
Spade de Marie James

de Marie James - Género: English
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3 s Sarah (lou_reads_romance)1,059

I just love these Cerberus guys and their wonderful, strong women.

We meet Spade, the forever bachelor, one and done, no returns….a night to remember that won’t be repeated….
We also meet Sylvie, totally on board with the no strings arrangement, she also is quite happy in her single life.

But, as they are forced to spend more time together feelings grow and a friendship develops….but which one has the courage to admit their true feelings or will they both remain in denial and try to convince everyone they love the single life with no commitments!!

With some real heart pounding moments and hints at some awful events this will have your chest aching as you try (and fail) to comprehend such horrendous acts.

It’s such a treat to be back with these brothers, their wit and banter together has me chuckling, I love the little hints to future stories as we try to figure out each of the guys. I also the whole nickname and reveal of their given names as we get each individual story!

Oh but I can predict a real heartbreaker of a story from Aro, I’m so looking forward to the next escape!3 s Erin Lewis4,927 180

4.5 star Review Spade (Cerberus MC #23) by Marie James

Marie James, drew me in and held me captive from the first chapter to the last. This is Dylan "Spade" Pratt and Sylvie, the woman who brought him to his knees story and it was a story that you cannot help but become invested in.

Sometimes when you get to book twenty three in a series there is a concern that the story and the characters will become stale but that is not the case with this series. The characters are engaging and Spade ticked the boxes for me.

Slade isn’t a man who believes in relationships and Sylvie knows that when she agrees to hook up with him for the night. Fast forward a few months and he asks her out again which hurts her feelings as it is obvious that he has forgotten the night they spent together.

There were moments when I wanted to bang Spade and Sylvie’s heads together, they were both so stubborn and frustrating at times. The journey they embarked on was rocky, emotional and entertaining.3 s Doris2,840 113

How Do You Forget?!

After spending a night with a woman how do you forget you spent that night together especially when both of you enjoyed the connection as well as the time in bed. Sylvie couldn’t believe when she had seen Spade again and he acted it was for the very first time. That’s a sure blow to your ego so she does what she has to by ignoring him.

Sylvie is best friends with Legend’s wife, Faith so when Sylvie has to go back home to straighten some things out Spade is sent to go along with her for protection even if she didn’t think she’d need it. Boy, was she surely mistaken.

Now Spade and Sylvie have this push pull thing going on with neither of them willing to put their heart out there first. There so many twists and turns with surprises galore. As with the rest of the Cerberus men Spade made me fall for him. This is another in this series that I highly recommend.
arc biker booksprout ...more1 Tonya2,021 8

This is the 23rd book in the Cerberus MC series. Don't worry, they are all stand alones, but I've loved every single one of them. I give it a 4.5.
This is Spade and Sylvie's story.
These two are a lot a. Neither want a relationship. They just want the fun.
Spade can be sort of an idiot when it comes to feelings. And maybe a little bit of a coward.
Sylvie does second guess and overthink things. But she does go through a lot in this book. She deals with a lot of guilt.
There is a lot that happens after Spade escorts Sylvie back to her hometown and they return.
If they would have just talked to each other, things would have worked out a whole lot sooner.
I do love them though.
Poor Aro, I can't wait until the next book.1 Janet Hunt3,505 40

Spade is the twenty-second book in the Cerberus series, WOW 22 books!!! I freakin love this series. The men are strong and the women even stronger! Space is a confirmed bachelor, the kind that is one and done. Sylvie also agrees with that, she s being single. Spade asks her out a few months after their hook up, she's hurt. He doesn't remember their night. But they begin a friendship that grows into more. There's some drama, I don't want to give anything away, but it will hurt your heart. Overall this was a phenomenal read that is well written with catchy pacing.1 D. WilliamsAuthor 42 books749

It was supposed be a one night stand. No strings attached until he didn’t even remember the night. It burned her and the game of cat and mouse starts until they both realize there all they ever needed.

Brilliant 1 Wendy T2,924 114

I always love a great MC series!

I always enjoy a good MC story and this one did not disappoint.

I loved how this story ended for both Spade and Sylvie.

Narrators did a fantastic job telling this story.audiobooks-2023 books-read-in-20231 Emma323 48

I still love this series, Marie James keeps writing stories that are unique and with all the elements I love in romance. I love a good long series that you can sink your teeth into. Loved the characters and the story. Another winner for meThis entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 MandaC861,100 4


This book was sweet spade the wham bam kind of guy became the one woman man but instill don't get how he could of forgot the first time with her. I felt as if something was missing that I couldn't put my finger on as well but it was an okay read1 Sandy S7,154 187

3.75stars-- SPADE is the twenty-third instalment in Marie James’ contemporary, adult CERBERUS MC erotic, MC romance series focusing on a group of former members of the US Armed Forces. This is former Marine Dylan ‘Spade’ Pratt, and Sylvie Davis’ story line. SPADE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Spade and Sylvie) SPADE follows the second chance, frenemies to lovers relationship between former Marine Dylan ‘Spade’ Pratt, and Sylvie Davis. Months earlier Spade and Sylvie had a one night stand, a night Spade cannot remember or why. Believing Spade had ghosted her, and she meant nothing but a fling, Sylvie struggled with what she believed was rejection by the man that stirred something within her heart but when Sylvie discovers her grandfather’s medical bills hadn’t been paid, she must return to her hometown, a return accompanied by our story line hero. What ensues is the building but acrimonious relationship between Spade and Sylvie, and the potential fall-out as Sylvie’s return home may have unearthed a secret that is about to target our story line heroine.

