
La canzone di Achille de Madeline Miller

de Madeline Miller - Género: Italian
libro gratis La canzone di Achille


Dimenticate Troia, gli scenari di guerra, i duelli, il sangue, la morte. Dimenticate la violenza e le stragi, la crudeltà e l'orrore. E seguite invece il cammino di due giovani, amici prima e poi amanti e infine anche compagni d'arme - due giovani splendidi per gioventù e bellezza, destinati a concludere la loro vita sulla pianura troiana e a rimanere uniti per sempre con le ceneri mischiate in una sola, preziosissima urna. Madeline Miller, studiosa e docente di antichità classica, a cui la dottrina non ha limitato o spento la fantasia creatrice, rievoca la storia d'amore e di morte di Achille e Patroclo, piegando il ritmo solenne dell'epica alla ricostruzione di una vicenda che ha lasciato scarse ma inconfondibili tracce: un legame tra uomini spogliato da ogni morbosità e restituito alla naturalezza con cui i Greci antichi riconobbero e accettarono l'omosessualità. Patroclo muore al posto di Achille, per Achille, e Achille non vuole più vivere senza Patroclo. Sulle mura di Troia si profilano due altissime ombre che oscurano l'ormai usurata vicenda di Elena e Paride. (Maria Grazia Ciani)

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”We were gods, at the dawning of the world, and our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.”

This book!!!
Gosh I loved this book!!!

The moment I read the first page I was already certain of two things:
1.) This would become one of my all-time favourites and I’d gush about it crazy.
2.) It wouldn’t only leave me devastated and heartbroken but also sobbing a little child.

Well, both of those things came true, even way earlier than I had initially anticipated. I was about 37% percent in (yes I looked it up! ;-P) when I first started to cry and it didn’t get any better after that. This book was just so beautiful! So, so damn beautiful! Madeline Miller definitely has a way with words and I loved how this story was written: Poetical with a lot of mythological facts and with so many details that it succeeded to make this a more than just intriguing journey.

What I loved the most was how she managed to convey Achilles’ and Patroclus relationship though. Even though she never went into detail, never actually let them say that they loved each other; it was still palpable in every single moment they shared together. Those moments were so precious I couldn’t get enough of them and all I wanted was for them to be happy.

Unfortunately I’m a little geek and know a lot about Greek mythology so yeah, I already knew how it would end before it even ended. Still, the sense of foreboding in this book!!! Oh gosh, it killed me!! All those little hints, those infinitesimal innuendos, those tiny insinuations, they piled up and up and up until all I was able to feel was dread!!! By the end of the book I was reduced to a sobbing and crying nervous wreck and the final sentence was a dagger in my heart.

In other words:
This was exceptionally painful and utterly devastating,
it was also so damn good and worth every second of pain!

The characters:

This is my spoiler section in which I’m going to speak about the individual characters and what I thought of them. So you better beware and don’t read it if you still want to read the book. Heed my warning or get lost in the underworld. It’s your choice, choose wisely! ;-P


’Ah.’ A sly smile spread across his face; he had always loved defiance. ‘Well, why should I kill him? He’s done nothing to me.’

This sentence killed me when I first read it! Achilles, my beautiful, innocent and naïve boy!!! Jeez! I loved him so much! He was every bit the hero people believed him to be and most of the time he actually did the right thing. Well, most of the time. At the end of the book there happened a lot of things I didn’t agree with and the longer his conflict with Agamemnon lasted the more I dreaded the end! It made me so sad to see how much Achilles changed over the years and when the thing with Briseis happened my reaction was the same as Patroclus’! I mean I knew what Achilles did (I’m a geek remember?) but reading it the way Madeline Miller wrote it? Boy it destroyed me! There was this wonderful, perfect, righteous, honourable, intelligent, innocent and honest golden boy and then the war over Troy tainted him, transformed him and made him an entirely different person. The true tragedy about this all is that he never even wanted to take part in the war, he was more or less forced into it and I think looking at it in retrospective a life as a normal person would have been preferable to the one of a hero. I guess in the end Achilles saw it the same way and would have done everything in order to change his path. Even if it would have meant that he would have been forgotten and would have never become a legend… it would have been worth it. Patroclus would have been worth it… *cries*

”I stopped watching for ridicule, the scorpion’s tail hidden in his words. He said what he meant; he was puzzled if you did not. Some people might have mistaken this for simplicity. But is it not a sort of genius to cut always to the heart?”

”Your honour could be darkened by it.”
“Then it is darkened.” His jaw shot forward, stubborn. “They are fools if they let my glory rise or fall on this.”
“But Odysseus –“
His eyes, green as spring leaves, met mine. “Patroclus. I have given enough to them. I will not give them this.”

