
Lost Island de MarcyKate Connolly

de MarcyKate Connolly - Género: English
libro gratis Lost Island


The thrilling conclusion to the Hollow Dolls duology continues Simone's story as she sets out with her friends to stop the body walker once and for all.

Simone is still reeling from learning the truth about her mother, Maeve. But she knows she has to stop her before she finds what she's looking for and ends up hurting her friends in the process.

When Simone stumbles across an old legend about a handful of folks with rare and powerful talents who fled to a secret island haven, she wonders if the soul summoner Maeve seeks could be there. So she and Sebastian set off to find it, hoping to get to there before Maeve does.

But as Simone and her traveling party draw closer to the island, it becomes clearer that Maeve will stop at nothing to get what she wants. And if her evil isn't stopped, it could mean terrible consequences for everyone Simone loves.

With the gripping feel of a new classic, the Hollow Dolls duology will enthrall middle school readers who love fantasy, magic, and danger. Perfect for 5th grade and above.

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This is a Action Pack/Suspense filled Middle Grade Fantasy, and this is the second book in the Hollow Dolls series. I have not read the first book in this series. I have to say I loved this book so much. It had suspense from the beginning, and the action just keeps you wanting to keep reading. I loved the magic in this book, and the characters where so much fun to follow. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Sourcebooks Young Readers) or author (MarcyKate Connolly) via NetGalley, so I can give an honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.arc-copy fantasy-scifi-magical-realism-other kindle-books ...more21 s Annie Kaye Harbaugh8

A fantastic conclusion to the duology Hollow Dolls. The book is filled with magic and adventure. Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. It's perfect for your middle grade reader (or us big kids that love a good adventure). 2 s Alex244 17

4.5 Stars. Perfect conclusion to this duology2023-bücher audiobooks1 SimplyWrittenWords93 6

4.5* Stars


Simone is a sweet girl with a love for traveling wherever her feet take her. She always believes that there is good in everyone and she's ready to stand up for what's right.

Sebastian sticks to his best friend, Simone, glue. The two have a nice friendship and are very close.

Maeve is desperate to bring her lost family back. Just all the others who were under Lady Aisling's control, she's had a difficult time bouncing back. She is so blinded by grief, she doesn't even realize the miracle that's standing right in front of her.
Maeve is a great character, though because of her pain she begins taking the role of the villain. Though she believes her efforts come from a good heart. Maeve reminds us that there is always hope.

The rest of the characters, Jemma and Rachel, reveal qualities of determination and kindness. Natasha and Kalia are ready to do all they can to support Simone's mission, even when times get tough.

I really enjoy this fantasy world which is made up of three different territories. One that includes a mysterious legend about an island...
No difficult to understand worldbuilding, just an easy place to get lost in.

Zero romance! (Which I love!)

Very fast-paced, sure to keep you on your toes.

Writing Style
I really love MarcyKate Connolly's writing. It's so beautiful, easy to read, and you'll be quick to get swept up in her magic.

Last Thoughts
I loved Lost Island! It was such a fun story, with a couple of plot twists, and a good ending. I really hope we get more stories in this world!
Jessica Higgins1,388 12

The follow up to Hollow Dolls picks up where the story left off and takes readers on a magical adventure full of surprises complete with all the magical adventures kids love in books.

After learning the truth about her mother, Simone is in a frenzy trying to keep her friends safe from Maeve and her powers. Now, Simone is in search for others with power to keep her Mother from taking their powers and using them for evil. An old legend leads her on a hunt for the Island she used to call home. Together with Sebastian and help from the librarians they set off to save others before it is too late. The closer they get to the island the more Simone sees that Maeve will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

MarcyKate Connolly has crafted a fun and magical adventure for young readers. With lots of suspense, action, drama, and adventure, readers will fly through the pages of this book. Most of the characters from the first book are back and we see a deeper depth with Simone and several of the characters. I really connected with Simone and the way she cares for her friends and wants to do all that she can to keep them safe. Her attitude and the way she was written really kept the story moving forward at a great pace for me. My only complaint would be the end and the last few chapters. Things were wrapped up a little too conveniently and felt rushed to me. I wish there would have been more development instead of it all ending so abruptly. Overall, it was still a good story that I enjoyed reading and would recommend to young readers that want a fantasy adventure.

