
Non so perché ti amo. From Lukov with Love de Mariana Zapata

de Mariana Zapata - Género: Italian
libro gratis Non so perché ti amo. From Lukov with Love


Il fenomeno romantico di TikTok

Jasmine Santos ha trascorso quasi tutta la vita sul ghiaccio: è una campionessa di pattinaggio in coppia. Ma, ora che il suo partner l'ha scaricata, non ha molte possibilità: per quanto sia talentuosa, il suo caratteraccio le impedisce di trovare qualcuno disposto a fare coppia con lei. Forse è arrivato il momento di dire addio ai pattini? Quando il campione del mondo in carica, Ivan Lukov, le chiede di diventare la sua nuova partner, Jasmine sa che potrebbe essere un'occasione unica e irripetibile. Il problema è che lei e Ivan non si sopportano e non fanno che litigare da quando erano adolescenti. Ma, se vogliono che la coppia funzioni, devono andare d'accordo... o almeno cercare di non uccidersi durante gli allenamenti. Perché il pattinaggio è una questione di fiducia e per Jasmine e Ivan è impensabile vincere senza fidarsi l'una dell'altro. Se Jasmine vuole davvero tornare in pista, dovrà rimettere tutto in discussione. Persino il suo odio per Ivan.

Oltre 200 milioni di visualizzazioni su TikTok

Finalista al Goodreads Choice Award

#BookTok Made Me Buy It!

«Quando ho visto le migliaia di recensioni online tutte a cinque stelle ho pensato che ci fosse un errore, che fosse impazzito il sistema. Poi ho letto Non so perché ti amo. From Lukov with Love e ho capito. L'unico errore era non averlo ancora letto. Il romance perfetto.»

«Questa autrice sa esattamente come costruire una storia d'amore che fa emozionare.»

«Adoro il pattinaggio sul ghiaccio e questa storia romantica ambientata in pista mi ha letteralmente rapita.»

#booktok #romance #smut #sportromance #enemiestolovers #spicy

Mariana Zapata

Ha cominciato a creare storie d'amore praticamente il giorno stesso in cui ha imparato a scrivere. Da bambina rubava i libri dalla libreria di sua zia, ancora prima di capirne il senso. È nata in Texas ma vive in Colorado con suo marito e due alani giganteschi, Dorian e Kaiser. La Newton Compton ha pubblicato L'infinito tra me e te, Questa nostra stupida storia d'amore, Luna e le bugie, Ogni strada porta da te e Non so perché ti amo. From Lukov With Love.

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"If I can’t skate with you, I don’t want to skate with anyone else.”

Well this is awkward...
This started off as a solid 4 star read for me, and it all went downhill from there. Not to say that this was not a fun read - because it was. I was just expecting more


Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to one of the slowest slow burns in the history of slow burns.


Here's what I think's going to happen
This was a unique romance novel. I would even go as far as saying that this was more than just a romance novel. I will go even farther and just put it out there...

This was not a romance novel.

You're confused. I know. So am I.

I mean, yes it had romantic elements to it, but this story was revolved around people finding themselves and developing and friendships and family and so so so much more. Romance wasn't even an undertone until about the 70% mark.

"I could have been the bigger person, but fuck it, I was five foot three and I wasnÂ’t built to be that person ever."

I was expecting a chemical and passionate story about two people falling for each other, instead I got a fiery little cracker who at first was someone I thought I wouldn't get along with, but I grew to love Jasmine. It was her story about learning to love herself as she was, forgiving and growing. And it was so successful in that.

I really think a lot of people, me will enjoy this... I also think a lot of people will love this story for what it is - just I have. Unfortunately, I speak for myself when I say this story just did not do it for me as a romance, but did so much more as a self journey.

The Writing
The narration in this book worked in two ways for me:

The inner monologue felt odd and frankly, a bit too much at times. I loved Jasmine as a character because even though she was a bitch, and different to any other MC we usually get, she showed how she developed as a person as the story unfolded. The character development was so strong with Jasmine. Cheers to the author for showing that so well.

Furthermore, I felt there was a lot of elements to this story that just dragged on or was all together unnecessary.