”They grinned, loving every inch of their miraculous prince: his gleaming hair, his deadly hands, his nimble feet. They leaned towards him, flowers to the sun, drinking in his lustre. It was as Odysseus had said: he had light enough to make heroes of them all.”

”It is not true. You left yourself today. And now you are returned.”
His shoulders rise and fall on a long breath. “Do not say that,” he says, “until you have heard the rest of what I have done.”


”I went to Peleus. I knelt before him on a wool rug, woven bright with purple. He started to speak, but I was too quick for him. One of my hands went to clasp his knees, the other reached upward, to seize his chin with my hand. The pose of supplication. It was a gesture I had seen many times, but had never made myself. I was under his protection now; he was bound to treat me fairly, by the law of the gods.
‘Tell me where he is,’ I said.”

I adored Patroclus! He was the best! He was wonderful and beautiful in his own way and I loved how faithful he was. That boy was one of the kindest and sweetest people I ever read about (tough competition for Lazlo Strange *lol*) and I was so happy Achilles saw this too. He realized that Patroclus is special and he encouraged him to speak his mind. It felt Patroclus was Achilles’ conscience, intervening whenever his divine heritage showed. Without Patroclus Achilles path would have been dark and bloody but with him at his side he became the glorious figure we all know about. Patroclus was so much more than just a companion. He was a friend, a lover, a teacher, a conscience, a reminder and Achilles past, present and future! This boy was literally the embodiment of Achilles life and actions and the people around them were fools for not seeing their strong connection. Patroclus was everything that was good about Achilles, he brought out the best in him. Taught him compassion and love, he was an anchor and someone he could come home to! Speak to! Confide in! Once Patroclus was gone the relentless godly part of Achilles showed though and the rest of it is (bloody) history. T_T

’Patroclus.’ It was the name my father had given me, hopefully but injudiciously, at my birth, and it tasted of bitterness on my tongue. ‘Honour of the father,’ it meant.

”Perhaps she thought I was mocking her, flourishing my triumph. Perhaps she thought I hated her. She did not know that I almost asked him, a hundred times, to be a little kinder to her. You do not have to humiliate her so thoroughly, I thought. But it was not kindness he lacked, it was interest. His gaze passed over her as if she were not here.”

’Willl you come with me?’ he asked.
The never-ending ache of love and sorrow. Perhaps in some other life I could have refused, could have torn my hair and screamed, and made him face his choice alone. But not in this one. He would sail to Troy and I would follow, even into death.
Yes, I whispered. Yes.

”I do not know this man, I think. He is no one I have ever seen before. My rage towards him is hot as blood. I will never forgive him. I imagine tearing down our tent, smashing the lyre, stabbing myself in the stomach and bleeding to death. I want to see his face broken with grief and regret. I want to shatter the cold mask of stone that has slipped down over the boy I knew. He has given her to Agamemnon knowing what will happen.”


”May I give you some advice? If you are truly his friend you will help him leave his soft heart behind. He’s going to Troy to kill men, not rescue them.” His dark eyes held me swift-running current. “He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.”

Damn, how much I hated and d that sneaky and cunning bastard!! I’m still very torn when it comes to him. On the one hand he gave sound advice and knew exactly what he did and on the other hand he forced Achilles on his destined path. If it wouldn’t have been for Odysseus he would have never gone to Troy and even though I agree with his sentiment that Achilles could save them all, I still disagree with the way he played him. Of all the countless men that manipulated young Achilles, Odysseus probably was the worst, hiding behind the mask of a friend but ultimately pursuing his own goals. Clever! Very clever indeed!


”Then you are a traitor to this army, and will be punished one. Your war prizes are hostage, placed in my care until you offer your obedience and submission. Let us start with that girl. Briseis, is her name? She will do as a penance for the girl you have forced me to return.”

I HATE AGAMEMNON!!! Fiercely!!! Such an unfair and dishonourable numpty!!! I hate him and all his actions! I mean what kind of father would trade his daughter away and then kill her?! His own flesh and blood! Gosh, I CAN’T EVEN WITH HIM!! I’m still so angry! Those moments at the end and the tense situation between Achilles and him had me at the edge of my seat and all I wanted to do was to scream at the injustice that took place in front of me!!! Such a stubborn and self-righteous fool!! He should have listened to Achilles but he was too proud to. *shakes head in disbelief* I. HATE. HIM!!! Enough said!


