
Comanche Flame (Leisure Historical Romance) de Madeline Baker

de Madeline Baker - Género: English
libro gratis Comanche Flame (Leisure Historical Romance)


Madeline Baker Publisher: Montlake Romance, Year: 2013

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Well-written and I would have been inclined to give it 4 stars if the hero, Dancer, hadn't been such a douche. I was in no way convinced of his supposed love for Jesse at any time in the book. I'm pretty sure he mostly just d that she was 15 years younger than him, beautiful, pathetically in love with him and always eager to please him in bed. Those are the things he was in love with.


I mean, at the end he sighs in resignation and takes her into his arms, basically telling her that he would never bend for the sake of their relationship (that he wouldn't settle down in one place for her sake).

And as for his indiscretion with Storm Woman? I don't care if he was thinking of Jesse while screwing Storm Woman. Jesse was so loyal to him and willing to do anything to be with him. Maybe his unfaithfulness would've been alright if Storm Woman had meant nothing to him, but he cared about her A LOT and bitched and moaned about her death A LOT. He never even apologized or in any way felt sorry or was concerned about Jesse's hurt over him screwing another woman. And as for Jesse, she became a doormat heroine. Even if Storm Woman died (carrying Dancer's baby!) she had a right to rage about it and smack him upside the head.

Seriously, I'm thinking Jesse should've chosen Tom, a guy who really loved her. Dancer can shove his detached, reluctant love up his gunslinger ass.historical10 s Shellie227 8

This was my first book by Madeline Baker. Thought it was pretty good, d the storyline/plot. I’ll definitely read others. d the H/h. Didn’t some of the H’s actions as there is OW drama in this. That said the way it played out kind of fit with his character and the situation, he thought he had left the h behind. So not surprised in his mind he was telling himself he was moving on and thought she deserved better than the life she’d have with him. She on the other hand remained faithful to her love for him. Don’t usually care for that, but thought I’d mention it, (sorry if it’s a spoiler), for those who may see it as cheating. western-type3 s Emiliya Bozhilova1,555 281

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Excellent first novel written by Madeline Baker.

Really d the way the author portrayed Jessica Landry at the beginning of the story. Leaving the East behind, she is young, exuberant and sizzles with the excitement of her new life awaiting and all her dreams that will materialize in the American west. I could actually feel her excitement and joy. Very well written.

But a devastating situation occurs very early and everything changes in her life, again. Poor baby, she deals with it, actually she doesn't, when her world is thrown into frightening and unfamiliar chaos.

As the story progresses the immaturity and fears of this little Lady from the East gradually gives way as she evolves into a woman of substance, strength, bravery, and mature love. I admired her.

If you your characters alpha, virile, dangerous, raw, untamed, yet tender and complex as well as uncompromising...he simply is who he is without excuse, this book has him, his name is Dancer. When that character is paired with his exact opposite, it makes for interesting reading.

This is the first book Ms. Baker wrote and it is outstanding. What an excellent job she did on it. Very, very minimal tired cliches and contrived situations in creating tension between the H/h. The ending is wonderfully uncompromising and stays true to the nature of both main characters Baker has created.alpha-male american-indian favorite ...more1 Rabbit {Paint me one of your 19th century gothic heroines!}1,342 235

Disclaimer: Snark and gifs.

This was loads better than Caress and Conquer, that is why it gets a three stars.

I noticed a pattern in romance novels, especially bodice rippers, the hero/heroine are always mixed. They are never pure black, persian, etc. The only exception is caucasian. Or they are raised in a minority race, but are actually genetically the oppressor ethnicity. Which is really interesting, and I will have to look further into this the more I read in this genre.

Why is it that aboriginals are viewed as almost savages, when really it's an intricate and complex culture? This book was not that bad as others.

The hero is an alpha womanizer, with an exception of Jesse and Storm Weather.

Jesse is not that dumb, and does have some character growth, but she does come off as helpless at first. attack-of-the-wild-snark books-i-read-with-hot-tea books-i-read-with-red-wine ...more2 s Fantasia ?HippieMoonchild?1,439 125

Rating: 3.2 / 5

As is my wont, I am disappointed when a story is...well, not quite what I was hoping for. I think this is an earlier variant of Madeline Baker's work, in that the plot is fast-paced, the scenes of action and love moving swiftly from one to the next, and the characters...eh, somewhat developed.

Truth be told, for all that I didn't particularly understand why the hero and heroine got together (particularly the heroine liking the hero, as that seemed kind of out of nowhere, whereas with heroes this is fine cause it's insta-lust for a lot of them anyway), that wasn't my main problem. No, my main problem is that I will never be fine with any cheating going on, and so Dancer being with Storm Woman just kind of...eh, gives me EH vibes. ...I get that he still loves Jesse and poor Storm Woman deserves some love and whatnot as well (you kind of can't hate her no matter what, believe me), but to me a relationship in books is more meaningful if the hero stays 100% loyal to the heroine no matter what. Maybe it's just Disney-romance me, but I can't stand cheating relationships from the hero or heroine for any reason whatsoever, and therefore I couldn't fully get into this relationship.

That being said though, I do see myself re-reading this someday as, despite the above peeve I have, the story itself is pretty standard and not at all bad. You support Jesse and Dancer enough to follow along with their story, and, fast-paced or not, at least it's entertaining and never leaves you bored.

So...yeah, kind of middle ground on this, but I can see it being swayed towards either which way for good things moving forward as well. Definitely one to keep in mind for a re-read.
historical-fiction kindle-unlimited native-american-romance ...more1 Samantha271 21

Can you tell I’ve been obsessed with Native American romances lately? I was looking for something similar to Heart’s Surrender because I absolutely fell in love with the relationship between those characters. Unfortunately, this wasn’t as good. The love was lacking, but the storyline was great. We follow Dancer, who is of mixed race. He leaves his people to try a different way of life, soon gaining the reputation of being a fast hand. On the run for murder, he meets a woman and saves her from a brutal attack. Soon after, feelings develop, and we follow their long journey across the harsh plains.1 Vikki VaughtAuthor 11 books158

My Musings

I loved the story and the writing, but the heroine was not passive and the hero too hard. I'm sure if I had read this 30 years ago, I would have loved it. Happy ?reading
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