
Bugie greche de Lynne Graham

de Lynne Graham - Género: Italian
libro gratis Bugie greche


Il giorno delle nozze dovrebbe essere il più felice di tutta l'intera vita di una donna, tanto più che il suo futuro marito non solo è affascinante almeno quanto ricco, ma è anche il padre di suo figlio. Il problema è che Alexis Drakos soffre di amnesia, non ha il benché minimo ricordo dell'incredibile notte che ha passato con Billie, quindi non immagina certo di essere il padre del suo bambino. Billie sa perfettamente che un matrimonio basato sulla menzogna non può durare a lungo, ma trovare il modo di far sapere ad Alexis la verità, e convincerlo della sua innocenza, è un'impresa più che ardua alla prima notte di nozze.

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Annoying asf.

H gets drunk one night and takes h's virginity (he's her boss), impregnating her, then hits his head and forgets all about it. Next day he's back with his supermodel ex-girlfriend. Heroine slinks away to have his baby.

Eventually H/h get married, H thinking she's a virgin and having no idea about their ever having had sex, much less their baby. Is super pissed when he finds out she's not a virgin on their wedding night. Calls her a lying gold-digger when she reveals the truth, storms off.

He gets a DNA test done on the baby; during the wait he's off in another country hanging out with his ex-girlfriend whom he has put up in one of his houses.

They get back together in the end of course but I hated this stupid book because the whole time, she's being treated crap and being PUBLICLY HUMILIATED because the press is covering his behavior (ditching his new bride right after the wedding to be with his ex-gf), and he never stops calling her a liar and heaping verbal and emotional abuse on her. I hated how he twisted everything so if she was lying, she's in the wrong, and when it turns out she was telling the truth, she's still in the wrong! She's the evil baddie no matter what! When the truth is, the poor girl lost her goddamn virginity to her boss who literally forgets her the very next day and swans around with his bitchy girlfriend while she goes off to have a baby alone and broken hearted. Hitting his head and forgetting is one thing, but to be so mean to her after remembering, what a shitlord. It's SO ANNOYING when Heroes are all , denying me knowledge of my baby is the worst crime that can be committed against a man, and a woman going through nine months of pregnancy and giving birth all alone and trying to make a living taking care of a baby as a single mother is just brushed away it's nothing compared to how much the man suffered in ignorance, partying it up with his supermodel. Fuck off!

Heroine was a wimpy ragdoll and Hero was a shitlord. Book sucked.harlequins36 s StMargarets2,862 531 Read

Marking that I've read this and hated it. Heroine was an idiot to marry hero without telling him about the baby. Hero was his usual sweet self. Two books for these characters is two too many. author-lynne-graham harlequin-presents hero-behaving-badly ...more27 s boogenhagen1,982 743

So the first one was tolerable, but this one just sucked. Why doesn't she divorce in England where pre-nups don't count? LG failed big time on this, but then the h was an idiot, so she kinda deserved what she got.

Don't get me started on the H, cause all the skillets in all the universes aren't enough to make me him. be-happy-the-h-is-happy betrayal hero-is-too-ewwww ...more23 s *CJ*4,332 521

"A Stormy Greek Marriage" is the continuing clusterfuck of Billie and Alexei.

Here's the rest of my spoiler filled rant..

The h and H marry. Manwhore H is unhappy to find out, oh no, my supposed pure wife has no hymen. She tells him the truth...But alas, he does not believe it, including the whole pregnancy shit. He then threatens to sue the heroine while she sobs silently because YES, she is THAT stupid *inserting wailing noises*
The hero then goes back to his ex, while the h is abused by her whoring mother. The H orders a DNA test for the baby. The H then returns home to see the h in a bath, gets horny, and separates the h from her own baby to sex her. They bang. It's tots OKAAAY for H to spend days with his ex, but when he sees a photo of h talking to OM, cry baby horny H has a tantrum and runs away, again.
DNA results arrive.
Story takes a 180 degree turn.
H suddenly wants his baby and will go lengths to get him. He now accuses h of deliberately getting pregnant to have a meal ticket, and further shames her. H then proceeds to treat her absolute garbage. Enter ex/OW, who now wants the H again and the baby. When the h does finally stand her ground, the fucker of H actually runs away with the baby. h chases and gives in to the blackmailing H. They have copious amounts of coitus. Suddenly all issues are magically solved and THE END.

