
The Agent de Mark Dawson

de Mark Dawson - Género: English
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Mark Dawson Publisher: Unputdownable (Action and Adventure), Year: 2024

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Thank you to Net Galley, the publishers and to one of my favourite authors Mark Dawson.. For a ARC copy for honest review... which is easy, as it is well known that this is my favourite type of book and one of my favourite authors...

Nothing better than an action packed, fast paced thriller.

Isabella Rose is on the run, hunted by the very people she had been hired to work for. Trained killer Isabella and former handler Michael Pope are forced into hiding in India and, when a mysterious informer passes them clues on the whereabouts of Pope’s family, the prey see an opportunity to become the predators.

Chased from the poverty of Mumbai’s slums into the sights of a sniper’s rifle amongst the lavish wealth of Shanghai, Isabella and Pope hunt fleeting shadows in a race against time. And they can’t afford to lose.

The Agent is the third part in a continuing story involving Isabella Rose that also includes Part I: The Angel and Part 2: The Asset.

As always Mark Dawson starts the book with action and it continues all the way, till the last page,
as Michael Pope and Isabella Rose travel across Europe and to America being chased by Manage Risk assassins/hit men.

With this book we get to know Michael Pope more as well as young Isabella Rose and their relationship and trust. With the added touch of another great character in Maia.

Loved the book, the characters the pace... Now have to wait for Isabelle Rose number 4 !!

A clear five stars from me25 s Tulay1,202 2

Good story.

This bloody story takes place allover the Europe, Asia and U.S. Research being done by Litivenko is extend the boundaries of human performance. Many people wants to get their hands on this formula, will pay millions and kill.40 s Toni Osborne1,476 46

Book #3, in the Isabella Rose Thrillers series

Michael Pope and Isabella Rose are still caught up in a conspiracy and the exciting drama continues with act #3. As the pair travels across the globe trying to find out what is going on, we as readers are plunged into an amazing and suspenseful plot that has us turning pages at a rapid pace to see if they will eventually make it out of their predicaments in one piece. Again this latest is part of a series that in my views should be read in sequence although some may say “The Agent” also works well as a standalone novel.

Mark Dawson is an excellent story teller and has always offered an action packed and fast paced thriller. He knows how to hold our attention from the opening page and keep us interested till the very end with never ending action. But this time, beware, the story does not connect all the loose threads and ends quite abruptly, leaving us to believe a fourth book is in the making (I really do not mind, I simply can’t get enough of Pope and Isabella).

Pope and Isabella hunt is a race against time, a chase that will bring them from the slums of Mumbai to the wealth of Shanghai and to America. As the story moves on, Pope sees an opening to rescue his family and put an end once and for all at being the main target of hit men sent by the Manage Risk Team.

Again we find a great storyline, captivating to no end, populated with determined characters we can’t help but to root for. Maia, a new evil character, is a wonderful addition that gives a total different spin and one I am eager to see more of. Of course as in the other novels, all is said in a clear, vivid and appropriate language. This is a great installment that clearly deserves high marks from me.

This book follows “The Angel” book #1 and “The Asset” book #2.

I received this review copy from Thomas & Mercer via NetGalleys10 s Richard1,979 166

This is The Agent by Mark Dawson, the third of his Isabella Rose thrillers, following on from The Angel and The Asset. Due to be published in April 2017 this was an ARC sent by the author; having read and enjoyed the first two in this series I was happy to take and early look and do a review.
Previously, Michael Pope & Isabella Rose had been through a lot: London, Switzerland, Turkey, Syria, Italy and in this book India, China, Russia and USA.
They have been caught up in a conspirarcy to blame ISIS by right wing elements in both the UK and the USA and believing they were gathering information they have learned they were part of the process to commit to armed agression against the islamic fundamentalists in Syria & Iraq.
However they know too much and are being hunted and their silence has been assurred by the taking on Pope's family.
Added to the mix we have the author introducing a third faction working against the Hawks and trying to bring the West to its senses and avert a contrieved war against ISIS. Pope is at a loss to fully commit to this new player even though they have both knowledge and timely interventions to save Isabella's and his life.
The story develops to a double crossing exchange where Pope hopes to rescue his family.
Isabella is carried along for the most part as a help and companion to Pope as he had rescued her from her abduction she will do all she can to support him to gain the freedom of his wife and daughters. His obsession tends to mask her youthful less cynical attitude; he is loathed to trust she is more pragmatic is trying to determine the truth.
In the end she sticks by him and at the last we are left wondering if he will sacrifice her for the sake of his family the last betrayal in a trilogy of mistrust and treachery.
The book can be a standalone as it captures in summary much of what has gone before but I recommend in the time available you read The Angel & The Asset in readiness especially as they are just £1 on kindle just now (October 2016).
Reader beware; as before the book doesn't quietly ride off into the sunset as the credits roll. Much remains unresolved and no-one appears safe or completely written off.
If this allows Mark Dawson scope to continue to write as an avid reader and fan of his writing why would one complain?7 s Pierre Tassé515 61

