
El hijo de la profecía de Marillier, Juliet

de Marillier, Juliet - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis El hijo de la profecía


Hija de un amor prohibido entre Niamh y el druida Ciar?n, la t?mida y solitaria Fainne ha crecido en el exilio, lejos de Sieteaguas. Tras la desaparici?n de su madre, ha sido educada por su padre, que le transmite todos sus conocimientos de magia. La tranquila vida de Fainne cambiar? de rumbo cuando su abuela, la malvada y retorcida Lady Oonagh, la obligue a llevar a cabo una terrible misi?n. La enviar? a la fortaleza de Sieteaguas, de donde proced?a Niamh, a vengarse de la familia que nunca ha conocido y a destruir a Johnny, el hijo de la profec?a. ?Podr? Fainne sobrevivir a esta batalla de odios tan antiguos y salvar a quienes ama? Con esta apasionada entrega concluye una fascinante y violenta trilog?a de magia c?ltica que ha cosechado un gran ?xito internacional, ha sido traducida a varias lenguas y ha obtenido algunos de los m?s prestigiosos galardones del g?nero.

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Good guide for reading A Clockwork Orangefiction Taya24 Read

This story is told through the eyes of Chief Bromden who lives in a psychiatric hospital. The hospital is under command of Nurse Ratchet who keeps the patients in line with the threats of electroshock therapy and lobotomy. But this all changes when McMurphy arrives and teaches the rest of the patients how to live again and shows them that they hold the power in their lives, not Nurse Ratchet.

I love this book because I think it really empowers the people in it to take charge in their own lives. And McMurphy is one of my favorite literary characters because of how much he cares for the other patients and what he does for them. This book also introduces the idea that what we think is insane, may not be. Now of course mental hospitals are more advanced and they don't have any of the cruelties they used too. But it made me question our society's idea of 'sane' and 'insane.' This book also introduced me to what used to go on in mental hospitals. I didn't realize just how awful they used to be, and the mental hospitals could have actually made sane people insane. The treatments that they had allowed for people Nurse Ratchet to assert herself over other people, when she should have been helping them. It just shows how corrupt people can be when they have power over others.taya Austin Aguinaga1 review

this book is a good read. This book catches my attention right from the start because of its peculiar plot and setting. This book has many laugh out loud moments and i will tell you that there is some pretty colorful language in this book. By the end of the book it becomes very serious and sad especially when the main character gets killed. i really love the part when McMurphy takes the patients fishing because this shows that he is a very fun guy and is willing to break the rules. This incident really makes me love McMurphy he is a loud and outgoing individual! Plus, i really love that he does what he wants and he makes this book intersting. I really wish that McMurphy wouldnt of died because i would of loved to see what he does outside of the institution. Im really unsure still why Chief killed McMurphy? Chris83

Through the first 70 percent of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, I was convinced it was going to get a solid three stars. My biggest issue with the book was how often the momentum stalled out--every time I found myself wrapped up in the power struggle between McMurphy and Nurse Ratched, a 12-page Chief Bromden dreamscape would appear. The central plot has more than enough subtext without including the nebulous, metaphorical ramblings that make up a solid 20 percent of the content.

But, in the end, McMurphy saved both Chief Bromden and the book from the plague of dreams. The overwhelming sense of doom kept me reading, even though I knew what was coming. And, when the end did come, it was both depressing and strangely triumphant.

Always nice when a classic proves worth reading. Tom Sorge2

A must read book. I'm not much of an avid reader but I had this book suggested to me by a teacher and this was easily the best book I've ever read. The choice of the narrator down to every last character is perfect. The book takes place in an insane asylum and the narrator is completely off the deep end but though he's insane on some deeper level everything he sees and interprets makes sense and really gets you thinking about the world and its workings. A very Psychological and Philosophical book all in all, even if you're not into either of those when you read this trust me, you will be after. Leslie6

I didn't want to read this book because I'd seen the movie and knew the ending, but picked it up on an impulse anyways. I started reading and couldn't stop. Kesey's writing moves. The story, the characters, are exceptional. Narrated by the "Chief," we get a glimpse inside his head and see the central conflict of the book, the battle between McMurphy and the Big Nurse, through his eyes. Dalia28

The role of friendship and sacrifice is a universal strength that can overcome any tyranny. It is the weapon of the weak. J182

I think this book was at least as good as Daughter of the Forest, although in a somewhat different way. DotF was, as I've noted in that review, a tale of the strength of love for family, of good overcoming evil even when it is at great cost, and of love found along the way. Child of the Prophecy is, I think, a book about learning to love oneself, that it doesn't matter how many people might love you because it is all lost if you don't have that inner core of strength and self-love.

CotP is most definitely a tale of a girl's struggle to find her identity, to figure out what she stands for, and her sacrifice to do what she knows is right despite the horrific cost to herself. Fainne is, in my opinion, probably the most believable of the characters in the three books. She is conflicted and scared, manipulated and manipulating, by turns overly innocent and surprisingly wise. She has otherworldly abilities many of the other characters who have gone before her, but un them, she seems entirely earthly. I think her own doubt about her nature gives her that groundedness, because her insecurities make her feel inadequate and as a result, she doesn't trust those very otherworldly abilities that were almost taken for granted by Sorcha and Liadan. Those women were both completely aware of who they were and what they thought their roles in life were. They had no crises of identity Fainne, so we never really had the same experience of seeing them decide who they were, as we do with Fainne.

This is also a tale of personal accountability. Throughout, Fainne is coerced to do some terrible things, and she does her best to make amends, to right the wrongs that she caused. She pays a huge price and does so willingly in atonement.