Another person that landed on my shit list! *lol* I really, really disd her too! I mean I understand that she was Achilles mother and only wanted the best for her son, but it was more than just obvious that the best was Patroclus and I hated her for always trying to drive a wedge between them! Without Thetis half of their troubles wouldn’t have even existed and even though she kind of redeemed herself in the end I still don’t her! Sorry Thet, but you’ll never get a thumbs-up from me! #SorryNotSorrry

The relationship:

Achilles & Patroclus:

”This morning he had leaped on to my bed and pressed his nose against mine. ‘Good morning,’ he’d said. I remembered the heat of him against my skin.”

Ohh how sweet those two were! I loved their relationship! They were so gentle and adorable and no matter what happened and no matter how many obstacles were in their way they always managed to find back to each other! They had confidence in each other and they supported each other regardless of the consequences. Achilles and Patroclus had such an honest and beautiful relationship, I CAN’T EVEN!!!! THIS was the real deal!!! A connection so deep that no one could destroy it, a love so strong that it cast aside all obstacles, their trust so deep that they could talk about everything!!! Boy, I could gush about this relationship at eye level for eternity and still would never get tired of it! *lol* I just adore them so much! It was so sweet they couldn’t even be angry with each other and even though Patroclus wasn’t always happy with Achilles decisions, he still did his best to support him as best as he could, even if that meant that he had to go against his will. I think in the end their unconditional love for each other was the only thing that was able to break them and it eventually did. Jeez! How it did! *cries again* Achilles had no reason to kill Hector, no reason to fulfil the prophecy. Well, at least not until Hector took the only thing that mattered to him, the only thing he didn’t want to live without. Patroclus! *sobs* Hell! The way Achilles grieved!!! It broke my freaking heart!!! It was a punch in the gut! I know first-hand how much this hurts, how painful it is to lose a person you love so much, and boy did it trigger my emotions. T_T I felt Achilles grief with him and it was so intense it left me crying and sobbing. They were so beautiful together… so, so, so damn beautiful. I can’t anymore… *weeps*

”I saw then how I had changed. I did not mind any more, that I lost when we raced and I lost when we swam out to the rocks and I lost when we tossed spears or skipped stones. For who can be ashamed to lose to such beauty? It was enough to watch him win, to see the soles of his feet flashing as they kicked up sand, or the rise and fall of his shoulders as he pulled through the salt. It was enough.”

”My pulse jumps, for no reason I can name. He has looked at me a thousand times, but there is something different in this gaze, an intensity I do not know. My mouth is dry, and I can hear the sound of my throat as I swallow.
He watches me. It seems that he is waiting.”

”His eyes were unwavering, green flecked with gold. A certainty rose in me, lodged in my throat. I will never leave him. It will be this, always, for as long as he will let me.”

”Had she really thought I would not know him? I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell, I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”

”You can’t.” He was sitting up now, leaning forward.
“I can’t.”
“I know. They never let you be famous and happy.” He lifted an eyebrow. “I’ll tell you a secret.”
“Tell me.” I loved it when he was this.
“I’m going to be the first.” He took my palm and held it to him. “Swear it.”
“Why me?”
“Because you’re the reason. Swear it.”
“I swear it,” I said, lost in the high colour of his cheeks, the flame in his eyes.
“I swear it,” he echoed.

”There was more to say, but for once we did not say it. There would be other times for speaking, tonight and tomorrow and all the days after that. He let go of my hand.”

All told this was one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read. It caused me to cry, it made me angry, it made me smile and it touched me deeply. I’m a total mess after reading this and my emotions are still all over the place, to say I regret reading it would be one hell of a lie though.

I rarely write this into my but: If you haven’t read this, do it now!!! You won’t regret it! =)

Last but not least I want to thank my Sweet Sugar Bun who dared to buddy read this book with me! Thank you for all the comments, messages and updates that made it bearable to read this book. I swear if you wouldn’t have discussed this with me I would have cried even more often than I already did. *lol* So yeah, thanks for that wonderful buddy read and for keeping my sanity intact. I really appreciate it! XD We definitely should go for another buddy read some time soon! I heard “Circe” is a nice book too! *lol* ;-P

In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood, a hundred golden urns pouring out the sun.”

Artist credit: I really tried my best to track down the artist but all I could find out is that the picture was shared again and again on pinterest. One of the people who shared it is: https://www.pinterest.com/avalonisles/ I don't have pinterest so I dunno how this works?!favorites historical-romance retellings4,821 s7 comments Paz437 142

1.5 stars.
Aw man, where do I start with this one?
I know that the big majority of people love this book. They cried and were heartbroken and it was the best thing they ever read and shit, but for me? It was just so boring. The characters were horrendous, if I wanted to read about the most useless, passive and boring narrator being in love with this attractive, golden god, dude with no personality, and when he does have one, he just turns to a selfish prick, I would reread Twilight. Seriously, can Patroclus be any more of a Bella?

