
HawkÂ’s Woman de Madeline Baker

de Madeline Baker - Género: English
libro gratis HawkÂ’s Woman


Madeline Baker Publisher: Butterfly Kisses Press, Year: 2015

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Rating: 5 / 5

Much Chase the Wind, this is one of Madeline Baker's lighter, sweeter romances that borders being corny at times. However, considering that we all need our lighthearted, corny reads from time to time, I found it more than acceptable and enjoyable. And while there was nothing about it that in particular stood out to me, I definitely see it as a re-read for the future, for those light moments when I need just a bit of simple, corny romance to get me through the day. Glad I read it!historical-fiction native-american-romance romance-is-the-main-point8 s Amarilli 73 2,401 83

3 stelline e mezzo. Direi che, seppure a me piaccia sempre molto il genere #western, qui si sentono un po' tutti gli anni trascorsi dal 1998 e il gusto del periodo. TENTAZIONI è un romanzo di 350 pagine in stile soap-opera, dove ai protagonisti capita di tutto, ma veramente di tutto, prima di giungere al lieto fine.

Si parte con una novizia curiosa, in un convento del Colorado di fine '800, alle prese con un uomo ferito e incosciente in mezzo all'orto. Hallie è una diciassettenne senza famiglia e senza una vera vocazione, che vive con le suore non avendo altra dimora; non conosce quasi niente del mondo che sta al di fuori delle mura del convento, figuriamoci quando si ritrova ad accudire un (bellissimo) maschio con origini native, diffidente con lei ma con uno sguardo tenebroso da incantare persino le suore più anziane.

Quando l'ambiente protetto diviene troppo stretto, Falco che Cammina prende la saggia decisione di andarsene e lasciare Hallie al sicuro, dal mondo e da se stesso.
Infatti è un uomo braccato, e, al contempo tormentato da uno spirito di forte vendetta, con una scia di sangue alle spalle.
Ma lei - ovvio - è di tutt'altra idea. E cavalca sulle sue tracce.

Il romanzo ci fa quindi conoscere sia l'ambiente cittadino e familiare di Hallie (ebbene sì, ritroverà il padre) che quello della tribù di Falco, con varie vicende, tra agguati, fughe, arresti e detenzioni, sceriffi buoni e sceriffi cattivi, pistoleri e clan nemici, in una tipica lotta alla sopravvivenza da Far West.

Aspetto positivo: non ci si annoia. Non fai a tempo a dire: dai, finalmente questo problema è risolto, che giri pagina e arriva un nuovo ostacolo da superare.
Aspetto meno positivo: l'assortimento di sorprese e contrattempi rende la trama meno credibile, indulgendo più ai sospironi (che, ripeto, rispecchiava perfettamente i gusti del tempo: difatti mia madre ricorda questo romanzo come molto bello).
Per me piacevole a tratti.historical romance western4 s Julia40 2

Overall, the book had a lot of potential -- the romance, dialogue, setting, etc. were all there. It was the main character Clay that ultimately dissapointed me throughout the novel. I found him to be nonchalant in his love for Hallie and dismissive. In fact, most of the book is centered on how much Clay loved his first wife, Summer, regardless of his simultaneous emotion concerning Hallie. At one point in the story, Hawk's *SPOILER* daughter says "She's pretty, but she's not as pretty as momma." to which Clay responds "of course not. No one is as pretty as your mother." And I just thought... this is really awkward. The whole time, none of this seems to disturb Hallie. I just wasn't impressed with this book, which is sad, because I was so excited to read it. 3 s Netanella4,415 12

I really, really tried to read this book. Hell, I really tried to it, too, but in the end, there were just too many turn-offs. This is the second Baker book I've read, and the similarities are beyond doubt a little too much for me. Half-breed Indian, on the run from the law, ex-con, bank thief, beta male, needs-a-white-nursemaid. Add to that layers of nunneries and barnyard nudity, and it's a recipe for "I couldn't finish this drivel."did-not-finish historical-romance romance-american-indian2 s Ada Geringer192 2

Hawk's Woman

I enjoyed another of her books, I'v loved every one of them and I'm looking forward to the next one. She does a very good job on her history of the Indians, I'v always thought the Indians were missed tricked. They were here first. Thank you again. Ada G.1 marina lewison3


This story was enjoyable. A super easy read. Writing style is definitely simple. Overly so, for my liking. Jumps forward a bit. Lacks in detail, at times from paragraph to paragraph. A bit disjointed. DidnÂ’t notice editing issues. Main characters are likable. Strong. The storyline has good moments! But is predictable. Then again, most of these types of novels in this genre are.

Although the author is trying to “bring home” the heroine’s intensely felt love and physical attraction to the hero, especially after they marry, although sweet, it became redundant. I will say that this author is not as explicit with sexual content.

I would imagine this authorÂ’s other novels are similar. For me, however, I am not sure that I would continue on with her other stories for that very reason. Same guy and heroine; just different names and circumstances.

This story is worth the read! Donna Steely10 1 follower

A must read!

From start to finish, this book was hard to stop reading. It held my attention completely. The only part that bothered me was the nun who seemed to hate him, and was the one who turned him in. Also the sad but true attitude of some of the people who hated and called him half breed. But it was the way it really was back
then. kattie724 2

Hawk's Woman

I loved this story. I look forward to reading more of her books. I recommend everyone to read this book. Kattie. Shelby Reagan18

Such a great love story with lots of twist and turns Veronica Colon32 13

It was not for meÂ… but finish it! Kate Buchanan154 1 follower

It was fine - started off strong and just went downhill. Better romances out there. Jen Popina81 9

3.5 Starsdirty-diva-s-2014-reading-challange Catherine54

2.5 stars Mary Gaytan-ramirez6

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