
A Debt of Honor de M.A. Nichols

de M.A. Nichols - Género: English
libro gratis A Debt of Honor


M.A. Nichols Series: The Leighs 04 Publisher: Nichols Publishing, LLC, Year: 2024

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This book has been well worth the wait; Benjamin Leigh is not the spoiled young man his parents trained him to be. Fortunately, while Ben was away at school, a mentor (his schoolmaster, Mr. Price) guided him to be honorable and honest. Now, Mr. Price's vicar notified Ben that his mentor had died. The vicar enclosed a letter from his dying schoolmaster, asking Ben to rescue his daughter, who would have nothing upon his death.

After a dispute with his parents over not breaking the entitlement, Ben is already stressed. This has been his parents' fondest wish so they could splurge on things they wanted without regard for keeping the estate whole.

Ben feels he must go to Birmingham to check on this young lady. They agree to marry and soon return to Ben's home and parents. Mrs. Leigh undermines her new daughter-in-law constantly, as long as Ben is not there. When Ben is in attendance, Mrs. Leigh uses sweet words with an undercut (that Ben does not understand because he's never been subjected to her wrath).

many before, the young couple are reticent about explaining their feelings. Mr. Leigh, sensing Nan's need for a father figure, encourages her and later drops that he needs Ben to break the entail. He begs her to entreat Ben to do as his parents wish. While they are abusing Nan, his parents threaten to throw the couple out of the ancestral home. This is definitely a page-turner, but the conflict was almost more than I could bear. Ben and Nan are young and unfamiliar with manipulation and bribery. They get a massive dose from Ben's parents. fiction historical-fiction historical-romance ...more1 Sierra36


Benjamin and Nan are flawed and delightful. Although I struggled through their blindness and their weaknesses, almost yelling at them to open their eyes, I understood why it was so hard for them to overcome their challenges. I loved them together. They complemented each other well and made each other better.1 Danielle Warner197 1 follower

great story

Ms. Nichol's does a great job developing people's individual personalities.

Although the obvious naivety displayed by both the H and h in dealing with his parents, which was annoying, I found itt fascinating how both parents were so adept at manipulating in totally different ways.

The personalities remained consistent and specific.

Thoroughly enjoyed the book 1 Mlsco41 Robison 94 3

I loved this story!

Once again MS Nichols has hit the bullseye. This story has all the heart and struggles of real life. I love that about her writing. Not everyone is perfectly beautiful or handsome, not every one is rich or well provided for. They always feel real people with real life struggles. Keep the stories coming!1 Lesuse15

Benjamin Redeemed!

I had this book for several days before finally reading because I wasn't sure I could face spoiled Benjamin and his acerbic Mother, and useless Father. But, lo and behold!, Benjamin has grown a spine, and while at first, is not entirely emancipated in understanding, he continues to mature before our very eyes. So much hurt for Nan to overcome as she was raised by her Father to whom she was nearly invisible, being female, having lost her mother when she was 7. While her father, who was esteemed highly by his male students, was not physically abusive, he was emotionally negligent, investing no effort to attend to Nan's well-being. He provided no social tools to help her get along in society, or comprehensive education - though she was extremely intelligent, and he provided nothing financially for her future. However, to her very good fortune, on his deathbed he wrote a letter to Benjamin asking, desperately imploring, him to provide for his daughter! Incredibly, Benjamin acquiesced to the plea from a man who held a special place in his heart. What a journey for these two! While prepared to dis Benjamin, he ihas become a charming, able, endearing, even admirable, young man.
Amazing, considering his parents complete lack of any redeeming qualities! Though still quite spoiled, and self indulgently clueless at the beginning, his sisters who love him, despite his being the golden egg to his mother and father, and lovingly (usually) speak the truth to him he needs to become a better person. His brother in laws also are willing to give him guidance and model true manhood to him. This is an excellent ending to the series! I can rest that all the children are well married, and wealthy in love! Would not be opposed to a sequel charting the parent's demise or redemption, or whatever ending our esteemed author surmises in her fertile brain! Loved, loved, it!! May have to go back and reread the sisters story's again!! Patricia Sheppard19

love where are you?