Darragh is, aside from Conor and Finbar, my favorite male character. I don't really get his somewhat slavish devotion to Fainne considering all she put him through, but he is an admirable character and any woman would be lucky to have a man him. He is clever, well rounded, and brave. He can be a fighter when needed, but his preference is to be gentle and loving with all things.

As always, Marillier delivered another exceptional novel and I'd highly recommend this, along with the other 2 previous books, to anyone who enjoys fantasy, Irish myth, paganism/Druidis, and rich, complex characters. fantasy historical-fiction irish ...more89 s Allison559 604

This is such a hard review to write because I loved this book so much. There is something about MarillierÂ’s writing that is completely absorbing. IÂ’ve only read her original Sevenwaters Trilogy so far, but each of those books has succeeded in captivating me with a full range of real emotion. The characters are so real, and their trials so heartbreaking and rewarding that I canÂ’t turn away. She combines tragedy and desperation with hope and love - romantic and familial love, love of the forest or the sea, love of the old ways that are dying out. They are all bittersweet, some more bitter than others. At first, I wasn't sure I d being made to feel all these things, but the experience is so rich that this is now one of my favorite series of all time.

Each book has a unique story, and each affected me at a level that few books have touched before. I usually avoid sad books because the emotion often feels contrived, but these are not tearjerkers. I really care about the characters and what is happening to them, and sadness is just part of their experiences. ItÂ’s so real. IÂ’m in awe of MarillierÂ’s ability to make me feel it and not make it feel cheap or fake.

I wasnÂ’t sure if the first two books were just flukes, but with the third, Marillier has made it onto my favorite authors list, and books 2 and 3 are solidly on my favorites shelf. (Book 1 was still a bit too dark for me, in spite of everything I just said). I am now greedily hoarding everything else she has written, and am glad there are so many left for me to read. I just hope they are half as good.

Enough general raving. Now to the specific review. Child of the Prophecy was often not an easy book to read. I was frustrated at Fainne, at her naiveté and the weakness that led her to betray herself and everyone else who mattered. I wanted to shake her at times! I wanted to reach in and prevent her from making terrible mistakes, or do something to help her find her way.

But Fainne's growth and discovery from beginning to end was a journey that I found totally worth it. 100%. The last third of the book had me completely glued to the pages, hardly breathing. It had me fearing, grieving and hoping all in one. And the ending was perfect. It was magnificent. I had to go read it over again immediately. I want to do it again right now. I still don't want to move on.

January 4, 2015

Loved it - review to come hopefully later when I have recovered my senses.5-stars dark fantasy ...more40 s Mayim de Vries577 981

“There were patterns to everything, if you knew how to look. My father taught me that. The real skill lay in staying outside them, in not letting yourself be caught up in them.”

Sevenwaters is a family saga telling the tales of the women from the Sevenwaters family. The series started with the wild swans fairy-tale retelling featuring the Daughter of the Forest, Sorcha and continued with SorchaÂ’s daughter, Liadan in Son of the Shadows. Child of the Prophecy tells the story of Fainne, daughter of Niamh (LiadanÂ’s sister). For me, Niamh was a shimmering star shining brightly on the margins of a very bleak main story and so I looked forward to reading about her daughter with a great anticipation.

What I loved about Fainne the most is that she is flawed, both physically and spiritually. The girl is plain (let us ignore for the moment her purple eyes *insert an eye roll here*) and has a disfigured foot resulting in a limp. Furthermore, Fainne believes herself to be cursed by her heritage, blood of the evil sorceress Oonagh (her granny), which , on the one hand, gives her powerful magic and on the other sets her steps toward a destiny of darkness. Sorcha and Liadan were two super-snowflakes. Sorcha had to, and because of the fairy- quality of the retelling it didn't bother me, but Liadan I couldnÂ’t stomach as you know (team Niamh!). I d Fainne not only because she is not pretty, but also because she is a walking (well, limping) proof that having magic doesn't make you smart or sociable or courageous or all three indeed.

Another reason for my initial sympathy was the way Fainne had been brought up in a remote seclusion and extreme austerity, a monk or druid, with little worldly luxuries (“work, rest, eat when we must”). While her father gave her essential care and taught her the craft, due to Niamh early and tragic demise, there was nobody to show Fainne love or tenderness that every child needs. When it comes to simple pleasures in her life all you’ll find is one doll hidden under her bed and one friend, Darragh, a tinker boy and a horse-whisperer.

She has been sheltered in a different way than the two previous girls but sheltered nonetheless. She is socially and emotionally impaired, and these are two huge disadvantages, especially that bearing the blood of four races Fainne believes herself to be set apart from the ordinary people and destined to be evil.

I can do morally ambiguous protagonists. In fact, those grey figures, those on the margins, those engaged in internal fights, are the best ones. What I cannot do are stupid protagonists. And this is when the whole setup comes to the fore: by her fatherÂ’s decision Fainne is to be sent to Sevenwaters. Oonagh promptly steps in and with a mixture of blackmail and vengeance-mongering, she tasks the girl with destroying her motherÂ’s family. The sheer idiocy of this plan is never accounted for in the novel. Can somebody please explain why the sudden urge to send the girl to Sevenwaters? Even considering the fact that Ciaran is dying, which by the way never played out fully, it still does not make sense. He sends his precious daughter to the very people whom he hates, and quite rightly so, instead of sending her to Liadan who had helped him in the past and where the girl still would be safe and provided for. Furthermore, don't understand why Oonagh couldn't she exact the vengeance herself. Sorcha is dead and the fact that the sorceress is rather ugly at this point shouldn't inhibit her especially that we hear over and over again how powerful she is. To underline this point, every action by the lady Oonagh proves that she doesn't need any proxies in doing evil things even to the members of the Sevenwaters family. Even in the end we are only told, not shown, that her powers wane and that Fainne has been in fact stronger and more powerful (all evidence to the contrary).

