
El circulo de fuego de Marianne Curley

de Marianne Curley - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis El circulo de fuego


Marianne, Curley Year: 2010

Comentarios de lectores del libro El circulo de fuego

No soy muy asidua a las historias ambientadas en la Edad Media, pero he de confesar que esta es una de las mejores novelas juveniles que he tenido el privilegio de leerme.Los personajes están muy bien definidos, la historia es bastante sencilla de comprender, y la mezcla de intrigas, pasiones y magia logra mantener al lector pegado a las páginas.Muy recomendable.

Autor del comentario: HOPEFUL
Este libro me gustó bastante, es corto, pero te engancha. Yo, como buena amante de los animales que soy, me encantó que la protagonista y su abuela también lo fuesen, para mí eso le ha dado muchos puntos. Lo recomiendo.

Autor del comentario: LADY I NEED YOU
Es un libro muy fácil de leer.Una historia que junta Edad Media, Adolescentes y magia no podía fallar.El estilo hace que leérselo de un tirón sea lo normal. Muy recomendable, tanto a mayores como a preadolescentes para que se enganchen a la lectura.

Autor del comentario: ANAISABEL90

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Old Magic was my first published book and has remained a favourite with readers in countries around the world, having translations in fourteen international languages. It is a young adult paranormal fantasy with romance, adventure and time-travel with one of the original strong female leads for this genre. fantasy-series favourite-books romance-favourites67 s1 comment Sara ?1,369 142

May 8-10, 2010

I REALLY this book. It's really a coming of age story for both the hero and the heroine, but especially for Jarrod, who has a LOT of growing to do. The magic is really interesting and the big bad guy is REALLY scary! My only complaint: There wasn't NEARLY enough kissing. ;) I wish there had been one more scene at the end......2010 action-adventure books-i-own ...more29 s Mars190 32

Bought my copy for less than a dollar. I started reading it at least three times, but I couldn't get past the first chapter each time. Finally, on a Friday night when our ISP sucked big time and I had no internet to distract me from reading, I went through the pile of to-read books beside my bed.

The story eventually picked up, and I finished it in this sitting! The description at the back of the book didn't hint anything about what happened in the second half, so:

And I happened to be a sucker for (spoiler) "TT", so it was a pleasant surprise! And that new..."setting" fascinated me so. It was reading a different book!

I kept going back to the pages where the family tree was detailed - because you know what usually happens with "TT" - but nothing happened. The twist in the curse, that's what happened. I wasn't contented with the explanation behind the breaking (or not) of the curse.

One thing that got me really excited was the fight: specifically, the choice (or not) between weapon and magic. That was pretty wicked.

I don't know what exactly was refreshing about reading this: that it was set in Australia (and somewhere else that was not in America), or that it was set in an earlier time (haha!), or the story itself. But what I knew is that I can't believe I gave up on this earlier!books-i-own-physical fantasy young-adult15 s CaRo177 30

I can not put in words how much I love this book.
I have first read it when I was 14 years old and I don't know how many times since than. Jarrod was my first book crush and still is <3 14 s Rebecca162 24

'I recall the look in Rhauk's eyes the moment he spotted Kate. It will stay with me forever, carved into my brain an engraving on a headstone. It's as if he found something he treasured, something he's been looking for all his life.'


Kate Warren lives with her Grandmother, after her Mother abandoned her as a baby. Kate has powers, and everybody at School knows that she's different. When Jarrod Thornton, the new kid at School, walks into the classroom, Kate is mesmerised by him, and has no idea why.

As Kate gets to know Jarrod, she senses that he's different too, and she must convince him that he has strong powers that need to be controlled. Jarrod goes along with her theory, thinking her mad, but he's mesmerised by her too.

Kate and Jarrod are about to embark on an incredible journey, one that will show them the truth behind Jarrod's cursed family. They will become involved in a battle of epic proportion, one that will determine both of their futures. As they face terrible dangers, they start to grow closer together, and achieve the impossible.


I got this book as a Birthday present when I was a lot younger, and I've read it several times. The complex story, and the strength of the characters, keeps bringing me back to this book, and I always enjoy reading it. The plot moves fast enough for me, whilst still holding back enough to keep me interested until the very end. There's enough twists in the story to make it an incredibly enjoyable read. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a new Fantasy/Magic book, with a hint of Romance thrown in too.


This book was written by Marianne Curley. I haven't actually read any of her other books, but I intend to in the near future. This book was incredibly well written, it had just the right amount of Romance, without making it into a full blown Romance Novel.11 s My_Strange_Reading592 90

Oh my word. Nostalgia means I can't rate it lower than a ??????, but goodness gracious...it's so bad.

When I say I was *obsessed* with this book in high school, I think that may even be an understatement. I re-read it until the book nearly fell apart, but the writing and story are Twilight level bad, y'all. , omg. High school me was such a mess...
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