“I… I… I…,” one of them stuttered while the other looked she was about to crap her leotard and tights. Good. I hoped she did. And I hoped it had a diarrhea- texture so it would go everywhere"

However, The banter and the budding relationship between Ivan and Jasmine was something that I loved! I laughed out loud multiple times and longed for more screen time of them just going back and forth with comebacks.

“You probably sit in your Tesla and cry every time you wrinkle your sweaters.” Ivan barked out another laugh that was pretty much shouted up at the ceiling."

They worked so well off one and another, and that epilogue chapter actually made me smile. I'm happy for them and I would be more happy if I could see more of their relationship growing as a couple rather than just friends. Although, I think what the intention was that for them to reach that stage of familiarity, they needed to be friends first... which in a way, I understand.

“Take a picture, it lasts longer,” Ivan drawled all of a sudden. I blinked and thought about glancing away but decided that would look even worse.
“I will. I think the encyclopedia needs an entry on Assholes and could use your picture as an example.”
His right hand let go of the steering wheel and covered a spot over his heart. “Ouch.”
I snorted. “Oh please.”

The Chemistry

This is where things get messy for me. While reading, I could completely feel the sparks going off between both Jasmine and Ivan, and through each endeavor they faced together. Their chemistry was great. But here's the thing:

Personally, I felt their chemistry was at a constant 'best friend' level, because both of them needed that at the time. It felt weird and odd in the last 10% for them to get together as more than just that. It felt rushed and the author needed to get out that they were actually more than friends.

Which brings me to the fact that they only did really make a move at around 88%... When they did get together, it all felt too cringey and unrealistic because it was so sudden and anti-climactic. Sure, there was always tension between them.. but whether or not I would classify that as romantic or sexual tension is debatable.

It was I was building myself up for this massive thing between them to explode and hyping myself up. Once something did happen, I kinda just looked at my kindle and went "Oh..."

“Don’t sound so excited,” he replied. Then he smiled. “Which bridge do you live under and how do we get there?”

contemporary-romance cute-and-cuddly family-power ...more950 s2 comments Val ?? Shameless Handmaiden ??1,916 32.4k

Have you ever seen the amazing 1992 movie that was The Cutting Edge?


Well, I loved this movie growing up.

So much in fact that I had it on VHS - for you youngun's, that was a big tape cassette that played movies.

Oh wait, young people might not know what a tape cassette is either.

Here's a visual:

Those were the days, folks. Such amazing clarity...

Such clear and concise user instructions...

But anyrewind, as I was saying...

I had it on VHS.

And when those went out, I got it on DVD.

And when those went out, I got it on Blu Ray.

And when even THAT became SO 2014, I got it on Amazon Video.

So I can legit carry that shit around with me everywhere I go and watch the magic to my heart's content via smartphone.

I have this movie memorized backwards and forwards, folks.
I can pretty much recite the whole thing.

And this book?

Reminded me SO much of that movie.

There were two people who came together to form a figure skating team, one of whom came from a rich family that owned their own skating rink.

They hated each other and argued nonstop.

They too had to figure out lift holds.

They fell a lot.

And then there was the "Pamchenko Twist," the basically impossible, fictionalized figure skating move...which was mentioned in the book and executed in this movie.

So part of me has to believe that Zapata had this movie in mind or was paying homage to it in some way.

Which I am TOTALLY on board with, because I adored it.

This thing was a Kulti-fied Cutting Edge and it made my inner little 1992 nine year old heart just burst with happiness.

Cause not only is Edge one of my favorite all time movies and Zapata one of my favorite authors...figure skating is one of my favorite sports, so this was just a joy to read all around.

Per Zapata usual, this is a slow burn and very character-driven story told from the sole perspective of our main female character and I devoured it in one sitting.

I didn't love this one as much as Winnipeg, but I truly don't think that book will ever be surpassed for me, so that's really irrelevant; but I do think I might have enjoyed it even more than Kulti, although perhaps that's just a result of the aforementioned movie nostalgia factor.

But whatever.

I enjoyed the book immensely and know other Zapata fans will too.

PS...TOE PICK!!4-stars can-shit-on-paper-i-would-read-it enemies-to-lovers ...more1,403 s2 comments Ayman252 107k

yÂ’all i fucking get it now. zapata IS in fact the slow burn queen!
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