To say I HATED this series is an understatement. The MCs were unlikable and aggravatingly stupid, they had no love but loads of lust. I do not think they would survive for very long tbh.

One of the worst books/duologies I've ever read.


Negative 1000/5time-killer-pew-pew toxic-love umm-nah ...more16 s April30 9

I have to say Graham sure did a good job of getting the readers involved. So involved that I literally threw the book away in disgust of how bad it was...thank goodness I got it at a bargined price. Book was so bad that that I wished had burnt those three dollars in making a bonfire instead of spending it on the book; would had been more satisfying.

Heroine was so....arghhhh!!! I really don't know how much I can take of these spineless women! I mean COME ON!!! The freaken idoit maybe hot but he's such an a**hole! She is so selfish!! I've never read about a more selfish herione!! I would had punched the idoit in the face and demand a divorce along with a legal document stating that he is to stay 100 miles away from me and my baby but NO!! dumb heroine falls into the idoits arm some limp noodles the moment he walks in through the door. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! PATHETIC!!!!! HORRIBLE book to read for romance. Hated it!

Of course it does not mean that I'm going to blacklist this author I'm just going to be more caution about buying her book from now on13 s Fre06 Begum1,260 208

Hated this book the hero treated the heroine dirt but to be fair she was just stupid and I felt no empathy for her!! She was such a doormat and the hero too cold for my liking. I have been a fan of this author for a long time but seriously her heroines are doormats and have no spine and please can we stop with all the melting with eye contact and becoming puddles it's just too degrading to strong women out there!!!awfyl12 s Vintage2,518 540

Ugh, I had forgotten I read this and clicked on it on Scribd. Big mistake.

I am not going to revisit the plot. However, have to say that Alexei raises the bar for cruel, manipulative, unrepentant ratbastards, and if you have read many Harlequin Presents romances that is saying something. Billie is able, but what a fracking idiot. How can she fall for this guy? Yes, there is a certain fascination with the arrogance alpha (usually Greek, Italian or Sicilian with the occasional Russian or Spaniard for spice) but cruel is not the same as amusingly arrogant.

If you are thinking this will be another The Spanish Groom or The Trophy Husband then think again. Even the hero in the Bond of Hatred is a nice guy and that's saying something.

abuse alpha angsty ...more12 s Jacqueline J3,513 335

Well no wonder I felt as if I had come into this story in the middle. Turns out from reading a few just now that it is the second of two parts and you REALLY need to read the other first evidently. I kept feeling there was a whole lot of history these two had together that was sort of referred to as if you know WTF was going on. The author made no attempt to get those who had not read the first book up to speed.

The book itself was just okay. Typical secret baby stuff. Father doesn't believe the child is his until the DNA test. Then he snatches the baby off to a foreign country etc. The heroine is at least not a doormat. Once she figures out that he doesn't love her she refuses to sleep with him so that was different. On the whole though the book suffered so much from not being a stand alone read that I ended up not really caring for it and I am generally a fan of this author.amnesia baby-child-involved contemporary-romance ...more11 s Jenny3,121 533

Nice sequel with lots of angst and drama! The heroine made me so angry and frustrated with her efforts to hide her baby from his father. I thought that was so immature and an evil thing to do! I wanted her to grow up and admit the truth to Alexei cause her stubbornness and deception was too much. I was "get off your high horse!"

The hero was amazing! In the first book I thought he was a major jerk but in this one he is sweet, crazy possessive and very supportive of what the heroine is going through with her mother. He is flawed and perfect because he knows just how imperfect he is and he is willing to change all this for the one woman he loves and for his family! Such a sexy alpha hero!

This book is full of emotions, it takes you through a roller coaster ride and a wonderful HEA!9 s Raffaella1,398 155

I didn’t read the first installment aaaaand I don’t want to.
This one was bad enough.
Basically the hero had a ons with the heroine when she was his pa, then he had an accident and forgot her.
The day after he got engaged with ow.
The idiot heroine, instead of telling him what happened, disappeared for some months and gives birth to their son.
The hero, when she’s back, asks her to marry but still she doesn’t tell him she has a child, and since he thinks she’s a virgin, their wedding night is a failure.
He leaves her because he thinks she deceived him.
Him,a man who for all the time she was his pa bedded more females than a wild rabbit in a sanctuary.
Then he leaves her.
Then he’s back.
Then he leaves her again.
Then he’s back because he has dna test for his child that proves he’s the father.
Then it’s all the heroine’s fault.
Then he has loved her all along, even if he had to have sex with everyone with heels and skirts.
Then I loaded my uzi, got into the book and freed it from that waste of space that was the hero.
LG really missed this one.
(And I don’t want to know the previous one!)angst celibate-heroine chauvinism ...more7 s Fanniny Moreno Zavaleta465 95

