
The Escape Game de Marilyn Turk

de Marilyn Turk - Género: English
libro gratis The Escape Game


Marilyn Turk ISBN: 9781636095080,9781636095097

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What a fabulous book:) I just didn't want to put it down! Yet again, even after reading countless numbers of WW2 historical and true stories, I learned about how escape secrets were placed within Monopoly games to be delivered to the prisoners of war through Red Cross parcels usually. A company in Britain made maps on silk and then hid them within it. This was based on actual events with the Waddington's company who hadn't let even some employees know it was occurring. The devastation with the bombings and food rations was so painfully real, the heartbreak with needless deaths, yet the strength and resilience of not only the British but many other nations who fought together an evil madman. It was thoroughly enjoyable story with many Biblical and other spiritual references interwoven beautifully. An absolutely recommendable book!christian-women-s-historical educational favorites ...more36 s theliterateleprechaun1,677 27

Remember the ‘get out of jail free’ card in Monopoly?

It has new meaning for captured Royal Air Force airmen, but just as welcome a card!

You’ll have to read how a consummately American board game became a top-secret escape kit for captured British servicemen during WW2! Marilyn Turk brings us an amazing WW2 story, inspired by real events, about a board game which held keys to prisoners’ escape.

Turk’s story highlights three main aspects of wartime: (1) the ‘keep calm and carry on’ attitude, (2) the American men who volunteered to fight for Britain before America went to war and (3) the morale of the POWs. In exploring these three areas, Turk’s story includes intrigue, adventure and romance.

I appreciated Turk drawing my attention to the American citizens who fought in WW2 long before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. These brave men were fighter pilots of the Eagle Squadrons who flew for Britain’s Royal Air Force. Imagine that level of duty; fighting to support another country.

I was amazed again after being reminded of the ‘keep calm and carry on’ attitude of those on the homefront who went about their daily business - rationing, doing without, repairing and mending, and continuing on - in the middle of such chaos. Inspirational. Many women used their time to support the POWs and keep up their morale by letter writing. The author’s inlaws were one such couple who met via these letters.

I loved the intrigue of a board game holding clues for POW! The protagonist, Beryl Clarke works for the Waddington Game Company and finds a way to help those captured by the enemy. You must read to find out how she’s able to help!

This amazing story captured my attention and prompted me to research the Eagle Squadrons and escape kits secretly sent to POWs. I will remember this story for quite some time.

I was gifted this copy by Barbour Publishing and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.2023-reads netgalley19 s Staci1,950 588

Leeds, England 1941

What's not to love about a POW making escape attempts?

American Kenneth Borderlon joins the Royal Air Force before the U.S. entered WWII. Unfortunately, he becomes a prisoner of war in Germany. The details about life in a German POW camp was interesting and surprising. Glee club...who knew?

Beryl Clarke juggles a lot at her home in England. With her brother serving in the war, she's left as the sole caretaker of her mother. Beryl also has a job and is a volunteer for the war effort.

Chapters alternate between their two story lines which intertwine. The history incorporated in the pages was great including the importance of the game Monopoly.

My gratitude to publisher Barbour for a complimentary NetGalley copy of the novel. I was not required to post a review and all opinions are my own.read-in-202318 s Paula Shreckhise1,267 107

Fascinating story using actual accounts of POW camps and home front situations during WWII. Ms. Turk uses historical facts to personalize the realities of life during the war.
Beryl, a secretary at a Game factory in Leeds, England, is also an Air Raid Warden. The author puts us right there during bombings and the aftermath. The story goes between Beryl, her mother and friends at home to a POW camp where her pilot brother James and his friend Kenneth end up. It was very informative about the way prisoners tried to escape and reminded me of watching Stalag 17 and The Great Escape. There are surprises in store for the characters and danger is never far away.
I especially d the kitten Spitfire and the elderly lady that Beryl and her mother take in after her house is demolished.
Always a treat is the Author Notes and explanations of historical facts and research.
*I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the author. I was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are my own.* 1940-s american-history arc ...more9 s Robin HatcherAuthor 123 books2,856 Read

Audiobook (narrated by Sue Althens)
The POW portions of this book brought to mind the classic film, The Great Escape. So when I read about Kenneth, he looked just Steve McQueen, only taller. The escape kits in Monopoly board games is something I’d never read about before. Fascinating bit of history!

Robin’s Ratings
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