The writing was mediocre, the author clearly knows her stuff, but the dialogues were often ridiculous, the pacing was off. This story NEVER seemed to end. Now I wonder: how the hell does an epic tale become such a bland, flat story?

Ok, confession time, I never read The Iliad. I am 90% sure I read The Odyssey twice in my school years, yup, blame it on my school to make us read the same book twice just years apart. I am, however, familiar with this story. I enjoy Greek mythology and I was all for this book and its premise. But it was just not for me.

My biggest problem with the book was the characters, I said before, they were awful characters. Patroclus is portrayed from the beginning as this weak, bland guy who can't defend himself and, throughout the book, that never changes. He is one of the most passive characters I've ever read. He is there solely to admire every physical aspect of Achilles, damn this guy had a thing for homeboy's feet. Seriously Patroclus, we get it, Achilles's feet were soft and pink and smell amazing. I got the message, and I also got how golden his skin and hair and everything in him was. Guy's hot, noted. What drove me crazy was the fact that Achilles really was the sole reason of Patroclus's existence. Without him, he didn't know how to do anything, he didn't have a reason to live and I just, ugh, really? We are going there? The whole ''if he dies, I'll die too cause there's nothing for me after him'' speech? Ugh. Even though Achilles and Patroclus had zero chemistry (seriously how many times do these guys talk, really talk, in this book?) Do I have to believe that this good for nothing kind of guy, with no personality whatsoever, is actually the most beloved person for the best of the greeks? For this demigod? I just can't buy into this relationship that happens to be the entire focus of this book. It's the author takes for granted that we know this is a love story between them so why bother to actually develop a relationship?

Achilles, he had no personality either until almost the very end of this book and then he turns into this selfish, proud asshole that even though is letting everyone be killed and failing to notice how dumb his decision is, is still admired and revered by Patroclus... I just...this book is just so dumb sometimes.

Of the story I can't say much because nothing happens. Seriously, we spend years in places and there's nothing to further the plot, it's we are just waiting for the call against Troy. It is so boring and in this time, there's never a change in these characters. To me, the 8 years old Patroclus is the same Patroclus at the end. I don't know if it is because the story is told in past tense or if it's definitely a mistake from the author, but it reads the same. Through Patroclus's childhood, adolescence and adulthood, the character and his views feel exactly the same, which is ridiculous. For example, when all their greeks companions are dying and Achilles refuses to fight, even though Patroclus knows it's the stupidest decision ever, he refuses to say something and act, so what do they do? They both just consider to maybe swim or play later that day... I repeat, this book can be so dumb.

I don't understand Thetis role in here and why was Achilles so devoted to hear her and always obey her. Why was Achilles the perfect son, I don't understand because they clearly had a lot of issues.

I can't really say more, because I would be criticizing the same things over and over. I had a lot of issues with this book, this book took me more than a month to read More than a month! A book that I was planning to finish in 4 days... It seemed it would NEVER end. The prophecy said that Achilles would die shortly after Hector, you don't know how many times I was rooting for this dude to die so everything could end soon. JUST SOMEONE COULD PLEASE KILL HECTOR NOW.

Anyway, if you d this book, and judging by the ratings and everyone and their mother loved this book, good for you! I personally had one of the most boring and frustrating experiences reading this. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I had read the Iliad, but I sincerely doubt it. That being said, the only thing and character I truly enjoyed was Odysseus. You go, Odysseus. You da best Odysseus!books-read-or-reread-in-2016 non-ya-2,975 s22 comments Sean Barrs 1,121 46.5k

Madeline Miller did what the movie producers of the film Troy (2004) were too cowardly to do; she stayed true to the homosexuality of Homer’s Iliad rather than writing a censored version of the story which stank of homophobia. Achilles and Patroclus were passionately in love, which resulted in their respective destructions. They were not cousins or man at arms, but soul mates. The watering down of this in the film Troy was an insult to the LGBT community. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The attraction between these two men wasn’t something that was rushed and squandered. It was built up, ever so slowly, and delivered eloquently. The two were friends from boyhood, and Patroclus was enamoured by Achilles after just one glance. He didn’t want to be parted from him. The two grew up together, they fought together, they learnt together and they developed together. They became inseparable and reliant on each other. Their sexual relationship just matured as they did it; it was the most natural thing in the world.

all relationships, there were issues. The two weren’t without their differences. They clashed and quarrelled but only because they truly cared for each other. Patroclus wanted to end the war, and Achilles didn’t think the fight was worthy of his name: he wanted a bigger war to fight in. So, Patroclus, in his most bravest and stupid move goes against his lover’s wish and tries to end the war with a stroke of his sword. But he is no Achilles: he is not a god of war. He was out of his depth, outmatched and doomed.