I blame Billie for everything, for falling easily into Alexei's charms, for not having backbone, for hiding the baby from Alexei, for everything.blackmail cheating deception ...more7 s amanda s.3,018 96

Again, this author's characters made me cringed.

I don't Billie. She's weak. Alexei's nothing but mean to her yet she just can't stand for herself and fight. I really hope she slap him and I'm waiting for it and you know what? She didn't.

Alexei's mad because she didn't tell him about Nick. I mean, sure I understand that he's hurt but seriously, he accused Billie with all kinds of stuff that possible yet in the end he didn't grovel and beg for her forgiveness. I'm furious.

So yeah, I'm done. almost-dnf enemy-to-lover-ish6 s Lu Bielefeld 4,208 522

The hero is an asshole ... and the girl is a foolish and pathetic.
Not much to say more this type of book.asshole-alert cheating-is-a-choice doormat-loser-pathetic-alert ...more6 s Grace*dnfing books since 2022*445 137

This book is the second of a two-part HP duo, which was a first for me in HP, because these are not standalone novels. Basically, the first book ended on a cliffhanger of the worst type, right when the h decided to accept the guy's proposal. WTH. As the first book was only about 200 pages, where there was one extremely long and unnecessary sex scene, and this second book was only 150 pages, with not one, but three (or more!) unnecessary and repetitive sex scenes, I felt the whole thing could have been edited and fit into 1 book. It was the current trend of extending book trilogies into 4 or 5 part movies. You are just thinking, WTH, WTH, WTH the entire time at the end of the book. I mean, I get that the Boy Who Started It All (Harry Potter) had a really long last book. But for this book to extend into 2 was utterly ridiculous. I wish I could have DNF'd this. I tried multiple times, but I was too invested in these unlikable characters and I kept seeing the end.

Here's what happened. Billie Foster (what? I didn't even know she had a last name) was the product of an affair between a bohemian, free-love-proponent woman who moved out to a Greek island to live and is summarily known as "the bad person," aka, the one who propels the plot through evil machinations. Therefore, we have Billie, red-headed girl who doesn't belong but grows up in Greece. She grows up alongside Alexei, who is the one who christians her Billie (instead of her given name of Bliss), and eventually grows up to work as his PA. This job pays extremely well and includes really unsavory tasks, such as planning his dates for him and taking his ladies o' the night shopping the day after. Six weeks into the job, she is so humiliated by that last task that she quits on his face, but apparently she was so good at her job in the six weeks that he goes out of his way to get her back and doubles her salary into the bargain.

(Here's the thing: her last few predecessors didn't last because all of them slept with him. The assistants she later hire are afraid of him. So why would it be difficult for him to find someone to fill in, especially since it pays so well? The job seems demeaning but not particularly demanding of brains.)

At this point in time, you are really grossed out by Alexei, because there are endless descriptions of him with women, in a way that is just kind of gross. But then, Lynne Graham's heroes are kind of gross, as in STD gross. And she's not the brightest either. Somehow, in witnessing his James Bond pre-90s sexual exploits, she falls in love with him. He comes on to her; she rejects him; they keep on with their working relationship. Usually, this is in the first 30-40% of the book, but in this one, it was way into the 70%.

She goes on a date, and he intervenes and calls her back to work. It is supposed to be indicative of his interest in her, but FAILS. Mainly because he tells her that her date is married. I don't know about you, but if someone were to tell me that, I would NOT assume anyone is interested in me, other than my welfare.

One day, after his parents die in a pileup on the motorway, they sleep together. While she gets up to go to her room, he walks along the ship and trips over something and bangs his head, and ergo! He is back to the morning of the funeral. He forgets it ever happens. She gets pregnant (because he also forgot to use a condom), and we are brought to the beginning of the book, where she takes an 8 month holiday/absence in order to tend to her "pregnant" and widowed aunt.