A very quick read. What a hard book to put down. I need to read the next one. Lol7 s Fabian179

Oh dear...
I loved the first two books in this series but please could someone explain to me what happened to the author - as with one of his plots, has he been adbucted and replaced by an impostor...
The writing and lovely turns of phrase are still there, Isabella and Pope are still there...but sadly the story and plot are more than missing.
The impostor has clearly read too much Jason Bourne and Terminator and the story raced away from any form of reality at the same uncanny pace as one of the genetically modified soldiers he’s created.
The fact that Isabella just happens to be present at a terrorist bombing in the UK and then a subsequent one in the US is just pure fantasy.
And the ending...please.
Could the real Mark Dawson please be released.5 s Trish R.1,772 50

Continuing with the story of Michael Pope and Isabella Rose was really exciting BUT this book had a lot more useless crap in it. Pope mentioned all the places they’d been to: London, Switzerland, Turkey, Syria, Italy, Shanghai, Vladivostok, and Washington DC. Now, can you imagine all those places and someone naming every single road you drove down? Every road, highway, street, path, look-out point? Everything? Especially in Shanghai CHINA? It was totally ridiculous. This book was the worst so far, even as good as it was it was the worst.

As I said it was exciting. During a rescue Pope saw Isabella fall about 30 feet into the snow covered ground and assumed she was killed BUT since he was running through the forest for his life he couldn’t check on her. And there was a surprising savior who was there and got Isabella to a hospital. Now, Isabella and her savior are headed to Mexico to try to get away from all those bad guys.

I’m off to read book 4 and I do hope this is the last one. Each book has been a cliffhanger but I hope this one’s not.

As to the narration: OMG! Napoleon Ryan is simply fabulous. His voices and emotions are outstanding. AND his pronunciation of ALL those streets they went down was amazing.
4 s Skyesmum 510 13

Another excellently exciting story following Isabella Rose.
If you action, no fuss spy spook stories then I strongly recommend this series.
Last one in the series already playing.
This is a fab way to enjoy KU.3 s Rod191 15

couldn't put the Agent down another fast paced novel from Mark Dawsonthrillers3 s Aiden BaileyAuthor 10 books49

The third book in the Isabella Rose trilogy, while not as good as The Asset, is still an excellent and highly readable – dare I say – technothriller, which is a bit of a shift for Mark Dawson.

Isabella Rose, a fifteen-year-old orphan girl trained in the skills of a cover agent, and Michael Pope, a former British spy framed by his government and a wanted man, are on the run after barely escaping the Syrian Islamic State caliphate. They are in Mumbai, hunted by a global conspiracy coordinated between various intelligence organisations to up the ante on counterterrorism, by causing more terrorism.

As the Isabella Rose series progresses, it become more geopolitical and verges on science fiction, with a secret organization funding the development of genetically modified superhumans to replace conventional covert operatives trained the conventional way.

I didn’t mind the technothriller sci-fi elements, and Dawson does it well. It did seem a little out of place considering the rest of the interlinked series in Mark Dawson’s portfolio (John Milton, Beatrix Rose and Isabella Rose all share characters between them) and I wonder how this will play out across all his books.

I how the Isabella Rose series moves out of Europe and North America into India, China and Russia, building a nice pursuit across Asia for the characters to transgress. The characters of Rose and Pope continue to develop throughout the story and the action sequences are both highly realistic and full of tension and surprises.

