
Alliance de Mark Frost

de Mark Frost - Género: English
libro gratis Alliance


Readers of I Am Number Four, The Maze Runner, and Legend will love this sophisticated adventure series by the cocreator of the groundbreaking television show Twin Peaks, with its unique combination of mystery, heart-pounding action, and the supernatural.

After exposing the sinister underground society of students known as the Knights of Charlemagne, Will West stays at the Center over the summer to explore his newly developing physical and mental abilities. Meanwhile, his roommates investigate the Knights' shadowy purpose and discover unsettling information about their own backgrounds. Will and his friends must quickly figure out what's going on and separate friend from foe as they prepare for the coming fight.

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What a disappointment. The 1st book was incredible... I can hardly believe the 2nd was written by the same author. All of the brazenness and incredible character development that defined the 1st was sincerely absent from this book. Literally 3/4 of it was on this vapid underground adventure which should have been 20 pages Max- I could not believe that I was bored. Only at the very end was there a hint of the jewel that I expected, just in time to end What a buzz killscififant24 s Grace A.440 39

In the previous book in the series, Will and his roommates defeated the Knights of Charlemagne. Six months after that major ordeal, many questions still hang in the air about the Knights and their ties to the monsters of the Never-Was, the evil ancient race that existed before humans, banished from this world.
Will and his friends set out to learn more about what they’re dealing with using their super power/abilities, super speed, telepathy, sonic power, and excellent vision and memory respectively.
It was as action packed as the first book, but I felt the flash back to the previous book in the early chapters was a bit too long. The whodunnit element regarding who the mole was in the group was too predictable, and the romance plot underdeveloped.
Overall it was an okay read for me; I’m still going to check out the conclusion in the last book in the series to see how the loose ends all comes together.
3 stars!22 s Athena Shardbearer355 212

Buddy Read with Boo-Thang!

4.5 Stars.

I really enjoyed this one. It wasn't as fast paced as the last, but there was a lot of things uncovered. There were a lot of questions answered, but a lot unanswered. I have to say that this trilogy, so far, is one of the best YA I have read in a while. Its about friendship, relying on one another, and being yourself. These group of friends are discovering who they are, what they can do and work together to fight the bad guys.

Now, it's SOOOO over the top at time I was rolling my eyes, but I actually that part of this series. I mean some of the things they talk about, you know no ordinary teenager would even think of...but this group isn't ordinary. And the ultimate betrayal hurts...ugh..I'm still mad. There is a love triangle, its last about four pages and Will does pine over these two girls but it's not the center of the story.

THAT CLIFFHANGER!!! I was not expecting that AT ALL!!! And I'm dangling here...waiting for the next book..not knowing when that is.


I recommended these books to my cousins daughter. She's an extreme book nerd and I know she will enjoy these books. I can't wait for book 3. buddy-read fantasy its-all-shandras-fault ...more5 s Lady Poppy284 47

I'm kind of relieved that this one is so much shorter than the first. Maybe it will be less fluffy and more edited? :D

So excited.


3 stars (which is really bad on my rating scale)

The entire book was fluff, basically, most of it being one adventure that really could have been shortened into 30 pages.

The book was fairly adventurous, but I found myself completely bored during it- I couldn't wait for it to be over. I really couldn't.

I didn't how Will lead on both Elise and Brooke the entire book. For God's sake, he kissed both of them, and refused to pick one. That pissed me off so much.

Anyway. If you loved the first one at least 90%, then go ahead and read this one to see how the story progresses and the things that are uncovered. If you thought the first was okay, or you didn't it, don't even bother with this one. I can't even fathom how this one was written by the same author as the first. It was quite the disappointment.fantasy-friends mystery young-adult5 s Nola79 3

I d this book, but not as much as the first one. I d all the plot twists and how you never really knew what was coming. Some parts were really creepy, and it had a really big cliffhanger, which made me look forward to the next book.2018-20195 s Chester15

This book is the second one in the Paladin Prophecy series and it's equally awesome. Will and the gang set out again to try and figure out the Paladin Prophecy more in depth and they figure out some things that weren't supposed to be uncovered.
I think this book was super awesome but it's long the first one if you only short reads. I recommend it to all YA readers it's amazing4 s Gwen NewellAuthor 1 book148