Then she finds that Alexei is dating "the girl who got away," the evil-to-staff, selfish, beautiful, and divorced OW, and is deciding to marry her. So Billie decides to keep mum about her kid, even after he dumps the OW. Even after he proposes to her. Even after she says yes. (And yes, that's all through the first book.)

What a train wreck.

This second book could easily have just been 50 pages, or you know, nonexistent. They have their wedding night. Alexei discovers (how?) she's not a virgin from her responses and throws a fit, demanding to know why she lied. She ends up telling ALL. Except ALL doesn't sound so believable after one has just been accused of lying. He demands a DNA test. It really should have been simple from then out, except they kept yelling at each other, and the reader is left debating who, exactly, is more unlikable.

Even when Billie's mother sells their story to the tabloids, you think, eh, maybe she needed the money. Because on a small island, how was it she was able to run up SO large a debt? I would think people would just refuse to sell her things. And what on earth was she buying? The woman wore almost nothing year-round. She didn't seem to own a car or a house. She entertained boy-toy vacationers. They stayed on the same small, feudal island. What exactly was she spending the money on that Billie kept having to bail her out? It was never explained and I really, really wanted to know. Because it was brought up later when Alexei revealed he had paid off some of her debts, but it seemed she accrued more. HOW? Was she online shopping? There didn't seem there would be a casino on such a small island. She barely had food on the table, so what on earth was she spending the money on???

The evil OW also pops up again by staying at Alexei's Paris house and saying really manipulative things to Billie, such as how OW will end up with Alexei, how Billie is the rebound, and how OW is glad Billie had a child so that OW wouldn't have to. Later it is revealed that Alexei lets her stay there because he owes her father, and that OW is dead broke, and that if Alexei had been more diligent about managing her money, she wouldn't be dead broke. This all makes NO SENSE in light of how Alexei says there's no reason for Billie to be jealous, and that he is making amends to be together with Billie. In fact, Billie's inner mind provides ample reason why this makes no sense: he could rent another house for her; he could gift her money for her to live on; he could even buy another property for her if he so desired. These were all equally good alternatives to the reader.

Then, Billie, suddenly sick of declaring her love for Alexei says she wants a divorce. He is mad, even though he has been a huge jerk throughout both books. He has not only been gross, but he has also been a big jerk. I felt certain at this point that there really should have been several sexual harassment suits against him. Then he does a TOTALLY sweet thing to show to Billie that she's the one for him: while she is sleeping, he kidnaps her kid and leaves a note, telling her he's left the country.

Yes. Our hero. What a guy. Oh, he explains later that, "Hey, you were going to do that to me with your threat of divorce," and "oh, this is just to bring you closer to me."

Trainwreck. Extended edition. Read at your discretion.
amnesia category romance ...more5 s Becky 195 151

Even if I could deal with the OTT double standard of the ultimate man-Ho demanding a virginal bride and the martyrdom of heroine and the sheer stupidity in signing a prenup she hadn't read, and I did enjoy the few moments when heroine stood up for herself and demanded a divorce, the book took a nosedive the moment heroine learned her husband would have all rights to any child of their marriage. Any hope of a future would have required immediate revision of that prenup. And the prenup probably applied to children of their marriage which the first baby was not, but the second baby was! The fact that she had another child with him without demanding a revision and left herself AND HER CHILDREN totally at his mercy is unacceptable. the character in a horror movie that gets into her car without checking whether the serial killer on the loose is right in the backseat DESERVES to die, a mother who doesn't protect here children is just irresponsible and it is impossible for me to want happiness for her. A husband who thinks that's an appropriate provision to keep doesn't deserve love.amnesia dishonest-heroine hero-not-celibate-during-separation ...more5 s Roub1,112 63

don't get mislead by the one star. the story is damn entertaining and lynne graham is a terrific author !! no i'm not being sarcastic. it's because of lynne's talent that the book is very good but i had a huge problem with the the hero's character and could not get over it. i dis him intensely. he treated the heroine dirt..even beyong dirt. he was a damn ass and sorry i did not feel the love. the heroine should have found someone else..really what a bastard !! neway don't miss it guys, highly entertaining book and big lol at those hysteric behaviours of both hero and heroine4 s Ann KellerAuthor 30 books113

Greek tycoon Alexei Drakos was marrying Billie, a pure woman he thought would make a suitable wife. She dressed conservatively and worked hard. The only problem was that Billie’s memories were a little sharper than those of her new husband. Alexei had unfortunately suffered a nasty fall after an incredible night spent in Billie’s arms and he had amnesia. Alexei didn’t remember any of that magical night, nor did he know that he was a father.

