
A Witchy Life for Me de Mara Webb

de Mara Webb - Género: English
libro gratis A Witchy Life for Me


Mara Webb Year: 2021

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entertaining supernatural cozy mystery series

This is an entertaining supernatural cozy mystery series. A fun cast of characters and an entertaining storyline. Chelsea spunks is in which who Lizanne island off the coast of the United States. The island is made up of both humans and supernaturals. Chelsea inherited her aunts house in familiar and is now back on the island where she was born with the family that her mother had pulled her away from as a child. She’s also has a new head which for this area. She has a knack for solving mysteries it helps local place solve mysteries as well as it helps the locals find lost items solve mysteries and other issues. Very entertaining check it out1 Zippy89 1 follower

Please get this girl an American Editor

These stories are fun, if a little choppy at times. The worst for me though is the inability to keep track of character names. In this one, Deacon’s brother Kevin who was killed in the previous book, is now called Brian. Not to be confused with Bryan, another character in this book. Also, the murdered wife’s name went back and forth from Meredith to Sylvia a couple of times. Once on the same page.
Then her main character is supposed to be American, but uses British language/slang/spellings all over the place.1 Emily Pennington18.7k 310

Too Funny ! . . .

Chelsea Sponks is supposed to be having some quiet downtime, yet she’s going through a list of chores and checking them off! She takes a look at the clues regarding a local b-list celebrity who will reward anyone who can prove he didn’t murder his wife. Unfortunately, the clues indicate he has to be guilty. So she leaves that one alone for the moment.

Other miscellaneous tasks during this “quiet downtime” involve watching the rival witch covens, settling feuds, retrieving a castle from a mad wizard, becoming an overnight expert in Egyptian artifacts, and breaking up a cult before it spreads all across the island. Her wedding also needs some attention for planning purposes, and finding time to eat her pregnancy-inspired peanut butter and pickle sandwiches , while a killer is on the loose, is just going to have to wait. What’s a busy lady to do?
reviewed Douglas Williamson5,564 29

To say our heroine has a full plate is a gross understatement. Murders, cults, and rival witches are just a few of the many challenges she is facing.

This is book ten in the series, but it works fine as a standalone. All the essentials are explained straight away.

This is cozy witch mystery story. The story is well written and full of a wry sense of humor that really appeals to me. The characters are well developed and fun, with new quirky bits coming out in each story. This one was a whirlwind of activity (figuratively speaking) and the story went past very quickly. Overall, this was another highly enjoyable story in the series and I look forward to seeing what comes next.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout for review purposes Wannee336 3

Great Fun Witchy Paranormal Cozy Mystery!!!

Chelsea Sponks is very busy with so many tasks around her beside her wedding planning and finding time to eat peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, her craving for her pregnancy, she still need to figure out who kill the local b-list celebrity's wife.

This is a great read, fun, hard to put down paranormal cozy mystery, it's a fast paced full of mystery, humor and delightful quirky characters. The story line is unique with lots of twists and turns that keeps me entertained from the beginning till the end. I highly recommend this book to any cozy mystery fans. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Angela Smith303 4

This is a great book, I enjoyed it so much! Chelsea is supposed to have some downtime, but I don’t think she knows what that word means lol. There is a lot going on which keeps it super interesting! There’s a feud, a castle, a cult, even some Egyptian artifacts. There’s a wedding on the horizon and a bun in the oven. A mystery to solve about a celebrity’s wife is a real challenge for Chelsea, and it kept me turning pages. A fun and exciting escape of a read, from one of my favorite authors!
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Molly5,144 33

Chelsea seems to be caught in a pattern of avoidance and action - or at least wait and see when it comes to her wedding and baby

sometimes if you wait to tell people about your pregnancy, it becomes hormonally obvious all on its own - much funnier to read than live through

some challenges turn out to be less epically awful, yet still dangerous, if she uses some clever thinking- and works past a few deceptions .

Exciting and frightening changes on the horizon !

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Judy Gittleson Hendrickson5,562 58

Another well written story that grabs you right from the start. Chelsea is really adding to her work load, as if she was not already busy with her wedding and her pregnancy. Between artifacts, murder, rival witch covens and cults, I would not know where to start. Very entertaining as she goes through her list of things to work on next. Her sleuthing skills and magic are only getting better by the day so I can not wait to see what she is up to next.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Rebecca Brown1,143 4

Another wonderful book in this awesome series. Chelsea is a awesome character.
Love reading this awesome series. Each book keeps getting better and better. Mare Webb is a amazing author and I highly recommend reading any or all of her wonderful books...

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Neena Christianson Martin1,185 10

Vampire lies.

Chelsea needs to go to Vassago, an island run by the Sponk witches mortal enemies the Brewdock witches. Turns out the old vampire lied, and there is no feud between the covens. She's also got a podcaster, and an old murder case to deal with. I love this series and usually give it five stars but there were too many errors to overlook. Eve154 2

Another great book by Webb! I adore this whole series — anything by Webb really. Always well-written, well-paced, able and complex characters, plus a great mystery. Every time I think it can’t get better, Webb proves us wrong. Can’t wait for the next book!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Willow Webster336 31

Chelsea is still at it despite being pregnant. She doesn't know what taking time off is as she gets involved on another murder. I love this series. Its well written and full of twists and turns.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Shweta908 18 Read

When has a Chelsea Sponks plan worked out the way it was meant to? This time Chelsea is all set to enjoy some R & R, but as usual murder, mayhem & magic have their own plans!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Jere Kay Mullen36

10 books in 3 days

I am loving this series. I have found myself binge reading them and I want more. I want to see a few things in the works play themselves out. Needless to say I can’t wait for the next book to come out!!! JANE VAN HORN2,005 9

Great book

This is another great book in the Wicked Wiches of Pendle Isle series by Mara Webb. I can't wait to see what happens next. webb-mara lisa perfetto5

Fun read!!!

Maras books are always fun to read. Light and easy a great way to let your mind go somewhere else. Jodi Sweet1,485 6

such fun!

What a fun, fantastical, read! Chelsea is pregnant and still kicking tushie! I absolutely loved it! I hope we hear more about Adina in future books. Ruth Haag9


Hard to put down. I could hardly lay down even to go to bed. What an adventure. The best so far. Stephen Levesque2,332

This is a well written and has well developed characters. The story is catching and with the strong characters makes for a very enjoyable read. Great Reading Everyone! Carol1,354 14

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