Meh. A writer can be forgiven many things, but not caring about their work is past putting up with. Mark Frost can spin a complex, imaginative tale, but Alliance feels he penned it in one sitting with the simple goal of getting it done, and never went back over it. Either his writing has decayed since the first book or I've grown more aware of how often he insists instead of shows. And I (nearly) quote: "A super scary monster with really terrifying eyes radiating malevolence traveled towards them at a high rate of speed, clearly intent on killing them." Over and over and over. I crossed out almost as much as I underlined. fiction3 s Veronique175 16

Deel 1 vond ik echt goed en heb ik graag gelezen, maar dit deel vond ik slecht. Veel saaie en overbodige stukken. Het kon mijn aandacht niet vast houden.

Ik heb het wel uitgelezen, omdat ik wilde weten of er nog wat verrassends kwam, maar helaas. Deel 3 zal ik dan ook niet gaan lezen. Het trekt me gewoon niet 2 s gabi1,007 27

This one fell short of the first book. But that ending?! What? No! I need the next one now!!!

Will West has lost much. So so much. He tries to bury his feelings, but he pushes people away, is silent, and alone. He struggles to understand his mental and physical abilities. But now he must get things together and Awaken. Spending their summer at the Center, an exclusive prep school, Will, Ajay, Nick, Elise, and Brooke explore the area to learn more about the Knights of Charlemagne. The plans and secrets they uncover may lead to the end of the world as we know it.

The characters is probably one of the only things that was pretty good in this book. Will’s abilities expand and grow as he learns to control and understand it. But his love life confused and frustrated me. He had started to have a relationship with Brooke in the last one. But all of the sudden he is also in love with Elise too. What is going on? Also right it the beginning it was mentioned the Brooke had ignored Will for six months. Then she kisses him and all is better. I don’t get that. Ajay was still great as always, but at sometimes it seemed he was a bit too scared and over dramatic about it. Nick was his funny, kind of dumb, self. Without him, the Alliance would get very gloomy. His loyalty to his friends is something you wouldn’t expect from the way he acts. Elise is probably my second favorite character after will. Her abilities are so out of this world! She is strong and fearless and…somehow deeply in love with Will now. Brooke felt a bit flat at the beginning, but towards the end she felt more herself.

The pacing off balanced me. The first chapter starts four months later after the last book. Then the next chapter skips three months. There it started to smooth out. It went on well from there, but I didn’t care for the plot. For about two-thirds of it, it felt some sort of quest. It was interesting, but I didn’t see the need for how long it went on. It also didn’t feel it fit right with this kind of story. But the whole book was still very exciting. And that last third was much more interesting. So many mysteries were revealed. Something shocking happened that I had never even thought of. Then the ending! Woah. That was a great cliffhanger.

There was some language. A few words here and there. Some characters were spying on something and this woman shows up naked. One of the characters makes a comment that he wasn’t looking at her face.

It wasn’t the best of books storywise. But I will continue on with the last book and hope that it improves a bit. If you an action filled book with superpowers and humor, go read it. It is still turning out to be a pretty good series.

You can check out this review on my blog too, at: https://aheartredeemed.wordpress.com/... Thanks!2 s Kat HeckenbachAuthor 31 books231

I gave the first book in this series five stars. It had everything--cool plot, great characters, lots of action, vivid descriptions.

This one...

I still really d Will, and the voice remained the same for him. But the other characters? It was the author forgot who they were, Ajay lost all his personality and became a complete nerd rather than the personable technogeek he was in the first book. Nick became a caricature of stupidity (but I admit I still d him a lot). Elise was fairly strong still, but the relationship between her and Will came out of nowhere rather than building even remotely naturally. And Brooke pretty much just became a non-person. Man, I hated her from page one of this book.

And speaking of Brooke, the whole beginning with her was completely contrived. The author just summed up the situation rather than showing any real interaction that could make the reader care about what happened between her and Will. It did not work for me at all.

That said, the whole underground city thing was very cool. And I'm really, really glad we at least got some glimpses of Dave in this one, because I adored him in the first book.