When Alexei discovered Billie was no longer a virgin, he accused her of telling him a tall tale to gain access to his fortune. Lies heaped upon additional lies as Billie struggled to protect her young son‘s identity. Soon, Billie knew she had to tell Alexei everything.

Meeting baby Nicky for the first time was a real eye opener for Alexei. He’d never really considered himself as father material, but suddenly, he found himself sitting on the floor playing with his son. It did Billie’s heart good to see the two of them together, but how long could it last?

In addition, Calisto, a beautiful woman from Alexei’s past, seemed determined to shatter their fragile marriage. Calisto was set up in Alexei’s house in Paris, obviously at his beck and call whenever he was in town. The tabloids showed Calisto plastered against Alexei in a mind boggling kiss. How could Billie fight against a tigress that?

The only thing Billie didn’t anticipate was Alexei regaining his memory. The more Alexei remembered of the magical night spent with Billie so long ago, the more he was determined to keep her as his own.
romance3 s Corandra820 92 Want to read

"Matrimonio tormentoso"
Drakos Baby # 2harlequin lynne-graham3 s Shatarupa Dhar615 82

True to her word from the previous book, Billie reveals everything to Alexei, but the proud Greek men can never accept any fault on their part, can they (some HP book's words, not mine). He treats Billie as riff-raff while waiting for paternity test results, whereas Billie has doubts about his faithfulness after the revelation. How Alexei accepts his son and learns to love him as well as Billie is what forms the rest of the story.

After the big reveal, the way Alexei behaves with Billie is brutal. And whatever anyone does, it always seems that Billie is at fault.
She was damned if she did, damned if she didn't.
All the misunderstandings sprouting between them is only due to non-communication. A book where there is involvement of another man, as sure as there is an involvement of another woman! But at the end, I loved how both of them reminisced their past days, when they were young, and paved their way towards a happy ever after.

Originally posted on:
https://sassyshaina.wordpress.com/201...mills-and-boon-modern2 s May ???432 20

That took a while .. and a lot of skipping.

He is angry and don't want to listen
Then she is angry

He is upset and hurt
then she is

He doesn't want to reconcile now, she does
Then vice versa .. 20-21-century-romance romance-with-children2 s Vanessa258 2

Alexei had enormous faith in Billie and he believed that she was inexperienced (yes we know where she got that experience), when he discovers the truth he felt incredibly betrayed! Billie knew she should have spoken up about her little secret but the little coward, even though she claims she is not, did NOT tell him. Alexei went into the marriage believing that they had the rest of their lives to talk about important things so he just...doesn’t.

Yes, there were former lovers at the wedding, but I don’t believe he invited them all. They had married business associates and such – ha nice to keep it in the family. He did invite the singer, but I don’t think he thought of her other than a convenient slot to place a part.

I got that he would think Calisto held the answer for him and that was why he took up w/ her again, but that didn’t seem to last very long. It annoyed me to NO end that Billie didn’t tell him about the child, that she never gave him the chance! This would have been worse than secret baby because even she was denying the child, and her aunt went along w/ it! His constant running off was annoying too, but even Billie said that he dealt w/ stress by working. Oh and let’s not forget that Billie knew people would be pissed when they discover that she lied, but she still continued on w/ the lie. Alexei really was a spoiled little alpha male and that came across well in this story he needs to learn how to explain himself too . . . and frankly so does Billie. I felt at heart Alexei was a good guy as he took care of family no matter what – as evidenced by her despicable mother. I really d that he claimed what she did was a lie by omission as well (not all characters or people buy into that). However, to be fair, I felt that Alexei participated in that later on when he didn’t want to say much about Calisto or where he was when Billie is thinking he is w/ Calisto doing things. So a bit of double standard is afoot to add angst to this story. Yet, I never believed that he would hook back up w/ that woman. Calisto didn’t feel fully fleshed out either and given the duo book she should have been. Instead she was just a plot device. I wanted to know more about what he said to her when Billie wasn’t around and that phone call she made to Alexei because something didn’t set right w/ me later on.