The quest for destruction requires Fainne to commit some truly atrocious acts. This is where I started to be very conflicted about this girl. To be naive is one thing, to be doggedly naive despite logical reasoning and at the same time willing participant of evil scheme and simultaneously blackmailed is altogether something different. I just don't think Ms Marillier played this "save the Daddy" card in a smart and convincing way. Somewhere in the middle of the book, I had to resign that the main protagonist is an idiot. Idiot with magic, what a pathetic combo. More the shame, as the trope of coming to terms with oneself, growing to oneself without glamour or magic is a trope that could have been very interesting if written with depth and skill (and Ms Marillier surely has both).

You can forgive the idiotic setup when you realise that the whole plot is one big, fat excuse for a romance. Sevenwaters is not a fantasy, it is a pure “romantasy”, that is a romance in a fantasy milieu. While the two previous instalments worked with the “from enemies to lovers” motif, the Child of the Prophecy works with the “from childhood friends to lovers” theme. I won’t deny - not my favourite of tropes. I found the romance lacking in all departments: lukewarm, without sparkles, tension, and frictions. There was nothing to keep my interest or engage me emotionally.

Overall, I found this novel dreary and disappointing, but those readers interested in Celtic lore and fans of family sagas and historical romance might give it a try.

Other Sevenwaters books:

1. Daughter of the Forest
2. Son of the Shadows
4. Heir to Sevenwaters
5. Seer of Sevewaters
6. Flame of Sevenwaters39 s Elena124 1,061


Juliet Marillier se reafirma con cada libro que pasa como una de mis autoras preferidas en cuanto a ambientación fantástica. Lo que más disfruto de sus historias es esta sensación de que puedes tocar, ver y oler esos mundos que describe. Su estilo narrativo es tan distintivo que cada vez que empiezo a leer uno de sus libros es como si atravesase una cortina de humo y de repente me encontrase dentro de un cuento céltico.

En esta tercera entrega de su saga Sieteaguas veo más riesgos en cuanto a la selección de su protagonista. En contraposición a Sorcha o Liadan, Fainne es un personaje moralmente más ambiguo y eso me ha gustado mucho.

Sin embargo, a medida que avanzo con la saga y a pesar de que estoy disfrutándola muchísimo, veo patrones que se repiten y algunas cosas en las que creo que la autora no acaba de atreverse a apostar y que creo que enriquecerían la historia global: el mensaje de que en una mujer la fortaleza no reside en la fuerza física por ejemplo sinó en la fuerza de voluntad o de carácter, o en sus aptitudes mágicas no tendría que excluir que se de un mensaje tan claro de que no hay lugar para una mujer en un campo de batalla o de que las mujeres no pueden ser instruidas en las armas. Son libros que abogan por un mensaje de paz y en eso estoy completamente de acuerdo pero habiendo una trama de conflictos territoriales de por medio y 6 libros de más de 500 páginas me gustaría ver algún personaje (principal o secundario, pero mujer) que se salga un poco del patrón. Sobretodo teniendo en cuenta que tanto la fortaleza como la fragilidad masculina sí la he visto representada tanto en personajes típicamente guerreros como en otros con otras cualidades y aptitudes (druidas, videntes, curanderos, etc...)

A pesar de eso, he disfrutado muchísimo con la historia, creo que es la más mágica hasta la fecha, la más empapada de folclore. He reconocido retellings de algunas de mis historias celtas preferidas contadas por los personajes, y la manera de describir la magia y a los Fair Folk ha sido belleza literaria pura.

Este volumen originalmente estaba pensado para ser el que cerrase lo que iba a ser una trilogía y sin duda el final deja una sensación bastante mística y hasta nostálgica.
¡Deseando ponerme pronto con la segunda trilogía de la saga!2019 fantasy-sci-fi33 s Keertana1,127 2,264

Ironically enough, I wound up loving Child of the Prophecy more than its predecessor, Son of the Shadows. For many, this original concluding foray into Sevenwaters was a disappointment, sadly lacking in comparison to the beauty that was Daughter of the Forest and the epic that was Son of the Shadows. As someone who left the latter feeling more than a little disappointed and was prepared to feel the same way from this installment, Child of the Prophecy proved to be a pleasant surprise. A very pleasant surprise. I wound up devouring this over a brief weekend in NYC, unable to set it down on the subway, train, or bus. And yes, I did get many strange glances at my oft grief-stricken expression, not to mention the stray tears, but it was so, so worth it. If, me, you've been putting off this series under the assumption that this novel is the weak link, let me convince you otherwise; truly, it isn't.

What makes Child of the Prophecy a difficult novel to is the fact that it is a difficult novel to enjoy. Sorcha and Liadan, our past heroines, are women who have grown loved and sheltered in the woodlands of Sevenwaters. Fianne, however, has grown up secluded near the ocean with only her father. Niamh, Fianne's beautiful mother, committed suicide shortly after Fianne was born and, as a result, Fianne has always wondered why she was never enough to keep her mother alive. Furthermore, Fianne's limp and sorceress status keep her secluded from others; all except Darragh who patiently befriends her and loyally returns for her every summer, though he is a traveling man. As such, from the beginning itself, Fianne is a very different heroine, one whose path does not merely lie in testing her endurance, but also in discovering her own path.