While the third act ends nicely with most subplots tied up, it is also set up for Act IV. One wonders what Mr. Dawson has planned next.2 s Pam25

I really enjoyed this book. It draws the reader in to a world of danger and suspense and keeps them on the edge of their seat. This book is highly recommended for the reader that enjoys a book in the suspense and espionage genre. Very entertaining.2 s David Highton3,171 17

The third Isabella Rose thriller, although the ex-agent she is on the run with, Michel Pope, is actually more of the central character, trying to get his abducted family back. This dragged a bit in the early stages and featured some of the less well-painted characters from the previous book, so only 3 starrs. Although the ending was pretty exciting - can say no more with being a spoiler.2 s Michael GallagherAuthor 8 books57

Top Notch Thriller

Mark Dawson does it again. This installment of the Isabella Rose story breaks tradition by stepping into the realm of science fiction. Deadalus Genetics and Managed Risk join up and plan a catastrophe in Syria. Profits control all. A bit disappointing that the book is a cliffhanger, but I still loved it.2 s Judith Hantl22 Read

This novel was fast-moving and well written.2 s Marietta Sanders510 6

3 1/2 Loved Isabella..... surprise twist in the end....audio1 Alona674 12 Read

DNF audiobook i-love-the-uk mystery ...more1 pierre bovington182

Excellent. Gotta fun. First book series I have read of this excellent author. Even signed up to his website. Surprised by some of the , either they have not read the books properly or they are " professional" reviewers.1 No One 1,416 14

Pope and Isabella Are Getting Closee

I read this book as part of my Kindle Unlimited membership. I would to thank the author for partnering with KU so I have access to this third in this exciting series about Isabella Rose.

Isabella is the 15 year old daughter of Beatrix Rose, who had been Number One for Group 15, a shadowy under the radar group of what can only be described as government assassins. Michael Pope was Control for the Group - until it was placed on suspension. Pope was never a handler for either of the deadly Roses. Beatrix had left the Group after the Control before Pope was discovered to be traitorous to his Group and his country. Isabella is 15. But has been able to accomplish more than an adult for Pope.

But now Pope's family has been kidnapped just hours before he was able to join them. Pope and Isabella are on track to find them and punish those who took them.

Already I know this is current - one of the incidents which put Isabella on the run was caught on a dashcam.

I truly hope you are ready for some world travel. As I am nosy and looked up some of the places Isabella and Pope visited, especially the Dharavi slum. My heart broke. Truly, look at it. Makes Rio's slums look a five star gated community.

This plot is so fast and furious it can be hard to follow, especially when the protagonists have trouble at times. Who's their friend? Who isn't? What is really going on?

This is definitely the kind of thriller that keeps you up at night. Thankfully, there is one book to go in this series. My dark circles are down to my chin reading Mr. Dawson's work. But I can't wait to see what he will write next.

Highly recommended, but read the others first. You'll thank me later.
1 Kristin.261 3

Interesting twists

I found book 3 better than book 2; the story was more cohesive, the characters developed into a better group of cohorts. Pope's family was rescued , but of course those plans were not as simple and straight forward as they should have been... and then Pope was dealing with the untrustworthy group who had used both him and Isabella as unwitting pawns in their grand scheme against a man they had framed , purporting that He had been the operating for being a series of suicide bombs on Great Britain- untrue ,of course, but it had unwittingly put Pope and Isabella smack in the middle of the wrong side! In the end, Pope's family was reunited. But Isabella had been seriously wounded, so she did not escape with Pope's family. The unexpected twist at the end comes as Maia, a biological product of Daedelus, the ones who sought to kill Pope and had engineered the super person, Maria, must have had their mitts on Isabella in all those years that they had kidnapped her from her mother, Beatrix - lead lady from other novels by Dawson. I apologize if my recounting sounds a bit odd to yoj... just read Dawson's works and things won't seem quite so strange. He make the science-fiction plausible!1 Lovely Loveday2,527 Read

The Agent by Mark Dawson is the third book in the Isabella Rose Thrillers series. After reading the first two books in this series, I was excited to read this book. Michael Pope and Isabella Rose are caught up in a conspiracy to blame ISIS by right wing elements in the United Kingdom and the United States. The pair travels across the globe to try to find answers. Dawson does an amazing job with the plot line in this book, always making you want more. I how the characters develop more in this book then the others. However, I feel this book does not end, instead there are a lot of loose ends that make you wonder if another book will be written in this series. I really the action packed story that Mark Dawson gives us and I look forward to more from this series and other books written by Dawson1 Michael 11 1 follower

