
Something About Loren de M.A. Innes

de M.A. Innes - Género: English
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M.A. Innes Year: 2021

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Re-read August 2021

I d this even more on my second read.
Very cute.


3.5 stars

I first read the short story and really d it. But I was a bit hesitant to read this expanded version since sometimes less is more.

And while I did it, I think I was fine with the shorter version.age-play comfort-reads daddy-kink ...more9 s Valerie ?M/M Romance Junkie?1,703 425

Very cute. I don’t always do well with established couples, but this one worked.

I do have questions. Who is Dean? I can’t find mention of him in any of the other M.A. Innes/Shaw Montgomery books. Will he have his own book, or will I be waiting in vain I’ve been waiting for Aubrey’s book? Sigh…mm-2021-read mm-bdsm mm-call-me-daddy-boy ...more4 s Beagle Lover (Avid Reader)508 50

A Dom/little story with humor and love.

3.75 stars

My first foray into the Dom/little world was informative, humorous and at times a tad tedious. And by tedious I mean the overuse of certain phrases, words and actions. I can understand wanting to kiss someone, but over 6 times in two short paragraphs did not me feel anymore love being shown than just one or two kisses.

Loren begins as an workaholic who writes children's computer games. He skips meals, does not sleep enough and essentially has no social life. His roommate (whose name alludes me at this unfortunate senior moment) decides to change that by gradually bringing Loren into the "little" scene, meaning he wants Loren to be his baby...literally. (Pacifier, bottle, diapers and more.)

Over time, Loren adapts to these alterations and even meets his new Dom's friends, who happen to be pups. (Pups = men actually acting as puppies) Friendships are formed and grow, while Loren is brought deeper into becoming a little.

The Dom also begins to introduce Loren into kink and BDSM, which the little slowly starts to crave. With their ever growing love for each other, they soon wed and the Dom places Loren into more and more scenes. After a trip to a BDSM club, Loren is totally smitten with that lifestyle.

This was an interesting story with just the correct number of main and minor characters, both well developed over the course of the book. Cooper, the funniest pup, was particularly delightful. Although this genre may not be everyone's "cup of tea," for those who are not afraid of a story such as this I do recommend it. I found it, as mentioned previously, informative, humorous and an example of the love between two men as their relationship boundaries are altered and new experiences are attempted.

The only reason I could not deliver 4 stars was, as usual, editing mistakes. You all know that is my massive pet peeve and an automatic quarter star deduction. Also, the overuse of catch phrases and certain words and actions was a turn off for this reader. Mandy3,692 38

Loren makes educational video games for children and he knows he isn't the most grownup adult but his loving boyfriend Gordon seems to perfectly understand that as he makes him feel special and cared for. Then something changes as he started to leave out crayons and buy dinosaur chicken nuggets. Gordon knows that Loren didn't have an emotionally supportive childhood but he is a smart and funny man who is now an excitable and loving boyfriend. But Gordon has connected the dots and realises that Loren's desire to be young at heart is pointing towards a need for him to embrace his Little side.

I enjoyed this story following an introduction to the DDLB lifestyle for Loren who fit perfectly into it he just hadn't realised that it was a thing. I loved the gentle way that Gordon introduced it to him and the child way that Loren tried and enjoyed the areas he had chosen. His joy when he played with his new friends Connor and Sawyer who were into pup play was delightful and I can imagine how wonderful it was to be able to play with them. Easy to read, feel and understand I was just as emotional as he was at the end when he was given the envelope. This book contains mature MM content of a BDSM- D/s and DDLB relationship containing reference to spanking and some light bondage. There is also a reference to pups and playing with them.

This story was a novella in the Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology. It has been extended into a full-length novel so if you read the original novella you can skip directly to the new portion by jumping to chapter 11.

The Bound & Controlled BSDM club at the end of the story is from the series by Shaw Mongomery. Jackson, Sawyer and Cooper are from The Accidental Master series by MA Innes. Terri1,479

This book is so much fun! When Gordon introduces his boyfriend Loren to the idea of being a little, Loren is skeptical at first. However, he quickly latches onto some of the joys of being little. My favorite thing is how Loren enjoys being sneaky with Gordon, making his daddy dom chase him around the house and trying to find ways to earn himself a spanking. I laughed out loud a lot! Of course, there is also a ton of sweetness here. Loren isn't sure how much he wants to open up to others about his and Gordon's relationship, so every stride he makes in that direction is worth celebrating. And the way these two adore each other is just wonderful.
The throuple from the Accidental Master series is part of the supporting cast, and those guys are the perfect friends to Loren and Gordon. I love every moment of Cooper scandalizing Loren, while Gordon, Jackson, and Sawyer look on. Friendship goals!
I love this book, which made me so happy. I highly recommend this to fans of kink, humor, and love. Shannon MaeAuthor 8 books110

I don’t usually books with established relationships. I love the excitement and the newness and the fluttery feelings of a character falling for someone. This books has the best of both worlds - an established relationship built on love and trust and warmth, and the excitement and fluttery feelings of discovering something new and exploring an aspect of yourself you never thought about before.