Our novel truly begins, though, when the Lady Oonagh, Fianne's grandmother, blackmails her granddaughter into infiltrating Sevenwaters and preventing a prophecy from coming true. Johnny, the son of Liadan and Bran, is the titular child of the prophecy upon which the hopes of Sevenwaters lie as they face a perilous time nearing war with the Britons, specifically the Northwoods who neighbor Harrowfield. Fianne, though recognizing the evil intents in her grandmother's plan, is powerless to stop her as the Lady Oonagh threatens to kill Ciaran, Fianne's father. Thus, Fianne travels to Sevenwaters, little realizing that her extended family of aunts, uncles, and cousins will fill her heart with love and weaken her resolve. Fianne, who has known little of love in her life and has seen its destructive hand in her family, will now discover the true power, both of family and, most importantly, of love.

Fianne, from the beginning itself, was a protagonist I loved, merely because of her flaws. Un Sorcha and Liadan, Fianne is not without her evil attributes. In fact, on more than one occasion Fianne commits acts with terrible consequences, choosing not to intervene and prevent certain actions from unfolding. While this may indicate the presence of evil, what it really indicates is a character who is confused and afraid. Fianne fails to see her own beauty, both outward and inward, and also fails to recognize the power she holds. All these qualities make her an easy pawn for the Lady Oonagh and the struggles Fianne must face mold her character into one with many, many grays. It is difficult to decide if Fianne can even be considered a good person after all the evil she has done, no matter the good she does as well, but these are the precise reasons I love her character so. Fianne is not the perfect heroine Sevenwaters usually gives us. Along her way she finds way to defy her grandmother, to stand up to her and to stand up for what is right, and though she returns to being a pawn, time and time again, each time she learns and her experiences steadily give her the confidence she needs in herself to finally overcome evil. Without a doubt, Fianne's growth as a character is the best this series has delivered so far, and ly will be for her circumstances lend themselves to so much room for improvement. Fianne's steady will, her courage and determination to find a way to do right while leading her grandmother to believe she is doing wrong is such a tricky and difficult path, but she treads it realistically, with equal parts despair and hope. Although I was not comfortable with some of the decisions she was forced to make at the hand of her grandmother, I recognized their worth in her growth as a human and, ultimately, appreciate their value.

Marillier wouldn't be herself, though, without rich secondary characters as well. We meet almost the entire Sevenwaters cast again, sans Red who has sadly passed away by this point, and are exposed to the changes that have taken place in the past eighteen years. While our favorite characters remain the same, time has changed them and their circumstances as well. Additionally, there is a slew of new characters, all in the form of Fianne's numerous cousins, all of which I loved. Yet, the secondary character who stole my heart - and Fianne's too! - was Darragh. Darragh and Fianne are childhood friends and while Fianne cannot see it, Darragh slowly falls for her with time. Now, however, entrusted with the Lady Oonagh's deadly task, Fianne sends Darragh away, fearful that her grandmother may threaten to harm him next. Thus, Fianne and Darragh are often apart for most of the novel. Although Darragh always returns to Fianne, their moments are short and their romance is not an overwhelming majority of the novel. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that this is perhaps the most subtle of Marillier's romances, but one of the most beautiful nevertheless. While Darragh and Fianne are kept apart, their memories of one another never are and through small thoughts and subtle gestures, the longing these two share is built-up. Although I don't parade as a hopeless romantic, the truth it, the sheer longing and uncertainty and love and affection between these two had me shaking with emotion near the end of the novel, despite the lack of emphasis it was given in the book. Darragh's kindness and his love give Fianne the strength to persevere on and while he isn't a leader Red or Bran, his innocence and gentle nature are exactly what Fianne need, not to mention his loyalty and undying faith in his best friend, despite the horrors she confesses to him. For me, at any rate, these two definitely join the ranks with Sorcha & Red and Liadan & Bran. Without a doubt.

While Child of the Prophecy was a surprisingly quick and engaging read for me, it did have its low points. For one, the portrayal of the Lady Oonagh was disappointingly Disney- for my tastes. After shrouding this evil sorceress for two novels and building up her legend, actually meeting the woman was a disappointing shock. Marillier failed to convey the true hatred that resided within Lady Oonagh's heart and her dialogue depicted her as a blood-hungry witch. Additionally, the death of a major character, both from Son of the Shadows and this novel, was dealt with very sloppily, in my opinion. For fear of spoilers, I won't mention any names, but this character and Fianne shared a large story line, one that was integral both to Fianne's growth and the plot of the novel. Thus, to see the character killed off in a quick and hurried fashion, mostly as a matter of convenience, was confusing, to say the least. In some ways, this novel didn't carry forth the same level of well-rounded excellency as Marillier's novels always do, with a few points shoddily disregarded or merely disappointing, but ultimately, one cannot deny that Child of the Prophecy is an excellent conclusion to this original trilogy. Not only did it exceed my expectations, but it wormed its way into my heart as well. Well and truly, Child of the Prophecy is far from being the disappointment of this series. In fact, I suspect there isn't one to be found.kick-ass-heroines swoooon32 s h o l l i s 2,556 2,159

Well, we did it. The original trilogy complete. What a ride.

"I cannot be part of this. The forest, the family, the -- the brotherhood. You must realize that."