It could only end in tragedy

- "Achilles Laments the Death of Patroclus" 1767.

I’ve not included a spoiler warning because everybody knows the story of Homer’s Iliad. Well, at least, I hope they do! Following the traditional narrative arc, Achilles goes on a mad rampage to avenge the death of his beloved. In the process he simultaneously destroys and immortalises himself. He got what he wanted, but not in the way he wanted it. I love the way the author wrote this, I could really feel the desperate rage of an Achilles who had lost the only thing that mattered to him in the world.

I’m so glad the author didn’t deviate from the suggestions of homosexuality that were present in Homer’s writing. This would have failed dramatically had she done so. There would have been no power, and, again, the film Troy it would have been abysmal. The romance plot in here is one of the truest and believable I’ve read to date: it was strong and real. However, this is not to downplay the other aspects of the story. It is driven by romance, but it is not defined by it. There is also a story of growth, and the story of warrior who is out to prove his strength and honour in a world driven by war. He just happens to guys.

A strong four stars

p.s- I’ve purposely avoided images of the movie Troy in this review. Anybody who has seen it and read this book really shouldn’t be putting the two side by side, at least, not if they want to make their review fair. One is an insult to the story, the other a novelisation of a timeless classic.


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__________________________________4-star-reads ancient-greece gay-lit ...more3,892 s3 comments NavessaAuthor 13 books8,148

Watch the video review here:

"Achilles. Who was he if not miraculous, and radiant? Who was he if not destined for fame?"

Reading this is reading Romeo and Juliet. We all know the story. We all know the outcome. We all know that our desperate prayers for someone, anyone to step in and save these characters from themselves will fall on deaf ears.

Gods. What a bloody trainwreck. Even though I knew how it was going to end, I was not prepared for how much I cared.

This is the story of the fall of Troy. Or rather, a part of it. More specifically, this is the tale of Achilles and Patroclus. Of their undying love for each other. Of the lives they sacrifice on the altar of that love. Of desperate men and petty gods. Of a proud, greedy people engaged in a prolonged, bloody war.

So often in historical fiction from this time period I see the sharp edges of the Ancient Greek and Roman cultures smoothed away. I see slaves treated well and women given a voice. I'm happy to say there was none of that bullshittery here. Miller paints the pages of this book in blood and suffering. It is awash with pain and brutality. As it should be. Because historical accuracy.

But, it means that this book is not for everyone. There is a lot of sexism, misogyny, violence, bloodshed, and rape, mentioned almost offhand, because, to these characters, this behavior is commonplace. Expected. I didn't a single one of them. And not just because of their worldviews. There was Achilles and his hubris. Patroclus and his uselessness. Thetis and her coldness. I didn't even Odysseus and his famous wit, for there was an edge to it in this book that made him seem less charming and more manipulative than I remember.

That said, as much as I disd these characters, I loved their stories. Miller took gods and legends and brought them to life within the pages of this book. She humanized these mythical beings in a way that made them seem real, fallible.

I just...I cannot say enough about this book. To me, this is literature at its finest. A beautifully written, masterfully crafted story capable of transporting readers within its pages, so enchanting them with what they find within that they forget that the real world lurks without, waiting for their return.

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest2016 2016-favorites all-the-feels ...more1,101 s Rick RiordanAuthor 249 books425k

A new take on the Iliad, written by a high school classics teacher -- how could I not read this? The Song of Achilles retells the story of Greece's greatest hero from the point of view of his best friend Patroclus. The big twist: Madeline Miller casts the story as a romance between Achilles and Patroclus. While staying true to Greek legends and the works of Homer, Miller creatively and convincingly fills in the blanks, giving Patroclus a back story that makes perfect sense, and tracing the friendship, and eventual romance, between the two young men in a way that casts a new light on the human side of the Trojan War.

I always found Achilles to be an unsympathetic character -- a brat, a bully, a big-headed jerk who knows he's the star player on the team and throws a tantrum if he gets put on the bench. Miller shows his unattractive qualities, but she also shows that Achilles is human. He's capable of love. He's deeply conflicted. He has a sense of humor and a gentle side. We see him through Patroclus's eyes, growing from a privileged child to a sensitive teen to a young man struggling to balance his personal feelings with the expectations of an entire country. If you've read the Iliad, you know that the story will have a tragic end, but it's also strangely uplifting and hopeful. I'll never be able to read about these characters the same way again, and that's a good thing. Reading The Song of Achilles put a new light on this ancient story. It was watching a really good interpretation of a Shakespeare play. You think you know the story, but you're surprised to find how many layers of new meaning can be brought out by a smart production.

