handle on the situation the two men along with the consent of their wives dive in feet first you might say. At first everything seems to be great. The clientele is elite, the food is great and the bar seems to overflowing with customers. The books are straight, the numbers are rising and they seem to be making money. But, Danny is smart and he sees a change or decline in the numbers one month and speaks to Kenny who claims he has it under control. Investing a huge sum, he claims that was his own money, Danny does not dwell on it until it keeps happening. When confronted and dealing with the real investor they learn that the original money was loan from an unscrupulous man whose interest rates will break more than the bank of the restaurant and cause them to delve into their own personal funds too. So, why doesn’t Danny want to get out? Why can’t they both just walk away?

But, there is much more as they argue with Kenny, learn more about his dealings and some of the others in their old crowd. But, when the end result is going to destroy their families and the threats on their lives are made what will they do? Then, another opportunity arises to go into a real estate project, Danny seems distracted, Angela his wife is concerned but what happens next will definitely change it all. Who tried to take out Angela? Who wanted to run her off the road?

Hang-ups, threats, and intentional accidents what is next and what are they going to do about Kenny? Mafia, Russian gangsters, and their old friend have them imbedded in what could be cement boots very soon. Author Mark Rubenstein brings to light what happens when our past becomes our present and when we begin to define ourselves as not that we are now but what we once were. Consequences are what we face when we make wrong decisions and Roddy’s son Thomas seems to be following in his wrong footsteps.

Life is supposed to have sunny halo over our heads but it seems Roddy’s has a cloud that totally blocks out the sun and he often senses that something is going to happen and things go awry just from allowing his old friend to come in for what was supposed to be a consultation for medical reasons and turns out to be more than a nightmare.

When Roddy’s daughter encounters the man behind the loan, his pressure rises, her fears ignite the old Mad Dog and what he does next will definitely affect everyone. When this man decides to go after his family it’s something more personal than the money owed. Thinking back to his days in the army he remembers his sergeant and realizes what he has to do next. Never wait for the enemy formulate a plan and execute it. That’s what he does!

Making the call he needs and sets up a meeting with the loaner, then going to the hospital and finding what needs, hardware store and more you jus won’t believe what he decides to do to let this man know that he’s not dealing with Dr. Dolan but his alter ego. Just how far will you go to protect your friends and family? Just what does this outstanding surgeon come up and hopefully walk away? Added in are family places that anyone living in Westchester will know including familiar highways and great hospitals that he includes. What he decides to do to the loaner is priceless and will he get away with it? When the truth behind the deal comes to light and their plan is executed just who remains standing, just who wins or is this one case where your past definitely dictates your present and the end result is you have to read it for yourself. Roddy Dolan risks it all and puts everything on the line when Kenny defaults on more than just the loan, finally tells the truth, knows he’s strung out and their options bring them back to the days of Mad Dog. An ending that will send chills down your spine and one man whose life will never be the same. Two men who decided to take things into their own hands and one man who just might pay more than the ultimate price in a way you won’t expect. Author Mark Rubenstein asks the question many times: How far will you go to protect your family and will you past become your present in a way you might never expect. Mad Dog House: Wait until you see who owns the name next.

There are times in our lives when we realize that money would make things easier and having a lot of it would help give us the extras most people never can afford. Some decisions warrant more careful scrutiny and others careful planning. Before going into this business venture neither man bothered to do a thorough background check of the man who claimed to be forking over 300 thousand dollars in cash to open a new business. In reality the money came from the mob in more places than one. When push came to more than shove and the lives of their families were threatened one man devises a plan that will haunt him for the rest of his life and possibly ruin a lifelong friendship. When you meet Roddy/Mad Dog at the start of the novel you learn more about his violent side, his temper and what caused him to go to jail. With the help of a judge he was able to overcome his plight and wound up as a skilled surgeon. But, life has a way of coming back at you and incidents from your past can very well become part of your present. When you read the ending you have to decide whether justice was done or if there is more to come!