What makes CHILD OF THE PROPHECY so interesting, but also easily unable, is the shift. After two books featuring brilliant, self-sacrificing, and purely good, heroines, we are faced with something different in Fainne. She's not the hero. She's not purely good. She is, simply, an antagonist. A reluctant one but nonetheless it's true. She is brilliant, she is powerful, she shares her mother's temperament (making her difficult), and she's making choices that don't have good results. Because she's fighting for those she loves.. even at the cost of others. This disconnect, this unfortunate situation, is made worse because of her otherness. We, as a reader, have a connection to the Sevenwaters clan, the history, the losses and triumphs they have endured. But Fainne is outside of that while at the same time able to trace her own losses back to the choices (well meaning though they were) of those characters we love. We know their struggle, their guilt, and their enduring love. But Fainne doesn't. And even worse, her otherness, her disconnect, is compounded by her own gifts and her parentage (doubly so); neither of which are acceptable.

Perhaps my own spirit was damaged, my heart cracked into pieces, so that I could never be fine and good.

It makes her journey difficult in so many ways.

"You have the power to make us or break us, I think, and it will not be until the last that you will choose which way to go."

And honestly I totally understand why my buddy readers had a hard time connecting with this story and the lead. I'm sure, a hundred years ago when I first read this, I had the same issue. It's always been my least favourite of the trilogy, though still undoubtedly a Marillier and thus excellent (previously rated a four to the otherwise outstanding fives), but now, in hindsight, I can respect and appreciate this a little more -- the experience of reading it was also, ly, helped by the benefit of hindsight and knowing where the story would end up. Every character's journey in this saga has had pitfalls and struggles; Fainne's are just different and, unfortunately, come with collateral damage.

"The days where the children of Sevenwaters could roam the forest freely, without fear, are gone."

Then again, I'm so biased it's beyond comprehension, so there's that.

What ly also chips away some of the lustre with this final (ish) instalment is the lower romance content. Or, rather, the fact that we don't get enough time seeing it to really believe in it, maybe. But I think this ties into the fact that, considering the ending, their story isn't really for us. They are part of the whole but set apart from it. For reasons. Either way, though, I can admit it's the weakest part of the story but there were still moments I found lovely and moving.

"There will come a time, soon enough, when even that ancient wood will fall to the axe, to grant man his grazing land, his settlements, his towers and his walls. He thinks, in his ignorance, to tame the very earth, to force the very ocean to his will. And so he will lay waste the body of the mother who gave him birth; and will not know what he does. The old ways will be forgotten."

Equally this might be the least emotionally devastating of the stories. I definitely cried for a few reasons during the big conflict during the end but there were only one or two brief moments during the telling that actually got me choked up. Fainne's disconnect makes this less of an emotional journey and considering the books that came before that, too, is a change.


This is my favourite series for so many reasons; for the emotions, the folklore, the magic, the heartbreak, the challenges, the strength, the wisdom, the losses, and the whole of it. These three books make up a generational story that, in my mind, is truly untouchable. But, again, biased.

The companions that follow the main Sevenwaters trilogy are the ones I don't know well at all, having only read them each once upon publication. Though I remember which characters they follow, and have vague memories of the plot, I don't have any real emotional attachment to them beyond the fact that they exist in this beloved world. I hope, with age and my enduring delight and respect for this saga, and the main trilogy fresh in my mind (though it never truly fades), I come out with some newfound love for them. I can't wait to read on.

Thank you to the Sevenwaters Squad — Micky, Steph, Amanda, and Cat — for coming on this journey with me. I know it wasn’t always what you expected (in good and bad ways) but I had a great time nonetheless.

4.5 stars


This review can also be found at A Take From Two Cities.2021-reads all-the-feels buddy-read ...more25 s Melissa (MelÂ’s Bookshelf)495 297

In some ways I wish I hadn’t read this book. Ever since I read Daughter of the Forest years ago, I have been in love with this series. I was so in love with the first book, that I refused to read the second one for years afterwards, afraid that it was not going to be as good and ruin the first book for me. Thankfully the second one was just as beautiful – so I didn’t wait quite as long to read the third one. So I must admit that I was disappointed with this one. Although I loved revisiting the old characters from the previous novels, it was just missing something.

Now because I read the first book long before I started writing , I feel that I should say something about it – Maybe it will help to explain why even though this was a very good book, I just didn’t enjoy it as much as the others. I will have to re read Daughter of the Forest and write a review for it, but in the meantime I will attempt to convey how absolutely wonderful it was and why this series touched me so. I would class Daughter of the Forest as the best book I have ever read. I’m sure if I read it for the first time now it would not have the same effect on me because I have read SO many wonderful books since then. But at the time, I was in a very emotional time in my life. It cast a magical spell on me, and had a profound effect on my emotions and my heart. I remember CRYING MY EYES OUT at the end. I could NOT stop thinking about it. And to this day I often re read my favourite parts if I’m feeling down or need a happy cry!

Daughter of the Forest introduces us to the couple whose future offspring feature in subsequent novels. In this one, the grandchildren of the original couple feature heavily. Fainne is the offspring of the Sevenwaters clan, and also granddaughter of an evil sorceress Oognah, who put the spell on the family in the first book, which started this entire saga. Fainne is manipulated by her grandmother to bring the whole family down. However, she is still a daughter of Sevenwaters, will she be able to destroy what runs through her blood?

I just adore Marilliers writing. If you havenÂ’t experienced it, I highly suggest you give this series a go. It is absolutely captivating. Somehow she keeps this series fresh and exciting, and you absolutely fall in love with all the characters.

She also did something wonderful and clever when she made the books about the offspring from the last. You are already emotionally invested in the characters and then their appearances in subsequent novels is awesome because you can really see what the characters did and how they grew after the last book.

However this one was just missing something. I found Fainne to be overly annoying and I found the entire book dragged on and on. The first two were not shorter, but they were more magical, and I didnÂ’t mind the pace at all. But Fainne was just not engaging enough to waste the extra hours.