I will read the next installment, if for no other reason than to see more of Dave and find out the answers to some questions. But I have to say, if this turns out to be longer than a trilogy, I'm going to be very irritated unless the author steps it back up *at least* to the kind of writing that was in the first book.

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2 s Shandra259 84

Buddy read with my most favorite Greek chick starting July 21st.

Initial thoughts (see below for review):
Dammit Mark Frost!!!! Damn you and that cliffy you left me on!!!! I did enjoy this book. A couple of issues for me. Review to come.


Actual rating: 3.5 stars. No spoilers ahead.

*sigh* I really, really enjoyed the first book in this series. The characters are all so fun to me. In fact, the entire story is just pure fun. It's a cute story too. I really loved watching these characters grow into their knowledge of themselves and their abilities. We were left on a serious cliff at the end, which I despise!!! What else do I despise, love triangles!!!!!! Gaaaaah!!!! I saw this one developing sorta early in the book, and it literally made me cringe. What I can say in a positive note is that it didn't become a major plot point, or the main focus of the story. So at least that was a minor salvation.

I did have a couple of other issues with the book. Issues that would spoil you. Do I plan to continue the series? Hell yes I do!!! I have no idea when the next book is coming out, so that bothers me a bit. I do enjoy this series. It's a light and fun read!!buddy-read2 s constellationoftomes557 35

It's a bummer that my 2020 reading year started off this... 

Alliance answers a lot of questions and there are plenty of plot twists, but none of them surprised me. I was bored while reading and I even skimmed certain parts. I don't know if my lack of interest was because I'm in a reading slump. I also couldn't take the monsters, villains, fantasy and sci-fi aspects seriously

The main characters who sometimes veered into stereotypical territory in The Paladin Prophecy are straight-up stereotypes in Alliance. I didn't care about the characters because I had a sense that they would always succeed or make it out alive.

The one thing that is a complete failure in Alliance is the romance. I hate that Will leads both Elsie and Brooke on and I also couldn't stand the kisses and declarations of love that came out of nowhere. 

I can't think of anything that I d about Alliance and I'm hoping that Rouge redeems The Paladin Prophecy series. 1-star on-my-shelf to-unhaul2 s Maluhia128

I wanted to this book. The Paladin Prophecy was interesting, not my favourite book by any means, but interesting enough that I was curious to see how book two would go down. I slogged through most of Alliance until the pace finally picked up in the last quarter or so, and felt rather cheated for my efforts. Thank god I'm a fast reader.

While there are novelty points with intriguing nuggets of theosophy (really the only reason why I've read the two books thus far), the plot just seems to meander aimlessly every which way. The characters aren't fleshed out as much as I'd them to be, nor do they feel natural in their interactions (the usage of slang in both books just comes across as annoying and awkward. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind slang at all, but to quote my teen niece who read the book along with me, "who the hell talks that!?" Conversations just sound weird and cringe-worthy at times.). Despite all of that, I do have to admit that I find Nick stupidly endearing and I the idea of Elise and Will getting together

Will niece and I read book three? Meh. On the fence for now.2 s Robby18

Will and his friends have just busted the Knights of Charlemagne. He persuades his friends to stay at the school over the summer to help him uncover even more of the mystery. They plan to investigate even further about the Knights and how they formed. They also discover that they were all part of the Paladin Prophecy and that is why they have special powers. They have no idea of the trouble that they will encounter on this quest.

This book was really good. Just the first, it was a great mix of action and mystery, which I really enjoyed. I this book better than the first one because there is even more crucial information that is uncovered. They also have many more encounters with people Nepsted and Hobbes which adds suspense. Will and his friends have also toned their powers more so they can do more cool things. The situation with Lyle and his predicament is also very interesting. I would recommend this book to anyone who s a great mystery.
2 s Maricel Cañete25 4

An exciting, fast-paced story!!!!! Can't wait for book 3.....the cliffhanger is really good.....2 s Carl AlvesAuthor 19 books174

I should have realized before I started reading this novel that I probably wasn’t the target audience. Still, I try to read a wide variety of fiction so I gave it a shot. What I found was a young adult fantasy (or perhaps science fantasy since it is based on some seriously shaky science that doesn’t seem to have any basis in the real world) that has many of the failings that I typically find in the genre.