The book is certainly appropriate for YA and up. The prose is elegant in its simplicity. Miller gives Patroclus a Hemmingway- directness. I read a New York Times review of this book which I thought patently unfair, complaining that the style made the book seem a fast-food version of the Iliad. I think this misses the whole point of the story. Patroclus's mission in The Song of Achilles is to cut through the legend of the hero and show us the mortal side of demigod. He doesn't want the pompous metaphors and flowery hyperbole of a war epic to bury Achilles's other qualities -- his tenderness, his insecurity, his honesty and lack of guile. The Song of Achilles can serve as an excellent introduction or counterpoint to the study of the Iliad. It certainly made the story new and vibrant for me, despite how many times I've read Homer.9,002 s1 comment exploraDora586 289

***2 stars***

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I did not this book. And I must confess that the fault partly lies with me, because I did not read the blurb before I dived in. After having loved Miller's Circe, it was a no-brainer that I'd want to read her take on the Trojan War - so I left it at that and just began reading. Lesson learned, because I wanted this to be more historical fiction, yet it was basically just romance fantasy - hence my disappointment.

In this tale the narrator is Patroclus, best friend and lover of Achilles. Even though I haven't read The Iliad (yet), and I know that Patroclus was not necessarily one of the greatest Greek warriors, I do know that he played a major role in the Greek victory over the Trojans. And Madeline chose to portray him as a weakling in her story, which I think is a shame.

From a romance novel point of view the love story between the two didn't work for me because I think that throughout the book Patroclus was too dependent and clingy and I don't that type of relationship. His life only revolves around this great, beautiful hero and more often than not, it seemed that he was by Achilles' side on every step - even when he isn't supposed to be, he tags along anyway. I wish he was more of his own person, a more dynamic character and also a more competent fighter, instead of this physically weak person. I am a big enough romance fan, but at times this was too soapy for my taste.

From a mythological novel point of view - if you are seeking a book about the Greek and Trojan war, I personally suggest skipping this one. In my opinion it is barely a retelling of myth, because only writing about the private lives, loves and bedrooms of classical gods/demigods/heroes does nothing to make us understand the grounds on which classicism was built. For me it was disappointing, since I really wanted the richness of the actual story and not just romance. Not only was Patroclus and Achilles' love story the main focus, it was pretty much the only subject matter throughout. Could have been really well done if the events of Troy were more thoroughly framed in the context of the love story.

But hey! If you're looking for a socially relevant, modern treatment of a classic tale or simply for some romance fantasy, this might be the perfect read for you!adult audiobook bookclub ...more848 s1 comment Yun542 26.7k

"Name one hero who was happy . . . You can't . . . I'll tell you a secret . . . I'm going to be the first."
Achilles is destined to become the greatest warrior of his generation. But before that, he is just a boy growing up in Phthia with his devoted companion Patroclus by his side. The two are sent away to the mountains to be trained, but it isn't long before war comes calling when Helen of Troy is kidnapped. Achilles is forced to choose between eternal glory and mediocrity, but with greatness comes a price that Achilles and Patroclus will both have to pay.

Well, now I feel a bit silly for having waited so long to read this! If I had known how remarkable and thrilling of a tale The Song of Achilles is, I would have gobbled it up years ago.

I thought it was really interesting that this story is told from Patroclus's perspective. In Greek mythology, Patroclus is a minor character and hardly ever mentioned, but he is central to this tale. And through his eyes, we are able to see all the facets of Achilles: the making of a hero though still a boy at heart, shining and bright, easily seduced by glory, and ultimately a tragic figure.

It's not easy to take a beloved and much-revered story and make it your own, but Miller did a masterful job. This retelling feels fresh and sharp, relevant to the modern audience while still staying true to the original material. It has everything you would expect from Greek mythology: love, war, glory, sacrifice, and redemption. I was hooked from the first page to the last.

This has one of the best endings I've come across in a long time. It isn't so much what happens as the way it is written. Visceral and gut-wrenching, it builds in power and emotion until I was good and blubbering. It gave me all the feels.

It took me so long to get to this book. I think I was afraid it wouldn't live up to all the hype I'd heard over the years. But it was worth the wait. Stunning, epic, and beautifully-written, it's a coming-of-age story, but also one of war and love and sacrifice. It's truly a memorable tale.

See also, my thoughts on:

? Connect with me ? Instagram ?favorites1,162 s megs_bookrack1,771 11.9k

I hereby award ALL THE STARS in the universe to The Song of Achilles, a story equal parts epic and heartbreaking.

Furthermore, this is absolute audiobook gold!!!