The audio version was done really well, I canÂ’t fault the beautiful voice of the narrator and the haunting accents and atmosphere that she created!

Would I recommend Child of the Prophecy?
Oh this is a tough one. On its own probably not, however as the third of an amazing series it does tie up loose ends and it has some very touching moments. It was unfortunate that for me, the main character lacked the ability and the wisdom of the characters of the first two.

Will it stop me from reading the next one? Hell no! But I may give it another few years!

I purchased Child of the Prophecy at my own expense at audible.com

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Instagramaudiobooks fantasy romance22 s Choko1,256 2,632

*** 3 ***

A buddy read with the good folks at FBR.

This is not and easy review to write because I really enjoyed the first two books and very much wanted to love this one... However, I have to admit I was let down. Which is a shame, since I find MarillierÂ’s writing very enchanting and absorbing. I am new to her as an author and I was pleased to discover an author who is obviously well versed in Celtic Folklore and has a beautiful sensibility, possessing a rare ability to involve the reader emotionally in everything she conveys. In the Sevenwaters Trilogy so far each of the books has succeeded in captivating my interest and not for a minute did I ever think to let go of the book or forget about the story. The story telling is not the issue. The issue I have is with the characters and to a certain degree, the authors' self-indulgence when it comes to stories within the story. Yes, I can see all the things that connect or influence one or the other, but while in the first book it was novel and gave the reader instant connection to the story and gave a familiar groundwork for all to feel as if they have common ground to start from, by this third book, the stories were far away from the reader's knowledge base and had little to do with effecting the story, but were just snippets of the character's reality, thus loosing their gravitas and making them close to irrelevant.

"...“Good and bad; shade and sunlight, there's but a hair's breath between them. It's all one in the end.” ..."

Despite all of that, Marillier is a master when it comes to weaving a tale in the most magical way possible. Her characters are realistic and she puts them through hell and back, making all of us go through their experiences and we do not leave the story unaffected. All the main leading ladies are tragic in their own way, but they also carry the torch of love and hope, of looking forward without forgetting where we came from, of securing a good future while preserving the teachings and beauty of the past. Yes, there is tragedy and melodrama, and in the previous two books there were scenes that gave me nightmares for a while, since they were so realistic in their villainy, but they are memorable and will have their place for ever in my book memory. In this book I particularly d the idea that a human sacrifice is needed even when it comes to preserving what is magical and Fae, because it is part of human history as well and we should work just as actively in preserving it, since we are the most active force in tearing it down... To me this spoke straight to my deep-seeded fear that us humans, with our insatiable need for immediate gratification and just the basic instinct of surviving right now and not thinking about the future, are slowly destroying what we have been so freely gifted from Nature and G-d... We stop on weekends and enjoy the "nature" preserved in small far-away places, while the next work day we forget all about it and laugh at those who try to preserve it for our children... Weird, that this is what I got out of a book in which the main character has to deal with the question "Nature or Nurture" - am I bad because my "blood" comes from bad people and is bad, or do I have the choice to be bad or good on my own and by my own deeds and paths I choose to take...

"...“Man sets his hand to games of power and influence, he quests for far horizons and wealth beyond imagining. He thinks to own what cannot be possessed. He hews the ancient trees to broaden his grazing lands; he mines the deep caves and topples the standing stones. He embraces a new faith with fervor and, perhaps, with sincerity. But he grows ever further from the old things. He can no longer hear the heartbeat of the earth, his mother. He cannot smell the change in the air; he cannot see what lies beyond the veil of shadows. Even his new god is formed in his own image, for do they not call him the son of man? By his own choice he is cut adrift from the ancient cycles of sun and moon, the ordered passing of the seasons. And without him, the Fair Folk dwindle and are nothing. They retreat and hide themselves, and are reduced to the clurichaun with his little ale jug; the brownie who steals the cow's milk at Samhain; the half-heard wailing of the banshee. They become no more than a memory in the mind of a frail old man; a tale told by a crazy old woman.” ..."

The books in this series tell the story of every following generation of girls from the estate of Sevenwaters, thus they are connected by an overall arc, but each has an unique story, so if you choose to tackle it, I would recommend not to go out of order. This book had the granddaughter of the first books' heroine Fainne as the main character and although she was an interestingly conceived character, she was my least favorite so far, though I wasn't too found of her mother and aunt either. Neither one of them lived up to Sorcha, but she was also the one most closely associated with the past, so I guess I am old-fashioned:):):) But Fainne was also very naive and I hated how easily others manipulated her, leading her to be the worst she could be, never sure of her own mind and rarely standing up for herself or what she believed was wright. All those are qualities often met in Real Life, but having come from those strong characters before her, she frustrated the heck out of me with her inability to act. She made me feel she really did need a man to take care of her, just to keep her in the straight and narrow, and I guess I have gotten too accustomed to strong female characters and this disturbed me somehow... After all, we all want to read about what we could be , not what we so often have to deal with in our daily grind...

So, If you are a fan of the Celtic myth and folklore, and if you love some angst with your stories, this is a good series to check-out. If those are not what you , and fairy-tales are not your thing, maybe give this one a try when there is nothing else around to read...

Mow I wish you all Happy Reading and may you all find what you Need in the pages of a Good Book!!!

fantasy26 s Kay197 398

Reading this book made me realize how perfect the protagonists of the previous Sevenwaters books were.

Sorcha and Liadan were model women in their community and among their peers. They were sure of their identities and the decisions they made. They had the uncanny ability to see beyond the actions of their decisions and fully realize the consequences even before they were faced with the choices. They were strong women who were able to grab fate in a chokehold, stare it down, and proceed to calmly walk down the path of their own destiny.