It's the second time I've read this novel and yet it still leaves me wanting more. Mark Dawson has a very unique style of writing that leaves the reader not wanting to put the novels down. This particular story brings together both cutting edge biochemistry and a Father's desperate quest of getting his family back safely despite being up against old enemies and overwhelmingly stacked odds; add the backdrop of an ongoing terrorist plot into the mix and the race across multiple time zones with super soldiers at their heels, and you're left with one rocket fuelled page turner.
This is Mark Dawson showing yet again why he's one of the best authors of our generation. He simply allows his novels to do the talking. Absolutely brilliant.1 Miss Connie50 1 follower

The Saga Continues.....each book more exciting than the one before.

The Agent is the 3rd in the Isabella Rose series. Michael Pope and Isabella continue to run from their pursurers.....figuring out who the bad guys are along the way. Many twists and turns. I read this book in 2 days as I couldn't put it down. I won't spoil it by giving away any of the plot but I could have never guessed where this was going.

There is a real ending to this novel......but I still didn't know for sure what happened to the lead characters....so I immediately downloaded #4.....The Assassin and am reading through it.

This series is soooo good. Don't Miss It1 Matthew33

Fast paced, all action page turner

I had thought that a story ostensibly about a 15 year old daughter of a group 15 assassin would be a bit light weight in comparison to the John Milton series. However, the joining forces of her with former Group 15 control, captain Michael Pope, gives the story credibility. With the secret genetics lab building super human soldiers this is a blend of science fiction and thriller. With the story leaping from India to China to Russia to the US, it’s a page turning thriller which turns Isabella in to a credible character. Well written as usual by Mark Dawson. Already looking forward to the next story.1 Marika Charalambous604 26

This is a book I've read as one of the last ones in 2017. I love Mark Dawson's books, especially his John Milton series. But, after this third Isabella Rose novel, she does come at a strong second position.

Isabella and Michael Pope are on the run. They have been involved in a conspiracy involving ISIS and someone wants to shut them up for good since they know too much. They go even as far as threaten Michael's family, and now Michael and Isabella have to save them before it's too late for everybody.

Full review: https://mysterysequels.com/the-agent-...1 R.M. GauthierAuthor 26 books835

The Agent

Didn't see that one coming! Or perhaps I did and chose to ignore it. Whatever the case may be, Isabella and Pope are back and this time it's to save Pope's family.

I love these two characters, from their gritty, macho attitudes to their vulnerable hidden sides. What an amazing story, once again from start to finish.

Off to read the next one!reviewed1 Andrew Graham135 4

Another winner which is hard to put down

The ongoing storyline about Isabella and Pope is one that captivates the reader and leads them into a world of darkness and destruction with no end in sight.
Isabella has found herself in a situation that she cannot control and reliant on Pope and Maia to help her survive the onslaught that she faces from the killers that now want all 3of them dead.
I'm now about to start reading book 4 in the series and looking forward to the conclusion of the storyline.1 Quentin Feduchin389 9

I read the first three Isabella Rose books. I them a lot.
It's annoying because Mr Dawson has written those three, and the fourth, as ONE narrative!
It means that he's collecting an average of around $5 or $6 per book, thus IF the 4th book ends the narrative of the one event, he will have collected about $25 odd!
That's a pretty good way of ensuring an income, and it's a fact that each book is NOT a short story, they are all 'books'. So they probably are worth it.
Anyway I'm on the fourth now..assassin thriller1 Lynn3,043 79

Fast moving story - action packed --- I didn't realize until I finished it that it was part 3 of some series - and, I rated it a 4 because they left you so that you had to buy the next book to find a maybe ending to it. Also rated it as a 4 because there was so very much going on it all over the world that it's really hard to believe! Half way through the book I just go tired of it --- when was it going to end, then when it ended it leaves you hanging on to see --- now where are they going!adventure first-reads murder ...more1 Jill WisemanAuthor 2 books12

I tapped out on this one half-way through. The sudden swerve into sci-fi medical craziness two books into the series was not welcomed. I tried to hang in there, but ultimately it just got too boring and stupid for me. Sorry, Isabella Rose. audio-book crime z_20221 1 comment SD399 4

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