
Out of this darkness de Madeleine Ker

de Madeleine Ker - Género: English
libro gratis Out of this darkness


Madeleine Ker Publisher: Harlequin

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I think I will give up on this author now I find her heroines too pathetic and easy for the hero's, where is their self respect and dignity? Now I can totally believe this author was a dude as his heroines are ideal for men who want a devoted lapdog!15 s boogenhagen1,982 757

Re Out of the Darkness - This story starts out with a bang and then turns a bit emo-angsty but overall it is a pretty good book. The h in this one is outstanding, the H a bit more enigmatic, but I think he really loves her by the end. How long it would last is another question-- but on to the book.

We meet the h as she is waiting to see the family lawyer, she is 21, the naive ingenue typ, but overall a very sweet, sheltered lady whose life has been a bit confused since her mum ran off with another man and she found her fiance in a very compromising position. Her dad is a baronet and an MP who recently had a heart attack, so in the midst of engagement breakdown, she is also very concerned over her father's health.

She is told the family lawyer can't see her, but his son and partner is available if she needs legal advice. She decides to take a chance and see the H, she has an instant attraction, but she isn't really focused on it because she needs his help to get some nude pictures she signed up for destroyed before they are published. Apparently she walked in on her fiance getting beaten by his long term Mistress and she is appalled when he taunts her and asks her to join them. She ran out of the apartment and started drinking, then in an act of retaliation, she goes to a Page Two magazine and signs up for semi nude magazine shots. She comes out of her fugue and leaves the session, but she is unable to get the pictures back.

The H agrees to help her, he gets an injunction on the pictures and also gets a date with the publisher - a woman who is the complete opposite of the h and has built a huge business with magazines similar to Playboy and Penthouse. The OW eventually agrees not to use the photos and returns them to the h for five hundred pounds and apparently a sexual liaison with the H.

The h and H meet again at a party where he has escorted the OW, there are some words between the ladies exchanged and the H seems to want his cake and to eat it too. He tries to encourage the h to hang around and drool over him, even though it is irking his girlfriend. The h tries to put the H out of her mind and uses her volunteer work at a disabled children's hospital teaching art therapy to distract her. This seems to work fairly well until her father tells her he has invited the H for dinner with an eye to matchmaking.

Why the h doesn't tell the dad the H is hooking up with the publisher is anyone's guess, but the H shows up, they talk about his pro bono work and ethics and the h is reluctantly falling a bit more in love. Then the H tries to seduce her, but the h puts him off. He then asks her to meet him to evaluate his Persian rug collection as the h's day job is working for a rare carpet importer. The h is sorta cornered into agreeing but on the day of the meeting, the H is in a horrible car accident.

The h goes to hospital to sit with the H's dad and they find out the news that the H will recover but probably be permanently blinded. The OW shows up to find out if the story is true, the H is blind and then dumps him via the h when the diagnosis is confirmed. The OW apparently has a huge aversion to physical disabilities and so the h is left to try and help the H as his father is a bit elderly and unable to recover from the shock.

The H goes to stay at the h's home, they gradually get to know each other better and she is totally in love, but the H dismisses her as a silly, shallow girl. Eventually the H finds out about the h's volunteer class teaching children's art and after a dinner out where the meet the OW, who is still very interested but mean because of the H's blindness, they wind up going to bed together. The h works with psychiatrists and one of them knows a neuro surgeon who might be able to help the H.

The surgeon thinks he can restore the H's sight and after a very harsh rejection by the H, the h agrees to keep the surgery secret. The first one doesn't work and the OW shows up to find out if the rumors are true. The h sees that the OW really does care and despite her misgivings she tells the OW that the H's sight will probably be restored after a second operation. The OW then pulls out the nude pictures of the h and tells her if she doesn't abandon the H, the OW will print the photos.

The h doesn't back down tho, she tells the OW off and won't abandon the H. The H does regain his sight and during a celebratory weekend which includes a little girl who has Down's syndrome which the h loves and has invited to stay, the OW shows up with the photos - she has decided to take the H out and to show the h's dad the pictures. The h asks the OW what she will do when the H refuses her and the OW says she will print anyway, just to ruin the relationship. Then the little girl comes inside and calls the OW mummy. Turns out the OW really is the girl's mum, but couldn't handle the stress of a child with Down's so she put her in the children's hospital.

The h feels sorry for the OW and when the OW finds out the h loves the girl and the girl loves her, she relents and agrees to destroy the pictures and leave the H alone. The H comes in after the OW has left, declares his undying love and HEA.

Not a bad story, but I did wonder what would have happened if the OW had published the pictures, I sorta had the feeling that the H really WAS more attracted to the OW, but the h would make a more suitable wife for an eminent barrister and plus she was the kind of woman that no matter what the H did, she would never leave him.

The H is quick to tell the h that he would have chased her had she left, but ominously no mention is made of what he would have done had those pictures been published. I did believe the H cared about the h, but I also wondered how much of his love was motivated by her devotion to him after the accident and her family back ground and her generous and tolerant nature.