In light of this, it must really suck to be unsure of one's own motives and to be conflicted with the concept of identity. In other words, to be a normal person.

Fainne is a different sort of woman from Sorcha and Liadan. Raised in solitude by her distant father, haunted by the death of her mother, and manipulated by her evil sorceress grandmother, no wonder Fainne is so unsure of herself. When she is sent to Sevenwaters, we constantly witness her struggle to balance her desire to become a member of a family and to carry out her grandmotherÂ’s ill will against Sevenwaters. The comparison between Fainne and characters Liadan, Sean, and the near mythical Johnny is stark. Eventually, Fainne is able to carve out her own path and become a strong woman in her own right, but not without overcoming many difficulties.

I have very mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, all of Juliet MarillierÂ’s works, this story has a sort of magic that whisks you away from reality and settles you comfortably in the refuge of Sevenwaters. But on the other hand, I found the perspective of Fainne to be uncomfortable. SheÂ’s a very mislead individual, but there were some things that she did that I strongly disd.

What stands out most is when she seduced Eamonn by playing upon his desire for her, and his desire for vengeance. This act really disgusted me. It made me lose a lot of respect for not only Eamonn but also Fainne, which is a bit unfair I admit, considering how manipulated she was by a grandmother who did exactly the same thing. But while Oonagh was driven by vengeance and had a clear goal in mind, that Fainne is capable of such a thing when all of her instincts tell her NO really made me question her character and morality. I also questioned her slow realization that the amulet was not a good thing. It seemed so obvious from the start that the amulet was something that manipulated. Maybe itÂ’s because IÂ’m a naturally suspicious person so I tend to question people more, but I couldnÂ’t see why Fainne vacillated so often between semi-trusting a grandmother who wouldnÂ’t hesitate to kill her own son. Fainne doesnÂ’t even start to question her grandmotherÂ’s motives until the book is over halfway done.

It's not that I dis flawed characters. But Fainne's flaws made me dis aspects of her character. I don't doubt my reservations about FainneÂ’s character are largely personal issues, but they were severe enough to detract from my enjoyment of the book.

All in all, 3 stars. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for quality fiction that deals with themes of growing up and finding oneÂ’s identity. This rendition wasnÂ’t my cup of tea, but I think that is largely a result of personal preference than anything else. I could definitely see other people loving this and five-starring it. But not for me.

3 stars and recommendedfaerie-poop fantasy growing-pains ...more18 s Neeta110 17


Bah, this book was just irritating. I skimmed through all the nonsense and repetition, which was basically the whole book and i kept waiting for something or anything unexpected and interesting to happen. I was disappointed.

The ending scenes were badly written. I wanted more magic since the story was based on Fainne's powers but instead, the final 'battle' was a fight of words.

Seriously? These are 3 powerful sorcerer's and thats the best we get?

It was just not well done and it had so much potential. Marillier rambled on about unnecessary details and i found i just could not read every word or i knew i'd never finish the book.

I loved the idea of Darragh's character, though he was not executed well at times. Fainne's character was great, conflicted but perceptive and somewhat believable. I didn't feel the emotion at the end of the book with their relationship. It didn't feel real and i was disappointed with that because the relationships of the characters in the previous books were well written.

It wasn't that great and i was constantly disappointed especially towards the end so it only gets 2 stars from me. 18 s Carmo681 512

Este terceiro livro da Trilogia de Sevenwaters devia ter sido o coroar de glória da história, contudo, na minha opinião ficou aquém dos anteriores. Nem as personagens tiveram o carisma a que estávamos habituados, nem o final foi o que esperava.
Impunha-se o fechar do círculo; a resolução de todas as questões pendentes nos dois últimos. É verdade que se resolveu a questão das ilhas e eliminou-se de vez a ameaça de Lady Oonagh, no entanto, achei a bruxa pouco convincente; os diálogos com Fainne muito pobres, os próprios feitiços muito “déjà vu”. Ou então, já li demasiados livros e vi demasiadas séries do género e as bruxas andam a pecar por repetição de talentos. Também não gostei do final dado à heroína desta história; a solução final assemelhou-se mais um castigo que a uma honraria, mas, lá está, neste género de histórias há sempre um “infeliz” que dedica a vida a uma causa renunciando ao mundo e aos seus. Nem o remate final, à laia de “amor e uma cabana” me deixou mais satisfeita. Embora tivesse começado mal provou que merecia mais e melhor.
Apesar disso e fazendo um balanço da trilogia, acho que foi das melhores que li. Sempre numa linguagem acessível e fluida, chegando a atingir um ritmo verdadeiramente frenético, a autora criou histórias envolventes, que nos fazem esquecer da vidinha e mergulhar num mundo de magia, de amores com tanto de impossíveis como de indestrutíveis, personagens fortes que defendem as suas causas sem renunciar aos seus valores. No fundo, tudo o que se procura num bom livro de fantasia e entretenimento.
bib-p nova-zelandia sf-fantasia16 s Meredith89 3

This conclusion of the Sevenwaters trilogy is a bit different from the other two. It's still narrated by a young woman, Fainne, who is a member of the family of Sevenwaters. However, it's a bit different in that Fainne's rather scandalous parentage (scandalous even by today's standards), her rather withdrawn personality, and her very powerful magical talents make her an outsider and an object of mistrust to many of the characters we know and trust from the first two novels. This sets up a suitably tense atmosphere throughout the novel.