I wanted to know why Calisto knew so much about their marriage and so quickly. Maybe island talk, but then they all didn’t know either, so that only leaves Alexei as the culprit and he doesn’t to explain himself so why would he? Billie feels that Alexei betrayed their marriage since Calisto knew so much about their marriage, but he never says why he would have explained anything to her or if he did. So he said that Calisto had a vicious streak that he couldn’t accept YET he believed her when she called to tattle on Billie and because of that I wondered why he would have shared details w/ her about his and Billie’s marriage.

Alexei believes the mother’s story from the tell all and of course tells her that the other about an affair b/w him and Calisto was a lie – why because he would know? How does he know that the love of Billie wasn’t a lie? Just wondering. Oh and let’s not forget the implications of her and the OM and how he quickly believes that as well – yes I know to show that he is jealous but still he feels the media lies in their stories and he buys into them as well, but doesn’t try to explain away things for her. He had to have known that there were pics and stories out about him and Calisto, right? Maybe he wanted her to say something then he would know that she cared?

He is very thoughtful of Billie in many instances he even brought her back clothes from Paris so that implies he was thinking about her. He is just feeling betrayed by what she did to him.

Was this an error: “How come some sixth-sense prompting hadn’t urged him to take a closer look at Billie’s supposed cousin?” It was her aunt.

Why did Billie decide that fidelity is a dirty word for Alexei – did he cheat on OW? She wanted an apology from him for thinking she had an affair w/ OM, and I’m thinking grow up you lied about the child and kept from him that you weren’t what he thought you were.

His running off w/ the child – I can see his point but at the same time she said divorce and all but he just up and left and took the kid w/ him w/ no warning. That was so childish on his part. Then he further makes it appear that she can NOT trust him. She did so when she signed the pre-nup w/out reading it, but she should have read it. He doesn’t see it that she can’t trust him though because she should have read the document.

Alexei was there for her once again – seemed he did that a lot throughout the book. Yes, all of his beds had the OW or their marks upon it. She mentions it and he does change them. He didn’t ever think about that as most men wouldn’t have. He had always acted as though he was a bit possessive of her even when she was just his PA. Yes, he was a rake, but Billie seemed to that as though she wanted to be the one to tame him.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Tmstprc1,144 111

This duet has been on my TBR for awhile. 2 stars for these disasters is generous.1 Beate771 108

The good thing about a Harlequin book, is that you can read a couple of these in a day and not even break a sweat. The bad thing about this book, is that it's not really a stand-alone. Some of the story from the first book is retold, but in order to get the full story, book 1 should be read. And since these two books are so dependent on each other, they could easily have been meshed to one book. Splitting the story up in two books, is just merely milking the audience for more cash.

That being said. I did enjoy these books. They're light entertainment, a decent plot, and decent characters. Though, I did sometimes want to slap Billie around a bit for being such an idiot. Then again, had she not been an idiot, we wouldn't have had these books to read.

Looking for light entertainment, these are a safe bet.romance1 Ladyacct863

Part two in a two part story.

I do enjoy how the playboy jerk gets shown love, sometimes though I wish they weren't such a donkey's butt and for so much of the story....I have to say if I was the heroine I would have disappeared and we wouldn't have had a HEA.

But this is why I really d it, it's a STORY - fiction.shorts1 Kat at Book Thingo271 96

Read my full review at Book Thingo.

Books this are the reason I stopped reading category romance. I hope I don’t come across too many more of them in the near future. DNF.

Who might enjoy it: Martyrs
Who might not enjoy it: Potential paperweight targetsromance-category1 Shruthi58 15

Doormat h. A-Hole H.

God! I hated the way he treated her and I hated even more the way she just took it. And to top it all he isn't even sorry. I wish there was an option to give some less than 1 star.

Read it only if you want to torture yourself.books-i-disd eww-what-did-i-just-read has-an-evil-ow1 Romance Books282

I enjoyed the reading, although there were some parts I didn't understand, they mentioned things that happened so I'm not sure if there's another book, if this is part of a series, but I felt some parts were missing in the story.1 Booklover646 1 follower

All i can say is its a very DISAPPOINTING bookamnesia baby-children cheating-grovel ...more1 Catarina 241 2

I love happy endings so freaking much!1 Anuradha548 13

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