One great novel written by a practicing psychiatrist who I hope brings back Danny and Roddy for the final chapter.
Fran Lewis: reviewer
1 Jim1,106 16

I was completely floored reading "Mad Dog House", from author Mark Rubenstein. It's raw and intense suspense draws you in for a wild ride that you better have a seat belt on for. Dark at times, scary in others.It challenges faith, family and how to deal with pure evil. It's the old neighborhood, three friends who grow up in Brooklyn are linked together for life due to some horrific circumstances. Dr. Roddy "Mad Dog" Dolan, Danny Burns, and Kenny "Snake Eyes" McGuirk as kids 28 years earlier plot the robbery of an appliance store. The caper is busted and never comes off leaving Roddy to pay some stiff consequences. As the decades slide by both Danny and Roddy put their lives together and become very successful. Danny is a financial whiz, and a top notch CPA. Roddy has become Dr. Dolan a very respected surgeon. Meanwhile it takes Kenny 28 years to resurface into Danny and Roddy's lives. Kenny needs partners to help back an investment he's working on. The McLaughlin Chophouse, a very fancy and highly successful restaurant in Manhattan is up for sale by owner who is retiring. Kenny wants Danny and Roddy to each put up $100K towards purchase price of $500K. Kenny will be putting up $300K and have controlling interest. Kenny has learned by working in Las Vegas how the restaurant game is run. He's a born natural. So the boys put up the cash and Kenny has his restaurant. The first several months the place is booming. Profits are incredible. The joint is packed seven nights a week and is doing boffo business. However, several months in Danny, starts to analyze the books. What he sees is a horror story starting to emerge. Cash flow for the restaurant is drying up quickly, but why ? When Kenny is confronted, nothing but sad excuses, and ridiculous reasons for cash flow loss is all he can come up with. Several days later it's when John Grange and Associates show up for a meeting with the three owners the wheels come falling off. An incredibly lightning , fast paced, high octane story is now become an impossible book to put down. The story line has grabbed it's hold, and not going let up. Some exceptionally well crafted and scary characters really make this read stand out. With several story arc's running through the plot it's a thoroughly suspense packed enjoyable read to be sure. The riveting characters at times had the hair on the back of my head stand on end. Both good guys and bad. I read this 380 pages book in just two sittings. I refused to move until I finished last page. This is first book I've read from author Mark Rubenstein. Mr. Rubenstein knows how to write an incredible thriller. I can't wait to jump into his next "Mad Dog" book. I'd highly recommend "Mad Dog House" for any fan of mystery thrillers. This one is pure gold. Five stars out of a possible five stars without question. This is a must read. Seat belt is required with the twists and turns author Rubenstein weaves throughout a dark and soul testing story. Do not miss !20151 Luccia GrayAuthor 11 books108

Mad Dog House is a compelling read. It’s a disturbing urban thriller which needs to be read in one sitting.
The three main characters, Roddy, Danny, and Kenny, are superbly portrayed. The author takes us right into their diverse and tormented minds, as we observe their distinct lives and backgrounds. The respectable surgeon, with a traumatic childhood and the ambitious accountant, both with seemingly ideal lives, meet the devious gambler, who had been their childhood friend. The disturbing climax arrives when they find themselves in extreme circumstances, which will push them to the limits of right and wrong, and the reader has no choice but to understand dilemma and even sympathise with their actions. We are as challenged as Mad Dog to confront the forces of good and evil and decide how far we are prepared to go to defend and protect our families, and our lifestyle. A hard choice.
There is a balanced amount of well-written description, dialogue, interior monologue, and action, throughout. The dialogue is sharp and realistic, and the stream-of-consciousness narration of their thoughts allows us to peek inside their minds and care about their plight.
Not only can we feel for the characters, we can also see what is happening to them, as the plot moves along with suspenseful twists and turns from the first page to the last. Some of the visual images portrayed are violent and disturbing, because we may not be as uneasy with the illicit deeds as law abiding citizens should be. What would we have done?
The reader is also challenged with other controversial themes, such as the limits of friendship, the complexity of family relations, genetic determinism, the value of honesty, and the justification of deceit, are also brought up.
The narrative is original and the plot is creatively developed by an author who knows his facts and his craft.
1 KarenAuthor 19 books123