For one thing, the characterization left a bit to be desired. The characters were fairly stereotypical and generic. Characters are the life blood of a series, and none of these characters were compelling enough for me to root for them, especially Nick, who was the typical meathead type of lumbering jock. The background of the story is convoluted and not well explained. Some of the terms that the characters used such as “The Never Was” and “The other team” seemed childish to me. So much of this novel was formulaic from the pre-teen love triangle to the betrayal from within to the evil authority figures. The novel was ultimately forgettable and didn’t stand out to me in any way. On the plus side, the writing was pretty solid and I don’t have any quibbles about the author’s ability to write prose. Given that I’m not the target audience, take this review with a grain of salt.

Carl Alves – author of Battle of the Soul1 Amanda Baker261 10

So, I thought this book kind of lost its way from the first one. Things just kept going along, but it didn't seem to have a path. Will, Aj, Elice, Nick and Brook are learning their powers and learning how to defeat the TKOC.
Will battles the distress of the previous months while trying to grow stronger in learning his powers and information to defeat those who would hurt him and those he loves. He also learns who to trust and who is untrustworthy. I totally called Brook being sketch! I kinew it! That girl is trouble! Ugh, thank anything he finally figured it out! Ugh, teenage boys need a good smack back to reality sometimes. Anyway, yeah, good cliff hanger at the end, but meh to the book overall. Definitely a good book for maybe 7-9 grade since there are some sensitive topics. children-s-books-and-middle-grade-b fantasy-fiction science-fiction-and-fantasy ...more1 Tine Dewettinck188 3

2,5/5 Wat een teleurstelling. Het verhaal zat wel goed en was een passend vervolg op het voorgaande boek, maar kon beter in 100 pagina's verteld worden dan 370. De personages voelden totaal niet aan zoals in het vorige boek, eerder oppervlakkig en een zwakke verschijnsel van hun vorige zelf. Aangezien ik graag wil weten wat er nog gebeurt, zal ik het laatste boek wel lezen. Hopelijk is die beter.20171 PleaseJustLetMeRead1,026 30

A wonderful, fast-paced series with loads and loads of action.
Though Mark Frost seems to either have misunderstood how teenage romance works or simply is unable to write it, the language still somehow hits the target group spot on.
A fast and easy read if you're stuck and don't know what else to read.1 Rick Stuckwisch704 14

If anything, the second book exceeded the first. Really gripping story line. Rather intricate, but the author is managing to keep all the plates spinning without dropping anything. Anxious for the finale.1 Long Live Wonderland202 10

Loved it! I don't usually laugh during books, but this one killed me in the best was possible. The best thing about Alliance is the characters; Nick and Ajay are defiantly the best. Will, the main character, is awesome and relatable. Overall, this book is a GREAT continuation of the series.5-stars1 Alfablock21376 2

Awesome book. Jenny95 2

Excellent story. Quickly moving forward toward what would appear to be an excellent conclusion. I actually laughed out loud at Nick and Ajay several times. What incredibly perfect characters. 1 Belinda Vlasbaard3,327 77

4 stars - English Ebook

Review follows later.e-book-kindle-in-bezit fantasy in-bezit ...more1 Celia Buell617 27

Warning: this review may contain spoilers for The Paladin Prophecy, although not for Alliance.

I'm serious when I say I'm still absolutely in love with everything in this series, even after the second time I'm reading it. Maybe even more so.

Mark Frost shows how phenomenal he is as a writer far more in Alliance than even in The Paladin Prophecy. The second book in the series deals with Will finding out more secrets about the prophecy he and his roommates are part of, culminating in the exploration of his worst nightmares.

One of the things I absolutely love about this second installment is that Frost includes so much foreshadowing. I didn't realize this the first time I read the novel, and maybe not even the second time, but there's so much about Mr. Elliot and Brooke that lead up to the plot, if you know where to look. That's the thing, though, is that Frost creates these warnings ever so suddenly, you almost have to be rereading the book to notice them.