Loren and Gordon are such a sweet couple, and I loved their exploration into age play. The steamy scenes were HOT (but they were separate from the age play scenes if that’s your jam). I also adored that Sawyer, Cooper, and Jackson made appearances in the book, and I’m hoping Dean gets a book! I loved the interactions between the characters, and the worst part of this book was that it ended. I am always happy to be in the world that MA Innes creates. Denise GremoryKohta3,777 5


I wanted more when I first read Gordon and Loren’s story. There was so much I needed to know. And I was so excited to see the friendship with Jackson, Sawyer, and Cooper. Being how reserved and shy both Sawyer snd Loren are I knew they all would benefit from it. If you read The Accidental Master series then you’ll love their play date. See here is the amazing thing about this author. Yes the stories are kinky, sexy, and sweet but that would make them simply just good reads. What makes them so exceptional is the character development and growth. You really get to know them and feel they are friends. Though if that was a the case I’m pretty sure a few would be having embarrassed heart attacks and I know poor Bryan would stroke out lol. The only question I have is who is Porter? I don’t remember him. And the little with the pony I have some guesses on. TamAuthor 21 books99

3.5* stars. The extra half star is for Cooper and Sawyer turning up and playing a pretty big roll.

Essentially Loren is a video game designer for kids and bit flaky but he has been living with his older boyfriend for about a year. He's wondering if the guy is hinting at kids because he's leaving out crayons and toys. His best friend finally convinces him to talk and seems Gordon suspects he's a little and would to be his Daddy. Once Loren gives it a whirl he's kind of into it. Gordon works with Sawyer who revealed he and Cooper are pups and of course Cooper wants to meet Loren and they become besties as Loren adapts to what being a little means.

I was a bit disappointed they didn't have a blow-out wedding just to spite Loren's bitch of a mother but it was cute and an easy read. As I said, extra half-star for my favourite pups. bdsm-kink m-m Donna3,029 39

"Littles" are slowly becoming my new obsession and Loren was nothing if not adorable... cutey to the max!!! It was very interesting to watch him and Gordan/Daddy slowly navigate their way through the world of littles and daddies! This was a dual POV of an established couple, so we were able to see how both of them discovered what was right in front of them all along... Loren needed a daddy and Gordan needed a little boy to love and take special care of... it was just too darn cute for words!

On a sidenote, Conner and Sawyer have given me the incentive to give a "puppy play" book another try (it didn't work out so great for me the first time) because seriously? ADORABLE!!! 0-lgbtq-read Amanda10

The cutest little...

Loren is one of the most cute and naive littles I have ever come across! His absent mindedness the way his littleness bleeds unknowingly into his every day life is absolute perfection! I love the fact that Gordon and Loren were an established couple that explored the lifestyle together. Gordon is daddy perfection! The sex scenes were fire, the little scenes made me all warm and fuzzy, and the introduction of Cooper’s pup to Loren is one of my favorite scenes written! Thanks for bringing back Cooper, Sawyer, and Jackson! It was great to see a glimpse into their life! Now to just wait patiently for some new characters you introduced stories! Amos246011,229 40

I love Littles!

I adore Littles and love seeing a new Little explore with his Daddy. Loren was absolutely adorable and I loved how patient and loving Gordon was.

These two had a strong and loving relationship before adding in age play. It seemed that the age play just added another caring and intimate level between them. Watching Loren explore his little side was fantastic. Seeing Gordon’s love and care just grow deeper for Loren was great to see on page.

I really, really d this book and we got the added bonus of catching up with Jackson, Sawyer and the ever-adorable Cooper. daddy-boy ...1,492 8 Shelved as 'dnf'

DNF @19% ... I have had such a love affair with this author's books in the past, but over the last year or so, I keep DNF'ing. "It's not you, it's me." The books, other than those that introduce a whole new kink, the tentacle series, just feel super repetitive, and I've been getting too bored to bother finishing. It feels I'm basically reading about the same character over and over, but with a different name and a slight variation in their individualized quirkiness
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