In his youth Roddy Dolan was a badass. At seventeen he was given the choice of jail time or a tour of duty with the military. The military was the right choice as Roddy outgrew his old ways and eventually became a doctor. Now he is a happily married man with two kids and a nice house in the burbs. His best buddy Danny is an accountant. Things are going well until Kenny “Snake Eyes” McGirk aka Egan re-enters their lives. He wants to get into the restaurant business and has the perfect venture in mind. The numbers look great and the men invest. Six months into the venture things go south and it looks a loan shark is squeezing them for money Kenny borrowed. Pay up or else! Roddy decides on an alternative course of action and the ride gets bumpy.
The writer has an aggressively gritty no holds barred style of storytelling. It’s not for sissies! I enjoyed the tough guy grittiness used in the novel and the author doesn’t hold anything back with the characters or the story. Roddy and Dan are on a course to protect what is theirs and stay one step ahead of the bad guys The book is definitely a mile a minute ride and the reader will not be able to put the book down. I know I had trouble.
I give this novel 5 stars for in your face story telling. Kudos to Mr. Rubinstein.
1 Brandy467 25

*I received my copy of this book via Goodreads giveaways - Thank you!*

I had a really difficult time getting into this book. I had a couple of false starts before I finally ripped through it, so it definitely falls into the "have to be in the mood" category for me, which is of absolutely no help to anyone else, I know.
Though the characters are interesting, I think that the author may have tried a little *too* hard to develop them. Long passages in the main characters mind about how this or that relates to some experience as a street kid or a Ranger or a surgeon... it got a bit tiresome and clunky.
The overall plot of the story was very interesting, however, especially in the second half of the book. As someone else on here said, I think, the real interesting thing here that deserved a little bit more focus is how victims can turn the tables on their abusers.
Overall, an interesting, fast read that I am pretty middle of the road about.

*I received my copy of this book via Goodreads giveaways - Thank you!*2013 books-i-own first-reads-giveaways1 Cindy234 2

Well, that was entertaining. Not something usually associated with a suspense murder mystery, but still, there it is. The story starts with Mad Dog Dolan as a boy with a slow but devastating temper who deals with a horrible home life, gets caught in a felony, and is given a choice between jail and the Army. Being a smart boy, he chooses the Army. We later discover that Mad Dog becomes Roddy, a successful surgeon with obligatory wife and two kids. He’s put his ugly childhood behind him, except for friendship with Danny, who’s become a successful CPA and financial planner. Of course, childhood comes back to bite him in the form of one Kenny Snake Eyes McGuirk, who was also in on the felony, just didn’t get caught. The three start a business venture and it all goes wrong. How Mad Dog Roddy and Danny deal with it becomes one of those page turners and you just can’t wait to see how it all comes out. I said, just fun. Received free copy for review.1 Laurel121

A frightening, scary, exhilarating, page-turning, gut-churning, I know what is going to happen but I can't stop reading this, must-read book! Lots of violence, swearing, juvenile delinquency, repentance, payback and desperate measures taken in desperate times. Asks the questions: Can you overcome your past? At what cost, is friendship to be maintained or forsaken? Can true love conquer all?

This book really took over my mind, in that I spent the better part of a day reading it, put it away around 11:30 p.m., kept thinking about it while trying to drift off to sleep and finally got up to finish it at 3am. I spent a lot of today thinking about what I was going to say about it. This novel is especially hard to talk about without divulging too much information. You must make the trek with Roddy, Dan, and Kenny. Persevere through the first couple of chapters, and you too will be up late to finish this one. big-challenge books-i-own civil-war ...more1 Bill Cunningham22

This was a well written book that grabbed my interest from the beginning and kept it until the end. Great character development, plenty of twists, and very believable circumstances the main character finds himself caught up in. Our past in never truly our past and can surface at any time. It is part of who we are. This story reminds us of that. My only negative on this story was the dialogue at times between the main character and his wife. It just seemed a bit off to me (for lack of a better word) but that could be more me than anything else. The other dialogue that takes place between characters is well written and fitting for the circumstances Roddy finds himself in. I definitely hit a point in this book where I could not put it down and was not disappointed in where the author took me.