He was perfectly willing to dump her once he went to bed with her, ostensibly because he was blind and did not want pity and did not want a relationship that would end with the h's resentment of being tied to a blind person once the desire flamed out. I wasn't really buying that, I sorta felt the H was really the more emotionally shallow one and even though the declaration of love by the H was really sweet, I still felt a smidgen of doubt for the long term veracity of his emotions.

In any event, the h was really great and matured a lot during the story, I just felt a little sad that long term she would probably be very taken advantage of. The H had a type and it wasn't the h, and also certainly had no problems seducing one woman while he was entangled with another. I sorta think in years to come he will go back to what he really s while married to the suitable for wife and motherhood h and she will be the patsy that always stays no matter what. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewhplandia interestingthings13 s Raffaella1,451 170

The heroine is utterly idiot, she gets drunk and does photos in the nude because she found her fiancé with ow. The hero is the lawyer who helps her to retrieve the photos before they are published and is a two timing manho who dates the publisher of the porno tabloid and tries to make out with the heroine too. Yes, just that.
He has sex with ow after he met the heroine and afterwards he makes a pass with her when he’s out with ow, in front of her. And he’s puzzled because the heroine is cold.
Then he has an accident and becomes blind, ow disappears because she can’t stand sick people, so the heroine looks after him while he’s recovering.
Ow is back when hero has regained his sight, but he doesn’t want her any more, he understood that it’s better a homebody who is there when you need her than a sexy woman who leaves you behind because she can’t stand lame ducks.
Yes, that’s it.
So, if you’re looking for a romantic book with a faithful and besotted hero and a strong and smart heroine this is definitely not for you.celibacy-unclear chauvinism cheating ...more15 s StMargarets2,874 543

Sweet heroine gets drunk and poses for nude pictures after she discovers her S&M loving fiancé is cheating on her. Once she sobers up, she seeks out the hero, a lawyer, to stop them from being published. Hero thinks the heroine is a slutty spoiled brat, but he does get the negatives back from the slutty publisher by sleeping with her. ? The hero never tells, but he is dating the OW while also pursuing the heroine.

Heroine, meanwhile, works for an “oriental carpet” dealer and teaches art therapy to the autistic and “mongol” children at the local hospital. She is sensitive and sweet and wary of the sophisticated hero.

The plot thickens when the hero is blinded in a car accident. Heroine reluctantly helps and ends up winning the hero’s heart. Whether she’ll keep it is up in the air. Hero is a player, y’all.

Boogenhagen has all the details in her review.
3-star angst-by-injustice angst-by-jealousy ...more9 s RomLibrary5,789

Fabian had seen Cathy at her most vulnerable

Cathy Milner had been hurt and disillusioned the day she'd involved herself with Caprice magazine. It had taken Fabian Blackthorne's legal skill and considerable charm to outsmart the magazine's cynical, sexy editor and save Cathy from any further humiliation.

But when Cerise made a point of thanking Cathy for having inadvertently introduced her to the sexiest man she'd ever met, Cathy knew their mutual animosity had little to do with the Caprice episode.

Cathy's feeling for Fabian far exceeded client gratitude. And when tragedy struck, leaving Fabian vulnerable, Cathy didn't see how she could ever leave him...archive english-or-welsh-hero hero-is-blind ...more4 s Debby1,252 16

I am not even on page 40 and I am already irritated,

The stupid h has voluntarily walked into a studio to let some magazine make pictures of her completely naked. Her reasons to do that is that she was drunk and she felt devastated after a break-up.

Well, Madeleine Ker. Most of us women have experienced heartache or trauma and we haven’t ended up naked in men’s magazines. Pleaaasssee. We, women, are not all that stupid.

And what is the most irritating is that the H (who is a successful lawyer) says to the h that she is intelligent. Omg. Based on what does he say that.

They have only met twice and all he knows about her is that she signed a contract for naked pictures which she regrets.

Come on. No idiot in the world would find this h intelligent.

Will update later. Although I am already annoyed by the H saying to the h that she is intelligent, so I don’t know yet if I’ll finish reading the book.

This h is an insult to women. And no lawyer would find a woman intelligent who signs in a drunk state a contract with a men’s magazine to make and publish naked pictures of her and then later on regretting signing that.3 s Nancy185 5

Boogenhagen wrote an excellent review so just opinions. I don’t believe in his longevity for a moment. He just didn’t come across as sincere or for real in his feelings for her. My guess is he’ll be seeing the Cerises of the world right after they have baby number one, and the h will stick by him, foolishly devoted because family obligations first. He wants the challenge and thrill of the OW as well as the (no pun intended) blind devotion of the h. The h was both a great character yet so malleable... he walked all over her feelings and she came back for more. He seemed to be juggling the two women at once... so much for his lawyerly sense of honor. I’d be happy for the h but she deserved someone who actually respected her. Too bad there wasn’t an Epilogue with her running away with the doctor who d her. :)2 s km-af2

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