I received a complimentary copy of this title from the author. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.
V (Taylor and Laufey’s Version)270 1 follower

Before COVID started and everything went to shit, I remember my librarian showing me ‘Shadow Weaver’ on the school reading list. I read the entire book in a day and immediately bought its two sequels, ‘Comet Rising’ and ‘Hollow Dolls.’ As much as I adored those two, I couldn’t exactly say the same for ‘Lost Island.’ Sure, ‘Hollow Dolls’ had left me on a huge cliffhanger, and I tried to sink my teeth into this because of my love for it, but it didn’t stick with me as much. Connolly weaves words beautifully, and the imagery is vivid, yet the sense of turmoil and the page-turning factor found in its predecessor was missing. Maybe it’s just because I’ve grown out of the middle grade genre and it didn’t hold the same feelings as it did when I read it a year ago, but the ending did feel rushed and dissatisfying. Em Jay197 42

Defeating a villain is one matter. But when that villain is your mother? Things can get a little complicated.

I really, really wanted to love this story. Not only is the premise incredible, but I've always been a humungous fan of MarcyKate Connolly's MG fantasies. MONSTROUS and SHADOW WEAVER are two of my all-time favorites, and although I felt kinda lukewarm about HOLLOW DOLLS, I was nevertheless thrilled to get my hands on this sequel! But, alas. Although the writing and sense of adventure was brilliant as ever, the plot & characters felt far too wispy-thin for me to care about what was happening.

Thing is, this book has a massive cast of characters, and most of them aren't explored beyond their abilities. The magical powers in Connolly's worlds are always exciting, but because of the focus on what characters could DO instead of who they WERE, I found it increasingly difficult to remember who was who. Simone herself often felt confined to the background; she spent much of her time worrying about how to deal with her mother without actually DOING anything about it, and whenever she did enact a plan, it often felt foolhardy and ... I don't know, too obvious, somehow? I guess I wanted a little more from this sequel than a series of chases, demonstrations of power, and Simone pondering whether or not her mother was worth saving. Even when potentially huge emotional moments happened ( the assumed death of a major character) the emotion was just not there. And without spoiling anything, the conclusion itself was WAY too easy and pretty much undermined the rest of the series.

Basically, it felt we were dancing across the surface of a brilliant, epic story without ever diving into the places that would make it truly memorable. As it is, LOST ISLAND epitomizes "okay" with a couple of frustratingly convenient plot points that dip into "urgh" territory. As with all MG books, it's worth noting that younger readers may have a vastly different reaction -- after all, Connolly's worlds ARE full of magic and some truly beautiful writing -- but for me, unfortunately, this was a letdown. netgalley Engel Dreizehn1,789

ARC COPY...The Villain is just as much as a danger as the main Villain in Shadow Weaver, I might say but she has alot more of a tragic personal motive at hand compared to the Lady. Nice way to tie up any lose ends from Shadow Weaver.advance-reader-copy Sophia Chin18 1 follower

absolutely love this author. highly recommend. i how it gets to the good part of the book quickly and there are really good plot twists. also love how the story wraps up at the end. Cindi515 1 follower

The second book was not much better than the first. It just was not my favorite story line and I didn’t love the characters. The ending was a bit anticlimactic as well. Nicole Aka Grave doll327

Enjoy this one better than first. Will read more by this author. I love the way they capture this fantasy world. So with have to pick up the rest of her books.hexs-witches-hauntings magicsh-t middlegrade-reads ...more Nighteye951 52

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