This story concentrated on the early days of both characters. Their parents were described in much detail but one area. The things they were accused of coveting. Their real reasons for wanting to break the entail. The father always described them on the brink of bankruptcy. The mother acted they were too poor to face their friends. But the son who had actually worked with the steward kept saying that the tenants were okay, the crops were good, and income was what it was suppose to be. No one would budge from these positions. The father even told nan that they would lose their home by michaemas. The driving theme was greed on every level. Suddenly the story shifts to them running away to one of his sisters house. And he takes a job as a clerk. You skip his learning time. You skip the parents reaction to them leaving. You skip retrieving their belongings which would mean a lot to her. She was without nice clothes again and this sister was married to a wealthy man. Put more in the time line at the end. You never mentioned how long he was apprenticed so far to mr. Bradshaw. Don’t rush the end. Somewhere in the back of my mind I have seen authors to kindle with too short endings and I wondered before whether kindle was forcing the stories to be edited shorter yet at the same time the authors are asking us for . This was a good story with great character development. Linda1,026 21

I wondered how the favored male child would do growing up with such a dysfunctional family....and here it is. He is likable clueless, teachable, blind, narcissistic, likable (deserves another ), and oh so naive. His wedding to the man who was his surrogate father's daughter ultimately saved hm and brought the family, sans parents together.

He was her savior; she his responsibility. His mother loathed her, his father used her insecurities as a weapon (nice folks). His sisters and their husbands finally got these two to talking (FINALLY) and they left the parents household and influence. His mother was a controlling shrew; his father a manipulative abuser. How the kids managed to grow up normal was divine intervention. The H was finally able to see his parent's without the historical blinders in place and saved his marriage. All of the siblings essentially removed themselves from the parents home and sphere of influence. They were survivors.angst family-saga historical ...more Carol901 7

Sweet Agony

Two people suffering in ways that are both different yet the same. Parents that are selfish, demanding, and manipulative. Seemingly focussed on their only son, Benjamin, showering him with whatever he wants, but by his 21st birthday, revealing their purpose- to break the entail on the estate.
Ann/Nan agrees to marry him because she is not only totally alone but also very lonely. Treated appalling by Ben’s mother and manipulated by his father, it is his sisters who eventually break the wall she’s build around herself
How these two, a married couple wedged apart by the mother, come to find love and a future together, is a tour de force.
M A Nichols never disappoints.
Highly recommended Carol1,857 3

Benjamin marries Nan after her father passed and he received a letter from his old university teacher of basically asking him to do so. Why was this request asked of him? After he returns home with Nan his parents both meddle and manipulate them in various ways until it causes so many issues they are both forced to be honest with each other to save their relationship. Once all is revealed together they find their hea H L49

I always enjoy Ms. Nichols' books and Debt of Honor doesn't disappoint. Yes, Benjamin was clueless when it came to his mother but he was a man of integrity, no matter what. Ms. Nichols manages to write about a trait I admire and appreciate as well as a developing relationship in a convincing and engaging manner. Another satisfying story of the Leighs. Tiffany1,297 9

Contains: kisses and emotional abuse.

3.5 stars. This book is well written. It well paints the story of the times when an heir would move in with his parents after getting married. I wanted a bit more at the end of the book. Maybe wrapping things up a bit better but it was still an interesting read. Benjamin was clueless but I respected Nan’s choice to not speak ill of his parents. Carly Sorenson74 1 follower

Beware the Parents

I really enjoyed this book, though I read it out of order. Poor Nan, with her own troublesome late father, depressed circumstamces, and infruriating new in-laws! Even Benjamin has his boorish moments! Fortunately, asks week that ends well after the merry-go-round of , love, lies, and ridiculousness! Connie Spencer526 4


What a great story! I throughly enjoyed each one of the books preceding this one and I was anxiously waiting for this book and it was worth the wait! Wow what a sweet romance and I truly hope that there's more in store for Nan and Benjamin?? I hope so!!! Sandra Benson10

A great story full of great surprises.

I began this book expecting the standard story of a young man rescuing a young woman from poor circumstances. But the surprising twists and turns revealed a page turner with an ending that far exceeded my expectations. A great read. Charlene S. Robinson206 1 follower


Don't you just want to slap someone into next week?? Two more selfish people prolly do not exist in Great Britain than the elder Mr & Mrs Leigh. I certainly will not call them Lord or Lady; they are truly jackals! Batool AK142

Another great book by M.A. Nichols, which is no less than what I've come to expect from her. Also, I have to say I'm so impressed with the fact that she does her own book covers.. So good! Janine Blackburn3 2

? nice romance

? fitting finale to this series. I love the reality that our lives are filled with people of all descriptions.

Benjamin and Nan are a nice match.


Very sweet1800s-mid england romance ...more Crudelise440 4

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