I knew nothing about this going in, besides the fact that it is based off the events in Homer's epic, The Illiad.

Despite the fact that I took 4-years of Latin in high school, I couldn't tell you the first thing about The Illiad.

I was completely floored by the absolute beauty of this story, which centers around the love between Achilles and Patroclus.

Admittedly, I am not an avid romance reader. Oftentimes, the romance will be my least favorite aspect of a given story, but for some reason, this one struck me straight in the feels.

There was something so pure and confident in their love.

They were loyal, brave and kind to one another in a way that had me reaching for the tissues instead of choking down my mirth.

I just knew from my level of attachment that this one wasn't going to end well for me. I was fully anticipating to end up as a puddle on the floor.

I was overwhelmed by the intensity of feeling this story was able to elicit from my cold, dark heart.

The Ice Queen hath officially melteth.

If you are considering reading this yourself, for whatever reason, I cannot recommend the audiobook enough.

This narrator absolutely nailed the feeling of the story. His voices for all characters was just so expressive and was always recognizable for who he was portraying at the time.

In particular, his voice when speaking as Achilles, straight up Chris Hemsworth. Honestly, not a bad picture to have in mind whilst listening to a book.

To sum it all up:


The world would indeed be a better place if this book were required reading. I honestly believe that.1,132 s Tharindu Dissanayake298 705

"The never-ending ache of love and sorrow."

There are a few books I come across everyday while going through my GR feed, and The Song of Achilles is at top of that list. Rightly so, I have to agree, the heart-wrenching ending notwithstanding. Spoiling this book for future readers would be a crime, so while I'm sharing my thoughts, I'll do my best not to overshare.

"We obey our kings, but only within reason."

Patroclus - the lesser known hero - being the protagonist helps narrate the story of Achilles from a very unique standpoint. While the sequence of events does follow the Trojan war, war part only feels a sub-plot which complements the main plot beautifully. The reader would rarely await the outcomes of war, for, the amazing and somewhat poetic narrative keeps one deeply immersed in the feelings of the main character. Still, you'll come across the brutalities of war as well, and how they change the characters and their personalities as the story progresses.

"I find the folly of men amusing."

As I was finishing the first half of the book, it didn't feel that eventful or impressive in itself. Sure, it was interesting and had a nice flow to it, with some intricate details about both Achilles and Patroclus, but it didn't feel anything new: a regular romance novel. But as you finish through the last chapters, those seemingly uneventful - though quite emotional - first half will deepen the reader's emotions profoundly. I think a re-read of this might prove very difficult, especially with the first half, with being familiar with the ending. Still, you'll definitely re-read this.

"No man is worth more than another, wherever he is from."

It might be easy to hate Achilles during the latter half of the story, based on some of his decisions, and rightly so. But, I think it's a good thing that the author did not alter his character to fix those flows. The objective of the story was never to portrait the greatness of Achilles. And as for the ending: it was as emotional and beautiful as it could be. Madeline Miller had done justice to Patroclus with The Song of Achilles perfectly.
" 'Go,' she says. 'He waits for you.' " favorites-fiction700 s1 comment Lisa of Troy504 5,487

Please don’t start a war but Lisa of Troy rates this 5 stars

The Song of Achilles is a retelling of classic Greek mythology involving Patroclus and Achilles, specifically covering the battle of Troy.

Earlier this week, I read some original Greek mythology, a play called Medea by Euripides (and yes Medea and her husband Jason are referenced in The Song of Achilles). It was written in 431 BC, more than 2,400 years ago. Greek mythology is incredibly interesting. The characters are unique, imperfect, have a rich and interesting backstory, and don’t necessarily conform to gender norms. The play itself only takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes to read. However, because the language is so archaic, I spent more time referring to reference materials on Medea than it took me for the actual reading.

This book is brilliant because the language has been modernized. This reads much smoother than Medea. The action is fast-paced, and the writing style of short paragraphs makes for a quick read. Additionally, the storytelling itself is incredible. The author tells the story in a very compelling way. Instead of focusing on guts and glory, Miller weaves in the romance between Patroclus and Achilles. She also sets the stage for fascinating political and moral dilemmas.

Overall, this was an incredible emotional journey, and one of the best (if not the best) retellings that I have ever read.

2024 Reading Schedule
Jan Middlemarch
Feb The Grapes of Wrath
Mar Oliver Twist
Apr Madame Bovary
May A Clockwork Orange
Jun Possession
Jul The Folk of the Faraway Tree Collection
Aug Crime and Punishment
Sep Heart of Darkness
Oct Moby-Dick
Nov Far From the Madding Crowd
Dec A Tale of Two Cities

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I am going to disagree with the Orange Prize committee. I am going to disagree with thousands of goodreads reviewers. This book is crap.