Sylvie’s grandfather aka Big Daddy is in a nursing home but Sylvie has discovered his bills have not been paid. Returning to her home town finds our heroine coming face to face with her past, a past that isn’t quite what they present themselves to be. Spade suspects something isn’t quite right in Sylvie’s home town but his suspicions are ignored, and Sylvie is about to pay the price

The relationship between Sylvie and Spade began as a one night stand that our hero cannot remember. In the weeks that followed Sylvie’s immature attitude and bitterness threatens any possible future with our story line hero; her adolescent behavior is off-putting and constantly places Spade on the defensive. Spade doesn’t do relationships but something about Sylvie pulls at his heart but Sylvie continues to radiate malevolence and animosity whenever they are together. ?he $ex scenes are intimate and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful, energetic and familiar secondary and supporting characters including most of the Cerberus MC. We are introduced to Sylvie’s grandfather Big Daddy Davis, as well as her cousin Naomi,and childhood friend Will Varon.

SPADE is a story of family, friendships, relationships and love; betrayal and trust; heart break and misunderstanding; acceptance and love. The premise is engaging and captivating; the romance struggles in the face of our heroine’s inability to let go; the characters are determined but constantly at battle with one another. Saying that, Sylvie Davis is a difficult heroine to -her less than stellar attitude, immaturity, and reluctance to forgive and forget, gets old pretty fast.

www.thereadingcafe.com Jody2,076 55

After 22 previous books the romance and action is still as fresh and emotionally engaging as ever! When two people who don't believe in commitment find themselves growing closer together after their one night becomes more, events turn scorching and suspenseful to bind them together and keep readers glued to the pages. From the first page to the last readers are once again pulled into the world of the Cerberus MC, a world that's becoming increasingly dark and dangerous with each new book.

Dylan "Spade" Pratt is the playboy of the club, the one whose motto is "one and done". When a recent one night stand returns though his life takes a very different turn...if he can just listen to his heart and embrace the promise of forever she brings him. Spade's another delicious hero, the kind who's experienced lots of loss in his past and doesn't want to experience more, so he keeps his heart from getting involved. When Sylvie enters his life though he can't keep from getting involved, especially after meeting her ex who sets off all sorts of warning bells for Spade. Bits of danger, lots of push/pull, and flashes of jealousy soon lead to steamy encounters that slowly have him wanting more from Sylvie.

Sylvie Davis is a tough and sassy heroine, one who's equally okay with not committing to any one guy. When being friends with one of the MCs wives has her falling under their protection she's brought back into close quarters with Spade, while dealing with threats from her past, which slowly has her battling her heart for a future with him. Sylvie's a likable heroine, one who easily goes head to head with Spade in a connection that sizzles in erotically-charged encounters that made me blush a time or two.

On a whole this was another winner in the ever evolving, and increasingly darker, Cerberus MC series. The storyline is going places I never saw coming as the workings of the club and its members is being dug into deeper and more emotionally. The main couple had a crackling connection with encounters that sizzled, and though I was sometimes frustrated by the push/pull between them, for these two bruised souls it made sense. I also enjoyed seeing so many of the Cerberus brothers again, seeing the witty and brotherly banter between them all, as well as glimpses of stories to come as there's many sexy brothers left to take center stage. With this book's thrilling conclusion Ms. James has definitely left readers clamoring for the next installment in a series I wholeheartedly recommend!

4.5 STARS!contemporary isolation-romance m-f ...more Renee Entress5,288 75

4 star

I was pulled right into this story. The story has pain, secrets, and heartbreak.

If you have not read the below I would recommend reading those books(s) first
Kincaid (Cerberus MC, #1)
SINdicate (Cerberus MC #1.5)
Kid (Cerberus MC, #2)
Shadow (Cerberus MC #3)
Dominic (Cerberus MC #4)
Snatch (Cerberus MC, #5)
Lawson (Cerberus MC 2.0 Second Generation, #1)
Hound (Cerberus 2.0 #2)
Griffin (Cerberus MC #8)
Samson (Cerberus MC #9)
Tug (Cerberus MC #10)
Scooter (Cerberus MC #11)
Cannon (Cerberus MC, #12)
Rocker (Cerberus MC #13)
Colton (Cerberus MC #14)
Drew (Cerberus MC #15)
Jinx (Cerberus MC #16)
Thumper (Cerberus MC #17)
Apollo (Cerberus MC #18)
A Very Cerberus Christmas (Cerberus MC)
Legend (Cerberus MC, #19)
Grinch (Cerberus MC #20)
Harley (Cerberus MC Series #21)
Landon (Cerberus MC Series #22)

This is Sylvie and Dylan’s story. Dylan does not do relationships at all. He does one nights and one night only no second nights. He and Sylvie had one night, and he moves on. Later when she asks her out for a night, she realizes he does not know they had a night already. She is hurt and upset about it. When he is ordered to help her out with an issue that is when things get a little hairy. She is still mad, and he still wants her. Can he figure out how to get her without hurting her more? What happens when she fights the pull, and he does not? Can they figure out their own issues before danger comes at them to take them out? Will he lose her before he gets a chance to prove he wants only her?

I recommend this book.arc mc-book read-2022 ...more Niki GreenAuthor 2 books20

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