
The Mysterious Lord Ballantine de Maggi Andersen

de Maggi Andersen - Género: English
libro gratis The Mysterious Lord Ballantine


The Mysterious Lord Ballantine (Improper Ladies, Book One)

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4.5 Stars
When Lady Diana Stafford saves the Earl of Ballantine from highwaymen’s attack on his coach, a chance meeting leads to a diverting friendship with the earl. However, this Season her father plans to marry Diana to the man of his choice. Diana has other ideas. Take a lover, and she could have lovely memories of romance before a dull marriage. Those plans become secondary, though, when she hears that her dearest friend Anne has been kidnapped. Everyone but Diana believes that the marquis’s daughter has been killed. But she requires a gentleman to help her search for her friend. Damian Beaufort, Earl of Ballantine, works for the Crown. He wishes to continue his dangerous missions, which makes having a wife and family impossible.
The first book in a new series & a well written romance with the added bonus of intrigue & spies. I loved both Damien & Diana their attraction was apparent from their first meeting & the chemistry between them sizzled, I also loved their banter. They both have an agenda, he’s to find some missing documents French spies & traitorous Englishmen, she wants to find Anne. The pace was very good & the pages flew by & I was so engrossed that I read until the small hours to finish it
I voluntarily read and reviewed a special copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own
5 s Rosie281 7

3.5 rounded up!

I LOVE historical romances, ok? But I'm quite picky them, though. I want my protagonist to be quite the firecracker sometimes with the male interest, and for him to be completely and utterly devoted to her.

The Mysterious Lord Ballantine hit that sweet, sweet spot.

After a chance encounter where the lady saves the day, Lady Diana piques the interest of Lord Damian Ballantine, and despite his best efforts for her own good, he just can't keep her away from his mind!

This is very picky and very "my own taste" type of thing, but I much prefer it when love interests are in the same social class. Perhaps this is why I don't normally read regency romances, despite I actually quite liking them; it's because all I find is either "poor girl rich man" or "poor boy rich woman." Give me variety, please!

The book was a treat, no other way to describe it. I've had the fortune to read historical romances where some social issues are addressed tactfully, but never taking away from the main romance and oversaturating the plot; only a good flow can do that. Add that to the thrilling aspects of Lord Ballantine's work with the Crown, everything mixes up wonderfully, making this book a total snack read.

Very well, Maggi Andersen!netgalley1 Margaret Watkins3,075 69

Well-written and enjoyable, I found this romance kept my interest throughout, as Lady Diana Stafford kicks against the rules of conventional society. Diana wants a meaningful marriage and the right to think for herself, without being under the thumb of a domineering husband. Having saved the Earl of Ballantine from probable death, she feels drawn to him and when he asks her to dance at a ball, she is left in a state of turmoil. Damian cannot help but be attracted to Diana. She certainly is not a shy violet and challenges him at every turn. With a spy ring to uncover and documents to retrieve, Damian does what he can to keep Diana out of mischief, but trouble finds her anyway. The suspense ramps up towards the end, and the near escape Damian and his friends make from enemy territory convinces him that it is time to take matters into his own hands and hopefully convince Diana to spend her future with him. The novel is a standalone and comes to a lovely conclusion. I received a copy of this book as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.1 Linda J.1,304 12

Great start to this new series. The h is everything I want in a heroine. She's smart, caring, strong willed and quick witted. The H is a spy for the crown, he's smart, loyal and fearless. The way these two first meet, you knew you were in for a joy ride. Great banter between the two was entertaining.

The h knows the H is in danger, and surmises he is a spy. She sets out of help him, but he doesn't want her in danger, and tells her to stop interfering. Does, this deter her, of course not.

You are treated to two mysteries. What happened the h's best friend and who are all the traitors?

The story is suspenseful, has violence, intrigue, nasty villains, bumpy road to HEA, no cheating, no cliffhanger, and romance. Mild foreplay prior to marriage, and within marriage - bedroom just barely opened.

I can't improve on the blurb, just giving you extra tidbits to decide whether to purchase. I do recommend this story and author. (ljb) Jo184 3

Spies, mystery disappearance, romance and more. This is just a taste of what you will find in this new series. Diana has a plan but needs Damian's help. She is very creative and determined to have her way and poor Damian is completely lost when he realizes he can't stay away from her. There's a lot of detail in the story as well as some true history which makes this an enjoyable read. Interesting characters as secondary figures leading the reader to wait with batted breath for the next book to be published. Petula2,804 75

This is the first in a new historical romance series.  Our naughty heroine is a Duke's daughter.  Her friend has gone missing and nobody is searching for her.  That means our heroine must find a way to discover her whereabouts. Our hero has a few secrets to protect and others to discover.  He hasn't got time to be distracted.  

A sweet romance with exciting adventures ahead.  The characters are both strong and independent.  I look forward to more them in the rest of the series.  

Good fun.  Amy823 11

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