Okay, all you trolls. Go ahead and tell me what a philistine I am, how ignorant I am of Greek literature and mythology, and how my failure to appreciate this book reflects my limitations rather than those of the book. You don't really need to bother defending this book, because the masses seem to agree with you.

But if you ask me, this was a Harlequin. Boring Patroclus is wholly infatuated with the impossibly perfect Achilles, who, even more impossibly, returns Patroclus's passion. Lots of purple prose, lots of love, daring battles, blah, blah, blah. I got about halfway through and decided I was finished wasting my time.

I'm fine with Patroclus and Achilles being in love, but a little complexity PLEASE. How about some characterization? How about some relationship tension from within, not just without?

I've read some glorified Harlequins that managed to break my snob barrier -- Outlander and Water for Elephants to name just two. Sadly, this one didn't. Perhaps this was, in part, because all the accolades led me to expect something far more literary or deep. And maybe had I read The Iliad I would be more excited by the references and more forgiving of the book's flaws.

So feel free not to take my word for it, but I found this book incredibly disappointing. ebooks historicalfiction maybe-it-s-me ...more1,201 s astarion's darling (wingspan matters)854 3,817

ACHILLES, it reads. And beside it, PATROCLUS.

Can anyone please call my boss and let her know I may not go to work for a week or so? I need time to recover from this book that m u r d e r e d me.

No kidding, here. I think getting a Brazilian wax wouldn't have hurt this much.
I'm an ugly sobbing mess, running nose and hair pulling included.
What a-wow! I have no words.
I can't remember the last time a book made me weep so much.
This is honestly the kind of book I prefer: zero dull moments, fast-paced, character characterization (lol what is this) on point, and stuffed with all the feels and angst a novel is capable of containing.
It was wonderful, poetic and the writing was 100/10 perfect.
If you haven't read it already, please do yourself a favor and give it a try.

Goooosh, I'm still shaking.
Favorite book of 2017!

A huge thanks goes to this gorgeous lady for recommending it to me. You were right, I did do love it! <3
book-heaven historical-myths-wars lgbt-main-and-side-characters ...more861 s emma2,049 65k

Real fans already know: I'm heartless. I'm soulless. My resting temperature is 35 degrees Fahrenheit and I have a deep abyss where my cardiac system is supposed to be.

So it shouldn't be surprising to anyone who is familiar with me that this book didn't make me feel much of anything.

I didn't read the Percy Jackson books in elementary school (I was too busy sneaking into the teen section at the library and reading books that would cause me to ask my mom what a bl*wj*b is at 9 years old). I don't read much historical fiction now. Mythology generally is a worse version of fairytales in my mind.

Anyway this was a recipe for disaster, is what I'm saying, and instead it was just. Kind of boring? To me.

So really that's a compliment, I guess.

Bottom line: Not my cup of tea!


me and madeline miller just don't get along.

review to come / 3 stars

currently-reading updates

that day has arrived.

tbr review

saving this for a day i want to cry during3-stars diverse eh ...more806 s jessica2,566 42.9k

‘we were gods at the dawning of the world, and our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.’

i must be a masochist because i can think of no other reason to endure the emotional and stunning pain of this story for a fifth time. but here i am. crying for my sweet, sweet patroclus. the best of men. the best of the myrmidons. <3

its been nearly 12 hours since i finished this and i still am at a loss for words at the beauty of this book. i dont think i have ever read anything as gorgeous as this and nothing i write will even come close to describing its loveliness. truly, a touching masterpiece. and i will forever be singing its praises until the end of my days.

? every star, to give patroclus his own constellationfavourites1,576 s lily543 2,322

“when i die, bury my ashes with this book.”—every person who finished reading the song of achilles, ever.

“IN THE DARKNESS, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun.” adult beautiful-prose best-romance ...more686 s6 comments Claudia LomelíAuthor 8 books80.2k


This and this and this.


Sólo edito esto para decirles que TIENEN QUE LEER ESTE LIBRO OMG. Favorito del año hasta ahora. Lo amo lo amo lo amo y no hago más que pensar en él. Definitivamente lo voy a releer. 2015 5-star absolute-faves ...more926 s Cindy464 123k

The writing is great and I enjoyed reading about the tender relationship between Patroclus and Achilles, but I'm not a fan of Greek mythology and thus couldn't care enough for the story unfortunately (especially since it gets so slow-paced during the war). I dig the ending though for the drama!701 s V.E. SchwabAuthor 79 books107k

Epic. 820 s ;3468 1,179

yall remember tht part where it was :

achilles: lol listen my mom can’t spy on us anymore
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