Then there's the way Frost crafts his characters. It is obvious that he never had the intention for the roommates to be "sidekicks" in any way. Their personalities almost outshine Will's at some points, and Frost also makes it a point to deeply delve into their lives and interests. I think I've always felt this way, but Nick is probably my favorite character, because there's so much more to him than you see on the surface, and this is shown even better in Alliance than in The Paladin Prophecy, although it's certainly still budding from the beginning.

Together, Nick, Ajay, and Elise provide this amazing comic relief that I haven't seen coming from multiple characters in a long time. The way they argue is something that I would love to have within a group of friends, and honestly, I would love to have all of them as my best friends, and certainly not just because of their talents. If I could pick a book family to be a part of, it would be the five roommates from this series. I would ly be as scared as complain as much as Ajay, but if I were part of this group I'd never worry about fitting in again.

I cannot wait to read Rogue again and immerse myself fully in the series for another time. I'll probably start the final installment tonight and finish over the weekend.

To put it simply, I just love this series so much.alternate-america alternate-reality america ...more1 Kendall Berg217 17

I left this book feeling so much better about the series and the characters than I left Book 1. If you are a reader me who after book one wanted to pull out your hair over confusion – READ THIS BOOK! It answers almost every single question I had after book one.

That being said – Mark Frost’s biggest fail as an author:

His romance stories suck. I don’t feel it. I kinda felt Brooke in the very beginning of book one but now him & Brooke & Elise feels so forced. He’s just standing there and then people are kissing or announcing their love.

Now if you ignore that awkward love-fest …The rest of the book was very good. Some reviewers pointed out that the time spent in the caves was drawn out but I disagree. I found the whole “exploratory” scene to be incredibly well written and interesting.

But then..DUN DUN DUN… the end of this book. Guys – this is a bigger surprise and twist than the Red Wedding. (Okay maybe that’s a hyperbole but it was still awesome).

I was pleasantly surprised with my own increased interest in this series following this book. A good read.

Book type: YA Fiction
Book rating: 3/5
Read time: 3 hours

For more check out my blog: www.booksandchai.com
With love, parchment, and freshly mowed grass,
ya-fantasy-fiction-scy-fi1 Annette (booknerderie)161

*I'm certain no one will read this but on the off chance that you do, I apologize for the lack of . My grandfather passed a couple weeks ago, so I've been traveling a crazy person. Also, I have been binge reading the Kate Daniels series and have 2 more books to complete before I do a group review. Just wanted to 'splain myself.*

So, I could have sworn that I reviewed The Paladin Prophecy, but upon further investigations it seems that I did not. The long and short of it: The Paladin Prophecy was a really fun novel focusing a group of kids who find themselves knee deep in some crazy shit. They have these powers and they have NO idea who they can trust and it's just so much fun! I mean, Mark Frost co-produced Twin Peaks for crying out loud. This guy knows a thing or two about crazy story telling.

The follow up novel, Alliance, did a fantastic job of carrying you from the unknown into the light. The truth starts to come out little by little and it is CAH.RAY.ZEE. I love when authors tie in historical figures to these science fiction story lines. Makes you think, "I wonder if stuff this really happened." Maybe not extreme genetic mutations, but secret societies who dabbled in science fiction stuffs.

Anyway, I devoured this novel and have preordered the third installment. The Paladin Prophecy series has proved to be really exciting, twisty and turny, and -at times- downright funny. Read it! You'll love it!

Happy reading, friends!!1 Jayme7 4


Alliance is the second installment of the Paladian Prophecy trilogy. Less suspenseful than the first, a bit more predictable, but overall a good 2nd book. Will and his squad continue to unlock the mystery behind the Black Caps, the Center, and the Paladian Prophecy. The twists in this book will get you so excitied for what comes next and will leave you wanting the third (and last) book now.

Defiently not a disappointment and wort continuing the trilogy. The third book comes out this fall, something I am anticipating.

-Jayme :)1 yueyang78

Will is now living at the center with his friends, until Ajay finds a photo that will lead to a secret town and horrors he has never seen before. He will be shocked by a secret he will see and be utterly destroyed.
Alliance is a wonderful book but a bit shocking in the end. I will not spoil the book because it is good and I don't want to be a spoiler.1 Szilvamag164 13

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