I would highly recommend this book to others and am looking forward to Mr. Rubinstein’s follow up to this story!
1 Aaron SaylorAuthor 10 books184

This novel is a wonderful look at childhood loyalties come back to haunt, set in a vividly detailed world of street-level Bronx grit which reminded me more than once of the movie Goodfellas. The action never slows, while the dialogue zips and pops. I don't want to give away too much of the plot other than what is already mentioned in the book summary - but suffice it to say, these well-drawn characters earn their resolutions.

I also found the author's personal history interesting; according to his bio, Mr. Rubinstein is also a psychiatrist who has authored several books related to that profession. Such clinical expertise shines through in Mad Dog House, and fleshes out the story with details that might not work in less capable hands. A great book, highly recommended without any reservation. I look forward to more work from this writer! 1 Dan738 5

Roddy Dolan and his best friend Danny Burns are asked to become silent partners in a restaurant that with a friend from the old neighborhood, Kenny McGuirk; someone he hasn’t seen in over thirty years. Suspicious at first, but Roddy decides to invest because Danny is excited about it; then after six months things begin to go sour and Roddy has to become the person he once was when he lived in Brooklyn and get them out of danger.

The story grabs you from the beginning pages and lures you into a story of a Brooklyn kid makes good, becomes a doctor and now has to deal with the past and gangsters to get his life back on track. Roddy McDowall is an exciting character. I found the others amusing; the dialogue snappy and the action all consuming. Another one of those books that you don’t want to put down.1 Sam432 9

28 years ago Roddy "Mad Dog" Dolan almost landed in prison for a felony. Instead he went into the Army, then medical school and became a successful suburban surgeon. His best friend Danny Burns becomes a successful CPA and Financial planner. When someone from their past shows up with a business deal Roddy is leary and with good reason.

This book pulls you in from the very beginning and by the time you get to the end you are exhausted. The roller coaster of emotions that it brings and the last few chapters had me on the edge of my seat. If you are looking for a really good, can't put it down till you're done thriller, then this is the book for you.

I won this book from LibraryThing and I highly recommend it.1 CathiAuthor 16 books118

Can anyone escape their past, or will it haunt them forever? That is the central theme of this taut, well-crafted thriller. Roddy Dolan and Danny Burns, old friends from their rough and tumble school days in Brooklyn have gone on to become successful-- Roddy a surgeon and Danny an account. When another old pal, Kenny Egan, shows up with a deal to open a restaurant that's almost too good to be true, the men jump at the chance. But, as we know if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Things go south pretty fast, and Mark Rubinstein does a good job of getting us to the gritty conclusion where we learn to what lengths Roddy and Danny will go to protect themselves and their families and the consequences that entails.1 James MinterAuthor 23 books181

This is a story of two friends who were once local toughs but now are respectable: a surgeon and an accountant. Approached by someone from their past they join him as silent partners in a restaurant business. Seduced by the glamour, and reassured the figures, the lifelong pals decide to take a calculated risk. It does well until the mafia shows up and the true nature of their partner is revealed. The extreme measures taken by the two friends to extricate themselves and save their families from a bad situation make compelling reading. What I find interesting is the difference between English (UK) storytelling and what is sought in the USA.1 Dan Leblanc88 1 follower

This was a very enjoyable fast paced action packed drama involving childhood friends that meet 28 years later and enter into a business partnership. The plot thickens when the major investor uses deception and betrayal to hide business information from his other two partners forcing them into executing a desperate plan of revenge to eliminate the threat of failure. Now the mind runs rapid with flashbacks of the past, the cover-up of miniscule pieces of evidence, will the alibi hold up when the investigation turns into high gear? I pretty much read this novel in one day, had a hard time putting it down, I can't wait till you write your next novel.1 Julia Foster83 2

I feel a bit queasy

First off, I d this book and will read the next in the series. The characters are well written and likable. I feel queasy because this is a situation that could befall just about anyone. I just read the synopsis to the second book and I will probably not read it right away. I might need a fluff book to calm myself down before getting wrapped up in Roddy's life again. This was a quick read and, again, pretty suspenseful. Usually I read books involving the supernatural and, even tho they are thrillers, this book is much more so because it was so realistic. Scary!1 Ross Cumming660 20

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