Fainne is different in another way as well. The first two books starred two young women made of very much the same stuff, and were easy to . Fainne didn't grow up with a lot of people, and she spent an earnest childhood devoted to the study of sorcery. Fainne is far from an unsympathetic character, but she tends to do and say things with a heightened sense of fallibility. She is quick to trust information from what the readers know are dubious sources, and takes actions that she bitterly regrets. This is what makes her interesting when she finally realizes that she must fight back against the evil that has surrounded her her entire life - the reader has to spend a long time waiting for her to take a stand, so the payoff is ultimately satisfying.

the other books, this one does have a fair bit of romance to it. Fainne and Darragh's relationship isn't the focal point of this book as much as the relationships were central to the other two, but it's a strong contribution to Fainne's story, and helps her story have at least somewhat of a happy ending.

This book starred a new type of character, but the theme of strong women making big, world-shaking decisions shines through, and remains true to the rest of the trilogy. Well done.re-read13 s Justine1,201 325

I don't think that Juliet Marillier is actually capable of writing a bad book. This third book in the Sevenwaters series, while not my favourite of the first three, is nevertheless excellent.

Marillier nicely ties up the various threads that have built up over the three generations that span the first three books in the series. Whereas in both Daughter of the Forest and in Son of the Shadows the main characters were both strong and self-assured young women, in Child of the Prophecy Fainne is plagued with doubts about herself and her place in the world. So part of the story here was really about Fainne coming to terms with who she is, and believing in the possibility that she is worthy of love and acceptance.

I'm continuing to love this series and so happy that I still have three books to read!2017-read14 s Emma Deplores Goodreads Censorship1,218 1,369

I admit to not being entirely rational about the Sevenwaters Trilogy. I first read these books as a teenager and they resonated with me such that I read them all many times. While I'm not sure I would give this book five stars if I came to it with fresh eyes today, I do so anyway because a) an author who can inspire these kinds of feelings in me is doing something very well and b) this book is certainly on par with the first two in the trilogy and does not deserve its lower Goodreads rating.

While it's helpful to read the other two books first, Child of the Prophecy can work as a standalone: a generation passes in between and there's a new heroine, a young sorceress named Fainne (pronounced Fawn-ya). She's the daughter of Ciaran and Niamh from the previous book, making her the granddaughter of Oonagh, the sorceress out to destroy the Sevenwaters family. The plot of the book revolves around Oonagh's blackmailing and manipulating Fainne in an attempt to destroy her family.

Many fans of the previous books seem to dis this one for reasons that aren't flaws in my eyes: it's rather bleak in tone, the heroine is far from perfect and the ending is bittersweet. In other words, if you're just looking for a light romantic read, this isn't your book (in fact, the romance is a much more minor element here than in the previous two). Fainne is a difficult character--she does some terrible things, and with her isolated childhood and present secrets, she has a hard time bonding with people. But to me this makes her interesting: she has serious inner conflicts, and sometimes she makes the wrong choices. It's also fascinating to see characters and settings we came to love in previous books from a different perspective: many of the "good" characters dis or mistrust Fainne, and she feels the same way about their beloved forest.

The book has a gripping (although not fast-paced) plot, engaging characters and a lyrical prose style. Inner turmoil and growth, which are prominent, are well-done and balanced out with dialogue and a bit of action. Magical elements, while obviously strong given the heroine's abilities, are well-done, fitting into the setting and retaining a sense of wonder. It's not perfect--in particular, I'd note that the heroine is often far too perceptive for someone who has spent very little time around people in her life, and that there's perhaps too much talk at the climax. But I can't imagine a better conclusion for this trilogy: thematically and in terms of plot and character, Child of the Prophecy works excellently. 5-stars awesome-fantasy-by-women best-10-books-2008-and-earlier ...more11 s Lata4,002 222

Beautiful writing, bringing all the threads of joy, grief, anger and love found in the Sevenwaters family from books 1 and 2 together to fulfil the prophecy needed to save the islands of Erin. A new generation of the family is shown in Fainne, Niamh's daughter, who must infiltrate her Sevenwaters' family, who are strangers to her, as ordered by her grandmother Lady Oonagh. Fainne has grown up on her grandmother's hate and her father's pain, and in relative isolation far from Sevenwaters. Fainne must do her grandmother's bidding to destroy the family's hopes, all the while being confronted by the actual people and their truths about the family. Fainne must learn so much about herself and her family as she tries to find her own path. The language is lovely, and the story unfolds slowly, much as Fainne's realizations do, as she makes her painful way to adulthood and her place in Sevenwaters.auth-f sf-f-h x2017-read10 s Laura1,135 48

2.5 to 3 stars

Buddy read with the romantasy fans from FBR.

I really d the first book of this series and truly loved the second. This one however was a big let down.

The MC lacks a spine as well as sound moral values and makes you wonder more than once: "How dumb can someone really be!?". The plot is lacking, to say the least and some of the paths and decisions taken simply don't make sense.
There aren't any proper explanations given in the end and even though the Oonagh story thread is over and done with it, there is still something missing. It feels the author tried too hard and hurried up and sort of blotched it in the end.

Some of the characters I fell in love with in the previous books, Liadan, Finbar and Connor, are shown in a lot darker shades in this book: bitter and hard-hearted when they were kind and loving before, frightened rabbits when they showed impressive courage in the past, or weak and confused after being pillars of strength little more than 10 years back. They were diminished and it didn't feel right.

The only reason I'm rating this a 2.5 to 3 stars and not less is that it kept me interested till the end - to see what finally happens. It kept me hoping that it will all take a turn for the better and that somehow this story will climb up to the mark of the previous 2. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be!fairy-tale-retellings read-in-2018 romantic-fantasy13 s Lectora Empedernida118 199

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